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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-30 (of 62 Records)
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Davis CT[original query]
An influenza mRNA vaccine protects ferrets from lethal infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus
Hatta M
Hatta Y
Choi A ,
Hossain J
Feng C
Keller MW
Ritter JM
Huang Y
Fang E
Pusch EA
Rowe T
De La Cruz JA
Johnson MC
Liddell J
Jiang N
Stadlbauer D , Liu L , Bhattacharjee AK ,
Rouse JR
Currier M
Wang L
Levine MZ
Kirby MK
Steel J
Di H
Barnes JR
Henry C ,
Davis CT
Nachbagauer R ,
Wentworth DE
Zhou B
Sci Transl Med 2024 16 (778) eads1273
Discriminating north American swine influenza viruses with a portable, one-step, triplex real-time RT-PCR assay, and portable sequencing
Kirby MK
Shu B
Keller MW
Wilson MM
Rambo-Martin BL
Jang Y
Liddell J
Salinas Duron E
Nolting JM , Bowman AS ,
Davis CT
Wentworth DE
Barnes JR
Viruses 2024 16 (10)
Antiviral susceptibility of swine-origin influenza a viruses isolated from humans, United States
Gao R
Pascua PNQ
Chesnokov A
Nguyen HT
Uyeki TM
Mishin VP
Zanders N
Cui D
Jang Y
Jones J
La Cruz J
Di H
Davis CT
Gubareva LV
Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (11)
Characterization of avian influenza viruses detected in Kenyan live bird markets and wild bird habitats reveal genetically diverse subtypes and high proportion of A(H9N2), 2018-2020
Munyua P
Osoro E ,
Jones J
Njogu G ,
Yang G
Hunsperger E
Szablewski CM
Njoroge R , Marwanga D , Oyas H ,
Andagalu B
Ndanyi R , Otieno N , Obanda V , Nasimiyu C , Njagi O ,
DaSilva J
Jang Y
Barnes J
Emukule GO
Onyango CO
Davis CT
Viruses 2024 16 (9)
Pathogenesis and transmission assessment of three swine-origin influenza A(H3N2) viruses with zoonotic risk to humans isolated in the U.S from 2017-2020
Sun X
Belser JA
Pulit-Penaloza JA
Brock N
Pappas C
Zanders N
Jang Y
Jones J
Tumpey TM
Davis CT
Maines TR
J Infect Dis 2024 229 (4) 1107-1111
Cluster of influenza A(H5) cases associated with poultry exposure at two facilities - Colorado, July 2024
Drehoff CC
White EB
Frutos AM
Stringer G
Burakoff A
Comstock N
Cronquist A
Alden N
Armistead I
Kohnen A
Ratnabalasuriar R
Travanty EA
Matzinger SR
Rossheim A
Wellbrock A
Pagano HP
Wang D
Singleton J
Sutter RA
Davis CT
Kniss K
Ellington S
Kirby MK
Reed C
Herlihy R
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (34) 734-739
Influenza A(H5N1) virus infection in two dairy farm workers in Michigan
Morse J , Coyle J , Mikesell L , Stoddard B , Eckel S , Weinberg M , Kuo J , Riner D , Margulieux K , Stricklen J , Dover M ,
Kniss KL
Jang Y
Kirby MK
Frederick JC
Lacek KA
Davis CT
Uyeki TM
Lyon-Callo S , Bagdasarian N .
N Engl J Med 2024
Outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in U.S. dairy cattle and detection of two human cases - United States, 2024
Garg S
Reed C
Davis CT
Uyeki TM
Behravesh CB
Kniss K
Budd A
Biggerstaff M
Adjemian J
Barnes JR
Kirby MK
Basler C
Szablewski CM
Richmond-Crum M
Burns E
Limbago B
Daskalakis DC
Armstrong K , Boucher D ,
Shimabukuro TT
Jhung MA
Olsen SJ
Dugan V
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (21) 501-505
Antigenic characterization of circulating and emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants in the U.S. Throughout the Delta to Omicron waves
Di H
Pusch EA
Jones J
Kovacs NA
Hassell N
Sheth M
Lynn KS
Keller MW
Wilson MM
Keong LM
Cui D
Park SH
Chau R
Lacek KA
Liddell JD
Kirby MK
Yang G
Johnson M
Thor S
Zanders N
Feng C
Surie D
DeCuir J
Lester SN
Atherton L
Hicks H
Tamin A
Harcourt JL
Coughlin MM
Self WH , Rhoads JP , Gibbs KW , Hager DN , Shapiro NI , Exline MC , Lauring AS ,
Rambo-Martin B
Paden CR
Kondor RJ
Lee JS
Barnes JR
Thornburg NJ
Zhou B
Wentworth DE
Davis CT
Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (5)
Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection in a dairy farm worker
Uyeki TM
Milton S , Abdul Hamid C , Reinoso Webb C , Presley SM , Shetty V , Rollo SN , Martinez DL , Rai S , Gonzales ER ,
Kniss KL
Jang Y
Frederick JC
De La Cruz JA
Liddell J
Di H
Kirby MK
Barnes JR
Davis CT
N Engl J Med 2024
Avian influenza A(H5) virus circulation in live bird markets in Vietnam, 2017-2022
Nguyen DT ,
Sumner KM
Nguyen TTM
Phan MQ , Hoang TM , Vo CD , Nguyen TD , Nguyen PT ,
Yang G
Jang Y
Jones J
Olsen SJ
Gould PL
Nguyen LV ,
Davis CT
Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2023 17 (12) e13245
Antiviral susceptibility of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses isolated from birds and mammals in the United States, 2022
Nguyen HT
Chesnokov A
De La Cruz J
Pascua PNQ
Mishin VP
Jang Y
Jones J
Di H
Ivashchenko AA , Killian ML , Torchetti MK , Lantz K ,
Wentworth DE
Davis CT
Ivachtchenko AV ,
Gubareva LV
Antiviral Res 2023 217 105679
Distinct In Vitro and In Vivo Neutralization Profiles of Monoclonal Antibodies Elicited by the Receptor Binding Domain of the Ancestral SARS-CoV-2.
Kwon HJ , Zhang J , Kosikova M , Tang W , Ortega-Rodriguez U , Peng H , Meseda CA , Pedro CL , Schmeisser F , Lu J , Kang I ,
Zhou B
Davis CT
Wentworth DE
Chen WH , Shriver MC , Barnes RS , Pasetti MF , Weir JP , Chen B , Xie H .
J Med Virol 2023 95 (3) e28673
Swine-to-Ferret Transmission of Antigenically Drifted Contemporary Swine H3N2 Influenza A Virus Is an Indicator of Zoonotic Risk to Humans.
Souza CK , Kimble JB , Anderson TK , Arendsee ZW , Hufnagel DE , Young KM , Gauger PC , Lewis NS ,
Davis CT
Thor S
Vincent Baker AL .
Viruses 2023 15 (2)
Interspecies Transmission from Pigs to Ferrets of Antigenically Distinct Swine H1 Influenza A Viruses with Reduced Reactivity to Candidate Vaccine Virus Antisera as Measures of Relative Zoonotic Risk.
Kimble JB , Souza CK , Anderson TK , Arendsee ZW , Hufnagel DE , Young KM , Lewis NS ,
Davis CT
Thor S
Vincent Baker AL .
Viruses 2022 14 (11)
Differential neutralization and inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 variants by antibodies elicited by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Wang L
Kainulainen MH
Jiang N
Di H
Bonenfant G
Mills L
Currier M
Shrivastava-Ranjan P
Calderon BM
Sheth M
Mann BR
Hossain J
Lin X
Lester S
Pusch EA
Jones J
Cui D
Chatterjee P
Jenks MH
Morantz EK
Larson GP
Hatta M
Harcourt JL
Tamin A
Li Y
Tao Y
Zhao K
Lacek K
Burroughs A
Wang W
Wilson M
Wong T
Park SH
Tong S
Barnes JR
Tenforde MW
Self WH , Shapiro NI , Exline MC , Files DC , Gibbs KW , Hager DN ,
Patel M
Halpin AL
McMullan LK
Lee JS
Xia H , Xie X , Shi PY ,
Davis CT
Spiropoulou CF
Thornburg NJ
Oberste MS
Dugan VG
Wentworth DE
Zhou B
Nat Commun 2022 13 (1) 4350
Influenza A virus circulation in backyard animals in the Pacific coast of Guatemala, 2013-2014.
Müller-Theissen ML ,
Azziz-Baumgartner E
Ortiz L ,
Szablewski CM
Alvarez D , Gonzalez-Reiche AS , Jara J ,
Davis CT
Cordon-Rosales C .
Zoonoses Public Health 2022 69 (7) 826-834
Crossroads of highly pathogenic H5N1: overlap between wild and domestic birds in the Black Sea-Mediterranean impacts global transmission.
Hill NJ , Smith LM , Muzaffar SB , Nagel JL , Prosser DJ , Sullivan JD , Spragens KA , Demattos CA , Demattos CC , El Sayed L , Erciyas-Yavuz K ,
Davis CT
Jones J
Kis Z
Donis RO
Newman SA , Takekawa JY .
Virus Evol 2021 7 (1) veaa093
Laboratory evaluation of two point-of-care detection systems for early and accurate detectaion of influenza in the Lao People's Democratic Republic.
Kittikraisak W
Khamphaphongphane B , Xayadeth S , Oulay VS , Khanthamaly V , Sengvilaipaseuth O ,
Davis CT
Yang G
Zanders N
Mott JA
Xangsayarath P .
Int J Infect Dis 2020 104 214-221
Detection and Characterization of Swine-origin Influenza A(H1N1) Pandemic 2009 Viruses in Humans Following Zoonotic Transmission.
Cook PW
Stark T
Jones J
Kondor R
Zanders N
Benfer J , Scott S ,
Jang Y
Janas-Martindale A ,
Lindstrom S
Blanton L
Schiltz J , Tell R , Griesser R , Shult P , Reisdorf E , Danz T ,
Fry A
Barnes J
Vincent A ,
Wentworth DE
Davis CT
J Virol 2020 95 (2)
Genetically and antigenically divergent influenza A(H9N2) viruses exhibit differential replication and transmission phenotypes in mammalian models.
Belser JA
Sun X
Brock N
Pappas C
Pulit-Penaloza JA
Zeng H
Jang Y
Jones J
Carney PJ
Chang J
Van Long N , Diep NT ,
Thor S
Di H
Yang G
Cook PW
Creager HM
Wang D ,
McFarland J
Van Dong P ,
Wentworth DE
Tumpey TM
Barnes JR
Stevens J
Davis CT
Maines TR
J Virol 2020 94 (17)
Development of an RNA strand-specific hybridization assay to differentiate replicating versus non-replicating influenza A virus.
Yang G
Hodges EN
Winter J
Zanders N
Shcherbik S
Bousse T
Murray JR
Muraduzzaman AKM , Rahman M , Alamgir ASM , Sabrina Flora M ,
Blanton L
Barnes JR
Wentworth DE
Davis CT
J Clin Microbiol 2020 58 (6)
Detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N6) viruses in waterfowl in Bangladesh.
Yang G
Chowdury S ,
Hodges E
Rahman MZ ,
Jang Y
Hossain ME ,
Jones J
Stark TJ
Di H
Cook PW
Ghosh S ,
Azziz-Baumgartner E
Barnes JR
Wentworth DE
Kennedy E
Davis CT
Virology 2019 534 36-44
Detection of oseltamivir-resistant zoonotic and animal influenza A viruses using the rapid influenza antiviral resistance test.
Hodges EN
Mishin VP
De la Cruz J
Guo Z
Nguyen HT
Fallows E ,
Stevens J
Wentworth DE
Davis CT
Gubareva LV
Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2019 13 (5) 522-7
Comparison of nucleic acid extraction methods for next-generation sequencing of avian influenza A virus from ferret respiratory samples.
Di H
Thor S
Trujillo AA
Stark T
Marinova-Petkova A
Jones J
Wentworth DE
Barnes J
Davis CT
J Virol Methods 2019 270 95-105
Attenuation of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in Indonesia following the reassortment and acquisition of genes from low pathogenicity avian influenza A virus progenitors.
Dharmayanti Nlpi ,
Thor SW
Zanders N
Hartawan R , Ratnawati A ,
Jang Y
Rodriguez M , Suarez DL , Samaan G , Pudjiatmoko ,
Davis CT
Emerg Microbes Infect 2018 7 (1) 147
Avian influenza surveillance in domestic waterfowl and environment of live bird markets in Bangladesh, 2007-2012.
Khan SU , Gurley ES ,
Gerloff N
Rahman MZ ,
Simpson N
Rahman M , Haider N , Chowdhury S ,
Balish A
Zaman RU , Nasreen S , Chandra Das B ,
Azziz-Baumgartner E
Sturm-Ramirez K
Davis CT
Donis RO
Luby SP
Sci Rep 2018 8 (1) 9396
Antigenically diverse swine-origin H1N1 variant influenza viruses exhibit differential ferret pathogenesis and transmission phenotypes.
Pulit-Penaloza JA
Jones J
Sun X
Jang Y
Thor S
Belser JA
Zanders N
Creager HM
Ridenour C
Wang L
Stark TJ
Garten R
Chen LM
Barnes J
Tumpey TM
Wentworth DE
Maines TR
Davis CT
J Virol 2018 92 (11)
Influenza A(H3N2) Virus in Swine at Agricultural Fairs and Transmission to Humans, Michigan and Ohio, USA, 2016.
Bowman AS , Walia RR , Nolting JM , Vincent AL , Killian ML , Zentkovich MM , Lorbach JN , Lauterbach SE , Anderson TK ,
Davis CT
Zanders N
Jones J
Jang Y
Lynch B
Rodriguez MR
Blanton L
Lindstrom SE
Wentworth DE
Schiltz J , Averill JJ , Forshey T .
Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (9) 1551-1555
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses at the Animal-Human Interface in Vietnam, 2003-2010.
Creanga A
Hang NLK , Cuong VD ,
Nguyen HT
Phuong HVM , Thanh LT , Thach NC , Hien PT , Tung N ,
Jang Y
Balish A
Dang NH , Duong MT , Huong NT , Hoa DN , Tho ND ,
Klimov A
Kapella BK
Gubareva L
Kile JC
Hien NT , Mai LQ ,
Davis CT
J Infect Dis 2017 216 S529-s538
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
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Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities