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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-30 (of 58 Records)
Query Trace:
Grosse S[original query]
Can incorporating molecular testing improve the accuracy of newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
Sarafoglou K , Gaviglio A , Wolf C , Lorentz CP , Lteif A , Kyllo J , Radloff G ,
Detwiler Z
Cuthbert CD
Hodges JS ,
Grosse SD
Greene CN
Cordovado S .
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2024
CDC Grand Rounds: Newborn screening and improved outcomes.
Howell RR , Terry S , Tait VF ,
Olney R
Hinton CF
Grosse S
Eichwald J
Cuthbert C
Popovic T
Glidewell J
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2012 61 (21) 390-3
Progress in expanding newborn screening in the United States
Grosse SD
Cuthbert C
Gaffney M
Gaviglio A
Hinton CF
Kellar-Guenther Y , Kemper AR , McKasson S , Ojodu J ,
Riley C
Singh S , Sontag MK ,
Shapira SK
Am J Hum Genet 2023 110 (6) 1015-1016
Implementation of newborn screening for conditions in the United States first recommended during 2010-2018
Singh S , Ojodu J , Kemper AR , Lam WKK ,
Grosse SD
Int J Neonatal Screen 2023 9 (2)
Newborn screening for congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria-beyond cost savings
Grosse SD
Van Vliet G .
J Pediatr 2023 258 113417
Correspondence on "Cost-effectiveness of exome and genome sequencing for children with rare and undiagnosed conditions" by Lavelle et al.
Grosse SD
Gudgeon JM .
Genet Med 2022 24 (12) 2595-2596
Cost or price of sequencing? Implications for economic evaluations in genomic medicine.
Grosse SD
Gudgeon JM .
Genet Med 2021 23 (10) 1833-1835
Health and economic outcomes of newborn screening for infantile-onset Pompe disease.
Richardson JS , Kemper AR ,
Grosse SD
Lam WKK , Rose AM , Ahmad A , Gebremariam A , Prosser LA .
Genet Med 2020 23 (4) 758-766
Infants with Congenital Disorders Identified Through Newborn Screening - United States, 2015-2017.
Sontag MK , Yusuf C ,
Grosse SD
Edelman S , Miller JI , McKasson S , Kellar-Guenther Y ,
Gaffney M
Hinton CF
Cuthbert C
Singh S , Ojodu J ,
Shapira SK
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (36) 1265-1268
Ensuring the Life-Span Benefits of Newborn Screening.
Kemper AR ,
Boyle CA
Brosco JP ,
Grosse SD
Pediatrics 2019 144 (6)
Using Decision Analysis to Support Newborn Screening Policy Decisions: A Case Study for Pompe Disease.
Prosser LA , Lam KK ,
Grosse SD
Casale M , Kemper AR .
MDM Policy Pract 2018 2018 (1)
Genomic sequencing in acutely ill infants: what will it take to demonstrate clinical value?
Grosse SD
Farnaes L .
Genet Med 2018 21 (2) 269-271
Is universal tumor testing for Lynch syndrome cost-effective? It depends!
Grosse SD
Genet Med 2018 21 (1) 252-253
Precision Medicine In Action: The Impact Of Ivacaftor On Cystic Fibrosis-Related Hospitalizations.
Feng LB ,
Grosse SD
Green RF , Fink AK , Sawicki GS .
Health Aff (Millwood) 2018 37 (5) 773-779
In Reference to: "Cost and Utility of Thrombophilia Testing".
Berse B , Lynch JA ,
Bowen S
Grosse SD
J Hosp Med 2017 12 (9) 783
Trends in utilization and costs of BRCA testing among women aged 18-64 years in the United States, 2003-2014.
Chen Z
Kolor K
Grosse SD
Rodriguez JL
Lynch JA ,
Green RF
Dotson WD
Bowen MS
Khoury MJ
Genet Med 2017 20 (4) 428-434
BRCA Genetic Testing and Receipt of Preventive Interventions Among Women Aged 18-64 Years with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas - United States, 2009-2014.
Kolor K
Chen Z
Grosse SD
Rodriguez JL
Green RF
Dotson WD
Bowen MS
Lynch JA ,
Khoury MJ
MMWR Surveill Summ 2017 66 (15) 1-11
Clinical penetrance in hereditary hemochromatosis: estimates of the cumulative incidence of severe liver disease among HFE C282Y homozygotes.
Grosse SD
Gurrin LC , Bertalli NA , Allen KJ .
Genet Med 2017 20 (4) 383-389
Cognitive outcomes and age of detection of severe mucopolysaccharidosis type 1.
Grosse SD
Lam WK ,
Wiggins LD
Kemper AR .
Genet Med 2017 19 (9) 975-982
The need for a next-generation public health response to rare diseases.
Valdez R
Grosse SD
Khoury MJ
Genet Med 2016 19 (5) 489-490
Epidemiology matters: peering inside the "black box" in economic evaluations of genetic testing.
Grosse SD
Khoury MJ
Genet Med 2016 18 (10) 963-5
Newborn screening for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: evidence summary and advisory committee recommendation.
Kemper AR , Brosco J , Comeau AM , Green NS ,
Grosse SD
Jones E , Kwon JM , Lam WK , Ojodu J , Prosser LA , Tanksley S .
Genet Med 2016 19 (1) 121-126
Cost-Effectiveness/Cost-Benefit Analysis of Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency in Washington State.
Ding Y , Thompson JD , Kobrynski L , Ojodu J , Zarbalian G ,
Grosse SD
J Pediatr 2016 172 127-35
The health system impact of false positive newborn screening results for medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: a cohort study.
Karaceper MD , Chakraborty P , Coyle D , Wilson K , Kronick JB , Hawken S , Davies C , Brownell M , Dodds L , Feigenbaum A , Fell DB ,
Grosse SD
Guttmann A , Laberge AM , Mhanni A , Miller FA , Mitchell JJ , Nakhla M , Prasad C , Rockman-Greenberg C , Sparkes R , Wilson BJ , Potter BK .
Orphanet J Rare Dis 2016 11 (1) 12
Showing Value in Newborn Screening: Challenges in Quantifying the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Early Detection of Phenylketonuria and Cystic Fibrosis.
Grosse SD
Healthcare (Basel) 2015 3 (4) 1133-1157
Observed and expected frequencies of structural hemoglobin variants in newborn screening surveys in Africa and the Middle East: deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
Piel FB , Adamkiewicz TV , Amendah D , Williams TN , Gupta S ,
Grosse SD
Genet Med 2015 18 (3) 265-74
When is Genomic Testing Cost-Effective? Testing for Lynch Syndrome in Patients with Newly-Diagnosed Colorectal Cancer and Their Relatives.
Grosse SD
Healthcare (Basel) 2015 3 (4) 860-878
The cost-effectiveness of routine testing for Lynch syndrome in newly diagnosed patients with colorectal cancer in the United States: corrected estimates.
Grosse SD
Palomaki GE , Mvundura M , Hampel H .
Genet Med 2015 17 (6) 510-1
Universal state newborn screening programs can reduce health disparities.
Brosco JP ,
Grosse SD
Ross LF .
JAMA Pediatr 2014 169 (1) 7-8
Mortality of New York children with sickle cell disease identified through newborn screening.
Wang Y , Liu G , Caggana M , Kennedy J , Zimmerman R , Oyeku SO , Werner EM ,
Grant AM
Green NS ,
Grosse SD
Genet Med 2014 17 (6) 452-9
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities