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Last Posted: Jun 26, 2024
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The Multi-Omic Approach to Newborn Screening: Opportunities and Challenges

From the abstract: "Genomic screening could offer opportunities for lifelong care beyond the newborn period. For genomic newborn screening to be effective and ready for routine adoption, it must overcome barriers such as implementation cost, public acceptability, and scalability. Metabolomics approaches, on the other hand, can offer insight into disease phenotypes and could be used to identify known and novel biomarkers of disease. Given recent advances in metabolomic technologies, alongside advances in genomics including whole-genome sequencing, the combination of complementary multi-omic approaches may provide an exciting opportunity to leverage the best of both approaches and overcome their respective limitations. These techniques are described, along with the current outlook on multi-omic-based NBS research. "

Challenges and best practices in omics benchmarking.
Thomas G Brooks et al. Nat Rev Genet 2024 1

From the abstract: "Benchmarking refers to the process of objectively comparing and evaluating the performance of different computational or analytical techniques when processing and analysing large-scale biological data sets, such as transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. With thousands of omics benchmarking studies published over the past 25 years, the field has matured to the point where the foundations of benchmarking have been established and well described. "

A framework for evaluating long-term impact of newborn screening
S Kalkman et al, EJHG, October 3, 2023

From the article: "Today, expansion of NBS is accompanied by even more uncertainty about the benefit-harm ratio than before. New pharmacotherapies and technological developments in metabolomics and genomics have led to a substantial expansion of the NBS panel in a relatively short period of time. These novel tests and treatment options have generally not been assessed in presymptomatic individuals and knowledge on long-term outcome of treatment is lacking. Periodic evaluation would thus create important opportunities for continuous quality improvement; if the benefit-harm ratio is unfavorable then there is a strong case for adjustments or even for removing a condition from the panel."

Power of Public Investment in Curated Big Health Data.
Paula Anne Newman-Casey et al. JAMA Ophthalmol 2023 9

From the paper: "Public investment from the US and the UK in creating the UK Biobank and the All of Us databases has resulted in the generation of critical new knowledge to better understand human health. Both projects have created publicly available data sets to encourage researchers to leverage large quantities of data to identify patterns and advance health care. Moreover, each database has its unique strengths. The UK Biobank data set goes deep into genomics, metabolomics, brain, heart, and ocular imaging, providing granular and specific measurements to inform many fields of study. The All of Us data set includes biospecimens, linkages to electronic health records, and survey results."

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