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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-11 (of 11 Records)
Query Trace:
Hsu CH[original query]
Detection of a human adenovirus outbreak, including some critical infections, using multipathogen testing at a large university, September 2022-January 2023
Montgomery JP , Marquez JL , Nord J , Stamper AR , Edwards EA , Valentini N , Frank CJ , Washer LL , Ernst RD ,
Park JI
Price D , Collins J , Smith-jeffcoat sE , Hu f , Knox cL , Khan r , Lu x , Kirking hL , Hsu cH .
Open Forum Infect Dis 2024 11 (5) ofae192
Identification of large adenovirus infection outbreak at university by multipathogen testing, South Carolina, USA, 2022
Tori ME
Chontos-Komorowski J , Stacy J , Lamson DM , St George K , Lail AT , Stewart-Grant HA , Bell LJ ,
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (2) 358-362
Genomic analysis of azithromycin-resistant Salmonella from food animals at slaughter and processing, and retail meats, 2011-2021, United States
Ge B , Mukherjee S , Li C , Harrison LB , Hsu CH , Tran TT ,
Whichard JM
Dessai U , Singh R , Gilbert JM , Strain EA , McDermott PF , Zhao S .
Microbiol Spectr 2023 e0348523
Household characteristics associated with surface contamination of SARS-CoV-2 and frequency of RT-PCR and viral culture positivity-California and Colorado, 2021.
Shragai T
Pratt C
Castro Georgi J
Donnelly MAP
Schwartz NG
Soto R
Chuey M
Chu VT
Marcenac P
Park GW
Ahmad A
Albanese B , Totten SE , Austin B ,
Bunkley P
Cherney B
Dietrich EA
Figueroa E
Folster JM
Godino C
Herzegh O
Lindell K
Relja B
Sheldon SW
Tong S
Vinjé J
Thornburg NJ
Matanock AM
Hughes LJ
Stringer G , Hudziec M , Beatty ME ,
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0274946
Genomic Diversity, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Virulence Gene Profiles of Salmonella Serovar Kentucky Isolated from Humans, Food, and Animal Ceca Content Sources in the United States.
Tate H , Hsu CH ,
Chen JC
Han J , Foley SL ,
Folster JP
Francois Watkins LK
Reynolds J
Tillman GE , Nyirabahizi E , Zhao S .
Foodborne Pathog Dis 2022 19 (8) 509-521
SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among vaccinated and unvaccinated household members during the Alpha variant surge - Denver, Colorado, and San Diego, California, January-April 2021.
McCormick DW
Konkle SL
Magleby R
Chakrabarti AK
Cherney B
Lindell K
Namageyo-Funa A
Visser S
Soto RA
Donnelly MAP
Stringer G , Austin B , Beatty ME , Stous S , Albanese BA ,
Chu VT
Chuey M ,
Dietrich EA
Drobeniuc J
Folster JM
Killerby ME
Lehman JA
McDonald EC ,
Ruffin J
Schwartz NG
Sheldon SW
Sleweon S
Thornburg NJ
Hughes LJ
Petway M
Tong S
Whaley MJ
Kirking HL
Tate JE
Hsu CH
Matanock A
Vaccine 2022 40 (33) 4845-4855
Household Transmission and Symptomology of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha Variant Among Children-California and Colorado, 2021.
Waltenburg MA
Whaley MJ
Chancey RJ
Donnelly MAP
Chuey MR
Soto R
Schwartz NG
Chu VT
Sleweon S
McCormick DW
Uehara A
Retchless AC
Tong S
Folster JM
Petway M
Thornburg NJ
Drobeniuc J
Austin B , Hudziec MM , Stringer G , Albanese BA , Totten SE , Matzinger SR ,
Staples JE
Killerby ME
Hughes LJ
Matanock A
Beatty M ,
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
J Pediatr 2022 247 29-37 e7
Household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant - United States, 2021.
Donnelly MAP
Chuey MR
Soto R
Schwartz NG
Chu VT
Konkle SL
Sleweon S
Ruffin J
Haberling DL
Guagliardo SAJ
Stoddard RA
Anderson RD
Morgan CN
Rossetti R
McCormick DW
Magleby R
Sheldon SW
Dietrich EA
Uehara A
Retchless AC
Tong S
Folster JM
Drobeniuc J ,
Petway ME
Austin B , Stous S , McDonald E , Jain S , Hudziec MM , Stringer G , Albanese BA , Totten SE ,
Staples JE
Killerby ME
Hughes L
Matanock A
Beatty M
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 (1) e122-e132
Validating the NCBI AMRFinder Tool and Resistance Gene Database Using Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Collection of NARMS Isolates.
Feldgarden M , Brover V , Haft DH , Prasad AB , Slotta DJ , Tolstoy I , Tyson GH , Zhao S , Hsu CH , McDermott PF , Tadesse DA , Morales C , Simmons M , Tillman G , Wasilenko J ,
Folster JP
Klimke W .
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 63 (11)
Comparative Analysis of Extended Spectrum Beta- Lactamase CTX-M-65-Producing Salmonella Infantis Isolates from Humans, Food Animals, and Retail Chickens in the United States.
Tate H ,
Folster JP
Hsu CH ,
Chen J
Hoffmann M , Li C , Morales C , Tyson GH , Mukerjee S ,
Brown AC
Green A , Wilson W , Dessai U , Abbott J ,
Joseph L
Haro J , Ayers S , McDermott PF , Zhao S .
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 61 (7)
Unique Presentation of Orf Virus Infection in a Thermal Burn Patient After Receiving an Autologous Skin Graft.
Hsu CH
Rokni GR , Aghazadeh N , Brinster N ,
Li Y
Muehlenbachs A
Goldsmith CS
Zhao H
Petersen B
McCollum AM
Reynolds MG
J Infect Dis 2016 214 (8) 1171-4
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities