Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 76 Records) |
Query Trace: Nix A[original query] |
Validation of improved automated nucleic acid extraction methods for direct detection of polioviruses for global polio eradication
Miles SJ , Harrington C , Sun H , Deas A , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Vega E , Gerloff N . J Virol Methods 2024 326 114914 ![]() ![]() Polioviruses (PV), the main causative agent of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), are positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses of the family Picornaviridae. As we approach polio eradication, accurate and timely detection of poliovirus in stool from AFP cases becomes vital to success for the eradication efforts. Direct detection of PV from clinical diagnostic samples using nucleic acid (NA) extraction and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) instead of the current standard method of virus isolation in culture, eliminates the long turn-around time to diagnosis and the need for high viral titer amplification in laboratories. An essential component of direct detection of PV from AFP surveillance samples is the efficient extraction of NA. Potential supply chain issues and lack of vendor presence in certain areas of the world necessitates the validation of multiple NA extraction methods. Using retrospective PV-positive surveillance samples (n=104), two extraction kits were compared to the previously validated Zymo Research Quick-RNA™ Viral Kit. The Roche High Pure Viral RNA Kit, a column-based manual extraction method, and the MagMaX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA kit used in the automated Kingfisher Flex system were both non-inferior to the Zymo kit, with similar rates of PV detection in pivotal rRT-PCR assays, such as pan-poliovirus (PanPV), poliovirus serotype 2 (PV2), and wild poliovirus serotype 1 (WPV1). These important assays allow the identification and differentiation of PV genotypes and serotypes and are fundamental to the GPLN program. Validation of two additional kits provides feasible alternatives to the current piloted method of NA extraction for poliovirus rRT-PCR assays. |
Serological and metagenomic interrogation of cerebrospinal fluid implicates enteroviruses in pediatric acute flaccid myelitis (preprint)
Schubert RD , Hawes IA , Ramachandran PS , Ramesh A , Crawford ED , Pak JE , Wu W , Cheung CK , O'Donovan BD , Tato CM , Lyden A , Tan M , Sit R , Sowa GA , Sample HA , Zorn KC , Banerji D , Khan LM , Bove R , Hauser SL , Gelfand AA , Johnson-Kerner BL , Nash K , Krishnamoorthy KS , Chitnis T , Ding JZ , McMillan HJ , Chiu CY , Briggs B , Glaser CA , Yen C , Chu V , Wadford DA , Dominguez SR , Ng TFF , Marine RL , Lopez AS , Nix WA , Soldatos A , Gorman MP , Benson L , Messacar K , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Oberste MS , DeRisi JL , Wilson MR . bioRxiv 2019 666230 Background Since 2014, the United States has experienced a biennial spike in pediatric acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). Epidemiologic evidence suggests non-polio enteroviruses (EVs) are a potential etiology, yet EV RNA is rarely detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and only inconsistently identified from the respiratory tract, serum, or stool.Methods We interrogated CSF from children with AFM (n=42) and pediatric controls with other neurologic diseases (OND) (n=58). Samples were incubated with T7 bacteriophage expressing 481,966 sixty-two amino acid peptides with a fourteen amino acid overlap tiled across all known vertebrate virus and arbovirus genomes, an adaption of the VirScan method. Antibody-bound phage were deep sequenced to quantify enriched peptides with normalized counts expressed as reads per hundred thousand (rpK). EV antibody findings were confirmed with ELISA using whole viral protein 1 (VP1) from contemporary enterovirus (EV) A71 and D68 strains. Separately, metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) of CSF RNA, both unbiased and with targeted enrichment for EVs, was performed.Results The most significantly enriched viral family by VirScan of CSF in AFM versus OND controls was Picornaviridae (mean rpK 11,266 versus mean rpK 950, p-adjusted < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Bonferroni adjustment). Enriched Picornaviridae peptides belonged almost entirely to the genus Enterovirus. The mean EV VP1 ELISA signal in AFM (mean OD 0.51) was significantly higher than OND controls (mean OD 0.08, p-value < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test). mNGS did not detect additional enterovirus RNA in CSF.Conclusion Despite the rare detection of EV RNA in the CNS of patients with AFM, a pan-viral serologic assay identified high levels of CSF EV antibodies in AFM CSF compared to CSF from OND controls. These results provide further evidence for a causal role of non-polio enteroviruses in AFM. |
Comparison of Illumina MiSeq and the Ion Torrent PGM and S5 platforms for whole-genome sequencing of picornaviruses and caliciviruses (preprint)
Marine RL , Magana LC , Castro CJ , Zhao K , Montmayeur AM , Schmidt A , Diez-Valcarce M , Fan Ng TF , Vinje J , Burns CC , Allan Nix W , Rota PA , Oberste MS . bioRxiv 2019 705632 Next-generation sequencing is a powerful tool for virological surveillance. While Illumina® and Ion Torrent® sequencing platforms are used extensively for generating viral RNA genome sequences, there is limited data comparing different platforms. We evaluated the Illumina MiSeq, Ion Torrent PGM and Ion Torrent S5 platforms using a panel of sixteen specimens containing picornaviruses and human caliciviruses (noroviruses and sapoviruses). The specimens were processed, using combinations of three library preparation and five sequencing kits, to assess the quality and completeness of assembled viral genomes, and an estimation of cost per sample to generate the data was calculated. The choice of library preparation kit and sequencing platform was found to impact the breadth of genome coverage and accuracy of consensus viral genomes. The Ion Torrent S5 outperformed the older Ion Torrent PGM platform in data quality and cost, and generated the highest proportion of reads for enterovirus D68 samples. However, indels at homopolymer regions impacted the accuracy of consensus genome sequences. For lower throughput sequencing runs (i.e., Ion Torrent 510 or Illumina MiSeq Nano V2), the cost per sample was lower on the MiSeq platform, whereas with higher throughput runs (Ion Torrent 530 or Illumina MiSeq V2) the cost per sample was comparable. These findings suggest that the Ion Torrent S5 and Illumina MiSeq platforms are both viable options for genomic sequencing of RNA viruses, each with specific advantages and tradeoffs. |
Type-specific EV-D68 real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of all extant enterovirus D68 strains (preprint)
Ng TFF , Nix WA , Rogers SL , Emery B , Chern SW , Butler K , Oberste MS . bioRxiv 2022 06 Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) has caused recurring respiratory disease outbreaks in the United States since 2014. The dominant circulating EV-D68 strain has evolved from clade B1 to the more recent B2 and B3 clades. As recurrent outbreaks and continued virus evolution are expected for EV-D68, a robust real-time PCR assay that detects known strains as well as potential emerging strains is critical for national surveillance and clinical diagnostics. We describe a type-specific EV-D68 real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) assay termed CDC2022, which targets sequences encoding conserved amino acid regions of all extant EV-D68 strains. We targeted three motifs conserved among all strains in the last 60 years. The assay achieved 100% (270/270) sensitivity and 100% (344/344) specificity when tested with a collection of 613 respiratory specimens, compared to the gold-standard EV semi-nested VP1 PCR and sequencing assay (snPCR/Seq). CDC2022 gave negative results with 289/289 non-target viruses, including 104 EV A-D isolates, 165 rhinovirus (RV) isolates or clinical specimens, and 14 other common respiratory viruses. The assay can detect as few as 0.28 CCID<inf>50</inf> per reaction. An in silico "phylo-primer-mismatch" analysis was performed to visualize primer/probe mismatches and to compare CDC2022 with other EV-D68 rRT-PCR assays, including the previous CDC assay (CDC2015) developed in 2014 for clade B1 strains. It showed that CDC2022 has the fewest primer/probe mismatches among all assays analyzed and is suitable for all clades. We additionally tested 11 EV-D68-positive clinical specimens from 2022 that were confirmed by snPCR/Seq, and all were detected. CDC2022 assay could provide a critical tool for molecular surveillance of EV-D68. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Whole-Genome Sequences of Enteroviruses D94 and D111 Isolated from Stool Specimens in Angola.
Chern SW , Gumede N , Castro CJ , Nix WA , Ng TFF . Microbiol Resour Announc 2021 10 (40) e0072821 ![]() ![]() We report the whole-genome sequences of new enterovirus D94 and D111 strains, isolated from cultures from stool specimens collected from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases for poliovirus surveillance in Angola during 2010. |
Enterovirus D68 infection among hospitalized children with severe acute respiratory illness in El Salvador and Panama, 2012-2013.
Biggs HM , Nix WA , Zhang J , Rogers S , Clara W , Jara JH , Gonzalez R , Luciani K , Brizuela YS , Estripeaut D , Castillo JM , De Leon T , Corro M , Vergara O , Rauda R , Chong EG , Watson JT , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Gerber SI , Tong S , Dawood FS . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2020 15 (2) 181-187 ![]() We assessed EV-D68 epidemiology and phylogenetics among children aged ≤9 years hospitalized with severe acute respiratory illnesses at five sites in Panama and El Salvador during 2012-2013. Respiratory specimens positive for enterovirus or rhinovirus were tested by real-time RT-PCR for EV-D68, and partial VP1 gene sequences were determined. Of 715 enrolled children, 17 from sites in both countries were EV-D68-positive and commonly had a history of asthma or wheezing. Phylogenetically, 15 of 16 sequences fell into Clade B1, and one into Clade A2. The Central American EV-D68s were closely related genetically to contemporaneous strains from North America, South America, and the Caribbean. |
Enterovirus D68-associated acute flaccid myelitis, United States, 2020
Kidd S , Lopez AS , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Nix WA , Routh JA , Oberste MS . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (10) Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a serious neurologic condition that causes limb weakness or paralysis in previously healthy children. Since clusters of cases were first reported in 2014, nationwide surveillance has demonstrated sharp increases in AFM cases in the United States every 2 years, most occurring during late summer and early fall. Given this current biennial pattern, another peak AFM season is expected during fall 2020 in the United States. Scientific understanding of the etiology and the factors driving the biennial increases in AFM has advanced rapidly in the past few years, although areas of uncertainty remain. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and AFM partners are focused on answering key questions about AFM epidemiology and mechanisms of disease. This article summarizes the current understanding of AFM etiology and outlines priorities for surveillance and research as we prepare for a likely surge in cases in 2020. |
Vital Signs: Clinical characteristics of patients with confirmed acute flaccid myelitis, United States, 2018
Kidd S , Lopez A , Nix WA , Anyalechi G , Itoh M , Yee E , Oberste MS , Routh J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (31) 1031-1038 BACKGROUND: Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a serious neurologic syndrome that affects mostly children and is characterized by the acute onset of limb weakness or paralysis. Since U.S. surveillance for AFM began in 2014, reported cases have peaked biennially. This report describes the clinical characteristics of AFM patients during 2018, the most recent peak year. METHODS: Medical records from persons meeting AFM clinical criterion (acute onset of flaccid limb weakness) were submitted to CDC. Patients with confirmed AFM met the clinical criterion and had magnetic resonance imaging indicating spinal cord lesions largely restricted to gray matter and spanning one or more vertebral segments. Symptoms, physical findings, test and imaging results, and hospitalization data were abstracted and described. RESULTS: Among 238 patients with confirmed AFM during 2018, median age was 5.3 years. Among the 238 patients, 205 (86%) had onset during August-November. Most (92%) had prodromal fever, respiratory illness, or both beginning a median of 6 days before weakness onset. In addition to weakness, common symptoms at clinical evaluation were gait difficulty (52%), neck or back pain (47%), fever (35%), and limb pain (34%). Among 211 who were outpatients when weakness began, most (76%) sought medical care within 1 day, and 64% first sought treatment at an emergency department. Overall, 98% of patients were hospitalized, 54% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and 23% required endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should suspect AFM in children with acute flaccid limb weakness, especially during August-November and when accompanied by neck or back pain and a recent history of febrile respiratory illness. Increasing awareness in frontline settings such as emergency departments should aid rapid recognition and hospitalization for AFM. |
Comparison of Illumina MiSeq and the Ion Torrent PGM and S5 platforms for whole-genome sequencing of picornaviruses and caliciviruses.
Marine RL , Magana LC , Castro CJ , Zhao K , Montmayeur AM , Schmidt A , Diez-Valcarce M , Fan Ng TF , Vinje J , Burns CC , Allan Nix W , Rota PA , Oberste MS . J Virol Methods 2020 280 113865 ![]() Next-generation sequencing is a powerful tool for virological surveillance. While Illumina(R) and Ion Torrent(R) sequencing platforms are used extensively for generating viral RNA genome sequences, there is limited data comparing different platforms. The Illumina MiSeq, Ion Torrent PGM and Ion Torrent S5 platforms were evaluated using a panel of sixteen specimens containing picornaviruses and human caliciviruses (noroviruses and sapoviruses). The specimens were processed, using combinations of three library preparation and five sequencing kits, to assess the quality and completeness of assembled viral genomes, and an estimation of cost per sample to generate the data was calculated. The choice of library preparation kit and sequencing platform was found to impact the breadth of genome coverage and accuracy of consensus viral genomes. The Ion Torrent S5 510 chip runs produced more reads at a lower cost per sample than the highest output Ion Torrent PGM 318 chip run, and generated the highest proportion of reads for enterovirus D68 samples. However, indels at homopolymer regions impacted the accuracy of consensus genome sequences. For lower throughput sequencing runs (i.e., Ion Torrent 510 and Illumina MiSeq Nano V2), the cost per sample was lower on the MiSeq platform, whereas with higher throughput runs (Ion Torrent 530 and Illumina MiSeq V2) there is less of a difference in the cost per sample between the two sequencing platforms ($5.47-$10.25 more per sample for an Ion Torrent 530 chip run when multiplexing 24 samples). These findings suggest that the Ion Torrent S5 and Illumina MiSeq platforms are both viable options for genomic sequencing of RNA viruses, each with specific advantages and tradeoffs. |
Characteristics of patients with acute flaccid myelitis, United States, 2015-2018
McLaren N , Lopez A , Kidd S , Zhang JX , Nix WA , Link-Gelles R , Lee A , Routh JA . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (2) 212-219 Observed peaks of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) cases have occurred biennially since 2014 in the United States. We aimed to determine if AFM etiology differed between peak and nonpeak years, considering that clinical features of AFM differ by virus etiology. We compared clinical and laboratory characteristics of AFM cases that occurred during peak (2016 and 2018, n = 366) and nonpeak (2015 and 2017, n = 50) years. AFM patients in peak years were younger (5.2 years) than those in nonpeak years (8.3 years). A higher percentage of patients in peak years than nonpeak years had pleocytosis (86% vs. 60%), upper extremity involvement (33% vs. 16%), and an illness preceding limb weakness (90% vs. 62%) and were positive for enterovirus or rhinovirus RNA (38% vs. 16%). Enterovirus D68 infection was associated with AFM only in peak years. Our findings suggest AFM etiology differs between peak and nonpeak years. |
Clinical characteristics of enterovirus A71 neurological disease during an outbreak in children in Colorado, USA, in 2018: an observational cohort study
Messacar K , Spence-Davizon E , Osborne C , Press C , Schreiner TL , Martin J , Messer R , Maloney J , Burakoff A , Barnes M , Rogers S , Lopez AS , Routh J , Gerber SI , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Abzug MJ , Tyler KL , Herlihy R , Dominguez SR . Lancet Infect Dis 2019 20 (2) 230-239 BACKGROUND: In May, 2018, Children's Hospital Colorado noted an outbreak of enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) neurological disease. We aimed to characterise the clinical features of EV-A71 neurological disease during this outbreak. METHODS: In this retrospective observational cohort study, children (younger than 18 years) who presented to Children's Hospital Colorado (Aurora, CO, USA) between March 1 and November 30, 2018, with neurological disease (defined by non-mutually exclusive criteria, including meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid myelitis, and seizures) and enterovirus detected from any biological specimen were eligible for study inclusion. The clinical characteristics of children with neurological disease associated with EV-A71 were compared with those of children with neurological disease associated with other enteroviruses during the same period. To explore the differences in clinical presentation of acute flaccid myelitis, we also used a subgroup analysis to compare clinical findings in children with EV-A71-associated acute flaccid myelitis during the study period with these findings in those with enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)-associated acute flaccid myelitis at the same hospital between 2013 and 2018. FINDINGS: Between March 10 and Nov 10, 2018, 74 children presenting to Children's Hospital Colorado were found to have enterovirus neurological disease; EV-A71 was identified in 43 (58%) of these children. The median age of the children with EV-A71 neurological disease was 22.7 months (IQR 4.0-31.9), and most of these children were male (34 [79%] children). 40 (93%) children with EV-A71 neurological disease had findings suggestive of meningitis, 31 (72%) children showed evidence of encephalitis, and ten (23%) children met our case definition of acute flaccid myelitis. All children with EV-A71 disease had fever and 18 (42%) children had hand, foot, or mouth lesions at or before neurological onset. Children with EV-A71 disease were best differentiated from those with other enteroviruses (n=31) by the neurological findings of myoclonus, ataxia, weakness, and autonomic instability. Of the specimens collected from children with EV-A71, this enterovirus was detected in 94% of rectal, 79% of oropharyngeal, 56% of nasopharyngeal, and 20% of cerebrospinal fluid specimens. 39 (93%) of 42 children with EV-A71 neurological disease who could be followed up showed complete recovery by 1-2 months. Compared with children with EV-D68-associated acute flaccid myelitis, children with EV-A71-associated acute flaccid myelitis were younger, showed neurological onset earlier after prodromal symptom onset, had milder weakness, showed more rapid improvement, and were more likely to completely recover. INTERPRETATION: This outbreak of EV-A71 neurological disease, the largest reported in the Americas, was characterised by fever, myoclonus, ataxia, weakness, autonomic instability, and full recovery in most patients. Because EV-A71 epidemiology outside of Asia remains difficult to predict, identification of future outbreaks will be aided by prompt recognition of these distinct clinical findings, testing of non-sterile and sterile site specimens, and enhanced enterovirus surveillance. FUNDING: None. |
Antifungal triazole posaconazole targets an early stage of the parechovirus A3 life cycle.
Rhoden E , Ng TFF , Campagnoli R , Nix WA , Konopka-Anstadt J , Selvarangan R , Briesach L , Oberste MS , Weldon WC . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 64 (3) ![]() ![]() Viruses in species Parechovirus A (Picornaviridae) are associated with a wide variety of clinical manifestations. Parechovirus A3 (PeV-A3) is known to cause sepsis-like illness, meningitis, and encephalitis in infants and young children. To date, no specific therapies are available to treat PeV-A3-infected children. We had previously identified two FDA-cleared antifungal drugs, itraconazole (ITC) and posaconazole (POS) with potent and specific antiviral activity against PeV-A3. Time-of-addition and synchronized infection assays revealed that POS targets an early stage of the PeV-A3 life cycle. POS exerts an antiviral effect, evidenced by a reduction in viral titer following the addition of POS to Vero-P cells before infection, coaddition of POS and PeV-A3 to Vero-P cells, incubation of POS and PeV-A3 prior to Vero-P infection, and at attachment. POS exerts less of an effect on virus entry. A PeV-A3 ELISA inhibition experiment, using an anti-PeV-A3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), suggested that POS binds directly to the PeV-A3 capsid. POS-resistant PeV-A3 strains developed by serial passage in the presence of POS, acquired substitutions in multiple regions of the genome, including the capsid. Reverse genetics confirmed substitutions in capsid proteins VP0, VP3, VP1 and nonstructural proteins 2A and 3A. Single mutants VP0_K66R, VP0_A124T, VP3_N88S, VP1_Y224C, 2A_S788L and 3A_T1I were respectively 4-, 9-, 12-, 34-, 51-, and 119-fold more resistant to POS than its susceptible prototype strain. Our studies demonstrate that POS may be a valuable tool in developing an antiviral therapy for PeV-A3. |
Nearly Complete Genome Sequence of an Echovirus 30 Strain from a Cluster of Aseptic Meningitis Cases in California, September 2017.
Pan CY , Huynh T , Padilla T , Chen A , Ng TFF , Marine RL , Castro CJ , Nix WA , Wadford DA . Microbiol Resour Announc 2019 8 (44) ![]() ![]() We report the nearly complete genome sequence of a human enterovirus, a strain of echovirus 30, obtained from a cerebrospinal fluid specimen from a teenaged patient with aseptic meningitis in September 2017. |
Pan-viral serology implicates enteroviruses in acute flaccid myelitis.
Schubert RD , Hawes IA , Ramachandran PS , Ramesh A , Crawford ED , Pak JE , Wu W , Cheung CK , O'Donovan BD , Tato CM , Lyden A , Tan M , Sit R , Sowa GA , Sample HA , Zorn KC , Banerji D , Khan LM , Bove R , Hauser SL , Gelfand AA , Johnson-Kerner BL , Nash K , Krishnamoorthy KS , Chitnis T , Ding JZ , McMillan HJ , Chiu CY , Briggs B , Glaser CA , Yen C , Chu V , Wadford DA , Dominguez SR , Ng TFF , Marine RL , Lopez AS , Nix WA , Soldatos A , Gorman MP , Benson L , Messacar K , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Oberste MS , DeRisi JL , Wilson MR . Nat Med 2019 25 (11) 1748-1752 ![]() ![]() Since 2012, the United States of America has experienced a biennial spike in pediatric acute flaccid myelitis (AFM)(1-6). Epidemiologic evidence suggests non-polio enteroviruses (EVs) are a potential etiology, yet EV RNA is rarely detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)(2). CSF from children with AFM (n = 42) and other pediatric neurologic disease controls (n = 58) were investigated for intrathecal antiviral antibodies, using a phage display library expressing 481,966 overlapping peptides derived from all known vertebrate and arboviruses (VirScan). Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) of AFM CSF RNA (n = 20 cases) was also performed, both unbiased sequencing and with targeted enrichment for EVs. Using VirScan, the viral family significantly enriched by the CSF of AFM cases relative to controls was Picornaviridae, with the most enriched Picornaviridae peptides belonging to the genus Enterovirus (n = 29/42 cases versus 4/58 controls). EV VP1 ELISA confirmed this finding (n = 22/26 cases versus 7/50 controls). mNGS did not detect additional EV RNA. Despite rare detection of EV RNA, pan-viral serology frequently identified high levels of CSF EV-specific antibodies in AFM compared with controls, providing further evidence for a causal role of non-polio EVs in AFM. |
Acute flaccid myelitis in the United States: 2015-2017
Ayers T , Lopez A , Lee A , Kambhampati A , Nix WA , Henderson E , Rogers S , Weldon WC , Oberste MS , Sejvar J , Hopkins SE , Pallansch MA , Routh JA , Patel M . Pediatrics 2019 144 (5) BACKGROUND: Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a neurologic condition characterized by flaccid limb weakness. After a large number of reports of AFM in 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began standardized surveillance in the United States to characterize the disease burden and explore potential etiologies and epidemiologic associations. METHODS: Persons meeting the clinical case criteria of acute flaccid limb weakness from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2017, were classified as confirmed (spinal cord gray matter lesions on MRI) or probable (white blood cell count >5 cells per mm(3) in cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]). We describe clinical, radiologic, laboratory, and epidemiologic findings of pediatric patients (age </=21 years) confirmed with AFM. RESULTS: Of 305 children reported from 43 states, 193 were confirmed and 25 were probable. Of confirmed patients, 61% were male, with a median age of 6 years (range: 3 months to 21 years; interquartile range: 3 to 10 years). An antecedent respiratory or febrile illness was reported in 79% with a median of 5 days (interquartile range: 2 to 7 days) before limb weakness. Among 153 sterile-site specimens (CSF and serum) submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, coxsackievirus A16 was detected in CSF and serum of one case patient and enterovirus D68 was detected in serum of another. Of 167 nonsterile site (respiratory and stool) specimens, 28% tested positive for enterovirus or rhinovirus. CONCLUSIONS: AFM surveillance data suggest a viral etiology, including enteroviruses. Further study is ongoing to better characterize the etiology, pathogenesis, and risk factors of this rare condition. |
Antibodies to Enteroviruses in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Acute Flaccid Myelitis.
Mishra N , Ng TFF , Marine RL , Jain K , Ng J , Thakkar R , Caciula A , Price A , Garcia JA , Burns JC , Thakur KT , Hetzler KL , Routh JA , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Nix WA , Tokarz R , Briese T , Oberste MS , Lipkin WI . mBio 2019 10 (4) ![]() ![]() Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) has caused motor paralysis in >560 children in the United States since 2014. The temporal association of enterovirus (EV) outbreaks with increases in AFM cases and reports of fever, respiratory, or gastrointestinal illness prior to AFM in >90% of cases suggest a role for infectious agents. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 14 AFM and 5 non-AFM patients with central nervous system (CNS) diseases in 2018 were investigated by viral-capture high-throughput sequencing (VirCapSeq-VERT system). These CSF and serum samples, as well as multiple controls, were tested for antibodies to human EVs using peptide microarrays. EV RNA was confirmed in CSF from only 1 adult AFM case and 1 non-AFM case. In contrast, antibodies to EV peptides were present in CSF of 11 of 14 AFM patients (79%), significantly higher than controls, including non-AFM patients (1/5 [20%]), children with Kawasaki disease (0/10), and adults with non-AFM CNS diseases (2/11 [18%]) (P = 0.023, 0.0001, and 0.0028, respectively). Six of 14 CSF samples (43%) and 8 of 11 sera (73%) from AFM patients were immunoreactive to an EV-D68-specific peptide, whereas the three control groups were not immunoreactive in either CSF (0/5, 0/10, and 0/11; P = 0.008, 0.0003, and 0.035, respectively) or sera (0/2, 0/8, and 0/5; P = 0.139, 0.002, and 0.009, respectively).IMPORTANCE The presence in cerebrospinal fluid of antibodies to EV peptides at higher levels than non-AFM controls supports the plausibility of a link between EV infection and AFM that warrants further investigation and has the potential to lead to strategies for diagnosis and prevention of disease. |
Distinguishing patients with laboratory-confirmed chikungunya from dengue and other acute febrile illnesses, Puerto Rico, 2012-2015
Alvarado LI , Lorenzi OD , Torres-Velasquez BC , Sharp TM , Vargas L , Munoz-Jordan JL , Hunsperger EA , Perez-Padilla J , Rivera A , Gonzalez-Zeno GE , Galloway RL , Glass Elrod M , Mathis DL , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Henderson E , McQuiston J , Singleton J , Kato C , Garcia-Gubern C , Santiago-Rivera W , Muns-Sosa R , Ortiz-Rivera JD , Jimenez G , Rivera-Amill V , Andujar-Perez DA , Horiuchi K , Tomashek KM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 13 (7) e0007562 Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne viral, acute febrile illness (AFI) is associated with polyarthralgia and polyarthritis. Differentiation from other AFI is difficult due to the non-specific presentation and limited availability of diagnostics. This 3-year study identified independent clinical predictors by day post-illness onset (DPO) at presentation and age-group that distinguish chikungunya cases from two groups: other AFI and dengue. Specimens collected from participants with fever </=7 days were tested for chikungunya, dengue viruses 1-4, and 20 other pathogens. Of 8,996 participants, 18.2% had chikungunya, and 10.8% had dengue. Chikungunya cases were more likely than other groups to be older, report a chronic condition, and present <3 DPO. Regardless of timing of presentation, significant positive predictors for chikungunya versus other AFI were: joint pain, muscle, bone or back pain, skin rash, and red conjunctiva; with dengue as the comparator, red swollen joints (arthritis), joint pain, skin rash, any bleeding, and irritability were predictors. Chikungunya cases were less likely than AFI and dengue to present with thrombocytopenia, signs of poor circulation, diarrhea, headache, and cough. Among participants presenting <3 DPO, predictors for chikungunya versus other AFI included: joint pain, skin rash, and muscle, bone or back pain, and absence of thrombocytopenia, poor circulation and respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms; when the comparator was dengue, joint pain and arthritis, and absence of thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and nausea were early predictors. Among all groups presenting 3-5 DPO, pruritic skin became a predictor for chikungunya, joint, muscle, bone or back pain were no longer predictive, while arthritis became predictive in all age-groups. Absence of thrombocytopenia was a significant predictor regardless of DPO or comparison group. This study identified robust clinical indicators such as joint pain, skin rash and absence of thrombocytopenia that can allow early identification of and accurate differentiation between patients with chikungunya and other common causes of AFI. |
Vital Signs: Surveillance for acute flaccid myelitis - United States, 2018
Lopez A , Lee A , Guo A , Konopka-Anstadt JL , Nisler A , Rogers SL , Emery B , Nix WA , Oberste S , Routh J , Patel M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (27) 608-614 BACKGROUND: Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a serious paralytic illness, was first recognized as a distinct condition in 2014, when cases were reported concurrent with a large U.S. outbreak of severe respiratory illness caused by enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68). Since 2014, nationwide outbreaks of AFM have occurred every 2 years in the United States; the cause for the recent change in the epidemiology of AFM in the United States, including the occurrence of outbreaks and a biennial periodicity since 2014, is under investigation. This report updates clinical, laboratory, and outcome data for cases reported to CDC during 2018. METHODS: Clinical data and specimens from persons in the United States who met the clinical criterion for AFM (acute onset of flaccid limb weakness) with onset in 2018 were submitted to CDC for classification of the illnesses as confirmed, probable, or non-AFM cases. Enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV) testing was performed on available specimens from persons meeting the clinical criterion. Descriptive analyses, laboratory results, and indicators of early recognition and reporting are summarized. RESULTS: From January through December 2018, among 374 reported cases of AFM, 233 (62%) (from 41 states) were classified as confirmed, 26 (7%) as probable, and 115 (31%) as non-AFM cases. Median ages of patients with confirmed, probable, and non-AFM cases were 5.3, 2.9, and 8.8 years, respectively. Laboratory testing identified multiple EV/RV types, primarily in respiratory and stool specimens, in 44% of confirmed cases. Among confirmed cases, the interval from onset of limb weakness until specimen collection ranged from 2 to 7 days, depending on specimen type. Interval from onset of limb weakness until reporting to CDC during 2018 ranged from 18 to 36 days, with confirmed and probable cases reported earlier than non-AFM cases. CONCLUSION: Identification of risk factors leading to outbreaks of AFM remains a public health priority. Prompt recognition of signs and symptoms, early specimen collection, and complete and rapid reporting will expedite public health investigations and research studies to elucidate the recent epidemiology of AFM and subsequently inform treatment and prevention recommendations. |
Picornavirus etiology of acute infections among hospitalized infants.
Abedi GR , Messacar K , Luong W , Nix WA , Rogers S , Queen K , Tong S , Oberste MS , Watt J , Rothrock G , Dominguez S , Gerber SI , Watson JT . J Clin Virol 2019 116 39-43 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Enteroviruses (EV) and parechoviruses (PeV) are ubiquitous viruses that cause a range of illness, including acute illness in children aged <1 year. OBJECTIVES: We describe EV and PeV infections among children from 2 US study sites aged <1 year and hospitalized with acute infections. For EV- and PeV-negative case-patients, we explored other viral etiologies. METHODS: Participants were aged <1 year, hospitalized during 2016, and had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected for routine diagnostic testing. Demographic and clinical data were abstracted from medical charts, and residual specimens were sent to CDC for confirmatory testing and typing. RESULTS: Of 472 eligible case-patients, CSF specimen was available for 319 (67.6%). Among those, 13 (4.1%) were positive for EV and 11 (3.4%) for PeV. Most case-patients (86.8%, n = 277) were aged <2 months, as were all EV- or PeV-positive case-patients. None of the positive case-patients had underlying conditions, and the chief complaint for 91.7% (n = 22) was fever. Twelve positive case-patients were admitted to intensive care (ICU) and had brief hospital stays (median 2 days). Sequencing revealed a variety of EV types and the predominance of PeV-A3 among the PeV-positive case-patients. CONCLUSIONS: A range of EV and PeV types were associated with acute febrile illnesses leading to hospitalization in children aged <2 months. Approximately half of EV and PeV case-patients were admitted to ICU, but length of hospital stay was brief and illnesses were generally self-limiting. Clinicians should consider EV and PeV infections in infants presenting with febrile illness. |
Enterovirus D68-associated acute respiratory illness - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, United States, July-October, 2017 and 2018
Kujawski SA , Midgley CM , Rha B , Lively JY , Nix WA , Curns AT , Payne DC , Englund JA , Boom JA , Williams JV , Weinberg GA , Staat MA , Selvarangan R , Halasa NB , Klein EJ , Sahni LC , Michaels MG , Shelley L , McNeal M , Harrison CJ , Stewart LS , Lopez AS , Routh JA , Patel M , Oberste MS , Watson JT , Gerber SI . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (12) 277-280 In the fall of 2014, an outbreak of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)-associated acute respiratory illness (ARI) occurred in the United States (1,2); before 2014, EV-D68 was rarely reported to CDC (2,3). In the United States, reported EV-D68 detections typically peak during late summer and early fall (3). EV-D68 epidemiology is not fully understood because testing in clinical settings seldom has been available and detections are not notifiable to CDC. To better understand EV-D68 epidemiology, CDC recently established active, prospective EV-D68 surveillance among pediatric patients at seven U.S. medical centers through the New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN) (4). This report details a preliminary characterization of EV-D68 testing and detections among emergency department (ED) and hospitalized patients with ARI at all NVSN sites during July 1-October 31, 2017, and the same period in 2018. Among patients with ARI who were tested, EV-D68 was detected in two patients (0.8%) in 2017 and 358 (13.9%) in 2018. Continued active, prospective surveillance of EV-D68-associated ARI is needed to better understand EV-D68 epidemiology in the United States. |
Changes in mindful parenting: Associations with changes in parenting, parentyouth relationship quality, and youth behavior
Coatsworth JD , Timpe Z , Nix RL , Duncan LG , Greenberg MT . J Soc Social Work Res 2018 9 (4) 511-529 Objective: There is growing interest in mindful parenting and how this form of intentional, compassionate interactions with youth are associated with developmental outcomes. We investigated how mindful parenting changes over time, either naturally or in response to interventions, and how that change is associated with other proximal developmental changes. Method: We used data from a longitudinal, randomized-controlled study design (N 5 432 families) to investigate the associations between changes in mindful parenting and 3 outcomes: positive parenting, parent–youth relationship quality, and youth aggression. Differences across 3 intervention conditions and between mothers and fathers were tested. Results: Across conditions, changes in mindful parenting were strongly associated with changes in all 3 outcomes for both fathers and mothers. Changes in mindful parenting showed considerable variability within and across conditions. For fathers, differences in mindful parenting change were driven primarily by changes in the core mindful parenting dimension of emotional awareness. Mothers showed comparable changes in mindful parenting across conditions. Conclusions: Findings illustrate how changes in mindful parenting are associated with proximal changes that could lead to reduced youth behavior problems (e.g., aggression or substance use) and provide additional evidence for the contribution that mindfulness activities can make to standard parent training. |
Characterization of the Genome Sequences of Enterovirus C109 from Two Respiratory Disease Cases in Florida, 2016.
Ng TFF , Yglesias JA , Stevenson-Yuen TA , Wolfe CM , Cone MR , Heberlein-Larson LA , Maher K , Rogers S , Chern SWW , Montmayeur A , Castro C , Nix WA . Microbiol Resour Announc 2018 7 (3) ![]() ![]() The genomic sequences of two enterovirus C109 isolates (EV-C109 USA/FL/2016-21003 and EV-C109 USA/FL/2016-21002) were obtained during two separate case investigations of respiratory disease in two children. This marks the first description of EV-C109 genomes in the United States. Copyright © 2018 Kyoui et al. |
Increase in acute flaccid myelitis - United States, 2018
McKay SL , Lee AD , Lopez AS , Nix WA , Dooling KL , Keaton AA , Spence-Davizon E , Herlihy R , Clark TA , Hopkins SE , Pastula DM , Sejvar J , Oberste MS , Pallansch MA , Patel M , Routh JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (45) 1273-1275 In August 2018, CDC noted an increased number of reports of patients having symptoms clinically compatible with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a rare condition characterized by rapid onset of flaccid weakness in one or more limbs and spinal cord gray matter lesions, compared with August 2017. Since 2014, CDC has conducted surveillance for AFM using a standardized case definition (1,2). An Epi-X* notice was issued on August 23, 2018, to increase clinician awareness and provide guidance for case reporting. |
Genome Sequences of Rhinovirus Genotype C56 Detected in Three Patients with Acute Respiratory Illness, California, 2016 to 2017.
Pan CY , Yagi S , Padilla T , Fei Fan Ng T , Marine RL , Nix WA , Wadford DA . Microbiol Resour Announc 2018 7 (7) ![]() ![]() We report here two genome sequences of a newly designated rhinovirus genotype, RV-C56, which were obtained from respiratory specimens of three patients with acute respiratory illness in 2016 and 2017. To our knowledge, these sequences represent the first near-complete genomes for RV-C56 strains. |
Notes from the Field: Enterovirus A71 neurologic disease in children - Colorado, 2018
Messacar K , Burakoff A , Nix WA , Rogers S , Oberste MS , Gerber SI , Spence-Davizon E , Herlihy R , Dominguez SR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (36) 1017-1018 On May 10, 2018, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was notified by Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO) of an increase in pediatric cases of meningitis and encephalitis in which patients tested positive for enterovirus (EV). CDPHE surveillance data for May 2018 showed a 2.75-fold increase in encephalitis of unknown etiology compared with the 5-year (May 2013–2017) average; this coincided with a threefold rise in enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV) detections from clinical testing at CHCO during the same period. Specimens from children with neurologic disease were tested by EV reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at CHCO and VP1 sequencing at CDC (1). As of August 26, 2018, EV-A71 was identified in 34 children with neurologic disease. This report describes the clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings for the first 13 children identified with EV-A71 neurologic disease for whom complete information is available. |
Viral etiology of acute gastroenteritis in <2-year-old US children in the post-rotavirus vaccine era
Hassan F , Kanwar N , Harrison CJ , Halasa NB , Chappell JD , Englund JA , Klein EJ , Weinberg GA , Szilagyi PG , Moffatt ME , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Rogers S , Bowen MD , Vinje J , Wikswo ME , Parashar UD , Payne DC , Selvarangan R . J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2018 8 (5) 414-421 Background: The rotavirus disease burden has declined substantially since rotavirus vaccine was introduced in the United States in 2006. The aim of this study was to determine the viral etiology of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in US children aged <2 years. Methods: The New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN) of geographically diverse US sites conducts active pediatric population-based surveillance in hospitals and emergency departments. Stool samples were collected from children aged <2 years with symptoms of AGE (n = 330) and age-matched healthy controls (HCs) (n = 272) between January and December 2012. Samples were tested by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assays {adenovirus (type 40 and 41), norovirus, parechovirus A, enterovirus, sapovirus, and astrovirus} and an enzyme immunoassay (rotavirus). All samples that tested positive were genotyped. Results: Detection rates of pathogens in children with AGE versus those of HCs were, respectively, 23.0% versus 6.6% for norovirus (P < .01), 23.0% versus 16.0% for adenovirus (P = .08), 11.0% versus 16.0% for parechovirus A (P = .09), 11.0% versus 9.0% for enterovirus (P = .34), 7.0% versus 3.0% for sapovirus (P = .07), 3.0% versus 0.3% for astrovirus (P = .01), and 3.0% versus 0.4% for rotavirus (P = .01). A high prevalence of adenovirus was detected at 1 surveillance site (49.0% for children with AGE and 43.0% for HCs). Norovirus GII.4 New Orleans was the most frequently detected (33.0%) norovirus genotype. Codetection of >1 virus was more common in children with AGE (16.0%) than in HCs (10.0%) (P = .03). Conclusions: Norovirus, astrovirus, sapovirus, and rotavirus were detected significantly more in children with AGE than in HCs, and norovirus was the leading AGE-causing pathogen in US children aged <2 years during the year 2012. |
Enterovirus and parechovirus surveillance - United States, 2014-2016
Abedi GR , Watson JT , Nix WA , Oberste MS , Gerber SI . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (18) 515-518 Infections caused by enteroviruses (EV) and parechoviruses (PeV), members of the Picornaviridae family, are associated with various clinical manifestations, including hand, foot, and mouth disease; respiratory illness; myocarditis; meningitis; and sepsis; and can result in death. The genus Enterovirus includes four species of enterovirus (A-D) known to infect humans, and the genus Parechovirus includes one species (A) that infects humans. These species are further divided into types, some of which are associated with specific clinical manifestations. During 2014-2016, a total of 2,967 U.S. cases of EV and PeV infections were reported to the National Enterovirus Surveillance System (NESS). The largest number of reports during that time (2,051) occurred in 2014, when a large nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) occurred, accounting for 68% of cases reported to NESS that year (1). Reports to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) during 2014-2016 indicated that circulation of EV peaks annually in the summer and early fall. Because the predominant types of EV and PeV circulating from year to year tend to vary, tracking these trends requires consistent and complete reports from laboratories with the capacity to perform typing. |
Work-related nonfatal injuries in Alaska's aviation industry, 2000-2013
Case SL , Moller KM , Nix NA , Lucas DL , Snyder EH , O'Connor MB . Saf Sci 2018 104 239-245 Aviation is a critical component of life in Alaska, connecting communities off the road system across the state. Crash-related fatalities in the state are well understood and many intervention efforts have been aimed at reducing aircraft crashes and resulting fatalities; however, nonfatal injuries among workers who perform aviation-related duties have not been studied in Alaska. This study aimed to characterize hospitalized nonfatal injuries among these workers using data from the Alaska Trauma Registry. During 2000-2013, 28 crash-related and 89 non-crash injuries were identified, spanning various occupational groups. Falls were a major cause of injuries, accounting for over half of non-crash injuries. Based on the study findings, aviation stakeholders should review existing policies and procedures regarding aircraft restraint systems, fall protection, and other injury prevention strategies. To supplement these findings, further study describing injuries that did not result in hospitalization is recommended. |
Whole-Genome Sequence of Human Rhinovirus C47, Isolated from an Adult Respiratory Illness Outbreak in Butte County, California, 2017.
Pan CY , Padilla T , Yagi S , Lewis LS , Ng TFF , Marine RL , Nix WA , Wadford DA . Genome Announc 2018 6 (5) ![]() ![]() Here, we report the full coding sequence of rhinovirus C47 (RV-C47), obtained from a patient respiratory sample collected during an acute respiratory illness investigation in Butte County, California, in January 2017. This is the first whole-genome sequence of RV-C47 to be reported. |
Diagnostic Assay Development for Poliovirus Eradication.
Gerloff N , Sun H , Mandelbaum M , Maher C , Nix WA , Zaidi S , Shaukat S , Seakamela L , Nalavade UP , Sharma DK , Oberste MS , Vega E . J Clin Microbiol 2017 56 (2) ![]() ![]() With poliovirus eradication nearing, few pockets of active wild poliovirus (WPV) transmission remain in the world. Intratypic differentiation (ITD) plays a crucial part in laboratory surveillance as the molecular detection method that can identify and distinguish wild and vaccine-like polioviruses isolated from acute flaccid paralysis cases or environmental sources. The need to detect new variants of WPV serotype 1 (WPV1), and the containment of all serotype 2 polioviruses (PV2) in 2015 required changes to the previous version of the method. The ITD version 5.0 is a set of six real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) assays that serve as accurate diagnostic tools to easily detect and differentiate PV serotypes and genotypes. We describe the creation and properties of quantitation standards, including 16 control RNA transcripts, and nine plaque-isolated viruses. All ITD rRT-PCR assays were validated using these standards and the limits of detection were determined for each assay. We designed and pilot-tested two new assays targeting recently circulating WPV1 genotypes and all PV2. The WPV1 assay specificity was 99.1%, and sensitivity 100%, and the PV2 assay had 97.7% specificity, and 92% sensitivity.Before proceeding to the next step in the global poliovirus eradication program we needed to gain a better understanding of the performance of the ITD 5.0 suite of molecular assays and their limits of detection and specificities. The findings and conclusions in this evaluation serve as building blocks for future development work. |
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