Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 65 Records) |
Query Trace: Roland M[original query] |
Notes from the field: Severe health outcomes linked to consumption of mushroom-based psychoactive microdosing products - Arizona, June-October 2024
Walker HL , Roland M , Dudley S , Komatsu K , Weiss J , Dillard J , Lin HI , Rust L , Plummer T , Berg R , Everett S , Chang A , Yeh M , Daniel J , Brady S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2025 74 (1) 14-16 |
Characterization of patients with a snakebite presenting to healthcare facilities and reported to poison and drug information centers-Arizona, 2017-2021
Mitchell CL , Smelski G , Schmid K , Roland M , Christenberry M , DEllingson K , Brooks DE , Komatsu K , Dudley S , Shirazi F , Cullen TA . Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2024 1-8 INTRODUCTION: Envenomation after a North American rattlesnake (Crotalus spp. and Sistrusus spp.) bite is associated with substantial morbidity. Arizona reports the highest number of rattlesnake envenomations annually in the United States. We evaluated the performance of poison and drug information centers for snakebite surveillance, compared with the hospital and emergency department discharge database. We used both datasets to improve the characterization of epidemiology, healthcare costs, and clinical effects of snakebite envenomations in Arizona. METHODS: We identified patients with a snakebite during 2017-2021 using Arizona hospital and emergency department discharge data and snakebite consults with two regional Arizona poison centers. Patients were matched using name and birthdate. The performance of poison center data for snakebite surveillance was evaluated using the percentage of snakebite patients in hospital and emergency department discharge data that consulted with poison centers. Patient demographics, healthcare characteristics, clinical effects, and context of snakebite events were described using both datasets. RESULTS: In total, 1,288 patients with a snakebite were identified using the Arizona hospital and emergency department discharge data, which resulted in 953 (74%) consultations with poison centers. The median age of patients was 48 years (IQR 28-62 years), and they were predominantly male (66%), White (90%), and non-Hispanic (84%). The median billed charges were US$ 84,880 (IQR US$ 13,286-US$ 168,043); the median duration of a healthcare stay was 34 h (IQR 13-48 h), and 29% of patients were transferred between healthcare facilities. Among 953 consulted poison center calls for a snakebite, a median of 14 vials of antivenom was administered per patient; 375 (60%) bites occurred near the home, and 345 (43%) patients were bitten on a lower extremity. One death was identified. DISCUSSION: Snakebites in Arizona can cause severe morbidity and require extensive healthcare resources for treatment. Poison centers are valuable for monitoring venomous snakebites in Arizona. CONCLUSIONS: Using hospital and emergency department discharge data with poison center records can improve public health surveillance data regarding snakebite epidemiology and human-snake interaction information and be used to tailor interventions to increase awareness of snake encounters and prevent snakebites. |
"Honesty, communication and trust are what bring peace of mind": Narratives of HIV risk among Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men in the southern United States
Gelaude D , Roland KB , Gaul Z , Reyes JV , Denson DJ . J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2024 For Hispanic/Latino MSM (HLMSM) in the South, HIV burden remains high, and HIV elimination is a national priority. Between July and September 2016, using a strengths-based approach informed by resilience theory, we conducted qualitative interviews with HIV-negative HLMSM in five southern cities in the United States with elevated HIV prevalence. We analyzed data using a qualitative content analysis approach, assessing for interrater reliability. A brief behavioral survey was also conducted. We enrolled 51 HLMSM (mean age = 33 years, range = 15-63). HLMSM discussed the climate of fear about HIV and homosexuality impeding HIV prevention, including the impact of stigma and taboo. Three main strengths-based strategies emerged for preventing HIV: assessing partner risk, establishing boundaries for sexual interactions, and self-education. Future HIV prevention efforts may benefit from balancing risk-based approaches with those that emphasize resilience, address partner trustworthiness and safety, and focus on providing novel outlets for HIV prevention education. |
Prediction of Susceptibility to First-Line Tuberculosis Drugs by DNA Sequencing.
Allix-Béguec C , Arandjelovic I , Bi L , Beckert P , Bonnet M , Bradley P , Cabibbe AM , Cancino-Muñoz I , Caulfield MJ , Chaiprasert A , Cirillo DM , Clifton DA , Comas I , Crook DW , De Filippo MR , de Neeling H , Diel R , Drobniewski FA , Faksri K , Farhat MR , Fleming J , Fowler P , Fowler TA , Gao Q , Gardy J , Gascoyne-Binzi D , Gibertoni-Cruz AL , Gil-Brusola A , Golubchik T , Gonzalo X , Grandjean L , He G , Guthrie JL , Hoosdally S , Hunt M , Iqbal Z , Ismail N , Johnston J , Khanzada FM , Khor CC , Kohl TA , Kong C , Lipworth S , Liu Q , Maphalala G , Martinez E , Mathys V , Merker M , Miotto P , Mistry N , Moore DAJ , Murray M , Niemann S , Omar SV , Ong RT , Peto TEA , Posey JE , Prammananan T , Pym A , Rodrigues C , Rodrigues M , Rodwell T , Rossolini GM , Sánchez Padilla E , Schito M , Shen X , Shendure J , Sintchenko V , Sloutsky A , Smith EG , Snyder M , Soetaert K , Starks AM , Supply P , Suriyapol P , Tahseen S , Tang P , Teo YY , Thuong TNT , Thwaites G , Tortoli E , van Soolingen D , Walker AS , Walker TM , Wilcox M , Wilson DJ , Wyllie D , Yang Y , Zhang H , Zhao Y , Zhu B . N Engl J Med 2018 379 (15) 1403-1415 ![]() BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends drug-susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex for all patients with tuberculosis to guide treatment decisions and improve outcomes. Whether DNA sequencing can be used to accurately predict profiles of susceptibility to first-line antituberculosis drugs has not been clear. METHODS: We obtained whole-genome sequences and associated phenotypes of resistance or susceptibility to the first-line antituberculosis drugs isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide for isolates from 16 countries across six continents. For each isolate, mutations associated with drug resistance and drug susceptibility were identified across nine genes, and individual phenotypes were predicted unless mutations of unknown association were also present. To identify how whole-genome sequencing might direct first-line drug therapy, complete susceptibility profiles were predicted. These profiles were predicted to be susceptible to all four drugs (i.e., pansusceptible) if they were predicted to be susceptible to isoniazid and to the other drugs or if they contained mutations of unknown association in genes that affect susceptibility to the other drugs. We simulated the way in which the negative predictive value changed with the prevalence of drug resistance. RESULTS: A total of 10,209 isolates were analyzed. The largest proportion of phenotypes was predicted for rifampin (9660 [95.4%] of 10,130) and the smallest was predicted for ethambutol (8794 [89.8%] of 9794). Resistance to isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide was correctly predicted with 97.1%, 97.5%, 94.6%, and 91.3% sensitivity, respectively, and susceptibility to these drugs was correctly predicted with 99.0%, 98.8%, 93.6%, and 96.8% specificity. Of the 7516 isolates with complete phenotypic drug-susceptibility profiles, 5865 (78.0%) had complete genotypic predictions, among which 5250 profiles (89.5%) were correctly predicted. Among the 4037 phenotypic profiles that were predicted to be pansusceptible, 3952 (97.9%) were correctly predicted. CONCLUSIONS: Genotypic predictions of the susceptibility of M. tuberculosis to first-line drugs were found to be correlated with phenotypic susceptibility to these drugs. (Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others.). |
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Coinfection and Clinical Characteristics Among Children and Adolescents Aged <18 Years Who Were Hospitalized or Died with Influenza - United States, 2021-22 Influenza Season.
Adams K , Tastad KJ , Huang S , Ujamaa D , Kniss K , Cummings C , Reingold A , Roland J , Austin E , Kawasaki B , Meek J , Yousey-Hindes K , Anderson EJ , Openo KP , Reeg L , Leegwater L , McMahon M , Bye E , Poblete M , Landis Z , Spina NL , Engesser K , Bennett NM , Gaitan MA , Shiltz E , Moran N , Sutton M , Abdullah N , Schaffner W , Talbot HK , Olsen K , Staten H , Taylor CA , Havers FP , Reed C , Budd A , Garg S , O'Halloran A , Brammer L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (50) 1589-1596 The 2022-23 influenza season shows an early rise in pediatric influenza-associated hospitalizations (1). SARS-CoV-2 viruses also continue to circulate (2). The current influenza season is the first with substantial co-circulation of influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 (3). Although both seasonal influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 can contribute to substantial pediatric morbidity (3-5), whether coinfection increases disease severity compared with that associated with infection with one virus alone is unknown. This report describes characteristics and prevalence of laboratory-confirmed influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 coinfections among patients aged <18 years who had been hospitalized or died with influenza as reported to three CDC surveillance platforms during the 2021-22 influenza season. Data from two Respiratory Virus Hospitalizations Surveillance Network (RESP-NET) platforms (October 1, 2021-April 30, 2022),(§) and notifiable pediatric deaths associated(¶) with influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 coinfection (October 3, 2021-October 1, 2022)** were analyzed. SARS-CoV-2 coinfections occurred in 6% (32 of 575) of pediatric influenza-associated hospitalizations and in 16% (seven of 44) of pediatric influenza-associated deaths. Compared with patients without coinfection, a higher proportion of those hospitalized with coinfection received invasive mechanical ventilation (4% versus 13%; p = 0.03) and bilevel positive airway pressure or continuous positive airway pressure (BiPAP/CPAP) (6% versus 16%; p = 0.05). Among seven coinfected patients who died, none had completed influenza vaccination, and only one received influenza antivirals.(††) To help prevent severe outcomes, clinicians should follow recommended respiratory virus testing algorithms to guide treatment decisions and consider early antiviral treatment initiation for pediatric patients with suspected or confirmed influenza, including those with SARS-CoV-2 coinfection who are hospitalized or at increased risk for severe illness. The public and parents should adopt prevention strategies including considering wearing well-fitted, high-quality masks when respiratory virus circulation is high and staying up-to-date with recommended influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations for persons aged ≥6 months. |
Overcoming challenges to HIV medical care-seeking and treatment among data-to-care program clients in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana
Carey JW , Roland KB , Bessler PA , Tesfaye CL , Randall LA , Frew PM . J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2022 34 (1) 71-82 Data to Care (D2C) uses US public health surveillance data to identify persons with diagnosed HIV who are not receiving adequate medical care. These persons are linked to care and ancillary social services through personalized outreach. We conducted semistructured interviews with 36 adults with HIV in Louisiana who were engaged for the first time or reengaged back into HIV care through D2C efforts. Before D2C program staff contact, nearly 40% were not contemplating HIV care. Program clients cited barriers to HIV care, including difficulties with appointment scheduling and transportation, health care service and drug costs, low motivation, and competing non-HIV health needs. Thirty-four of the 36 clients said that D2C staff helped them overcome these barriers. Clients also described psychosocial support from D2C staff. After receiving D2C program assistance, more than 90% of clients reported consistently receiving HIV medical care and taking medications. Our findings suggest that D2C staff successfully identified client needs and provided tailored assistance. |
Low sensitivity of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision coding for culture-confirmed candidemia cases in an active surveillance system: United States, 2019-2020
Benedict K , Gold JAW , Jenkins EN , Roland J , Barter D , Czaja CA , Johnston H , Clogher P , Farley MM , Revis A , Harrison LH , Tourdot L , Davis SS , Phipps EC , Felsen CB , Tesini BL , Escutia G , Pierce R , Zhang A , Schaffner W , Lyman M . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (9) ofac461 We evaluated healthcare facility use of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes for culture-confirmed candidemia cases detected by active public health surveillance during 2019-2020. Most cases (56%) did not receive a candidiasis code, suggesting that studies relying on ICD-10 codes likely underestimate disease burden. |
"Take care of their hierarchy of needs first": strategies used by data-to-care staff to address barriers to HIV care engagement
Roland KB , Carey JW , Bessler PA , Langer Tesfaye C , Randall LA , Betley V , Schoua-Glusberg A , Frew PM . AIDS Care 2022 35 (5) 1-8 Data-to-Care (D2C) is a public health strategy designed to engage out-of-care (OOC) persons with HIV (PWH) in HIV care. OOC PWH are identified through review of state and local HIV data and engaged in care through individualized efforts that address barriers to HIV care. Perspectives of D2C program staff can contribute to D2C program development and sustainability. We conducted semi-structured interviews in 2017 with 20 D2C program staff from Louisiana (n = 10) and Virginia (n = 10), states with distinct D2C programs. We used content and thematic analysis to analyze interview transcripts. In both states, common barriers to care for OOC PWH include limited transportation, stigma, substance use, poverty, homelessness, and mental illness. To address these barriers and engage OOC clients in HIV care, staff and programs provided transportation vouchers and housing assistance, integrated substance use and mental health services into care engagement processes, provided empathy and compassion, and assessed and addressed basic unmet needs. Identifying and addressing social and structural barriers to HIV care is a critical and often a necessary first step in engaging OOC clients in HIV care. These findings can be used for D2C program design and implementation, facilitating engagement in HIV care for OOC PWH. |
A qualitative study of service engagement and unmet needs among unstably housed people who inject drugs in Massachusetts
Hassan R , Roland KB , Hernandez B , Goldman L , Evans KN , Gaul Z , Agnew-Brune C , Buchacz K , Fukuda HD . J Subst Abuse Treat 2022 138 108722 INTRODUCTION: People who inject drugs (PWID) are disproportionately affected by HIV in the United States, and HIV prevention and care services may be inaccessible to or underutilized by PWID. In 2018, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigated an increase in HIV diagnoses primarily among unstably housed PWID in Lawrence and Lowell. METHODS: The response team interviewed 34 PWID in Lawrence and Lowell, with and without HIV, to inform effective response strategies. Qualitative interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded using a thematic analysis approach structured around pre-designated research questions related to service engagement (including harm reduction services, substance use disorder treatment, medical services, shelters, and other community services), unmet needs, and knowledge gaps regarding HIV prevention. RESULTS: Participants ranged in age from 20 to 54 years (median: 32); 21 of the 34 participants (62%) were male, and 21 were non-Hispanic white. Fifteen (44%) self-reported being HIV positive. All 34 participants had experienced homelessness in the past 12 months, and 29 (85%) had ever received services at syringe service programs (SSP). We identified five key themes: substance use as a barrier to accessing health and social services; experiences of trauma and mental illness as factors impacting substance use and utilization of services; unstable housing as a barrier to accessing services; negative perceptions of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD); and the desire to be treated with dignity and respect by others. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the need for well-resourced and integrated or linked service provision for PWID, which includes mental health services, housing, MOUD, harm reduction, and infectious disease prevention and care services. Co-locating and integrating low-barrier services at trusted community locations, such as SSPs, could increase service engagement and improve health outcomes for PWID. Further implementation science research may aid the development of effective strategies for services for PWID and build trusting relationships between service providers and PWID. |
Reducing homelessness among persons with HIV: An ecological case study in Delaware
Courtenay-Quirk C , Mizuno Y , Roland KB , Salvant Valentine S , Taylor RD , Zhang J . J HIV AIDS Soc Serv 2021 21 (1) 1-15 Among persons with HIV (PWH), homelessness is associated with poorer health. From 2009 to 2014, national HIV prevention goals included a reduction in homelessness among PWH. We sought to examine social ecological factors associated with homelessness among PWH at a sub-national level during that period. National data identified Delaware as the only jurisdiction where homelessness among PWH declined from 2009 to 2014. We analyzed population-level indicators and conducted telephone interviews with 6 key stakeholders to further examine this trend. Overall homelessness, household poverty, and median housing price were associated with homelessness among PWH in Delaware. Key stakeholders highlighted centralized services as program strengths, and pointed to common challenges, e.g., long wait lists, limited availability of units, and complex procedures. In addition to broader social and economic factors, coordinated program strategies may improve housing outcomes for PWH. Monitoring trends at sub-national levels can help identify successful approaches as well as ongoing challenges. © This work was authored as part of the Contributor’s official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 USC. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under US Law. |
To achieve 95-95-95 targets we must reach men and youth: High level of knowledge of HIV status, ART coverage, and viral suppression in the Botswana Combination Prevention Project through universal test and treat approach
Lebelonyane R , Bachanas P , Block L , Ussery F , Alwano MG , Marukutira T , El Halabi S , Roland M , Abrams W , Ussery G , Miller JA , Lockman S , Gaolathe T , Holme MP , Hader S , Mills LA , Wirth K , Bock N , Moore J . PLoS One 2021 16 (8) e0255227 BACKGROUND: Increasing HIV treatment coverage is crucial to reducing population-level HIV incidence. METHODS: The Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP) was a community randomized trial examining the impact of multiple prevention interventions on population-level HIV incidence and was conducted from October 2013 through June 2017. Home and mobile campaigns offered HIV testing to all individuals ≥ age 16. All identified HIV-positive persons who were not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) were referred to treatment and tracked to determine linkage to care, ART status, retention in treatment, and viral suppression. RESULTS: Of an estimated total of 14,270 people living with HIV (PLHIV) residing in the 15 intervention communities, BCPP identified 13,328 HIV-positive persons (93%). At study start, 10,703 (80%) of estimated PLHIV knew their status; 2,625 (20%) learned their status during BCPP, a 25% increase with the greatest increases occurring among men (37%) and youth (77%). At study start, 9,258 (65%) of estimated PLHIV were on ART. An additional 3,001 persons started ART through the study. By study end, 12,259 had initiated and were retained on ART, increasing coverage to 93%. A greater increase in ART coverage was achieved among men (40%) compared to women (29%). Of the 11,954 persons who had viral load (VL) test results, 11,687 (98%) were virally suppressed (HIV-1 RNA ≤400 copies/mL). Overall, 82% had documented VL suppression by study end. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of HIV-positive status and ART coverage increased towards 95-95 targets with universal testing, linkage interventions, and ART. The increases in HIV testing and ART use among men and youth were essential to reaching these targets. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT01965470. |
The landscape of candidemia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seagle EE , Jackson BR , Lockhart SR , Georgacopoulos O , Nunnally NS , Roland J , Barter DM , Johnston HL , Czaja CA , Kayalioglu H , Clogher P , Revis A , Farley MM , Harrison LH , Davis SS , Phipps EC , Tesini BL , Schaffner W , Markus TM , Lyman MM . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (5) 802-811 BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented healthcare challenges, and COVID-19 has been linked to secondary infections. Candidemia, a fungal healthcare-associated infection, has been described in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. However, studies of candidemia and COVID-19 co-infection have been limited in sample size and geographic scope. We assessed differences in patients with candidemia with and without a COVID-19 diagnosis. METHODS: We conducted a case-level analysis using population-based candidemia surveillance data collected through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Emerging Infections Program during April-August 2020 to compare characteristics of candidemia patients with and without a positive test for COVID-19 in the 30 days before their Candida culture using chi-square or Fisher exact tests. RESULTS: Of the 251 candidemia patients included, 64 (25.5%) were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Liver disease, solid organ malignancies, and prior surgeries were each >3 times more common in patients without COVID-19 co-infection, whereas intensive care unit-level care, mechanical ventilation, having a central venous catheter, and receipt of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants were each >1.3 times more common in patients with COVID-19. All cause in-hospital fatality was two times higher among those with COVID-19 (62.5%) than without (32.1%). CONCLUSIONS: One quarter of candidemia patients had COVID-19. These patients were less likely to have certain underlying conditions and recent surgery commonly associated with candidemia and more likely to have acute risk factors linked to COVID-19 care, including immunosuppressive medications. Given the high mortality, it is important for clinicians to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to prevent candidemia in patients with COVID-19. |
Stable high-density and maternally inherited Wolbachia infections in Anopheles moucheti and Anopheles demeilloni mosquitoes.
Walker T , Quek S , Jeffries CL , Bandibabone J , Dhokiya V , Bamou R , Kristan M , Messenger LA , Gidley A , Hornett EA , Anderson ER , Cansado-Utrilla C , Hegde S , Bantuzeko C , Stevenson JC , Lobo NF , Wagstaff SC , Nkondjio CA , Irish SR , Heinz E , Hughes GL . Curr Biol 2021 31 (11) 2310-2320 e5 ![]() Wolbachia, a widespread bacterium that can reduce pathogen transmission in mosquitoes, has recently been reported to be present in Anopheles (An.) species. In wild populations of the An. gambiae complex, the primary vectors of Plasmodium malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa, Wolbachia DNA sequences at low density and infection frequencies have been detected. As the majority of studies have used highly sensitive nested PCR as the only method of detection, more robust evidence is required to determine whether Wolbachia strains are established as endosymbionts in Anopheles species. Here, we describe high-density Wolbachia infections in geographically diverse populations of An. moucheti and An. demeilloni. Fluorescent in situ hybridization localized a heavy infection in the ovaries of An.moucheti, and maternal transmission was observed. Genome sequencing of both Wolbachia strains obtained genome depths and coverages comparable to those of other known infections. Notably, homologs of cytoplasmic incompatibility factor (cif) genes were present, indicating that these strains possess the capacity to induce the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype, which allows Wolbachia to spread through host populations. These strains should be further investigated as candidates for use in Wolbachia biocontrol strategies in Anopheles aiming to reduce the transmission of malaria. |
Toward An Enhanced Understanding of HIV Patient Navigation as a Health Care Intervention: An Analysis of Navigation in Practice
Koenig LJ , Higa DH , Leighton CA , Roland KB , DeLuca JB , Mizuno Y . AIDS Behav 2021 25 (12) 4044-4054 Patient navigation is a promising strategy for improving health among persons with multiple barriers to HIV care, yet little is known about navigation's core components. From 24 systematically identified navigation studies, we abstracted navigators' activities, grouped activities into 20 thematic activity categories, and ordered them by frequency. Subsequently, Principal Components Analysis of activity categories was used identify independent clusters. Accompaniment characterized 71% of navigation programs; ≥ half included health education (58%), collaboration/coordination (58%), linkage-to-care (54%), transportation support (54%), service referrals (50%) and instrumental support (50%). Five unique components (comprising 13 activity categories) were identified: (1) services beyond office, (2) health education and relationship building, (3) accompaniment and instrumental support, (4) locating patients and tracking information, and (5) beyond HIV care. Navigators who located patients or tracked information were less likely to provide accompaniment or instrumental support (r = - 0.60, p = 0.002). Findings can enhance precision in developing, describing, evaluating and improving navigation programs. |
Haematological reference intervals for healthy adults in Bamenda, Cameroon
Fondoh VN , Fondoh RM , Awasom CN , Edith PL , Ntungwen WA , Roland B , Enow-Tanjong R , Njukeng P , Shang J , Egbengu EP , Maruta T , Etheline A , Leke R , Leo A , Nsame D . Afr J Lab Med 2020 9 (1) 1193 BACKGROUND: In the era of evidence-based medicine, haematological reference intervals are essential for the interpretation of data for clinical decision-making, monitoring of treatment and research. It is not uncommon that reference intervals used in most African countries have been obtained from published scientific literature, textbooks, reagent/instrument manuals. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine haematological reference intervals of healthy adults in Bamenda, Cameroon. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between June and November 2015. Participants were voluntary blood donors at the Blood Bank Service of the Regional Hospital Bamenda aged between 18 and 65 years. The mean, median and standard deviation of the mean were calculated for each haematological parameter. The 95th percentile reference intervals were determined using the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile. The differences between gender for all the parameters were evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Significance was determined at the 95% confidence level. RESULTS: Out of a total of 340 participants, 202 (59.4%) were men and 138 (40.6%) were women. The median red blood cell, haemoglobin, haematocrit and mean cell haemoglobin concentration were significantly higher in men than women (p < 0.001). The median white blood cell, absolute lymphocytes count, absolute granulocytes and platelet counts for men were significantly lower than those for women (p < 0.011). CONCLUSION: We propose that the present established haematological reference intervals in this study should be used for clinical management of patients and interpretation of laboratory data for research in Bamenda. |
HIV patient navigation in the United States: A qualitative meta-synthesis of navigators' experiences
Roland KB , Higa DH , Leighton CA , Mizuno Y , DeLuca JB , Koenig LJ . Health Promot Pract 2020 23 (1) 74-85 Patient navigation is increasingly used to link and (re)engage persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to care. A more holistic understanding of patient navigation can be achieved by exploring the experiences of navigators, the persons who comprise half of the navigation process. We conducted a meta-synthesis of navigator experiences with HIV patient navigation using a phenomenological approach. We identified nine relevant studies. Data were analyzed using thematic synthesis. Analysis identified two overarching themes relating to (1) the breadth and depth of bidirectional relationships and functional activities that navigators undertake to connect their clients to care and (2) the inherently personal experience of delivering navigation services. From these thematic findings, we recommend that HIV patient navigators exhibit capacity and expertise in developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships with clients and health care systems/providers and develop self-care practices and emotional boundaries with clients. Our review seeks to advance public health research and practice by articulating key experiences and perspectives of HIV patient navigators, drawing findings and recommendations applicable to the development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV patient navigation. |
Atypical Mutation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae 23S rRNA Associated with High-Level Azithromycin Resistance.
Pham CD , Nash E , Liu H , Schmerer MW , Sharpe S , Woods G , Roland B , Schlanger K , St Cyr SB , Carlson J , Sellers K , Olsen A , Sanon R , Hardin H , Soge OO , Raphael BH , Kersh EN . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2020 65 (2) ![]() ![]() A2059G mutation in the 23S rRNA gene is the only reported mechanism conferring high-level azithromycin resistance (HL-AZMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoea Through U.S. gonococcal antimicrobial resistance surveillance projects, we identified four HL-AZMR gonococcal isolates lacking this mutational genotype. Genetic analysis revealed an A2058G mutation of 23S rRNA alleles in all four isolates. In vitro selected gonococcal strains with homozygous A2058G recapitulated the HL-AZMR phenotype. Taken together, we postulate that A2058G mutation confers HL-AZMR in N. gonorrhoeae. |
Rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation in the Botswana Combination Prevention Project: a quasi-experimental before and after study
Lebelonyane R , Bachanas P , Block L , Ussery F , Abrams W , Roland M , Theu J , Kapanda M , Matambo S , Lockman S , Gaolathe T , Makhema J , Moore J , Jarvis JN . Lancet HIV 2020 7 (8) e545-e553 BACKGROUND: Ensuring that individuals who are living with HIV rapidly initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) is an essential step in meeting the 90-90-90 targets. We evaluated the feasibility and outcomes of rapid ART initiation in the Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP). We aimed to establish whether simplified ART initiation with the offer of same-day treatment could increase uptake and reduce time from clinic linkage to treatment initiation, while maintaining rates of retention in care and viral suppression. METHODS: We did a quasi-experimental before and after study with use of data from the BCPP. The BCPP was a community-randomised HIV-prevention trial done in 30 communities across Botswana from Oct 1, 2013, to June 30, 2018. Participants in the 15 intervention clusters, who were HIV-positive and not already taking ART were offered universal HIV-treatment and same-day ART with a dolutegravir-based regimen at first clinic visit. This rapid ART intervention was implemented mid-way through the trial on June 1, 2016, enabling us to determine the effect of rapid ART guidelines on time to ART initiation and rates of retention in care and viral suppression at 1 year in the BCPP intervention group. FINDINGS: We assessed 1717 adults linked to study clinics before rapid ART introduction and 800 after rapid ART introduction. During the rapid ART period, 457 (57·1%, 95% CI 53·7-60·6) individuals initiated ART within 1 day of linkage, 589 (73·7%, 70·6-76·7) of 799 within 1 week, 678 (84·9%, 82·4-87·3) of 799 within 1 month, and 744 (93·5%, 91·6-95·1) of 796 within 1 year. Before the introduction of rapid ART, 163 (9·5%, 95% CI 8·2-11·0) individuals initiated ART within 1 day of linkage, 276 (16·1%, 14·4-17·9) within 1 week, 839 (48·9%, 46·5-51·3) within 1 month, and 1532 (89·2%, 87·7-90·6) within 1 year. 1 year after ART initiation, 1472 (90·5%, 87·4-92·8) of 1627 individuals who linked in the standard ART period were in care and had a viral load of less than 400 copies per mL, compared with 578 (91·6%, 88·1-94·1) of 631 in the rapid ART period (risk ratio 1·01, 95% CI 0·92-1·11). INTERPRETATION: Our findings provide support for the WHO recommendations for rapid ART initiation, and add to the accumulating evidence showing the feasibility, acceptability, and safety of rapid ART initiation in low-income and middle-income country settings. FUNDING: US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. |
Notes from the Field: Measles Outbreak Associated with International Air Travel - California, March-April 2017.
Lu L , Roland E , Shearer E , Zahn M , Djuric M , McDonald E , Redd S , Tardivel K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (25) 803-804 ![]() ![]() On March 14, 2017, the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (COSD HHSA) notified CDC of a measles case in an adult airline passenger (patient A), with recent travel to Indonesia. The patient had developed rash and swollen eyes during a flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles on March 8, followed by conjunctivitis and cough after arrival; the patient proceeded to an urgent care clinic, but a measles diagnosis was not considered. On March 9, patient A visited the clinic again, at which time measles was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on March 14. Patient A reported having received 1 dose of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. CDC identified 22 contacts from the flight, involving seven U.S. states and two countries; potentially exposed flight crew were notified on March 15. COSD HHSA identified 483 community contacts, 81 of whom received self-quarantine recommendations because they lacked presumptive evidence of immunity.* |
Increasing knowledge of HIV status in a country with high HIV testing coverage: Results from the Botswana Combination Prevention Project
Alwano MG , Bachanas P , Block L , Roland M , Sento B , Behel S , Lebelonyane R , Wirth K , Ussery F , Bapati W , Motswere-Chirwa C , Abrams W , Ussery G , Miller JA , Bile E , Fonjungo P , Kgwadu A , Holme MP , Del Castillo L , Gaolathe T , Leme K , Majingo N , Lockman S , Makhema J , Bock N , Moore J . PLoS One 2019 14 (11) e0225076 INTRODUCTION: Achieving widespread knowledge of HIV-positive status is a crucial step to reaching universal ART coverage, population level viral suppression, and ultimately epidemic control. We implemented a multi-modality HIV testing approach to identify 90% or greater of HIV-positive persons in the Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP) intervention communities. METHODS: BCPP is a cluster-randomized trial designed to evaluate the impact of combination prevention interventions on HIV incidence in 30 communities in Botswana. Community case finding and HIV testing that included home and targeted mobile testing were implemented in the 15 intervention communities. We described processes for identifying HIV-positive persons, uptake of HIV testing by age, gender and venue, characteristics of persons newly diagnosed through BCPP, and coverage of knowledge of status reached at the end of study. RESULTS: Of the 61,655 eligible adults assessed in home or mobile settings, 13,328 HIV-positive individuals, or 93% of the estimated 14,270 positive people in the communities were identified through BCPP. Knowledge of status increased by 25% over the course of the study with the greatest increases seen among men (37%) as compared to women (19%) and among youth aged 16-24 (77%) as compared to older age groups (21%). Although more men were tested through mobile than through home-based testing, higher rates of newly diagnosed HIV-positive men were found through home than mobile testing. CONCLUSIONS: Even when HIV testing coverage is high, additional gains can be made using a multi-modality HIV testing strategy to reach different sub-populations who are being missed by non-targeted program activities. Men and youth can be reached and will engage in community testing when services are brought to places they access routinely. |
Client perspectives and experiences with HIV patient navigation in the United States: A qualitative meta-synthesis
Roland KB , Higa DH , Leighton CA , Mizuno Y , DeLuca JB , Koenig LJ . Health Promot Pract 2019 21 (1) 1524839919875727 Patient navigation is increasingly utilized to link and (re)engage persons with HIV to care. Understanding client experiences with HIV patient navigation can facilitate intervention design and translation of evidence to practice. We conducted a qualitative meta-synthesis of client experiences with HIV patient navigation. Data were analyzed using thematic synthesis. We identified seven relevant studies; all collected data via in-depth interviews with persons with HIV who participated in HIV patient navigation. Four interrelated themes emerged from analysis that pertain to (1) the complexity of the health and social service environment and the holistic approaches taken by the navigator, (2) the profound significance of the client-navigator relationship, (3) client reluctance to end the navigation program, and (4) client self-efficacy and feelings of hope and psychological change as a result of their navigation experience. The unifying theme across all studies was the value and impact of the client-navigator relationship on client experience and quality of life. Programs should consider hiring navigators who possess strong relational skills and are peers of the clients, and clearly delineating the role of the navigator. Research should examine the impact of the client-navigator relationship on client outcomes and further investigate how participating in patient navigation affects client self-efficacy, client resiliency, and the role of posttraumatic growth to achieve improved HIV outcomes. This review underscores the significance of the relationship within intensive, multilevel interventions for individuals and communities marginalized and isolated from health and social service systems. |
Dolutegravir Use at Conception - Additional Surveillance Data from Botswana
Raesima MM , Ogbuabo CM , Thomas V , Forhan SE , Gokatweng G , Dintwa E , Petlo C , Motswere-Chirwa C , Rabold EM , Tinker SC , Odunsi S , Malima S , Mmunyane O , Modise T , Kefitlhile K , Dare K , Letebele M , Roland ME , Moore CA , Modi S , Williamson DM . N Engl J Med 2019 381 (9) 885-887 In May 2018, an unscheduled analysis from the Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership Tsepamo birth-outcomes surveillance study showed a higher prevalence of neural-tube defects among infants born to women who were using dolutegravir-based antiretroviral treatment (ART) regimens at the time of conception relative to infants born to women taking other types of ART.1 In response to this safety signal, the Botswana Ministry of Health and Wellness expanded surveillance for neural-tube defects in selected non-Tsepamo health facilities. |
Self-reported risky sexual practices among adolescents and young adults in Botswana
Chakalisa U , Wirth K , Bennett K , Kadima E , Manyake K , Gaolathe T , Bachanas P , Marukutira T , Lebelonyane R , Dryden-Peterson S , Butler L , Mmalane M , Makhema J , Roland ME , Pretorius-Holme M , Essex M , Lockman S , Powis KM . South Afr J HIV Med 2019 20 (1) 899 Background: Adolescents and young adults account for more than one-third of incident Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections globally. Understanding sexual practices of this high-risk group is critical in designing HIV targeted prevention programming. Objectives: To describe self-reported risky sexual practices of adolescents and young adults aged 16-24 years from 30 Botswana communities. Methods: Cross-sectional, self-reported age at sexual debut; number of sexual partners; condom and alcohol use during sex; intergenerational sex; and transactional sex data were collected. Modified Poisson estimating equations were used to obtain univariate and multivariate-adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) comparing engagement in different sexual practices according to gender, accounting for the clustered design of the study. Results: Among the 3380 participants, 2311 reported being sexually active with more females reporting being sexually active compared to males (65% vs. 35%, respectively; p < 0.0001). In univariate analyses, female participants were more likely to report inconsistent condom use (PR 1.61; 95% CI 1.44-1.80), intergenerational sex (PR 9.00; 95% CI 5.84-13.88) and transactional sex (PR 3.46; 95% CI 2.07-5.77) than males, yet less likely to report engaging in sex before age 15 years (PR 0.59; 95% CI: 0.41-0.85), using alcohol around the time of intercourse (PR: 0.59; 95% CI 0.45-0.76) or having >/= two partners in the last 12 months (PR 0.65; 95% CI 0.57-0.74). Conclusions: Self-reported risky sexual practices of adolescents and young adults in Botswana differed significantly between males and females. Gender-specific risky sexual practices highlight the importance of developing tailored HIV prevention programming. |
Universal testing, expanded treatment, and incidence of HIV infection in Botswana
Makhema J , Wirth KE , Pretorius Holme M , Gaolathe T , Mmalane M , Kadima E , Chakalisa U , Bennett K , Leidner J , Manyake K , Mbikiwa AM , Simon SV , Letlhogile R , Mukokomani K , van Widenfelt E , Moyo S , Lebelonyane R , Alwano MG , Powis KM , Dryden-Peterson SL , Kgathi C , Novitsky V , Moore J , Bachanas P , Abrams W , Block L , El-Halabi S , Marukutira T , Mills LA , Sexton C , Raizes E , Gaseitsiwe S , Bussmann H , Okui L , John O , Shapiro RL , Pals S , Michael H , Roland M , DeGruttola V , Lei Q , Wang R , Tchetgen Tchetgen E , Essex M , Lockman S . N Engl J Med 2019 381 (3) 230-242 BACKGROUND: The feasibility of reducing the population-level incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection by increasing community coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and male circumcision is unknown. METHODS: We conducted a pair-matched, community-randomized trial in 30 rural or periurban communities in Botswana from 2013 to 2018. Participants in 15 villages in the intervention group received HIV testing and counseling, linkage to care, ART (started at a higher CD4 count than in standard care), and increased access to male circumcision services. The standard-care group also consisted of 15 villages. Universal ART became available in both groups in mid-2016. We enrolled a random sample of participants from approximately 20% of households in each community and measured the incidence of HIV infection through testing performed approximately once per year. The prespecified primary analysis was a permutation test of HIV incidence ratios. Pair-stratified Cox models were used to calculate 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Of 12,610 enrollees (81% of eligible household members), 29% were HIV-positive. Of the 8974 HIV-negative persons (4487 per group), 95% were retested for HIV infection over a median of 29 months. A total of 57 participants in the intervention group and 90 participants in the standard-care group acquired HIV infection (annualized HIV incidence, 0.59% and 0.92%, respectively). The unadjusted HIV incidence ratio in the intervention group as compared with the standard-care group was 0.69 (P = 0.09) by permutation test (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.46 to 0.90 by pair-stratified Cox model). An end-of-trial survey in six communities (three per group) showed a significantly greater increase in the percentage of HIV-positive participants with an HIV-1 RNA level of 400 copies per milliliter or less in the intervention group (18 percentage points, from 70% to 88%) than in the standard-care group (8 percentage points, from 75% to 83%) (relative risk, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.09 to 1.16). The percentage of men who underwent circumcision increased by 10 percentage points in the intervention group and 2 percentage points in the standard-care group (relative risk, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.17 to 1.35). CONCLUSIONS: Expanded HIV testing, linkage to care, and ART coverage were associated with increased population viral suppression. (Funded by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and others; Ya Tsie number, NCT01965470.). |
Ethylbenzene and styrene exposure in the United States based on urinary mandelic acid and phenylglyoxylic acid: NHANES 2005-2006 and 2011-2012
Capella KM , Roland K , Geldner N , Rey deCastro B , De Jesus VR , van Bemmel D , Blount BC . Environ Res 2019 171 101-110 Ethylbenzene and styrene are air toxicants with widespread nonoccupational exposure sources, including tobacco smoke and diet. Ethylbenzene and styrene (EB/S) exposure was quantified from their common metabolites measured in spot urine samples obtained from participants (>/=6 years old) in the 2005-2006 and 2011-2012 cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; N = 4690). EB/S metabolites mandelic acid (MA) and phenylglyoxylic acid (PGA) were measured using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-MS/MS). MA and PGA were detected in 98.9% and 90.6% of tested urine specimens, respectively. Exclusive smokers had 2-fold and 1.6-fold higher median urinary MA and PGA, respectively, compared with non-users. Sampleweighted regression analysis among exclusive smokers showed that smoking 0.5 pack cigarettes per day significantly increased MA (+97.9mug/L) and PGA (+69.3mug/L), controlling for potential confounders. In comparison, exposure from the median daily dietary intake of grain products increased MA by 1.95mug/L and was not associated with statistically significant changes in urinary PGA levels. Conversely, consuming vegetables and fruit was associated with decreased MA and PGA. These results confirm tobacco smoke as a major source of ethylbenzene and styrene exposure for the general U.S. population. |
Is HIV patient navigation associated with HIV care continuum outcomes A systematic review
Mizuno Y , Higa DH , Leighton CA , Roland KB , Deluca JB , Koenig LJ . AIDS 2018 32 (17) 2557-2571 OBJECTIVE: To provide the first systematic review on the associations between HIV patient navigation and HIV care continuum outcomes (i.e., linkage to care, retention in care, ART uptake, medication adherence, and viral suppression) in the United States (U.S.). We identified primary research studies that addressed these associations and qualitatively assessed whether provision of patient navigation was positively associated with these outcomes, including strength of the evidence. METHODS: A systematic review, including both electronic (MEDLINE [OVID], EMBASE [OVID], PsycINFO [OVID], and CINAHL [EBSCOhost]) online databases and manual searches, was conducted to locate studies published from January 1, 1996 through April 23, 2018. RESULTS: Twenty studies met our inclusion criteria. Of these, 17 found positive associations. Patient navigation was more likely to be positively associated with linkage to care (5 of 6 studies that assessed this association), retention in care (10 of 11), and viral suppression (11 of 15) than with antiretroviral (ART) uptake (1 of 4) or ART adherence (2 of 4). However, almost two-thirds of the 17 studies were of weak study quality, and only three used a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. CONCLUSIONS: Available evidence suggests that patient navigation is a potentially effective strategy to enhance engagement in care among persons with HIV (PWH). However encouraging, the evidence is still weak. Studies with more rigorous methodological designs, and research examining characteristics of navigators or navigational programs associated with better outcomes, are warranted given the current interest and use of this strategy. |
Genomic history of the seventh pandemic of cholera in Africa.
Weill FX , Domman D , Njamkepo E , Tarr C , Rauzier J , Fawal N , Keddy KH , Salje H , Moore S , Mukhopadhyay AK , Bercion R , Luquero FJ , Ngandjio A , Dosso M , Monakhova E , Garin B , Bouchier C , Pazzani C , Mutreja A , Grunow R , Sidikou F , Bonte L , Breurec S , Damian M , Njanpop-Lafourcade BM , Sapriel G , Page AL , Hamze M , Henkens M , Chowdhury G , Mengel M , Koeck JL , Fournier JM , Dougan G , Grimont PAD , Parkhill J , Holt KE , Piarroux R , Ramamurthy T , Quilici ML , Thomson NR . Science 2017 358 (6364) 785-789 ![]() The seventh cholera pandemic has heavily affected Africa, although the origin and continental spread of the disease remain undefined. We used genomic data from 1070 Vibrio cholerae O1 isolates, across 45 African countries and over a 49-year period, to show that past epidemics were attributable to a single expanded lineage. This lineage was introduced at least 11 times since 1970, into two main regions, West Africa and East/Southern Africa, causing epidemics that lasted up to 28 years. The last five introductions into Africa, all from Asia, involved multidrug-resistant sublineages that replaced antibiotic-susceptible sublineages after 2000. This phylogenetic framework describes the periodicity of lineage introduction and the stable routes of cholera spread, which should inform the rational design of control measures for cholera in Africa. |
Conveyance contact investigation for imported Middle East Respiratory Syndrome cases, United States, May 2014
Lippold SA , Objio T , Vonnahme L , Washburn F , Cohen NJ , Chen TH , Edelson PJ , Gulati R , Hale C , Harcourt J , Haynes L , Jewett A , Jungerman R , Kohl KS , Miao C , Pesik N , Regan JJ , Roland E , Schembri C , Schneider E , Tamin A , Tatti K , Alvarado-Ramy F . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (9) 1585-1589 In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted conveyance contact investigations for 2 Middle East respiratory syndrome cases imported into the United States, comprising all passengers and crew on 4 international and domestic flights and 1 bus. Of 655 contacts, 78% were interviewed; 33% had serologic testing. No secondary cases were identified. |
Use of community health workers and patient navigators to improve cancer outcomes among patients served by federally qualified health centers: A systematic literature review
Roland KB , Milliken EL , Rohan EA , DeGroff A , White S , Melillo S , Rorie WE , Signes CC , Young PA . Health Equity 2017 1 (1) 61-76 Introduction: In the United States, disparities in cancer screening, morbidity, and mortality are well documented, and often are related to race/ethnicity and socioeconomic indicators including income, education, and healthcare access. Public health approaches that address social determinants of health have the greatest potential public health benefit, and can positively impact health disparities. As public health interventions, community health workers (CHWs), and patient navigators (PNs) work to address disparities and improve cancer outcomes through education, connecting patients to and navigating them through the healthcare system, supporting patient adherence to screening and diagnostic services, and providing social support and linkages to financial and community resources. Clinical settings, such as federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) are mandated to provide care to medically underserved communities, and thus are also valuable in the effort to address health disparities. We conducted a systematic literature review to identify studies of cancer-related CHW/PN interventions in FQHCs, and to describe the components and characteristics of those interventions in order to guide future intervention development and evaluation. Method: We searched five databases for peer-reviewed CHW/PN intervention studies conducted in partnership with FQHCs with a focus on cancer, carried out in the United States, and published in English between January 1990 and December 2013. Results: We identified 24 articles, all reporting positive outcomes of CHW/PNs interventions in FQHCs. CHW/PN interventions most commonly promoted breast, cervical, or colorectal cancer screening and/or referral for diagnostic resolution. Studies were supported largely through federal funding. Partnerships with academic institutions and community-based organizations provided support and helped develop capacity among FQHC clinic leadership and community members. Discussion: Both the FQHC system and CHW/PNs were borne from the need to address persistent, complex health disparities among medically underserved communities. Our findings support the effectiveness of CHW/PN programs to improve completion and timeliness of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening in FQHCs, and highlight intervention components useful to design and sustainability. |
Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies Are a Reservoir of Poliovirus and a Risk to Polio Eradication.
Aghamohammadi A , Abolhassani H , Kutukculer N , Wassilak SG , Pallansch MA , Kluglein S , Quinn J , Sutter RW , Wang X , Sanal O , Latysheva T , Ikinciogullari A , Bernatowska E , Tuzankina IA , Costa-Carvalho BT , Franco JL , Somech R , Karakoc-Aydiner E , Singh S , Bezrodnik L , Espinosa-Rosales FJ , Shcherbina A , Lau YL , Nonoyama S , Modell F , Modell V , Ozen A , Berlin A , Chouikha A , Partida-Gaytán A , Kiykim A , Prakash C , Suri D , Ayvaz DC , Peláez D , da Silva EE , Deordieva E , Pérez-Sánchez EE , Ulusoy E , Dogu F , Seminario G , Cuzcanci H , Triki H , Shimizu H , Tezcan I , Ben-Mustapha I , Sun J , Mazzucchelli JTL , Orrego JC , Pac M , Bolkov M , Giraldo M , Belhaj-Hmida N , Mekki N , Kuzmenko N , Karaca NE , Rezaei N , Diop OM , Baris S , Chan SM , Shahmahmoodi S , Haskologlu S , Ying W , Wang Y , Barbouche MR , McKinlay MA . Front Immunol 2017 8 685 ![]() Immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived polioviruses (iVDPVs) have been isolated from primary immunodeficiency (PID) patients exposed to oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). Patients may excrete poliovirus strains for months or years; the excreted viruses are frequently highly divergent from the parental OPV and have been shown to be as neurovirulent as wild virus. Thus, these patients represent a potential reservoir for transmission of neurovirulent polioviruses in the post-eradication era. In support of WHO recommendations to better estimate the prevalence of poliovirus excreters among PIDs and characterize genetic evolution of these strains, 635 patients including 570 with primary antibody deficiencies and 65 combined immunodeficiencies were studied from 13 OPV-using countries. Two stool samples were collected over 4 days, tested for enterovirus, and the poliovirus positive samples were sequenced. Thirteen patients (2%) excreted polioviruses, most for less than 2 months following identification of infection. Five (0.8%) were classified as iVDPVs (only in combined immunodeficiencies and mostly poliovirus serotype 2). Non-polio enteroviruses were detected in 30 patients (4.7%). Patients with combined immunodeficiencies had increased risk of delayed poliovirus clearance compared to primary antibody deficiencies. Usually, iVDPV was detected in subjects with combined immunodeficiencies in a short period of time after OPV exposure, most for less than 6 months. Surveillance for poliovirus excretion among PID patients should be reinforced until polio eradication is certified and the use of OPV is stopped. Survival rates among PID patients are improving in lower and middle income countries, and iVDPV excreters are identified more frequently. Antivirals or enhanced immunotherapies presently in development represent the only potential means to manage the treatment of prolonged excreters and the risk they present to the polio endgame. |
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