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Records 1-27 (of 27 Records)
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Lutgring JD[original query]
Characterization of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa carrying multiple carbapenemase genes-Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network, 2018-2022
Sabour S
Harrington KRV ,
Martinson E
Bhatnagar AS
Huang JY
Duffy D
Bantle K
Lutgring JD
Karlsson M , Baca S .
J Clin Microbiol 2024 e0122024
Sentinel Surveillance reveals phylogenetic diversity and detection of linear plasmids harboring vanA and optrA among enterococci collected in the United States
Kent AG
Spicer LM ,
Campbell D
Breaker E
McAllister GA
Ewing TO , Longo C , Balbuena R , Burroughs M , Burgin A , Padilla J , Johnson JK ,
Halpin AL
McKay SL
Rasheed JK
Elkins CA
Karlsson M ,
Lutgring JD
Gargis AS
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2024 e0059124
Genomic epidemiology of extrapulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria isolates at emerging infections program sites - United States, 2019-2020
Masters TL
Toney NC
Ewing TO
McAllister G
Mathis MH ,
Grigg C
Magill SS
Jackson KA
Byram R
See I
Salfinger M , Barter D , Johnston H , Lynfield R , Vagnone PS , Tourdot L , Anderson BJ , Dumyati G , Pierce R ,
Lutgring JD
Gargis A
McKay S
J Infect Dis 2024
Complete genome sequences of Clostridioides difficile surveillance isolates representing the top 10 ribotypes from the Emerging Infections Program, United States, 2016
Adamczyk M
Vlachos N
Breaker E
Orazi G
Paulick AL
Rowe LA
McAllister G
Machado MJ
Korhonen L
Guh AY
Rasheed JK
Karlsson M ,
McKay SL
Lutgring JD
Gargis AS
Microbiol Resour Announc 2024 e0112823
Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii complex in the United States - an epidemiological and molecular description of isolates collected through the Emerging Infections Program, 2019
Bulens SN
Campbell D
McKay SL
Vlachos N
Burgin A
Burroughs M
Padila J
Grass JE
Jacob JT , Smith G , Muleta DB , Maloney M , Macierowski B , Wilson LE , Vaeth E , Lynfield R , O'Malley S , Snippes Vagnone PM , Dale J , Janelle SJ , Czaja CA , Johnson H , Phipps EC , Flores KG , Dumyati G , Tsay R , Beldavs ZG , Maureen Cassidy P ,
Hall A
Walters MS
Guh AY
Magill SS
Lutgring JD
Am J Infect Control 2024
Descriptive analysis of targeted carbapenemase genes and antibiotic susceptibility profiles among carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii tested in the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network-United States, 2017-2020
Sabour S
Bantle K
Bhatnagar A
Huang JY
Biggs A , Bodnar J , Dale JL , Gleason R , Klein L , Lasure M , Lee R , Nazarian E , Schneider E , Smith L , Snippes Vagnone P , Therrien M , Tran M , Valley A , Wang C , Young EL ,
Lutgring JD
Brown AC
Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0282823
Comparison of carbapenem-susceptible and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales at nine sites in the USA, 2013-2016: a resource for antimicrobial resistance investigators
Lutgring JD
Kent AG
Bowers JR , Jasso-Selles DE ,
Albrecht V
Stevens VA
Pfeiffer A , Barnes R , Engelthaler DM , Johnson JK ,
Gargis AS
Rasheed JK
Limbago BM
Elkins CA
Karlsson M
Halpin AL
Microb Genom 2023 9 (11)
Reference Susceptibility Testing and Genomic Surveillance of Clostridioides difficile, United States, 2012-17.
Gargis AS
Karlsson M
Paulick AL
Anderson KF
Adamczyk M
Vlachos N
Kent AG
McAllister GA
McKay SL
Halpin AL
Albrecht V
Campbell D
Korhonen L
Elkins CA
Rasheed JK
Guh AY
McDonald LC
Lutgring JD
Clin Infect Dis 2022 76 (5) 890-896
Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals Diversity of Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Collected through CDC's Emerging Infections Program, United States, 2016-2018.
Stanton RA
Campbell D
McAllister GA
Breaker E
Adamczyk M
Daniels JB
Lutgring JD
Karlsson M
Schutz K , Jacob JT , Wilson LE , Vaeth E , Li L , Lynfield R , Snippes Vagnone PM , Phipps EC , Hancock EB , Dumyati G , Tsay R , Cassidy PM , Mounsey J ,
Grass JE
Bulens SN
Walters MS
Halpin AL
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2022 66 (9) e0049622
Carbapenem-Resistant enterobacterales in individuals with and without health care risk factors -Emerging infections program, United States, 2012-2015.
Bulens SN
Reses HE
Ansari UA
Grass JE
Carmon C
Albrecht V
Lawsin A
McAllister G
Daniels J
Lee YK
Yi S
See I
Jacob JT , Bower CW , Wilson L , Vaeth E , Lynfield R , Vagnone PS , Shaw KM , Dumyati G , Tsay R , Phipps EC , Bamberg W , Janelle SJ , Beldavs ZG , Cassidy PM , Kainer M , Muleta D , Mounsey JT ,
Laufer-Halpin A
Karlsson M
Lutgring JD
Walters MS
Am J Infect Control 2022 51 (1) 70-77
Clinical and Genomic Epidemiology of mcr-9-Carrying Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales Isolates in Metropolitan Atlanta, 2012 to 2017.
Babiker A , Bower C ,
Lutgring JD
Petit RA3rd , Howard-Anderson J ,
Ansari U
McAllister G
Adamczyk M
Breaker E
Satola SW , Jacob JT , Woodworth MH .
Microbiol Spectr 2022 10 (4) e0252221
Molecular Epidemiology of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in the United States, 2013-2017.
McKay SL
Vlachos N
Daniels JB
Albrecht VS
Stevens VA
Rasheed JK
Johnson JK ,
Lutgring JD
Sjölund-Karlsson M
Halpin AL
Microb Drug Resist 2022 28 (6) 645-653
Sentinel Surveillance Reveals Emerging Daptomycin-Resistant ST736 Enterococcus faecium and Multiple Mechanisms of Linezolid Resistance in Enterococci in the United States.
Gargis AS
Spicer LM
Kent AG
Zhu W
Campbell D
McAllister G
Ewing TO
Albrecht V
Stevens VA
Sheth M
Padilla J
Batra D
Johnson JK ,
Halpin AL
Rasheed JK
Elkins CA
Karlsson M
Lutgring JD
Front Microbiol 2021 12 807398
Epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales in five US sites participating in the Emerging Infections Program, 2017.
Duffy N
Karlsson M
Reses HE
Campbell D
Daniels J
Stanton RA
Janelle SJ , Schutz K , Bamberg W , Rebolledo PA , Bower C , Blakney R , Jacob JT , Phipps EC , Flores KG , Dumyati G , Kopin H , Tsay R , Kainer MA , Muleta D , Byrd-Warner B ,
Grass JE
Lutgring JD
Rasheed JK
Elkins CA
Magill SS
See I
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2022 43 (11) 1-9
Molecular Characterization of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales Collected in the United States.
Karlsson M
Lutgring JD
Ansari U
Lawsin A
Albrecht V
McAllister G
Daniels J
Lonsway D
McKay S
Beldavs Z , Bower C , Dumyati G , Gross A , Jacob J , Janelle S , Kainer MA , Lynfield R , Phipps EC , Schutz K , Wilson L , Witwer ML ,
Bulens SN
Walters MS
Duffy N
Kallen AJ
Elkins CA
Rasheed JK
Microb Drug Resist 2022 28 (4) 389-397
Distinctive Features of Ertapenem-Mono-Resistant Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales in the United States: A Cohort Study.
Adelman MW , Bower CW ,
Grass JE
Ansari UA
Soda EA
See I
Lutgring JD
Jacob JT .
Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (1) ofab643
Detection and Characterization of Targeted Carbapenem-Resistant Healthcare-Associated Threats: Findings from The Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, 2017-2019.
Sabour S
Huang JY
Bhatnagar A
Gilbert SE
Karlsson M
Lonsway D
Lutgring JD
Rasheed JK
Halpin AL
Stanton RA
Gumbis S
Elkins CA
Brown AC
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021 65 (12) Aac0110521
Evaluating the Presence of Replication-Competent SARS-CoV-2 from Nursing Home Residents with Persistently Positive RT-PCR Results.
Lutgring JD
Tobolowsky FA
Hatfield KM
Lehnertz NB , Sullivan MM , Martin KG , Keaton A ,
Sexton DJ
Tamin A
Harcourt JL
Thornburg NJ
Reddy SC
Jernigan JA
Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (3) 525-528
Aztreonam-Avibactam Susceptibility Testing Program for Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacterales in the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, March 2019 to December 2020.
Bhatnagar A
Boyd S
Sabour S
Bodnar J , Nazarian E , Peinovich N , Wagner C , Craft B , Vagnone PS , Simpson J , Stone VN , Therrien M , Bateman A , Lower D ,
Huang JY
Gumbis S
Lonsway D
Lutgring JD
Karlsson M
Brown AC
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021 65 (8) Aac0048621
Detection of CTX-M-27 β-lactamase genes on two distinct plasmid types in ST38 Escherichia coli from three US states.
Cameron A , Mangat R , Taffner S , Wang J , Dumyati G ,
Stanton RA
Daniels JB
Campbell D
Lutgring JD
Pecora ND .
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021 65 (7) e0082521
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles to Predict the Presence of Carbapenemase Genes among Carbapenem-Resistant
Vallabhaneni S
Huang JY
Grass JE
Bhatnagar A
Sabour S
Lutgring JD
Campbell D
Karlsson M
Kallen AJ
Nazarian E , Snavely EA , Morris S , Wang C , Lee R , Koag M , Lewis R , Garcia B ,
Brown AC
Walters MS
J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (6)
Characterization of Clostridioides difficile Isolates Available through the CDC & FDA Antibiotic Resistance Isolate Bank.
Paulick A
Adamczyk M
Anderson K
Vlachos N
Machado MJ
McAllister G
Korhonen L
Guh AY
Halpin AL
Rasheed JK
Karlsson M
Lutgring JD
Gargis AS
Microbiol Resour Announc 2021 10 (1)
Assessing the in vitro impact of ceftazidime on aztreonam/avibactam susceptibility testing for highly resistant MBL-producing Enterobacterales.
Bhatnagar A
Ransom EM ,
Machado MJ
Boyd S
Reese N
Anderson K
Lonsway D
Elkins CA
Rasheed JK
Patel JB
Karlsson M
Brown AC
Lutgring JD
J Antimicrob Chemother 2020 76 (4) 979-983
A Laboratory Medicine Best Practices Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) and Algorithms Including NAATs for the Diagnosis of Clostridioides ( Clostridium ) difficile in Adults.
Kraft CS , Parrott JS ,
Cornish NE
Rubinstein ML
Weissfeld AS , McNult P , Nachamkin I , Humphries RM , Kirn TJ , Dien Bard J , Lutgring JD , Gullett JC , Bittencourt CE , Benson S , Bobenchik AM , Sautter RL , Baselski V , Atlas MC , Marlowe EM , Miller NS , Fischer M , Richter SS , Gilligan P , Snyder JW .
Clin Microbiol Rev 2019 32 (3)
Evaluation of the MicroScan Colistin Well and Gradient Diffusion Strips for Colistin Susceptibility Testing in Enterobacteriaceae .
Lutgring JD
Kim A
Campbell D
Karlsson M
Brown AC
Burd EM .
J Clin Microbiol 2019 57 (5)
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Enterobacteriaceae Producing Oxacillinase-48-Like Carbapenemases, United States.
Lutgring JD
Zhu W
de Man TJB
Avillan JJ
Anderson KF
Lonsway DR
Rowe LA
Batra D
Rasheed JK
Limbago BM
Emerg Infect Dis 2018 24 (4) 700-709
Genomic Analysis of a Pan-Resistant Isolate of Klebsiella pneumoniae , United States 2016.
de Man TJB
Lutgring JD
Lonsway DR
Anderson KF
Kiehlbauch JA , Chen L ,
Walters MS
Sjolund-Karlsson M
Rasheed JK
Kallen A
Halpin AL
mBio 2018 9 (2)
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities