Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-15 (of 15 Records) |
Query Trace: Marcet Paula L[original query] |
SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a Georgia school district - United States, December 2020-January 2021.
Gettings JR , Gold JAW , Kimball A , Forsberg K , Scott C , Uehara A , Tong S , Hast M , Swanson MR , Morris E , Oraka E , Almendares O , Thomas ES , Mehari L , McCloud J , Roberts G , Crosby D , Balajee A , Burnett E , Chancey RJ , Cook P , Donadel M , Espinosa C , Evans ME , Fleming-Dutra KE , Forero C , Kukielka EA , Li Y , Marcet PL , Mitruka K , Nakayama JY , Nakazawa Y , O'Hegarty M , Pratt C , Rice ME , Rodriguez Stewart RM , Sabogal R , Sanchez E , Velasco-Villa A , Weng MK , Zhang J , Rivera G , Parrott T , Franklin R , Memark J , Drenzek C , Hall AJ , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Vallabhaneni S . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (2) 319-326 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: To inform prevention strategies, we assessed the extent of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and settings in which transmission occurred in a Georgia public school district. METHODS: During December 1, 2020-January 22, 2021, SARS-CoV-2-infected index cases and their close contacts in schools were identified by school and public health officials. For in-school contacts, we assessed symptoms and offered SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing; performed epidemiologic investigations and whole-genome sequencing to identify in-school transmission; and calculated secondary attack rate (SAR) by school setting (e.g., sports, elementary school classroom), index case role (i.e., staff, student), and index case symptomatic status. RESULTS: We identified 86 index cases and 1,119 contacts, 688 (63.1%) of whom received testing. Fifty-nine (8.7%) of 679 contacts tested positive; 15 (17.4%) of 86 index cases resulted in ≥2 positive contacts. Among 55 persons testing positive with available symptom data, 31 (56.4%) were asymptomatic. Highest SAR were in indoor, high-contact sports settings (23.8%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 12.7, 33.3), staff meetings/lunches (18.2%, CI 4.5-31.8), and elementary school classrooms (9.5%, CI 6.5-12.5). SAR was higher for staff (13.1%, CI 9.0-17.2) versus student index cases (5.8%, CI 3.6-8.0) and for symptomatic (10.9%, CI 8.1-13.9) versus asymptomatic index cases (3.0%, CI 1.0-5.5). CONCLUSIONS: Indoor sports may pose a risk to the safe operation of in-person learning. Preventing infection in staff members, through measures that include COVID-19 vaccination, is critical to reducing in-school transmission. Because many positive contacts were asymptomatic, contact tracing should be paired with testing, regardless of symptoms. |
Clusters of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Elementary School Educators and Students in One School District - Georgia, December 2020-January 2021.
Gold JAW , Gettings JR , Kimball A , Franklin R , Rivera G , Morris E , Scott C , Marcet PL , Hast M , Swanson M , McCloud J , Mehari L , Thomas ES , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Memark J , Drenzek C , Vallabhaneni S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (8) 289-292 In-person learning benefits children and communities (1). Understanding the context in which transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), occurs in schools is critical to improving the safety of in-person learning. During December 1, 2020-January 22, 2021, Cobb and Douglas Public Health (CDPH), the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH), and CDC investigated SARS-CoV-2 transmission in eight public elementary schools in a single school district. COVID-19 cases* among educators and students were either self-reported or identified by local public health officials. Close contacts (contacts)(†) of persons with a COVID-19 case received testing. Among contacts who received positive test results, public health investigators assessed epidemiologic links, probable transmission directionality, and the likelihood of in-school transmission.(§) Nine clusters of three or more epidemiologically linked COVID-19 cases were identified involving 13 educators and 32 students at six of the eight elementary schools. Two clusters involved probable educator-to-educator transmission that was followed by educator-to-student transmission and resulted in approximately one half (15 of 31) of school-associated cases. Sixty-nine household members of persons with school-associated cases were tested, and 18 (26%) received positive results. All nine transmission clusters involved less than ideal physical distancing, and five involved inadequate mask use by students. Educators were central to in-school transmission networks. Multifaceted mitigation measures in schools, including promotion of COVID-19 precautions outside of school, minimizing in-person adult interactions at school, and ensuring universal and correct mask use and physical distancing among educators and students when in-person interaction is unavoidable, are important in preventing in-school transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Although not required for reopening schools, COVID-19 vaccination should be considered as an additional mitigation measure to be added when available. |
Insights into the evolution and dispersion of pyrethroid resistance among sylvatic Andean Triatoma infestans from Bolivia.
MarcetPL , Pablo SO , Messenger LA , Vassena CV . Infect Genet Evol 2021 90 104759 ![]() ![]() Sylvatic populations of Triatoma infestans represent a challenge to Chagas disease control as they are not targeted by vector control activities and may play a key role in post-spraying house re-infestation. Understanding sylvatic foci distribution and gene flow between sylvatic and domestic populations is crucial to optimize vector control interventions and elucidate the development and spread of insecticide resistance. Herein, the genetic profiles of five Andean T. infestans populations from Bolivia with distinct insecticide susceptibility profiles were compared. Multilocus genotypes based on eight microsatellites and the DNA sequence of a fragment of the cytochrome B (cytB) gene were obtained for 92 individuals. CytB haplotypes were analyzed with previously reported Bolivian T. infestans haplotypes to evaluate putative historical gene flow among populations. Each specimen was also screened for two nucleotide mutations in the sodium channel gene (kdr), related to pyrethroid resistance (L1014 and L9251). Significant genetic differentiation was observed among all populations, although individuals of admixed origin were detected in four of them. Notably, the genetic profiles of adjacent domestic and sylvatic populations of Mataral, characterized by higher levels of insecticide resistance, support their common ancestry. Only one sylvatic individual from Mataral carried the kdr mutation L1014, suggesting that this mechanism is unlikely to cause the altered insecticide susceptibility observed in these populations. However, as the resistance mutation is present in the area, it has the potential to be selected under insecticidal pressure. Genetic comparisons of these populations suggest that insecticide resistance is likely conferred by ancient trait(s) in T. infestans sylvatic populations, which are capable of invading domiciles. These results emphasize the need for stronger entomological surveillance in the region, including early detection of house invasion, particularly post-spraying, monitoring for resistance to pyrethroids and the design of integrative control actions that consider sylvatic foci around domestic settings and their dispersion dynamics. |
Symptom Duration and Risk Factors for Delayed Return to Usual Health Among Outpatients with COVID-19 in a Multistate Health Care Systems Network - United States, March-June 2020.
Tenforde MW , Kim SS , Lindsell CJ , Billig Rose E , Shapiro NI , Files DC , Gibbs KW , Erickson HL , Steingrub JS , Smithline HA , Gong MN , Aboodi MS , Exline MC , Henning DJ , Wilson JG , Khan A , Qadir N , Brown SM , Peltan ID , Rice TW , Hager DN , Ginde AA , Stubblefield WB , Patel MM , Self WH , Feldstein LR , IVY Network Investigators , CDC COVID-19 Response Team , Dorough Layne , Dzuris Nicole , Griggs Eric P , Kassem Ahmed M , Marcet Paula L , Ogokeh Constance E , Sciarratta Courtney N Siddula Akshita , Smith Emily R , Wu Michael J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (30) 993-998 Prolonged symptom duration and disability are common in adults hospitalized with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Characterizing return to baseline health among outpatients with milder COVID-19 illness is important for understanding the full spectrum of COVID-19-associated illness and tailoring public health messaging, interventions, and policy. During April 15-June 25, 2020, telephone interviews were conducted with a random sample of adults aged ≥18 years who had a first positive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, at an outpatient visit at one of 14 U.S. academic health care systems in 13 states. Interviews were conducted 14-21 days after the test date. Respondents were asked about demographic characteristics, baseline chronic medical conditions, symptoms present at the time of testing, whether those symptoms had resolved by the interview date, and whether they had returned to their usual state of health at the time of interview. Among 292 respondents, 94% (274) reported experiencing one or more symptoms at the time of testing; 35% of these symptomatic respondents reported not having returned to their usual state of health by the date of the interview (median = 16 days from testing date), including 26% among those aged 18-34 years, 32% among those aged 35-49 years, and 47% among those aged ≥50 years. Among respondents reporting cough, fatigue, or shortness of breath at the time of testing, 43%, 35%, and 29%, respectively, continued to experience these symptoms at the time of the interview. These findings indicate that COVID-19 can result in prolonged illness even among persons with milder outpatient illness, including young adults. Effective public health messaging targeting these groups is warranted. Preventative measures, including social distancing, frequent handwashing, and the consistent and correct use of face coverings in public, should be strongly encouraged to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2. |
An Atypical Case of Autochthonous Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Associated with Naturally Infected Phlebotomine Sand Flies in Texas, United States.
Kipp EJ , de Almeida M , Marcet PL , Bradbury RS , Benedict T , Lin W , Dotson EM , Hergert M . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 103 (4) 1496-1501 ![]() ![]() In the United States, phlebotomine sand flies carrying Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana are endemic along the southern border. However, relatively little is known about the enzootic and zoonotic transmission of L. (L.) mexicana within the United States, and autochthonous cases of the consequent disease are rarely reported. We investigated an atypical case of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by L. (L.) mexicana in a patient from central Texas which did not respond to a typical antileishmanial chemotherapy. We also investigated sand fly vectors around the patient's residence. PCR followed by DNA sequencing was used for determination of Leishmania spp., sand fly species, and host blood meal source. The L. (L.) mexicana genotype from the patient was identical to one found in a positive sand fly. Moreover, this genotype presented the same single-nucleotide polymorphisms as other historical CL cases acquired in Texas over the last 10 years, but distinct from those originating in Mexico and Central America. Three sand fly species were identified among the samples analyzed (n = 194), the majority of which were Lutzomyia (Dampfomyia) anthophora (n = 190), of which four specimens tested positive for Leishmania and two blood-fed specimens showed the presence of a human blood meal. This study highlights the complexity of clinical management of CL in a setting where the disease is infrequently encountered. The detection of human blood in Lu. (D.) anthophora is the first documentation of anthropophagy in this species. This is the first report of wild-caught, naturally infected sand flies found in association with an autochthonous case of human leishmaniasis and the specific strain of Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana in the United States. |
Characteristics of Adult Outpatients and Inpatients with COVID-19 - 11 Academic Medical Centers, United States, March-May 2020.
Tenforde MW , Billig Rose E , Lindsell CJ , Shapiro NI , Files DC , Gibbs KW , Prekker ME , Steingrub JS , Smithline HA , Gong MN , Aboodi MS , Exline MC , Henning DJ , Wilson JG , Khan A , Qadir N , Stubblefield WB , Patel MM , Self WH , Feldstein LR , CDC COVID-19 Response Team , Kassem Ahmed M , Sciarratta Courtney N , Dzuris Nicole , Marcet Paula L , Siddula Akshita . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (26) 841-846 Descriptions of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States have focused primarily on hospitalized patients. Reports documenting exposures to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have generally been described within congregate settings, such as meat and poultry processing plants (1) and long-term care facilities (2). Understanding individual behaviors and demographic characteristics of patients with COVID-19 and risks for severe illness requiring hospitalization can inform efforts to reduce transmission. During April 15-May 24, 2020, telephone interviews were conducted with a random sample of adults aged >/=18 years who had positive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test results for SARS-CoV-2 in outpatient and inpatient settings at 11 U.S. academic medical centers in nine states. Respondents were contacted 14-21 days after SARS-CoV-2 testing and asked about their demographic characteristics, underlying chronic conditions, symptoms experienced on the date of testing, and potential exposures to SARS-CoV-2 during the 2 weeks before illness onset (or the date of testing among those who did not report symptoms at the time of testing). Among 350 interviewed patients (271 [77%] outpatients and 79 [23%] inpatients), inpatients were older, more likely to be Hispanic and to report dyspnea than outpatients. Fewer inpatients (39%, 20 of 51) reported a return to baseline level of health at 14-21 days than did outpatients (64%, 150 of 233) (p = 0.001). Overall, approximately one half (46%) of patients reported known close contact with someone with COVID-19 during the preceding 2 weeks. This was most commonly a family member (45%) or a work colleague (34%). Approximately two thirds (64%, 212 of 333) of participants were employed; only 35 of 209 (17%) were able to telework. These findings highlight the need for screening, case investigation, contact tracing, and isolation of infected persons to control transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection during periods of community transmission. The need for enhanced measures to ensure workplace safety, including ensuring social distancing and more widespread use of cloth face coverings, are warranted (3). |
Characterization of horizontally acquired ribotoxin encoding genes and their transcripts in Aedes aegypti.
Lapadula WJ , Marcet PL , Taracena M , Lenhart A , Juri Ayub M . Gene 2020 754 144857 ![]() Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs) are RNA N-glycosidases that depurinate a specific adenine residue in the conserved sarcin/ricin loop of the 28S rRNA. The occurrence of RIP genes has been described in a wide range of plant taxa, as well as in several species of bacteria and fungi. A remarkable case is the presence of these genes in metazoans belonging to the Culicinae subfamily. We reported that these genes are derived from a single horizontal gene transfer event, most likely from a bacterial donor species. Moreover, we have shown evidence that mosquito RIP genes are evolving under purifying selection, suggesting that these toxins have acquired a functional role in these organisms. In the present work, we characterized the intra-specific sequence variability of Aedes aegypti RIP genes (RIPAe1, RIPAe2, and RIPAe3) and tested their expression at the mRNA level. Our results show that RIPAe2 and RIPAe3 are transcribed and polyadenylated, and their expression levels are modulated across the developmental stages. Varibility among genes was observed, including the existence of null alleles for RIPAe1 and RIPAe2, with variants showing partial deletions. These results further support the existence of a physiological function for these foreign genes in mosquitoes. The possible nature of this functionality is discussed. |
Molecular detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in human stool specimens using UNEX-based DNA extraction and real-time PCR.
Qvarnstrom Y , Benedict T , Marcet PL , Wiegand RE , Herwaldt BL , da Silva AJ . Parasitology 2017 145 (7) 1-6 ![]() ![]() Cyclospora cayetanensis is a coccidian parasite associated with diarrheal illness. In the USA, foodborne outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have been documented almost every year since the mid-1990s. The typical approach used to identify this parasite in human stools is an examination of acid-fast-stained smears under bright-field microscopy. UV fluorescence microscopy of wet mounts is more sensitive and specific than acid-fast staining but requires a fluorescence microscope with a special filter not commonly available in diagnostic laboratories. In this study, we evaluated a new DNA extraction method based on the Universal Nucleic Acid Extraction (UNEX) buffer and compared the performances of four published real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for the specific detection of C. cayetanensis in stool. The UNEX-based method had an improved capability to recover DNA from oocysts compared with the FastDNA stool extraction method. The best-performing real-time PCR assay was a C. cayetanensis-specific TaqMan PCR that targets the 18S ribosomal RNA gene. This new testing algorithm should be useful for detection of C. cayetanensis in human stool samples. |
Pioneer study of population genetics of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from the central coast and southern Andean regions of Ecuador.
Villacis AG , Marcet PL , Yumiseva CA , Dotson EM , Tibayrenc M , Breniere SF , Grijalva MJ . Infect Genet Evol 2017 53 116-127 ![]() Effective control of Chagas disease vector populations requires a good understanding of the epidemiological components, including a reliable analysis of the genetic structure of vector populations. Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the most widespread vector of Chagas disease in Ecuador, occupying domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats. It is widely distributed in the central coast and southern highlands regions of Ecuador, two very different regions in terms of bio-geographical characteristics. To evaluate the genetic relationship among R. ecuadoriensis populations in these two regions, we analyzed genetic variability at two microsatellite loci for 326 specimens (n=122 in Manabi and n=204 in Loja) and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (Cyt b) sequences for 174 individuals collected in the two provinces (n=73 and=101 in Manabi and Loja respectively). The individual samples were grouped in populations according to their community of origin. A few populations presented positive FIS, possible due to Wahlund effect. Significant pairwise differentiation was detected between populations within each province for both genetic markers, and the isolation by distance model was significant for these populations. Microsatellite markers showed significant genetic differentiation between the populations of the two provinces. The partial sequences of the Cyt b gene (578bp) identified a total of 34 haplotypes among 174 specimens sequenced, which translated into high haplotype diversity (Hd=0.929). The haplotype distribution differed among provinces (significant Fisher's exact test). Overall, the genetic differentiation of R. ecuadoriensis between provinces detected in this study is consistent with the biological and phenotypic differences previously observed between Manabi and Loja populations. The current phylogenetic analysis evidenced the monophyly of the populations of R. ecuadoriensis within the R. pallescens species complex; R. pallescens and R. colombiensis were more closely related than they were to R. ecuadoriensis. |
Metazoan Ribosome Inactivating Protein encoding genes acquired by Horizontal Gene Transfer.
Lapadula WJ , Marcet PL , Mascotti ML , Sanchez-Puerta MV , Juri Ayub M . Sci Rep 2017 7 (1) 1863 ![]() Ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) are RNA N-glycosidases that depurinate a specific adenine residue in the conserved sarcin/ricin loop of 28S rRNA. These enzymes are widely distributed among plants and their presence has also been confirmed in several bacterial species. Recently, we reported for the first time in silico evidence of RIP encoding genes in metazoans, in two closely related species of insects: Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. Here, we have experimentally confirmed the presence of these genes in mosquitoes and attempted to unveil their evolutionary history. A detailed study was conducted, including evaluation of taxonomic distribution, phylogenetic inferences and microsynteny analyses, indicating that mosquito RIP genes derived from a single Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) event, probably from a cyanobacterial donor species. Moreover, evolutionary analyses show that, after the HGT event, these genes evolved under purifying selection, strongly suggesting they play functional roles in these organisms. |
Use of DNA barcoding to distinguish the malaria vector Anopheles neivai in Colombia.
Lopez-Rubio A , Suaza-Vasco J , Marcet PL , Ruiz-Molina N , Caceres L , Porter C , Uribe S . Zootaxa 2016 4175 (4) 377-389 ![]() A reference 535 bp barcode sequence from a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI), acquired from specimens of An. neivai Howard, Dyar & Knab, 1913 from its type locality in Panama, was used as a tool for distinguishing this species from others in the subgenus Kerteszia. Comparisons with corresponding regions of COI between An. neivai and other species in the subgenus (An. bellator Dyar & Knab 1906, An. homunculus Komp 1937, An cruzii Dyar & Knab, 1908 and An. laneanus Correa & Cerqueira, 1944) produced K2P genetic distances of 8.3-12.6%, values well above those associated with intraspecific variation. In contrast, genetic distances among 55 specimens from five municipalities in the Colombian Pacific coastal state of Choco were all within the range of 0-2.5%, with an optimized barcode threshold of 1.3%, the limit for unambiguous differentiation of An. neivai. Among specimens from the Choco region, 18 haplotypes were detected, two of which were widely distributed over the municipalities sampled. The barcode sequence permits discrimination of An. neivai from sympatric species and indicates genetic variability within the species; aspects key to malaria surveillance and control as well as defining geographic distribution and dispersion patterns. |
Plasmodium vivax malaria recurrence after radical treatment with chloroquine-primaquine standard regimen in Turbo, Colombia: Results from a prospective study.
Zuluaga-Idarraga L , Blair S , Akinyi Okoth S , Udhayakumar V , Marcet P , Escalante AA , Alexander N , Rojas C . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2016 60 (8) 4610-9 ![]() BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax recurrences help maintain malaria transmission. They are caused by recrudescence, reinfection or relapse, which are not easily differentiated. METHODS: A longitudinal observational study took place in Turbo municipality, Colombia. Participants with uncomplicated P. vivax infection received supervised concomitantly treatment with chloroquine 25 mg/Kg and primaquine 0.25 mg/Kg/day for 14 days. Incidence of recurrence was assessed over 180 days. Samples were genotyped and origins of recurrences were established. RESULTS: 134 participants were enrolled between February 2012 and July 2013, and 87 were followed for 180 days in which 29 recurrences were detected. Cumulative incidence of first recurrence was 24.1% (21/87) (CI 95% 14.6 to 33.7) and 86% (18/21) of them occurred between days 51 and 110. High genetic diversity of P. vivax was found and 12.5% (16/128) of the infections were polyclonal. Among detected recurrences 93.1% were genotyped as genetically identical to the one from the previous episode and 65.5% (19/29) were classified as relapses. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that there is a high incidence of P. vivax malaria recurrence after treatment in Turbo municipality, Colombia, a large majority of which are likely relapses from the previous infection. We attribute this to the primaquine regimen currently used in Colombia, which may be insufficient to eliminate hypnozoites. |
Genome of Rhodnius prolixus, an insect vector of Chagas disease, reveals unique adaptations to hematophagy and parasite infection.
Mesquita RD , Vionette-Amaral RJ , Lowenberger C , Rivera-Pomar R , Monteiro FA , Minx P , Spieth J , Carvalho AB , Panzera F , Lawson D , Torres AQ , Ribeiro JM , Sorgine MH , Waterhouse RM , Montague MJ , Abad-Franch F , Alves-Bezerra M , Amaral LR , Araujo HM , Araujo RN , Aravind L , Atella GC , Azambuja P , Berni M , Bittencourt-Cunha PR , Braz GR , Calderon-Fernandez G , Carareto CM , Christensen MB , Costa IR , Costa SG , Dansa M , Daumas-Filho CR , De-Paula IF , Dias FA , Dimopoulos G , Emrich SJ , Esponda-Behrens N , Fampa P , Fernandez-Medina RD , da Fonseca RN , Fontenele M , Fronick C , Fulton LA , Gandara AC , Garcia ES , Genta FA , Giraldo-Calderon GI , Gomes B , Gondim KC , Granzotto A , Guarneri AA , Guigo R , Harry M , Hughes DS , Jablonka W , Jacquin-Joly E , Juarez MP , Koerich LB , Latorre-Estivalis JM , Lavore A , Lawrence GG , Lazoski C , Lazzari CR , Lopes RR , Lorenzo MG , Lugon MD , Majerowicz D , Marcet PL , Mariotti M , Masuda H , Megy K , Melo AC , Missirlis F , Mota T , Noriega FG , Nouzova M , Nunes RD , Oliveira RL , Oliveira-Silveira G , Ons S , Pagola L , Paiva-Silva GO , Pascual A , Pavan MG , Pedrini N , Peixoto AA , Pereira MH , Pike A , Polycarpo C , Prosdocimi F , Ribeiro-Rodrigues R , Robertson HM , Salerno AP , Salmon D , Santesmasses D , Schama R , Seabra-Junior ES , Silva-Cardoso L , Silva-Neto MA , Souza-Gomes M , Sterkel M , Taracena ML , Tojo M , Tu ZJ , Tubio JM , Ursic-Bedoya R , Venancio TM , Walter-Nuno AB , Wilson D , Warren WC , Wilson RK , Huebner E , Dotson EM , Oliveira PL . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 112 (48) 14936-14941 ![]() Rhodnius prolixus not only has served as a model organism for the study of insect physiology, but also is a major vector of Chagas disease, an illness that affects approximately seven million people worldwide. We sequenced the genome of R. prolixus, generated assembled sequences covering 95% of the genome ( approximately 702 Mb), including 15,456 putative protein-coding genes, and completed comprehensive genomic analyses of this obligate blood-feeding insect. Although immune-deficiency (IMD)-mediated immune responses were observed, R. prolixus putatively lacks key components of the IMD pathway, suggesting a reorganization of the canonical immune signaling network. Although both Toll and IMD effectors controlled intestinal microbiota, neither affected Trypanosoma cruzi, the causal agent of Chagas disease, implying the existence of evasion or tolerance mechanisms. R. prolixus has experienced an extensive loss of selenoprotein genes, with its repertoire reduced to only two proteins, one of which is a selenocysteine-based glutathione peroxidase, the first found in insects. The genome contained actively transcribed, horizontally transferred genes from Wolbachia sp., which showed evidence of codon use evolution toward the insect use pattern. Comparative protein analyses revealed many lineage-specific expansions and putative gene absences in R. prolixus, including tandem expansions of genes related to chemoreception, feeding, and digestion that possibly contributed to the evolution of a blood-feeding lifestyle. The genome assembly and these associated analyses provide critical information on the physiology and evolution of this important vector species and should be instrumental for the development of innovative disease control methods. |
Eco-epidemiological study of an endemic Chagas disease region in northern Colombia reveals the importance of Triatoma maculata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), dogs and Didelphis marsupialis in Trypanosoma cruzi maintenance.
Cantillo-Barraza O , Garces E , Gomez-Palacio A , Cortes LA , Pereira A , Marcet PL , Jansen AM , Triana-Chavez O . Parasit Vectors 2015 8 (1) 482 ![]() BACKGROUND: In Colombia, Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata are the main domestic triatomine species known to transmit T. cruzi. However, there are multiple reports of T. cruzi transmission involving secondary vectors. In this work, we carried out an eco-epidemiological study on Margarita Island, located in the Caribbean region of Colombia, where Chagas disease is associated with non-domiciliated vectors. METHODS: To understand the transmission dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi in this area, we designed a comprehensive, multi-faceted study including the following: (i) entomological evaluation through a community-based insect-surveillance campaign, blood meal source determination and T. cruzi infection rate estimation in triatomine insects; (ii) serological determination of T. cruzi prevalence in children under 15 years old, as well as in domestic dogs and synanthropic mammals; (iii) evaluation of T. cruzi transmission capacity in dogs and Didelphis marsupialis, and (iv) genetic characterization of T. cruzi isolates targeting spliced-leader intergene region (SL-IR) genotypes. RESULTS: Out of the 124 triatomines collected, 94 % were Triatoma maculata, and 71.6 % of them were infected with T. cruzi. Blood-meal source analysis showed that T. maculata feeds on multiple hosts, including humans and domestic dogs. Serological analysis indicated 2 of 803 children were infected, representing a prevalence of 0.25 %. The prevalence in domestic dogs was 71.6 % (171/224). Domestic dogs might not be competent reservoir hosts, as inferred from negative T. cruzi xenodiagnosis and haemoculture tests. However, 61.5 % (8/13) of D. marsupialis, the most abundant synanthropic mammal captured, were T. cruzi-positive on xenodiagnosis and haemocultures. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals the role of peridomestic T. maculata and dogs in T. cruzi persistence in this region and presents evidence that D. marsupialis are a reservoir mediating peridomestic-zoonotic cycles. This picture reflects the complexity of the transmission dynamics of T. cruzi in an endemic area with non-domiciliated vectors where active human infection exists. There is an ongoing need to control peridomestic T. maculata populations and to implement continuous reservoir surveillance strategies with community participation. |
Analytical Validation of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Methods for Quantification of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA in Blood Samples from Chagas Disease Patients.
Ramirez JC , Cura CI , da Cruz Moreira O , Lages-Silva E , Juiz N , Velazquez E , Ramirez JD , Alberti A , Pavia P , Flores-Chavez MD , Munoz-Calderon A , Perez-Morales D , Santalla J , Marcos da Matta Guedes P , Peneau J , Marcet P , Padilla C , Cruz-Robles D , Valencia E , Crisante GE , Greif G , Zulantay I , Costales JA , Alvarez-Martínez M , Martínez NE , Villarroel R , Villarroel S , Sánchez Z , Bisio M , Parrado R , Maria da Cunha Galvão L , Jácome da Câmara AC , Espinoza B , Alarcón de Noya B , Puerta C , Riarte A , Diosque P , Sosa-Estani S , Guhl F , Ribeiro I , Aznar C , Britto C , Yadón ZE , Schijman AG . J Mol Diagn 2015 17 (5) 605-15 ![]() An international study was performed by 26 experienced PCR laboratories from 14 countries to assess the performance of duplex quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) strategies on the basis of TaqMan probes for detection and quantification of parasitic loads in peripheral blood samples from Chagas disease patients. Two methods were studied: Satellite DNA (SatDNA) qPCR and kinetoplastid DNA (kDNA) qPCR. Both methods included an internal amplification control. Reportable range, analytical sensitivity, limits of detection and quantification, and precision were estimated according to international guidelines. In addition, inclusivity and exclusivity were estimated with DNA from stocks representing the different Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units and Trypanosoma rangeli and Leishmania spp. Both methods were challenged against 156 blood samples provided by the participant laboratories, including samples from acute and chronic patients with varied clinical findings, infected by oral route or vectorial transmission. kDNA qPCR showed better analytical sensitivity than SatDNA qPCR with limits of detection of 0.23 and 0.70 parasite equivalents/mL, respectively. Analyses of clinical samples revealed a high concordance in terms of sensitivity and parasitic loads determined by both SatDNA and kDNA qPCRs. This effort is a major step toward international validation of qPCR methods for the quantification of T. cruzi DNA in human blood samples, aiming to provide an accurate surrogate biomarker for diagnosis and treatment monitoring for patients with Chagas disease. |
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