Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 38 Records) |
Query Trace: Posey JE[original query] |
Characterizing the etiology of recurrent tuberculosis using whole genome sequencing-Alaska, USA, 2008-2020
Springer YP , Tompkins ML , Newell K , Jones M , Burns S , Chandler B , Cowan LS , Kammerer JS , Posey JE , Raz KM , Rothoff M , Silk BJ , Vergnetti YL , McLaughlin JB , Talarico S . J Infect Dis 2024 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Understanding the etiology of recurrent tuberculosis (rTB) is important for effective TB control. Prior to the advent of whole genome sequencing (WGS), attributing rTB to relapse or reinfection using genetic information was complicated by the limited resolution of conventional genotyping methods. METHODS: We applied a systematic method of evaluating whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (wgSNP) distances and results of phylogenetic analyses to characterize the etiology of rTB in American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) persons in Alaska during 2008-2020. We contextualized our findings through descriptive analyses of surveillance data and results of a literature search for investigations that characterized rTB etiology using WGS. RESULTS: The percentage of TB cases in AIAN persons in Alaska classified as recurrent episodes (11.8%) was three times the national percentage (3.9%). Of 38 recurrent episodes included in genetic analyses, we attributed 25 (65.8%) to reinfection based on wgSNP distances and phylogenetic analyses; this proportion was the highest among 16 published point estimates identified through the literature search. By comparison, we attributed 11 of 38 (28.9%) and 6 of 38 (15.8%) recurrent episodes to reinfection based on wgSNP distances alone and on conventional genotyping methods, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: WGS and attribution criteria involving genetic distances and patterns of relatedness can provide an effective means of elucidating rTB etiology. Our findings indicate that rTB occurs at high proportions among AIAN persons in Alaska and is frequently attributable to reinfection, reinforcing the importance of active surveillance and control measures to limit the spread of TB disease in Alaskan AIAN communities. |
Prediction of pyrazinamide resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using structure-based machine-learning approaches
Carter JJ , Walker TM , Walker AS , Whitfield MG , Morlock GP , Lynch CI , Adlard D , Peto TEA , Posey JE , Crook DW , Fowler PW . JAC Antimicrob Resist 2024 6 (2) dlae037 ![]() ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Pyrazinamide is one of four first-line antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis; however, antibiotic susceptibility testing for pyrazinamide is challenging. Resistance to pyrazinamide is primarily driven by genetic variation in pncA, encoding an enzyme that converts pyrazinamide into its active form. METHODS: We curated a dataset of 664 non-redundant, missense amino acid mutations in PncA with associated high-confidence phenotypes from published studies and then trained three different machine-learning models to predict pyrazinamide resistance. All models had access to a range of protein structural-, chemical- and sequence-based features. RESULTS: The best model, a gradient-boosted decision tree, achieved a sensitivity of 80.2% and a specificity of 76.9% on the hold-out test dataset. The clinical performance of the models was then estimated by predicting the binary pyrazinamide resistance phenotype of 4027 samples harbouring 367 unique missense mutations in pncA derived from 24 231 clinical isolates. CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrates how machine learning can enhance the sensitivity/specificity of pyrazinamide resistance prediction in genetics-based clinical microbiology workflows, highlights novel mutations for future biochemical investigation, and is a proof of concept for using this approach in other drugs. |
Validation of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoniazid resistance mutations not detectable by common molecular tests (preprint)
Kandler JL , Mercante AD , Dalton TL , Ezewudo MN , Cowan LS , Burns SP , Metchock B , Cegielski P , Posey JE . bioRxiv 2018 322750 Resistance to the first-line anti-tuberculosis (TB) drug, isoniazid (INH), is widespread, and the mechanism of resistance is unknown in approximately 15% of INH-resistant (INH-R) strains. To improve molecular detection of INH-R TB, we used whole genome sequencing (WGS) to analyze 52 phenotypically INH-R Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) clinical isolates that lacked the common katG S315T or inhA promoter mutations. Approximately 94% (49/52) of strains had mutations at known INH-associated loci that were likely to confer INH resistance. All such mutations would be detectable by sequencing more DNA adjacent to existing target regions. Use of WGS minimized the chances of missing infrequent INH resistance mutations outside commonly targeted hotspots. We used recombineering to generate 12 observed clinical katG mutations in the pansusceptible H37Rv reference strain and determined their impact on INH resistance. Our functional genetic experiments have confirmed the role of seven suspected INH resistance mutations and discovered five novel INH resistance mutations. All recombineered katG mutations conferred resistance to INH at a minimum inhibitory concentration of ≥0.25 μg/mL and should be added to the list of INH resistance determinants targeted by molecular diagnostic assays. We conclude that WGS is a superior method for detection of INH-R MTBC compared to current targeted molecular testing methods and could provide earlier diagnosis of drug-resistant TB. |
Prediction of Susceptibility to First-Line Tuberculosis Drugs by DNA Sequencing.
Allix-Béguec C , Arandjelovic I , Bi L , Beckert P , Bonnet M , Bradley P , Cabibbe AM , Cancino-Muñoz I , Caulfield MJ , Chaiprasert A , Cirillo DM , Clifton DA , Comas I , Crook DW , De Filippo MR , de Neeling H , Diel R , Drobniewski FA , Faksri K , Farhat MR , Fleming J , Fowler P , Fowler TA , Gao Q , Gardy J , Gascoyne-Binzi D , Gibertoni-Cruz AL , Gil-Brusola A , Golubchik T , Gonzalo X , Grandjean L , He G , Guthrie JL , Hoosdally S , Hunt M , Iqbal Z , Ismail N , Johnston J , Khanzada FM , Khor CC , Kohl TA , Kong C , Lipworth S , Liu Q , Maphalala G , Martinez E , Mathys V , Merker M , Miotto P , Mistry N , Moore DAJ , Murray M , Niemann S , Omar SV , Ong RT , Peto TEA , Posey JE , Prammananan T , Pym A , Rodrigues C , Rodrigues M , Rodwell T , Rossolini GM , Sánchez Padilla E , Schito M , Shen X , Shendure J , Sintchenko V , Sloutsky A , Smith EG , Snyder M , Soetaert K , Starks AM , Supply P , Suriyapol P , Tahseen S , Tang P , Teo YY , Thuong TNT , Thwaites G , Tortoli E , van Soolingen D , Walker AS , Walker TM , Wilcox M , Wilson DJ , Wyllie D , Yang Y , Zhang H , Zhao Y , Zhu B . N Engl J Med 2018 379 (15) 1403-1415 ![]() BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends drug-susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex for all patients with tuberculosis to guide treatment decisions and improve outcomes. Whether DNA sequencing can be used to accurately predict profiles of susceptibility to first-line antituberculosis drugs has not been clear. METHODS: We obtained whole-genome sequences and associated phenotypes of resistance or susceptibility to the first-line antituberculosis drugs isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide for isolates from 16 countries across six continents. For each isolate, mutations associated with drug resistance and drug susceptibility were identified across nine genes, and individual phenotypes were predicted unless mutations of unknown association were also present. To identify how whole-genome sequencing might direct first-line drug therapy, complete susceptibility profiles were predicted. These profiles were predicted to be susceptible to all four drugs (i.e., pansusceptible) if they were predicted to be susceptible to isoniazid and to the other drugs or if they contained mutations of unknown association in genes that affect susceptibility to the other drugs. We simulated the way in which the negative predictive value changed with the prevalence of drug resistance. RESULTS: A total of 10,209 isolates were analyzed. The largest proportion of phenotypes was predicted for rifampin (9660 [95.4%] of 10,130) and the smallest was predicted for ethambutol (8794 [89.8%] of 9794). Resistance to isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide was correctly predicted with 97.1%, 97.5%, 94.6%, and 91.3% sensitivity, respectively, and susceptibility to these drugs was correctly predicted with 99.0%, 98.8%, 93.6%, and 96.8% specificity. Of the 7516 isolates with complete phenotypic drug-susceptibility profiles, 5865 (78.0%) had complete genotypic predictions, among which 5250 profiles (89.5%) were correctly predicted. Among the 4037 phenotypic profiles that were predicted to be pansusceptible, 3952 (97.9%) were correctly predicted. CONCLUSIONS: Genotypic predictions of the susceptibility of M. tuberculosis to first-line drugs were found to be correlated with phenotypic susceptibility to these drugs. (Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others.). |
Discovery of substituted benzyloxy-benzylamine inhibitors of acetyltransferase Eis and their anti-mycobacterial activity
Pang AH , Green KD , Chandrika NT , Garzan A , Punetha A , Holbrook SYL , Willby MJ , Posey JE , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . Eur J Med Chem 2022 242 114698 A clinically significant mechanism of tuberculosis resistance to the aminoglycoside kanamycin (KAN) is its acetylation catalyzed by upregulated Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) acetyltransferase Eis. In search for inhibitors of Eis, we discovered an inhibitor with a substituted benzyloxy-benzylamine scaffold. A structure-activity relationship study of 38 compounds in this structural family yielded highly potent (IC(50) 1M) Eis inhibitors, which did not inhibit other acetyltransferases. Crystal structures of Eis in complexes with three of the inhibitors showed that the inhibitors were bound in the aminoglycoside binding site of Eis, consistent with the competitive mode of inhibition, as established by kinetics measurements. When tested in Mtb cultures, two inhibitors (47 and 55) completely abolished resistance to KAN of the highly KAN-resistant strain Mtb mc(2) 6230 K204, likely due to Eis inhibition as a major mechanism. Thirteen of the compounds were toxic even in the absence of KAN to Mtb and other mycobacteria, but not to non-mycobacteria or to mammalian cells. This, yet unidentified mechanism of toxicity, distinct from Eis inhibition, will merit future studies along with further development of these molecules as anti-mycobacterial agents. |
Molecular surveillance for large outbreaks of tuberculosis in the United States, 2014-2018.
Raz KM , Talarico S , Althomsons SP , Kammerer JS , Cowan LS , Haddad MB , McDaniel CJ , Wortham JM , France AM , Powell KM , Posey JE , Silk BJ . Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2022 136 102232 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: This study describes characteristics of large tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks in the United States detected using novel molecular surveillance methods during 2014-2016 and followed for 2 years through 2018. METHODS: We developed 4 genotype-based detection algorithms to identify large TB outbreaks of ≥10 cases related by recent transmission during a 3-year period. We used whole-genome sequencing and epidemiologic data to assess evidence of recent transmission among cases. RESULTS: There were 24 large outbreaks involving 518 cases; patients were primarily U.S.-born (85.1%) racial/ethnic minorities (84.1%). Compared with all other TB patients, patients associated with large outbreaks were more likely to report substance use, homelessness, and having been diagnosed while incarcerated. Most large outbreaks primarily occurred within residences among families and nonfamilial social contacts. A source case with a prolonged infectious period and difficulties in eliciting contacts were commonly reported contributors to transmission. CONCLUSION: Large outbreak surveillance can inform targeted interventions to decrease outbreak-associated TB morbidity. |
Structure-based design of haloperidol analogues as inhibitors of acetyltransferase Eis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis to overcome kanamycin resistance
Punetha A , Green KD , Garzan A , Thamban Chandrika N , Willby MJ , Pang AH , Hou C , Holbrook SYL , Krieger K , Posey JE , Parish T , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . RSC Med Chem 2021 12 (11) 1894-1909 Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is a deadly bacterial disease. Drug-resistant strains of Mtb make eradication of TB a daunting task. Overexpression of the enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) protein by Mtb confers resistance to the second-line antibiotic kanamycin (KAN). Eis is an acetyltransferase that acetylates KAN, inactivating its antimicrobial function. Development of Eis inhibitors as KAN adjuvant therapeutics is an attractive path to forestall and overcome KAN resistance. We discovered that an antipsychotic drug, haloperidol (HPD, 1), was a potent Eis inhibitor with IC(50) = 0.39 ± 0.08 μM. We determined the crystal structure of the Eis-haloperidol (1) complex, which guided synthesis of 34 analogues. The structure-activity relationship study showed that in addition to haloperidol (1), eight analogues, some of which were smaller than 1, potently inhibited Eis (IC(50) ≤ 1 μM). Crystal structures of Eis in complexes with three potent analogues and droperidol (DPD), an antiemetic and antipsychotic, were determined. Three compounds partially restored KAN sensitivity of a KAN-resistant Mtb strain K204 overexpressing Eis. The Eis inhibitors generally did not exhibit cytotoxicity against mammalian cells. All tested compounds were modestly metabolically stable in human liver microsomes, exhibiting 30-60% metabolism over the course of the assay. While direct repurposing of haloperidol as an anti-TB agent is unlikely due to its neurotoxicity, this study reveals potential approaches to modifying this chemical scaffold to minimize toxicity and improve metabolic stability, while preserving potent Eis inhibition. |
Molecular evaluation of fluoroquinolone resistance in serial Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from individuals diagnosed with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Willby M , Chopra P , Lemmer D , Klein K , Dalton TL , Engelthaler DM , Cegielski P , Posey JE . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2020 65 (1) ![]() ![]() Fluoroquinolones (FQ) are crucial components of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) treatment. Varying levels of resistance are associated with specific mutations within the Quinolone Resistance Determining Region (QRDR) of gyrA We sequenced the QRDR from serial isolates of MDR TB patients in the Preserving Effective TB Treatment Study (PETTS) with baseline (FQ(R)) or acquired FQ resistance (FQ(ACQR)) using the IonTorrent™ Personal Genome Machine to a depth of 10,000x and reported single nucleotide polymorphisms in ≥1% of reads. FQ(R) isolates harbored 15 distinct alleles with 1.3 (max=6) on average per isolate. Eighteen alleles were identified in FQ(ACQR) isolates with an average of 1.6 (max=9) per isolate. Isolates from 78% of FQ(ACQR) individuals had mutant alleles identified within 6 months of treatment initiation. Asp94Gly followed by Ala90Val were the predominant alleles in initial FQ-resistant isolates. Seventy-seven percent (36/47) of FQ(ACQR) group patients had isolates with FQ resistance alleles prior to changes to the FQ component of their treatment. Unlike individuals treated initially with other FQs, none of the 21 individuals treated initially with levofloxacin developed genotypic or phenotypic FQ resistance, although, country of residence is likely a contributing factor since 69% of these individuals were from a single country. Initial detection of phenotypic and genotypic resistance occurred simultaneously for most; however, phenotypic resistance occurred earlier in isolates harboring mixtures of very low-abundance (<1% of reads) alleles while genotypic resistance often occurred earlier for low-level resistance-associated alleles. Understanding factors influencing acquisition and evolution of FQ resistance could reveal strategies for improved treatment success. |
Structure-guided optimization of inhibitors of acetyltransferase Eis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Punetha A , Ngo HX , Holbrook SYL , Green KD , Willby MJ , Bonnett SA , Krieger K , Dennis EK , Posey JE , Parish T , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . ACS Chem Biol 2020 15 (6) 1581-1594 The enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a versatile acetyltransferase that multiacetylates aminoglycoside antibiotics abolishing their binding to the bacterial ribosome. When overexpressed as a result of promoter mutations, Eis causes drug resistance. In an attempt to overcome the Eis-mediated kanamycin resistance of Mtb, we designed and optimized structurally unique thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine Eis inhibitors toward effective kanamycin adjuvant combination therapy. We obtained 12 crystal structures of enzyme-inhibitor complexes, which guided our rational structure-based design of 72 thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine analogues divided into three families. We evaluated the potency of these inhibitors in vitro as well as their ability to restore the activity of kanamycin in a resistant strain of Mtb, in which Eis was upregulated. Furthermore, we evaluated the metabolic stability of 11 compounds in vitro. This study showcases how structural information can guide Eis inhibitor design. |
Isoniazid- and Rifampin-Resistance Mutations Associated with Resistance to Second-line Drugs and with Sputum Culture Conversion.
Click ES , Kurbatova E , Alexander H , Dalton TL , Chen MP , Posey JE , Ershova JJ , Cegielski P . J Infect Dis 2020 221 (12) 2072-2082 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Mutations in the genes inhA, katG and rpoB confer resistance to anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs isoniazid and rifampin. We questioned whether specific mutations in these genes were associated with different clinical and microbiological characteristics. METHODS: In a multi-country prospective cohort study of MDR-TB, we identified inhA, katG and rpoB mutations in sputum isolates using the Hain MTBDRplus line probe assay. For specific mutations, we performed bivariate analysis to determine relative risk of baseline or acquired resistance to other TB drugs. We compared time-to-sputum-culture-conversion (TSCC) using Kaplan-Meier curves and stratified Cox regression. RESULTS: In total, 447 participants enrolled January 2005-December 2008 from seven countries were included. Relative to rpoB S531L, isolates with rpoB D516V had less cross-resistance to rifabutin, increased baseline resistance to other drugs, and increased acquired fluoroquinolone resistance.Relative to mutation of katG only, mutation of inhA promoter and katG was associated with increased acquired fluoroquinolone resistance and slower TSCC (125.5 vs. 89.0 days). CONCLUSIONS: Specific mutations in inhA and katG are associated with differences in resistance to other drugs and TSCC. Molecular testing may make it possible to tailor treatment and assess additional drug resistance risk according to specific mutation profile. |
Pathogen Genomics in Public Health.
Armstrong GL , MacCannell DR , Taylor J , Carleton HA , Neuhaus EB , Bradbury RS , Posey JE , Gwinn M . N Engl J Med 2019 381 (26) 2569-2580 ![]() ![]() Rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology ("next-generation sequencing") have inspired optimism about the potential of human genomics for "precision medicine." Meanwhile, pathogen genomics is already delivering "precision public health" through more effective investigations of outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, better-targeted tuberculosis control, and more timely and granular influenza surveillance to inform the selection of vaccine strains. In this article, we describe how public health agencies have been adopting pathogen genomics to improve their effectiveness in almost all domains of infectious disease. This momentum is likely to continue, given the ongoing development in sequencing and sequencing-related technologies. |
Tuberculosis vaccine development: Progress in clinical evaluation
Sable SB , Posey JE , Scriba TJ . Clin Microbiol Rev 2019 33 (1) ![]() Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading killer among all infectious diseases worldwide despite extensive use of the Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. A safer and more effective vaccine than BCG is urgently required. More than a dozen TB vaccine candidates are under active evaluation in clinical trials aimed to prevent infection, disease, and recurrence. After decades of extensive research, renewed promise of an effective vaccine against this ancient airborne disease has recently emerged. In two innovative phase 2b vaccine clinical trials, one for the prevention of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in healthy adolescents and another for the prevention of TB disease in M. tuberculosis-infected adults, efficacy signals were observed. These breakthroughs, based on the greatly expanded knowledge of the M. tuberculosis infection spectrum, immunology of TB, and vaccine platforms, have reinvigorated the TB vaccine field. Here, we review our current understanding of natural immunity to TB, limitations in BCG immunity that are guiding vaccinologists to design novel TB vaccine candidates and concepts, and the desired attributes of a modern TB vaccine. We provide an overview of the progress of TB vaccine candidates in clinical evaluation, perspectives on the challenges faced by current vaccine concepts, and potential avenues to build on recent successes and accelerate the TB vaccine research-and-development trajectory. |
Validation of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoniazid resistance mutations not detectable by common molecular tests.
Kandler JL , Mercante AD , Dalton TL , Ezewudo MN , Cowan LS , Burns SP , Metchock B , Cegielski P , Posey JE . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018 62 (10) ![]() ![]() Resistance to the first-line anti-tuberculosis (TB) drug, isoniazid (INH), is widespread, and the mechanism of resistance is unknown in approximately 15% of INH-resistant (INH-R) strains. To improve molecular detection of INH-R TB, we used whole genome sequencing (WGS) to analyze 52 phenotypically INH-R Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) clinical isolates that lacked the common katG S315T or inhA promoter mutations. Approximately 94% (49/52) of strains had mutations at known INH-associated loci that were likely to confer INH resistance. All such mutations would be detectable by sequencing more DNA adjacent to existing target regions. Use of WGS minimized the chances of missing infrequent INH resistance mutations outside commonly targeted hotspots. We used recombineering to generate 12 observed clinical katG mutations in the pansusceptible H37Rv reference strain and determined their impact on INH resistance. Our functional genetic experiments have confirmed the role of seven suspected INH resistance mutations and discovered five novel INH resistance mutations. All recombineered katG mutations conferred resistance to INH at a minimum inhibitory concentration of >/=0.25 mug/mL and should be added to the list of INH resistance determinants targeted by molecular diagnostic assays. We conclude that WGS is a useful tool for detecting uncommon INH resistance mutations that would otherwise be missed by current targeted molecular testing methods, and suggest that its use (or use of expanded conventional or NGS-based targeted sequencing) may provide earlier diagnosis of INH-R TB. |
Potent 1,2,4-triazino[5,6 b]indole-3-thioether inhibitors of the kanamycin resistance enzyme Eis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ngo HX , Green KD , Gajadeera CS , Willby MJ , Holbrook SYL , Hou C , Garzan A , Mayhoub AS , Posey JE , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . ACS Infect Dis 2018 4 (6) 1030-1040 A common cause of resistance to kanamycin (KAN) in tuberculosis is overexpression of the enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) protein. Eis is an acetyltransferase that multiacetylates KAN and other aminoglycosides, rendering them unable to bind the bacterial ribosome. By high-throughput screening, a series of substituted 1,2,4-triazino[5,6 b]indole-3-thioether molecules were identified as effective Eis inhibitors. Herein, we purchased 17 and synthesized 22 new compounds, evaluated their potency, and characterized their steady-state kinetics. Four inhibitors were found not only to inhibit Eis in vitro, but also to act as adjuvants of KAN and partially restore KAN sensitivity in a Mycobacterium tuberculosis KAN-resistant strain in which Eis is upregulated. A crystal structure of Eis in complex with a potent inhibitor and CoA shows that the inhibitors bind in the aminoglycoside binding site snugly inserted into a hydrophobic cavity. These inhibitors will undergo preclinical development as novel KAN adjuvant therapies to treat KAN-resistant tuberculosis. |
Statistical Method to Detect Tuberculosis Outbreaks among Endemic Clusters in a Low-Incidence Setting.
Althomsons SP , Hill AN , Harrist AV , France AM , Powell KM , Posey JE , Cowan LS , Navin TR . Emerg Infect Dis 2018 24 (3) 573-575 ![]() ![]() We previously reported use of genotype surveillance data to predict outbreaks among incident tuberculosis clusters. We propose a method to detect possible outbreaks among endemic tuberculosis clusters. We detected 15 possible outbreaks, of which 10 had epidemiologic data or whole-genome sequencing results. Eight outbreaks were corroborated. |
Acetylation by Eis and deacetylation by Rv1151c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HupB: Biochemical and structural insight
Green KD , Biswas T , Pang AH , Willby MJ , Reed MS , Stuchlik O , Pohl J , Posey JE , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . Biochemistry 2018 57 (5) 781-790 Bacterial nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) are critical to genome integrity and chromosome maintenance. Post-translational modifications of bacterial NAPs appear to function similarly to their better studied mammalian counterparts. The histone-like NAP HupB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) was previously observed to be acetylated by the acetyltransferase Eis, leading to genome reorganization. We report biochemical and structural aspects of acetylation of HupB by Eis. We also found that the SirT-family NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase Rv1151c from Mtb deacetylated HupB in vitro and characterized the deacetylation kinetics. We propose that activities of Eis and Rv1151c could regulate the acetylation status of HupB to remodel the mycobacterial chromosome in response to environmental changes. |
Using reduced inoculum densities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in MGIT Pyrazinamide Susceptibility Testing to prevent false-resistant results and improve accuracy: A multicenter evaluation
Morlock GP , Tyrrell FC , Baynham D , Escuyer VE , Green N , Kim Y , Longley-Olson PA , Parrish N , Pennington C , Tan D , Austin B , Posey JE . Tuberc Res Treat 2017 2017 3748163 The primary platform used for pyrazinamide (PZA) susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the MGIT culture system (Becton Dickinson). Since false-resistant results have been associated with the use of this system, we conducted a multicenter evaluation to determine the effect of using a reduced cell density inoculum on the rate of false resistance. Two reduced inoculum densities were compared with that prescribed by the manufacturer (designated as "BD" method). The reduced inoculum methods (designated as "A" and "C") were identical to the manufacturer's protocol in all aspects with the exception of the cell density of the inoculum. Twenty genetically and phenotypically characterized M. tuberculosis isolates were tested in duplicate by ten independent laboratories using the three inoculum methods. False-resistant results declined from 21.1% using the standard "BD" method to 5.7% using the intermediate ("A") inoculum and further declined to 2.8% using the most dilute ("C") inoculum method. The percentages of the resistant results that were false-resistant declined from 55.2% for the "BD" test to 28.8% and 16.0% for the "A" and "C" tests, respectively. These results represent compelling evidence that the occurrence of false-resistant MGIT PZA susceptibility test results can be mitigated through the use of reduced inoculum densities. |
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pncA mutations by the NIPRO Genoscholar(™)·PZA-TB II as compared to conventional sequencing.
Willby MJ , Wijkander M , Havumaki J , Johnson K , Werngren J , Hoffner S , Denkinger CM , Posey JE . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 62 (1) ![]() ![]() Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a standard component of first-line treatment regimens for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and is included in treatment regimens for drug-resistant Mtb whenever possible. It is therefore imperative that susceptibility to PZA be reliably assessed prior to initiation of therapy. Currently-available growth-based PZA susceptibility tests are time consuming and results can be inconsistent. Molecular tests have been developed for most first-line antituberculosis drugs, however, a commercial molecular test is not yet available for rapid detection of PZA resistance. Recently, a line probe assay, NIPRO GenoscholarPZA-TB II, was developed for the detection of mutations within the pncA gene including the promoter region likely to lead to PZA resistance. The sensitivity and specificity of this assay was evaluated by two independent laboratories using a combined total of 249 strains with mutations in pncA and its promoter as well as 21 strains with wild-type pncA Overall, the assay showed good sensitivity (93.2%, 95%CI 89.3, 95.8) and moderate specificity (91.2%, 95%CI 77.0, 97.0) for the identification of Mtb predicted to be resistant to PZA based upon the presence of mutations (excluding known PZA susceptible mutations) in the pncA coding region or promoter. The assay shows promise for the molecular prediction of PZA resistance. |
Combating Enhanced intracellular survival (Eis)-mediated kanamycin resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by novel pyrrolo[1,5-a]pyrazine-based Eis inhibitors
Garzan A , Willby MJ , Ngo HX , Gajadeera CS , Green KD , Holbrook SY , Hou C , Posey JE , Tsodikov OV , Garneau-Tsodikova S . ACS Infect Dis 2017 3 (4) 302-309 Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Hence, the identification of highly effective antitubercular drugs with novel modes of action is crucial. In this paper, we report the discovery and development of pyrrolo[1,5-a]pyrazine-based analogues as highly potent inhibitors of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) acetyltransferase enhanced intracellular survival (Eis), whose up-regulation causes clinically observed resistance to the aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotic kanamycin A (KAN). We performed a structure-activity relationship (SAR) study to optimize these compounds as potent Eis inhibitors both against purified enzyme and in mycobacterial cells. A crystal structure of Eis in complex with one of the most potent inhibitors reveals that the compound is bound to Eis in the AG binding pocket, serving as the structural basis for the SAR. These Eis inhibitors have no observed cytotoxicity to mammalian cells and are promising leads for the development of innovative AG adjuvant therapies against drug-resistant TB. |
Sulfonamide-based inhibitors of aminoglycoside acetyltransferase Eis abolish resistance to kanamycin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Garzan A , Willby MJ , Green KD , Gajadeera CS , Hou C , Tsodikov OV , Posey JE , Garneau-Tsodikova S . J Med Chem 2016 59 (23) 10619-10628 A two-drug combination therapy where one drug targets an offending cell and the other targets a resistance mechanism to the first drug is a time-tested, yet underexploited approach to combat or prevent drug resistance. By high-throughput screening, we identified a sulfonamide scaffold that served as a pharmacophore to generate inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis acetyltransferase Eis, whose upregulation causes resistance to the aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotic kanamycin A (KAN) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Rational systematic derivatization of this scaffold to maximize Eis inhibition and abolish the Eis-mediated KAN resistance of M. tuberculosis yielded several highly potent agents. A crystal structure of Eis in complex with one of the most potent inhibitors revealed that the inhibitor bound Eis in the AG-binding pocket held by a conformationally malleable region of Eis (residues 28-37) bearing key hydrophobic residues. These Eis inhibitors are promising leads for preclinical development of innovative AG combination therapies against resistant TB. |
Discovery and optimization of two Eis inhibitor families as kanamycin adjuvants against drug-resistant M. tuberculosis
Garzan A , Willby MJ , Green KD , Tsodikov OV , Posey JE , Garneau-Tsodikova S . ACS Med Chem Lett 2016 7 (12) 1219-1221 Drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a global threat and innovative approaches such as using adjuvants of anti-TB therapeutics are required to combat it. High-throughput screening yielded two lead scaffolds of inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) acetyltransferase Eis, whose upregulation causes resistance to the anti-TB drug kanamycin (KAN). Chemical optimization on these scaffolds resulted in potent Eis inhibitors. One compound restored the activity of KAN in a KAN-resistant Mtb strain. Model structures of Eis-inhibitor complexes explain the structure-activity relationship. |
Potent inhibitors of acetyltransferase Eis overcome kanamycin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Willby MJ , Green KD , Gajadeera CS , Hou C , Tsodikov OV , Posey JE , Garneau-Tsodikova S . ACS Chem Biol 2016 11 (6) 1639-46 A major cause of tuberculosis (TB) resistance to the aminoglycoside kanamycin (KAN) is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) acetyltransferase Eis. Upregulation of this enzyme is responsible for inactivation of KAN through acetylation of its amino groups. A 123000-compound high-throughput screen (HTS) yielded several small-molecule Eis inhibitors that share an isothiazole S,S-dioxide heterocyclic core. These were investigated for their structure-activity relationships. Crystal structures of Eis in complex with two potent inhibitors show that these molecules are bound in the conformationally adaptable aminoglycoside binding site of the enzyme, thereby obstructing binding of KAN for acetylation. Importantly, we demonstrate that several Eis inhibitors, when used in combination with KAN against resistant Mtb, efficiently overcome KAN resistance. This approach paves the way toward development of novel combination therapies against aminoglycoside-resistant TB. |
Boosting BCG-primed responses with a subunit Apa vaccine during the waning phase improves immunity and imparts protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Nandakumar S , Kannanganat S , Dobos KM , Lucas M , Spencer JS , Amara RR , Plikaytis BB , Posey JE , Sable SB . Sci Rep 2016 6 25837 Heterologous prime-boosting has emerged as a powerful vaccination approach against tuberculosis. However, optimal timing to boost BCG-immunity using subunit vaccines remains unclear in clinical trials. Here, we followed the adhesin Apa-specific T-cell responses in BCG-primed mice and investigated its BCG-booster potential. The Apa-specific T-cell response peaked 32-52 weeks after parenteral or mucosal BCG-priming but waned significantly by 78 weeks. A subunit-Apa-boost during the contraction-phase of BCG-response had a greater effect on the magnitude and functional quality of specific cellular and humoral responses compared to a boost at the peak of BCG-response. The cellular response increased following mucosal BCG-prime-Apa-subunit-boost strategy compared to Apa-subunit-prime-BCG-boost approach. However, parenteral BCG-prime-Apa-subunit-boost by a homologous route was the most effective strategy in-terms of enhancing specific T-cell responses during waning in the lung and spleen. Two Apa-boosters markedly improved waning BCG-immunity and significantly reduced Mycobacterium tuberculosis burdens post-challenge. Our results highlight the challenges of optimization of prime-boost regimens in mice where BCG drives persistent immune-activation and suggest that boosting with a heterologous vaccine may be ideal once the specific persisting effector responses are contracted. Our results have important implications for design of prime-boost regimens against tuberculosis in humans. |
Rv3351c, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene that affects bacterial growth and alveolar epithelial cell viability.
Pavlicek RL , Fine-Coulson K , Gupta T , Quinn FD , Posey JE , Willby M , Castro-Garza J , Karls RK . Can J Microbiol 2015 61 (12) 1-10 ![]() Despite the interactions known to occur between various lower respiratory tract pathogens and alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), few reports examine factors influencing the interplay between Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli and AECs during infection. Importantly, in vitro studies have demonstrated that the M. tuberculosis hbha and esxA gene products HBHA and ESAT6 directly or indirectly influence AEC survival. In this report, we identify Rv3351c as another M. tuberculosis gene that impacts the fate of both the pathogen and AEC host. Intracellular replication of an Rv3351c mutant in the human AEC type II pneumocyte cell line A549 was markedly reduced relative to the complemented mutant and parent strain. Deletion of Rv3351c diminished the release of lactate dehydrogenase and decreased uptake of trypan blue vital stain by host cells infected with M. tuberculosis bacilli, suggesting attenuated cytotoxic effects. Interestingly, an isogenic hbha mutant displayed reductions in AEC killing similar to those observed for the Rv3351c mutant. This opens the possibility that multiple M. tuberculosis gene products interact with AECs. We also observed that Rv3351c aids intracellular replication and survival of M. tuberculosis in macrophages. This places Rv3351c in the same standing as HBHA and ESAT6, which are important factors in AECs and macrophages. Defining the mechanism(s) by which Rv3351c functions to aid pathogen survival within the host may lead to new drug or vaccine targets. |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis pncA polymorphisms that do not confer pyrazinamide resistance at a breakpoint concentration of 100 µg/ml in MGIT.
Whitfield MG , Warren RM , Streicher EM , Sampson SL , Sirgel FA , van Helden PD , Mercante A , Willby M , Hughes K , Birkness K , Morlock G , van Rie A , Posey JE . J Clin Microbiol 2015 ![]() Sequencing of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pncA gene allows for pyrazinamide susceptibility testing. We summarize data on pncA polymorphisms which do not confer resistance at a susceptibility breakpoint of 100 mug/ml pyrazinamide in MGIT within a cohort of isolates from South Africa and the US Centre for Disease Control. |
Correlation between GyrA substitutions and ofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin cross-resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Willby M , Sikes RD , Malik S , Metchock B , Posey JE . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015 59 (9) 5427-34 Newer generation fluoroquinolones moxifloxacin (MXF) and levofloxacin (LVX) are becoming more common components of TB treatment regimens. However, the critical concentrations for testing susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to MXF and LVX are not yet well established. Additionally, the degree of cross-resistance between ofloxacin (OFX) and these newer fluoroquinolones has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for MXF and LVX and susceptibility to the critical concentration of OFX were determined using the agar proportion method for 133 isolates of M. tuberculosis. Most isolates resistant to OFX had LVX MICs >1 mug/mL and MXF MICs >0.5mug/mL. The presence of mutations within the GyrA QRDR correlated well with increased MICs, and the level of LVX and MXF resistance was dependent on the specific GyrA mutation present. Substitutions Ala90Val, Asp94Ala and Asp94Tyr resulted in low-level MXF resistance (MICs >0.5 but ≤2 mug/mL) while other mutations led to MXF MIC >2mug/mL. Based on these results, a critical concentration of 1 mug/mL is suggested for LVX and 0.5 mug/ml for MXF drug susceptibility testing by agar proportion with reflex testing for MXF at 2 mug/mL. |
Attrition of T-cell functions and simultaneous upregulation of inhibitory markers correspond with the waning of BCG-induced protection against tuberculosis in mice
Nandakumar S , Kannanganat S , Posey JE , Amara RR , Sable SB . PLoS One 2014 9 (11) e113951 Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the most widely used live attenuated vaccine. However, the correlates of protection and waning of its immunity against tuberculosis is poorly understood. In this study, we correlated the longitudinal changes in the magnitude and functional quality of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell response over a period of two years after mucosal or parenteral BCG vaccination with the strength of protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in mice. The BCG vaccination-induced CD4+ and CD8+ T cells exhibited comparable response kinetics but distinct functional attributes in-terms of IFN-gamma, IL-2 and TNF-alpha co-production and CD62L memory marker expression. Despite a near life-long BCG persistence and the induction of enduring CD4+ T-cell responses characterized by IFN-gamma and/or TNF-alpha production with comparable protection, the protective efficacy waned regardless of the route of vaccination. The progressive decline in the multifactorial functional abilities of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in-terms of type-1 cytokine production, proliferation and cytolytic potential corresponded with the waning of protection against M. tuberculosis infection. In addition, simultaneous increase in the dysfunctional and terminally-differentiated T cells expressing CTLA-4, KLRG-1 and IL-10 during the contraction phase of BCG-induced response coincided with the loss of protection. Our results question the empirical development of BCG-booster vaccines and emphasize the pursuit of strategies that maintain superior T-cell functional capacity. Furthermore, our results underscore the importance of understanding the comprehensive functional dynamics of antigen-specific T-cell responses in addition to cytokine polyfunctionality in BCG-vaccinated hosts while optimizing novel vaccination strategies against tuberculosis. |
Disparities in capreomycin resistance levels associated with the rrs A1401G mutation in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Reeves AZ , Campbell PJ , Willby MJ , Posey JE . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 59 (1) 444-9 ![]() As the prevalence of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis strains continues to rise, so does the need to develop accurate and rapid molecular tests to complement time consuming growth-based drug susceptibility testing. Performance of molecular methods relies on the association of specific mutations with phenotypic drug resistance and while considerable progress has been made for resistance detection of first-line antituberculosis drugs, rapid detection of resistance for second-line drugs lags behind. The rrs A1401G allele is considered a strong predictor of cross-resistance between the three second-line injectable drugs, capreomycin (CAP), kanamycin, and amikacin. However, discordance is often observed between the rrs A1401G mutation and CAP resistance, with up to 40% of rrs A1401G mutants being classified as CAP susceptible. We measured the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to CAP in 53 clinical isolates harboring the A1401G mutation and found that the CAP MICs ranged from 8 mug/ml to 40 mug/ml. These results were drastically different from engineered A1401G mutants generated in isogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which exclusively exhibited high-level CAP MICs of 40 mug/ml. These data support prior studies suggesting the critical concentration of CAP (10 mug/ml) used to determine resistance by indirect agar proportion may be too high to detect all CAP resistant strains and suggests that a larger percentage of resistant isolates could be identified by lowering the critical concentration. These data also suggest that differences in resistance levels among clinical isolates are possibly due to second site or compensatory mutations located elsewhere in the genome. |
Antimycobacterial activity of DNA intercalator inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis primase DnaG.
Gajadeera C , Willby MJ , Green KD , Shaul P , Fridman M , Garneau-Tsodikova S , Posey JE , Tsodikov OV . J Antibiot (Tokyo) 2014 68 (3) 153-7 ![]() Owing to the rise in drug resistance in tuberculosis combined with the global spread of its causative pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), innovative anti mycobacterial agents are urgently needed. Recently, we developed a novel primase-pyrophosphatase assay and used it to discover inhibitors of an essential Mtb enzyme, primase DnaG (Mtb DnaG), a promising and unexplored potential target for novel antituberculosis chemotherapeutics. Doxorubicin, an anthracycline antibiotic used as an anticancer drug, was found to be a potent inhibitor of Mtb DnaG. In this study, we investigated both inhibition of Mtb DnaG and the inhibitory activity against in vitro growth of Mtb and M. smegmatis (Msm) by other anthracyclines, daunorubicin and idarubicin, as well as by less cytotoxic DNA intercalators: aloe-emodin, rhein and a mitoxantrone derivative. Generally, low-muM inhibition of Mtb DnaG by the anthracyclines was correlated with their low-muM minimum inhibitory concentrations. Aloe-emodin displayed threefold weaker potency than doxorubicin against Mtb DnaG and similar inhibition of Msm (but not Mtb) in the mid-muM range, whereas rhein (a close analog of aloe-emodin) and a di-glucosylated mitoxantrone derivative did not show significant inhibition of Mtb DnaG or antimycobacterial activity. Taken together, these observations strongly suggest that several clinically used anthracyclines and aloe-emodin target mycobacterial primase, setting the stage for a more extensive exploration of this enzyme as an antibacterial target. |
Genomic analysis identifies targets of convergent positive selection in drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Farhat MR , Shapiro BJ , Kieser KJ , Sultana R , Jacobson KR , Victor TC , Warren RM , Streicher EM , Calver A , Sloutsky A , Kaur D , Posey JE , Plikaytis B , Oggioni MR , Gardy JL , Johnston JC , Rodrigues M , Tang PK , Kato-Maeda M , Borowsky ML , Muddukrishna B , Kreiswirth BN , Kurepina N , Galagan J , Gagneux S , Birren B , Rubin EJ , Lander ES , Sabeti PC , Murray M . Nat Genet 2013 45 (10) 1183-9 ![]() M. tuberculosis is evolving antibiotic resistance, threatening attempts at tuberculosis epidemic control. Mechanisms of resistance, including genetic changes favored by selection in resistant isolates, are incompletely understood. Using 116 newly sequenced and 7 previously sequenced M. tuberculosis whole genomes, we identified genome-wide signatures of positive selection specific to the 47 drug-resistant strains. By searching for convergent evolution-the independent fixation of mutations in the same nucleotide position or gene-we recovered 100% of a set of known resistance markers. We also found evidence of positive selection in an additional 39 genomic regions in resistant isolates. These regions encode components in cell wall biosynthesis, transcriptional regulation and DNA repair pathways. Mutations in these regions could directly confer resistance or compensate for fitness costs associated with resistance. Functional genetic analysis of mutations in one gene, ponA1, demonstrated an in vitro growth advantage in the presence of the drug rifampicin. |
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