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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-30 (of 40 Records)
Query Trace:
Qvarnstrom Y[original query]
Locally acquired (autochthonous) mosquito-transmitted plasmodium vivax malaria - Saline County, Arkansas, September 2023
Courtney AP , Boyanton BL Jr , Strebeck PV , Blount K ,
Ledford S
Ridpath AD
Mace KE
Smith C , Garner K , Waters C , Cima MJ , Patil N ,
McElroy PD
Raphael BH
Sapp SGH
Qvarnstrom Y
Lenhart A
Sutcliffe A
Dulski TM
Rothfeldt L
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (42) 646-649
Evaluation of coccidia DNA in irrigation pond water and wastewater sludge associated with Cyclospora cayetanensis 18S rRNA gene qPCR detections
Hofstetter J , Arfken A ,
Kahler A
Qvarnstrom Y , Rodrigues C ,
Mattioli M
Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0090624
Genetic characterization and description of Leishmania (Leishmania) ellisi sp. nov.: a new human-infecting species from the USA
Sapp SGH
Low R
Nine G
Nascimento FS
Qvarnstrom Y
Barratt JLN .
Parasitol Res 2023 123 (1) 52
Simultaneous targeted amplicon deep sequencing and library preparation for a time and cost-effective universal parasite diagnostic sequencing approach
Gondard M
Lane M
Barratt J
Talundzic E
Qvarnstrom Y
Parasitol Res 2023 122 (12) 3243-3256
The limit of detection of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for the foodborne parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis
Peterson A
Richins T
Houghton K
Mishina M
Sharma S
Sambhara S
Jacobson D
Qvarnstrom Y
Cama V
Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2023 107 (2) 116030
Retrospective evaluation of an integrated molecular-epidemiological approach to cyclosporiasis outbreak investigations - United States, 2021
Ahart L
Jacobson D
Rice M
Richins T
Peterson A
Zheng Y
Barratt J
Cama V
Qvarnstrom Y
Montgomery S
Straily A
Epidemiol Infect 2023 151 e131
Cyclospora cayetanensis comprises at least three species that cause human cyclosporiasis
Barratt JLN
Shen J
Houghton K
Richins T
Sapp SGH
Cama V
Arrowood MJ
Straily A
Qvarnstrom Y
Parasitology 2023 150 (3) 269-285
Genetic characterization of Strongyloides fuelleborni infecting free-roaming African vervets (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts.
Richins T
Sapp SGH , Ketzis JK , Willingham AL , Mukaratirwa S ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Barratt JLN
Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl 2023 20 153-161
Application of a universal parasite diagnostic test to biological specimens collected from animals.
Lane M
Kashani M
Barratt JL
Qvarnstrom Y
Yabsley MJ , Garrett KB , Bradbury RS .
Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl 2023 20 20-30
Evaluation of various distance computation methods for construction of haplotype-based phylogenies from large MLST dataset.
Jacobson D
Zheng Y
Plucinski MM
Qvarnstrom Y
Barratt JLN
Mol Phylogenet Evol 2022 177 107608
Assessing an Adaptation of the Universal Parasite Diagnostic Assay for Bloodborne Parasites in a US State Public Health Laboratory.
Clemons B ,
Barratt J
Lane M
Qvarnstrom Y
Teal AE , Zayas G , Madison-Antenucci S .
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2021 106 (2) 671-677
Genotyping Cyclospora cayetanensis from multiple outbreak clusters with an emphasis on a cluster linked to bagged salad mix - United States, 2020.
Barratt J
Ahart L
Rice M
Houghton K
Richins T
Cama V
Arrowood M
Qvarnstrom Y
Straily A
J Infect Dis 2021 225 (12) 2176-2180
Investigation of US Cyclospora cayetanensis outbreaks in 2019 and evaluation of an improved Cyclospora genotyping system against 2019 cyclosporiasis outbreak clusters.
Barratt J
Houghton K
Richins T
Straily A
Threlkel R
Bera B , Kenneally J , Clemons B , Madison-Antenucci S , Cebelinski E , Whitney BM , Kreil KR ,
Cama V
Arrowood MJ ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Epidemiol Infect 2021 149 1-39
RPAcan3990: an ultrasensitive recombinase polymerase assay to detect Angiostrongylus cantonensis DNA.
Sears WJ ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Nutman TB .
J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (9) Jcm0118521
AcanR3990 qPCR: a novel, highly sensitive, bioinformatically-informed assay to detect Angiostrongylus cantonensis infections.
Sears WJ ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Dahlstrom E , Snook K , Kaluna L , BaláΕΎ V , Feckova B , Šlapeta J , Modry D , Jarvi S , Nutman TB .
Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) e1594-e1600
Evaluation of an ensemble-based distance statistic for clustering MLST datasets using epidemiologically defined clusters of cyclosporiasis.
Nascimento FS
Barratt J
Houghton K
Plucinski M
Kelley J
Casillas S
Bennett CC
Snider C , Tuladhar R , Zhang J , Clemons B , Madison-Antenucci S , Russell A , Cebelinski E , Haan J , Robinson T ,
Arrowood MJ
Talundzic E
Bradbury RS
Qvarnstrom Y
Epidemiol Infect 2020 148 e172
Development of a workflow for identification of nuclear genotyping markers for Cyclospora cayetanensis.
Houghton KA
Lomsadze A ,
Park S
Nascimento FS
Barratt J
Arrowood MJ
VanRoey E
Talundzic E
Borodovsky M ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Parasite 2020 27 24
Molecular typing of Cyclospora cayetanensis in produce and clinical samples using targeted enrichment of complete mitochondrial genomes and next-generation sequencing.
Cinar HN , Gopinath G , Murphy HR , Almeria S , Durigan M , Choi D , Jang A , Kim E , Kim R , Choi S , Lee J , Shin Y , Lee J ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Benedict TK
Bishop HS
da Silva A .
Parasit Vectors 2020 13 (1) 122
Mitochondrial Junction Region as Genotyping Marker for Cyclospora cayetanensis.
Nascimento FS
Barta JR , Whale J ,
Hofstetter JN
Casillas S
Barratt J
Talundzic E
Arrowood MJ
Qvarnstrom Y
Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (7) 1314-1319
Genotyping Genetically Heterogeneous Cyclospora cayetanensis Infections to Complement Epidemiological Case Linkage.
Barratt JLN
Park S
Nascimento FS
Hofstetter J
Plucinski M
Casillas S
Bradbury RS
Arrowood MJ
Qvarnstrom Y
Talundzic E
Parasitology 2019 146 (10) 1-33
Evaluation of Multilocus Sequence Typing of Cyclospora cayetanensis based on microsatellite markers.
Hofstetter JN
Nascimento FS
Park S
Casillas S
Herwaldt BL
Arrowood MJ
Qvarnstrom Y
Parasite 2019 26 3
Molecular detection and genotyping of pathogenic protozoan parasites in raw and treated water samples from southwest Colombia.
Sanchez C , Lopez MC , Galeano LA ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Houghton K
Ramirez JD .
Parasit Vectors 2018 11 (1) 563
Purification of Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts obtained from human stool specimens for whole genome sequencing.
Qvarnstrom Y
Wei-Pridgeon Y
Van Roey E
Park S
Srinivasamoorthy G ,
Nascimento FS
Moss DM
Talundzic E
Arrowood MJ
Gut Pathog 2018 10 45
Molecular detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in human stool specimens using UNEX-based DNA extraction and real-time PCR.
Qvarnstrom Y
Benedict T
Marcet PL
Wiegand RE
Herwaldt BL
da Silva AJ .
Parasitology 2017 145 (7) 1-6
Comparative sequence analysis of Cyclospora cayetanensis apicoplast genomes originating from diverse geographical regions.
Cinar HN ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Wei-Pridgeon Y
Li W
Nascimento FS
Arrowood MJ
Murphy HR , Jang A , Kim E , Kim R , da Silva A , Gopinath GR .
Parasit Vectors 2016 9 (1) 611
Comparison of Babesia microti Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays for Confirmatory Diagnosis of Babesiosis.
Souza SS
Bishop HS
Sprinkle P
Qvarnstrom Y
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016 95 (6) 1413-1416
Evaluation of library preparation methods for Illumina next generation sequencing of small amounts of DNA from foodborne parasites.
Nascimento FS
Wei-Pridgeon Y
Arrowood MJ
Moss D
da Silva AJ
Talundzic E
Qvarnstrom Y
J Microbiol Methods 2016 130 23-26
Multilocus Sequence Typing Tool for Cyclospora cayetanensis.
Guo Y
Roellig DM
Li N
Tang K
Frace M
Ortega Y ,
Arrowood MJ
Feng Y ,
Qvarnstrom Y
Wang L ,
Moss DM
Zhang L ,
Xiao L
Emerg Infect Dis 2016 22 (8) 1464-7
Draft Genome Sequences from Cyclospora cayetanensis Oocysts Purified from a Human Stool Sample.
Qvarnstrom Y
Wei-Pridgeon Y
Li W
Nascimento FS
Bishop HS
Herwaldt BL
Moss DM
Nayak V
Srinivasamoorthy G
Sheth M
Arrowood MJ
Genome Announc 2015 3 (6)
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Detection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis DNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Eosinophilic Meningitis.
Qvarnstrom Y
Xayavong M , Aramburu da Silva AC , Park SY , Whelen AC , Calimlim PS , Sciulli RH , Honda SA , Higa K , Kitsutani P ,
Chea N
Heng S , Johnson S , Graeff-Teixeira C ,
Fox LM
da Silva AJ .
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015 94 (1) 176-81
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities