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Hot Topics of the Day are picked by experts to capture the latest information and publications on public health genomics and precision health for various diseases and health topics. Sources include published scientific literature, reviews, blogs and popular press articles.

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47 hot topic(s) found with the query "Addiction "

DNA test says it can predict opioid addiction risk. Skeptics aren’t so sure.
D Ovalle, Washington Post, March 25, 2024 (Posted: Mar 25, 2024 8AM)

From the article: " Using a swab inside the cheek and a sophisticated computer algorithm, a DNA test recently approved by federal regulators promises to assess genetic risk of opioid addiction. The test’s maker says results give doctors and patients a crucial tool when considering use of the very pain pills that ignited the nation’s opioid crisis. Some geneticists and public health experts say the test relies on unsound science."

Genetics of substance use disorders in the era of big data
J Gelernter et al, Nat Rev Genetics, July 1, 2021 (Posted: Jul 02, 2021 7AM)

The past few years have seen remarkable progress in our understanding of the genetics, and therefore the biology, of substance use and abuse. Various studies — including of well-defined phenotypes in deeply phenotyped samples, as well as broadly defined phenotypes in meta-analysis and biobank samples — have revealed multiple risk loci for these common traits

Genomics-guided pre-clinical development of cancer therapies
HE Francies et al, Nature Cancer, May 2020 (Posted: May 26, 2020 7AM)

We consider the evidence that supports genomics-guided drug development and review the concept of oncogene addiction, including recent findings that inform this therapeutic approach. We consider non-oncogene addiction and how this synthetic-lethal paradigm could expand the range of new therapies, particularly for currently undruggable cancers.

Responses to addiction help-seeking from Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Bixby intelligent virtual assistants
AL Nobles et al, NPJ Digital Medicine January 29, 2020 (Posted: Jan 30, 2020 9AM)

Intelligent virtual assistants (IVA), such as Apple’s Siri, are transforming how the public seeks and finds information.1 IVAs are interfaces that enable users to interact with smart devices using spoken language in a natural way and provide a singular response to a query similar to speaking to a person

Current status of opioid addiction treatment and related preclinical research.
Kreek M J et al. Science advances 2019 Oct (10) eaax9140 (Posted: Dec 09, 2019 9AM)

Myth or Fact? “Addiction Is a Choice"
NIDA, June 17, 2019 Brand (Posted: Jun 17, 2019 11AM)

Applications of machine learning in addiction studies: A systematic review.
Mak Kwok Kei et al. Psychiatry research 2019 Mar 53-60 (Posted: Mar 20, 2019 8AM)

Gutted about opioids- The microbiome may have an influence on addiction
W Yan, Nature Medicine, October 30, 2018 (Posted: Oct 30, 2018 0PM)

An Ambitious Research Plan to Help Solve the Opioid Crisis
Brand (Posted: Jun 12, 2018 10AM)

Human Genetics of Addiction: New Insights and Future Directions.
Hancock Dana B et al. Current psychiatry reports 2018 Mar (2) 8 (Posted: Jun 12, 2018 10AM)

Mapping risk factors for depression across the lifespan: An umbrella review of evidence from meta-analyses and Mendelian randomization studies.
Köhler Cristiano A et al. Journal of psychiatric research 2018 May 189-207 (Posted: Jun 12, 2018 10AM)

NIH leadership outlines interdisciplinary FY2018 research plan for HEAL Initiative
NIH, June 12, 2018 Brand (Posted: Jun 12, 2018 10AM)

New Gene Variant Robustly Linked to Opioid Addiction
M Brooks, Medscape, Mar 2018 (Posted: Mar 09, 2018 9AM)

Genome Culture: Genetic Testing for Susceptibility to Opioid Addiction Is a Risky Business
L Hercher, Genome Magazine, Jan 25, 2018 (Posted: Jan 29, 2018 3PM)

Toward precision medicine in addiction treatment.
Volkow Nora et al. The American journal on addictions 2018 Jan 27(1) 35-36 (Posted: Jan 03, 2018 10AM)

From fighting cancer to opioid addiction: Genetics matter with medications
Mayo Clinic, Oct 9, 2017 (Posted: Oct 10, 2017 10AM)

Road to Recovery: New personalized treatments and technologies are helping people free themselves from opioid addiction.
Genome Magazine, Summer 2017 (Posted: Jul 15, 2017 10AM)

Genetic Counseling for Alcohol Addiction: Assessing Perceptions and Potential Utility in Individuals with Lived Experience and Their Family Members.
Kalb Fayth M et al. Journal of genetic counseling 2017 Feb (Posted: Apr 12, 2017 8AM)

Personalized Medicine of Alcohol Addiction: Pharmacogenomics and beyond.
Manolopoulos Vangelis George et al. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology 2017 Feb (Posted: Apr 07, 2017 10AM)

Genetic signatures of heroin addiction.
Chen Shaw-Ji et al. Medicine 2016 Aug (31) e4473 (Posted: Mar 18, 2017 6AM)

The Surgeon General Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Health
Surgeon General, HHS, November 2016 (Posted: Nov 20, 2016 7AM)

Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health
VH Murthy, JAMA, November 17, 2016 (Posted: Nov 20, 2016 7AM)

Genetics of Substance Use Disorders.
Yu Cassie et al. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America 2016 Jul (3) 377-85 (Posted: Oct 16, 2016 8AM)

Can a DNA Test Really Predict Opiate Addiction?
Z Siegel, Daily Beast, October 16, 2016 (Posted: Oct 16, 2016 8AM)

Smoking and caffeine consumption: a genetic analysis of their association.
Treur Jorien L et al. Addiction biology 2016 Mar (Posted: Jul 13, 2016 7AM)

Genetic imaging consortium for addiction medicine: From neuroimaging to genes.
Mackey Scott et al. Progress in brain research 2016 203-23 (Posted: Apr 06, 2016 11AM)

What does addiction medicine expect from neuroscience? From genes and neurons to treatment responses.
Le Foll Bernard et al. Progress in brain research 2016 419-47 (Posted: Mar 15, 2016 2PM)

Epigenetics and Addiction.
Cadet Jean Lud et al. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2016 Feb (Posted: Feb 13, 2016 11AM)

RNA-binding proteins, neural development and the addictions.
Bryant C D et al. Genes, brain, and behavior 2016 Jan (1) 169-86 (Posted: Feb 12, 2016 1PM)

Born to do drugs: overcoming a family history of addiction
Drug Rehab (Posted: Feb 12, 2016 1PM)

Neurobiologic Advances from the Brain Disease Model of Addiction
ND Volkov, NEJM January 27, 2016 (Posted: Jan 29, 2016 11AM)

Therapies in early development for the treatment of opiate addiction.
Rodríguez-Arias Marta et al. Expert opinion on investigational drugs 2015 Sep 1-14 (Posted: Oct 30, 2015 1PM)

Commonalities and Distinctions Among Mechanisms of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs.
Ozburn Angela R et al. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2015 Oct (10) 1863-77 (Posted: Oct 30, 2015 1PM)

Genetic Similarities between Compulsive Overeating and Addiction Phenotypes: A Case for "Food Addiction"?
Carlier Nina et al. Current psychiatry reports 2015 Dec (12) 96 (Posted: Oct 30, 2015 1PM)

Call to Action for An Addicted America
S.Burwell, HHS Secrertary, October 2015 (Posted: Oct 30, 2015 1PM)

Intervention: Curbing America’s Addiction to Prescription Drugs
D. Houry, CDC Injury Center Director, October 2015 (Posted: Oct 30, 2015 1PM)

Gene network analysis shows immune-signaling and ERK1/2 as novel genetic markers for multiple addiction phenotypes: alcohol, smoking and opioid addiction.
Reyes-Gibby Cielito C et al. BMC Syst Biol 2015 25 (Posted: Jul 08, 2015 9AM)

Addiction pharmacogenetics: a systematic review of the genetic variation of the dopaminergic system.
Patriquin Michelle A et al. Psychiatr. Genet. 2015 Jul 2. (Posted: Jul 08, 2015 9AM)

Intrinsic plasticity: an emerging player in addiction.
Kourrich Saïd et al. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2015 Mar (3) 173-84 (Posted: Jun 29, 2015 2PM)

Alcohol Dependence Genetics: Lessons Learned From Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and Post-GWAS Analyses.
Hart Amy B et al. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 2015 Jun 25. (Posted: Jun 29, 2015 2PM)

Addiction: 4 big questions
D Holmes, Nature Outlook, June 24, 2015 (Posted: Jun 29, 2015 2PM)

Genetics: No more addictive personality
M Szalavitz, Nature Outlook, June 24, 2015 (Posted: Jun 29, 2015 2PM)

Addiction- Nature Outlook Issue
Brian Owens, Nature Outlook, June 24, 2015 (Posted: Jun 29, 2015 2PM)

The Big Data Addiction-NGS Has It Bad
Greatest Challenge Lies In Effective Analysis and Interpretation. J Buguliskis, GEN News, May 2015 (Posted: May 07, 2015 8AM)

Common single nucleotide variants underlying drug addiction: more than a decade of research.
Bühler Kora-Mareen et al. Addict Biol 2015 Jan 21. (Posted: Apr 05, 2015 9AM)

About drugs and addiction
Brand (Posted: Feb 25, 2015 0PM)

Alcohol and ischaemic heart disease risk-finally moving beyond interpretation of observational epidemiology.
Roerecke Michael et al. Addiction 2015 Jan 22. (Posted: Feb 16, 2015 9AM)

Disclaimer: Articles listed in Hot Topics of the Day are selected by Public Health Genomics Branch to provide current awareness of the scientific literature and news. Inclusion in the update does not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor does it imply endorsement of the article's methods or findings. CDC and DHHS assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC or DHHS. Opinion, findings and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in the Clips, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of CDC or DHHS. References to publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by CDC or DHHS.