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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-24 (of 24 Records)
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Gee JE[original query]
Investigating anthrax-associated virulence genes among archival and contemporary bacillus cereus group genomes
Sabin SJ
Beesley CA
Marston CK
Paisie TK ,
Gulvik CA
Sprenger GA ,
Gee JE
Traxler RM
Bell ME
McQuiston JR
Weiner ZP
Pathogens 2024 13 (10)
Burkholderia thailandensis Isolated from the Environment, United States.
Hall CM , Stone NE , Martz M , Hutton SM , Santana-Propper E , Versluis L , Guidry K , Ortiz M , Busch JD , Maness T , Stewart J , Sidwa T ,
Gee JE
Elrod MG
Petras JK
Gulvik C
Weiner ZP
Salzer JS
Hoffmaster AR
Rivera-Garcia S , Keim P , Kieffer A , Sahl JW , Soltero F , Wagner DM .
Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (3) 618-621
Strains Associated with Two 2020 Welder Anthrax Cases in the United States Belong to Separate Lineages within Bacillus cereus sensu lato.
Carroll LM ,
Marston CK
Kolton CB
Gulvik CA
Gee JE
Weiner ZP
Kovac J .
Pathogens 2022 11 (8)
Epidemiologic Investigation of Two Welder's Anthrax Cases Caused by Bacillus Cereus Group Bacteria: Occupational Link Established by Environmental Detection.
Dawson P
Salzer JS
Schrodt CA
Feldmann K
Kolton CB
Gee JE
Marston CK
Gulvik CA
Elrod MG
Villarma A
Traxler RM
Negrón ME
Hendricks KA
Moulton-Meissner H
Rose LJ
Byers P , Taylor K , Ware D , Balsamo GA , Sokol T , Barrett B , Payne E , Zaheer S , Jung GO , Long S , Quijano R , LeBouf L , O'Sullivan B , Swaney E ,
Antonini JM
Perio MA
Weiner Z
Bower WA
Hoffmaster AR
Pathogens 2022 11 (8)
Multistate Outbreak of Melioidosis Associated with Imported Aromatherapy Spray.
Gee JE
Bower WA
Kunkel A
Petras J
Gettings J
Bye M ,
Firestone M
Elrod MG
Liu L
Blaney DD
Zaldivar A , Raybern C , Ahmed FS , Honza H , Stonecipher S , O'Sullivan BJ , Lynfield R , Hunter M , Brennan S , Pavlick J , Gabel J , Drenzek C , Geller R , Lee C ,
Ritter JM
Zaki SR
Gulvik CA
Wilson WW
Beshearse E
Currie BJ , Webb JR ,
Weiner ZP
Negrón ME
Hoffmaster AR
N Engl J Med 2022 386 (9) 861-868
Notes from the Field: Fatal Anthrax Pneumonia in Welders and Other Metalworkers Caused by Bacillus cereus Group Bacteria Containing Anthrax Toxin Genes - U.S. Gulf Coast States, 1994-2020.
Dawson P
Schrodt CA
Feldmann K
Traxler RM
Gee JE
Kolton CB
Marston CK
Gulvik CA
Antonini JM
Negrón ME
McQuiston JR
Hendricks K
Weiner Z
Balsamo GA
Sokol T
Byers P
Taylor K
Zaheer S
Long S
O'Sullivan B
de Perio MA
Hoffmaster AR
Salzer JS
Bower WA
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (41) 1453-1454
Genomic Diversity of Burkholderia pseudomallei Isolates, Colombia.
Duarte C , Montufar F , Moreno J , Sánchez D , Rodríguez JY , Torres AG , Morales S , Bautista A , Huertas MG , Myers JN ,
Gulvik CA
Elrod MG
Blaney DD
Gee JE
Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (2) 655-658
Genomic Diversity of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Ceara, Brazil.
Gee JE
Gulvik CA
Castelo-Branco Dscm , Sidrim JJC , Rocha MFG , Cordeiro RA , Brilhante RSN , Bandeira Tjpg , Patrício I , Alencar LP , da Costa Ribeiro AK ,
Sheth M
Deka MA
Hoffmaster AR
Rolim D .
mSphere 2021 6 (1)
Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is rare but ecologically established and widely dispersed in the environment in Puerto Rico.
Hall CM , Jaramillo S , Jimenez R , Stone NE , Centner H , Busch JD , Bratsch N , Roe CC ,
Gee JE
Hoffmaster AR
Rivera-Garcia S , Soltero F ,
Ryff K
Perez-Padilla J
Keim P , Sahl JW , Wagner DM .
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 13 (9) e0007727
Differentiating New from Newly Detected: Melioidosis in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.
Nolen LD
Lirow E ,
Gee JE
Elrod MG
Kolton CB
Liu L
Bower WA
Person MK
Marfel M ,
Blaney DD
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019 101 (2) 323-327
Analysis of Whole-Genome Sequences for the Prediction of Penicillin Resistance and ß-Lactamase Activity in Bacillus anthracis .
Gargis AS
McLaughlin HP
Conley AB ,
Lascols C
Michel PA
Gee JE
Marston CK
Kolton CB
Rodriguez RLm , Hoffmaster AR , Weigel LM , Sue D .
mSystems 2018 3 (6)
Genomic Characterization and Copy Number Variation of Bacillus anthracis Plasmids pXO1 and pXO2 in a Historical Collection of 412 Strains.
Pena-Gonzalez A , Rodriguez RLm ,
Marston CK
Gee JE
Gulvik CA
Kolton CB
Saile E
Frace M
Hoffmaster AR
Konstantinidis KT .
mSystems 2018 3 (4)
Phylogeography of Burkholderia pseudomallei Isolates, Western Hemisphere.
Gee JE
Gulvik CA
Elrod MG
Batra D
Rowe LA
Sheth M
Hoffmaster AR
Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (7) 1133-1138
Antibiotic Resistance Markers in Strain Bp1651 of Burkholderia pseudomallei Identified by Genome Sequence Analysis.
Bugrysheva JV
Sue D
Gee JE
Elrod MG
Hoffmaster AR
Randall LB , Chirakul S , Tuanyok A , Schweizer HP ,
Weigel LM
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 61 (6)
Burkholderia humptydooensis sp. nov., a New Species Related to Burkholderia thailandensis and the Fifth Member of the Burkholderia pseudomallei Complex.
Tuanyok A , Mayo M , Scholz H , Hall CM , Allender CJ , Kaestli M , Ginther J , Spring-Pearson S , Bollig MC , Stone JK , Settles EW , Busch JD , Sidak-Loftis L , Sahl JW , Thomas A , Kreutzer L , Georgi E ,
Gee JE
Bowen RA , Ladner JT , Lovett S , Koroleva G , Palacios G , Wagner DM , Currie BJ , Keim P .
Appl Environ Microbiol 2016 83 (5)
Anthrax Toxin-Expressing Bacillus cereus Isolated from an Anthrax-Like Eschar.
Marston CK
Ibrahim H ,
Lee P
Churchwell G , Gumke M , Stanek D ,
Gee JE
Boyer AE
Gallegos-Candela M
Barr JR
Li H
Boulay D
Cronin L
Quinn CP
Hoffmaster AR
PLoS One 2016 11 (6) e0156987
Finished Annotated Genome Sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei Strain Bp1651, a Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolate.
Bugrysheva JV
Sue D
Hakovirta J
Loparev VN
Knipe K
Sammons SA
Ranganathan-Ganakammal S
Changayil S
Srinivasamoorthy G
Weil MR
Tatusov RL
Gee JE
Elrod MG
Hoffmaster AR
Weigel LM
Genome Announc 2015 3 (6)
Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus cereus Strain BcFL2013, a Clinical Isolate Similar to G9241.
Gee JE
Marston CK
Sammons SA
Burroughs MA
Hoffmaster AR
Genome Announc 2014 2 (3)
Contaminated ventilator air flow sensor linked to Bacillus cereus colonization of newborns
Turabelidze G ,
Gee JE
Hoffmaster AR
Manian F , Butler C , Byrd D , Schildknecht S , Hauser LC , Duncan M , Ferrett R , Evans D , Talley C .
Emerg Infect Dis 2013 19 (5) 781-3
Comparison of DNA extraction kits for detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei in spiked human whole blood using real-time PCR.
Podnecky NL
Elrod MG
Newton BR
Dauphin LA
Shi J
Chawalchitiporn S ,
Baggett HC
Hoffmaster AR
Gee JE
PLoS One 2013 8 (2) e58032
Development and validation of Burkholderia pseudomallei-specific real-time PCR assays for clinical, environmental or forensic detection applications
Price EP , Dale JL , Cook JM , Sarovich DS , Seymour ML , Ginther JL , Kaufman EL , Beckstrom-Sternberg SM , Mayo M , Kaestli M ,
Glass MB
Gee JE
Wuthiekanun V , Warner JM , Baker A , Foster JT , Tan P , Tuanyok A , Limmathurotsakul D , Peacock SJ , Currie BJ , Wagner DM , Keim P , Pearson T .
PLoS One 2012 7 (5) e37723
High redundancy draft sequencing of 15 clinical and environmental Burkholderia strains
Mukhopadhyay S , Thomason MP , Lentz S , Nolan N , Willner K ,
Gee JE
Glass MB
Inglis TJ ,
Merritt A
Levy A , Sozhamannan S , Mateczun A , Read TD .
J Bacteriol 2010 192 (23) 6313-4
Characterization of novel Brucella strains originating from wild native rodent species in North Queensland, Australia
Tiller RV
Gee JE
Frace MA
Taylor TK , Setubal JC ,
Hoffmaster AR
Appl Environ Microbiol 2010 76 (17) 5837-45
Phylogeographic reconstruction of a bacterial species with high levels of lateral gene transfer
Pearson T , Giffard P , Beckstrom-Sternberg S , Auerbach R , Hornstra H , Tuanyok A , Price EP ,
Glass MB
Leadem B , Beckstrom-Sternberg JS , Allan GJ , Foster JT , Wagner DM , Okinaka RT , Sim SH , Pearson O , Wu Z , Chang J , Kaul R ,
Hoffmaster AR
Brettin TS , Robison RA , Mayo M ,
Gee JE
Tan P , Currie BJ , Keim P .
BMC Biol 2009 7 78
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities