Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Global phylogeography and evolutionary history of Shigella dysenteriae type 1.
Njamkepo E , Fawal N , Tran-Dien A , Hawkey J , Strockbine N , Jenkins C , Talukder KA , Bercion R , Kuleshov K , Kolínská R , Russell JE , Kaftyreva L , Accou-Demartin M , Karas A , Vandenberg O , Mather AE , Mason CJ , Page AJ , Ramamurthy T , Bizet C , Gamian A , Carle I , Sow AG , Bouchier C , Wester AL , Lejay-Collin M , Fonkoua MC , Le Hello S , Blaser MJ , Jernberg C , Ruckly C , Mérens A , Page AL , Aslett M , Roggentin P , Fruth A , Denamur E , Venkatesan M , Bercovier H , Bodhidatta L , Chiou CS , Clermont D , Colonna B , Egorova S , Pazhani GP , Ezernitchi AV , Guigon G , Harris SR , Izumiya H , Korzeniowska-Kowal A , Lutyńska A , Gouali M , Grimont F , Langendorf C , Marejková M , Peterson LA , Perez-Perez G , Ngandjio A , Podkolzin A , Souche E , Makarova M , Shipulin GA , Ye C , Žemličková H , Herpay M , Grimont PA , Parkhill J , Sansonetti P , Holt KE , Brisse S , Thomson NR , Weill FX . Nat Microbiol 2016 1 16027 ![]() Together with plague, smallpox and typhus, epidemics of dysentery have been a major scourge of human populations for centuries(1). A previous genomic study concluded that Shigella dysenteriae type 1 (Sd1), the epidemic dysentery bacillus, emerged and spread worldwide after the First World War, with no clear pattern of transmission(2). This is not consistent with the massive cyclic dysentery epidemics reported in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries(1,3,4) and the first isolation of Sd1 in Japan in 1897(5). Here, we report a whole-genome analysis of 331 Sd1 isolates from around the world, collected between 1915 and 2011, providing us with unprecedented insight into the historical spread of this pathogen. We show here that Sd1 has existed since at least the eighteenth century and that it swept the globe at the end of the nineteenth century, diversifying into distinct lineages associated with the First World War, Second World War and various conflicts or natural disasters across Africa, Asia and Central America. We also provide a unique historical perspective on the evolution of antibiotic resistance over a 100-year period, beginning decades before the antibiotic era, and identify a prevalent multiple antibiotic-resistant lineage in South Asia that was transmitted in several waves to Africa, where it caused severe outbreaks of disease. |
Human plague: An old scourge that needs new answers.
Vallès X , Stenseth NC , Demeure C , Horby P , Mead PS , Cabanillas O , Ratsitorahina M , Rajerison M , Andrianaivoarimanana V , Ramasindrazana B , Pizarro-Cerda J , Scholz HC , Girod R , Hinnebusch BJ , Vigan-Womas I , Fontanet A , Wagner DM , Telfer S , Yazdanpanah Y , Tortosa P , Carrara G , Deuve J , Belmain SR , D'Ortenzio E , Baril L . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020 14 (8) e0008251 ![]() ![]() Yersinia pestis, the bacterial causative agent of plague, remains an important threat to human health. Plague is a rodent-borne disease that has historically shown an outstanding ability to colonize and persist across different species, habitats, and environments while provoking sporadic cases, outbreaks, and deadly global epidemics among humans. Between September and November 2017, an outbreak of urban pneumonic plague was declared in Madagascar, which refocused the attention of the scientific community on this ancient human scourge. Given recent trends and plague's resilience to control in the wild, its high fatality rate in humans without early treatment, and its capacity to disrupt social and healthcare systems, human plague should be considered as a neglected threat. A workshop was held in Paris in July 2018 to review current knowledge about plague and to identify the scientific research priorities to eradicate plague as a human threat. It was concluded that an urgent commitment is needed to develop and fund a strong research agenda aiming to fill the current knowledge gaps structured around 4 main axes: (i) an improved understanding of the ecological interactions among the reservoir, vector, pathogen, and environment; (ii) human and societal responses; (iii) improved diagnostic tools and case management; and (iv) vaccine development. These axes should be cross-cutting, translational, and focused on delivering context-specific strategies. Results of this research should feed a global control and prevention strategy within a "One Health" approach. |
SARS-CoV-2 incidence, transmission and reinfection in a rural and an urban setting: results of the PHIRST-C cohort study, South Africa, 2020-2021 (preprint)
Cohen C , Kleynhans J , von Gottberg A , McMorrow ML , Wolter N , Bhiman JN , Moyes J , du Plessis M , Carrim M , Buys A , Martinson NA , Kahn K , Tollman S , Lebina L , Wafawanaka F , du Toit J , Xavier Gómez-Olivé F , Dawood FS , Mkhencele T , Sun K , Viboud C , Tempia S . medRxiv 2021 BACKGROUND: By August 2021, South Africa experienced three SARS-CoV-2 waves; the second and third associated with emergence of Beta and Delta variants respectively. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study during July 2020-August 2021 in one rural and one urban community. Mid-turbinate nasal swabs were collected twice-weekly from household members irrespective of symptoms and tested for SARS-CoV-2 using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). Serum was collected every two months and tested for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. RESULTS: Among 115,759 nasal specimens from 1,200 members (follow-up rate 93%), 1976 (2%) were SARS-CoV-2-positive. By rRT-PCR and serology combined, 62% (749/1200) of individuals experienced ≥1 SARS-CoV-2 infection episode, and 12% (87/749) experienced reinfection. Of 662 PCR-confirmed episodes with available data, 15% (n=97) were associated with ≥1 symptom. Among 222 households, 200 (90%) had ≥1 SARS-CoV-2-positive individual. Household cumulative infection risk (HCIR) was 25% (213/856). On multivariable analysis, accounting for age and sex, index case lower cycle threshold value (OR 3.9, 95%CI 1.7-8.8), urban community (OR 2.0,95%CI 1.1-3.9), Beta (OR 4.2, 95%CI 1.7-10.1) and Delta (OR 14.6, 95%CI 5.7-37.5) variant infection were associated with increased HCIR. HCIR was similar for symptomatic (21/110, 19%) and asymptomatic (195/775, 25%) index cases (p=0.165). Attack rates were highest in individuals aged 13-18 years and individuals in this age group were more likely to experience repeat infections and to acquire SARS-CoV-2 infection. People living with HIV who were not virally supressed were more likely to develop symptomatic illness, and shed SARS-CoV-2 for longer compared to HIV-uninfected individuals. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 85% of SARS-CoV-2 infections were asymptomatic and index case symptom status did not affect HCIR, suggesting a limited role for control measures targeting symptomatic individuals. Increased household transmission of Beta and Delta variants, likely contributed to successive waves, with >60% of individuals infected by the end of follow-up. RESEARCH IN CONTEXT: Evidence before this study: Previous studies have generated wide-ranging estimates of the proportion of SARS-CoV-2 infections which are asymptomatic. A recent systematic review found that 20% (95% CI 3%-67%) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections remained asymptomatic throughout infection and that transmission from asymptomatic individuals was reduced. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 87 household transmission studies of SARS-CoV-2 found an estimated secondary attack rate of 19% (95% CI 16-22). The review also found that household secondary attack rates were increased from symptomatic index cases and that adults were more likely to acquire infection. As of December 2021, South Africa experienced three waves of SARS-CoV-2 infections; the second and third waves were associated with circulation of Beta and Delta variants respectively. SARS-CoV-2 vaccines became available in February 2021, but uptake was low in study sites reaching 5% fully vaccinated at the end of follow up. Studies to quantify the burden of asymptomatic infections, symptomatic fraction, reinfection frequency, duration of shedding and household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from asymptomatically infected individuals have mostly been conducted as part of outbreak investigations or in specific settings. Comprehensive systematic community studies of SARS-CoV-2 burden and transmission including for the Beta and Delta variants are lacking, especially in low vaccination settings.Added value of this study: We conducted a unique detailed COVID-19 household cohort study over a 13 month period in South Africa, with real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) testing twice a week irrespective of symptoms and bimonthly serology. By the end of the study in August 2021, 749 (62%) of 1200 individuals from 222 randomly sampled households in a rural and an urban community in South Africa had at least one confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, detected on rRT-PCR and/or serology, and 12% (87/749) experienced reinfection. Symptom data were analysed for 662 rRT-PCR-confirmed infection episodes that occurred >14 days after the start of follow-up (of a total of 718 rRT-PCR-confirmed episodes), of these, 15% (n=97) were associated with one or more symptoms. Among symptomatic indvidiausl, 9% (n=9) were hospitalised and 2% (n=2) died. Ninety percent (200/222) of included households, had one or more individual infected with SARS-CoV-2 on rRT-PCR and/or serology within the household. SARS-CoV-2 infected index cases transmitted the infection to 25% (213/856) of susceptible household contacts. Index case ribonucleic acid (RNA) viral load proxied by rRT-PCR cycle threshold value was strongly predictive of household transmission. Presence of symptoms in the index case was not associated with household transmission. Household transmission was four times greater from index cases infected with Beta variant and fifteen times greater from index cases infected with Delta variant compared to wild-type infection. Attack rates were highest in individuals aged 13-18 years and individuals in this age group were more likely to experience repeat infections and to acquire SARS-CoV-2 infection within households. People living with HIV (PLHIV) who were not virally supressed were more likely to develop symptomatic illness when infected with SARS-CoV-2, and shed SARS-CoV-2 for longer when compared to HIV-uninfected individuals.Implications of all the available evidence: We found a high rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection in households in a rural community and an urban community in South Africa, with the majority of infections being asymptomatic in individuals of all ages. Asymptomatic individuals transmitted SARS-CoV-2 at similar levels to symptomatic individuals suggesting that interventions targeting symptomatic individuals such as symptom-based testing and contact tracing of individuals tested because they report symptoms may have a limited impact as control measures. Increased household transmission of Beta and Delta variants, likely contributed to recurrent waves of COVID-19, with >60% of individuals infected by the end of follow-up. Higher attack rates, reinfection and acquisition in adolescents and prolonged SARS-CoV-2 shedding in PLHIV who were not virally suppressed suggests that prioritised vaccination of individuals in these groups could impact community transmission. |
Emergence of dengue virus serotype 2 cosmopolitan genotype, Brazil
Giovanetti M , Pereira LA , Santiago GA , Fonseca V , Mendoza MPG , de Oliveira C , de Moraes L , Xavier J , Tosta S , Fristch H , de Castro Barbosa E , Rodrigues ES , Figueroa-Romero D , Padilla-Rojas C , Cáceres-Rey O , Mendonça AF , de Bruycker Nogueira F , Venancio da Cunha R , de Filippis AMB , Freitas C , Peterka CRL , de Albuquerque CFC , Franco L , Méndez Rico JA , Muñoz-Jordán JL , Lemes da Silva V , Alcantara LCJ . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (8) 1725-1727 We used nanopore sequencing and phylogenetic analyses to identify a cosmopolitan genotype of dengue virus serotype 2 that was isolated from a 56-year-old male patient from the state of Goiás in Brazil. The emergence of a cosmopolitan genotype in Brazil will require risk assessment and surveillance to reduce epidemic potential. |
Widespread interspecific phylogenetic tree incongruence between mosquito-borne and insect-specific flaviviruses at hotspots originally identified in Zika virus.
Gaunt Michael W, Pettersson John H-O, Kuno Goro, Gaunt Bill, de Lamballerie Xavier, Gould Ernest A. Virus evolution 2022 8(1) veac027 . Virus evolution 2022 8(1) veac027 ![]() ![]() Gaunt Michael W, Pettersson John H-O, Kuno Goro, Gaunt Bill, de Lamballerie Xavier, Gould Ernest A. Virus evolution 2022 8(1) veac027 |
Sexual positioning practices and anal human papillomavirus infection among young men who have sex with men and transgender women - Chicago, Illinois, 2016-2018
Morgan E , Meites E , Markowitz LE , Xavier Hall CD , Querec TD , Unger ER , Crosby RA , Newcomb ME , Mustanski B . Sex Transm Dis 2021 48 (10) 709-713 BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States; men who have sex with men (MSM) have higher prevalence of infection and related disease compared with other men. We assessed whether differences in HPV acquisition exist among MSM according to their sexual positioning practices as well as self-reported receipt of HPV vaccination. METHODS: We enrolled young MSM and transgender women aged 18-26 years in Chicago, Illinois (N=666). Participants self-reported history of HPV vaccination, and submitted self-collected anal swab specimens for type-specific HPV detection using an L1-consensus PCR assay. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to assess relationships between sexual positioning practices and detection of any HPV or quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV) types by vaccination status, defined as self-reported receipt of ≥1 HPV vaccine dose versus none. RESULTS: Among 666 participants, 400 (60.1%) had any anal HPV, and 146 (21.9%) had a 4vHPV type. Among vaccinated participants, 18, 36, and 177 reported exclusively insertive, exclusively receptive, or both sexual positioning practices, respectively. Compared to participants reporting exclusively insertive anal sex, odds of any HPV were significantly higher among participants engaging exclusively in receptive anal sex (aOR=5.90, 95% CI: 2.52-13.78) as well as those engaging in both (aOR=3.32; 95% CI: 1.71-6.44). Vaccinated participants, compared with unvaccinated participants, had lower odds of 4vHPV-type HPV regardless of sexual positioning practices (aOR=0.56; 95% CI: 0.34-0.92). CONCLUSION: Adult men and transgender women who practice anal receptive sex have high prevalence of infection with any HPV. Routine vaccination of all adolescents is expected to reduce HPV-related disease incidence among adult MSM and transgender women as vaccinated cohorts age. |
Leveraging mobile phone surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador and Sri Lanka: Methods, timeline and findings.
Phadnis R , Wickramasinghe C , Zevallos JC , Davlin S , Kumarapeli V , Lea V , Lee J , Perera U , Solórzano FX , Vásconez JF . PLoS One 2021 16 (4) e0250171 Effective and rapid decision making during a pandemic requires data not only about infections, but also about human behavior. Mobile phone surveys (MPS) offer the opportunity to collect real-time data on behavior, exposure, knowledge, and perception, as well as care and treatment to inform decision making. The surveys aimed to collect coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) related information in Ecuador and Sri Lanka using mobile phones. In Ecuador, a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted. In Sri Lanka, an evaluation of a novel medicine delivery system was conducted. Using the established mobile network operator channels and technical assistance provided through The Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative (D4H), Ministries of Health fielded a population-based COVID-19-specific MPS using Surveda, the open source data collection tool developed as part of the initiative. A total of 1,185 adults in Ecuador completed the MPS in 14 days. A total of 5,001 adults over the age of 35 in Sri Lanka completed the MPS in 44 days. Both samples were adjusted to the 2019 United Nations Population Estimates to produce population-based estimates by age and sex. The Ecuador COVID-19 MPS found that there was compliance with the mitigation strategies implemented in that country. Overall, 96.5% of Ecuadorians reported wearing a face mask or face covering when leaving home. Overall, 3.8% of Sri Lankans used the service to receive medicines from a government clinic. Among those who used the medicine delivery service in Sri Lanka, 95.8% of those who used a private pharmacy received their medications within one week, and 69.9% of those using a government clinic reported the same. These studies demonstrate that MPS can be conducted quickly and gather essential data. MPS can help monitor the impact of interventions and programs, and rapidly identify what works in mitigating the impact of COVID-19. |
Integrated TB and HIV care for Mozambican children: temporal trends, site-level determinants of performance, and recommendations for improved TB preventive treatment
Buck WC , Nguyen H , Siapka M , Basu L , Greenberg Cowan J , De Deus MI , Gleason M , Ferreira F , Xavier C , Jose B , Muthemba C , Simione B , Kerndt P . AIDS Res Ther 2021 18 (1) 3 BACKGROUND: Pediatric tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and TB-HIV co-infection are health problems with evidence-based diagnostic and treatment algorithms that can reduce morbidity and mortality. Implementation and operational barriers affect adherence to guidelines in many resource-constrained settings, negatively affecting patient outcomes. This study aimed to assess performance in the pediatric HIV and TB care cascades in Mozambique. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of routine PEPFAR site-level HIV and TB data from 2012 to 2016 was performed. Patients 0-14 years of age were included. Descriptive statistics were used to report trends in TB and HIV indicators. Linear regression was done to assess associations of site-level variables with performance in the pediatric TB and HIV care cascades using 2016 data. RESULTS: Routine HIV testing and cotrimoxazole initiation for co-infected children in the TB program were nearly optimal at 99% and 96% in 2016, respectively. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation was lower at 87%, but steadily improved from 2012 to 2016. From the HIV program, TB screening at the last consultation rose steadily over the study period, reaching 82% in 2016. The percentage of newly enrolled children who received either TB treatment or isoniazid preventive treatment (IPT) also steadily improved in all provinces, but in 2016 was only at 42% nationally. Larger volume sites were significantly more likely to complete the pediatric HIV and TB care cascades in 2016 (p value range 0.05 to < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Mozambique has made significant strides in improving the pediatric care cascades for children with TB and HIV, but there were missed opportunities for TB diagnosis and prevention, with IPT utilization being particularly problematic. Strengthened TB/HIV programming that continues to focus on pediatric ART scale-up while improving delivery of TB preventive therapy, either with IPT or newer rifapentine-based regimens for age-eligible children, is needed. |
Safety and immunogenicity of two novel type 2 oral poliovirus vaccine candidates compared with a monovalent type 2 oral poliovirus vaccine in children and infants: two clinical trials.
Sáez-Llorens X , Bandyopadhyay AS , Gast C , Leon T , DeAntonio R , Jimeno J , Caballero MI , Aguirre G , Oberste MS , Weldon WC , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Modlin J , Bachtiar NS , Fix A , Konz J , Clemens R , Costa Clemens SA , Rüttimann R . Lancet 2020 397 (10268) 27-38 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Continued emergence and spread of circulating vaccine-derived type 2 polioviruses and vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis from Sabin oral poliovirus vaccines (OPVs) has stimulated development of two novel type 2 OPV candidates (OPV2-c1 and OPV2-c2) designed to have similar immunogenicity, improved genetic stability, and less potential to reacquire neurovirulence. We aimed to assess safety and immunogenicity of the two novel OPV candidates compared with a monovalent Sabin OPV in children and infants. METHODS: We did two single-centre, multi-site, partly-masked, randomised trials in healthy cohorts of children (aged 1-4 years) and infants (aged 18-22 weeks) in Panama: a control phase 4 study with monovalent Sabin OPV2 before global cessation of monovalent OPV2 use, and a phase 2 study with low and high doses of two novel OPV2 candidates. All participants received one OPV2 vaccination and subsets received two doses 28 days apart. Parents reported solicited and unsolicited adverse events. Type 2 poliovirus neutralising antibodies were measured at days 0, 7, 28, and 56, and stool viral shedding was assessed up to 28 days post-vaccination. Primary objectives were to assess safety in all participants and non-inferiority of novel OPV2 day 28 seroprotection versus monovalent OPV2 in infants (non-inferiority margin 10%). These studies were registered with, NCT02521974 and NCT03554798. FINDINGS: The control study took place between Oct 23, 2015, and April 29, 2016, and the subsequent phase 2 study between Sept 19, 2018, and Sept 30, 2019. 150 children (50 in the control study and 100 of 129 assessed for eligibility in the novel OPV2 study) and 684 infants (110 of 114 assessed for eligibility in the control study and 574 of 684 assessed for eligibility in the novel OPV2 study) were enrolled and received at least one study vaccination. Vaccinations were safe and well tolerated with no causally associated serious adverse events or important medical events in any group. Solicited and unsolicited adverse events were overwhelmingly mild or moderate irrespective of vaccine or dose. Nearly all children were seroprotected at baseline, indicating high baseline immunity. In children, the seroprotection rate 28 days after one dose was 100% for monovalent OPV2 and both novel OPV2 candidates. In infants at day 28, 91 (94% [95% CI 87-98]) of 97 were seroprotected after receiving monovalent OPV2, 134 (94% [88-97]) of 143 after high-dose novel OPV2-c1, 122 (93% [87-97]) of 131 after low-dose novel OPV2-c1, 138 (95% [90-98]) of 146 after high-dose novel OPV2-c2, and 115 (91% [84-95]) of 127 after low-dose novel OPV2-c2. Non-inferiority was shown for low-dose and high-dose novel OPV2-c1 and high-dose novel OPV2-c2 despite monovalent OPV2 recipients having higher baseline immunity. INTERPRETATION: Both novel OPV2 candidates were safe, well tolerated, and immunogenic in children and infants. Novel OPV2 could be an important addition to our resources against poliovirus given the current epidemiological situation. FUNDING: Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
Enhanced Zika virus susceptibility of globally invasive Aedes aegypti populations.
Aubry F , Dabo S , Manet C , Filipović I , Rose NH , Miot EF , Martynow D , Baidaliuk A , Merkling SH , Dickson LB , Crist AB , Anyango VO , Romero-Vivas CM , Vega-Rúa A , Dusfour I , Jiolle D , Paupy C , Mayanja MN , Lutwama JJ , Kohl A , Duong V , Ponlawat A , Sylla M , Akorli J , Otoo S , Lutomiah J , Sang R , Mutebi JP , Cao-Lormeau VM , Jarman RG , Diagne CT , Faye O , Faye O , Sall AA , McBride CS , Montagutelli X , Rašić G , Lambrechts L . Science 2020 370 (6519) 991-996 ![]() ![]() The drivers and patterns of zoonotic virus emergence in the human population are poorly understood. The mosquito Aedes aegypti is a major arbovirus vector native to Africa that invaded most of the world's tropical belt over the past four centuries, after the evolution of a "domestic" form that specialized in biting humans and breeding in water storage containers. Here, we show that human specialization and subsequent spread of A. aegypti out of Africa were accompanied by an increase in its intrinsic ability to acquire and transmit the emerging human pathogen Zika virus. Thus, the recent evolution and global expansion of A. aegypti promoted arbovirus emergence not solely through increased vector-host contact but also as a result of enhanced vector susceptibility. |
2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales.
Kuhn JH , Adkins S , Alioto D , Alkhovsky SV , Amarasinghe GK , Anthony SJ , Avšič-Županc T , Ayllón MA , Bahl J , Balkema-Buschmann A , Ballinger MJ , Bartonička T , Basler C , Bavari S , Beer M , Bente DA , Bergeron É , Bird BH , Blair C , Blasdell KR , Bradfute SB , Breyta R , Briese T , Brown PA , Buchholz UJ , Buchmeier MJ , Bukreyev A , Burt F , Buzkan N , Calisher CH , Cao M , Casas I , Chamberlain J , Chandran K , Charrel RN , Chen B , Chiumenti M , Choi IR , Clegg JCS , Crozier I , da Graça JV , Dal Bó E , Dávila AMR , de la Torre JC , de Lamballerie X , de Swart RL , Di Bello PL , Di Paola N , Di Serio F , Dietzgen RG , Digiaro M , Dolja VV , Dolnik O , Drebot MA , Drexler JF , Dürrwald R , Dufkova L , Dundon WG , Duprex WP , Dye JM , Easton AJ , Ebihara H , Elbeaino T , Ergünay K , Fernandes J , Fooks AR , Formenty PBH , Forth LF , Fouchier RAM , Freitas-Astúa J , Gago-Zachert S , Gāo GF , García ML , García-Sastre A , Garrison AR , Gbakima A , Goldstein T , Gonzalez JJ , Griffiths A , Groschup MH , Günther S , Guterres A , Hall RA , Hammond J , Hassan M , Hepojoki J , Hepojoki S , Hetzel U , Hewson R , Hoffmann B , Hongo S , Höper D , Horie M , Hughes HR , Hyndman TH , Jambai A , Jardim R , Jiāng D , Jin Q , Jonson GB , Junglen S , Karadağ S , Keller KE , Klempa B , Klingström J , Kobinger G , Kondō H , Koonin EV , Krupovic M , Kurath G , Kuzmin IV , Laenen L , Lamb RA , Lambert AJ , Langevin SL , Lee B , Lemos ERS , Leroy EM , Li D , Lǐ J , Liang M , Liú W , Liú Y , Lukashevich IS , Maes P , Marciel de Souza W , Marklewitz M , Marshall SH , Martelli GP , Martin RR , Marzano SL , Massart S , McCauley JW , Mielke-Ehret N , Minafra A , Minutolo M , Mirazimi A , Mühlbach HP , Mühlberger E , Naidu R , Natsuaki T , Navarro B , Navarro JA , Netesov SV , Neumann G , Nowotny N , Nunes MRT , Nylund A , Økland AL , Oliveira RC , Palacios G , Pallas V , Pályi B , Papa A , Parrish CR , Pauvolid-Corrêa A , Pawęska JT , Payne S , Pérez DR , Pfaff F , Radoshitzky SR , Rahman AU , Ramos-González PL , Resende RO , Reyes CA , Rima BK , Romanowski V , Robles Luna G , Rota P , Rubbenstroth D , Runstadler JA , Ruzek D , Sabanadzovic S , Salát J , Sall AA , Salvato MS , Sarpkaya K , Sasaya T , Schwemmle M , Shabbir MZ , Shí X , Shí Z , Shirako Y , Simmonds P , Širmarová J , Sironi M , Smither S , Smura T , Song JW , Spann KM , Spengler JR , Stenglein MD , Stone DM , Straková P , Takada A , Tesh RB , Thornburg NJ , Tomonaga K , Tordo N , Towner JS , Turina M , Tzanetakis I , Ulrich RG , Vaira AM , van den Hoogen B , Varsani A , Vasilakis N , Verbeek M , Wahl V , Walker PJ , Wang H , Wang J , Wang X , Wang LF , Wèi T , Wells H , Whitfield AE , Williams JV , Wolf YI , Wú Z , Yang X , Yáng X , Yu X , Yutin N , Zerbini FM , Zhang T , Zhang YZ , Zhou G , Zhou X . Arch Virol 2020 165 (12) 3023-3072 ![]() In March 2020, following the annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) ratification vote on newly proposed taxa, the phylum Negarnaviricota was amended and emended. At the genus rank, 20 new genera were added, two were deleted, one was moved, and three were renamed. At the species rank, 160 species were added, four were deleted, ten were moved and renamed, and 30 species were renamed. This article presents the updated taxonomy of Negarnaviricota as now accepted by the ICTV. |
WHO malaria nucleic acid amplification test external quality assessment scheme: results of distribution programmes one to three.
Cunningham JA , Thomson RM , Murphy SC , de la Paz Ade M , Ding XC , Incardona S , Legrand E , Lucchi NW , Menard D , Nsobya SL , Saez AC , Chiodini PL , Shrivastava J . Malar J 2020 19 (1) 129 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends parasite-based diagnosis of malaria. In recent years, there has been surge in the use of various kinds of nucleic-acid amplification based tests (NAATs) for detection and identification of Plasmodium spp. to support clinical care in high-resource settings and clinical and epidemiological research worldwide. However, these tests are not without challenges, including lack (or limited use) of standards and lack of reproducibility, due in part to variation in protocols amongst laboratories. Therefore, there is a need for rigorous quality control, including a robust external quality assessment (EQA) scheme targeted towards malaria NAATs. To this effect, the WHO Global Malaria Programme worked with the UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme (UK NEQAS) Parasitology and with technical experts to launch a global NAAT EQA scheme in January 2017. METHODS: Panels of NAAT EQA specimens containing five major species of human-infecting Plasmodium at various parasite concentrations and negative samples were created in lyophilized blood (LB) and dried blood spot (DBS) formats. Two distributions per year were sent, containing five LB and five DBS specimens. Samples were tested and validated by six expert referee laboratories prior to distribution. Between 37 and 45 laboratories participated in each distribution and submitted results using the online submission portal of UK NEQAS. Participants were scored based on their laboratory's stated capacity to identify Plasmodium species, and individual laboratory reports were sent which included performance comparison with anonymized peers. RESULTS: Analysis of the first three distributions revealed that the factors that most significantly affected performance were sample format (DBS vs LB), species and parasite density, while laboratory location and the reported methodology used (type of nucleic acid extraction, amplification, or DNA vs RNA target) did not significantly affect performance. Referee laboratories performed better than non-referee laboratories. CONCLUSIONS: Globally, malaria NAAT assays now inform a range of clinical, epidemiological and research investigations. EQA schemes offer a way for laboratories to assess and improve their performance, which is critical to safeguarding the reliability of data and diagnoses especially in situations where various NAAT methodologies and protocols are in use. |
An open challenge to advance probabilistic forecasting for dengue epidemics.
Johansson MA , Apfeldorf KM , Dobson S , Devita J , Buczak AL , Baugher B , Moniz LJ , Bagley T , Babin SM , Guven E , Yamana TK , Shaman J , Moschou T , Lothian N , Lane A , Osborne G , Jiang G , Brooks LC , Farrow DC , Hyun S , Tibshirani RJ , Rosenfeld R , Lessler J , Reich NG , Cummings DAT , Lauer SA , Moore SM , Clapham HE , Lowe R , Bailey TC , Garcia-Diez M , Carvalho MS , Rodo X , Sardar T , Paul R , Ray EL , Sakrejda K , Brown AC , Meng X , Osoba O , Vardavas R , Manheim D , Moore M , Rao DM , Porco TC , Ackley S , Liu F , Worden L , Convertino M , Liu Y , Reddy A , Ortiz E , Rivero J , Brito H , Juarrero A , Johnson LR , Gramacy RB , Cohen JM , Mordecai EA , Murdock CC , Rohr JR , Ryan SJ , Stewart-Ibarra AM , Weikel DP , Jutla A , Khan R , Poultney M , Colwell RR , Rivera-Garcia B , Barker CM , Bell JE , Biggerstaff M , Swerdlow D , Mier YTeran-Romero L , Forshey BM , Trtanj J , Asher J , Clay M , Margolis HS , Hebbeler AM , George D , Chretien JP . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 116 (48) 24268-24274 ![]() ![]() A wide range of research has promised new tools for forecasting infectious disease dynamics, but little of that research is currently being applied in practice, because tools do not address key public health needs, do not produce probabilistic forecasts, have not been evaluated on external data, or do not provide sufficient forecast skill to be useful. We developed an open collaborative forecasting challenge to assess probabilistic forecasts for seasonal epidemics of dengue, a major global public health problem. Sixteen teams used a variety of methods and data to generate forecasts for 3 epidemiological targets (peak incidence, the week of the peak, and total incidence) over 8 dengue seasons in Iquitos, Peru and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Forecast skill was highly variable across teams and targets. While numerous forecasts showed high skill for midseason situational awareness, early season skill was low, and skill was generally lowest for high incidence seasons, those for which forecasts would be most valuable. A comparison of modeling approaches revealed that average forecast skill was lower for models including biologically meaningful data and mechanisms and that both multimodel and multiteam ensemble forecasts consistently outperformed individual model forecasts. Leveraging these insights, data, and the forecasting framework will be critical to improve forecast skill and the application of forecasts in real time for epidemic preparedness and response. Moreover, key components of this project-integration with public health needs, a common forecasting framework, shared and standardized data, and open participation-can help advance infectious disease forecasting beyond dengue. |
Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: update 2019.
Abudurexiti A , Adkins S , Alioto D , Alkhovsky SV , Avsic-Zupanc T , Ballinger MJ , Bente DA , Beer M , Bergeron E , Blair CD , Briese T , Buchmeier MJ , Burt FJ , Calisher CH , Chang C , Charrel RN , Choi IR , Clegg JCS , de la Torre JC , de Lamballerie X , Deng F , Di Serio F , Digiaro M , Drebot MA , Duan X , Ebihara H , Elbeaino T , Ergunay K , Fulhorst CF , Garrison AR , Gao GF , Gonzalez JJ , Groschup MH , Gunther S , Haenni AL , Hall RA , Hepojoki J , Hewson R , Hu Z , Hughes HR , Jonson MG , Junglen S , Klempa B , Klingstrom J , Kou C , Laenen L , Lambert AJ , Langevin SA , Liu D , Lukashevich IS , Luo T , Lu C , Maes P , de Souza WM , Marklewitz M , Martelli GP , Matsuno K , Mielke-Ehret N , Minutolo M , Mirazimi A , Moming A , Muhlbach HP , Naidu R , Navarro B , Nunes MRT , Palacios G , Papa A , Pauvolid-Correa A , Paweska JT , Qiao J , Radoshitzky SR , Resende RO , Romanowski V , Sall AA , Salvato MS , Sasaya T , Shen S , Shi X , Shirako Y , Simmonds P , Sironi M , Song JW , Spengler JR , Stenglein MD , Su Z , Sun S , Tang S , Turina M , Wang B , Wang C , Wang H , Wang J , Wei T , Whitfield AE , Zerbini FM , Zhang J , Zhang L , Zhang Y , Zhang YZ , Zhang Y , Zhou X , Zhu L , Kuhn JH . Arch Virol 2019 164 (7) 1949-1965 ![]() In February 2019, following the annual taxon ratification vote, the order Bunyavirales was amended by creation of two new families, four new subfamilies, 11 new genera and 77 new species, merging of two species, and deletion of one species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). |
Molecular assays for antimalarial drug resistance surveillance: A target product profile.
Nsanzabana C , Ariey F , Beck HP , Ding XC , Kamau E , Krishna S , Legrand E , Lucchi N , Miotto O , Nag S , Noedl H , Roper C , Rosenthal PJ , Schallig Hdfh , Taylor SM , Volkman SK , Gonzalez IJ . PLoS One 2018 13 (9) e0204347 ![]() Antimalarial drug resistance is a major constraint for malaria control and elimination efforts. Artemisinin-based combination therapy is now the mainstay for malaria treatment. However, delayed parasite clearance following treatment with artemisinin derivatives has now spread in the Greater Mekong Sub region and may emerge or spread to other malaria endemic regions. This spread is of great concern for malaria control programmes, as no alternatives to artemisinin-based combination therapies are expected to be available in the near future. There is a need to strengthen surveillance systems for early detection and response to the antimalarial drug resistance threat. Current surveillance is mainly done through therapeutic efficacy studies; however these studies are complex and both time- and resource-intensive. For multiple common antimalarials, parasite drug resistance has been correlated with specific genetic mutations, and the molecular markers associated with antimalarial drug resistance offer a simple and powerful tool to monitor the emergence and spread of resistant parasites. Different techniques to analyse molecular markers associated with antimalarial drug resistance are available, each with advantages and disadvantages. However, procedures are not adequately harmonized to facilitate comparisons between sites. Here we describe the target product profiles for tests to analyse molecular markers associated with antimalarial drug resistance, discuss how use of current techniques can be standardised, and identify the requirements for an ideal product that would allow malaria endemic countries to provide useful spatial and temporal information on the spread of resistance. |
Unusually high illness severity and short incubation periods in two foodborne outbreaks of Salmonella Heidelberg infections with potential coincident Staphylococcus aureus intoxication
Nakao JH , Talkington D , Bopp CA , Besser J , Sanchez ML , Guarisco J , Davidson SL , Warner C , Mc Intyre Mg , Group JP , Comstock N , Xavier K , Pinsent TS , Brown J , Douglas JM , Gomez GA , Garrett NM , Carleton HA , Tolar B , Wise ME . Epidemiol Infect 2017 146 (1) 1-9 We describe the investigation of two temporally coincident illness clusters involving salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus in two states. Cases were defined as gastrointestinal illness following two meal events. Investigators interviewed ill persons. Stool, food and environmental samples underwent pathogen testing. Alabama: Eighty cases were identified. Median time from meal to illness was 5.8 h. Salmonella Heidelberg was identified from 27 of 28 stool specimens tested, and coagulase-positive S. aureus was isolated from three of 16 ill persons. Environmental investigation indicated that food handling deficiencies occurred. Colorado: Seven cases were identified. Median time from meal to illness was 4.5 h. Five persons were hospitalised, four of whom were admitted to the intensive care unit. Salmonella Heidelberg was identified in six of seven stool specimens and coagulase-positive S. aureus in three of six tested. No single food item was implicated in either outbreak. These two outbreaks were linked to infection with Salmonella Heidelberg, but additional factors, such as dual aetiology that included S. aureus or the dose of salmonella ingested may have contributed to the short incubation periods and high illness severity. The outbreaks underscore the importance of measures to prevent foodborne illness through appropriate washing, handling, preparation and storage of food. |
Integrated view of Vibrio cholerae in the Americas.
Domman D , Quilici ML , Dorman MJ , Njamkepo E , Mutreja A , Mather AE , Delgado G , Morales-Espinosa R , Grimont PAD , Lizarraga-Partida ML , Bouchier C , Aanensen DM , Kuri-Morales P , Tarr CL , Dougan G , Parkhill J , Campos J , Cravioto A , Weill FX , Thomson NR . Science 2017 358 (6364) 789-793 ![]() Latin America has experienced two of the largest cholera epidemics in modern history; one in 1991 and the other in 2010. However, confusion still surrounds the relationships between globally circulating pandemic Vibrio cholerae clones and local bacterial populations. We used whole-genome sequencing to characterize cholera across the Americas over a 40-year time span. We found that both epidemics were the result of intercontinental introductions of seventh pandemic El Tor V. cholerae and that at least seven lineages local to the Americas are associated with disease that differs epidemiologically from epidemic cholera. Our results consolidate historical accounts of pandemic cholera with data to show the importance of local lineages, presenting an integrated view of cholera that is important to the design of future disease control strategies. |
Genomic history of the seventh pandemic of cholera in Africa.
Weill FX , Domman D , Njamkepo E , Tarr C , Rauzier J , Fawal N , Keddy KH , Salje H , Moore S , Mukhopadhyay AK , Bercion R , Luquero FJ , Ngandjio A , Dosso M , Monakhova E , Garin B , Bouchier C , Pazzani C , Mutreja A , Grunow R , Sidikou F , Bonte L , Breurec S , Damian M , Njanpop-Lafourcade BM , Sapriel G , Page AL , Hamze M , Henkens M , Chowdhury G , Mengel M , Koeck JL , Fournier JM , Dougan G , Grimont PAD , Parkhill J , Holt KE , Piarroux R , Ramamurthy T , Quilici ML , Thomson NR . Science 2017 358 (6364) 785-789 ![]() The seventh cholera pandemic has heavily affected Africa, although the origin and continental spread of the disease remain undefined. We used genomic data from 1070 Vibrio cholerae O1 isolates, across 45 African countries and over a 49-year period, to show that past epidemics were attributable to a single expanded lineage. This lineage was introduced at least 11 times since 1970, into two main regions, West Africa and East/Southern Africa, causing epidemics that lasted up to 28 years. The last five introductions into Africa, all from Asia, involved multidrug-resistant sublineages that replaced antibiotic-susceptible sublineages after 2000. This phylogenetic framework describes the periodicity of lineage introduction and the stable routes of cholera spread, which should inform the rational design of control measures for cholera in Africa. |
Trends in prevalence of advanced HIV disease at antiretroviral therapy enrollment - 10 countries, 2004-2015
Auld AF , Shiraishi RW , Oboho I , Ross C , Bateganya M , Pelletier V , Dee J , Francois K , Duval N , Antoine M , Delcher C , Desforges G , Griswold M , Domercant JW , Joseph N , Deyde V , Desir Y , Van Onacker JD , Robin E , Chun H , Zulu I , Pathmanathan I , Dokubo EK , Lloyd S , Pati R , Kaplan J , Raizes E , Spira T , Mitruka K , Couto A , Gudo ES , Mbofana F , Briggs M , Alfredo C , Xavier C , Vergara A , Hamunime N , Agolory S , Mutandi G , Shoopala NN , Sawadogo S , Baughman AL , Bashorun A , Dalhatu I , Swaminathan M , Onotu D , Odafe S , Abiri OO , Debem HH , Tomlinson H , Okello V , Preko P , Ao T , Ryan C , Bicego G , Ehrenkranz P , Kamiru H , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Kwesigabo G , Ramadhani AA , Ng'wangu K , Swai P , Mfaume M , Gongo R , Carpenter D , Mastro TD , Hamilton C , Denison J , Wabwire-Mangen F , Koole O , Torpey K , Williams SG , Colebunders R , Kalamya JN , Namale A , Adler MR , Mugisa B , Gupta S , Tsui S , van Praag E , Nguyen DB , Lyss S , Le Y , Abdul-Quader AS , Do NT , Mulenga M , Hachizovu S , Mugurungi O , Barr BAT , Gonese E , Mutasa-Apollo T , Balachandra S , Behel S , Bingham T , Mackellar D , Lowrance D , Ellerbrock TV . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (21) 558-563 Monitoring prevalence of advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (i.e., CD4+ T-cell count <200 cells/muL) among persons starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) is important to understand ART program outcomes, inform HIV prevention strategy, and forecast need for adjunctive therapies.*,dagger, section sign To assess trends in prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation in 10 high-burden countries during 2004-2015, records of 694,138 ART enrollees aged ≥15 years from 797 ART facilities were analyzed. Availability of national electronic medical record systems allowed up-to-date evaluation of trends in Haiti (2004-2015), Mozambique (2004-2014), and Namibia (2004-2012), where prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation declined from 75% to 34% (p<0.001), 73% to 37% (p<0.001), and 80% to 41% (p<0.001), respectively. Significant declines in prevalence of advanced disease during 2004-2011 were observed in Nigeria, Swaziland, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. The encouraging declines in prevalence of advanced disease at ART enrollment are likely due to scale-up of testing and treatment services and ART-eligibility guidelines encouraging earlier ART initiation. However, in 2015, approximately a third of new ART patients still initiated ART with advanced HIV disease. To reduce prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation, adoption of World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended "treat-all" guidelines and strategies to facilitate earlier HIV testing and treatment are needed to reduce HIV-related mortality and HIV incidence. |
Evolution and Transmission of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Expressing the blaOXA-232 Gene During an Institutional Outbreak Associated With Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography.
Yang S , Hemarajata P , Hindler J , Li F , Adisetiyo H , Aldrovandi G , Sebra R , Kasarskis A , MacCannell D , Didelot X , Russell D , Rubin Z , Humphries R . Clin Infect Dis 2017 64 (7) 894-901 ![]() Background: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is an emerging and powerful technique by which to perform epidemiological studies in outbreak situations. Methods: WGS was used to identify and evaluate an outbreak of OXA-232-expressing carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) transmitted to 16 patients over the course of 40 weeks via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedures at a single institution. WGS was performed on 32 OXA-232 CRKP isolates (1-7 per patient) and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were analyzed, with reference to the index patient's isolate. Results: Interhost genetic diversity of isolates was between 0 and 15 SNVs during the outbreak; molecular clock calculations estimated 12.31 substitutions per genome per year (95% credibility interval, 7.81-17.05). Both intra- and interpatient diversification at the plasmid and transposon level was observed, significantly impacting the antibiogram of outbreak isolates. The majority of isolates evaluated (n = 27) harbored a blaCTX-M-15 gene, but some (n = 5) lacked the transposon carrying this gene, which resulted in susceptibility to aztreonam and third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins. Similarly, an isolate from a colonized patient lacked the transposon carrying rmtF and aac(6')lb genes, resulting in susceptibility to aminoglycosides. Conclusions: This study broadens the understanding of how bacteria diversify at the genomic level over the course of a defined outbreak and provides reference for future outbreak investigations. |
Defining the next generation of Plasmodium vivax diagnostic tests for control and elimination: Target product profiles.
Ding XC , Ade MP , Baird JK , Cheng Q , Cunningham J , Dhorda M , Drakeley C , Felger I , Gamboa D , Harbers M , Herrera S , Lucchi N , Mayor A , Mueller I , Sattabongkot J , Ratsimbason A , Richards J , Tanner M , Gonzalez IJ . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017 11 (4) e0005516 ![]() The global prevalence of malaria has decreased over the past fifteen years, but similar gains have not been realized against Plasmodium vivax because this species is less responsive to conventional malaria control interventions aimed principally at P. falciparum. Approximately half of all malaria cases outside of Africa are caused by P. vivax. This species places dormant forms in human liver that cause repeated clinical attacks without involving another mosquito bite. The diagnosis of acute patent P. vivax malaria relies primarily on light microscopy. Specific rapid diagnostic tests exist but typically perform relatively poorly compared to those for P. falciparum. Better diagnostic tests are needed for P. vivax. To guide their development, FIND, in collaboration with P. vivax experts, identified the specific diagnostic needs associated with this species and defined a series of three distinct target product profiles, each aimed at a particular diagnostic application: (i) point-of-care of acutely ill patients for clinical care purposes; (ii) point-of-care asymptomatic and otherwise sub-patent residents for public health purposes, e.g., mass screen and treat campaigns; and (iii) ultra-sensitive not point-of-care diagnosis for epidemiological research/surveillance purposes. This report presents and discusses the rationale for these P. vivax-specific diagnostic target product profiles. These contribute to the rational development of fit-for-purpose diagnostic tests suitable for use the clinical management, control and elimination of P. vivax malaria. |
Ebola virus persistence in breast milk after no reported illness: a likely source of virus transmission from mother to child.
Sissoko D , Keita M , Diallo B , Aliabadi N , Fitter DL , Dahl BA , Bore JA , Koundouno FR , Singethan K , Meisel S , Enkirch T , Mazzarelli A , Amburgey V , Faye O , Sall AA , Magassouba N , Carroll MW , Anglaret X , Malvy D , Formenty P , Aylward RB , Keita S , Djingarey MH , Loman NJ , Gunther S , Duraffour S . Clin Infect Dis 2016 64 (4) 513-516 ![]() A nine-month-old infant died from Ebola virus (EBOV) disease with unknown epidemiological link. While her parents did not report previous illness, laboratory investigations revealed persisting EBOV RNA in the mother's breast milk and the father's seminal fluid. Genomic analysis strongly suggests EBOV transmission to the child through breastfeeding. |
Notes from the Field: New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae identified in patients without known health care risk factors - Colorado, 2014-2016
Janelle SJ , Kallen A , de Man T , Limbago B , Walters M , Halpin A , Xavier K , Knutsen J , Badolato E , Bamberg WM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (49) 1414-1415 Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are considered an urgent threat in the United States because they are associated with high morbidity and mortality, limited treatment options, and potential for rapid spread among patients (1). Carbapenemases, enzymes that confer resistance to the carbapenem class of antibiotics, are believed to contribute to increasing transmission and regional spread of CRE because the genes encoding these enzymes can reside on mobile plasmids and can be transferred among bacterial species. Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) is the most common carbapenemase seen in the United States, but isolates with the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM) are emerging. Known risk factors for carbapenemase-producing CRE, including NDM, include health care exposures such as hospitalization outside the United States, recent overnight admissions to short-stay and long-term acute care hospitals, residence in long-term care facilities, surgical procedures, and having indwelling devices. Community-associated CRE lack these health care exposures and are rare in the United States (2). During 2014–2016, NDM-producing CRE were isolated from patients in Colorado without known health care risk factors. | The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has conducted statewide laboratory-based surveillance of CRE since November 2012. CRE isolates that are resistant to two or more carbapenems are tested for the KPC and NDM genes by polymerase-chain reaction at the CDPHE laboratory. As of April 2016, Colorado had reported the second highest number of NDM-producing CRE in the United States (3). NDM was first detected in Colorado in 2012 in eight patients during a hospital outbreak (4). Ten additional patients with NDM-producing CRE were identified in Colorado during 2014–2016. Among these 10 patients, the mean age was 64 years (range = 20–85 years); isolates from nine patients were from urine, and in one patient, from bile. Five patients had traveled internationally in the 2 months before specimen collection (two of whom had known hospitalizations during international travel) (Figure). In six patients, the isolate was detected from cultures collected in outpatient settings and lacked the known CRE risk factors of overnight stays in health care settings, dialysis, or surgery in the preceding 12 months, and had no invasive devices in the preceding 2 days (i.e., the isolates were community-associated). |
Dynamics of genome change among Legionella species.
Joseph SJ , Cox D , Wolff B , Morrison SS , Kozak-Muiznieks NA , Frace M , Didelot X , Castillo-Ramirez S , Winchell J , Read TD , Dean D . Sci Rep 2016 6 33442 ![]() Legionella species inhabit freshwater and soil ecosystems where they parasitize protozoa. L. pneumonphila (LP) serogroup-1 (Lp1) is the major cause of Legionnaires' Disease (LD), a life-threatening pulmonary infection that can spread systemically. The increased global frequency of LD caused by Lp and non-Lp species underscores the need to expand our knowledge of evolutionary forces underlying disease pathogenesis. Whole genome analyses of 43 strains, including all known Lp serogroups 1-17 and 17 emergent LD-causing Legionella species (of which 33 were sequenced in this study) in addition to 10 publicly available genomes, resolved the strains into four phylogenetic clades along host virulence demarcations. Clade-specific genes were distinct for genetic exchange and signal-transduction, indicating adaptation to specific cellular and/or environmental niches. CRISPR spacer comparisons hinted at larger pools of accessory DNA sequences in Lp than predicted by the pan-genome analyses. While recombination within Lp was frequent and has been reported previously, population structure analysis identified surprisingly few DNA admixture events between species. In summary, diverse Legionella LD-causing species share a conserved core-genome, are genetically isolated from each other, and selectively acquire genes with potential for enhanced virulence. |
Molecular Surveillance Identifies Multiple Transmissions of Typhoid in West Africa.
Wong VK , Holt KE , Okoro C , Baker S , Pickard DJ , Marks F , Page AJ , Olanipekun G , Munir H , Alter R , Fey PD , Feasey NA , Weill FX , Le Hello S , Hart PJ , Kariuki S , Breiman RF , Gordon MA , Heyderman RS , Jacobs J , Lunguya O , Msefula C , MacLennan CA , Keddy KH , Smith AM , Onsare RS , De Pinna E , Nair S , Amos B , Dougan G , Obaro S . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2016 10 (9) e0004781 ![]() BACKGROUND: The burden of typhoid in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries has been difficult to estimate, in part, due to suboptimal laboratory diagnostics. However, surveillance blood cultures at two sites in Nigeria have identified typhoid associated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) as an important cause of bacteremia in children. METHODS: A total of 128 S. Typhi isolates from these studies in Nigeria were whole-genome sequenced, and the resulting data was used to place these Nigerian isolates into a worldwide context based on their phylogeny and carriage of molecular determinants of antibiotic resistance. RESULTS: Several distinct S. Typhi genotypes were identified in Nigeria that were related to other clusters of S. Typhi isolates from north, west and central regions of Africa. The rapidly expanding S. Typhi clade 4.3.1 (H58) previously associated with multiple antimicrobial resistances in Asia and in east, central and southern Africa, was not detected in this study. However, antimicrobial resistance was common amongst the Nigerian isolates and was associated with several plasmids, including the IncHI1 plasmid commonly associated with S. Typhi. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that typhoid in Nigeria was established through multiple independent introductions into the country, with evidence of regional spread. MDR typhoid appears to be evolving independently of the haplotype H58 found in other typhoid endemic countries. This study highlights an urgent need for routine surveillance to monitor the epidemiology of typhoid and evolution of antimicrobial resistance within the bacterial population as a means to facilitate public health interventions to reduce the substantial morbidity and mortality of typhoid. |
Distinct Salmonella Enteritidis lineages associated with enterocolitis in high-income settings and invasive disease in low-income settings.
Feasey NA , Hadfield J , Keddy KH , Dallman TJ , Jacobs J , Deng X , Wigley P , Barquist Barquist L , Langridge GC , Feltwell T , Harris SR , Mather AE , Fookes M , Aslett M , Msefula C , Kariuki S , Maclennan CA , Onsare RS , Weill FX , Le Hello S , Smith AM , McClelland M , Desai P , Parry CM , Cheesbrough J , French N , Campos J , Chabalgoity JA , Betancor L , Hopkins KL , Nair S , Humphrey TJ , Lunguya O , Cogan TA , Tapia MD , Sow SO , Tennant SM , Bornstein K , Levine MM , Lacharme-Lora L , Everett DB , Kingsley RA , Parkhill J , Heyderman RS , Dougan G , Gordon MA , Thomson NR . Nat Genet 2016 48 (10) 1211-1217 ![]() An epidemiological paradox surrounds Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. In high-income settings, it has been responsible for an epidemic of poultry-associated, self-limiting enterocolitis, whereas in sub-Saharan Africa it is a major cause of invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella disease, associated with high case fatality. By whole-genome sequence analysis of 675 isolates of S. Enteritidis from 45 countries, we show the existence of a global epidemic clade and two new clades of S. Enteritidis that are geographically restricted to distinct regions of Africa. The African isolates display genomic degradation, a novel prophage repertoire, and an expanded multidrug resistance plasmid. S. Enteritidis is a further example of a Salmonella serotype that displays niche plasticity, with distinct clades that enable it to become a prominent cause of gastroenteritis in association with the industrial production of eggs and of multidrug-resistant, bloodstream-invasive infection in Africa. |
Dysbiosis, inflammation, and response to treatment: a longitudinal study of pediatric subjects with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease.
Shaw KA , Bertha M , Hofmekler T , Chopra P , Vatanen T , Srivatsa A , Prince J , Kumar A , Sauer C , Zwick ME , Satten GA , Kostic AD , Mulle JG , Xavier RJ , Kugathasan S . Genome Med 2016 8 (1) 75 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Gut microbiome dysbiosis has been demonstrated in subjects with newly diagnosed and chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study we sought to explore longitudinal changes in dysbiosis and ascertain associations between dysbiosis and markers of disease activity and treatment outcome. METHODS: We performed a prospective cohort study of 19 treatment-naive pediatric IBD subjects and 10 healthy controls, measuring fecal calprotectin and assessing the gut microbiome via repeated stool samples. Associations between clinical characteristics and the microbiome were tested using generalized estimating equations. Random forest classification was used to predict ultimate treatment response (presence of mucosal healing at follow-up colonoscopy) or non-response using patients' pretreatment samples. RESULTS: Patients with Crohn's disease had increased markers of inflammation and dysbiosis compared to controls. Patients with ulcerative colitis had even higher inflammation and dysbiosis compared to those with Crohn's disease. For all cases, the gut microbial dysbiosis index associated significantly with clinical and biological measures of disease severity, but did not associate with treatment response. We found differences in specific gut microbiome genera between cases/controls and responders/non-responders including Akkermansia, Coprococcus, Fusobacterium, Veillonella, Faecalibacterium, and Adlercreutzia. Using pretreatment microbiome data in a weighted random forest classifier, we were able to obtain 76.5 % accuracy for prediction of responder status. CONCLUSIONS: Patient dysbiosis improved over time but persisted even among those who responded to treatment and achieved mucosal healing. Although dysbiosis index was not significantly different between responders and non-responders, we found specific genus-level differences. We found that pretreatment microbiome signatures are a promising avenue for prediction of remission and response to treatment. |
Recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from 4 commercially available transport systems
Papp JR , Henning T , Khubbar M , Kalve V , Bhattacharyya S , Travanty E , Xavier K , Jones K , Rudrik JT , Gaynor A , Hagan C . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2016 86 (2) 144-7 Four commercial transport systems for the recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae were evaluated in support of the need to obtain culture isolates for the detection of antimicrobial resistance. Bacterial recovery from the InTray GC system was superior with minimal loss of viability in contrast to non-nutritive transport systems. |
A decade of antiretroviral therapy scale-up in Mozambique: Evaluation of outcome trends and new models of service delivery among more than 300,000 patients enrolled during 2004-2013
Auld AF , Shiraishi RW , Couto A , Mbofana F , Colborn K , Alfredo C , Ellerbrock TV , Xavier C , Jobarteh K . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2016 73 (2) e11-22 BACKGROUND: During 2004-2013 in Mozambique, 455,600 HIV-positive adults (≥15 years old) initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART). We evaluated trends in patient characteristics and outcomes during 2004-2013, outcomes of universal treatment for pregnant women (Option B+) implemented since 2013, and effect on outcomes of distributing ART to stable patients through Community ART Support Groups (CASG) since 2010. METHODS: Data for 306,335 adults starting ART during 2004-2013 at 170 ART facilities were analyzed. Mortality and loss to follow-up (LTFU) were estimated using competing risks models. Outcome determinants were estimated using proportional hazards models, including CASG participation as a time-varying covariate. RESULTS: Compared with ART enrollees in 2004, enrollees in 2013 were more commonly female (55% vs. 73%), more commonly pregnant if female (<1% vs. 30%), and had a higher median baseline CD4 count (139 vs. 235/microL). During 2004-2013, observed 6-month mortality declined from 7% to 2% but LTFU increased from 24% to 30%. Pregnant women starting ART with CD4 count >350/microL and WHO stage I/II under Option B+ guidelines in 2013 had low 6-month mortality (0.1%) but high 6-month LTFU (38%). During 2010-2013, 6,766 patients joined CASGs. In multivariable analysis, compared with non-participation in CASG, CASG participation was associated with 35% lower LTFU but similar mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Initiation of ART at earlier disease stages in later calendar years might explain observed declines in mortality. Retention interventions are needed to address trends of increasing LTFU overall and the high LTFU among Option B+ pregnant women specifically. Further expansion of CASG could help reduce LTFU. |
Importation and outbreak of wild polioviruses from 2000 to 2014 and interruption of transmission in Cameroon.
Endegue-Zanga MC , Sadeuh-Mba SA , Iber J , Burns CC , Moeletsi NG , Baba M , Bukbuk D , Delpeyroux F , Mengouo MN , Demanou M , Vernet G , Etoa FX , Njouom R . J Clin Virol 2016 79 18-24 ![]() BACKGROUND: Efficient implementation of the global eradication strategies consisting of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance and mass immunization campaigns led to interruption of indigenous wild poliovirus transmission in Cameroon in 1999. OBJECTIVES: This study describes type 1 and type 3 wild poliovirus (WPV) importation, incidence, geographic distribution and control since the original interruption of transmission in Cameroon. STUDY DESIGN: Stool samples from AFP patients under the age of 15 years in Cameroon were collected nationwide and subjected to virus isolation on RD and L20B cell cultures. Resulting virus isolates were typed by intratypic differentiation (ITD) and analysis of the VP1 coding sequence of the viral genome. Surveillance data originating from Cameroon between 2000 and 2014 were considered for retrospective descriptive analyses. RESULTS: From 2003 to 2009, multiple WPV importation events from neighboring countries affected mainly in the northern regions of Cameroon but did not led to sustained local transmission. Throughout this period, 16 WPV1 and 5 WPV3 were detected and identified as members of multiple clusters within type-specific West Africa B genotypes (WEAF-B). In 2013-2014, a polio outbreak associated to a highly evolved ("orphan") WPV1 affected four southern regions of Cameroon. CONCLUSIONS: The appearance of highly evolved lineage of type 1 WPV suggests potential surveillance gap and underscore the need to maintain comprehensive polio immunization activities and sensitive surveillance systems in place as long as any country in the world remains endemic for WPV. |
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