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Records 1-30 (of 49 Records)
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Folster J[original query]
Genetic diversity in Salmonella enterica in outbreaks of foodborne and zoonotic origin in the USA in 2006-2017
Trees E ,
Carleton HA
Folster JP
Gieraltowski L
Hise K
Leeper M
Nguyen TA
Poates A ,
Sabol A
Tagg KA
Tolar B
Vasser M
Webb HE
Wise M
Lindsey RL
Microorganisms 2024 12 (8)
Azithromycin-resistant mph(A)-positive Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi in the United States
Tagg KA
Kim JY
Henderson B
Birhane MG
Snyder C
Boutwell C , Lyo A , Li L , Weinstein E , Mercado Y , Peñil-Celis A ,
Mikoleit M
Folster JP ,
Watkins LKF
J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2024
Mobile genetic elements define the non-random structure of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi pangenome
Peñil-Celis A ,
Tagg KA
Webb HE
Redondo-Salvo S ,
Francois Watkins L
Vielva L ,
Griffin C
Kim JY
Folster JP
Garcillan-Barcia MP , de la Cruz F .
mSystems 2024 e0036524
U.S. preparedness and response to increasing clade I mpox cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - United States, 2024
McQuiston JH
Luce R
Kazadi DM ,
Bwangandu CN
Mbala-Kingebeni P
Anderson M
Prasher JM
Williams IT
Phan A
Shelus V
Bratcher A
Soke GN
Fonjungo PN
Kabamba J
McCollum AM
Perry R
Rao AK
Doty J
Christensen B
Fuller JA
Baird N
Chaitram J
Brown CK
Kirby AE
Fitter D
Folster JM
Dualeh M
Hartman R
Bart SM
Hughes CM
Nakazawa Y
Sims E
Christie A
Hutson CL
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (19) 435-440
Corrigendum: Whole Genome Sequencing: Bridging One-Health Surveillance of Foodborne Diseases.
Gerner-Smidt P
Besser J
Concepción-Acevedo J
Folster JP
Huffman J
Joseph LA
Kucerova Z
Nichols MC
Schwensohn CA
Tolar B
Front Public Health 2019 7 365
Genome Sequences from a Reemergence of Vibrio cholerae in Haiti, 2022 Reveal Relatedness to Previously Circulating Strains.
Walters C
Chen J
Stroika S
Katz LS
Turnsek M
Compère V ,
Gomez S
McCullough A
Landaverde C
Putney J
Caidi H
Folster J
Carleton HA
Boncy J ,
Lee CC
J Clin Microbiol 2023 61 (3) e0014223
Increased Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica I Serotype 4,[5],12:i:- Infections Associated with Pork, United States, 2009-2018.
Plumb ID
Brown AC
Stokes EK
Chen JC
Carleton H
Tolar B
Sundararaman P
Saupe A ,
Payne DC
Shah HJ
Folster JP
Friedman CR
Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (2) 314-22
Longitudinal serologic and viral testing post-SARS-CoV-2 infection and post-receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a nursing home cohort-Georgia, October 2020‒April 2021.
Tobolowsky FA
Waltenburg MA
Moritz ED
Haile M
DaSilva JC
Schuh AJ
Thornburg NJ
Westbrook A
McKay SL
LaVoie SP
Folster JM
Harcourt JL
Tamin A
Stumpf MM
Mills L
Freeman B
Lester S
Beshearse E
Lecy KD
Brown LG
Fajardo G
Negley J ,
McDonald LC
Kutty PK
Brown AC
Bhatnagar A
Bryant-Genevier J
Currie DW
Campbell D
Gilbert SE
Hatfield KM
Jackson DA
Jernigan JA
Dawson JL
Hudson MJ
Joseph K
Reddy SC
Wilson MM
PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0275718
Household characteristics associated with surface contamination of SARS-CoV-2 and frequency of RT-PCR and viral culture positivity-California and Colorado, 2021.
Shragai T
Pratt C
Castro Georgi J
Donnelly MAP
Schwartz NG
Soto R
Chuey M
Chu VT
Marcenac P
Park GW
Ahmad A
Albanese B , Totten SE , Austin B ,
Bunkley P
Cherney B
Dietrich EA
Figueroa E
Folster JM
Godino C
Herzegh O
Lindell K
Relja B
Sheldon SW
Tong S
Vinjé J
Thornburg NJ
Matanock AM
Hughes LJ
Stringer G , Hudziec M , Beatty ME ,
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0274946
Genome Sequences of 18 Salmonella enterica Serotype Hadar Strains Collected from Patients in the United States.
Webb HE
Kim JY
Tagg KA
de la Cruz F , Peñil-Celis A ,
Tolar B
Ellison Z
Schwensohn C
Brandenburg J
Nichols M
Folster JP
Microbiol Resour Announc 2022 11 (10) e0052222
Genomic Diversity, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Virulence Gene Profiles of Salmonella Serovar Kentucky Isolated from Humans, Food, and Animal Ceca Content Sources in the United States.
Tate H , Hsu CH ,
Chen JC
Han J , Foley SL ,
Folster JP
Francois Watkins LK
Reynolds J
Tillman GE , Nyirabahizi E , Zhao S .
Foodborne Pathog Dis 2022 19 (8) 509-521
SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among vaccinated and unvaccinated household members during the Alpha variant surge - Denver, Colorado, and San Diego, California, January-April 2021.
McCormick DW
Konkle SL
Magleby R
Chakrabarti AK
Cherney B
Lindell K
Namageyo-Funa A
Visser S
Soto RA
Donnelly MAP
Stringer G , Austin B , Beatty ME , Stous S , Albanese BA ,
Chu VT
Chuey M ,
Dietrich EA
Drobeniuc J
Folster JM
Killerby ME
Lehman JA
McDonald EC ,
Ruffin J
Schwartz NG
Sheldon SW
Sleweon S
Thornburg NJ
Hughes LJ
Petway M
Tong S
Whaley MJ
Kirking HL
Tate JE
Hsu CH
Matanock A
Vaccine 2022 40 (33) 4845-4855
Five Complete Salmonella enterica Serotype Reading Genomes Recovered from Patients in the United States.
Webb HE
Tagg KA
Kim JY
Miller EA , Johnson TJ , Peñil-Celis A , de la Cruz F ,
Folster JP
Microbiol Resour Announc 2022 11 (7) e0038822
Household Transmission and Symptomology of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha Variant Among Children-California and Colorado, 2021.
Waltenburg MA
Whaley MJ
Chancey RJ
Donnelly MAP
Chuey MR
Soto R
Schwartz NG
Chu VT
Sleweon S
McCormick DW
Uehara A
Retchless AC
Tong S
Folster JM
Petway M
Thornburg NJ
Drobeniuc J
Austin B , Hudziec MM , Stringer G , Albanese BA , Totten SE , Matzinger SR ,
Staples JE
Killerby ME
Hughes LJ
Matanock A
Beatty M ,
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
J Pediatr 2022 247 29-37 e7
Fourteen mcr-1-Positive Salmonella enterica Isolates Recovered from Travelers Returning to the United States from the Dominican Republic.
Webb HE
Kim JY
Tagg KA
Kapsak CJ
Tobolowsky F
Birhane MG
Francois Watkins L
Folster JP
Microbiol Resour Announc 2022 11 (5) e0011822
The Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing by the Federal Interagency Collaboration for Genomics for Food and Feed Safety in the United States.
Stevens EL ,
Carleton HA
Beal J , Tillman GE ,
Lindsey RL
Lauer AC
Pightling A , Jarvis KG , Ottesen A , Ramachandran P , Hintz L ,
Katz LS
Folster JP
Whichard JM
Trees E
Timme RE , McDermott P , Wolpert B , Bazaco M , Zhao S , Lindley S ,
Bruce BB
Griffin PM
Brown E , Allard M , Tallent S , Irvin K , Hoffmann M ,
Wise M
Tauxe R
Gerner-Smidt P
Simmons M , Kissler B , Defibaugh-Chavez S , Klimke W , Agarwala R , Lindsay J , Cook K , Austerman SR , Goldman D ,
McGarry S
Hale KR , Dessai U , Musser SM ,
Braden C
J Food Prot 2022 85 (5) 755-772
Household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant - United States, 2021.
Donnelly MAP
Chuey MR
Soto R
Schwartz NG
Chu VT
Konkle SL
Sleweon S
Ruffin J
Haberling DL
Guagliardo SAJ
Stoddard RA
Anderson RD
Morgan CN
Rossetti R
McCormick DW
Magleby R
Sheldon SW
Dietrich EA
Uehara A
Retchless AC
Tong S
Folster JM
Drobeniuc J ,
Petway ME
Austin B , Stous S , McDonald E , Jain S , Hudziec MM , Stringer G , Albanese BA , Totten SE ,
Staples JE
Killerby ME
Hughes L
Matanock A
Beatty M
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 (1) e122-e132
Correlation between Phenotypic and In Silico Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella enterica in Canada Using Staramr.
Bharat A , Petkau A , Avery BP ,
Chen J
Folster J
Carson CA , Kearney A , Nadon C , Mabon P , Thiessen J , Alexander DC , Allen V , ElBailey S , Bekal S , German GJ , Haldane D , Hoang L , Chui L , Minion J , Zahariadis G , VanDomselaar G , Reid-Smith RJ , Mulvey MR .
Microorganisms 2022 10 (2)
Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Heidelberg Infections Linked to Dairy Calf Exposure, United States, 2015-2018.
Nichols M
Gollarza L
Sockett D , Aulik N , Patton E ,
Francois Watkins LK
Gambino-Shirley KJ
Folster JP
Chen JC
Tagg KA
Stapleton GS
Trees E ,
Ellison Z
Lombard J , Morningstar-Shaw B , Schlater L , Elbadawi L , Klos R .
Foodborne Pathog Dis 2022 19 (3) 199-208
Epidemiologic, immunologic, and virus characteristics in patients with paired SARS-CoV-2 serology and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing.
Shragai T
Smith-Jeffcoat SE
Koh M
Schechter MC , Rebolledo PA , Kasinathan V , Wang Y , Hoffman A ,
Miller H
Tejada-Strop A
Jain S
Tamin A
Harcourt JL
Thornburg NJ
Wong P
Medrzycki M
Folster JM
Semenova V
Steward-Clark E
Drobenuic J
Biedron C
Stewart RJ
da Silva J
Kirking HL
Tate JE
J Infect Dis 2021 225 (2) 229-237
Epidemiologic characteristics associated with SARS-CoV-2 antigen-based test results, rRT-PCR cycle threshold values, subgenomic RNA, and viral culture results from university testing.
Ford L
Lee C
Pray IW
Cole D ,
Bigouette JP
Abedi GR
Bushman D
Delahoy MJ
Currie DW
Cherney B
Kirby M
Fajardo G
Caudill M
Langolf K , Kahrs J , Zochert T , Kelly P , Pitts C , Lim A , Aulik N ,
Tamin A
Harcourt JL
Queen K
Zhang J
Whitaker B
Browne H
Medrzycki M
Shewmaker P
Bonenfant G
Zhou B
Folster J
Bankamp B
Bowen MD
Thornburg NJ
Goffard K ,
Limbago B
Bateman A ,
Tate JE
Gieryn D ,
Kirking HL
Westergaard R ,
Killerby M
Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (6) e1348-e1355
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Patients with Potential SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection, May-July 2020.
Lee JT
Hesse EM
Paulin HN
Datta D
Katz LS
Talwar A
Chang G
Galang RR
Harcourt JL
Tamin A
Thornburg NJ
Wong KK
Stevens V
Kim K
Tong S
Zhou B
Queen K
Drobeniuc J
Folster JM
Sexton DJ
Ramachandran S
Browne H
Iskander J
Mitruka K
Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (12) 2217-2225
Carriage and Gene Content Variability of the pESI-Like Plasmid Associated with Salmonella Infantis Recently Established in United States Poultry Production.
McMillan EA , Wasilenko JL ,
Tagg KA
Chen JC
Simmons M , Gupta SK , Tillman GE ,
Folster J
Jackson CR , Frye JG .
Genes (Basel) 2020 11 (12)
Comparison of Molecular Subtyping and Antimicrobial Resistance Detection Methods Used in a Large Multi-State Outbreak of Extensively Drug-Resistant Campylobacter jejuni Infections Linked to Pet Store Puppies.
Joseph LA
Francois Watkins LK
Chen J
Tagg KA
Bennett C
Caidi H
Folster JP
Laughlin ME
Koski L
Silver R
Stevenson L
Robertson S
Pruckler J
Nichols M
Pouseele H ,
Carleton HA
Basler C
Friedman CR
Geissler A
Hise KB
Aubert RD
J Clin Microbiol 2020 58 (10)
Analysis of the reiteration regions (R1 to R5) of varicella-zoster virus.
Jensen NJ
Depledge DP ,
Leung J
Quinlivan M
Radford KW
Folster J
Tseng HF , LaRussa P , Jacobsen SJ , Breuer J ,
Schmid DS
Virology 2020 546 38-50
Emergence of a Novel Salmonella enterica Serotype Reading Clonal Group Is Linked to Its Expansion in Commercial Turkey Production, Resulting in Unanticipated Human Illness in North America.
Miller EA , Elnekave E , Flores-Figueroa C , Johnson A , Kearney A , Munoz-Aguayo J , Tagg KA , Tschetter L , Weber BP , Nadon CA , Boxrud D , Singer RS ,
Folster JP
Johnson TJ .
mSphere 2020 5 (2)
Identification and Characterization of Shigella with Decreased Susceptibility to Azithromycin in the United States, 2005 to 2014.
Campbell D
Bowen A
Bhatnagar A , McCullough A ,
Grass J
Chen J ,
Folster JP
J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2019 21 417-419
Novel quinolone resistance determinant, qepA8, in Shigella flexneri isolated in the United States, 2016.
Webb HE , Tagg KA ,
Chen JC
Kim J ,
Lindsey R
Francois Watkins LK
Karp BE
Sugawara Y ,
Folster JP
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 63 (12)
Validating the NCBI AMRFinder Tool and Resistance Gene Database Using Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Collection of NARMS Isolates.
Feldgarden M , Brover V , Haft DH , Prasad AB , Slotta DJ , Tolstoy I , Tyson GH , Zhao S , Hsu CH , McDermott PF , Tadesse DA , Morales C , Simmons M , Tillman G , Wasilenko J ,
Folster JP
Klimke W .
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 63 (11)
Whole Genome Sequencing: Bridging One-Health Surveillance of Foodborne Diseases.
Gerner-Smidt P
Besser J
Concepcion-Acevedo J
Folster JP
Huffman J
Joseph LA
Kucerova Z
Nichols MC
Schwensohn CA
Tolar B
Front Public Health 2019 7 172
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities