Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 22 (of 22 Records) |
Query Trace: Siderosis and APOE[original query] |
Prevalence of cortical superficial siderosis in a memory clinic population. Neurology 2014 Feb 82 (8): 698-704. Zonneveld Hazel I, Goos Jeroen D C, Wattjes Mike P, Prins Niels D, Scheltens Philip, van der Flier Wiesje M, Kuijer Joost P A, Muller Majon, Barkhof Freder |
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related atraumatic convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage: an ARIA before the tsunami. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2015 Mar . Martínez-Lizana Eva, Carmona-Iragui María, Alcolea Daniel, Gómez-Choco Manuel, Vilaplana Eduard, Sánchez-Saudinós María B, Clarimón Jordi, Hernández-Guillamon Mar, Munuera Josep, Gelpi Ellen, Gómez-Anson Beatriz, de Juan-Delago Manel, Delgado-Mederos Raquel, Montaner Joan, Ois Angel, Amaro Sergi, Blesa Rafael, Martí-Fàbregas Joan, Lleó Alberto, Fortea Ju |
Cortical superficial siderosis, APOE genotype, and hemorrhage risk in cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Neurology 2015 Mar 84 (12): 1190-1. Mehndiratta Prachi, Mendel Tadeusz |
Cortical superficial siderosis: Prevalence and biomarker profile in a memory clinic population. Neurology 2016 Aug . Shams Sara, Martola Juha, Charidimou Andreas, Cavallin Lena, Granberg Tobias, Shams Mana, Forslin Yngve, Aspelin Peter, Kristoffersen-Wiberg Maria, Wahlund Lars-Ol |
Cortical Superficial Siderosis in Memory Clinic Patients: Further Evidence for Underlying Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland) 2016 Jan 41 (3-4): 156-162. Charidimou Andreas, Ni Jun, Martinez-Ramirez Sergi, Vashkevich Anastasia, Ayres Alison, Rosand Jonathan, Gurol Edip M, Greenberg Steven M, Viswanathan Ana |
Topography and Determinants of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Visible Perivascular Spaces in a Large Memory Clinic Cohort. Journal of the American Heart Association 2017 Sep 6 (9): . Shams Sara, Martola Juha, Charidimou Andreas, Larvie Mykol, Granberg Tobias, Shams Mana, Kristoffersen-Wiberg Maria, Wahlund Lars-Ol |
Cortical superficial siderosis multifocality in cerebral amyloid angiopathy: A prospective study. Neurology 2017 10 89 (21): 2128-2135. Charidimou Andreas, Boulouis Gregoire, Roongpiboonsopit Duangnapa, Auriel Eitan, Pasi Marco, Haley Kellen, van Etten Ellis S, Martinez-Ramirez Sergi, Ayres Alison, Vashkevich Anastasia, Schwab Kristin M, Goldstein Joshua N, Rosand Jonathan, Viswanathan Anand, Greenberg Steven M, Gurol M Ed |
Pathologically Confirmed Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy with No Radiological Sign in a Patient with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Yonsei medical journal 2018 7 59 (6): 801-805. Kim Seung Joo, Seo Youjeong, Kim Hee Jin, Na Duk L, Seo Sang Won, Kim Yeshin, Suh Yeon L |
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation: Comparison of Hemorrhagic and DWI MRI Features. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2018 64 (4): 1113-1121. Renard Dimitri, Tatu Lavinia, Collombier Laurent, Wacongne Anne, Ayrignac Xavier, Charif Mahmoud, Boukriche Yassine, Chiper Laura, Fourcade Genevieve, Azakri Souhayla, Gaillard Nicolas, Mercier Erick, Lehmann Sylvain, Thouvenot Er |
Atrophy patterns in cerebral amyloid angiopathy with and without cortical superficial siderosis. Neurology 2018 4 90 (20): e1751-e1758. Kim Joonho, Na Han Kyu, Shin Jeong-Hyeon, Kim Hee Jin, Seo Sang Won, Seong Joon-Kyung, Na Duk |
APOE and cortical superficial siderosis in CAA: Meta-analysis and potential mechanisms. Neurology 2019 6 93 (4): e358-e371. Charidimou Andreas, Zonneveld Hazel I, Shams Sara, Kantarci Kejal, Shoamanesh Ashkan, Hilal Saima, Yates Paul A, Boulouis Gregoire, Na Han Kyu, Pasi Marco, Biffi Allesandro, Chai Yuek Ling, Chong Joyce Ruifen, Wahlund Lars-Olof, Clifford Jack R, Chen Christopher, Gurol M Edip, Goldstein Joshua N, Na Duk L, Barkhof Frederik, Seo Sang Won, Rosand Jonathan, Greenberg Steven M, Viswanathan Ana |
Clinical significance of amyloid ? positivity in patients with probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy markers. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 2019 Apr . Jang Hyemin, Jang Young Kyoung, Kim Hee Jin, Werring David John, Lee Jin San, Choe Yeong Sim, Park Seongbeom, Lee Juyeon, Kim Ko Woon, Kim Yeshin, Cho Soo Hyun, Kim Si Eun, Kim Seung Joo, Charidimou Andreas, Na Duk L, Seo Sang W |
Polygenic variants related to familial hypobetalipoproteinemia in a patient with Alzheimer's disease homozygotic for the APOE ?2 allele presenting multiple cortical superficial siderosis and recurrent lobar hemorrhages. Neurogenetics 2021 10 23 (1): 69-71. Ikeda Masaki, Okamoto Koichi, Suzuki Keiji, Amari Masakuni, Takai Eriko, Takatama Masamitsu, Yokoo Hideaki, Ishibashi Shun, Ikeda Yosh |
MRI Markers of Small Vessel Disease and the APOE Allele in Cognitive Impairment. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2022 14 897674. Shams Mana, Shams Sara, Martola Juha, Cavallin Lena, Granberg Tobias, Kaijser Magnus, Wintermark Max, Westman Eric, Aspelin Peter, Kristoffersen Wiberg Maria, Wahlund Lars-Ol |
Different clinical outcomes between cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation and non-inflammatory form. Journal of neurology 2022 Jun . Grangeon L, Quesney G, Verdalle-Cazes M, Coulette S, Renard D, Wacongne A, Allou T, Olivier N, Boukriche Y, Blanchet-Fourcade G, Labauge P, Arquizan C, Canaple S, Godefroy O, Martinaud O, Verdure P, Quillard-Muraine M, Pariente J, Magnin E, Nicolas G, Charbonnier C, Maltête D, Formaglio M, Raposo N, Ayrignac X, Wallon |
Clinical, Neuroimaging, and Genetic Markers in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke 2022 12 54 (1): 178-188. Theodorou Aikaterini, Palaiodimou Lina, Malhotra Konark, Zompola Christina, Katsanos Aristeidis H, Shoamanesh Ashkan, Boviatsis Efstathios, Dardiotis Efthimios, Spilioti Martha, Sacco Simona, Werring David J, Cordonnier Charlotte, Alexandrov Andrei V, Paraskevas George P, Tsivgoulis Georgi |
Association of candidate genetic variants and circulating levels of ApoE/ApoJ with common neuroimaging features of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2023 4 15 1134399. Anna Bonaterra-Pastra, Sònia Benítez, Olalla Pancorbo, David Rodríguez-Luna, Carla Vert, Alex Rovira, M Mar Freijo, Silvia Tur, Maite Martínez-Zabaleta, Pere Cardona Portela, Rocío Vera, Lucia Lebrato-Hernández, Juan F Arenillas, Soledad Pérez-Sánchez, Ana Domínguez-Mayoral, Joan Martí Fàbregas, Gerard Mauri, Joan Montaner, Jose Luis Sánchez-Quesada, Mar Hernández-Guillam |
APOLLOE4 Phase 3 study of oral ALZ-801/valiltramiprosate in APOE ?4/?4 homozygotes with early Alzheimer's disease: Trial design and baseline characteristics. Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.) 2024 8 10 (3): e12498. Susan Abushakra, Anton P Porsteinsson, Marwan Sabbagh, David Watson, Aidan Power, Earvin Liang, Emer MacSweeney, Merce Boada, Susan Flint, Rosalind McLaine, J Patrick Kesslak, John A Hey, Martin Tol |
Association of enlarged perivascular spaces with cognitive function in dementia-free older adults: A population-based study. Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2024 7 16 (3): e12618. Mingqing Zhao, Yuanjing Li, Xiaodong Han, Chunyan Li, Pin Wang, Jiafeng Wang, Tingting Hou, Yongxiang Wang, Lin Cong, Joanna M Wardlaw, Lenore J Launer, Lin Song, Yifeng Du, Chengxuan Q |
Clinical characteristics of cerebral amyloid angiopathy and risk factors of cerebral amyloid angiopathy related intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of neurology 2024 5 . Juanjuan Wu, Ziyue Liu, Ming Yao, Yicheng Zhu, Bin Peng, Jun |
Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities in Clinical Trials of Gantenerumab in Early Alzheimer Disease. JAMA neurology 2024 11 . Stephen Salloway, Jakub Wojtowicz, Nicola Voyle, Christopher A Lane, Gregory Klein, Marco Lyons, Simona Rossomanno, Francesca Mazzo, Szofia Bullain, Frederik Barkhof, Tobias Bittner, Andres Schneider, Michael Grundman, Roxana Aldea, Mercè Boada, Janice Smith, Rachelle Doo |
Genome-Wide Association Studies of ARIA From the Aducanumab Phase 3 ENGAGE and EMERGE Studies. Neurology 2024 1 102 (3): e207919. Stephanie J Loomis, Ryan Miller, Carmen Castrillo-Viguera, Kimberly Umans, Wenting Cheng, John O'Gorman, Richard Hughes, Samantha Budd Haeberlein, Christopher D Whel |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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