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Infectious Disease PHGKB

Specific PHGKB|Infectious Diseases PHGKB|Public Health Genomics and Precision Health Knowledge Base (PHGKB)
Effective August 1, 2024, this database was discontinued. All content will remain searchable and be preserved online for historical purposes only until 2029.

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news Latest News and Publications
Development of an amplicon-based sequencing approach in response to the global emergence of human monkeypox virus External Web Site Icon
NFG Chen et al, MEDRXIV, January 13, 2023
Zika Virus Prediction Using AI-Driven Technology and Hybrid Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare. External Web Site Icon
Dadheech Pankaj et al. Journal of healthcare engineering 2022 20222793850
First genetically modified mosquitoes released in the United States External Web Site Icon
E Watz, Nature News, May 4, 2021
Researchers at Cuba's National Medical Genetics Center: Pioneering Studies on COVID-19. External Web Site Icon
Reed Gail A et al. MEDICC review 2021 23(1) 12-17
RNA vaccines: an introduction External Web Site Icon
PHG Foundation, November 2020
Classification of the interictal state with hypsarrhythmia from Zika Virus Congenital Syndrome and of the ictal state from epilepsy in childhood without hypsarrhythmia in EEGs using entropy measures. External Web Site Icon
Rocha Priscila L et al. Computers in biology and medicine 2020 Sep 126104014
Smart diagnostics devices through artificial intelligence and mechanobiological approaches. External Web Site Icon
Yadav Dinesh et al. 3 Biotech 2020 Aug 10(8) 351
Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities Associated With In Utero Zika Virus Infection in Infants and Children-The Unfolding Story. External Web Site Icon
Honein Margaret A et al. JAMA pediatrics 2020 Jan
Modified mosquitoes reduce cases of dengue fever- Insects infected with a disease-inhibiting bacterium were released in communities in Asia and South America External Web Site Icon
E Callaway, Nature, November 27, 2019
Mutations in ANKLE2, a ZIKA Virus Target, Disrupt an Asymmetric Cell Division Pathway in Drosophila Neuroblasts to Cause Microcephaly. External Web Site Icon
Link Nichole et al. Developmental cell 2019 Nov


Disclaimer: Articles listed in the Public Health Knowledge Base are selected by Public Health Genomics Branch to provide current awareness of the literature and news. Inclusion in the update does not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor does it imply endorsement of the article's methods or findings. CDC and DHHS assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC or DHHS. Opinion, findings and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in the update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of CDC or DHHS. References to publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by CDC or DHHS.