Last data update: Mar 10, 2025. (Total: 48852 publications since 2009)
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Association between emotional intimate partner violence around the time of pregnancy and postpartum contraceptive use: Results from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 2016-2021
Huber-Krum S , D'Angelo DV , Bornstein M , Ruvalcaba Y , Tsukerman K , Zapata LB , Narasimhan S . Violence Against Women 2024 10778012241303468 This study assessed the relationships between emotional intimate partner violence (IPV) before, during, and after pregnancy and postpartum contraceptive use. We used 2016-2021 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data from seven sites (n = 30,125). We used multivariable logistic regression to assess indicators of emotional IPV and provider counseling associated with postpartum contraceptive use. Emotional IPV 12 months before, during, and after pregnancy were all significantly associated with reduced odds of postpartum contraceptive use. Strengthening postpartum contraceptive services by integrating IPV prevention into care is an opportunity to improve the health of postpartum people. |
Implementation of family centered substance use treatment for pregnant and postpartum people to prevent the intergenerational transmission of adverse childhood experiences
Morgan MH , Coe JL , Kranzler EC , Rehberg K , Ingersoll R , Namrow N , Huber-Krum S . Child Abuse Negl 2024 157 107066 BACKGROUND: Family-centered substance use treatment (FCSUT) may have benefits for parents, children, and their families, and have the potential to decrease adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Few treatment programs use FCSUT, even those that aim to serve pregnant and postpartum people. OBJECTIVES: To understand how families are integrated into FCSUT services for pregnant and postpartum people, explore the perceived benefits of FCSUT for families and parents, and identify challenges to implementing FCSUT. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTINGS: Interviews with 26 administrators and providers working at FCSUT facilities and 27 pregnant and postpartum people who were currently receiving or had previously received services in the last two years from FCSUT facilities. METHODS: A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted using data from semi-structured in-depth interviews. RESULTS: The analysis revealed four themes: (1) the importance of families in treatment and recovery; (2) benefits of FCSUT for parents; (3) benefits of FCSUT for families; and (4) additional areas for FCSUT program growth. Despite reported benefits (e.g., improving parenting and communication skills; promoting healthy relationships with children, partners, and other family members; and facilitating a support system for long-term recovery), facilities and families face challenges integrating whole family units into treatment. CONCLUSIONS: FCSUT may offer a range of benefits to pregnant and postpartum people and their families. Addressing challenges, such as fully integrating all family members into treatment, may improve FCSUT programs. Meeting the needs of all family members during treatment supports safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments for children that may decrease ACEs. |
Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers on parent behavioral outcomes
Morgan MHC , Herbst JH , Fortson BL , Shortt JW , Willis LA , Lokey C , Smith Slep AM , Lorber MF , Huber-Krum S . Child Abuse Negl 2024 154 106928 BACKGROUND: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's web-based behavioral parent training (BPT) program, Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers (EfP), uses a psychoeducational approach to promote positive parenting and address common parenting challenges. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of EfP on parenting behavior and whether implementation format impacted behavioral outcomes. METHODS: A sample of 200 parents of 2- to 4-year-old children were recruited via Internet advertising. Using a repeated single subject, multiple baseline design, parents were randomly assigned to guided navigation (GN; n = 100) or unguided navigation (UN; n = 100) study conditions. Parents were provided secure access to the EfP website and completed 18 weekly surveys. Latent growth curve modeling was used to determine intervention effectiveness on behavioral outcomes. RESULTS: Latent growth curve modeling indicated both GN and UN study conditions significantly increased use of praise (β = 0.19, p = 0.038) and commands and consequences (β = 0.17, p < 0.001), and decreased corporal punishment use (β = -0.01, p = 0.017) and attitudes promoting corporal punishment (β = -0.01, p < 0.001) over the study period. The UN condition exhibited a significant initial decrease in time-out use that increased over time to match the GN condition. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of EfP in promoting non-violent parenting behavior and increasing positive parenting techniques. The format of EfP implementation made no difference in parenting behaviors over time. Digital BPT programs like EfP provide access to evidence-informed parenting resources and can enhance positive parenting. |
Evaluating the implementation of family-centered substance use treatment for pregnant and postpartum people: A mixed-methods study
Coe JL , Morgan MH , Rehberg K , Kranzler EC , Ingersoll R , Namrow N , Huber-Krum S . J Subst Use Addict Treat 2024 209409 INTRODUCTION: Family-centered substance use treatment (FCSUT) approaches for pregnant and postpartum people have the potential to prevent intergenerational transmission of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Guided by two theoretical frameworks drawn from implementation science (the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research [CFIR] and the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance [RE-AIM] framework), this study used a mixed methods approach to answer: (1) What is the extent to which FCSUT approaches are offered for pregnant and postpartum people seeking substance use disorder (SUD) treatment? and (2) How are FCSUT approaches for pregnant and postpartum people implemented? METHODS: This study utilized a sequential mixed methods design that began with quantitative data collection followed by qualitative data collection. The quantitative component consisted of service provision surveys of facilities that provided FCSUT to pregnant and postpartum people (n = 118). The qualitative component consisted of semi-structured in-depth interviews with administrators and providers working at FCSUT facilities (n = 26) and pregnant and postpartum people who were currently receiving or had previously received services in the last two years from FCSUT facilities (n = 27). The qualitative findings were used to deepen understanding of the quantitative findings. RESULTS: Findings from the quantitative survey of treatment facilities' FCSUT provision revealed that while most facilities offered services related to substance use treatment, behavioral health, and parenting skills development or parent training, a smaller proportion offered services related to prenatal and postpartum health, sexual and reproductive health, and family-related services. Qualitative in-depth interviews with program administrators and providers and pregnant and postpartum people who had participated in FCSUT programs revealed major themes around expanding reach of facilities by maintaining participants' familial connections, resources for implementation and maintenance of FCSUT, the importance of program adaptation, and gaps in service delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated there is a wide range of FCSUT services offered at treatment facilities across the United States. Furthermore, while many pregnant and postpartum people expressed positive experiences with FCSUT, there are some areas that should be considered for future progress to be made. |
A literature review of digital behavioral parent training programs for parents of adolescents
Morgan MHC , Huber-Krum S , Willis LA , Shortt JW . Prev Sci 2023 Parents of adolescents are faced with a variety of challenges related to their children's behavior and development. Behavioral parent training (BPT) programs may be effective strategies to mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other common behavioral problems in the adolescent period. Adolescence is the period following the onset of puberty and describes the transition from childhood to adulthood. Digital BPTs, including those delivered via the internet, downloaded digital content, text message, tablet, and video call, may present a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience of parents of adolescents by removing barriers to program accessibility (e.g., cost and transportation). We conducted a literature review to synthesize the existing evidence on digital BPTs for parents of adolescents. We described the digital BPTs, study designs, and evaluation and feasibility outcomes. A structured literature search identified studies meeting the following criteria for inclusion: (a) published between January 2000 and October 2022, (b) peer-reviewed, (c) available in English language, (d) study included a description of a digital BPT methodological approach, (e) study had to identify at least one parent or child behavioral outcome (e.g., parent-reported communication with their child) or feasibility outcome associated with the digital BPT, and (f) study included parents of adolescents aged 10-18 years. We extracted data on the characteristics of the study and demographic characteristics of participants, digital BPT, and evaluation and feasibility outcomes. Twenty-eight studies met inclusion criteria. Twenty-two unique digital BPTs were evaluated across the published studies. Thirteen digital BPTs (59.1%) were developed from or grounded by an identified theory. Six digital BPTs were freely accessible by the public, while the remaining 16 were available through study participation or purchase. One digital BPT was specifically tailored to parents of adolescents of a racial/ethnic minority group. Of the 16 studies that reported either parent or adolescent race/ethnicity, 10 consisted of more than 50% White parent or adolescent participants. Twenty-four (88.9%) studies provided evaluation data for the digital BPT. Fourteen studies (63.6%) employed a randomized control trial study design, and the remaining study designs included quasi-experimental (n = 2), mixed methods (n = 1), open trial (n = 3), case study (n = 1), pretest-posttest design (n = 1), and feasibility and acceptability trial (n = 2). All studies reported improvements in at least one parent-reported or adolescent-reported behavioral outcome or feasibility outcomes, with effect sizes (Cohen's d) ranging from small (e.g., 0.20-0.49) to very large (e.g., > 1.20). The findings of this review illustrate that technology may be a valuable way to deliver BPTs to parents of adolescents. However, few digital BPTs were developed for parents of adolescents from racial/ethnic minority groups, and many digital BPTs were not available without cost or participation in a research study. Considerations for future research are discussed. |
Contraceptive sabotage and contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy: An analysis of people with a recent live birth in the United States
Huber-Krum S , Bornstein M , D'Angelo D , Narasimhan S , Zapata LB , Tsukerman K , Ruvalcaba Y . J Interpers Violence 2023 38 8862605231190346 Contraceptive sabotage and other forms of intimate partner violence (IPV) can interfere with contraceptive use. We used 2012 to 2015 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data from 8,981 people residing in five states who reported that when they became pregnant, they were not trying to get pregnant. We assessed the relationships between ever experiencing contraceptive sabotage and physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy (both by the current partner) and contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy using multivariable logistic regression. We also assessed the joint associations between physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy and ever experienced contraceptive sabotage with contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy. Few people ever experienced contraceptive sabotage (1.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4, 2.3) or physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy (2.8%; 95% CI: 2.3, 3.3). In models adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, and state of residence, ever experiencing contraceptive sabotage was associated with contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.73; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.82), but not with physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy (aOR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.46, 1.02). When examining the joint association, compared to not ever experiencing contraceptive sabotage or physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy, ever experiencing contraceptive sabotage was significantly related to contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy (aOR: 1.72; 95% CI: 1.00, 2.95). However, it was not associated with experiencing physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy (aOR: 0.68; 95% CI: 0.45, 1.04) or with experiencing both contraceptive sabotage and physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy (aOR: 1.21; 95% CI: 0.42, 3.50), compared to not ever experiencing contraceptive sabotage or physical IPV 12 months before pregnancy. Our study highlights that current partner contraceptive sabotage may motivate those not trying to get pregnant to use contraception; however, all people in our sample still experienced a pregnancy. |
Trade-offs between individual and ensemble forecasts of an emerging infectious disease (preprint)
Oidtman RJ , Omodei E , Kraemer MUG , Castañeda-Orjuela CA , Cruz-Rivera E , Misnaza-Castrillón S , Cifuentes MP , Rincon LE , Cañon V , Alarcon P , España G , Huber JH , Hill SC , Barker CM , Johansson MA , Manore CA , Reiner RC Jr , Rodriguez-Barraquer I , Siraj AS , Frias-Martinez E , García-Herranz M , Perkins TA . medRxiv 2021 2021.02.25.21252363 When new pathogens emerge, numerous questions arise about their future spread, some of which can be addressed with probabilistic forecasts. The many uncertainties about the epidemiology of emerging pathogens can make it difficult to choose among model structures and assumptions, however. To assess the potential for uncertainties about emerging pathogens to affect forecasts of their spread, we evaluated the performance of a suite of 16 forecasting models in the context of the 2015-2016 Zika epidemic in Colombia. Each model featured a different combination of assumptions about the role of human mobility in driving transmission, spatiotemporal variation in transmission potential, and the number of times the virus was introduced. All models used the same core transmission model and the same iterative data assimilation algorithm to generate forecasts. By assessing forecast performance through time using logarithmic scoring with ensemble weighting, we found that which model assumptions had the most ensemble weight changed through time. In particular, spatially coupled models had higher ensemble weights in the early and late phases of the epidemic, whereas non-spatial models had higher ensemble weights at the peak of the epidemic. We compared forecast performance of the equally-weighted ensemble model to each individual model and identified a trade-off whereby certain individual models outperformed the ensemble model early in the epidemic but the ensemble model outperformed all individual models on average. On balance, our results suggest that suites of models that span uncertainty across alternative assumptions are necessary to obtain robust forecasts in the context of emerging infectious diseases.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.Funding StatementRJO acknowledges support from an Eck Institute for Global Health Fellowship, GLOBES grant, Arthur J. Schmitt Fellowship, and the UNICEF Office of Innovation. MUGK is supported by The Branco Weiss Fellowship - Society in Science, administered by the ETH Zurich and acknowledges funding from the Oxford Martin School and the European Union Horizon 2020 project MOOD (\#874850). SCH is supported by the Wellcome Trust (220414/Z/20/Z).Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:No IRB approvals were necessary.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesThe mobile phone data set used in this study is proprietary and subject to strict privacy regulations. The access to this data set was granted after reaching a non-disclosure agreement with the proprietor, who anonymized and aggregated the original data before giving access to the authors. The mobile phone is available on request after negotiation of a non-disclosure agreement with the company. The contact person is Enrique Frias-Martinez (efm{at} Epidemiological, meteorological, and demographic data are available from Siraj et al.2018 and additionally available on |
Serial interval and incubation period estimates of monkeypox virus infection in 12 U.S. jurisdictions, May - August 2022 (preprint)
Madewell ZJ , Charniga K , Masters NB , Asher J , Fahrenwald L , Still W , Chen J , Kipperman N , Bui D , Shea M , Saathoff-Huber L , Johnson S , Harbi K , Berns AL , Perez T , Gateley E , Spicknall IH , Nakazawa Y , Gift TL . medRxiv 2022 30 Using data collected by 12 U.S. health departments, we report mean estimated serial interval for monkeypox virus infection of 8.5 (95% CrI: 7.3 - 9.9) days for symptom onset from 57 case pairs and mean estimated incubation period of 5.6 (4.3 - 7.8) days from 35 case pairs for symptom onset. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Serial interval and incubation period estimates of monkeypox virus infection in 12 jurisdictions, United States, May-August 2022
Madewell ZJ , Charniga K , Masters NB , Asher J , Fahrenwald L , Still W , Chen J , Kipperman N , Bui D , Shea M , Saunders K , Saathoff-Huber L , Johnson S , Harbi K , Berns AL , Perez T , Gateley E , Spicknall IH , Nakazawa Y , Gift TL . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (4) 818-821 Using data from 12 US health departments, we estimated mean serial interval for monkeypox virus infection to be 8.5 (95% credible interval 7.3-9.9) days for symptom onset, based on 57 case pairs. Mean estimated incubation period was 5.6 (95% credible interval 4.3-7.8) days for symptom onset, based on 35 case pairs. |
Path analysis of adverse childhood experiences, early marriage, early pregnancy, and exposure to intimate partner violence among young women in Honduras
Huber-Krum S , Miedema SS , Shortt JW , Villaveces A , Kress H . J Fam Violence 2023 Purpose: The pathways by which adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with early marriage and early pregnancy are poorly understood. Early marriage and early pregnancy may be risk factors for adulthood intimate partner violence (IPV). The aim of this study was to assess the relationships among ACEs, early marriage, early pregnancy, and IPV among women in Honduras. Method: We used weighted data from 1,436 women aged 18–24 years from the nationally representative 2017 Honduras Violence Against Children and Youth Survey. We used path analysis to estimate relationships and accounted for sample design, non-response, and within-country clustering. Results: We found that ACEs had differential relationships with outcomes of interest. For example, witnessing violence in the community was directly associated with increased probability of early pregnancy (10 percentage points (PP); 95% CI: 0.04, 0.15) and IPV (6 PP; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.10), while emotional violence was not directly or indirectly associated with any outcome. Early marriage and early pregnancy had no direct or indirect effect on IPV, but the total effect of early marriage on IPV was significant. Conclusions: Understanding the relationship between ACEs, early marriage, early pregnancy, and IPV may help inform prevention efforts. For example, programs aiming to reduce early pregnancy may consider addressing sexual violence experienced in childhood. © 2023, This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Using spatial and population mobility models to inform outbreak response approaches in the Ebola affected area, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018-2020.
Huber C , Watts A , Thomas-Bachli A , McIntyre E , Tuite A , Khan K , Cetron M , Merrill RD . Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol 2023 44 100558 The Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) 10th known Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak occurred between August 1, 2018 and June 25, 2020, and was the largest EVD outbreak in the country's history. During this outbreak, the DRC Ministry of Health initiated traveller health screening at points of control (POC, locations not on the border) and points of entry (POE) to minimize disease translocation via ground and air travel. We sought to develop a model-based approach that could be applied in future outbreaks to inform decisions for optimizing POC and POE placement, and allocation of resources more broadly, to mitigate the risk of disease translocation associated with ground-level population mobility. We applied a parameter-free mobility model, the radiation model, to estimate likelihood of ground travel between selected origin locations (including Beni, DRC) and surrounding population centres, based on population size and drive-time. We then performed a road network route analysis and included estimated population movement results to calculate the proportionate volume of travellers who would move along each road segment; this reflects the proportion of travellers that could be screened at a POC or POE. For Beni, the road segments estimated to have the highest proportion of travellers that could be screened were part of routes into Uganda and Rwanda. Conversely, road segments that were part of routes to other population centres within the DRC were estimated to have relatively lower proportions. We observed a posteriori that, in many instances, our results aligned with locations that were selected for actual POC or POE placement through more time-consuming methods. This study has demonstrated that mobility models and simple spatial techniques can help identify potential locations for health screening at newly placed POC or existing POE during public health emergencies based on expected movement patterns. Importantly, we have provided methods to estimate the proportionate volume of travellers that POC or POE screening measures would assess based on their location. This is critical information in outbreak situations when timely decisions must be made to implement public health interventions that reach the most individuals across a network. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd |
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with monkeypox in the GeoSentinel Network: a cross-sectional study
Angelo KM , Smith T , Camprubí-Ferrer D , Balerdi-Sarasola L , Díaz Menéndez M , Servera-Negre G , Barkati S , Duvignaud A , Huber KLB , Chakravarti A , Bottieau E , Greenaway C , Grobusch MP , Mendes Pedro D , Asgeirsson H , Popescu CP , Martin C , Licitra C , de Frey A , Schwartz E , Beadsworth M , Lloveras S , Larsen CS , Guagliardo SAJ , Whitehill F , Huits R , Hamer DH , Kozarsky P , Libman M . Lancet Infect Dis 2022 23 (2) 196-206 BACKGROUND: The early epidemiology of the 2022 monkeypox epidemic in non-endemic countries differs substantially from the epidemiology previously reported from endemic countries. We aimed to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics among individuals with confirmed cases of monkeypox infection. METHODS: We descriptively analysed data for patients with confirmed monkeypox who were included in the GeoSentinel global clinical-care-based surveillance system between May 1 and July 1 2022, across 71 clinical sites in 29 countries. Data collected included demographics, travel history including mass gathering attendance, smallpox vaccination history, social history, sexual history, monkeypox exposure history, medical history, clinical presentation, physical examination, testing results, treatment, and outcomes. We did descriptive analyses of epidemiology and subanalyses of patients with and without HIV, patients with CD4 counts of less than 500 cells per mm(3) or 500 cells per mm(3) and higher, patients with one sexual partner or ten or more sexual partners, and patients with or without a previous smallpox vaccination. FINDINGS: 226 cases were reported at 18 sites in 15 countries. Of 211 men for whom data were available, 208 (99%) were gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men (MSM) with a median age of 37 years (range 18-68; IQR 32-43). Of 209 patients for whom HIV status was known, 92 (44%) men had HIV infection with a median CD4 count of 713 cells per mm(3) (range 36-1659; IQR 500-885). Of 219 patients for whom data were available, 216 (99%) reported sexual or close intimate contact in the 21 days before symptom onset; MSM reported a median of three partners (IQR 1-8). Of 195 patients for whom data were available, 78 (40%) reported close contact with someone who had confirmed monkeypox. Overall, 30 (13%) of 226 patients were admitted to hospital; 16 (53%) of whom had severe illness, defined as hospital admission for clinical care rather than infection control. No deaths were reported. Compared with patients without HIV, patients with HIV were more likely to have diarrhoea (p=0·002), perianal rash or lesions (p=0·03), and a higher rash burden (median rash burden score 9 [IQR 6-21] for patients with HIV vs median rash burden score 6 [IQR 3-14] for patients without HIV; p<0·0001), but no differences were identified in the proportion of men who had severe illness by HIV status. INTERPRETATION: Clinical manifestations of monkeypox infection differed by HIV status. Recommendations should be expanded to include pre-exposure monkeypox vaccination of groups at high risk of infection who plan to engage in sexual or close intimate contact. FUNDING: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, International Society of Travel Medicine. |
Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of Monkeypox cases - United States, May 17-July 22, 2022
Philpott D , Hughes CM , Alroy KA , Kerins JL , Pavlick J , Asbel L , Crawley A , Newman AP , Spencer H , Feldpausch A , Cogswell K , Davis KR , Chen J , Henderson T , Murphy K , Barnes M , Hopkins B , Fill MA , Mangla AT , Perella D , Barnes A , Hughes S , Griffith J , Berns AL , Milroy L , Blake H , Sievers MM , Marzan-Rodriguez M , Tori M , Black SR , Kopping E , Ruberto I , Maxted A , Sharma A , Tarter K , Jones SA , White B , Chatelain R , Russo M , Gillani S , Bornstein E , White SL , Johnson SA , Ortega E , Saathoff-Huber L , Syed A , Wills A , Anderson BJ , Oster AM , Christie A , McQuiston J , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Negrón ME . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (32) 1018-1022 Monkeypox, a zoonotic infection caused by an orthopoxvirus, is endemic in parts of Africa. On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the U.S. monkeypox outbreak, which began on May 17, to be a public health emergency (1,2). After detection of the first U.S. monkeypox case), CDC and health departments implemented enhanced monkeypox case detection and reporting. Among 2,891 cases reported in the United States through July 22 by 43 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia (DC), CDC received case report forms for 1,195 (41%) cases by July 27. Among these, 99% of cases were among men; among men with available information, 94% reported male-to-male sexual or close intimate contact during the 3 weeks before symptom onset. Among the 88% of cases with available data, 41% were among non-Hispanic White (White) persons, 28% among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) persons, and 26% among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) persons. Forty-two percent of persons with monkeypox with available data did not report the typical prodrome as their first symptom, and 46% reported one or more genital lesions during their illness; 41% had HIV infection. Data suggest that widespread community transmission of monkeypox has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and racial and ethnic minority groups. Compared with historical reports of monkeypox in areas with endemic disease, currently reported outbreak-associated cases are less likely to have a prodrome and more likely to have genital involvement. CDC and other federal, state, and local agencies have implemented response efforts to expand testing, treatment, and vaccination. Public health efforts should prioritize gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, who are currently disproportionately affected, for prevention and testing, while addressing equity, minimizing stigma, and maintaining vigilance for transmission in other populations. Clinicians should test patients with rash consistent with monkeypox,(†) regardless of whether the rash is disseminated or was preceded by prodrome. Likewise, although most cases to date have occurred among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, any patient with rash consistent with monkeypox should be considered for testing. CDC is continually evaluating new evidence and tailoring response strategies as information on changing case demographics, clinical characteristics, transmission, and vaccine effectiveness become available.(§). |
Low Prevalence of Deletions of the pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 Genes in Plasmodium falciparum Parasites in Freetown, Sierra Leone in 2015.
McCaffery JN , Huber CS , Samai HM , Rogier E . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 106 (6) 1667-1669 ![]() Sierra Leone relies heavily on histidine-rich protein 2-based diagnostics for malaria because of the high transmission of Plasmodium falciparum. During the 2015 recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-Zaire Ebola virus envelope glycoprotein (GP) vaccine trial, 77 participants with asymptomatic Plasmodium infection were enrolled, with all but four having P. falciparum malaria. Of the 73 participants with P. falciparum malaria, one infection (1 of 73, 1.4%; 95% CI, 0.03-7.4) showed P. falciparum with a pfhrp3 single deletion, and two P. falciparum infections (2 of 73, 2.7%; 95% CI, 0.03-9.6) showed pfhrp2/pfhrp3 dual deletions. This study shows evidence of pfhrp2- and pfhrp3-deleted parasites in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Additional studies for more precise estimates of prevalence are warranted. |
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and contraceptive use among young adults in Honduras
Huber-Krum S , Miedema SS , Shortt JW , Villaveces A , Kress H . Child Abuse Negl 2021 123 105381 OBJECTIVE: Research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and use of modern contraception is limited in Honduras. The government has made substantial gains in promoting modern contraception. Young adults experience high rates of violence. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between ACEs and contraceptive behaviors among young women and men. METHODS: We used data from 810 women and 753 men aged 18-24 years from the 2017 Honduras Violence against Children Survey, a cross-sectional, nationally representative household survey of childhood adversity. We assessed associations between ACEs and three contraceptive use outcomes: use versus nonuse of modern contraceptives; use of methods requiring medium/high or low programmatic support among current contraceptive users; and frequent versus infrequent condom use. FINDINGS: Exposure to physical or emotional abuse and witnessing violence in the home was not significantly associated with the three contraceptive use outcomes for men or women. Sexual abuse and parental separation reduced odds of contraceptive use among women (Odds Ratio (OR) < 0.60) but not among men. In contrast, orphan status increased odds of modern contraception use among men (OR 1.93) and frequent condom use among women (OR 2.22). CONCLUSION: The inconsistent direction and magnitude of associations between ACEs and modern contraceptive use among young men and women suggests divergent relationships between ACEs and sexual and reproductive health behaviors. Results may highlight the strength of norms around contraceptive use and/or widespread access to community-based family planning programs and comprehensive sexuality education, irrespective of exposure to ACEs in Honduras. |
Trade-offs between individual and ensemble forecasts of an emerging infectious disease
Oidtman RJ , Omodei E , Kraemer MUG , Castañeda-Orjuela CA , Cruz-Rivera E , Misnaza-Castrillón S , Cifuentes MP , Rincon LE , Cañon V , Alarcon P , España G , Huber JH , Hill SC , Barker CM , Johansson MA , Manore CA , Reiner RC Jr , Rodriguez-Barraquer I , Siraj AS , Frias-Martinez E , García-Herranz M , Perkins TA . Nat Commun 2021 12 (1) 5379 Probabilistic forecasts play an indispensable role in answering questions about the spread of newly emerged pathogens. However, uncertainties about the epidemiology of emerging pathogens can make it difficult to choose among alternative model structures and assumptions. To assess the potential for uncertainties about emerging pathogens to affect forecasts of their spread, we evaluated the performance 16 forecasting models in the context of the 2015-2016 Zika epidemic in Colombia. Each model featured a different combination of assumptions about human mobility, spatiotemporal variation in transmission potential, and the number of virus introductions. We found that which model assumptions had the most ensemble weight changed through time. We additionally identified a trade-off whereby some individual models outperformed ensemble models early in the epidemic, but on average the ensembles outperformed all individual models. Our results suggest that multiple models spanning uncertainty across alternative assumptions are necessary to obtain robust forecasts for emerging infectious diseases. |
The bidirectional longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and HbA(1c) : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Beran M , Muzambi R , Geraets A , Albertorio J , Adriaanse MC , Iversen MM , Kokoszka A , Nefs G , Nouwen A , Pouwer F , Huber JW , Schmitt A , Schram MT . Diabet Med 2021 39 (2) e14671 AIM: To investigate whether there is a bidirectional longitudinal association of depression with HbA(1c) . METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature search in PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL and EMBASE for observational, longitudinal studies published from January 2000 to September 2020, assessing the association between depression and HbA(1c) in adults. We assessed study quality with the Newcastle-Ottawa-Scale. Pooled effect estimates were reported as partial correlation coefficients (r(p) ) or odds ratios (OR). RESULTS: We retrieved 1,642 studies; 26 studies were included in the systematic review and eleven in the meta-analysis. Most studies (16/26) focused on type 2 diabetes. Study quality was rated as good (n=19), fair (n=2) and poor (n=5). Of the meta-analysed studies, six investigated the longitudinal association between self-reported depressive symptoms and HbA(1c) and five the reverse longitudinal association, with a combined sample size of n=48,793 and a mean follow-up of 2 years. Higher levels of baseline depressive symptoms were associated with subsequent higher levels of HbA(1c) (partial r=0.07;[95%CI0.03,0.12]; I(2) 38%). Higher baseline HbA(1c) values were also associated with 18% increased risk of (probable) depression (OR=1.18;[95%CI1.12,1.25]; I(2) 0.0%). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support a bidirectional longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and HbA(1c) . However, the observed effect sizes were small and future research in large-scale longitudinal studies is needed to confirm this association. Future studies should investigate the role of type of diabetes and depression, diabetes distress and diabetes self-management behaviours. Our results may have clinical implications, as depressive symptoms and HbA(1c) levels could be targeted concurrently in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and depression. |
Effect of distance to health facilities and access to contraceptive services among urban Turkish women
Sato R , Rohr J , Huber S , Esmer Y , Okçuoğlu BA , Karadon D , Shah I , Canning D . Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2021 26 (5) 1-9 OBJECTIVE: Worldwide unmet need for contraception remains high at 21.6%. As access to health facilities is one of the potential barriers to contraceptive uptake, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of distance to a health facility, according to its service availability, on contraceptive uptake among married Turkish women. METHODS: To calculate respondents' distance to a health facility, we used data from a household survey conducted among married women, as well as data from a health facility survey conducted among the facilities that were visited for contraceptive services by the respondents. The data were collected from the Istanbul area of Turkey under the Willows Impact Evaluation project in 2018. Health facilities were categorised according to contraceptive availability and the accurate distance from respondents' homes to each type of health facility was calculated. Logistic regression was used to estimate the effect of distance to each type of health facility on uptake of each type of contraception. RESULTS: The prevalence of overall contraceptive use among urban Turkish women was 71.9%. The most common method was withdrawal (32.5%), followed by the intrauterine device (IUD) (14.9%) and male condoms (12.4%). Distance to a health facility that did not provide long-acting contraception was not associated with any type of contraceptive use. On the other hand, distance to a health facility that provided long-acting contraception was negatively associated with the use of long-acting methods such as the IUD but was positively associated with the use of short-acting contraception such as condoms. CONCLUSION: The effect of distance to a health facility on contraceptive use significantly differed according to contraceptive availability at the facility. Further distance to a health facility that provided long-acting contraception decreased the use of long-acting contraception but had a substitute effect on the use of short-acting contraception. We conclude that when women face an accessibility barrier to the provision of long-acting contraception, they modify their behaviour by shifting from long- to short-acting contraception, which is less effective. |
Modelling airport catchment areas to anticipate the spread of infectious diseases across land and air travel
Huber C , Watts A , Grills A , Yong JHE , Morrison S , Bowden S , Tuite A , Nelson B , Cetron M , Khan K . Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol 2021 36 100380 Air travel is an increasingly important conduit for the worldwide spread of infectious diseases. However, methods to identify which airports an individual may use to initiate travel, or where an individual may travel to upon arrival at an airport is not well studied. This knowledge gap can be addressed by estimating airport catchment areas: the geographic extent from which the airport derives most of its patronage. While airport catchment areas can provide a simple decision-support tool to help delineate the spatial extent of infectious disease spread at a local scale, observed data for airport catchment areas are rarely made publicly available. Therefore, we evaluated a probabilistic choice behavior model, the Huff model, as a potential methodology to estimate airport catchment areas in the United States in data-limited scenarios. We explored the impact of varying input parameters to the Huff model on estimated airport catchment areas: distance decay exponent, distance cut-off, and measures of airport attractiveness. We compared Huff model catchment area patterns for Miami International Airport (MIA) and Harrisburg International Airport (MDT). We specifically compared our model output to observed data sampled for MDT to align model parameters with an established, observed catchment area. Airport catchment areas derived using the Huff model were highly sensitive to changes in model parameters. We observed that a distance decay exponent of 2 and a distance cut-off of 500 km represented the most realistic spatial extent and heterogeneity of the MIA catchment area. When these parameters were applied to MDT, the Huff model produced similar spatial patterns to the observed MDT catchment area. Finally, our evaluation of airport attractiveness showed that travel volume to the specific international destinations of interest for infectious disease importation risks (i.e., Brazil) had little impact on the predicted choice of airport when compared to all international travel. Our work is a proof of concept for use of the Huff model to estimate airport catchment areas as a generalizable decision-support tool in data-limited scenarios. While our work represents an initial examination of the Huff model as a method to approximate airport catchment areas, an essential next step is to conduct a quantitative calibration and validation of the model based on multiple airports, possibly leveraging local human mobility data such as call detail records or online social network data collected from mobile devices. Ultimately, we demonstrate how the Huff model could be potentially helpful to improve the precision of early warning systems that anticipate infectious disease spread, or to incorporate when local public health decision makers need to identify where to mobilize screening infrastructure or containment strategies at a local level. |
Human Monoclonal Antibody Derived from Transchromosomic (Tc) Cattle Neutralizes Multiple H1 Clades of Influenza A Virus by Recognizing a Novel Conformational Epitope in the HA Head Domain.
Gao R , Sreenivasan CC , Sheng Z , Hause BM , Zhou B , Wentworth DE , Clement T , Rausch D , Brunick C , Christopher-Hennings J , Wu H , Bausch CL , Sullivan EJ , Hoppe AD , Huber VC , Wang D , Li F . J Virol 2020 94 (22) ![]() Influenza remains a global health risk and challenge. Currently, NA inhibitors are extensively used to treat influenza, but their efficacy is compromised by the emergence of drug resistant variants. Neutralizing antibodies targeting influenza A virus surface glycoproteins are critical components of influenza therapeutic agents and may provide alternative strategies to the existing countermeasures. However, the major hurdle for the extensive application of antibody therapies lies in the difficulty of generating non-immunogenic antibodies in large quantities rapidly. Here, we report one human monoclonal antibody (mAb), 53C10, isolated from transchromosomic (Tc) cattle exhibits potent neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition titers against different clades of H1N1 subtype influenza A viruses. In vitro selection of antibody escape mutants reveals that 53C10 recognizes a novel non-continuous epitope in the HA head domain involving three amino acid residues, glycine (G), Serine (S) and glutamic acid (E) at positions172, 207 and 212, respectively. The results of our experiments supported a critical role for substitution of arginine at position 207 (S207R) in mediating resistance to 53C10, while substitutions at either G172E or E212A did not alter antibody recognition and neutralization. The E212A mutation may provide structural stability for the epitope, while the substitution G172E probably compensates for loss of fitness introduced by S207R. Our results offer novel insights into the mechanism of action of mAb 53C10 and indicate its potential role in therapeutic treatment of H1 influenza virus infection in humans.IMPORTANCE Respiratory diseases caused by influenza viruses still pose a serious concern to global health and neutralizing antibodies constitute a promising area of antiviral therapeutics. However, the potential application of antibodies is often hampered by the challenge in generating non-immunogenic antibodies in large scale. In the present study, the transchromosomic (Tc) cattle were used for the generation of non-immunogenic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and characterization of such mAbs revealed one monoclonal antibody 53C10, exhibiting a potent neutralization activity against H1N1 influenza viruses. Further characterization of the neutralization-escape mutant generated using this mAb, showed that three amino acid substitutions in the HA head domain contributed to the resistance. These findings emphasize the importance of Tc cattle in the production of non-immunogenic mAbs and highlight the potential of 53C10 mAb in the therapeutic application against H1 influenza virus infection in humans. |
Nationwide monitoring for Plasmodium falciparum drug-resistance alleles to chloroquine, sulfadoxine, and pyrimethamine, Haiti, 2016-2017
Rogier E , Herman C , Huber CS , Hamre KES , Pierre B , Mace KE , Presumé J , Mondélus G , Romilus I , Elismé T , Eisele TP , Druetz T , Existe A , Boncy J , Lemoine JF , Udhayakumar V , Chang MA . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (5) 902-909 Haiti is striving for zero local malaria transmission by the year 2025. Chloroquine remains the first-line treatment, and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) has been used for mass drug-administration pilot programs. In March 2016, nationwide molecular surveillance was initiated to assess molecular resistance signatures for chloroquine and SP. For 778 samples collected through December 2017, we used Sanger sequencing to investigate putative resistance markers to chloroquine (Pfcrt codons 72, 74, 75, and 76), sulfadoxine (Pfdhps codons 436, 437, 540, 581, 613), and pyrimethamine (Pfdhfr codons 50, 51, 59, 108, 164). No parasites harbored Pfcrt point mutations. Prevalence of the Pfdhfr S108N single mutation was 47%, and we found the triple mutant Pfdhfr haplotype (108N, 51I, and 59R) in a single isolate. We observed no Pfdhps variants except in 1 isolate (A437G mutation). These data confirm the lack of highly resistant chloroquine and SP alleles in Haiti and support the continued use of chloroquine and SP. |
Characteristics of persons who report using only nicotine-containing products among interviewed patients with e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury - Illinois, August-December 2019
Ghinai I , Navon L , Gunn JKL , Duca LM , Brister S , Love S , Brink R , Fajardo G , Johnson J , Saathoff-Huber L , King BA , Jones CM , Krishnasamy VP , Layden JE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (3) 84-89 In 2019, the United States experienced an outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) (1). Most EVALI patients have reported using tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products obtained from informal sources (2,3), and vitamin E acetate in these products has been closely linked with EVALI (4,5). However, some EVALI patients report using only nicotine-containing products. This study compared demographic, product use, and clinical characteristics of EVALI patients in Illinois who reported using only nicotine-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products with those of patients who reported using any THC-containing products. Among 121 interviewed Illinois EVALI patients, 17 (14%) reported using only nicotine-containing products, including nine (7%) patients who had no indication of any THC use, based on self-report or toxicology testing. Compared with patients who used any THC-containing products, these nine patients were significantly more likely to be older and female and were less likely to experience constitutional symptoms or to have leukocytosis on initial evaluation. Although vitamin E acetate has been strongly linked with EVALI, evidence is not sufficient to rule out the contribution of other chemicals of concern, including chemicals in either THC- or non-THC-containing products, in some reported EVALI cases. The contributing cause or causes of EVALI for patients reporting use of only nicotine-containing products warrants further investigation. |
Multiplex malaria antigen detection by bead-based assay and molecular confirmation by PCR shows no evidence of Pfhrp2 and Pfhrp3 deletion in Haiti.
Herman C , Huber CS , Jones S , Steinhardt L , Plucinski MM , Lemoine JF , Chang M , Barnwell JW , Udhayakumar V , Rogier E . Malar J 2019 18 (1) 380 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The Plasmodium falciparum parasite is the only human malaria that produces the histidine-rich protein 2 and 3 (HRP2/3) antigens. Currently, HRP2/3 are widely used in malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), but several global reports have recently emerged showing genetic deletion of one or both of these antigens in parasites. Deletion of these antigens could pose a major concern for P. falciparum diagnosis in Haiti which currently uses RDTs based solely on the detection of the HRP2/3 antigens. METHODS: From September 2012 through February 2014, dried blood spots (DBS) were collected in Haiti from 9317 febrile patients presenting to 17 health facilities in 5 departments throughout the country as part of a bed net intervention study. All DBS from RDT positive persons and a random sampling of DBS from RDT negative persons were assayed for P. falciparum DNA by nested and PET-PCR (n = 2695 total). All PCR positive samples (n = 331) and a subset of PCR negative samples (n = 95) were assayed for three malaria antigens by a multiplex bead assay: pan-Plasmodium aldolase (pAldo), pan-Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH), and HRP2/3. Any samples positive for P. falciparum DNA, but negative for HRP2/3 antigens were tested by nested PCR for Pfhrp2 and Pfhrp3 gene deletions. RESULTS: Of 2695 DBS tested for Plasmodium DNA, 345 (12.8%) were originally found to be positive for P. falciparum DNA; 331 of these had DBS available for antigen detection. Of these, 266 (80.4%) were positive for pAldo, 221 (66.8%) positive for pLDH, and 324 (97.9%) were positive for HRP2/3 antigens. Seven samples (2.1%) positive for P. falciparum DNA were not positive for any of the three antigens by the bead assay, and were investigated for potential Pfhrp2/3 gene deletion by PCR. These samples either successfully amplified Pfhrp2/3 genes or were at an estimated parasite density too low for sufficient DNA to perform successful genotyping. CONCLUSIONS: Malaria positive samples in multiple Haitian sites were found to contain the HRP2/3 antigens, and no evidence was found of Pfhrp2/3 deletions. Malaria RDTs based on the detection of the HRP2/3 antigens remain a reliable P. falciparum diagnostic tool as Haiti works towards malaria elimination. |
E-cigarette product use, or vaping, among persons with associated lung injury - Illinois and Wisconsin, April-September 2019
Ghinai I , Pray IW , Navon L , O'Laughlin K , Saathoff-Huber L , Hoots B , Kimball A , Tenforde MW , Chevinsky JR , Layer M , Ezike N , Meiman J , Layden JE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (39) 865-869 In July 2019, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services launched a coordinated epidemiologic investigation after receiving reports of several cases of lung injury in previously healthy persons who reported electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use, or vaping (1). This report describes features of e-cigarette product use by patients in Illinois and Wisconsin. Detailed patient interviews were conducted by telephone, in person, or via the Internet with 86 (68%) of 127 patients. Overall, 75 (87%) of 86 interviewed patients reported using e-cigarette products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and 61 (71%) reported using nicotine-containing products. Numerous products and brand names were identified by patients. Nearly all (96%) THC-containing products reported were packaged, prefilled cartridges, and 89% were primarily acquired from informal sources (e.g., friends, family members, illicit dealers, or off the street). In contrast, 77% of nicotine-containing products were sold as prefilled cartridges, and 83% were obtained from commercial vendors. The precise source of this outbreak is currently unknown (2); however, the predominant use of prefilled THC-containing cartridges among patients with lung injury associated with e-cigarette use suggests that they play an important role. While this investigation is ongoing, CDC recommends that persons consider refraining from using e-cigarette, or vaping, products, particularly those containing THC. Given the diversity of products reported and frequency of patients using both THC- and nicotine-containing e-cigarette products, additional methods such as product testing and traceback could help identify the specific cause of this outbreak. |
Pulmonary illness related to e-cigarette use in Illinois and Wisconsin - preliminary report
Layden JE , Ghinai I , Pray I , Kimball A , Layer M , Tenforde M , Navon L , Hoots B , Salvatore PP , Elderbrook M , Haupt T , Kanne J , Patel MT , Saathoff-Huber L , King BA , Schier JG , Mikosz CA , Meiman J . N Engl J Med 2019 382 (10) 903-916 BACKGROUND: E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that heat a liquid and deliver an aerosolized product to the user. Pulmonary illnesses related to e-cigarette use have been reported, but no large series has been described. In July 2019, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Illinois Department of Public Health received reports of pulmonary disease associated with the use of e-cigarettes (also called vaping) and launched a coordinated public health investigation. METHODS: We defined case patients as persons who reported use of e-cigarette devices and related products in the 90 days before symptom onset and had pulmonary infiltrates on imaging and whose illnesses were not attributed to other causes. Medical record abstraction and case patient interviews were conducted with the use of standardized tools. RESULTS: There were 53 case patients, 83% of whom were male; the median age of the patients was 19 years. The majority of patients presented with respiratory symptoms (98%), gastrointestinal symptoms (81%), and constitutional symptoms (100%). All case patients had bilateral infiltrates on chest imaging (which was part of the case definition). A total of 94% of the patients were hospitalized, 32% underwent intubation and mechanical ventilation, and one death was reported. A total of 84% of the patients reported having used tetrahydrocannabinol products in e-cigarette devices, although a wide variety of products and devices was reported. Syndromic surveillance data from Illinois showed that the mean monthly rate of visits related to severe respiratory illness in June through August of 2019 was twice the rate that was observed in the same months in 2018. CONCLUSIONS: Case patients presented with similar clinical characteristics. Although the features of e-cigarette use that were responsible for injury have not been identified, this cluster of illnesses represents an emerging clinical syndrome or syndromes. Additional work is needed to characterize the pathophysiology and to identify the definitive causes. |
Specificity of the IgG antibody response to Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, and Plasmodium ovale MSP119 subunit proteins in multiplexed serologic assays
Priest JW , Plucinski MM , Huber CS , Rogier E , Mao B , Gregory CJ , Candrinho B , Colborn J , Barnwell JW . Malar J 2018 17 (1) 417 BACKGROUND: Multiplex bead assays (MBA) that measure IgG antibodies to the carboxy-terminal 19-kDa sub-unit of the merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) are currently used to determine malaria seroprevalence in human populations living in areas with both stable and unstable transmission. However, the species specificities of the IgG antibody responses to the malaria MSP119 antigens have not been extensively characterized using MBA. METHODS: Recombinant Plasmodium falciparum (3D7), Plasmodium malariae (China I), Plasmodium ovale (Nigeria I), and Plasmodium vivax (Belem) MSP119 proteins were covalently coupled to beads for MBA. Threshold cut-off values for the assays were estimated using sera from US citizens with no history of foreign travel and by receiver operator characteristic curve analysis using diagnostic samples. Banked sera from experimentally infected chimpanzees, sera from humans from low transmission regions of Haiti and Cambodia (N = 12), and elutions from blood spots from humans selected from a high transmission region of Mozambique (N = 20) were used to develop an antigen competition MBA for antibody cross-reactivity studies. A sub-set of samples was further characterized using antibody capture/elution MBA, IgG subclass determination, and antibody avidity measurement. RESULTS: Total IgG antibody responses in experimentally infected chimpanzees were species specific and could be completely suppressed by homologous competitor protein at a concentration of 10 mug/ml. Eleven of 12 samples from the low transmission regions and 12 of 20 samples from the high transmission area had antibody responses that were completely species specific. For 7 additional samples, the P. falciparum MSP119 responses were species specific, but various levels of incomplete heterologous competition were observed for the non-P. falciparum assays. A pan-malaria MSP119 cross-reactive antibody response was observed in elutions of blood spots from two 20-30 years old Mozambique donors. The antibody response from one of these two donors had low avidity and skewed almost entirely to the IgG3 subclass. CONCLUSIONS: Even when P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale, and P. vivax are co-endemic in a high transmission setting, most antibody responses to MSP119 antigens are species-specific and are likely indicative of previous infection history. True pan-malaria cross-reactive responses were found to occur rarely. |
A multistate outbreak of human Salmonella agona infections associated with consumption of fresh, whole papayas imported from Mexico - United States, 2011
Mba-Jonas A , Culpepper W , Hill T , Cantu V , Loera J , Borders J , Saathoff-Huber L , Nsubuga J , Zambrana I , Dalton S , Williams I , Neil KP . Clin Infect Dis 2018 66 (11) 1756-1761 Background: Nontyphoidal Salmonella causes ~1 million food-borne infections annually in the United States. We began investigating a multistate outbreak of Salmonella serotype Agona infections in April 2011. Methods: A case was defined as infection with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Agona occurring between 1 January and 25 August 2011. We developed hypotheses through iterative interviews. Product distribution analyses and traceback investigations were conducted. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested papayas from Mexico for Salmonella. Results: We identified 106 case patients from 25 states. Their median age was 21 years (range, 1-91). Thirty-nine of 61 case patients (64%) reported Hispanic/Latino ethnicity; 11 of 65 (17%) travelled to Mexico before illness. Thirty-two of 56 case patients (57%) reported papaya consumption. Distribution analyses revealed that three firms, including Distributor A, distributed papaya to geographic areas that aligned with both the location and timing of illnesses. Traceback of papayas purchased by ill persons in four states identified Distributor A as the common supplier. FDA testing isolated the outbreak strain from a papaya sample collected at distributor A and from another sample collected at the US-Mexico border, destined for distributor A. FDA isolated Salmonella species from 62 of 388 papaya import samples (16%). The investigation led to a recall of fresh, whole papayas from Distributor A and an FDA import alert for all papayas from Mexico. Conclusions: This is the first reported Salmonella outbreak in the United States linked to fresh, whole papayas. The outbreak highlights important issues regarding the safety of imported produce. |
Temperature modulates dengue virus epidemic growth rates through its effects on reproduction numbers and generation intervals
Siraj AS , Oidtman RJ , Huber JH , Kraemer MUG , Brady OJ , Johansson MA , Perkins TA . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017 11 (7) e0005797 Epidemic growth rate, r, provides a more complete description of the potential for epidemics than the more commonly studied basic reproduction number, R0, yet the former has never been described as a function of temperature for dengue virus or other pathogens with temperature-sensitive transmission. The need to understand the drivers of epidemics of these pathogens is acute, with arthropod-borne virus epidemics becoming increasingly problematic. We addressed this need by developing temperature-dependent descriptions of the two components of r-R0 and the generation interval-to obtain a temperature-dependent description of r. Our results show that the generation interval is highly sensitive to temperature, decreasing twofold between 25 and 35 degrees C and suggesting that dengue virus epidemics may accelerate as temperatures increase, not only because of more infections per generation but also because of faster generations. Under the empirical temperature relationships that we considered, we found that r peaked at a temperature threshold that was robust to uncertainty in model parameters that do not depend on temperature. Although the precise value of this temperature threshold could be refined following future studies of empirical temperature relationships, the framework we present for identifying such temperature thresholds offers a new way to classify regions in which dengue virus epidemic intensity could either increase or decrease under future climate change. |
Molecular profile of malaria drug resistance markers of Plasmodium falciparum in Suriname.
Chenet SM , Akinyi Okoth S , Kelley J , Lucchi N , Huber CS , Vreden S , de Oliveira AM , Barnwell JW , Udhayakumar V , Adhin MR . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 61 (7) ![]() In Suriname, an artesunate monotherapy therapeutic efficacy trial was recently conducted to evaluate partial artemisinin resistance emerging in Plasmodium falciparum. We genotyped the PfK13 propeller domain of P. falciparum in forty samples as well as other mutations proposed to be associated with artemisinin resistant mutants. We did not find any mutations previously associated with artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia but we found fixed resistance mutations for chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Additionally, the Pfcrt C350R mutation, associated with reversal of CQ resistance and piperaquine selective pressure was present in 62% of the samples. Our results from neutral microsatellite data also confirmed a high parasite gene flow in the Guiana Shield. Although recruiting participants for therapeutic efficacy studies in very low malaria endemic areas is challenging due to the low number of malaria cases reported, conducting these studies along with molecular surveillance remains essential to monitor artemisinin resistant alleles and to characterize the population structure P. falciparum in areas targeting malaria elimination. |
Histidine-rich protein 2 (pfhrp2) and pfhrp3 gene deletions in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from select sites in Brazil and Bolivia.
Rachid Viana GM , Akinyi Okoth S , Silva-Flannery L , Lima Barbosa DR , Macedo de Oliveira A , Goldman IF , Morton LC , Huber C , Anez A , Dantas Machado RL , Aranha Camargo LM , Costa Negreiros do Valle S , Marins Povoa M , Udhayakumar V , Barnwell JW . PLoS One 2017 12 (3) e0171150 ![]() More than 80% of available malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are based on the detection of histidine-rich protein-2 (PfHRP2) for diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Recent studies have shown the genes that code for this protein and its paralog, histidine-rich protein-3 (PfHRP3), are absent in parasites from the Peruvian Amazon Basin. Lack of PfHRP2 protein through deletion of the pfhrp2 gene leads to false-negative RDT results for P. falciparum. We have evaluated the extent of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions in a convenience sample of 198 isolates from six sites in three states across the Brazilian Amazon Basin (Acre, Rondonia and Para) and 25 isolates from two sites in Bolivia collected at different times between 2010 and 2012. Pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene and their flanking genes on chromosomes 7 and 13, respectively, were amplified from 198 blood specimens collected in Brazil. In Brazil, the isolates collected in Acre state, located in the western part of the Brazilian Amazon, had the highest percentage of deletions for pfhrp2 25 (31.2%) of 79, while among those collected in Rondonia, the prevalence of pfhrp2 gene deletion was only 3.3% (2 out of 60 patients). In isolates from Para state, all parasites were pfhrp2-positive. In contrast, we detected high proportions of isolates from all 3 states that were pfhrp3-negative ranging from 18.3% (11 out of 60 samples) to 50.9% (30 out of 59 samples). In Bolivia, only one of 25 samples (4%) tested had deleted pfhrp2 gene, while 68% (17 out of 25 samples) were pfhrp3-negative. Among the isolates tested, P. falciparum pfhrp2 gene deletions were present mainly in those from Acre State in the Brazilian Amazon. These results indicate it is important to reconsider the use of PfHRP2-based RDTs in the western region of the Brazilian Amazon and to implement appropriate surveillance systems to monitor pfhrp2 gene deletions in this and other parts of the Amazon region. |
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