Last data update: Mar 10, 2025. (Total: 48852 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Impoinvil LM[original query] |
Key gene modules and hub genes associated with pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes: a systems biology approach
Odhiambo CA , Derilus D , Impoinvil LM , Omoke D , Saizonou H , Okeyo S , Dada N , Mulder N , Nyamai D , Nyanjom S , Lenhart A , Djogbénou LS , Ochomo E . BMC Genomics 2024 25 (1) 665 ![]() ![]() Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are the main methods used to control mosquito populations for malaria prevention. The efficacy of these strategies is threatened by the spread of insecticide resistance (IR), limiting the success of malaria control. Studies of the genetic evolution leading to insecticide resistance could enable the identification of molecular markers that can be used for IR surveillance and an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with IR. This study used a weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) algorithm, a systems biology approach, to identify genes with similar co-expression patterns (modules) and hub genes that are potential molecular markers for insecticide resistance surveillance in Kenya and Benin. A total of 20 and 26 gene co-expression modules were identified via average linkage hierarchical clustering from Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae, respectively, and hub genes (highly connected genes) were identified within each module. Three specific genes stood out: serine protease, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase, and cuticular proteins, which were top hub genes in both species and could serve as potential markers and targets for monitoring IR in these malaria vectors. In addition to the identified markers, we explored molecular mechanisms using enrichment maps that revealed a complex process involving multiple steps, from odorant binding and neuronal signaling to cellular responses, immune modulation, cellular metabolism, and gene regulation. Incorporation of these dynamics into the development of new insecticides and the tracking of insecticide resistance could improve the sustainable and cost-effective deployment of interventions. |
Transcriptomic analysis of Anopheles gambiae from Benin reveals overexpression of salivary and cuticular proteins associated with cross-resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates
Saizonou H , Impoinvil LM , Derilus D , Omoke D , Okeyo S , Dada N , Corredor C , Mulder N , Lenhart A , Ochomo E , Djogbénou LS . BMC Genomics 2024 25 (1) 348 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Insecticide resistance (IR) is one of the major threats to malaria vector control programs in endemic countries. However, the mechanisms underlying IR are poorly understood. Thus, investigating gene expression patterns related to IR can offer important insights into the molecular basis of IR in mosquitoes. In this study, RNA-Seq was used to characterize gene expression in Anopheles gambiae surviving exposure to pyrethroids (deltamethrin, alphacypermethrin) and an organophosphate (pirimiphos-methyl). RESULTS: Larvae of An. gambiae s.s. collected from Bassila and Djougou in Benin were reared to adulthood and phenotyped for IR using a modified CDC intensity bottle bioassay. The results showed that mosquitoes from Djougou were more resistant to pyrethroids (5X deltamethrin: 51.7% mortality; 2X alphacypermethrin: 47.4%) than Bassila (1X deltamethrin: 70.7%; 1X alphacypermethrin: 77.7%), while the latter were more resistant to pirimiphos-methyl (1.5X: 48.3% in Bassila and 1X: 21.5% in Djougou). RNA-seq was then conducted on resistant mosquitoes, non-exposed mosquitoes from the same locations and the laboratory-susceptible An. gambiae s.s. Kisumu strain. The results showed overexpression of detoxification genes, including cytochrome P450s (CYP12F2, CYP12F3, CYP4H15, CYP4H17, CYP6Z3, CYP9K1, CYP4G16, and CYP4D17), carboxylesterase genes (COEJHE5E, COE22933) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTE2 and GSTMS3) in all three resistant mosquito groups analyzed. Genes encoding cuticular proteins (CPR130, CPR10, CPR15, CPR16, CPR127, CPAP3-C, CPAP3-B, and CPR76) were also overexpressed in all the resistant groups, indicating their potential role in cross resistance in An. gambiae. Salivary gland protein genes related to 'salivary cysteine-rich peptide' and 'salivary secreted mucin 3' were also over-expressed and shared across all resistant groups. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that in addition to metabolic enzymes, cuticular and salivary gland proteins could play an important role in cross-resistance to multiple classes of insecticides in Benin. These genes warrant further investigation to validate their functional role in An. gambiae resistance to insecticides. |
Whole transcriptomic analysis reveals overexpression of salivary gland and cuticular proteins genes in insecticide-resistant Anopheles arabiensis from Western Kenya
Omoke D , Impoinvil LM , Derilus D , Okeyo S , Saizonou H , Mulder N , Dada N , Lenhart A , Djogbénou L , Ochomo E . BMC Genomics 2024 25 (1) 313 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Effective vector control is key to malaria prevention. However, this is now compromised by increased insecticide resistance due to continued reliance on insecticide-based control interventions. In Kenya, we have observed heterogenous resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates in Anopheles arabiensis which is one of the most widespread malaria vectors in the country. We investigated the gene expression profiles of insecticide resistant An. arabiensis populations from Migori and Siaya counties in Western Kenya using RNA-Sequencing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bottle assays were conducted using deltamethrin (DELTA), alphacypermethrin (ACYP) and pirimiphos-methyl (PMM) to determine the resistance status in both sites. RESULTS: Mosquitoes from Migori had average mortalities of 91%, 92% and 58% while those from Siaya had 85%, 86%, and 30% when exposed to DELTA, ACYP and PMM, respectively. RNA-Seq analysis was done on pools of mosquitoes which survived exposure ('resistant'), mosquitoes that were not exposed, and the insecticide-susceptible An. arabiensis Dongola strain. Gene expression profiles of resistant mosquitoes from both Migori and Siaya showed an overexpression mainly of salivary gland proteins belonging to both the short and long form D7 genes, and cuticular proteins (including CPR9, CPR10, CPR15, CPR16). Additionally, the overexpression of detoxification genes including cytochrome P450s (CYP9M1, CYP325H1, CYP4C27, CYP9L1 and CYP307A1), 2 carboxylesterases and a glutathione-S-transferase (GSTE4) were also shared between DELTA, ACYP, and PMM survivors, pointing to potential contribution to cross resistance to both pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. CONCLUSION: This study provides novel insights into the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in An. arabiensis in Western Kenya and suggests that salivary gland proteins and cuticular proteins are associated with resistance to multiple classes of insecticides. |
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of insecticide-resistant Aedes aegypti from Puerto Rico reveals insecticide-specific patterns of gene expression
Derilus D , Impoinvil LM , Muturi EJ , McAllister J , Kenney J , Massey SE , Hemme R , Kothera L , Lenhart A . Genes (Basel) 2023 14 (8) ![]() ![]() Aedes aegypti transmits major arboviruses of public health importance, including dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever. The use of insecticides represents the cornerstone of vector control; however, insecticide resistance in Ae. aegypti has become widespread. Understanding the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in this species is crucial to design effective resistance management strategies. Here, we applied Illumina RNA-Seq to study the gene expression patterns associated with resistance to three widely used insecticides (malathion, alphacypermethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin) in Ae. aegypti populations from two sites (Manatí and Isabela) in Puerto Rico (PR). Cytochrome P450s were the most overexpressed detoxification genes across all resistant phenotypes. Some detoxification genes (CYP6Z7, CYP28A5, CYP9J2, CYP6Z6, CYP6BB2, CYP6M9, and two CYP9F2 orthologs) were commonly overexpressed in mosquitoes that survived exposure to all three insecticides (independent of geographical origin) while others including CYP6BY1 (malathion), GSTD1 (alpha-cypermethrin), CYP4H29 and GSTE6 (lambda-cyhalothrin) were uniquely overexpressed in mosquitoes that survived exposure to specific insecticides. The gene ontology (GO) terms associated with monooxygenase, iron binding, and passive transmembrane transporter activities were significantly enriched in four out of six resistant vs. susceptible comparisons while serine protease activity was elevated in all insecticide-resistant groups relative to the susceptible strain. Interestingly, cuticular-related protein genes (chinase and chitin) were predominantly downregulated, which was also confirmed in the functional enrichment analysis. This RNA-Seq analysis presents a detailed picture of the candidate detoxification genes and other pathways that are potentially associated with pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in Ae. aegypti populations from PR. These results could inform development of novel molecular tools for detection of resistance-associated gene expression in this important arbovirus vector and guide the design and implementation of resistance management strategies. |
A whole transcriptomic approach reveals novel mechanisms of organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from Ethiopia (preprint)
Messenger LA , Impoinvil LM , Derilus D , Yewhalaw D , Irish S , Lenhart A . bioRxiv 2021 2021.07.09.451871 The development of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is of increasing concern in Ethiopia because of its potential implications for vector control failure. To better elucidate the specificity of resistance mechanisms and to facilitate the design of control strategies that minimize the likelihood of selecting for cross-resistance, a whole transcriptomic approach was used to explore gene expression patterns in a multi-insecticide resistant population of Anopheles arabiensis from Oromia Region, Ethiopia. This field population was resistant to the diagnostic doses of malathion (average mortality of 71.9%) and permethrin (77.4%), with pools of survivors and unexposed individuals analyzed using Illumina RNA-sequencing, alongside insecticide susceptible reference strains. This population also demonstrated deltamethrin resistance but complete susceptibility to alpha-cypermethrin, bendiocarb and propoxur, providing a phenotypic basis for detecting insecticide-specific resistance mechanisms. Transcriptomic data revealed overexpression of genes including cytochrome P450s, glutathione-s-transferases and carboxylesterases (including CYP4C36, CYP6AA1, CYP6M2, CYP6M3, CYP6P4, CYP9K1, CYP9L1, GSTD3, GSTE2, GSTE3, GSTE4, GSTE5, GSTE7 and two carboxylesterases) that were shared between malathion and permethrin survivors. We also identified nineteen highly overexpressed cuticular-associated proteins (including CYP4G16, CYP4G17 and chitinase) and eighteen salivary gland proteins (including D7r4 short form salivary protein), which may be contributing to a non-specific resistance phenotype by either enhancing the cuticular barrier or promoting binding and sequestration of insecticides, respectively. These findings provide novel insights into the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in this lesser well-characterized major malaria vector species.Importance Insecticide-resistant mosquito populations remain a significant challenge to global malaria vector control. While substantial progress has been made unraveling resistance mechanisms in major vector species, such as Anopheles gambiae and An. funestus, comparatively less is known about An. arabiensis populations. Using a whole transcriptomic approach, we investigated genes associated with resistance to insecticides used to control An. arabiensis in Ethiopia. Study findings revealed shared detoxification genes between organophosphate- and pyrethroid-resistant vectors and highly overexpressed cuticular-associated proteins and salivary gland proteins, which may play a role in enhancing insecticide resistance. The whole transcriptomic analysis detected novel resistance-associated genes, which warrant functional validation to determine their specificity to particular insecticides and their potential to confer cross-resistance between different insecticides with the same mode of action. These genes may contribute to the development of diagnostic markers to monitor insecticide resistance dynamics in the field. |
A whole transcriptomic approach provides novel insights into the molecular basis of organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from Ethiopia.
Messenger LA , Impoinvil LM , Derilus D , Yewhalaw D , Irish S , Lenhart A . Insect Biochem Mol Biol 2021 139 103655 ![]() ![]() The development of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is of increasing concern in Ethiopia because of its potential implications for vector control failure. To better elucidate the specificity of resistance mechanisms and to facilitate the design of control strategies that minimize the likelihood of selecting for cross-resistance, a whole transcriptomic approach was used to explore gene expression patterns in a multi-insecticide resistant population of Anopheles arabiensis from Oromia Region, Ethiopia. This field population was resistant to the diagnostic doses of malathion (average mortality of 71.9%) and permethrin (77.4%), with pools of survivors and unexposed individuals analyzed using Illumina RNA-sequencing, alongside insecticide susceptible reference strains. This population also demonstrated deltamethrin resistance but complete susceptibility to alpha-cypermethrin, bendiocarb and propoxur, providing a phenotypic basis for detecting insecticide-specific resistance mechanisms. Transcriptomic data revealed overexpression of genes including cytochrome P450s, glutathione-s-transferases and carboxylesterases (including CYP4C36, CYP6AA1, CYP6M2, CYP6M3, CYP6P4, CYP9K1, CYP9L1, GSTD3, GSTE2, GSTE3, GSTE4, GSTE5, GSTE7 and two carboxylesterases) that were shared between malathion and permethrin survivors. We also identified nineteen highly overexpressed cuticular-associated proteins (including CYP4G16, CYP4G17 and chitinase) and eighteen salivary gland proteins (including D7r4 short form salivary protein), which may be contributing to a non-specific resistance phenotype by either enhancing the cuticular barrier or promoting binding and sequestration of insecticides, respectively. These findings provide novel insights into the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in this lesser well-characterized major malaria vector species. |
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- Page last updated:Mar 10, 2025
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