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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-16 (of 16 Records)
Query Trace:
Berkow EL[original query]
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Candida haemulonii species complex from Brazil and the United States: genetic diversity and antifungal susceptibility.
de Barros Rodrigues DK ,
Lockhart SR
Berkow EL
Gade L
Bonfietti LX , Gimenes VMF , Ruiz LS , Macioni MB , de Souza Carvalho Melhem M .
Med Mycol 2023 61 (4)
Genomic description of human clinical Aspergillus fumigatus isolates, California, 2020.
Misas E
Deng JZ ,
Gold JAW
Gade L
Nunnally NS
Georgacopoulos O
Bentz M
Berkow EL
Litvintseva AP
Chiller TM
Klausner JD ,
Chow NA
Med Mycol 2023 61 (2)
Molecular Epidemiology of Blastomyces gilchristii Clusters, Minnesota, USA.
Bagal UR
Ireland M , Gross A , Fischer J ,
Bentz M
Berkow EL
Litvintseva AP
Chow NA
Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (9) 1924-1926
Rapid Assessment and Containment of Candida auris Transmission in Postacute Care Settings-Orange County, California, 2019.
Karmarkar EN
O'Donnell K ,
Prestel C
Forsberg K
Gade L
Jain S , Schan D ,
Chow N
McDermott D
Rossow J
Toda M
Ruiz R , Hun S , Dale JL , Gross A , Maruca T ,
Glowicz J
Brooks R
Bagheri H , Nelson T ,
Gualandi N
Khwaja Z , Horwich-Scholefield S , Jacobs J , Cheung M ,
Walters M
Jacobs-Slifka K
Stone ND
Mikhail L , Chaturvedi S , Klein L , Vagnone PS , Schneider E ,
Berkow EL
Jackson BR
Vallabhaneni S
Zahn M , Epson E .
Ann Intern Med 2021 174 (11) 1554-1562
Genomic Diversity of Azole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in the United States.
Etienne KA
Berkow EL
Gade L
Nunnally N
Lockhart SR
Beer K
Jordan IK , Rishishwar L ,
Litvintseva AP
mBio 2021 12 (4) e0180321
Antifungal activity of nikkomycin Z against Candida auris.
Bentz ML
Nunnally N
Lockhart SR
Sexton DJ
Berkow EL
J Antimicrob Chemother 2021 76 (6) 1495-1497
Ibrexafungerp: A Novel Oral Triterpenoid Antifungal in Development for the Treatment of Candida auris Infections.
Ghannoum M , Arendrup MC , Chaturvedi VP ,
Lockhart SR
McCormick TS , Chaturvedi S ,
Berkow EL
Juneja D , Tarai B , Azie N , Angulo D , Walsh TJ .
Antibiotics (Basel) 2020 9 (9)
Understanding the Emergence of Multidrug-Resistant Candida : Using Whole-Genome Sequencing to Describe the Population Structure of Candida haemulonii Species Complex.
Gade L
Munoz JF ,
Sheth M
Wagner D
Berkow EL
Forsberg K
Jackson BR
Ramos-Castro R , Escandon P , Dolande M , Ben-Ami R ,
Espinosa-Bode A
Caceres DH
Lockhart SR
Cuomo CA ,
Litvintseva AP
Front Genet 2020 11 554
Mutations in TAC1B : a Novel Genetic Determinant of Clinical Fluconazole Resistance in Candida auris.
Rybak JM , Munoz JF , Barker KS , Parker JE , Esquivel BD ,
Berkow EL
Lockhart SR
Gade L
Palmer GE , White TC , Kelly SL , Cuomo CA , Rogers PD .
mBio 2020 11 (3)
Tracing the Evolutionary History and Global Expansion of Candida auris Using Population Genomic Analyses.
Chow NA
Munoz JF ,
Gade L
Berkow EL
Li X ,
Welsh RM
Forsberg K
Lockhart SR
Adam R , Alanio A , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Althawadi S , Arauz AB , Ben-Ami R , Bharat A , Calvo B , Desnos-Ollivier M , Escandon P , Gardam D , Gunturu R , Heath CH , Kurzai O , Martin R ,
Litvintseva AP
Cuomo CA .
mBio 2020 11 (2)
Identification of Candida auris using the updated 8.01 VITEK®2 yeast identification system: a multi-laboratory evaluation study.
Ambaraghassi G , Dufresne PJ , Dufresne SF , Vallieres E , Munoz JF , Cuomo CA ,
Berkow EL
Lockhart SR
Luong ML .
J Clin Microbiol 2019 57 (11)
Genomic insights into multidrug-resistance, mating and virulence in Candida auris and related emerging species.
Munoz JF ,
Gade L
Chow NA
Loparev VN , Juieng P ,
Berkow EL
Farrer RA ,
Litvintseva AP
Cuomo CA .
Nat Commun 2018 9 (1) 5346
Multidrug-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus Carrying Mutations Linked to Environmental Fungicide Exposure - Three States, 2010-2017.
Beer KD
Farnon EC , Jain S , Jamerson C , Lineberger S ,
Miller J
Berkow EL
Lockhart SR
Chiller T
Jackson BR
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (38) 1064-1067
Molecular epidemiology of Candida auris in Colombia reveals a highly-related, country-wide colonization with regional patterns in Amphotericin B resistance.
Escandon P ,
Chow NA
Caceres DH
Gade L
Berkow EL
Armstrong P
Rivera S , Misas E , Duarte C ,
Moulton-Meissner H
Welsh RM
Parra C , Pescador LA , Villalobos N , Salcedo S , Berrio I , Varon C ,
Espinosa-Bode A
Lockhart SR
Jackson BR
Litvintseva AP
Beltran M ,
Chiller TM
Clin Infect Dis 2018 68 (1) 15-21
Detection of TR 34 /L98H CYP51A Mutation through Passive Surveillance for Azole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in the United States from 2015 to 2017.
Berkow EL
Nunnally NS
Bandea A
Kuykendall R
Beer K
Lockhart SR
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018 62 (5)
Simultaneous Emergence of Multidrug-Resistant Candida auris on 3 Continents Confirmed by Whole-Genome Sequencing and Epidemiological Analyses.
Lockhart SR
Etienne KA
Vallabhaneni S
Farooqi J , Chowdhary A , Govender NP , Colombo AL , Calvo B , Cuomo CA , Desjardins CA ,
Berkow EL
Castanheira M , Magobo RE , Jabeen K ,
Asghar RJ
Meis JF ,
Jackson B
Chiller T
Litvintseva AP
Clin Infect Dis 2016 64 (2) 134-140
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities