Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 43 Records) |
Query Trace: Walke H[original query] |
A thirty-year time series analyses identifies coherence between oscillations in Anthrax outbreaks and El Niño in Karnataka, India
Chanda MM , Campbell L , Walke H , Salzer JS , Hemadri D , Patil SS , Purse BV , Shivachandra SB . Sci Rep 2024 14 (1) 19928 ![]() Anthrax is an economically important zoonotic disease affecting both livestock and humans. The disease is caused by a spore forming bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, and is considered endemic to the state of Karnataka, India. It is critical to quantify the role of climatic factors in determining the temporal pattern of anthrax outbreaks, so that reliable forecasting models can be developed. These models will aid in establishing public health surveillance and guide strategic vaccination programs, which will reduce the economic loss to farmers, and prevent the spill-over of anthrax from livestock to humans. In this study, correlation and coherence between time series of anthrax outbreaks in livestock (1987-2016) and meteorological variables and Sea Surface Temperature anomalies (SST) were identified using a combination of cross-correlation analyses, spectral analyses (wavelets and empirical mode decomposition) and further quantified using a Bayesian time series regression model accounting for temporal autocorrelation. Monthly numbers of anthrax outbreaks were positively associated with a lagged effect of rainfall and wet day frequency. Long-term periodicity in anthrax outbreaks (approximately 6-8 years) was coherent with the periodicity in SST anomalies and outbreak numbers increased with decrease in SST anomalies. These findings will be useful in planning long-term anthrax prevention and control strategies in Karnataka state of India. |
Seroprevalence, distribution, and risk factors for human leptospirosis in the United States Virgin Islands
Artus A , Schafer IJ , Cossaboom CM , Haberling DL , Galloway R , Sutherland G , Browne AS , Roth JJr , France V , Cranford HM , Kines KJ , Pompey J , Ellis BR , Walke H , Ellis EM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2022 16 (11) e0010880 BACKGROUND: The first documented human leptospirosis cases in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) occurred following 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria. We conducted a representative serosurvey in USVI to estimate the seroprevalence and distribution of human leptospirosis and evaluate local risk factors associated with seropositivity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A stratified, two-stage cluster sampling design was used and consisted of three island strata and random selection of census blocks and then households. All eligible members of selected households were invited to participate (≥5 years old, resided in USVI ≥6 months and ≥6 months/year). Household and individual-level questionnaires were completed, and serum collected from each enrolled individual. Microscopic agglutination test serology was conducted, and bivariate and logistic regression analyses completed to identify risk factors for seropositivity. In March 2019, 1,161 individuals were enrolled from 918 households in St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. The territory-wide weighted seroprevalence was 4.0% (95% CI:2.3-5.7). Characteristics/exposures independently associated with seropositivity using logistic regression included contact with cows (OR: 39.5; 95% CI: 9.0-172.7), seeing rodents/rodent evidence or contact with rodents (OR: 2.6; 95% CI: 1.1-5.9), and increasing age (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.002-1.04); full or partial Caucasian/White race was negatively correlated with seropositivity (OR: 0.02, 95% CI: 0.04-0.7). Bivariate analysis showed self-reported jaundice since the 2017 hurricanes (pRR: 5.7; 95% CI: 1.0-33.4) was associated with seropositivity and using a cover/lid on cisterns/rainwater collection containers (pRR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.08-0.8) was protective against seropositivity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Leptospirosis seropositivity of 4% across USVI demonstrates an important human disease that was previously unrecognized and emphasizes the importance of continued leptospirosis surveillance and investigation. Local risk factors identified may help guide future human and animal leptospirosis studies in USVI, strengthen leptospirosis public health surveillance and treatment timeliness, and inform targeted education, prevention, and control efforts. |
Risk factors for Brucellosis and knowledge-attitude practice among pastoralists in Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia
Tschopp R , GebreGiorgis A , Abdulkadir O , Molla W , Hamid M , Tassachew Y , Andualem H , Osman M , Waqjira MW , Mohammed A , Negron M , Walke H , Kadzik M , Mamo G . Prev Vet Med 2022 199 105557 BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is a neglected bacterial zoonotic disease with substantial economic impact on households. Pastoral communities are a potential risk group due to their way of life being closely interlinked with their large livestock herds. METHODOLOGY: A semi-structured questionnaire survey was conducted in households in the pastoral Afar and Somali (SRS) regions. All households had people and animals serologically tested for brucellosis. Questions were related to husbandry, consumption habits, and knowledge-attitude-practice towards the disease and zoonoses. Descriptive statistics and logistic analysis were performed to assess potential risk factors for having households with positive humans and/or animals. RESULT: 647 households were included in the survey. Herd brucellosis prevalence was 40.3 % (15.9-86.3 % in Afar; 4-72.2 % in SRS). Over half (56.3 %) of the households in Afar and 41.8 % in SRS had at least one human reactor. Nearly a quarter of the households (22.8 %), recalled abortions in goats in the last 12 months, whereas 52.5 % and 50.3 % recalled stillborn in all species and membrane retentions respectively. All respondents drank raw milk and discarded animal afterbirths in the direct surroundings with minimal protection. Risk factors for animal reactors were goat herd size, and goat abortion. There was no identified risk factor for having human reactors in households. None of the households knew about brucellosis. CONCLUSION: Although being endemic in Afar and SRS, Brucellosis is not known by the pastoralists. Brucellosis control programs will have to be tailored to the pastoral context, accounting for their mobility, large, multi-species herds and habits. |
Integrated human-animal sero-surveillance of Brucellosis in the pastoral Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia
Tschopp R , Gebregiorgis A , Tassachew Y , Andualem H , Osman M , Waqjira MW , Hattendorf J , Mohammed A , Hamid M , Molla W , Mitiku SA , Walke H , Negron M , Kadzik M , Mamo G . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 15 (8) e0009593 BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is widespread in Ethiopia with variable reported prevalence depending on the geographical area, husbandry practices and animal species. However, there is limited information on the disease prevalence amongst pastoral communities, whose life is intricately linked with their livestock. METHODOLOGY: We conducted an integrated human-animal brucellosis sero-surveillance study in two adjacent pastoral regions, Afar and Somali region (SRS). This cross-sectional study included 13 woredas (districts) and 650 households. Blood samples were collected from people and livestock species (cattle, camel, goats and sheep). Sera were analyzed with C-ELISA for camels and shoats (sheep and goats), with I-ELISA for cattle and IgG ELISA for humans. Descriptive and inferential statistics analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 5469 sera were tested by ELISA. Prevalence of livestock was 9.0% in Afar and 8.6% in SRS (ranging from 0.6 to 20.2% at woreda level). In humans, prevalence was 48.3% in Afar and 34.9% in SRS (ranging from 0.0 to 74.5% at woreda level). 68.4% of all households in Afar and 57.5% of households in SRS had at least one animal reactor. Overall, 4.1% of animals had a history of abortion. The proportion of animals with abortion history was higher in seropositive animals than in seronegative animals. Risk factor analysis showed that female animals were significantly at higher risk of being reactors (p = 0.013). Among the species, cattle had the least risk of being reactors (p = 0.014). In humans, there was a clear regional association of disease prevalence (p = 0.002). The older the people, the highest the odds of being seropositive. CONCLUSION: Brucellosis is widespread in humans and animals in pastoral communities of Afar and SRS with the existence of geographical hotspots. No clear association was seen between human and particular livestock species prevalence, hence there was no indication as whether B. abortus or B. melitensis are circulating in these areas, which warrants further molecular research prior to embarking on a national control programs. Such programs will need to be tailored to the pastoral context. |
Evidence, Experience, Expertise, and the U.S. COVID-19 Public Health Response.
Goswami ND , Fiore AE , Walke HT . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 S1-S4 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state, tribal, and local health departments assess available and promising interventions and individual and population health outcomes when crafting public health recommendations. This supplement provides a snapshot of some of the science, experience, and expertise supporting the COVID-19 response. |
Death Certificate-Based ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for COVID-19 Mortality Surveillance - United States, January-December 2020.
Gundlapalli AV , Lavery AM , Boehmer TK , Beach MJ , Walke HT , Sutton PD , Anderson RN . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (14) 523-527 Approximately 375,000 deaths during 2020 were attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates reported to CDC (1). Concerns have been raised that some deaths are being improperly attributed to COVID-19 (2). Analysis of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) diagnoses on official death certificates might provide an expedient and efficient method to demonstrate whether reported COVID-19 deaths are being overestimated. CDC assessed documentation of diagnoses co-occurring with an ICD-10 code for COVID-19 (U07.1) on U.S. death certificates from 2020 that had been reported to CDC as of February 22, 2021. Among 378,048 death certificates listing U07.1, a total of 357,133 (94.5%) had at least one other ICD-10 code; 20,915 (5.5%) had only U07.1. Overall, 97.3% of 357,133 death certificates with at least one other diagnosis (91.9% of all 378,048 death certificates) were noted to have a co-occurring diagnosis that was a plausible chain-of-event condition (e.g., pneumonia or respiratory failure), a significant contributing condition (e.g., hypertension or diabetes), or both. Overall, 70%-80% of death certificates had both a chain-of-event condition and a significant contributing condition or a chain-of-event condition only; this was noted for adults aged 18-84 years, both males and females, persons of all races and ethnicities, those who died in inpatient and outpatient or emergency department settings, and those whose manner of death was listed as natural. These findings support the accuracy of COVID-19 mortality surveillance in the United States using official death certificates. High-quality documentation of co-occurring diagnoses on the death certificate is essential for a comprehensive and authoritative public record. Continued messaging and training (3) for professionals who complete death certificates remains important as the pandemic progresses. Accurate mortality surveillance is critical for understanding the impact of variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and of COVID-19 vaccination and for guiding public health action. |
SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern in the United States-Challenges and Opportunities.
Walensky RP , Walke HT , Fauci AS . JAMA 2021 325 (11) 1037-1038 ![]() On January 10, 2020, the first genomic sequence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) isolated from a patient in Wuhan, China, was posted online. As of February 3, 2021, 468 000 sequences of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 cases globally have been uploaded into publicly available data-bases, including more than 93 000 from individuals in the US. SARS-CoV-2, like other RNA viruses, constantly changes through mutation, with new variants occurring over time. Generally, when new variants become more common, they do so because of some selective advantage to the virus. Among the numerous SARS-CoV-2 variants that have been detected, only a very small proportion are of public health concern because they are more transmissible, cause more severe illness, or can elude the immune response that develops following infection and possibly from vaccination. In the recent months, 3 specific viral lineages reflecting variants of concern have emerged and merit close monitoring: B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and P.1. |
COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Efforts from Health Departments - United States, June 25-July 24, 2020.
Spencer KD , Chung CL , Stargel A , Shultz A , Thorpe PG , Carter MW , Taylor MM , McFarlane M , Rose D , Honein MA , Walke H . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (3) 83-87 Case investigation and contact tracing are core public health tools used to interrupt transmission of pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); timeliness is critical to effectiveness (1,2). In May 2020, CDC funded* 64 state, local, and territorial health departments(†) to support COVID-19 response activities. As part of the monitoring process, case investigation and contact tracing metrics for June 25-July 24, 2020, were submitted to CDC by 62 health departments. Descriptive analyses of case investigation and contact tracing load, timeliness, and yield (i.e., the number of contacts elicited divided by the number of patients prioritized for interview) were performed. A median of 57% of patients were interviewed within 24 hours of report of the case to a health department (interquartile range [IQR] = 27%-82%); a median of 1.15 contacts were identified per patient prioritized for interview(§) (IQR = 0.62-1.76), and a median of 55% of contacts were notified within 24 hours of identification by a patient (IQR = 32%-79%). With higher caseloads, the percentage of patients interviewed within 24 hours of case report was lower (Spearman coefficient = -0.68), and the number of contacts identified per patient prioritized for interview also decreased (Spearman coefficient = -0.60). The capacity to conduct timely contact tracing varied among health departments, largely driven by investigators' caseloads. Incomplete identification of contacts affects the ability to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Enhanced staffing capacity and ability and improved community engagement could lead to more timely interviews and identification of more contacts. |
Summary of Guidance for Public Health Strategies to Address High Levels of Community Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and Related Deaths, December 2020.
Honein MA , Christie A , Rose DA , Brooks JT , Meaney-Delman D , Cohn A , Sauber-Schatz EK , Walker A , McDonald LC , Liburd LC , Hall JE , Fry AM , Hall AJ , Gupta N , Kuhnert WL , Yoon PW , Gundlapalli AV , Beach MJ , Walke HT . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (49) 1860-1867 In the 10 months since the first confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was reported in the United States on January 20, 2020 (1), approximately 13.8 million cases and 272,525 deaths have been reported in the United States. On October 30, the number of new cases reported in the United States in a single day exceeded 100,000 for the first time, and by December 2 had reached a daily high of 196,227.* With colder weather, more time spent indoors, the ongoing U.S. holiday season, and silent spread of disease, with approximately 50% of transmission from asymptomatic persons (2), the United States has entered a phase of high-level transmission where a multipronged approach to implementing all evidence-based public health strategies at both the individual and community levels is essential. This summary guidance highlights critical evidence-based CDC recommendations and sustainable strategies to reduce COVID-19 transmission. These strategies include 1) universal face mask use, 2) maintaining physical distance from other persons and limiting in-person contacts, 3) avoiding nonessential indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces, 4) increasing testing to rapidly identify and isolate infected persons, 5) promptly identifying, quarantining, and testing close contacts of persons with known COVID-19, 6) safeguarding persons most at risk for severe illness or death from infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, 7) protecting essential workers with provision of adequate personal protective equipment and safe work practices, 8) postponing travel, 9) increasing room air ventilation and enhancing hand hygiene and environmental disinfection, and 10) achieving widespread availability and high community coverage with effective COVID-19 vaccines. In combination, these strategies can reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, long-term sequelae or disability, and death, and mitigate the pandemic's economic impact. Consistent implementation of these strategies improves health equity, preserves health care capacity, maintains the function of essential businesses, and supports the availability of in-person instruction for kindergarten through grade 12 schools and preschool. Individual persons, households, and communities should take these actions now to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission from its current high level. These actions will provide a bridge to a future with wide availability and high community coverage of effective vaccines, when safe return to more everyday activities in a range of settings will be possible. |
Preventing and Responding to COVID-19 on College Campuses.
Walke HT , Honein MA , Redfield RR . JAMA 2020 324 (17) 1727-1728 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present public health and societal challenges worldwide. Concerted public health efforts in the US at the local, state, territorial, national, and tribal levels remain paramount to protecting the population, particularly those at greatest risk for severe illness and death. Throughout the summer months, younger people accounted increasingly for confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in all US regions, with highest incidence among young adults aged 20 through 29 years during June to August, and with young adults (20–39 years) contributing to the large regional increases in the southern US during June 2020.1 |
COVID-19 Contact Tracing in Two Counties - North Carolina, June-July 2020.
Lash RR , Donovan CV , Fleischauer AT , Moore ZS , Harris G , Hayes S , Sullivan M , Wilburn A , Ong J , Wright D , Washington R , Pulliam A , Byers B , McLaughlin HP , Dirlikov E , Rose DA , Walke HT , Honein MA , Moonan PK , Oeltmann JE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (38) 1360-1363 Contact tracing is a strategy implemented to minimize the spread of communicable diseases (1,2). Prompt contact tracing, testing, and self-quarantine can reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (3,4). Community engagement is important to encourage participation in and cooperation with SARS-CoV-2 contact tracing (5). Substantial investments have been made to scale up contact tracing for COVID-19 in the United States. During June 1-July 12, 2020, the incidence of COVID-19 cases in North Carolina increased 183%, from seven to 19 per 100,000 persons per day* (6). To assess local COVID-19 contact tracing implementation, data from two counties in North Carolina were analyzed during a period of high incidence. Health department staff members investigated 5,514 (77%) persons with COVID-19 in Mecklenburg County and 584 (99%) in Randolph Counties. No contacts were reported for 48% of cases in Mecklenburg and for 35% in Randolph. Among contacts provided, 25% in Mecklenburg and 48% in Randolph could not be reached by telephone and were classified as nonresponsive after at least one attempt on 3 consecutive days of failed attempts. The median interval from specimen collection from the index patient to notification of identified contacts was 6 days in both counties. Despite aggressive efforts by health department staff members to perform case investigations and contact tracing, many persons with COVID-19 did not report contacts, and many contacts were not reached. These findings indicate that improved timeliness of contact tracing, community engagement, and increased use of community-wide mitigation are needed to interrupt SARS-CoV-2 transmission. |
CDC Deployments to State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments for COVID-19 Emergency Public Health Response - United States, January 21-July 25, 2020.
Dirlikov E , Fechter-Leggett E , Thorne SL , Worrell CM , Smith-Grant JC , Chang J , Oster AM , Bjork A , Young S , Perez AU , Aden T , Anderson M , Farrall S , Jones-Wormley J , Walters KH , LeBlanc TT , Kone RG , Hunter D , Cooley LA , Krishnasamy V , Fuld J , Luna-Pinto C , Williams T , O'Connor A , Nett RJ , Villanueva J , Oussayef NL , Walke HT , Shugart JM , Honein MA , Rose DA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (39) 1398-1403 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2. During January 21-July 25, 2020, in response to official requests for assistance with COVID-19 emergency public health response activities, CDC deployed 208 teams to assist 55 state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments. CDC deployment data were analyzed to summarize activities by deployed CDC teams in assisting state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments to identify and implement measures to contain SARS-CoV-2 transmission (1). Deployed teams assisted with the investigation of transmission in high-risk congregate settings, such as long-term care facilities (53 deployments; 26% of total), food processing facilities (24; 12%), correctional facilities (12; 6%), and settings that provide services to persons experiencing homelessness (10; 5%). Among the 208 deployed teams, 178 (85%) provided assistance to state health departments, 12 (6%) to tribal health departments, 10 (5%) to local health departments, and eight (4%) to territorial health departments. CDC collaborations with health departments have strengthened local capacity and provided outbreak response support. Collaborations focused attention on health equity issues among disproportionately affected populations (e.g., racial and ethnic minority populations, essential frontline workers, and persons experiencing homelessness) and through a place-based focus (e.g., persons living in rural or frontier areas). These collaborations also facilitated enhanced characterization of COVID-19 epidemiology, directly contributing to CDC data-informed guidance, including guidance for serial testing as a containment strategy in high-risk congregate settings, targeted interventions and prevention efforts among workers at food processing facilities, and social distancing. |
Trends in Number and Distribution of COVID-19 Hotspot Counties - United States, March 8-July 15, 2020.
Oster AM , Kang GJ , Cha AE , Beresovsky V , Rose CE , Rainisch G , Porter L , Valverde EE , Peterson EB , Driscoll AK , Norris T , Wilson N , Ritchey M , Walke HT , Rose DA , Oussayef NL , Parise ME , Moore ZS , Fleischauer AT , Honein MA , Dirlikov E , Villanueva J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (33) 1127-1132 The geographic areas in the United States most affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have changed over time. On May 7, 2020, CDC, with other federal agencies, began identifying counties with increasing COVID-19 incidence (hotspots) to better understand transmission dynamics and offer targeted support to health departments in affected communities. Data for January 22-July 15, 2020, were analyzed retrospectively (January 22-May 6) and prospectively (May 7-July 15) to detect hotspot counties. No counties met hotspot criteria during January 22-March 7, 2020. During March 8-July 15, 2020, 818 counties met hotspot criteria for ≥1 day; these counties included 80% of the U.S. population. The daily number of counties meeting hotspot criteria peaked in early April, decreased and stabilized during mid-April-early June, then increased again during late June-early July. The percentage of counties in the South and West Census regions* meeting hotspot criteria increased from 10% and 13%, respectively, during March-April to 28% and 22%, respectively, during June-July. Identification of community transmission as a contributing factor increased over time, whereas identification of outbreaks in long-term care facilities, food processing facilities, correctional facilities, or other workplaces as contributing factors decreased. Identification of hotspot counties and understanding how they change over time can help prioritize and target implementation of U.S. public health response activities. |
Update: COVID-19 Among Workers in Meat and Poultry Processing Facilities - United States, April-May 2020.
Waltenburg MA , Victoroff T , Rose CE , Butterfield M , Jervis RH , Fedak KM , Gabel JA , Feldpausch A , Dunne EM , Austin C , Ahmed FS , Tubach S , Rhea C , Krueger A , Crum DA , Vostok J , Moore MJ , Turabelidze G , Stover D , Donahue M , Edge K , Gutierrez B , Kline KE , Martz N , Rajotte JC , Julian E , Diedhiou A , Radcliffe R , Clayton JL , Ortbahn D , Cummins J , Barbeau B , Murphy J , Darby B , Graff NR , Dostal TKH , Pray IW , Tillman C , Dittrich MM , Burns-Grant G , Lee S , Spieckerman A , Iqbal K , Griffing SM , Lawson A , Mainzer HM , Bealle AE , Edding E , Arnold KE , Rodriguez T , Merkle S , Pettrone K , Schlanger K , LaBar K , Hendricks K , Lasry A , Krishnasamy V , Walke HT , Rose DA , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (27) 887-892 Meat and poultry processing facilities face distinctive challenges in the control of infectious diseases, including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1). COVID-19 outbreaks among meat and poultry processing facility workers can rapidly affect large numbers of persons. Assessment of COVID-19 cases among workers in 115 meat and poultry processing facilities through April 27, 2020, documented 4,913 cases and 20 deaths reported by 19 states (1). This report provides updated aggregate data from states regarding the number of meat and poultry processing facilities affected by COVID-19, the number and demographic characteristics of affected workers, and the number of COVID-19-associated deaths among workers, as well as descriptions of interventions and prevention efforts at these facilities. Aggregate data on confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths among workers identified and reported through May 31, 2020, were obtained from 239 affected facilities (those with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 case in one or more workers) in 23 states.* COVID-19 was confirmed in 16,233 workers, including 86 COVID-19-related deaths. Among 14 states reporting the total number of workers in affected meat and poultry processing facilities (112,616), COVID-19 was diagnosed in 9.1% of workers. Among 9,919 (61%) cases in 21 states with reported race/ethnicity, 87% occurred among racial and ethnic minority workers. Commonly reported interventions and prevention efforts at facilities included implementing worker temperature or symptom screening and COVID-19 education, mandating face coverings, adding hand hygiene stations, and adding physical barriers between workers. Targeted workplace interventions and prevention efforts that are appropriately tailored to the groups most affected by COVID-19 are critical to reducing both COVID-19-associated occupational risk and health disparities among vulnerable populations. Implementation of these interventions and prevention efforts(dagger) across meat and poultry processing facilities nationally could help protect workers in this critical infrastructure industry. |
COVID-19 Among Workers in Meat and Poultry Processing Facilities - 19 States, April 2020.
Dyal JW , Grant MP , Broadwater K , Bjork A , Waltenburg MA , Gibbins JD , Hale C , Silver M , Fischer M , Steinberg J , Basler CA , Jacobs JR , Kennedy ED , Tomasi S , Trout D , Hornsby-Myers J , Oussayef NL , Delaney LJ , Patel K , Shetty V , Kline KE , Schroeder B , Herlihy RK , House J , Jervis R , Clayton JL , Ortbahn D , Austin C , Berl E , Moore Z , Buss BF , Stover D , Westergaard R , Pray I , DeBolt M , Person A , Gabel J , Kittle TS , Hendren P , Rhea C , Holsinger C , Dunn J , Turabelidze G , Ahmed FS , deFijter S , Pedati CS , Rattay K , Smith EE , Luna-Pinto C , Cooley LA , Saydah S , Preacely ND , Maddox RA , Lundeen E , Goodwin B , Karpathy SE , Griffing S , Jenkins MM , Lowry G , Schwarz RD , Yoder J , Peacock G , Walke HT , Rose DA , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (18) Congregate work and residential locations are at increased risk for infectious disease transmission including respiratory illness outbreaks. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is primarily spread person to person through respiratory droplets. Nationwide, the meat and poultry processing industry, an essential component of the U.S. food infrastructure, employs approximately 500,000 persons, many of whom work in proximity to other workers (1). Because of reports of initial cases of COVID-19, in some meat processing facilities, states were asked to provide aggregated data concerning the number of meat and poultry processing facilities affected by COVID-19 and the number of workers with COVID-19 in these facilities, including COVID-19-related deaths. Qualitative data gathered by CDC during on-site and remote assessments were analyzed and summarized. During April 9-27, aggregate data on COVID-19 cases among 115 meat or poultry processing facilities in 19 states were reported to CDC. Among these facilities, COVID-19 was diagnosed in 4,913 (approximately 3%) workers, and 20 COVID-19-related deaths were reported. Facility barriers to effective prevention and control of COVID-19 included difficulty distancing workers at least 6 feet (2 meters) from one another (2) and in implementing COVID-19-specific disinfection guidelines.* Among workers, socioeconomic challenges might contribute to working while feeling ill, particularly if there are management practices such as bonuses that incentivize attendance. Methods to decrease transmission within the facility include worker symptom screening programs, policies to discourage working while experiencing symptoms compatible with COVID-19, and social distancing by workers. Source control measures (e.g., the use of cloth face covers) as well as increased disinfection of high-touch surfaces are also important means of preventing SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Mitigation efforts to reduce transmission in the community should also be considered. Many of these measures might also reduce asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission (3). Implementation of these public health strategies will help protect workers from COVID-19 in this industry and assist in preserving the critical meat and poultry production infrastructure (4). |
Potential distributions of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis causing anthrax in Africa
Romero-Alvarez D , Peterson AT , Salzer JS , Pittiglio C , Shadomy S , Traxler R , Vieira AR , Bower WA , Walke H , Campbell LP . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020 14 (3) e0008131 BACKGROUND: Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis (Bcbva) is an emergent bacterium closely related to Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax. The latter has a worldwide distribution and usually causes infectious disease in mammals associated with savanna ecosystems. Bcbva was identified in humid tropical forests of Cote d'Ivoire in 2001. Here, we characterize the potential geographic distributions of Bcbva in West Africa and B. anthracis in sub-Saharan Africa using an ecological niche modeling approach. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Georeferenced occurrence data for B. anthracis and Bcbva were obtained from public data repositories and the scientific literature. Combinations of temperature, humidity, vegetation greenness, and soils values served as environmental variables in model calibrations. To predict the potential distribution of suitable environments for each pathogen across the study region, parameter values derived from the median of 10 replicates of the best-performing model for each pathogen were used. We found suitable environments predicted for B. anthracis across areas of confirmed and suspected anthrax activity in sub-Saharan Africa, including an east-west corridor from Ethiopia to Sierra Leone in the Sahel region and multiple areas in eastern, central, and southern Africa. The study area for Bcbva was restricted to West and Central Africa to reflect areas that have likely been accessible to Bcbva by dispersal. Model predicted values indicated potential suitable environments within humid forested environments. Background similarity tests in geographic space indicated statistical support to reject the null hypothesis of similarity when comparing environments associated with B. anthracis to those of Bcbva and when comparing humidity values and soils values individually. We failed to reject the null hypothesis of similarity when comparing environments associated with Bcbva to those of B. anthracis, suggesting that additional investigation is needed to provide a more robust characterization of the Bcbva niche. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study represents the first time that the environmental and geographic distribution of Bcbva has been mapped. We document likely differences in ecological niche-and consequently in geographic distribution-between Bcbva and typical B. anthracis, and areas of possible co-occurrence between the two. We provide information crucial to guiding and improving monitoring efforts focused on these pathogens. |
One field epidemiologist per 200,000 population: Lessons learned from implementing a global public health workforce target
Williams SG , Fontaine RE , Turcios Ruiz RM , Walke H , Ijaz K , Baggett HC . Health Secur 2020 18 S113-s118 The World Health Organization monitoring and evaluation framework for the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) describes the targets for the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) indicators. For workforce development, the JEE defines the optimal target for attaining and complying with the IHR (2005) as 1 trained field epidemiologist (or equivalent) per 200,000 population. We explain the derivation and use of the current field epidemiology workforce development target and identify the limitations and lessons learned in applying it to various countries' public health systems. This article also proposes a way forward for improvements and implementation of this workforce development target. |
First reported human cases of leptospirosis in the United States Virgin Islands in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, September-November 2017
Marinova-Petkova A , Guendel I , Strysko JP , Ekpo LL , Galloway R , Yoder J , Kahler A , Artus A , Hoffmaster AR , Bower WA , Walke H , Ellis BR , Hunte-Ceasar T , Ellis EM , Schafer IJ . Open Forum Infect Dis 2019 6 (7) ofz261 Objective: Following Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the first case of human leptospirosis ever identified in the US Virgin Islands (USVI) was reported to the Virgin Islands Department of Health. Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal bacterial disease caused by Leptospira species found in animal urine and urine-contaminated water and soil. Outbreaks can occur following extreme weather events. Method: Additional cases of leptospirosis were identified in the 2.5 months post-hurricanes by reviewing emergency department (ED) records from territorial hospitals for patients demonstrating leptospirosis-consistent symptoms, testing symptomatic patients previously enrolled in the USVI arbovirus surveillance system (VIASS), and adding leptospirosis testing prospectively to VIASS. Available patient sera underwent local rapid diagnostic testing for anti-Leptospira IgM followed by confirmatory microscopic agglutination testing at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water was collected from cisterns with epidemiologic links to confirmed cases and tested by real-time PCR (qPCR) for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Results: Sixteen retrospectively identified symptomatic patients were enrolled in VIASS; 15 with available samples tested negative. Based on review of 5226 ED charts, 6 patients were further investigated; of these, 5 were tested of which 1 was positive. Prospective leptospirosis surveillance tested 57 additional patients; of these, 1 was positive. Water from 1 of 5 tested cisterns was found positive by qPCR. Conclusions: This investigation documents the first 3 cases of leptospirosis reported in the USVI and demonstrates how VIASS successfully was adapted to establish leptospirosis surveillance. Contaminated cistern water was identified as a potential source for Leptospira spp. transmission, highlighting the need for additional post-hurricane remediation and disinfection guidance. |
Anthrax epizootic in wildlife, Bwabwata National Park, Namibia, 2017
Cossaboom CM , Khaiseb S , Haufiku B , Katjiuanjo P , Kannyinga A , Mbai K , Shuro T , Hausiku J , Likando A , Shikesho R , Nyarko K , Miller LA , Agolory S , Vieira AR , Salzer JS , Bower WA , Campbell L , Kolton CB , Marston C , Gary J , Bollweg BC , Zaki SR , Hoffmaster A , Walke H . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (5) 947-950 In late September 2017, Bwabwata National Park in Namibia experienced a sudden die-off of hippopotamuses and Cape buffalo. A multiorganizational response was initiated, involving several ministries within Namibia and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rapid interventions resulted in zero human or livestock cases associated with this epizootic. |
Notes from the Field: Human Brucella abortus RB51 infections caused by consumption of unpasteurized domestic dairy products - United States, 2017-2019
Negron ME , Kharod GA , Bower WA , Walke H . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (7) 185 Since August 2017, CDC has confirmed three cases of brucellosis attributed to Brucella abortus cattle vaccine strain RB51 (RB51). Each case was associated with consumption of domestically acquired unpasteurized (raw) milk products (1). Patient symptoms varied and included fever, headache, overall malaise, and respiratory symptoms. In total, at least eight persons met the probable case definition of a clinically compatible illness epidemiologically linked to a shared contaminated source (2). In addition, hundreds of persons, from dozens of states, were potentially exposed to the contaminated raw milk products (3). | | Consumption of raw milk products increases the risk for infection with pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, Listeria, and Brucella spp. Raw milk–related disease outbreaks occur more often in states with legalized raw milk sales (4). Approximately 75% of U.S. states have laws allowing various types of raw milk sales (5). |
A call to action for mycetoma
Beer KD , Blaney DD , Kadzik M , Asiedu KB , Shieh WJ , Bower W , Jackson BR , Walke H , Chiller T . Curr Fungal Infect Rep 2018 12 (3) 99-104 Purpose of Review: Here, we discuss the current needs and priorities for mycetoma control and prevention, highlight lessons learned from leprosy and podoconiosis, and motivate an urgent need to accelerate progress toward reducing the burden of mycetoma in endemic areas. Recent Findings: In 2015, the World Health Assembly (WHA) added mycetoma, a progressively debilitating disease caused by fungi and bacteria, to the World Health Organization (WHO) list of priority neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Designation of other diseases as NTDs has raised awareness, enabled global partnerships, and advanced the capacity to combat disease through integrated programming. Although key mycetoma etiologic agents have been identified, many questions remain and mycetoma may similarly benefit from NTD designation. Summary: In collaboration with experts at WHO and elsewhere, we formed a global mycetoma working group to connect partners from a variety of sectors and specialties. We envision that this group will evolve into a formalized partnership that can prioritize strategic planning, advocacy, and research needs, identify funding sources, and coordinate activities related to mycetoma and other NTDs affecting the skin. The experiences gained from other NTDs can help to guide the global mycetoma working group's activities to better address the goals set forth in the WHA resolution. |
Initial public health laboratory response after Hurricane Maria - Puerto Rico, 2017
Concepcion-Acevedo J , Patel A , Luna-Pinto C , Pena RG , Cuevas Ruiz RI , Arbolay HR , Toro M , Deseda C , De Jesus VR , Ribot E , Gonzalez JQ , Rao G , De Leon Salazar A , Ansbro M , White BB , Hardy MC , Georgi JC , Stinnett R , Mercante AM , Lowe D , Martin H , Starks A , Metchock B , Johnston S , Dalton T , Joglar O , Stafford C , Youngblood M , Klein K , Lindstrom S , Berman L , Galloway R , Schafer IJ , Walke H , Stoddard R , Connelly R , McCaffery E , Rowlinson MC , Soroka S , Tranquillo DT , Gaynor A , Mangal C , Wroblewski K , Muehlenbachs A , Salerno RM , Lozier M , Sunshine B , Shapiro C , Rose D , Funk R , Pillai SK , O'Neill E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (11) 333-336 Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, causing major damage to infrastructure and severely limiting access to potable water, electric power, transportation, and communications. Public services that were affected included operations of the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH), which provides critical laboratory testing and surveillance for diseases and other health hazards. PRDOH requested assistance from CDC for the restoration of laboratory infrastructure, surveillance capacity, and diagnostic testing for selected priority diseases, including influenza, rabies, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and tuberculosis. PRDOH, CDC, and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) collaborated to conduct rapid needs assessments and, with assistance from the CDC Foundation, implement a temporary transport system for shipping samples from Puerto Rico to the continental United States for surveillance and diagnostic and confirmatory testing. This report describes the initial laboratory emergency response and engagement efforts among federal, state, and nongovernmental partners to reestablish public health laboratory services severely affected by Hurricane Maria. The implementation of a sample transport system allowed Puerto Rico to reinitiate priority infectious disease surveillance and laboratory testing for patient and public health interventions, while awaiting the rebuilding and reinstatement of PRDOH laboratory services. |
Zoonotic disease programs for enhancing global health security
Belay ED , Kile JC , Hall AJ , Barton-Behravesh C , Parsons MB , Salyer S , Walke H . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (13) S65-70 Most infectious diseases that recently emerged in humans originated in animals. Besides close contact between animals and humans, other factors probably contribute to the cross-species transmission of infectious diseases. It is critical to establish effective mechanisms for coordination and collaboration between the animal, human, and environmental health sectors before new threats emerge by bringing the different sectors together to tackle endemic zoonotic diseases of greatest concern. Such multisectoral partnerships should begin by identifying priority zoonotic diseases for national engagement with equal input from the different sectors. Improvements in surveillance and data sharing for prioritized zoonotic diseases and enhancements of laboratory testing and joint outbreak response capacities in the human and animal health sectors will create and strengthen the mechanisms necessary to effectively detect and respond to emerging health threats, and thereby enhance global health security. |
Enhancing surveillance and diagnostics in anthrax-endemic countries
Vieira AR , Salzer JS , Traxler RM , Hendricks KA , Kadzik ME , Marston CK , Kolton CB , Stoddard RA , Hoffmaster AR , Bower WA , Walke HT . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (13) S147-53 Naturally occurring anthrax disproportionately affects the health and economic welfare of poor, rural communities in anthrax-endemic countries. However, many of these countries have limited anthrax prevention and control programs. Effective prevention of anthrax outbreaks among humans is accomplished through routine livestock vaccination programs and prompt response to animal outbreaks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uses a 2-phase framework when providing technical assistance to partners in anthrax-endemic countries. The first phase assesses and identifies areas for improvement in existing human and animal surveillance, laboratory diagnostics, and outbreak response. The second phase provides steps to implement improvements to these areas. We describe examples of implementing this framework in anthrax-endemic countries. These activities are at varying stages of completion; however, the public health impact of these initiatives has been encouraging. The anthrax framework can be extended to other zoonotic diseases to build on these efforts, improve human and animal health, and enhance global health security. |
Update: Interim guidance for the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of infants with possible congenital Zika virus infection - United States, October 2017
Adebanjo T , Godfred-Cato S , Viens L , Fischer M , Staples JE , Kuhnert-Tallman W , Walke H , Oduyebo T , Polen K , Peacock G , Meaney-Delman D , Honein MA , Rasmussen SA , Moore CA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (41) 1089-1099 CDC has updated its interim guidance for U.S. health care providers caring for infants with possible congenital Zika virus infection (1) in response to recently published updated guidance for health care providers caring for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure (2), unknown sensitivity and specificity of currently available diagnostic tests for congenital Zika virus infection, and recognition of additional clinical findings associated with congenital Zika virus infection. All infants born to mothers with possible Zika virus exposure* during pregnancy should receive a standard evaluation at birth and at each subsequent well-child visit including a comprehensive physical examination, age-appropriate vision screening and developmental monitoring and screening using validated tools (3-5), and newborn hearing screen at birth, preferably using auditory brainstem response (ABR) methodology (6). Specific guidance for laboratory testing and clinical evaluation are provided for three clinical scenarios in the setting of possible maternal Zika virus exposure: 1) infants with clinical findings consistent with congenital Zika syndrome regardless of maternal testing results, 2) infants without clinical findings consistent with congenital Zika syndrome who were born to mothers with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection,dagger and 3) infants without clinical findings consistent with congenital Zika syndrome who were born to mothers without laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection. Infants in the first two scenarios should receive further testing and evaluation for Zika virus, whereas for the third group, further testing and clinical evaluation for Zika virus are not recommended. Health care providers should remain alert for abnormal findings (e.g., postnatal-onset microcephaly and eye abnormalities without microcephaly) in infants with possible congenital Zika virus exposure without apparent abnormalities at birth. |
Update: Interim guidance for health care providers caring for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure - United States (including U.S. territories), July 2017
Oduyebo T , Polen KD , Walke HT , Reagan-Steiner S , Lathrop E , Rabe IB , Kuhnert-Tallman WL , Martin SW , Walker AT , Gregory CJ , Ades EW , Carroll DS , Rivera M , Perez-Padilla J , Gould C , Nemhauser JB , Ben Beard C , Harcourt JL , Viens L , Johansson M , Ellington SR , Petersen E , Smith LA , Reichard J , Munoz-Jordan J , Beach MJ , Rose DA , Barzilay E , Noonan-Smith M , Jamieson DJ , Zaki SR , Petersen LR , Honein MA , Meaney-Delman D . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (29) 781-793 CDC has updated the interim guidance for U.S. health care providers caring for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure in response to 1) declining prevalence of Zika virus disease in the World Health Organization's Region of the Americas (Americas) and 2) emerging evidence indicating prolonged detection of Zika virus immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies. Zika virus cases were first reported in the Americas during 2015-2016; however, the incidence of Zika virus disease has since declined. As the prevalence of Zika virus disease declines, the likelihood of false-positive test results increases. In addition, emerging epidemiologic and laboratory data indicate that, as is the case with other flaviviruses, Zika virus IgM antibodies can persist beyond 12 weeks after infection. Therefore, IgM test results cannot always reliably distinguish between an infection that occurred during the current pregnancy and one that occurred before the current pregnancy, particularly for women with possible Zika virus exposure before the current pregnancy. These limitations should be considered when counseling pregnant women about the risks and benefits of testing for Zika virus infection during pregnancy. This updated guidance emphasizes a shared decision-making model for testing and screening pregnant women, one in which patients and providers work together to make decisions about testing and care plans based on patient preferences and values, clinical judgment, and a balanced assessment of risks and expected outcomes. |
Evaluation of combination drug therapy for treatment of antibiotic resistant inhalation anthrax in a murine model
Heine HS , Shadomy SV , Boyer AE , Chuvala L , Riggins R , Kesterson A , Myrick J , Craig J , Candela MG , Barr JR , Hendricks K , Bower WA , Walke H , Drusano GL . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 61 (9) Bacillus anthracis is considered a likely agent to be used as a bioweapon and use of a strain resistance to the first-line antimicrobial treatments is a concern. We determined treatment efficacy against a ciprofloxacin-resistant (Cr) strain of B. anthracis (Cr Ames) in a murine inhalational anthrax model. Ten groups of 46 BALB/c mice were exposed by inhalation to 7-35 LD50 of B. anthracis Cr Ames spores. Commencing at 36 hours (h) post-exposure, groups were administered intraperitoneal doses of sterile water for injections (SWI) and ciprofloxacinalone (control groups), or ciprofloxacin combined with two antimicrobials including meropenem/linezolid, meropenem/clindamycin, meropenem/rifampin, meropenem/doxycycline, penicillin/linezolid, penicillin/doxycycline, rifampin/linezolid, or rifampin/clindamycin at appropriate dosing intervals(6 or 12 hours) for the respective antibiotics. Ten mice per group were treated for 14 days and observed until day 28. Remaining animals were euthanized every 6-12h and blood, lungs, and spleens collected for lethal factor (LF) and/or bacterial load determinations. All combination groups showed significant survival over the SWI and ciprofloxacin controls: meropenem/linezolid (p=0.004), meropenem/clindamycin (p=0.005), meropenem/rifampin (p=0.012), meropenem/doxycycline (p=0.032), penicillin/doxycycline (p=0.012), penicillin/linezolid (p=0.026), rifampin/linezolid (p=0.001), and rifampin/clindamycin (p=0.032). In controls, blood, lung, and spleen bacterial counts increased to terminal endpoints. In combination treatment groups, blood and spleen bacterial counts showed low/no colonies after 24 hours treatment. LF fell below detection limits for all combination groups, yet remained elevated in control groups. Combinations with linezolid had the greatest inhibitory effect on mean LF levels. |
Postexposure prophylaxis after possible anthrax exposure: Adherence and adverse events
Nolen LD , Traxler RM , Kharod GA , Kache PA , Katharios-Lanwermeyer S , Hendricks KA , Shadomy SV , Bower WA , Meaney-Delman D , Walke HT . Health Secur 2016 14 (6) 419-423 Anthrax postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) was recommended to 42 people after a laboratory incident that involved potential aerosolization of Bacillus anthracis spores in 2 laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2014. At least 31 (74%) individuals who initiated PEP did not complete either the recommended 60 days of antimicrobial therapy or the 3-dose vaccine regimen. Among the 29 that discontinued the antimicrobial component of PEP, most (38%) individuals discontinued PEP because of their low perceived risk of infection; 9 (31%) individuals discontinued prophylaxis due to PEP-related minor adverse events, and 10% cited both low risk and adverse events as their reason for discontinuation. Most minor adverse events reported were gastrointestinal complaints, and none required medical attention. Individuals taking ciprofloxacin were twice as likely (RR = 2.02, 95% CI = 1.1-3.6) to discontinue antimicrobial prophylaxis when compared to those taking doxycycline. In the event anthrax PEP is recommended, public health messages and patient education materials will need to address potential misconceptions regarding exposure risk and provide information about possible adverse events in order to promote PEP adherence. |
Prioritizing zoonotic diseases in Ethiopia using a one health approach
Pieracci EG , Hall AJ , Gharpure R , Haile A , Walelign E , Deressa A , Bahiru G , Kibebe M , Walke H , Belay E . One Health 2016 2 131-135 Background Ethiopia has the second largest human population in Africa and the largest livestock population on the continent. About 80% of Ethiopians are dependent on agriculture and have direct contact with livestock or other domestic animals. As a result, the country is vulnerable to the spread of zoonotic diseases. As the first step of the country's engagement in the Global Health Security Agenda, a zoonotic disease prioritization workshop was held to identify significant zoonotic diseases of mutual concern for animal and human health agencies. Methods A semi-quantitative tool developed by the US CDC was used for prioritization of zoonotic diseases. Workshop participants representing human, animal, and environmental health ministries were selected as core decision-making participants. Over 300 articles describing the zoonotic diseases considered at the workshop were reviewed for disease specific information on prevalence, morbidity, mortality, and DALYs for Ethiopia or the East Africa region. Committee members individually ranked the importance of each criterion to generate a final group weight for each criterion. Results Forty-three zoonotic diseases were evaluated. Criteria selected in order of importance were: 1)severity of disease in humans, 2)proportion of human disease attributed to animal exposure, 3)burden of animal disease, 4)availability of interventions, and 5)existing inter-sectoral collaboration. Based on the results from the decision tree analysis and subsequent discussion, participants identified the following five priority zoonotic diseases: rabies, anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis, and echinococcosis. Discussion Multi-sectoral collaborations strengthen disease surveillance system development in humans and animals, enhance laboratory capacity, and support implementation of prevention and control strategies. To facilitate this, the creation of a One Health-focused Zoonotic Disease Unit is recommended. Enhancement of public health and veterinary laboratories, joint outbreak and surveillance activities, and intersectoral linkages created to tackle the prioritized zoonotic diseases will undoubtedly prepare the country to effectively address newly emerging zoonotic diseases. |
A review of melioidosis cases in the Americas
Benoit TJ , Blaney DD , Doker TJ , Gee JE , Elrod MG , Rolim DB , Inglis TJ , Hoffmaster AR , Bower WA , Walke HT . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015 93 (6) 1134-9 Melioidosis is a bacterial infection caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, a gram-negative saprophytic bacillus. Cases occur sporadically in the Americas with an increasing number of cases observed among people with no travel history to endemic countries. To better understand the incidence of the disease in the Americas, we reviewed the literature, including unpublished cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of 120 identified human cases, occurring between 1947 and June 2015, 95 cases (79%) were likely acquired in the Americas; the mortality rate was 39%. Burkholderia pseudomallei appears to be widespread in South, Central, and North America. |
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