Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 36 Records) |
Query Trace: Pevzner E[original query] |
Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and superspreading in Salt Lake County, Utah, March-May 2020
Walker J , Tran T , Lappe B , Gastanaduy P , Paul P , Kracalik IT , Fields VL , Lopez A , Schwartz A , Lewis NM , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Hall AJ , Pevzner E , Khong H , Smithee M , Lowry J , Dunn A , Kiphibane T , Tran CH . PLoS One 2023 18 (6) e0275125 BACKGROUND: Understanding the drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission can inform the development of interventions. We evaluated transmission identified by contact tracing investigations between March-May 2020 in Salt Lake County, Utah, to quantify the impact of this intervention and identify risk factors for transmission. METHODS: RT-PCR positive and untested symptomatic contacts were classified as confirmed and probable secondary case-patients, respectively. We compared the number of case-patients and close contacts generated by different groups, and used logistic regression to evaluate factors associated with transmission. RESULTS: Data were collected on 184 index case-patients and up to six generations of contacts. Of 1,499 close contacts, 374 (25%) were classified as secondary case-patients. Decreased transmission odds were observed for contacts aged <18 years (OR = 0.55 [95% CI: 0.38-0.79]), versus 18-44 years, and for workplace (OR = 0.36 [95% CI: 0.23-0.55]) and social (OR = 0.44 [95% CI: 0.28-0.66]) contacts, versus household contacts. Higher transmission odds were observed for case-patient's spouses than other household contacts (OR = 2.25 [95% CI: 1.52-3.35]). Compared to index case-patients identified in the community, secondary case-patients identified through contract-tracing generated significantly fewer close contacts and secondary case-patients of their own. Transmission was heterogeneous, with 41% of index case-patients generating 81% of directly-linked secondary case-patients. CONCLUSIONS: Given sufficient resources and complementary public health measures, contact tracing can contain known chains of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Transmission is associated with age and exposure setting, and can be highly variable, with a few infections generating a disproportionately high share of onward transmission. |
Characterizing the role of international graduates of the Epidemic Intelligence Service in increasing the epidemiological capacity and diversity of the United States Public Health Workforce
Temate-Tiagueu Y , Winquist A , Davis M , Dietz S , Robinson B , Pevzner E , Arvelo W . J Public Health Manag Pract 2023 29 (5) E169-E175 CONTEXT: A trained and diverse public health workforce is needed to respond to public health threats. The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is an applied epidemiology training program. Most EIS officers are from the United States, but some are from other countries and bring unique perspectives and skills. OBJECTIVES/EVALUATION: To characterize international officers who participated in the EIS program and describe their employment settings after training completion. DESIGN: International officers were people who participated in EIS and who were not US citizens or permanent residents. We analyzed data from EIS's application database during 2009-2017 to describe officers' characteristics. We used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) workforce database for civil servants and EIS exit surveys to describe jobs taken after program completion. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We described the characteristics of the international officers, jobs taken immediately after program completion, and duration of employment at CDC. RESULTS: Among 715 officers accepted in EIS classes of 2009-2017, 85 (12%) were international applicants, with citizenships from 40 different countries. Forty (47%) had 1 or more US postgraduate degrees, and 65 (76%) were physicians. Of 78 (92%) international officers with available employment data, 65 (83%) reported taking a job at CDC after program completion. The remaining took a public health job with an international entity (6%), academia (5%), or other jobs (5%). Among 65 international officers who remained working at CDC after graduation, the median employment duration was 5.2 years, including their 2 years in EIS. CONCLUSIONS: Most international EIS graduates remain at CDC after program completion, which strengthens the diversity and capacity of CDC's epidemiological workforce. Further evaluations are needed to determine the effects of pulling away crucial talent from other countries needing experienced epidemiologists and to what extent retaining those persons can benefit public health globally. |
Epidemic Intelligence Service Alumni in Public Health Leadership Roles.
So M , Winquist A , Fisher S , Eaton D , Carroll D , Simone P , Pevzner E , Arvelo W . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 19 (11) Since 1951, the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has trained physicians, nurses, scientists, veterinarians, and other allied health professionals in applied epidemiology. To understand the program's effect on graduates' leadership outcomes, we examined the EIS alumni representation in five select leadership positions. These positions were staffed by 353 individuals, of which 185 (52%) were EIS alumni. Among 12 CDC directors, four (33%) were EIS alumni. EIS alumni accounted for 29 (58%) of the 50 CDC center directors, 61 (35%) of the 175 state epidemiologists, 27 (56%) of the 48 Field Epidemiology Training Program resident advisors, and 70 (90%) of the 78 Career Epidemiology Field Officers. Of the 185 EIS alumni in leadership positions, 136 (74%) were physicians, 22 (12%) were scientists, 21 (11%) were veterinarians, 6 (3%) were nurses, and 94 (51%) were assigned to a state or local health department. Among the 61 EIS alumni who served as state epidemiologists, 40 (66%) of them were assigned to a state or local health department during EIS. Our evaluation suggests that epidemiology training programs can serve as a vital resource for the public health workforce, particularly given the capacity strains brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Coronavirus Disease Contact Tracing Outcomes and Cost, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA, March-May 2020.
Fields VL , Kracalik IT , Carthel C , Lopez A , Schwartz A , Lewis NM , Bray M , Claflin C , Jorgensen K , Khong H , Richards W , Risk I , Smithee M , Clawson M , Booth LC , Scribellito T , Lowry J , Huynh J , Davis L , Birch H , Tran T , Walker J , Fry A , Hall A , Baker J , Pevzner E , Dunn AC , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Kiphibane T , Tran CH . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (12) 2999-3008 Outcomes and costs of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) contact tracing are limited. During March-May 2020, we constructed transmission chains from 184 index cases and 1,499 contacts in Salt Lake County, Utah, USA, to assess outcomes and estimate staff time and salaries. We estimated 1,102 staff hours and $29,234 spent investigating index cases and contacts. Among contacts, 374 (25%) had COVID-19; secondary case detection rate was ≈31% among first-generation contacts, ≈16% among second- and third-generation contacts, and ≈12% among fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-generation contacts. At initial interview, 51% (187/370) of contacts were COVID-19-positive; 35% (98/277) became positive during 14-day quarantine. Median time from symptom onset to investigation was 7 days for index cases and 4 days for first-generation contacts. Contact tracing reduced the number of cases between contact generations and time between symptom onset and investigation but required substantial resources. Our findings can help jurisdictions allocate resources for contact tracing. |
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 on Surfaces in Households of Persons with COVID-19.
Marcenac P , Park GW , Duca LM , Lewis NM , Dietrich EA , Barclay L , Tamin A , Harcourt JL , Thornburg NJ , Rispens J , Matanock A , Kiphibane T , Christensen K , Pawloski LC , Fry AM , Hall AJ , Tate JE , Vinjé J , Kirking HL , Pevzner E . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 18 (15) ![]() ![]() SARS-CoV-2 transmission from contaminated surfaces, or fomites, has been a concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. Households have been important sites of transmission throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but there is limited information on SARS-CoV-2 contamination of surfaces in these settings. We describe environmental detection of SARS-CoV-2 in households of persons with COVID-19 to better characterize the potential risks of fomite transmission. Ten households with ≥1 person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and with ≥2 members total were enrolled in Utah, U.S.A. Nasopharyngeal and anterior nasal swabs were collected from members and tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. Fifteen surfaces were sampled in each household and tested for presence and viability of SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in 23 (15%) of 150 environmental swab samples, most frequently on nightstands (4/6; 67%), pillows (4/23; 17%), and light switches (3/21; 14%). Viable SARS-CoV-2 was cultured from one sample. All households with SARS-CoV-2-positive surfaces had ≥1 person who first tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 ≤ 6 days prior to environmental sampling. SARS-CoV-2 surface contamination occurred early in the course of infection when respiratory transmission is most likely, notably on surfaces in close, prolonged contact with persons with COVID-19. While fomite transmission might be possible, risk is low. |
Opening of Large Institutions of Higher Education and County-Level COVID-19 Incidence - United States, July 6-September 17, 2020.
Leidner AJ , Barry V , Bowen VB , Silver R , Musial T , Kang GJ , Ritchey MD , Fletcher K , Barrios L , Pevzner E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (1) 14-19 During early August 2020, county-level incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) generally decreased across the United States, compared with incidence earlier in the summer (1); however, among young adults aged 18-22 years, incidence increased (2). Increases in incidence among adults aged ≥60 years, who might be more susceptible to severe COVID-19-related illness, have followed increases in younger adults (aged 20-39 years) by an average of 8.7 days (3). Institutions of higher education (colleges and universities) have been identified as settings where incidence among young adults increased during August (4,5). Understanding the extent to which these settings have affected county-level COVID-19 incidence can inform ongoing college and university operations and future planning. To evaluate the effect of large colleges or universities and school instructional format* (remote or in-person) on COVID-19 incidence, start dates and instructional formats for the fall 2020 semester were identified for all not-for-profit large U.S. colleges and universities (≥20,000 total enrolled students). Among counties with large colleges and universities (university counties) included in the analysis, remote-instruction university counties (22) experienced a 17.9% decline in mean COVID-19 incidence during the 21 days before through 21 days after the start of classes (from 17.9 to 14.7 cases per 100,000), and in-person instruction university counties (79) experienced a 56.2% increase in COVID-19 incidence, from 15.3 to 23.9 cases per 100,000. Counties without large colleges and universities (nonuniversity counties) (3,009) experienced a 5.9% decline in COVID-19 incidence, from 15.3 to 14.4 cases per 100,000. Similar findings were observed for percentage of positive test results and hotspot status (i.e., increasing among in-person-instruction university counties). In-person instruction at colleges and universities was associated with increased county-level COVID-19 incidence and percentage test positivity. Implementation of increased mitigation efforts at colleges and universities could minimize on-campus COVID-19 transmission. |
Evaluation of the uptake of tuberculosis preventative therapy for people living with HIV in Namibia: a multiple methods analysis
Roscoe C , Lockhart C , de Klerk M , Baughman A , Agolory S , Gawanab M , Menzies H , Jonas A , Salomo N , Taffa N , Lowrance D , Robsky K , Tollefson D , Pevzner E , Hamunime N , Mavhunga F , Mungunda H . BMC Public Health 2020 20 (1) 1838 BACKGROUND: In 2016, Namibia had ~ 230,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) and 9154 new tuberculosis (TB) cases, including 3410 (38%) co-infected cases. TB preventative therapy (TPT), consisting of intensive case finding and isoniazid preventative therapy, is critical to reducing TB disease and mortality. METHODS: Between November 2014 and February 2015, data was abstracted from charts of PLHIV enrolled in HIV treatment. Fifty-five facilities were purposively selected based on patient volume, type and location. Charts were randomly sampled. The primary outcome was to estimate baseline TPT in PLHIV, using nationally weighted proportions. Qualitative surveys were conducted and summarized to evaluate TPT practices and quantify challenges encountered by health care workers (HCW). RESULTS: Among 861 PLHIV sampled, 96% were eligible for TPT services, of which 87.1% were screened for TB at least once. For PLHIV eligible for preventative therapy (646/810; 82.6%), 45.4% (294/646) initiated therapy and 45.7% (139/294) of those completed therapy. The proportion of eligible PLHIV completing TB screening, initiating preventative therapy and then completing preventative therapy was 20.7%. Qualitative surveys with 271 HCW identified barriers to TPT implementation including: lack of training (61.3% reported receiving training on TPT); misunderstandings about timing of TPT initiation (46.7% correctly reported TPT should be started with antiretroviral therapy); and variable screening practices and responsibilities (66.1% of HCWs screened for TB at every encounter). Though barriers were evident, 72.2% HCWs surveyed described their clinical performance as very good, often placing responsibility of difficulties on patients and downplaying challenges like staff shortages and medication stock outs. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, only 1 in 5 eligible PLHIV completed the TPT cascade in Namibia. Lack of training, irregularities with TB screening and timing of TPT, unclear prescribing and recording responsibilities, and a clinical misperception may have contributed to suboptimal programmatic implementation. Addressing these challenges will be critical with continued TPT scale-up. |
Trends in County-Level COVID-19 Incidence in Counties With and Without a Mask Mandate - Kansas, June 1-August 23, 2020.
Van Dyke ME , Rogers TM , Pevzner E , Satterwhite CL , Shah HB , Beckman WJ , Ahmed F , Hunt DC , Rule J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (47) 1777-1781 ![]() Wearing masks is a CDC-recommended* approach to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by reducing the spread of respiratory droplets into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks and by reducing the inhalation of these droplets by the wearer. On July 2, 2020, the governor of Kansas issued an executive order(†) (state mandate), effective July 3, requiring masks or other face coverings in public spaces. CDC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment analyzed trends in county-level COVID-19 incidence before (June 1-July 2) and after (July 3-August 23) the governor's executive order among counties that ultimately had a mask mandate in place and those that did not. As of August 11, 24 of Kansas's 105 counties did not opt out of the state mandate(§) or adopted their own mask mandate shortly before or after the state mandate was issued; 81 counties opted out of the state mandate, as permitted by state law, and did not adopt their own mask mandate. After the governor's executive order, COVID-19 incidence (calculated as the 7-day rolling average number of new daily cases per 100,000 population) decreased (mean decrease of 0.08 cases per 100,000 per day; net decrease of 6%) among counties with a mask mandate (mandated counties) but continued to increase (mean increase of 0.11 cases per 100,000 per day; net increase of 100%) among counties without a mask mandate (nonmandated counties). The decrease in cases among mandated counties and the continued increase in cases in nonmandated counties adds to the evidence supporting the importance of wearing masks and implementing policies requiring their use to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (1-6). Community-level mitigation strategies emphasizing wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, staying at home when ill, and enhancing hygiene practices can help reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2. |
Declines in SARS-CoV-2 Transmission, Hospitalizations, and Mortality After Implementation of Mitigation Measures- Delaware, March-June 2020.
Kanu FA , Smith EE , Offutt-Powell T , Hong R , Dinh TH , Pevzner E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (45) 1691-1694 Mitigation measures, including stay-at-home orders and public mask wearing, together with routine public health interventions such as case investigation with contact tracing and immediate self-quarantine after exposure, are recommended to prevent and control the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1-3). On March 11, the first COVID-19 case in Delaware was reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH). The state responded to ongoing community transmission with investigation of all identified cases (commencing March 11), issuance of statewide stay-at-home orders (March 24-June 1), a statewide public mask mandate (from April 28), and contact tracing (starting May 12). The relationship among implementation of mitigation strategies, case investigations, and contact tracing and COVID-19 incidence and associated hospitalization and mortality was examined during March-June 2020. Incidence declined by 82%, hospitalization by 88%, and mortality by 100% from late April to June 2020, as the mask mandate and contact tracing were added to case investigations and the stay-at-home order. Among 9,762 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases reported during March 11-June 25, 2020, two thirds (6,527; 67%) of patients were interviewed, and 5,823 (60%) reported completing isolation. Among 2,834 contacts reported, 882 (31%) were interviewed and among these contacts, 721 (82%) reported completing quarantine. Implementation of mitigation measures, including mandated mask use coupled with public health interventions, was followed by reductions in COVID-19 incidence and associated hospitalizations and mortality. The combination of state-mandated community mitigation efforts and routine public health interventions can reduce the occurrence of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. |
Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Lewis NM , Chu VT , Ye D , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Laws RL , Reses HE , Freeman BD , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Dawson P , Buono S , Yin S , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Yousaf A , Pevzner E , Njuguna H , Battey KA , Tran CH , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Chancey R , Gregory C , Banks M , Rispens JR , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock AM , Duca L , Binder A , Fox G , Lester S , Mills L , Gerber SI , Watson J , Schumacher A , Pawloski L , Thornburg NJ , Hall AJ , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Christensen K , Page L , Bhattacharyya S , Dasu T , Christiansen A , Pray IW , Westergaard RP , Dunn AC , Tate JE , Nabity SA , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) 1805-1813 BACKGROUND: Although many viral respiratory illnesses are transmitted within households, the evidence base for SARS-CoV-2 is nascent. We sought to characterize SARS-CoV-2 transmission within US households and estimate the household secondary infection rate (SIR) to inform strategies to reduce transmission. METHODS: We recruited laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients and their household contacts in Utah and Wisconsin during March 22-April 25, 2020. We interviewed patients and all household contacts to obtain demographics and medical histories. At the initial household visit, 14 days later, and when a household contact became newly symptomatic, we collected respiratory swabs from patients and household contacts for testing by SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR and sera for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We estimated SIR and odds ratios (OR) to assess risk factors for secondary infection, defined by a positive rRT-PCR or ELISA test. RESULTS: Thirty-two (55%) of 58 households had evidence of secondary infection among household contacts. The SIR was 29% (n = 55/188; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 23-36%) overall, 42% among children (<18 years) of the COVID-19 patient and 33% among spouses/partners. Household contacts to COVID-19 patients with immunocompromised conditions had increased odds of infection (OR: 15.9, 95% CI: 2.4-106.9). Household contacts who themselves had diabetes mellitus had increased odds of infection (OR: 7.1, 95% CI: 1.2-42.5). CONCLUSIONS: We found substantial evidence of secondary infections among household contacts. People with COVID-19, particularly those with immunocompromising conditions or those with household contacts with diabetes, should take care to promptly self-isolate to prevent household transmission. |
COVID-19 Outbreak at an Overnight Summer School Retreat - Wisconsin, July-August 2020.
Pray IW , Gibbons-Burgener SN , Rosenberg AZ , Cole D , Borenstein S , Bateman A , Pevzner E , Westergaard RP . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (43) 1600-1604 During July 2-August 11, 2020, an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) occurred at a boys' overnight summer school retreat in Wisconsin. The retreat included 152 high school-aged boys, counselors, and staff members from 21 states and territories and two foreign countries. All attendees were required to provide documentation of either a positive serologic test result* within the past 3 months or a negative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests result for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) ≤7 days before travel, to self-quarantine within their households for 7 days before travel, and to wear masks during travel. On July 15, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WDHS) began an investigation after being notified that two students at the retreat had received positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test results. WDHS offered RT-PCR testing to attendees on July 28 and serologic testing on August 5 and 6. Seventy-eight (51%) attendees received positive RT-PCR results (confirmed cases), and 38 (25%) met clinical criteria for COVID-19 without a positive RT-PCR result (probable cases). By the end of the retreat, 118 (78%) persons had received a positive serologic test result. Among 24 attendees with a documented positive serologic test result before the retreat, all received negative RT-PCR results. After RT-PCR testing on July 28, WDHS recommended that remaining susceptible persons (asymptomatic and with negative RT-PCR test results) quarantine from other students and staff members at the retreat. Recommended end dates for isolation or quarantine were based on established guidance (1,2) and determined in coordination with CDC. All attendees were cleared for interstate and commercial air travel to return home on August 11. This outbreak investigation documented rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2, likely from a single student, among adolescents and young adults in a congregate setting. Mitigation plans that include prearrival quarantine and testing, cohorting, symptom monitoring, early identification and isolation of cases, mask use, enhanced hygiene and disinfection practices, and maximal outdoor programming are necessary to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks in these settings (3,4). |
Symptoms and Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Among Children - Utah and Wisconsin, March-May 2020.
Laws RL , Chancey RJ , Rabold EM , Chu VT , Lewis NM , Fajans M , Reses HE , Duca LM , Dawson P , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Yin S , Buono S , Pomeroy M , Yousaf AR , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pevzner E , Battey KA , Njuguna H , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Gregory CJ , Banks M , Rispens J , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock A , Pray I , Westergaard R , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Christiansen A , Page L , Dunn A , Atkinson-Dunn R , Christensen K , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Fox G , Ye D , Nabity SA , Binder A , Freeman BD , Lester S , Mills L , Thornburg N , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Tran CH , Kirking HL . Pediatrics 2020 147 (1) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Limited data exist on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children. We described infection rates and symptom profiles among pediatric household contacts of individuals with coronavirus disease 2019. METHODS: We enrolled individuals with coronavirus disease 2019 and their household contacts, assessed daily symptoms prospectively for 14 days, and obtained specimens for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and serology testing. Among pediatric contacts (<18 years), we described transmission, assessed the risk factors for infection, and calculated symptom positive and negative predictive values. We compared secondary infection rates and symptoms between pediatric and adult contacts using generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: Among 58 households, 188 contacts were enrolled (120 adults; 68 children). Secondary infection rates for adults (30%) and children (28%) were similar. Among households with potential for transmission from children, child-to-adult transmission may have occurred in 2 of 10 (20%), and child-to-child transmission may have occurred in 1 of 6 (17%). Pediatric case patients most commonly reported headache (79%), sore throat (68%), and rhinorrhea (68%); symptoms had low positive predictive values, except measured fever (100%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 44% to 100%). Compared with symptomatic adults, children were less likely to report cough (odds ratio [OR]: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.57), loss of taste (OR: 0.21; 95% CI: 0.06 to 0.74), and loss of smell (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.96) and more likely to report sore throat (OR: 3.4; 95% CI: 1.04 to 11.18). CONCLUSIONS: Children and adults had similar secondary infection rates, but children generally had less frequent and severe symptoms. In two states early in the pandemic, we observed possible transmission from children in approximately one-fifth of households with potential to observe such transmission patterns. |
Association Between Social Vulnerability and a County's Risk for Becoming a COVID-19 Hotspot - United States, June 1-July 25, 2020.
Dasgupta S , Bowen VB , Leidner A , Fletcher K , Musial T , Rose C , Cha A , Kang G , Dirlikov E , Pevzner E , Rose D , Ritchey MD , Villanueva J , Philip C , Liburd L , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (42) 1535-1541 ![]() Poverty, crowded housing, and other community attributes associated with social vulnerability increase a community's risk for adverse health outcomes during and following a public health event (1). CDC uses standard criteria to identify U.S. counties with rapidly increasing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence (hotspot counties) to support health departments in coordinating public health responses (2). County-level data on COVID-19 cases during June 1-July 25, 2020 and from the 2018 CDC social vulnerability index (SVI) were analyzed to examine associations between social vulnerability and hotspot detection and to describe incidence after hotspot detection. Areas with greater social vulnerabilities, particularly those related to higher representation of racial and ethnic minority residents (risk ratio [RR] = 5.3; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.4-6.4), density of housing units per structure (RR = 3.1; 95% CI = 2.7-3.6), and crowded housing units (i.e., more persons than rooms) (RR = 2.0; 95% CI = 1.8-2.3), were more likely to become hotspots, especially in less urban areas. Among hotspot counties, those with greater social vulnerability had higher COVID-19 incidence during the 14 days after detection (212-234 cases per 100,000 persons for highest SVI quartile versus 35-131 cases per 100,000 persons for other quartiles). Focused public health action at the federal, state, and local levels is needed not only to prevent communities with greater social vulnerability from becoming hotspots but also to decrease persistently high incidence among hotspot counties that are socially vulnerable. |
Epidemiological Correlates of PCR Cycle Threshold Values in the Detection of SARS-CoV-2.
Salvatore PP , Dawson P , Wadhwa A , Rabold EM , Buono S , Dietrich EA , Reses HE , Vuong J , Pawloski L , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Pevzner E , Hall AJ , Tate JE , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (11) e761-e767 BACKGROUND: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection has principally been performed through the use of real-time reverse-transcription PCR (rRT-PCR) testing. Results of such tests can be reported as cycle threshold (Ct) values, which may provide semi-quantitative or indirect measurements of viral load. Previous reports have examined temporal trends in Ct values over the course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: Using testing data collected during a prospective household transmission investigation of outpatient and mild COVID-19 cases, we examined the relationship between Ct values of the viral RNA N1 target and demographic, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics collected through participant interviews and daily symptom diaries. RESULTS: We found Ct values are lowest (corresponding to higher viral RNA concentration) soon after symptom onset and are significantly correlated with time elapsed since onset (p<0.001); within 7 days after symptom onset, the median Ct value was 26.5 compared with a median Ct value of 35.0 occurring 21 days after onset. Ct values were significantly lower among participants under 18 years of age (p=0.01) and those reporting upper respiratory symptoms at the time of sample collection (p=0.001) and were higher among participants reporting no symptoms (p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of early testing for SARS-CoV-2 among individuals with symptoms of respiratory illness and allows cases to be identified and isolated when their viral shedding may be highest. |
A prospective cohort study in non-hospitalized household contacts with SARS-CoV-2 infection: symptom profiles and symptom change over time.
Yousaf AR , Duca LM , Chu V , Reses HE , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Laws RL , Gharpure R , Matanock A , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Njuguna H , Fox G , Binder AM , Christiansen A , Freeman B , Gregory C , Tran CH , Owusu D , Ye D , Dietrich E , Pevzner E , Conners EE , Pray I , Rispens J , Vuong J , Christensen K , Banks M , O'Hegarty M , Mills L , Lester S , Thornburg NJ , Lewis N , Dawson P , Marcenac P , Salvatore P , Chancey RJ , Fields V , Buono S , Yin S , Gerber S , Kiphibane T , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Westergaard R , Dunn A , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Nabity S . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) e1841-e1849 BACKGROUND: Improved understanding of SARS-CoV-2 spectrum of disease is essential for clinical and public health interventions. There are limited data on mild or asymptomatic infections, but recognition of these individuals is key as they contribute to viral transmission. We describe the symptom profiles from individuals with mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: From March 22 to April 22, 2020 in Wisconsin and Utah, we enrolled and prospectively observed 198 household contacts exposed to SARS-CoV-2. We collected and tested nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens by RT-PCR two or more times during a 14-day period. Contacts completed daily symptom diaries. We characterized symptom profiles on the date of first positive RT-PCR test and described progression of symptoms over time. RESULTS: We identified 47 contacts, median age 24 (3-75) years, with detectable SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. The most commonly reported symptoms on the day of first positive RT-PCR test were upper respiratory (n=32, 68%) and neurologic (n=30, 64%); fever was not commonly reported (n=9, 19%). Eight (17%) individuals were asymptomatic at the date of first positive RT-PCR collection; two (4%) had preceding symptoms that resolved and six (13%) subsequently developed symptoms. Children less frequently reported lower respiratory symptoms (age <18: 21%, age 18-49: 60%, age 50+ years: 69%; p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Household contacts with lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection reported mild symptoms. When assessed at a single time-point, several contacts appeared to have asymptomatic infection; however, over time all developed symptoms. These findings are important to inform infection control, contact tracing, and community mitigation strategies. |
TB preventive therapy for people living with HIV: Key considerations for scale-up in resource-limited settings
Pathmanathan I , Ahmedov S , Pevzner E , Anyalechi G , Modi S , Kirking H , Cavanaugh JS . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2018 22 (6) 596-605 Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death for persons living with the human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). TB preventive therapy (TPT) works synergistically with, and independently of, antiretroviral therapy to reduce TB morbidity, mortality and incidence among PLHIV. However, although TPT is a crucial and costeffective component of HIV care for adults and children and has been recommended as an international standard of care for over a decade, it remains highly underutilized. If we are to end the global TB epidemic, we must address the significant reservoir of tuberculous infection, especially in those, such as PLHIV, who are most likely to progress to TB disease. To do so, we must confront the pervasive perception that barriers to TPT scale-up are insurmountable in resource-limited settings. Here we review available evidence to address several commonly stated obstacles to TPT scale-up, including the need for the tuberculin skin test, limited diagnostic capacity to reliably exclude TB disease, concerns about creating drug resistance, suboptimal patient adherence to therapy, inability to monitor for and prevent adverse events, a 'one size fits all' option for TPT regimen and duration, and uncertainty about TPT use in children, adolescents, and pregnant women. We also discuss TPT delivery in the era of differentiated care for PLHIV, how best to tackle advanced planning for drug procurement and supply chain management, and how to create an enabling environment for TPT scale-up success. |
Detection of Apparent Cell-free M. tuberculosis DNA from Plasma.
Click ES , Murithi W , Ouma GS , McCarthy K , Willby M , Musau S , Alexander H , Pevzner E , Posey J , Cain KP . Sci Rep 2018 8 (1) 645 ![]() ![]() New diagnostics are needed to improve clinicians' ability to detect tuberculosis (TB) disease in key populations such as children and persons living with HIV and to rapidly detect drug resistance. Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) in plasma is a diagnostic target in new obstetric and oncologic applications, but its utility for diagnosing TB is not known. Here we show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA can be detected in plasma of persons with sputum smear-positive TB, even in the absence of mycobacteremia. Among 40 participants with bacteriologically-confirmed smear-positive TB disease who had plasma tested by quantitative PCR (qPCR), 18/40 (45%) had a positive result on at least one triplicate reaction. Our results suggest that plasma DNA may be a useful target for improving clinicians' ability to diagnose TB. We anticipate these findings to be the starting point for optimized methods of TB ccfDNA testing and sequence-based diagnostic applications such as molecular detection of drug resistance. |
Programmatic evaluation of an algorithm for intensified TB case finding and isoniazid preventive therapy for people living with HIV in Thailand and Vietnam
Cowger T , Thai LH , Duong BD , Danyuttapolchai J , Kittimunkong S , Nhung NV , Nhan DT , Monkongdee P , Thoa CK , Khanh VT , Nateniyom S , Ntb Y , Ngoc DV , Thinh T , Whitehead S , Pevzner ES . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2017 76 (5) 512-521 BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) screening affords clinicians opportunities to diagnose or exclude TB disease and initiate Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) for people living with HIV (PLHIV). METHODS: We implemented an algorithm to diagnose or rule out TB among PLHIV in eleven HIV clinics in Thailand and Vietnam. We assessed algorithm yield and uptake of IPT and factors associated with TB disease among PLHIV. RESULTS: A total of 1,448 PLHIV not yet on antiretroviral therapy (ART) were enrolled and screened for TB. Overall, 634 (44%) screened positive and 119 (8%) were diagnosed with TB; of these, 40% (48/119) were diagnosed by a positive culture following a negative sputum smear microscopy. In total, 55% of those eligible (263/477) started on IPT and of those, 75% (196/263) completed therapy. The prevalence of TB disease we observed in this study was 8.2% (8,218 per 100,000 persons): 46 and 25 times the prevalence of TB in the general population in Thailand and Vietnam, respectively. Several factors were independently associated with TB disease including being underweight (aOR [95% CI]: 2.3 [1.2, 2.6]) and using injection drugs (aOR [95% CI]: 2.9 [1.3, 6.3]). CONCLUSIONS: The high yield of TB disease diagnosed among PLHIV screened with the algorithm, and higher burden among PLHIV who inject drugs, underscores the need for innovative, tailored approaches to TB screening and prevention. As countries adopt Test-and-Start for ART, TB screening, sensitive TB diagnostics, and IPT should be included in differentiated-care models for HIV to improve diagnosis and prevention of TB among PLHIV. |
Implementing an isoniazid preventive therapy program for people living with HIV in Thailand
Danyuttapolchai J , Kittimunkong S , Nateniyom S , Painujit S , Klinbuayaem V , Maipanich N , Maokamnerd Y , Pevzner E , Whitehead S , Kanphukiew A , Monkongdee P , Martin M . PLoS One 2017 12 (9) e0184986 Treatment of people living with HIV (PLHIV) with latent tuberculosis (TB) infection using isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) can reduce the risk of TB disease, however, the scale-up of IPT among PLHIV in Thailand and worldwide has been slow. To hasten the implementation of IPT in Thailand, we developed IPT implementation training curricula and tools for health care providers and implemented IPT services in seven large government hospitals. Of the 659 PLHIV enrolled, 272 (41.3%) reported symptoms of TB and 39 (14.3% of those with TB symptoms) were diagnosed with TB. A total of 346 (52.4%) participants were eligible for IPT; 318 (91.9%) of these participants opted to have a tuberculin skin test (TST) and 52 (16.3% of those who had a TST) had a positive TST result. Among the 52 participants with a positive TST, 46 (88.5%) initiated and 39 (75.0%) completed 9 months of IPT: physicians instructed three participants to stop IPT, two participants were lost to follow-up, one chose to stop therapy, and one developed TB. IPT can be implemented among PLHIV in Thailand and could reduce the burden of TB in the country. |
Scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities in Guyana
Baker BJ , Peterson B , Mohanlall J , Singh S , Hicks C , Jacobs R , Ramos R , Allen B , Pevzner E . Rev Panam Salud Publica 2017 41 e6 Objective: To assess scale-up of recommended tuberculosis (TB)/HIV activities in Guyana and to identify specific strategies for further expansion. Methods: Medical records and clinic registers were reviewed at nine TB clinics and 10 HIV clinics. At TB clinics, data were collected on HIV testing and antiretroviral therapy (ART) for patients with TB/HIV; at HIV clinics, data were collected on intensified case finding (ICF), tuberculin skin test (TST) results, and provision of isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT). Results: At TB clinics, among 461 patients newly diagnosed with TB, 419 (90.9%) had a known HIV status and 121 (28.9%) were HIV-infected. Among the 63 patients with TB/HIV, 33 (52.4%) received ART. Among the 45 patients with TB/HIV for whom dates of HIV diagnosis were available, 38 (84.4%) individuals knew their HIV status prior to TB diagnosis. At HIV clinics, among 127 patients eligible to receive a TST, 87 (68.5%) received a TST, 66 (75.9%) had a TST result, seven (10.6%) had a newly positive result, two had a previously positive result, and six of nine patients with positive results (66.7%) received IPT. ICF could not be assessed because of incomplete or discrepant documentation. Conclusions: An in-depth evaluation of TB/HIV activities successfully identified areas of success and remaining challenges. At TB clinics, HIV testing rates are high; further scale-up of ART for persons with TB/HIV is needed. At HIV clinics, use of TST to focus IPT is a feasible and efficient strategy; improving rates of annual TST screening will allow for further expansion of IPT. |
Addressing tuberculosis in differentiated care provision for people living with HIV
Pathmanathan I , Pevzner E , Cavanaugh J , Nelson L . Bull World Health Organ 2017 95 (1) 3 Despite advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death and illness among people living with HIV. In 2015, an estimated 1.2 million of the people who developed tuberculosis disease worldwide were HIV positive, and tuberculosis was the direct cause of at least one third of HIV-related deaths.1 The 2015 “Treat All” strategy requires that everyone with HIV is offered antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as they are diagnosed. By treating HIV infections earlier, this strategy should mitigate the HIV-associated tuberculosis epidemic, but it alone is not sufficient to eliminate preventable tuberculosis suffering and deaths among people living with HIV.2 The 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommend differentiated HIV service delivery, which is intended to facilitate the “Treat All” strategy by tailoring services to the differing needs of individuals.3 As HIV programmes adopt these WHO guidelines, tuberculosis also needs to be addressed.3 |
Operating characteristics of a tuberculosis screening tool for people living with HIV in out-patient HIV care and treatment services, Rwanda
Turinawe K , Vandebriel G , Lowrance DW , Uwinkindi F , Mutwa P , Boer KR , Mutembayire G , Tugizimana D , Nsanzimana S , Pevzner E , Howard AA , Gasana M . PLoS One 2016 11 (9) e0163462 BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 guidelines for intensified tuberculosis (TB) case finding (ICF) among people living with HIV (PLHIV) includes a recommendation that PLHIV receive routine TB screening. Since 2005, the Rwandan Ministry of Health has been using a five-question screening tool. Our study objective was to assess the operating characteristics of the tool designed to identify PLHIV with presumptive TB as measured against a composite reference standard, including bacteriologically confirmed TB. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, the TB screening tool was routinely administered at enrolment in outpatient HIV care and treatment services at seven public health facilities. From March to September 2011, study enrollees were examined for TB disease irrespective of TB screening outcome. The examination consisted of a chest radiograph (CXR), three sputum smears (SS), sputum culture (SC) and polymerase chain reaction line-probe assay (Hain test). PLHIV were classified as having "laboratory-confirmed TB" with positive results on SS for acid-fast bacilli, SC on Lowenstein-Jensen medium, or a Hain test. RESULTS: Overall, 1,767 patients were enrolled and screened of which; 1,017 (57.6%) were female, median age was 33 (IQR, 27-41), and median CD4+ cell count was 385 (IQR, 229-563) cells/mm3. Of the patients screened, 138 (7.8%) were diagnosed with TB of which; 125 (90.5%) were laboratory-confirmed pulmonary TB. Of 404 (22.9%) patients who screened positive and 1,363 (77.1%) who screened negative, 79 (19.5%) and 59 (4.3%), respectively, were diagnosed with TB. For laboratory-confirmed TB, the tool had a sensitivity of 54.4% (95% CI 45.3-63.3), specificity of 79.5% (95% CI 77.5-81.5), PPV of 16.8% and NPV of 95.8%. CONCLUSION: TB prevalence among PLHIV newly enrolling into HIV care and treatment was 65 times greater than the overall population prevalence. However, the performance of the tool was poorer than the predicted performance of the WHO recommended TB screening questions. |
Mixed impact of Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF on tuberculosis diagnosis in Cambodia
Auld SC , Moore BK , Kyle RP , Eng B , Nong K , Pevzner ES , Eam KK , Eang MT , Killam WP . Public Health Action 2016 6 (2) 129-35 SETTING: National Tuberculosis (TB) Program sites in northwest Cambodia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF at point of care (POC) as compared to non-POC sites on the diagnostic evaluation of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) with TB symptoms and patients with possible multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB. DESIGN: Observational cohort of patients undergoing routine diagnostic evaluation for TB following the rollout of Xpert. RESULTS: Between October 2011 and June 2013, 431 of 822 (52%) PLHIV with TB symptoms and 240/493 (49%) patients with possible MDR-TB underwent Xpert. Xpert was more likely to be performed when available as POC. A smaller proportion of PLHIV at POC sites were diagnosed with TB than at non-POC sites; however, at POC sites, a higher proportion of those diagnosed with TB were bacteriologically positive. There was poor agreement between Xpert and other tests such as smear microscopy and culture. Overall, the evaluation of patients with possible MDR-TB increased following Xpert rollout, yet for patients confirmed as having drug resistance on drug susceptibility testing, only 46% had rifampin resistance that would be identified with Xpert. CONCLUSION: Although utilization of Xpert was low, it may have contributed to an increase in evaluations for possible MDR-TB and a decline in empiric treatment for PLHIV when available as POC. |
Providers' perspectives on program collaboration and service integration for persons who use drugs
Clark CD , Langkjaer S , Chinikamwala S , Joseph H , Semaan S , Clement J , Marshall R , Pevzner E , Truman BI , Kroeger K . J Behav Health Serv Res 2016 44 (1) 158-167 The structure and process of health care financing, delivery, and organization result in challenges for providers seeking to offer comprehensive and integrated care for persons who use drugs.1 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is increasing coverage for mental health and substance abuse treatment as part of the Essential Health Benefits for Medicaid expansion and many private health plans.2,3 Community groups and scholars predict that increasing access to care under the ACA will likely require program collaboration among providers and integration of services in community health centers.2,3 Integration of services is also a part of clinical decision making systems.4 Without deliberate assessment and effective intervention, however, expanded coverage and service integration for persons who use drugs may fall short of expectations.5,6 The authors conducted a rapid assessment to obtain provider perspectives of program collaboration and service integration (PCSI) for substance abuse and mental health, prevention of HIV infection, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB) for persons who use drugs in Atlanta, GA. Rapid assessments are an approach to qualitative data collection used to quickly gain the “insider’s” perspective of local phenomena and a preliminary understanding of emerging issues. Findings from rapid assessments are often used to inform and make necessary program adjustments.7,8 | Program collaboration has been defined as two or more organizations developing procedures for pooling resources and sharing responsibilities to meet the common goal of providing more comprehensive health services.9 Service integration refers to delivery of different services provided by multiple programs to patients or clients through a single entry point.9 Delivery of evidence-based public health intervention strategies through a collaborative and integrated model can increase access to services, accelerate service delivery, and enhance prevention of infectious diseases among persons who use drugs.1 Building on the PCSI literature,1,9 this report describes the perspectives of health care providers implementing PCSI in Atlanta, GA. The authors describe program collaboration structures, the extent to which integrated services were being delivered by providers, and providers’ assessment of factors influencing PCSI implementation for persons who use drugs. The paper concludes with broader implications of this assessment for PCSI implementation. |
Insights from the Ebola response to address HIV and tuberculosis
Pathmanathan I , Pevzner ES , Marston BJ , Hader SL , Dokubo EK . Lancet Infect Dis 2016 16 (3) 276-278 Although widespread Ebola transmission has been controlled in west Africa, the indirect consequences of the recent epidemic could be yet to fully manifest. In the past 2 years, management of other diseases in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea has been limited as resources were focused on the Ebola response. HIV and tuberculosis programmes were among those affected by workforce depletion, closure of health facilities, and interrupted service and supply chains, leading to a worsening of the region’s HIV and tuberculosis epidemics.1–3 These epidemics were major public health problems in those three countries before the Ebola outbreak: in 2013, 11,200 people died of AIDS-related causes and 7,900 died from tuberculosis. Fewer than two thirds of tuberculosis cases were diagnosed and only 30–57% of eligible people living with HIV were on antiretroviral therapy (ART) – largely due to health system challenges including uncoordinated mobilisation of scarce resources, insufficient staff and laboratory capacity, and inadequate data collection and management.4–7 | Although the Ebola crisis exacerbated many of these problems, it also provides an unprecedented opportunity to assess and address pre-existing and anticipated health challenges in the worst-affected countries. Although there have been multiple calls to heed lessons from the global HIV and tuberculosis responses when addressing Ebola,8–10 we now have a unique chance to transition several elements of the Ebola response to rebuild and strengthen HIV and tuberculosis systems in the region, while sustaining capacity for emergency response. |
Evaluation of the informed consent process of a multicenter tuberculosis treatment trial
Chapman KN , Pevzner E , Mangan JM , Breese P , Lamunu D , Shrestha-Kuwahara R , Nakibali JG , Goldberg SV . AJOB Empir Bioeth 2015 6 (4) 31-43 BACKGROUND: Ethical principles obligate researchers to maximize study participants’ comprehension during the informed consent process for clinical trials. A pilot evaluation of the consent process was conducted during an international clinical trial of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis to assess the feasibility of conducting an evaluation in a larger population and to guide these future efforts. METHODS: Study staff administered an informed consent assessment tool (ICAT) to a convenience sample of trial participants, measuring comprehension of consent components as derived from the Common Rule and FDA Title 21 Part 50, and satisfaction with the process. Participating site staff completed a consent process questionnaire about consent practices at their respective sites and provided improvement recommendations. ICAT scores and corresponding practices were compared where both were completed. RESULTS: ICATs (n = 54) were submitted from one site in Spain (n = 10), one in Uganda (n = 30), and five in the United States (n = 14). Participants were primarily male (76%), born in Africa (n = 31, 57%), and had a median age of 27 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 24–42). Median ICAT scores were 80% (IQR: 67–93) for comprehension and 89% (IQR: 78–100) for satisfaction. Ugandan participants scored higher than participants from other sites on comprehension (87% vs. 64%) and satisfaction (100% vs. 78%). Staff from 14 sites completed consent process questionnaires. Median ICAT scores for comprehension and satisfaction were higher at sites that utilized visual aids. Practice recommendations included shorter forms, simpler documents, and supplementary materials. CONCLUSIONS: Participants achieved high levels (≥80%) of comprehension and satisfaction with their current consent processes. Higher ICAT scores at one site suggest an additional evaluation may identify approaches to improve comprehension and satisfaction in future trials. Through this pilot evaluation, complexities and challenges were identified in obtaining consent in a large, international multicenter trial and provided insights for a more robust assessment of the consent process in future trials. |
Clearing the smoke around the TB-HIV syndemic: smoking as a critical issue for TB and HIV treatment and care
Jackson-Morris A , Fujiwara PI , Pevzner E . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2015 19 (9) 1003-6 The collision of the tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemics has been described as a 'syndemic' due to the synergistic impact on the burden of both diseases. This paper explains the urgent need for practitioners and policy makers to address a third epidemic that exacerbates TB, HIV and TB-HIV. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide. Smoking is more prevalent among persons diagnosed with TB or HIV. Smoking is associated with tuberculous infection, TB disease and poorer anti-tuberculosis treatment outcomes. It is also associated with an increased risk of smoking-related diseases among people living with HIV, and smoking may also inhibit the effectiveness of life-saving ART. In this paper, we propose integrating into TB and HIV programmes evidence-based strategies from the 'MPOWER' package recommended by the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Specific actions that can be readily incorporated into current practice are recommended to improve TB and HIV outcomes and care, and reduce the unnecessary burden of death and disease due to smoking. |
Rollout of Xpert MTB/RIF in northwest Cambodia for the diagnosis of tuberculosis among PLHA
Auld SC , Moore BK , Killam WP , Eng B , Nong K , Pevzner EC , Eam KK , Eang MT , Warren D , Whitehead SJ . Public Health Action 2014 4 (4) 216-221 OBJECTIVE: To describe the implementation and utilization of the Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) assay to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) among people living with the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS, PLHA) in Cambodia. DESIGN: Following the rollout of Xpert, an evaluation was conducted in four provinces of Cambodia from March to December 2012 to determine the utilization, performance, and turnaround time (TAT) of Xpert among PLHA. Data were collected from paper-based patient registers. RESULTS: Of 497 PLHA with a positive TB symptom screen, 357 (72%) were tested with smear microscopy, and 250 (50%) with Xpert; 25 (10%) PLHA tested with Xpert were positive for TB and none were rifampicin-resistant. The utilization of Xpert increased from 23% to 75%, with a median TAT of 1 day. Across districts, utilization ranged from zero to 85%, while the TAT ranged from zero to 22 days. CONCLUSION: While early data show increasing utilization of Xpert for PLHA with a positive symptom screen, most patients underwent smear microscopy as an initial diagnostic test. Training delays and challenges associated with specimen referral may have contributed to variability in Xpert uptake and TAT, particularly for sites without onsite Xpert testing. Enhanced programmatic support, particularly for specimen referral and results reporting, may facilitate appropriate utilization. |
Alcohol use, drunkenness and tobacco smoking in rural western Kenya
Lo TQ , Oeltmann JE , Odhiambo FO , Beynon C , Pevzner E , Cain KP , Laserson KF , Phillips-Howard PA . Trop Med Int Health 2013 18 (4) 506-15 OBJECTIVES: To describe the prevalence of smoking and alcohol use and abuse in an impoverished rural region of western Kenya. METHODS: Picked from a population-based longitudinal database of demographic and health census data, 72,292 adults (≥18 years) were asked to self-report their recent (within the past 30 days) and lifetime use of tobacco and alcohol and frequency of recent 'drunkenness'. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of ever smoking was 11.2% (11.0-11.5) and of ever drinking, 20.7% (20.4-21.0). The prevalence of current smoking was 6.3% (6.1-6.5); 5.7% (5.5-5.9) smoked daily. 7.3% (7.1-7.5) reported drinking alcohol within the past 30 days. Of these, 60.3% (58.9-61.6) reported being drunk on half or more of all drinking occasions. The percentage of current smokers rose with the number of drinking days in a month (P < 0.0001). Tobacco and alcohol use increased with decreasing socio-economic status and amongst women in the oldest age group (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco and alcohol use are prevalent in this rural region of Kenya. Abuse of alcohol is common and likely influenced by the availability of cheap, home-manufactured alcohol. Appropriate evidence-based policies to reduce alcohol and tobacco use should be widely implemented and complemented by public health efforts to increase awareness of their harmful effects. |
Reaching beyond our Xpert potential: reflections on the 43rd Union World Conference
Auld SC , Pevzner E . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013 17 (3) 423-4 The 43rd Union World Conference on Lung Health | could also have been called the fi rst Union World | Conference on GeneXpert®. If you search the digital | abstract book you will fi nd the term ‘Xpert’ mentioned a remarkable 325 times compared to 84 times | in 2011 and 12 times in 2010.1–3 After nearly half a | century without notable advances in the diagnosis | and treatment of tuberculosis (TB), the TB community is understandably excited about the potential for | Xpert to contribute to substantial gains in the ongoing fi ght against this global killer. At the same time, | we must temper our excitement and prepare for the | continuing challenges of diagnosing, treating, and | preventing TB, with or without Xpert. | Unlike human immunodefi ciency virus prevention | and control programs, for whom diagnostics and | treatments have evolved rapidly over the last several | decades, TB control programs have witnessed few | changes since the 1970s.4,5 This long-term stability | has fostered the development of well-established national TB programs (NTPs) with straightforward diagnostic algorithms, decentralized treatment, and robust recording and reporting systems. Yet these very | strengths have the potential to become weaknesses as | we embark upon an era of innovation and discovery. | In addition to the many conference sessions on Xpert, | we also heard about the various ‘pipelines’ for new | diagnostics and biomarkers, novel drug regimens for | treating childhood and multidrug-resistant TB, and, | hopefully, a new TB vaccine. Unfortunately, our wellestablished model for NTPs may be ill-equipped to | integrate and benefi t from these anticipated advances. |
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