Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 56 Records) |
Query Trace: Hutchinson A[original query] |
Comparing scale up of status quo hypertension care against dual combination therapy as separate pills or single pill combinations: an economic evaluation in 24 low- and middle-income countries
Hutchinson B , Husain MJ , Nugent R , Kostova D . eClinicalMedicine 2024 75 Background: International hypertension treatment guidelines recommend initiating pharmacological treatment with combination therapy and using fixed dose single pill combinations (SPCs) to improve adherence. However, few countries have adopted combination therapy as a form of first-line treatment and SPC uptake in low- and middle-income countries is low due in part to cost and availability. Evidence on costs and cost-effectiveness is needed as health authorities consider incorporating new recommendations into national clinical practice guidelines. Methods: Over a 30-year time horizon, we used an Excel-based Markov cohort state-transition model to assess the financial costs (screening, treatment, program, and supply chain costs) and socio-economic outcomes (health outcomes, value of lives saved, productivity losses averted) of three antihypertensive treatment scenarios. A baseline scenario scaled treatment among adults age 30 plus while assuming continuation of the widespread practice of initiating treatment with monotherapy. Scenarios one and two scaled treatment while initiating patients on two antihypertensive medications, either as separate pills or as a SPC. Analysis inputs are informed by country-specific data, meta-analyses of the blood-pressure lowering of antihypertensive medications, and own-studies of medication costs. We compared costs, cost-effectiveness, and net-benefits across scenarios, and assessed uncertainty in a one-way sensitivity analysis. Findings: Using dual combination therapy (with or without SPCs) as first-line treatment would increase costs relative to current practices that largely use monotherapy. Required additional annual resources averaged as much as 3.6, 0.9, and 0.2 percent of government health expenditures in the analysis’ low-, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries. However, across 24 countries, over the next 30 years, combination therapy with separate pills could save 430,000 more lives and combination therapy with SPCs could save 564,000 more lives compared to baseline treatment practices. Administration of two or more medications using SPCs generated higher net benefits in most countries (16/24) compared to the baseline scenario. Interpretation: First line treatment employing SPCs is likely to generate higher net benefits compared to status quo treatment practices in countries with relatively higher incomes. To improve population health, national health systems would benefit from reducing structural and other barriers to the use of combination therapy and SPCs. Funding: This journal article was supported by TEPHINET cooperative agreement number 1NU2HGH000044-01-0 funded by the USCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. © 2024 The Author(s) |
Disease intervention specialist-delivered interventions and other partner services for HIV and sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review
Martin EG , Myderrizi A , Kim H , Schumacher P , Jeong S , Gift TL , Hutchinson AB , Delaney KP , Chesson HW . Am J Prev Med 2024 INTRODUCTION: Disease intervention specialists (DIS) are critical for delivering partner services programs that provide partner notification, counseling, referral, and other services for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other infections. This systematic review of partner services and other DIS-delivered interventions for HIV and STIs was conducted to summarize the effectiveness of these programs and identify evidence gaps. METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted with a narrative synthesis. Articles were located using keyword searches in MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, and ProQuest through December 2022 and analyzed in 2023-2024. Included studies addressed an intervention of partner services or other DIS-delivered services for HIV or STIs; a United States setting; primary data collection; and an external comparison group or pre-post design. RESULTS: 1,915 unique records were screened for eligibility, with 30 studies included. Overall, DIS-delivered interventions improved clinical outcomes among index patients and population outcomes. Many studies focused on program process measures rather than population-level epidemiologic outcomes. All but one studies were scored as having low or medium strength of evidence. DISCUSSION: The evidence could be strengthened by establishing a streamlined set of core metrics, assessing impact using rigorous causal inference methodologies, linking program and clinical data systems, and supplementing impact evaluations with evidence on implementation strategies. |
Testing trends and co-testing patterns for HIV, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Emergency departments
Symum H , Van Handel M , Sandul A , Hutchinson A , Tsang CA , Pearson WS , Delaney KP , Cooley LA , Gift TL , Hoover KW , Thompson WW . Preventive Med Reports 2024 44 Background: Many underserved populations use Emergency Department (EDs) as primary sources of care, representing an important opportunity to provide infectious disease testing and linkage to care. We explored national ED testing trends and co-testing patterns for HIV, hepatitis C, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Methods: We used 2010–2019 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Emergency Department Sample data to estimate ED visit testing rates for HIV, hepatitis C, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections, identified by Current Procedural Terminology codes. Trends and co-testing (visit with tests for > 1 infection) patterns were analyzed by sociodemographic, hospital, and visit characteristics. Trends were evaluated as the average annual percentage change (AAPC) using the Joinpoint Regression. Results: During 2010–2019, testing events per 1000 visits (AAPCs) increased for HIV from 1.3 to 4.2 (16.3 %), hepatitis C from 0.4 to 2.2 (25.1 %), chlamydia from 9.1 to 16.0 (6.6 %), gonorrhea from 8.4 to 15.7 (7.4 %), and syphilis from 0.7 to 2.0 (12.9 %). Rate increases varied by several characteristics across infections. The largest AAPC increases were among visits by groups with lower base rate testing in 2010, including persons aged ≥ 65 years (HIV: 36.4 %), with Medicaid (HIV: 43.8 %), in the lowest income quintile (hepatitis C: 36.9 %), living in the West (syphilis: 49.4 %) and with non-emergency diagnoses (hepatitis C: 44.1 %). Co-testing increased significantly for all infections except hepatitis C. Conclusions: HIV, hepatitis C, and STI testing increased in EDs during 2010–2019; however, co-testing patterns were inconsistent. Co-testing may improve diagnosis and linkage to care, especially in areas experiencing higher rates of infection. © 2024 |
Scaling hypertension treatment in 24 low-income and middle-income countries: economic evaluation of treatment decisions at three blood pressure cut-points
Hutchinson B , Walter A , Campbell N , Whelton PK , Varghese C , Husain MJ , Nugent R , Kostova D , Honeycutt A . BMJ Open 2024 14 (4) e071036 OBJECTIVE: Estimate the incremental costs and benefits of scaling up hypertension care in adults in 24 select countries, using three different systolic blood pressure (SBP) treatment cut-off points-≥140, ≥150 and ≥160 mm Hg. INTERVENTION: Strengthening the hypertension care cascade compared with status quo levels, with pharmacological treatment administered at different cut-points depending on the scenario. TARGET POPULATION: Adults aged 30+ in 24 low-income and middle-income countries spanning all world regions. PERSPECTIVE: Societal. TIME HORIZON: 30 years. DISCOUNT RATE: 4%. COSTING YEAR: 2020 USD. STUDY DESIGN: DATA SOURCES: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation's Epi Visualisations database-country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence, prevalence and death rates. Mean SBP and prevalence-National surveys and NCD-RisC. Treatment protocols-WHO HEARTS. Treatment impact-academic literature. Costs-national and international databases. OUTCOME MEASURES: Health outcomes-averted stroke and myocardial infarction events, deaths and disability-adjusted life-years; economic outcomes-averted health expenditures, value of averted mortality and workplace productivity losses. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: Across 24 countries, over 30 years, incremental scale-up of hypertension care for adults with SBP≥140 mm Hg led to 2.6 million averted CVD events and 1.2 million averted deaths (7% of expected CVD deaths). 68% of benefits resulted from treating those with very high SBP (≥160 mm Hg). 10 of the 12 highest-income countries projected positive net benefits at one or more treatment cut-points, compared with 3 of the 12 lowest-income countries. Treating hypertension at SBP≥160 mm Hg maximised the net economic benefit in the lowest-income countries. LIMITATIONS: The model only included a few hypertension-attributable diseases and did not account for comorbid risk factors. Modelled scenarios assumed ambitious progress on strengthening the care cascade. CONCLUSIONS: In areas where economic considerations might play an outsized role, such as very low-income countries, prioritising treatment to populations with severe hypertension can maximise benefits net of economic costs. |
Outbreak of invasive Serratia marcescens among persons incarcerated in a state prison, California, USA, March 2020-December 2022
Kamali A , Ferguson D , Dowless H , Ortiz N , Mukhopadhyay R , Schember C , Lunsford R , Hutchinson J , Scherer M , Crandall J , Bauer H , Yu A , Kimura A . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (13) S41-s48 ![]() ![]() Serratia marcescens is an environmental gram-negative bacterium that causes invasive disease in rare cases. During 2020-2022, an outbreak of 21 invasive Serratia infections occurred in a prison in California, USA. Most (95%) patients had a history of recent injection drug use (IDU). We performed whole-genome sequencing and found isolates from 8 patients and 2 pieces of IDU equipment were closely related. We also identified social interactions among patients. We recovered S. marcescens from multiple environmental samples throughout the prison, including personal containers storing Cell Block 64 (CB64), a quaternary ammonium disinfectant solution. CB64 preparation and storage conditions were suboptimal for S. marcescens disinfection. The outbreak was likely caused by contaminated CB64 and propagated by shared IDU equipment and social connections. Ensuring appropriate preparation, storage, and availability of disinfectants and enacting interventions to counteract disease spread through IDU can reduce risks for invasive Serratia infections in California prisons. |
Interpersonal communication, cultural norms, and community perceptions associated with care-seeking for fever among children under age five in Mago district, Mozambique
Hutchinson P , Zulliger R , Butts JK , Candrinho B , Saifodine A , Eisele TP , Yukich J . Malar J 2023 22 (1) 279 BACKGROUND: Malaria is endemic throughout Mozambique, contributing significantly to the country's burden of disease. Prompt and effective treatment for fevers in children can limit the mortality and morbidity impacts of the disease but many children in the country are not taken for formal care when ill. Using an ideational model of behaviour, this study assesses the magnitude of the relationships for potential drivers of care-seeking, including interpersonal communication, malaria messaging, and knowledge and attitudes about malaria, with actual care-seeking behaviours for under-five children with fever in Magoé district, Mozambique. METHODS: Data on the care-seeking behaviours for fever come from a 2019 household malaria survey in Magoé district. Households were randomly selected for interview from among those with at least one child under age five and one net for every two household members. From 1621 mother-child dyads, the analytical sample consists of 300 children under age five with a fever in the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Multilevel random effects logistic regression models are estimated to test for associations between care-seeking behaviours and hypothesized behavioural determinants, including interpersonal communication (IPC), malaria messaging, ideational factors (e.g., norms, attitudes, beliefs, risk perceptions), and community characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, 18.5% of children under age five (N = 300) were reported to have fever in the previous 2 weeks and, of these, 68.5% were taken to a formal sector health care provider. Multivariate models highlight significant roles for interpersonal communication; care-seeking was highest among mothers who spoke only with friends/community members about malaria (94.0%, p < 0.001), followed by those who spoke only with their husband (78.6%, p = 0.015), relative to 63.3% who spoke with no one. Care-seeking decisions made by a child's grandmother were associated with a 25.0% point (p = 0.001) greater likelihood of seeking care relative to decisions made by the mother alone. Exposure to any malaria messaging was also positively associated with care-seeking (90.5% versus 62.7%, p < 0.001). In contrast, among all individual- and community-level ideational factors, only perceptions of self-efficacy to seek care were related to care-seeking behaviours. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that social and behaviour change interventions that focus on encouraging families and community members to talk about malaria and the need to promptly seek treatment for fevers in children may be particularly effective at increasing this behaviour in this and similar settings. Such messaging and IPC should consider grandmothers as a target audience, as they appear to be perceived as highly influential in care-seeking decision-making in this community. |
House modifications as a malaria control tool: how does local context shape participants' experience and interpretation in Uganda
Kayendeke M , Nabirye C , Nayiga S , Westercamp N , Gonahasa S , Katureebe A , Kamya MR , Staedke SG , Hutchinson E . Malar J 2023 22 (1) 244 BACKGROUND: Evidence that house design can provide protection from malaria is growing. Housing modifications such as screening windows, doors, and ceilings, and attaching insecticide-impregnated materials to the eaves (the gap between the top of the wall and bottom of the roof), can protect against malaria. To be effective at scale, however, these modifications must be adopted by household residents. There is evidence that housing modifications can be acceptable, but in-depth knowledge on the experiences and interpretation of modifications is lacking. This qualitative study was carried out to provide a holistic account of the relationship between experiences and interpretations of four types of piloted housing modifications and the local context in Jinja, Uganda. METHODS: Qualitative research was conducted between January to June 2021, before and during the installation of four types of housing modifications. The methods included nine weeks of participant observations in two study villages, nine focus group discussions with primary caregivers and heads of households (11-12 participants each), and nine key informant interviews with stakeholders and study team members. RESULTS: Most residents supported the modifications. Experiences and interpretation of the housing modifications were shaped by the different types of housing in the area and the processes through which residents finished their houses, local forms of land and property ownership, and cultural and spiritual beliefs about houses. CONCLUSIONS: To maximize the uptake and benefit of housing modifications against malaria, programme development needs to take local context into account. Forms of local land and house ownership, preferences, the social significance of housing types, and religious and spiritual ideas shape the responses to housing modifications in Jinja. These factors may be important in other setting. Trial registration Trial registration number is NCT04622241. The first draft was posted on November 9th 2020. |
Racial, ethnic, sex, and age differences in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among incarcerated people and staff in correctional facilities in six jurisdictions, United States, March-July 2020
D'Inverno AS , Myles RL , Jamison CR , Williams SP , Hagan LM , Handanagic S , Lambert LA , Clarke KEN , Allen J , Beard O , Dusseau C , Feldman R , Huebsch R , Hutchinson J , Kall D , King-Mohr J , Long M , McClure ES , Meddaugh P , Pontones P , Rose J , Sredl M , VonBank B , Zipprich J . J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2023 OBJECTIVES: To examine disparities by sex, age group, and race and ethnicity in COVID-19 confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among incarcerated people and staff in correctional facilities. METHODS: Six U.S. jurisdictions reported data on COVID-19 confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and deaths stratified by sex, age group, and race and ethnicity for incarcerated people and staff in correctional facilities during March 1- July 31, 2020. We calculated incidence rates and rate ratios (RR) and absolute rate differences (RD) by sex, age group, and race and ethnicity, and made comparisons to the U.S. general population. RESULTS: Compared with the U.S. general population, incarcerated people and staff had higher COVID-19 case incidence (RR = 14.1, 95% CI = 13.9-14.3; RD = 6,692.2, CI = 6,598.8-6,785.5; RR = 6.0, CI = 5.7-6.3; RD = 2523.0, CI = 2368.1-2677.9, respectively); incarcerated people also had higher rates of COVID-19-related deaths (RR = 1.6, CI = 1.4-1.9; RD = 23.6, CI = 14.9-32.2). Rates of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among incarcerated people and corrections staff differed by sex, age group, and race and ethnicity. The COVID-19 hospitalization (RR = 0.9, CI = 0.8-1.0; RD = -48.0, CI = -79.1- -16.8) and death rates (RR = 0.8, CI = 0.6-1.0; RD = -11.8, CI = -23.5- -0.1) for Black incarcerated people were lower than those for Black people in the general population. COVID-19 case incidence, hospitalizations, and deaths were higher among older incarcerated people, but not among staff. CONCLUSIONS: With a few exceptions, living or working in a correctional setting was associated with higher risk of COVID-19 infection and resulted in worse health outcomes compared with the general population; however, Black incarcerated people fared better than their U.S. general population counterparts. |
The testing imperative: Why the US ending the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic program needs to renew efforts to expand HIV testing in clinical and community-based settings
Nosyk B , Fojo AT , Kasaie P , Enns B , Trigg L , Piske M , Hutchinson AB , DiNenno EA , Zang X , Del Rio C . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 (12) 2206-2208 Data from several modeling studies demonstrate that large-scale increases in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing across settings with a high burden of HIV may produce the largest incidence reductions to support the US Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative's goal of reducing new HIV infections 90% by 2030. Despite US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendations for routine HIV screening within clinical settings and at least yearly screening for individuals most at risk of acquiring HIV, fewer than half of US adults report ever receiving an HIV test. Furthermore, total domestic funding for HIV prevention has remained unchanged between 2013 and 2019. The authors describe the evidence supporting the value of expanded HIV testing, identify challenges in implementation, and present recommendations to address these barriers through approaches at local and federal levels to reach EHE targets. |
Ideational factors and their association with insecticide treated net use in Magoe District, Mozambique
Yukich JO , Hutchinson P , Candrinho B , Butts J , Murimirgua F , Eisele TP , Zulliger R . Malar J 2022 21 (1) 387 BACKGROUND: Insecticide treated bed nets (ITN) are considered a core malaria vector control tool by the WHO and are the main contributor to the large decline in malaria burden in sub-Saharan Africa over the past 20 years, but they are less effective if they are not broadly and regularly used. ITN use may depend on factors including temperature, relative humidity, mosquito density, seasonality, as well as ideational or psychosocial factors including perceptions of nets and perceptions of net use behaviours. METHODS: A cross-sectional household survey was conducted as part of a planned randomized controlled trial in Magoe District, Mozambique. Interviewers captured data on general malaria and ITN perceptions including ideational factors related to perceived ITN response efficacy, self-efficacy to use an ITN, and community norms around ITN using a standardized questionnaire. Only households with sufficient ITNs present for all children to sleep under (at least one ITN for every two children under the age of five years) were eligible for inclusion in the study. Additional questions were added about seasonality and frequency of ITN use. RESULTS: One-thousand six hundred sixteen mother-child dyads were interviewed. Responses indicated gaps in use of existing nets and net use was largely independent of ideational factors related to ITNs. Self-reported ITN use varied little by season nor meaningfully when different methods were used to solicit responses on net use behaviour. Mothers' perceived response efficacy of ITNS was negatively associated with net use (high perceived response efficacy reduced the log-odds of net use by 0.27 (95% CI - 0.04 to - 0.51), implying that stronger beliefs in the effectiveness of ITNs might result in reduced net use among their children. CONCLUSIONS: In this context, ITN use among children was not clearly related to mothers' ideational factors measured in the study. Scales used in solicitation of ideation around ITN use and beliefs need careful design and testing across a broader range of populations in order to identify ideational factors related to ITN use among those with access. |
Assessing costs of a hypertension program in primary care: evidence from the HEARTS program in Mexico
Chivardi C , Hutchinson B , Molina V , Moreno E , Fajardo I , Giraldo-Arcila GP , Malo HM , Ordunez P , Rodrguez-Franco R , Moran AE , Kostova D . Rev Panam Salud Publica 2022 46 e144 OBJECTIVE: In 2021, Mexico launched the HEARTS program to improve the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in 20 primary care facilities in the states of Chiapas and Yucatn. This study projects the annual cost of program implementation and discusses budgetary implications for scaling up the program. METHODS: We obtained district-level data on treatment protocols, medication costs, and other resources required to prevent and treat CVD. We used the HEARTS Costing Tool to estimate total and per-patient costs. A "partial implementation" scenario calculated the costs of implementing HEARTS if existing pharmacological treatment protocols are left in place. The second scenario, "full implementation," examined costs if programs use HEARTS pharmacological protocol. RESULTS: Respectively in the partial and full implementation scenarios, total annual costs to implement and operate HEARTS were $260 023 ($32.1 per patient/year) and $255 046 ($31.5 per patient/year) in Chiapas, and $1 000 059 ($41.3 per patient/year) and $1 013 835 ($43.3 per patient/year) in Yucatn. In Chiapas, adopting HEARTS standardized treatment protocols resulted in a 9.7 % reduction in annual medication expenditures relative to maintaining status-quo treatment approaches. In Yucatn, adoption was $12 875 more expensive, in part because HEARTS hypertension treatment regimens were more intensive than status quo regimens. CONCLUSION: HEARTS in the Americas offers a standardized strategy to treating and controlling CVD risk factors. In Mexico, approaches that may lead to improved program affordability include adoption of the recommended HEARTS treatment protocols with preferred medications and task shifting of services from physicians to nurses and other providers. |
Building the health-economic case for scaling up the WHO-HEARTS hypertension control package in low- and middle-income countries
Moran AE , Farrell M , Cazabon D , Sahoo SK , Mugrditchian D , Pidugu A , Chivardi C , Walbaum M , Alemayehu S , Isaranuwatchai W , Ankurawaranon C , Choudhury SR , Pickersgill SJ , Watkins DA , Husain MJ , Rao KD , Matsushita K , Marklund M , Hutchinson B , Nugent R , Kostova D , Garg R . Rev Panam Salud Publica 2022 46 e140 Generally, hypertension control programs are cost-effective, including in low- and middle-income countries, but country governments and civil society are not likely to support hypertension control programs unless value is demonstrated in terms of public health benefits, budget impact, and value-for-investment for the individual country context. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) established a standard, simplified Global HEARTS approach to hypertension control, including preferred antihypertensive medicines and blood pressure measurement devices. The objective of this study is to report on health economic studies of HEARTS hypertension control package cost (especially medication costs), cost-effectiveness, and budget impact and describe mathematical models designed to translate hypertension control program data into the optimal approach to hypertension care service delivery and financing, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Early results suggest that HEARTS hypertension control interventions are either cost-saving or cost-effective, that the HEARTS package is affordable at between US$ 18-44 per person treated per year, and that antihypertensive medicines could be priced low enough to reach a global standard of an average <US$ 5 per patient per year in the public sector. This health economic evidence will make a compelling case for government ownership and financial support for national scale hypertension control programs. |
Sexual practice changes post-HIV diagnosis among men who have sex with men in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Malekinejad M , Jimsheleishvili S , Barker EK , Hutchinson AB , Shrestha RK , Volberding P , Kahn JG . AIDS Behav 2022 27 (1) 257-278 Men who have sex with men (MSM) often change sexual behaviors following HIV diagnosis. This systematic review examined such changes, including sero-adaptive behaviors (i.e., deliberate safer-sex practices to reduce transmission risk) to better understand the magnitude of their association with HIV diagnosis. We searched four databases (1996-2017) and reviewed references from other systematic reviews. We included studies conducted in the United States that compared sexual behavior among HIV-infected "aware" versus "unaware" MSM. We meta-analytically pooled RRs and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI) using random-effects models, and assessed risk of bias and evidence quality. Twenty studies reported k = 131 effect sizes on sexual practices outcomes, most of which reported changes in unprotected sex (k = 85), and on sex with at-risk partners (k = 76); 11 reported sero-adaptive behaviors. Unprotected anal intercourse with an HIV-uninfected/unknown-status partner was less likely among aware MSM (insertive position: k = 2, RR 0.26, 95% CI 0.17, 0.41; receptive position: k = 2, RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.37, 0.77). Risk of not always serosorting among aware MSM (k = 3) was RR = 0.92 (0.83, 1.02). Existing evidence, although low-quality, suggests that HIV-infected MSM tend to adopt safer sexual practices once aware of their diagnosis. Variation in reporting of outcomes limits their comparability. Sero-adaptive behavior data are sparse. |
Improving transparency-A call to include social housing information in biomedical research articles involving nonhuman primates
Pomerantz O , Baker KC , Bellanca RU , Bloomsmith MA , Coleman K , Hutchinson EK , Pierre PJ , Weed JL . Am J Primatol 2022 84 (6) e23378 The social setting of animal subjects in the research environment has known effects on a variety of dependent measures used in biomedical research. Proper evaluation of the robustness of published research is dependent upon transparent, detailed, and accurate reporting of research methods, including the animals' social housing conditions. However, to date, most research articles utilizing nonhuman primates (NHPs) provide only partial data on this topic, hampering transparency, and reproducibility. Therefore, we call for the inclusion of information pertaining to the social aspects of the animals' housing conditions in publications involving NHPs to improve transparency. We argue that including this information in scientific publications is crucial for the interpretation of research findings in the appropriate context and for understanding unexplained variability in study findings. Finally, the inclusion of this information in publications will additionally familiarize scientists with how other researchers conducting similar studies are housing their animals and will encourage them to consider the implications of various housing conditions on their research outcomes. |
Costs and Consequences of Eliminating a Routine, Point-Of-Care HIV Screening Program in a High-Prevalence Jail
Hutchinson AB , MacGowan RJ , Margolis AD , Adee MG , Wen W , Bowden CJ , Spaulding AC . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 S32-s38 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to assess the public health impact of eliminating a longstanding routine HIV screening program and replacing it with targeted testing. In addition, costs, outcomes, and cost effectiveness of routine screening are compared with those of targeted testing in the Fulton County Jail, Atlanta, Georgia. METHODS: A published mathematical model was used to assess the cost effectiveness and public health impact of routine screening (March 2013-February 2014) compared with those of targeted testing (January 2018-December 2018) from a health system perspective. Costs, outcomes, and other model inputs were derived from the testing programs and the published literature, and the cost effectiveness analysis was conducted from 2019 to 2020. RESULTS: Routine screening identified 74 more new HIV infections over 1 year than targeted testing, resulting in an estimated 10 HIV transmissions averted and 45 quality-adjusted life-years saved, and was cost saving. The missed opportunity to diagnose infections because routine screening was eliminated resulted in an estimated 8.4 additional HIV transmissions and $3.7 million in additional costs to the healthcare system. CONCLUSIONS: Routine HIV screening in high-prevalence jails is cost effective and has a larger impact on public health than targeted testing. Prioritizing sustained funding for routine, jail-based HIV screening programs in high-prevalence areas may be important to realizing the national HIV prevention goals. |
Opening the 'black box' of collaborative improvement: a qualitative evaluation of a pilot intervention to improve quality of malaria surveillance data in public health centres in Uganda
Hutchinson E , Nayiga S , Nabirye C , Taaka L , Westercamp N , Rowe AK , Staedke SG . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 289 BACKGROUND: Demand for high-quality surveillance data for malaria, and other diseases, is greater than ever before. In Uganda, the primary source of malaria surveillance data is the Health Management Information System (HMIS). However, HMIS data may be incomplete, inaccurate or delayed. Collaborative improvement (CI) is a quality improvement intervention developed in high-income countries, which has been advocated for low-resource settings. In Kayunga, Uganda, a pilot study of CI was conducted in five public health centres, documenting a positive effect on the quality of HMIS and malaria surveillance data. A qualitative evaluation was conducted concurrently to investigate the mechanisms of effect and unintended consequences of the intervention, aiming to inform future implementation of CI. METHODS: The study intervention targeted health workers, including brief in-service training, plus CI with 'plan-do-study-act' (PDSA) cycles emphasizing self-reflection and group action, periodic learning sessions, and coaching from a CI mentor. Health workers collected data on standard HMIS out-patient registers. The qualitative evaluation (July 2015 to September 2016) included ethnographic observations at each health centre (over 12-14 weeks), in-depth interviews with health workers and stakeholders (n = 20), and focus group discussions with health workers (n = 6). RESULTS: The results suggest that the intervention did facilitate improvement in data quality, but through unexpected mechanisms. The CI intervention was implemented as planned, but the PDSA cycles were driven largely by the CI mentor, not the health workers. In this context, characterized by a rigid hierarchy within the health system of limited culture of self-reflection and inadequate training and supervision, CI became an effective form of high-quality training with frequent supervisory visits. Health workers appeared motivated to improve data collection habits by their loyalty to the CI mentor and the potential for economic benefits, rather than a desire for self-improvement. CONCLUSIONS: CI is a promising method of quality improvement and could have a positive impact on malaria surveillance data. However, successful scale-up of CI in similar settings may require deployment of highly skilled mentors. Further research, focusing on the effectiveness of 'real world' mentors using robust study designs, will be required to determine whether CI can be translated effectively and sustainably to low-resource settings. |
Effectiveness of in-service training plus the collaborative improvement strategy on the quality of routine malaria surveillance data: results of a pilot study in Kayunga District, Uganda
Westercamp N , Staedke SG , Maiteki-Sebuguzi C , Ndyabakira A , Okiring JM , Kigozi SP , Dorsey G , Broughton E , Hutchinson E , Massoud MR , Rowe AK . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 290 BACKGROUND: Surveillance data are essential for malaria control, but quality is often poor. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the novel combination of training plus an innovative quality improvement method-collaborative improvement (CI)-on the quality of malaria surveillance data in Uganda. METHODS: The intervention (training plus CI, or TCI), including brief in-service training and CI, was delivered in 5 health facilities (HFs) in Kayunga District from November 2015 to August 2016. HF teams monitored data quality, conducted plan-do-study-act cycles to test changes, attended periodic learning sessions, and received CI coaching. An independent evaluation was conducted to assess data completeness, accuracy, and timeliness. Using an interrupted time series design without a separate control group, data were abstracted from 156,707 outpatient department (OPD) records, laboratory registers, and aggregated monthly reports (MR) for 4 time periods: baseline-12 months, TCI scale-up-5 months; CI implementation-9 months; post-intervention-4 months. Monthly OPD register completeness was measured as the proportion of patient records with a malaria diagnosis with: (1) all data fields completed, and (2) all clinically-relevant fields completed. Accuracy was the relative difference between: (1) number of monthly malaria patients reported in OPD register versus MR, and (2) proportion of positive malaria tests reported in the laboratory register versus MR. Data were analysed with segmented linear regression modelling. RESULTS: Data completeness increased substantially following TCI. Compared to baseline, all-field completeness increased by 60.1%-points (95% confidence interval [CI]: 46.9-73.2%) at mid-point, and clinically-relevant completeness increased by 61.6%-points (95% CI: 56.6-66.7%). A relative - 57.4%-point (95% confidence interval: - 105.5, - 9.3%) change, indicating an improvement in accuracy of malaria test positivity reporting, but no effect on data accuracy for monthly malaria patients, were observed. Cost per additional malaria patient, for whom complete clinically-relevant data were recorded in the OPD register, was $3.53 (95% confidence interval: $3.03, $4.15). CONCLUSIONS: TCI improved malaria surveillance completeness considerably, with limited impact on accuracy. Although these results are promising, the intervention's effectiveness should be evaluated in more HFs, with longer follow-up, ideally in a randomized trial, before recommending CI for wide-scale use. |
Increasing rates of methamphetamine/amphetamine-involved overdose hospitalizations in Washington State, 2010-2017
Njuguna H , Gong J , Hutchinson K , Ndiaye M , Sabel J , Wasserman C . Addict Behav Rep 2021 14 100353 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In the United States, overdose deaths resulting from methamphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants (METH/AMPH) have been increasing. We describe rates and characterize patients hospitalized after a METH/AMPH-involved overdose in Washington State, to guide prevention and control measures. DESIGN SETTING PARTICIPANTS: We conducted a trend analysis of hospitalized Washington State residents aged ≥15 years who received a METH/AMPH-involved overdose diagnosis in Washington's civilian hospitals and reported in the Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System. MEASUREMENTS: We used Joinpoint regression analysis to study trends in rates of hospitalized patients who received a METH/AMPH-involved overdose diagnosis during 2010-2017. We used 2016-2017 data to describe characteristics of patients with nonfatal and fatal outcomes and used chi-square test (for categorical variables) and Wilcoxon rank-sum test (for continuous variables) to compare characteristics of patients by outcome. FINDINGS: During 2010-2017, 3587 patients were hospitalized and received a METH/AMPH-involved overdose diagnosis. The age-adjusted rate for METH/AMPH-involved overdose hospitalization increased from 6.3/100,000 persons in 2010 to 8.5/100,000 persons in 2017. Patients aged ≥55 years had the greatest increase in rate of overdose hospitalizations. Among these patients, 86% also had a substance use disorder diagnosis involving substances other than METH/AMPH, and 35% experienced a polysubstance overdose. CONCLUSIONS: We observed increasing rates of METH/AMPH-involved overdose hospitalizations in Washington State, particularly among persons aged ≥55 years. Approximately a third of patients also experienced a polysubstance overdose, which can be considered when designing interventions to address increasing rates of overdose hospitalizations in Washington State. |
Change in condom use in populations newly aware of HIV diagnosis in the United States and Canada: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Malekinejad M , Blodgett J , Horvath H , Parriott A , Hutchinson AB , Shrestha RK , McCabe D , Volberding P , Kahn JG . AIDS Behav 2021 25 (6) 1839-1855 HIV-infected individuals "aware" of their infection are more likely to use condoms, compared to HIV-infected "unaware" persons. To quantify this likelihood, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of U.S. and Canadian studies. Twenty-one eligible studies included men who have sex with men (MSM; k = 15), persons who inject drugs (PWID; k = 2), and mixed populations of high-risk heterosexuals (HRH; k = 4). Risk ratios (RR) of "not always using condoms" with partners of any serostatus were lower among aware MSM (RR 0.44 [not significant]), PWID (RR 0.70) and HRH (RR 0.27); and, in aware MSM, with partners of HIV-uninfected or unknown status (RR 0.46). Aware individuals had lower "condomless sex likelihood" with HIV-uninfected or unknown status partners (MSM: RR 0.58; male PWID: RR 0.44; female PWID: RR 0.65; HRH: RR 0.35) and with partners of any serostatus (MSM only, RR 0.72). The association diminished over time. High risk of bias compromised evidence quality. |
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Prevalence, Seroprevalence, and Exposure among Evacuees from Wuhan, China, 2020.
Hallowell BD , Carlson CM , Jacobs JR , Pomeroy M , Steinberg J , Tenforde MW , McDonald E , Foster L , Feldstein LR , Rolfes MA , Haynes A , Abedi GR , Odongo GS , Saruwatari K , Rider EC , Douville G , Bhakta N , Maniatis P , Lindstrom S , Thornburg NJ , Lu X , Whitaker BL , Kamili S , Sakthivel SK , Wang L , Malapati L , Murray JR , Lynch B , Cetron M , Brown C , Roohi S , Rotz L , Borntrager D , Ishii K , Moser K , Rasheed M , Freeman B , Lester S , Corbett KS , Abiona OM , Hutchinson GB , Graham BS , Pesik N , Mahon B , Braden C , Behravesh CB , Stewart R , Knight N , Hall AJ , Killerby ME . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (9) 1998-2004 To determine prevalence of, seroprevalence of, and potential exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) among a cohort of evacuees returning to the United States from Wuhan, China, in January 2020, we conducted a cross-sectional study of quarantined evacuees from 1 repatriation flight. Overall, 193 of 195 evacuees completed exposure surveys and submitted upper respiratory or serum specimens or both at arrival in the United States. Nearly all evacuees had taken preventive measures to limit potential exposure while in Wuhan, and none had detectable SARS-CoV-2 in upper respiratory tract specimens, suggesting the absence of asymptomatic respiratory shedding among this group at the time of testing. Evidence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 was detected in 1 evacuee, who reported experiencing no symptoms or high-risk exposures in the previous 2 months. These findings demonstrated that this group of evacuees posed a low risk of introducing SARS-CoV-2 to the United States. |
Potential contributions of clinical and community testing in identifying persons with undiagnosed HIV infection in the United States
Kahn JG , Bendavid E , Dietz PM , Hutchinson A , Horvath H , McCabe D , Wolitski RJ . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2020 19 2325958220950902 BACKGROUND: An estimated 166,155 individuals in the United States have undiagnosed HIV infection. We modeled the numbers of HIV-infected individuals who could be diagnosed in clinical and community settings by broadly implementing HIV screening guidelines. SETTING: United States. METHODS: We modeled testing for general population (once lifetime) and high-risk populations (annual): men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and high-risk heterosexuals. We used published data on HIV infections, HIV testing, engagement in clinical care, and risk status disclosure. RESULTS: In clinical settings, about 76 million never-tested low-risk and 2.6 million high-risk individuals would be tested, yielding 36,000 and 55,000 HIV diagnoses, respectively. In community settings, 30 million low-risk and 4.4 million high-risk individuals would be tested, yielding 75,000 HIV diagnoses. CONCLUSION: HIV testing in clinical and community settings diagnoses similar numbers of individuals. Lifetime and risk-based testing are both needed to substantially reduce undiagnosed HIV. |
Health utility estimates and their application to HIV prevention in the United States: Implications for cost-effectiveness modeling and future research needs
Whitham HK , Hutchinson AB , Shrestha RK , Kuppermann M , Grund B , Shouse RL , Sansom SL . MDM Policy Pract 2020 5 (2) 2381468320936219 Objectives. Health utility estimates from the current era of HIV treatment, critical for cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) informing HIV health policy, are limited. We examined peer-reviewed literature to assess the appropriateness of commonly referenced utilities, present previously unreported quality-of-life data from two studies, and discuss future implications for HIV-related CEA. Methods. We searched a database of cost-effectiveness analyses specific to HIV prevention efforts from 1999 to 2016 to identify the most commonly referenced sources for health utilities and to examine practices around using and reporting health utility data. Additionally, we present new utility estimates from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention's Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) and the INSIGHT Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (SMART) trial. We compare data collection time frames, sample characteristics, assessment methods, and key estimates. Results. Data collection for the most frequently cited utility estimates ranged from 1985 to 1997, predating modern HIV treatment. Reporting practices around utility weights are poor and lack details on participant characteristics, which may be important stratifying factors for CEA. More recent utility estimates derived from MMP and SMART were similar across CD4+ count strata and had a narrower range than pre-antiretroviral therapy (ART) utilities. Conclusions. Despite the widespread use of ART, cost-effectiveness analysis of HIV prevention interventions frequently apply pre-ART health utility weights. Use of utility weights reflecting the current state of the US epidemic are needed to best inform HIV research and public policy decisions. Improved practices around the selection, application, and reporting of health utility data used in HIV prevention CEA are needed to improve transparency. |
Mass Testing for SARS-CoV-2 in 16 Prisons and Jails - Six Jurisdictions, United States, April-May 2020.
Hagan LM , Williams SP , Spaulding AC , Toblin RL , Figlenski J , Ocampo J , Ross T , Bauer H , Hutchinson J , Lucas KD , Zahn M , Chiang C , Collins T , Burakoff A , Bettridge J , Stringer G , Maul R , Waters K , Dewart C , Clayton J , de Fijter S , Sadacharan R , Garcia L , Lockett N , Short K , Sunder L , Handanagic S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (33) 1139-1143 Preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in correctional and detention facilities* can be challenging because of population-dense housing, varied access to hygiene facilities and supplies, and limited space for isolation and quarantine (1). Incarcerated and detained populations have a high prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing their risk for severe COVID-19-associated illness and making early detection critical (2,3). Correctional and detention facilities are not closed systems; SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be transmitted to and from the surrounding community through staff member and visitor movements as well as entry, transfer, and release of incarcerated and detained persons (1). To better understand SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in these settings, CDC requested data from 15 jurisdictions describing results of mass testing events among incarcerated and detained persons and cases identified through earlier symptom-based testing. Six jurisdictions reported SARS-CoV-2 prevalence of 0%-86.8% (median = 29.3%) from mass testing events in 16 adult facilities. Before mass testing, 15 of the 16 facilities had identified at least one COVID-19 case among incarcerated or detained persons using symptom-based testing, and mass testing increased the total number of known cases from 642 to 8,239. Case surveillance from symptom-based testing has likely underestimated SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in correctional and detention facilities. Broad-based testing can provide a more accurate assessment of prevalence and generate data to help control transmission (4). |
Characteristics of Persons Who Died with COVID-19 - United States, February 12-May 18, 2020.
Wortham JM , Lee JT , Althomsons S , Latash J , Davidson A , Guerra K , Murray K , McGibbon E , Pichardo C , Toro B , Li L , Paladini M , Eddy ML , Reilly KH , McHugh L , Thomas D , Tsai S , Ojo M , Rolland S , Bhat M , Hutchinson K , Sabel J , Eckel S , Collins J , Donovan C , Cope A , Kawasaki B , McLafferty S , Alden N , Herlihy R , Barbeau B , Dunn AC , Clark C , Pontones P , McLafferty ML , Sidelinger DE , Krueger A , Kollmann L , Larson L , Holzbauer S , Lynfield R , Westergaard R , Crawford R , Zhao L , Bressler JM , Read JS , Dunn J , Lewis A , Richardson G , Hand J , Sokol T , Adkins SH , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Eure T , Wong K , Datta D , Appiah GD , Brown J , Traxler R , Koumans EH , Reagan-Steiner S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (28) 923-929 During January 1, 2020-May 18, 2020, approximately 1.3 million cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 83,000 COVID-19-associated deaths were reported in the United States (1). Understanding the demographic and clinical characteristics of decedents could inform medical and public health interventions focused on preventing COVID-19-associated mortality. This report describes decedents with laboratory-confirmed infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, using data from 1) the standardized CDC case-report form (case-based surveillance) ( and 2) supplementary data (supplemental surveillance), such as underlying medical conditions and location of death, obtained through collaboration between CDC and 16 public health jurisdictions (15 states and New York City). |
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein ELISA for use in contact investigations and serosurveillance.
Freeman B , Lester S , Mills L , Rasheed MAU , Moye S , Abiona O , Hutchinson GB , Morales-Betoulle M , Krapinunaya I , Gibbons A , Chiang CF , Cannon D , Klena J , Johnson JA , Owen SM , Graham BS , Corbett KS , Thornburg NJ . bioRxiv 2020 Since emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in late 2019, there has been a critical need to understand prevalence, transmission patterns, to calculate the burden of disease and case fatality rates. Molecular diagnostics, the gold standard for identifying viremic cases, are not ideal for determining true case counts and rates of asymptomatic infection. Serological detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies can contribute to filling these knowledge gaps. In this study, we describe optimization and validation of a SARS-CoV-2-specific-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the prefusion-stabilized form of the spike protein [1]. We performed receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analyses to define the specificities and sensitivities of the optimized assay and examined cross reactivity with immune sera from persons confirmed tohave had infections with other coronaviruses. These assays will be used to perform contact investigations and to conduct large-scale, cross sectional surveillance to define disease burden in the population. |
Antibiotic stewardship in the intensive care unit. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report in Collaboration with the AACN, CHEST, CDC, and SCCM
Wunderink RG , Srinivasan A , Barie PS , Chastre J , Dela Cruz CS , Douglas IS , Ecklund M , Evans SE , Evans SR , Gerlach AT , Hicks LA , Howell M , Hutchinson ML , Hyzy RC , Kane-Gill SL , Lease ED , Metersky ML , Munro N , Niederman MS , Restrepo MI , Sessler CN , Simpson SQ , Swoboda SM , Guillamet CV , Waterer GW , Weiss CH . Ann Am Thorac Soc 2020 17 (5) 531-540 Intensive care units (ICUs) are an appropriate focus of antibiotic stewardship program efforts because a large proportion of any hospital's use of parenteral antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum, occurs in the ICU. Given the importance of antibiotic stewardship for critically ill patients and the importance of critical care practitioners as the front line for antibiotic stewardship, a workshop was convened to specifically address barriers to antibiotic stewardship in the ICU and discuss tactics to overcome these. The working definition of antibiotic stewardship is "the right drug at the right time and the right dose for the right bug for the right duration." A major emphasis was that antibiotic stewardship should be a core competency of critical care clinicians. Fear of pathogens that are not covered by empirical antibiotics is a major driver of excessively broad-spectrum therapy in critically ill patients. Better diagnostics and outcome data can address this fear and expand efforts to narrow or shorten therapy. Greater awareness of the substantial adverse effects of antibiotics should be emphasized and is an important counterargument to broad-spectrum therapy in individual low-risk patients. Optimal antibiotic stewardship should not focus solely on reducing antibiotic use or ensuring compliance with guidelines. Instead, it should enhance care both for individual patients (by improving and individualizing their choice of antibiotic) and for the ICU population as a whole. Opportunities for antibiotic stewardship in common ICU infections, including community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia and sepsis, are discussed. Intensivists can partner with antibiotic stewardship programs to address barriers and improve patient care. |
COVID-19 in Correctional and Detention Facilities - United States, February-April 2020.
Wallace M , Hagan L , Curran KG , Williams SP , Handanagic S , Bjork A , Davidson SL , Lawrence RT , McLaughlin J , Butterfield M , James AE , Patil N , Lucas K , Hutchinson J , Sosa L , Jara A , Griffin P , Simonson S , Brown CM , Smoyer S , Weinberg M , Pattee B , Howell M , Donahue M , Hesham S , Shelley E , Philips G , Selvage D , Staley EM , Lee A , Mannell M , McCotter O , Villalobos R , Bell L , Diedhiou A , Ortbahn D , Clayton JL , Sanders K , Cranford H , Barbeau B , McCombs KG , Holsinger C , Kwit NA , Pringle JC , Kariko S , Strick L , Allord M , Tillman C , Morrison A , Rowe D , Marlow M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (19) 587-590 An estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults are housed within approximately 5,000 correctional and detention facilities(dagger) on any given day (1). Many facilities face significant challenges in controlling the spread of highly infectious pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Such challenges include crowded dormitories, shared lavatories, limited medical and isolation resources, daily entry and exit of staff members and visitors, continual introduction of newly incarcerated or detained persons, and transport of incarcerated or detained persons in multiperson vehicles for court-related, medical, or security reasons (2,3). During April 22-28, 2020, aggregate data on COVID-19 cases were reported to CDC by 37 of 54 state and territorial health department jurisdictions. Thirty-two (86%) jurisdictions reported at least one laboratory-confirmed case from a total of 420 correctional and detention facilities. Among these facilities, COVID-19 was diagnosed in 4,893 incarcerated or detained persons and 2,778 facility staff members, resulting in 88 deaths in incarcerated or detained persons and 15 deaths among staff members. Prompt identification of COVID-19 cases and consistent application of prevention measures, such as symptom screening and quarantine, are critical to protecting incarcerated and detained persons and staff members. |
Assessing costs of a hypertension management program: An application of the HEARTS costing tool in a program planning workshop in Thailand
Husain MJ , Allaire BT , Hutchinson B , Ketgudee L , Srisuthisak S , Yueayai K , Pisitpayat N , Nugent R , Datta BK , Joseph KT , Kostova D . J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2019 22 (1) 111-117 The HEARTS technical package, a part of the Global Hearts Initiative to improve cardiovascular health globally, is a strategic approach for cardiovascular disease prevention and control at the primary care level. To support the evaluation of costs associated with HEARTS program components, a costing tool was developed to evaluate the incremental cost of program implementation. This report documents an application of the HEARTS costing tool during a costing workshop prior to the initiation of a HEARTS pilot program in Thailand's Phothong District, 2019-2020. During the workshop, a mock exercise was conducted to estimate the expected costs of the pilot study. The workshop application of the tool underscored its applicability to the HEARTS program planning process by identifying cost drivers associated with individual program elements. It further illustrated that by supporting disaggregation of costs into fixed and variable categories, the tool can inform the scalability of pilot projects to larger populations. Lessons learned during the initial development and application of the costing tool can inform future HEARTS evaluation efforts. |
A cost-effectiveness analysis of antenatal influenza vaccination among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected pregnant women in South Africa
Biggerstaff M , Cohen C , Reed C , Tempia S , McMorrow ML , Walaza S , Moyes J , Treurnicht FK , Cohen AL , Hutchinson P , Stoecker C , Steinberg J . Vaccine 2019 37 (46) 6874-6884 ![]() BACKGROUND: Pregnant women and infants are at increased risk of severe disease from influenza. Antenatal influenza vaccination is safe and can reduce the risk of illness for women and their infants. We evaluated for South Africa the health effects of antenatal influenza vaccination among pregnant women and their infants aged <6 months old and assessed its cost-effectiveness. METHODS: We constructed a decision tree model to simulate the population of pregnant women and infants aged <6 months in South Africa using TreeAge Pro Suite 2015. The model evaluated the change in societal costs and outcomes associated with a vaccination campaign that prioritized HIV-infected over HIV-uninfected pregnant women compared with no vaccination. We also examined the impacts of a campaign without prioritization. Upper and lower 90% uncertainty intervals (90% UI) were generated using probabilistic sensitivity analysis on 10000 Monte Carlo simulations. The cost-effectiveness threshold was set to the 2015 per capita gross domestic product of South Africa, US$5724. RESULTS: Antenatal vaccination with prioritization averted 9070 (90% UI: 7407-11217) total cases of influenza among pregnant women and infants, including 411 (90% UI: 305-546) hospitalizations and 30 (90% UI: 22-40) deaths. This corresponds to an averted fraction of 13.5% (90% UI: 9.0-20.5%). Vaccinating without prioritization averted 7801 (90% UI: 6465-9527) cases of influenza, including 335 (90% UI: 254-440) hospitalizations and 24 (90% UI: 18-31) deaths. This corresponds to an averted fraction of 11.6% (90% UI: 7.8-17.4%). Vaccinating the cohort of pregnant women with prioritization had societal cost of $4689 (90% UI: $3128-$7294) per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) gained while vaccinating without prioritization had a cost of $5924 (90% UI: $3992-$9056) per QALY. CONCLUSIONS: Antenatal influenza vaccination campaigns in South Africa would reduce the impact of influenza and could be cost-effective. |
Evaluating the evidence for more frequent than annual HIV screening of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in the United States: Results from a systematic review and CDC Expert Consultation
DiNenno EA , Prejean J , Delaney KP , Bowles K , Martin T , Tailor A , Dumitru G , Mullins MM , Hutchinson A , Lansky A . Public Health Rep 2017 133 (1) 33354917738769 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended in 2006 that sexually active gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) be screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at least annually. A workgroup comprising CDC and external experts conducted a systematic review of the literature, including benefits, harms, acceptability, and feasibility of annual versus more frequent screening among MSM, to determine whether evidence was sufficient to change the current recommendation. Four consultations with managers of public and nonprofit HIV testing programs, clinics, and mathematical modeling experts were conducted to provide input on the programmatic and scientific evidence. Mathematical models predicted that more frequent than annual screening of MSM could prevent some new HIV infections and would be more cost-effective than annual screening, but this evidence was considered insufficient due to study design. Evidence supports CDC's current recommendation that sexually active MSM be screened at least annually. However, some MSM might benefit from more frequent screening. Future research should evaluate which MSM subpopulations would benefit most from more frequent HIV screening. |
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