Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
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Query Trace: Asthma and IL33[original query] |
Genome-wide association studies of asthma indicate opposite immunopathogenesis direction from autoimmune diseases. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2012 Oct 130 (4): 861-8.e7. Li Xingnan, Ampleford Elizabeth J, Howard Timothy D, Moore Wendy C, Torgerson Dara G, Li Huashi, Busse William W, Castro Mario, Erzurum Serpil C, Israel Elliot, Nicolae Dan L, Ober Carole, Wenzel Sally E, Hawkins Gregory A, Bleecker Eugene R, Meyers Deborah |
Defining the contribution of SNPs identified in asthma GWAS to clinical variables in asthmatic children. BMC medical genetics 2013 14 100. Tulah Asif S, Holloway John W, Sayers I |
Genome-wide association study identifies TH1 pathway genes associated with lung function in asthmatic patients.
![]() The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2013 Aug 132 (2): 313-20.e15. Li Xingnan, Hawkins Gregory A, Ampleford Elizabeth J, Moore Wendy C, Li Huashi, Hastie Annette T, Howard Timothy D, Boushey Homer A, Busse William W, Calhoun William J, Castro Mario, Erzurum Serpil C, Israel Elliot, Lemanske Robert F, Szefler Stanley J, Wasserman Stephen I, Wenzel Sally E, Peters Stephen P, Meyers Deborah A, Bleecker Eugene |
A genome-wide association study identifies CDHR3 as a susceptibility locus for early childhood asthma with severe exacerbations.
![]() Nature genetics 2014 Jan 46 (1): 51-5. Bønnelykke Klaus, Sleiman Patrick, Nielsen Kasper, Kreiner-Møller Eskil, Mercader Josep M, Belgrave Danielle, den Dekker Herman T, Husby Anders, Sevelsted Astrid, Faura-Tellez Grissel, Mortensen Li Juel, Paternoster Lavinia, Flaaten Richard, Mølgaard Anne, Smart David E, Thomsen Philip F, Rasmussen Morten A, Bonàs-Guarch Silvia, Holst Claus, Nohr Ellen A, Yadav Rachita, March Michael E, Blicher Thomas, Lackie Peter M, Jaddoe Vincent W V, Simpson Angela, Holloway John W, Duijts Liesbeth, Custovic Adnan, Davies Donna E, Torrents David, Gupta Ramneek, Hollegaard Mads V, Hougaard David M, Hakonarson Hakon, Bisgaard Ha |
Association of IL33-IL-1 receptor-like 1 (IL1RL1) pathway polymorphisms with wheezing phenotypes and asthma in childhood. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2014 Jul 134 (1): 170-7. Savenije Olga E, Mahachie John Jestinah M, Granell Raquel, Kerkhof Marjan, Dijk F Nicole, de Jongste Johan C, Smit Henriëtte A, Brunekreef Bert, Postma Dirkje S, Van Steen Kristel, Henderson John, Koppelman Gerard |
eQTL of bronchial epithelial cells and bronchial alveolar lavage deciphers GWAS-identified asthma genes. Allergy 2015 Oct 70 (10): 1309-18. Li X, Hastie A T, Hawkins G A, Moore W C, Ampleford E J, Milosevic J, Li H, Busse W W, Erzurum S C, Kaminski N, Wenzel S E, Meyers D A, Bleecker E |
Transferability of genome-wide associated loci for asthma in African Americans. The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 2016 May 0. Faruque Mezbah U, Chen Guanjie, Doumatey Ayo P, Zhou Jie, Huang Hanxia, Shriner Daniel, Adeyemo Adebowale A, Rotimi Charles N, Dunston Georgia |
Identification of a new locus at 16q12 associated with time to asthma onset.
![]() The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2016 Apr . Sarnowski Chloé, Sugier Pierre-Emmanuel, Granell Raquel, Jarvis Debbie, Dizier Marie-Hélène, Ege Markus, Imboden Medea, Laprise Catherine, Khusnutdinova Elza K, Freidin Maxim B, Cookson William O C, Moffatt Miriam, Lathrop Mark, Siroux Valérie, Ogorodova Ludmila M, Karunas Alexandra S, James Alan, Probst-Hensch Nicole M, von Mutius Erika, Pin Isabelle, Kogevinas Manolis, Henderson A John, Demenais Florence, Bouzigon Emmanuel |
Asthma susceptibility variants are more strongly associated with clinically similar subgroups. The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 2016 Apr 0. Lavoie-Charland Emilie, Bérubé Jean-Christophe, Boulet Louis-Philippe, Bossé Yoh |
Rare coding variants pinpoint genes that control human hematological traits. PLoS genetics 2017 Aug 13 (8): e1006925. Mousas Abdou, Ntritsos Georgios, Chen Ming-Huei, Song Ci, Huffman Jennifer E, Tzoulaki Ioanna, Elliott Paul, Psaty Bruce M, , Auer Paul L, Johnson Andrew D, Evangelou Evangelos, Lettre Guillaume, Reiner Alexander |
A rare IL33 loss-of-function mutation reduces blood eosinophil counts and protects from asthma. PLoS genetics 2017 Mar 13 (3): e1006659. Smith Dirk, Helgason Hannes, Sulem Patrick, Bjornsdottir Unnur Steina, Lim Ai Ching, Sveinbjornsson Gardar, Hasegawa Haruki, Brown Michael, Ketchem Randal R, Gavala Monica, Garrett Logan, Jonasdottir Adalbjorg, Jonasdottir Aslaug, Sigurdsson Asgeir, Magnusson Olafur T, Eyjolfsson Gudmundur I, Olafsson Isleifur, Onundarson Pall Torfi, Sigurdardottir Olof, Gislason David, Gislason Thorarinn, Ludviksson Bjorn Runar, Ludviksottir Dora, Boezen H Marike, Heinzmann Andrea, Krueger Marcus, Porsbjerg Celeste, Ahluwalia Tarunveer S, Waage Johannes, Backer Vibeke, Deichmann Klaus A, Koppelman Gerard H, Bønnelykke Klaus, Bisgaard Hans, Masson Gisli, Thorsteinsdottir Unnur, Gudbjartsson Daniel F, Johnston James A, Jonsdottir Ingileif, Stefansson Ka |
IL33 and IL1RL1 variants are associated with asthma and atopy in a Brazilian population. International journal of immunogenetics 2017 Apr 44 (2): 51-61. Queiroz G A, Costa R S, Alcantara-Neves N M, Nunes de Oliveira Costa G, Barreto M L, Carneiro V L, Figueiredo C |
Trajectory of spirometric and exhaled nitric oxide measurements in Chinese schoolchildren with asthma. Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2017 Nov . Leung Ting F, Tang Man F, Leung Agnes S Y, Tam Wilson W S, Sy Hing Y, Wong Gary W |
IL-33 gene variants and protein expression in pediatric Tunisian asthmatic patients. Cytokine 2017 Oct . Charrad Rihab, Kaabachi Wajih, Berraies Anissa, Hamzaoui Kamel, Hamzaoui Agn |
The Risk G Allele of the Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism rs928413 Creates a CREB1-Binding Site That Activates IL33 Promoter in Lung Epithelial Cells. International journal of molecular sciences 2018 Sep 19 (10): . Gorbacheva Alisa M, Korneev Kirill V, Kuprash Dmitry V, Mitkin Nikita |
Analysis of predicted loss-of-function variants in UK Biobank identifies variants protective for disease. Nature communications 2018 4 9 (1): 1613. Emdin Connor A, Khera Amit V, Chaffin Mark, Klarin Derek, Natarajan Pradeep, Aragam Krishna, Haas Mary, Bick Alexander, Zekavat Seyedeh M, Nomura Akihiro, Ardissino Diego, Wilson James G, Schunkert Heribert, McPherson Ruth, Watkins Hugh, Elosua Roberto, Bown Matthew J, Samani Nilesh J, Baber Usman, Erdmann Jeanette, Gupta Namrata, Danesh John, Chasman Daniel, Ridker Paul, Denny Joshua, Bastarache Lisa, Lichtman Judith H, D'Onofrio Gail, Mattera Jennifer, Spertus John A, Sheu Wayne H-H, Taylor Kent D, Psaty Bruce M, Rich Stephen S, Post Wendy, Rotter Jerome I, Chen Yii-Der Ida, Krumholz Harlan, Saleheen Danish, Gabriel Stacey, Kathiresan Sek |
Glucocorticoid Receptor Binding Inhibits an Intronic IL33 Enhancer and is Disrupted by rs4742170 (T) Allele Associated with Specific Wheezing Phenotype in Early Childhood. International journal of molecular sciences 2018 12 19 (12): . Gorbacheva Alisa M, Kuprash Dmitry V, Mitkin Nikita |
Serum IL-33 Level and IL-33, IL1RL1 Gene Polymorphisms in Asthma and Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Current molecular medicine 2019 Apr . Ahmadi Maryam, Fathi Farshid, Fouladi Saloomeh, Alsahebfosul Fereshteh, Manian Mostafa, Eskandari Nah |
Genetic determinants of acute asthma therapy response in children with moderate-to-severe asthma exacerbations. Pediatric pulmonology 2019 Jan . Tse Sze Man, Krajinovic Maja, Chauhan Bhupendrasinh F, Zemek Roger, Gravel Jocelyn, Chalut Dominic, Poonai Naveen, Quach Caroline, Laberge Sophie, Ducharme Francine M, |
Asthma in farm children is more determined by genetic polymorphisms and in non-farm children by environmental factors. Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2020 9 32 (2): 295-304. Krautenbacher Norbert, Kabesch Michael, Horak Elisabeth, Braun-Fahrländer Charlotte, Genuneit Jon, Boznanski Andrzej, von Mutius Erika, Theis Fabian, Fuchs Christiane, Ege Markus J, |
Phenotypic and functional translation of IL33 genetics in asthma. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2020 May . Ketelaar Maria E, Portelli Michael A, Dijk F Nicole, Shrine Nick, Faiz Alen, Vermeulen Cornelis J, Xu Cheng J, Hankinson Jenny, Bhaker Sangita, Henry Amanda P, Billington Charlote K, Shaw Dominick E, Johnson Simon R, Benest Andrew V, Pang Vincent, Bates David O, Pogson Z E K, Fogarty Andrew, McKeever Tricia M, Singapuri Amisha, Heaney Liam G, Mansur Adel H, Chaudhuri Rekha, Thomson Neil C, Holloway John W, Lockett Gabrielle A, Howarth Peter H, Niven Robert, Simpson Angela, Tobin Martin D, Hall Ian P, Wain Louise V, Blakey John D, Brightling Christopher E, Obeidat Ma'en, Sin Don D, Nickle David C, Bossé Yohan, Vonk Judith M, van den Berge Maarten, Koppelman Gerard H, Sayers Ian, Nawijn Martijn |
New variants in NLRP3 inflammasome genes increase risk for asthma and Blomia tropicalis-induced allergy in a Brazilian population. Cytokine: X 2020 10 2 (3): 100032. Queiroz Gerson de A, da Silva Raimon R, Pires Anaque de O, Costa Ryan Dos S, Alcântara-Neves Neuza M, da Silva Thiago M, Barreto Mauricio L, Oliveira Sergio C, Figueirêdo Camila |
IL33 rs1342326 gene variation is associated with allergic rhinitis at school age after infant bronchiolitis. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) 2020 Jan . Korppi Matti, Teräsjärvi Johanna, Lauhkonen Eero, Huhtala Heini, Nuolivirta Kirsi, He Qiush |
IL33 rs1342326 polymorphism, though associated with severe post-bronchiolitis asthma, showed no association with lung function. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) 2021 Mar . Riikonen Riikka, Lauhkonen Eero, Teräsjärvi Johanna, Nuolivirta Kirsi, He Qiushui, Korppi Mat |
Serum interleukin 33 levels and single nucleotide polymorphism rs1929992 in Egyptian patients with chronic asthma. The Egyptian journal of immunology 2021 12 28 (4): 264-271. Rabea Radwa A, El-Gamal Randa, Fahmy Ehab M, Taha Hebatullah K, Bakr Asmaa O, Zaki Maysaa E, Elabbasy Lamiaa |
A whole genome sequencing study of moderate to severe asthma identifies a lung function locus associated with asthma risk.
![]() Scientific reports 2022 4 12 (1): 5574. Chang Diana, Hunkapiller Julie, Bhangale Tushar, Reeder Jens, Mukhyala Kiran, Tom Jennifer, Cowgill Amy, Vogel Jan, Forrest William F, Khan Zia, Stockwell Amy, McCarthy Mark I, Staton Tracy L, Olsson Julie, Holweg Cecile T J, Cheung Dorothy S, Chen Hubert, Brauer Matthew J, Graham Robert R, Behrens Timothy, Wilson Mark S, Arron Joseph R, Choy David F, Yaspan Brian |
Exome variants associated with asthma and allergy. Scientific reports 2022 12 12 (1): 21028. Wjst Matthi |
Association of IL33, IL1RL1, IL1RAP Polymorphisms and Asthma in Chinese Han Children. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 2022 1 9 759542. Wu Maolan, Zheng Xiangrong, Huang Juan, Hu Xiaol |
Genetic markers of children asthma: predisposition to disease course variants. Vavilovskii zhurnal genetiki i selektsii 2023 7 27 (4): 393-400. M V Smolnikova, Ed W Kasparov, M A Malinchik, K V Kopylo |
Epithelial Interleukin-1 Receptor-Like-1 Activation Is Contingent on Interleukin-33 Isoforms and Asthma-Related Receptor Variation. Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2024 9 . Michael A Portelli, Maria E Ketelaar, Stewart Bates, Eszter Csomor, Dominick Shaw, Jonas Emsley, Christopher Brightling, Ian Hall, Karen Affleck, Matthew Edwards, Martijn C Nawijn, Gerard H Koppelman, Antoon J Van Oosterhout, Ian Saye |
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