Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-26 (of 26 Records) |
Query Trace: Holzbauer SM[original query] |
Human health surveillance during animal disease emergencies: Minnesota Department of Health response to highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks, 2015 and 2022-2023
Scheftel JM , Schenk KE , Bauck LJ , Bye ML , Ireland MJ , Klumb CA , Kollmann LM , Smith KE , Voss SJ , Hoefs BL , Hunt LJ , Holzbauer SM . J Agromedicine 2025 1-12 OBJECTIVES: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) poses an occupational risk for poultry workers, responders, and others in contact with infected birds. The objective of this analysis was to describe HPAI surveillance methods and outcomes, and highlight the challenges, successes, and lessons learned during the Minnesota Department of Health's (MDH's) public health response to HPAI outbreaks in Minnesota poultry flocks in the years 2015 and 2022-2023. METHODS: During both outbreaks, MDH staff attempted to contact all potentially exposed people and conduct a standardized interview. People were considered exposed and at risk if they had entered a barn with poultry on any HPAI test-positive premises. With their consent, exposed persons were entered into illness monitoring until 10 days from their last exposure. In 2015, MDH monitored the health of poultry workers only. In the 2022-2023 response, MDH monitored the health of poultry workers, backyard flock owners, responders, and private contract workers. In 2022-2023, interview responses were entered into a REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) database in real time, which automatically entered the person into monitoring if they consented. Through REDCap, they received an automated email with a unique link to a short survey asking about any symptom development. Where appropriate, interview responses from poultry workers collected in 2015 were compared to interview responses from poultry workers collected in 2022-2023. RESULTS: From March 3 to June 5, 2015, MDH epidemiologists interviewed and evaluated 375 (86%) of 435 poultry workers from 110 HPAI-infected flocks. From March 25, 2022 through December 31, 2023, MDH epidemiologists interviewed and evaluated 649 (65%) of 992 poultry workers, responders, contractors, and backyard flock owners associated with 151 HPAI-infected flocks. Among poultry workers, self-reported personal protective equipment (PPE) usage declined significantly from 2015 to 2022-2023 (full PPE usage 51.8% vs. 23.9%, p < .01). CONCLUSION: MDH's long standing relationships with animal health officials and the poultry industry resulted in strong poultry worker participation rates in surveillance efforts during HPAI outbreaks in 2015 and 2022-2023. Self-reported PPE usage was low, particularly in 2022-2023. Improvements in PPE accessibility and technology are needed to protect workers and responders in the on-going HPAI outbreak. |
Characteristics of patients with initial clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) that are associated with increased risk of multiple CDI recurrences
Guh AY , Li R , Korhonen L , Winston LG , Parker E , Czaja CA , Johnston H , Basiliere E , Meek J , Olson D , Fridkin SK , Wilson LE , Perlmutter R , Holzbauer SM , D'Heilly P , Phipps EC , Flores KG , Dumyati GK , Pierce R , Ocampo VLS , Wilson CD , Watkins JJ , Gerding DN , McDonald LC . Open Forum Infect Dis 2024 11 (4) ofae127 BACKGROUND: Because interventions are available to prevent further recurrence in patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (rCDI), we identified predictors of multiple rCDI (mrCDI) in adults at the time of presentation with initial CDI (iCDI). METHODS: iCDI was defined as a positive C difficile test in any clinical setting during January 2018-August 2019 in a person aged ≥18 years with no known prior positive test. rCDI was defined as a positive test ≥14 days from the previous positive test within 180 days after iCDI; mrCDI was defined as ≥2 rCDI. We performed multivariable logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 18 829 patients with iCDI, 882 (4.7%) had mrCDI; 437 with mrCDI and 7484 without mrCDI had full chart reviews. A higher proportion of patients with mrCDI than without mrCDI were aged ≥65 years (57.2% vs 40.7%; P < .0001) and had healthcare (59.1% vs 46.9%; P < .0001) and antibiotic (77.3% vs 67.3%; P < .0001) exposures in the 12 weeks preceding iCDI. In multivariable analysis, age ≥65 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.55-2.35), chronic hemodialysis (aOR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.48-3.51), hospitalization (aOR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.33-2.01), and nitrofurantoin use (aOR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.18-3.23) in the 12 weeks preceding iCDI were associated with mrCDI. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with iCDI who are older, on hemodialysis, or had recent hospitalization or nitrofurantoin use had increased risk of mrCDI and may benefit from early use of adjunctive therapy to prevent mrCDI. If confirmed, these findings could aid in clinical decision making and interventional study designs. |
Fatal Human Rabies Infection with Suspected Host-mediated Failure of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following a Recognized Zoonotic Exposure-Minnesota, 2021.
Holzbauer SM , Schrodt CA , Prabhu RM , Asch-Kendrick RJ , Ireland M , Klumb C , Firestone MJ , Liu G , Harry K , Ritter JM , Levine MZ , Orciari LA , Wilkins K , Yager P , Gigante CM , Ellison JA , Zhao H , Niezgoda M , Li Y , Levis R , Scott D , Satheshkumar PS , Petersen BW , Rao AK , Bell WR , Bjerk SM , Forrest S , Gao W , Dasheiff R , Russell K , Pappas M , Kiefer J , Bickler W , Wiseman A , Jurantee J , Reichard RR , Smith KE , Lynfield R , Scheftel J , Wallace RM , Bonwitt J . Clin Infect Dis 2023 77 (8) 1201-1208 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: No rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) failure has been documented in humans in the United States using modern cell-culture vaccines. In January 2021, an 84-year-old male died from rabies six months after being bitten by a rabid bat despite receiving timely rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). We investigated the cause of breakthrough infection. METHODS: We reviewed medical records, laboratory results, and autopsy findings, and performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) to compare patient and bat virus sequences. Storage, administration, and integrity of PEP biologics administered to the patient were assessed; samples from leftover rabies immunoglobulin were evaluated for potency. We conducted risk assessments for persons potentially exposed to the bat and for close contacts of the patient. RESULTS: Rabies virus antibodies present in serum and cerebrospinal fluid were non-neutralizing. Antemortem blood testing revealed the patient had unrecognized monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Autopsy findings showed rabies meningoencephalitis and metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma. Rabies virus sequences from the patient and the offending bat were identical by WGS. No deviations were identified in potency, quality control, administration, or storage of administered PEP. Of 332 persons assessed for potential rabies exposure to the case patient, three (0.9%) warranted PEP. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported failure of rabies PEP in the Western Hemisphere using a cell culture vaccine. Host-mediated primary vaccine failure attributed to previously unrecognized impaired immunity is the most likely explanation for this breakthrough infection. Clinicians should consider measuring rabies neutralizing antibody titers after completion of PEP if there is any suspicion for immunocompromise. |
Comparison of the risk of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections among patients in 2018 versus 2013
Guh AY , Yi SH , Baggs J , Winston L , Parker E , Johnston H , Basiliere E , Olson D , Fridkin SK , Mehta N , Wilson L , Perlmutter R , Holzbauer SM , D'Heilly P , Phipps EC , Flores KG , Dumyati GK , Hatwar T , Pierce R , Ocampo VLS , Wilson CD , Watkins JJ , Korhonen L , Paulick A , Adamczyk M , Gerding DN , Reddy SC . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (9) ofac422 Among persons with an initial Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) across 10 US sites in 2018 compared with 2013, 18.3% versus 21.1% had 1 recurrent CDI (rCDI) within 180 days. We observed a 16% lower adjusted risk of rCDI in 2018 versus 2013 (P<.0001). |
Exposure Outcomes in Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Personnel with Known SARS-CoV-2 Exposure-Minnesota, January-August 2021.
Ruhland A , Fell A , Holzbauer SM , D'Heilly P , Curtis K , Wick H , Friedman B , Mumm E , Ireland M , Estey-Dix C , Betts-Roelike M , Beaudoin A . Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 (12) 2247-2249 ![]() Healthcare personnel (HCP) are at potential risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in occupational and non-occupational settings, even when fully vaccinated. This risk has increased during Delta variant circulation. SARS-CoV-2 testing of fully vaccinated HCP working in the 14 days after exposure is important to prevent virus introduction into healthcare settings. |
Use of Serial Testing to Interrupt a SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak on a Hospital Medical Floor - Minnesota, October-December 2020.
Prabhu RM , Firestone MJ , Bergman KL , Beaudoin AL , Hale T , Lorentz AJ , Garfin J , Wang X , Holzbauer SM . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2023 44 (3) 427-432 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: Describe a severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) hospital outbreak and the role of serial testing of patients and healthcare personnel (HCP) in interrupting SARS-CoV-2 transmission. DESIGN: Outbreak investigation. SETTING: Medical floor of a tertiary-care center in Minnesota. METHODS: Serial testing for SARS-CoV-2 and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of positive specimens from HCP and patients were used. An outbreak-associated case was defined as a positive SARS-CoV-2 molecular test in an HCP who worked on the floor prior to testing positive or in a patient who was hospitalized on the medical floor bewteen October 27 and December 1, 2020. WGS was used to determine potential routes of transmission. RESULTS: The outbreak was detected after a patient hospitalized for 12 days tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Serial testing of patients and HCP was conducted in response. Overall, 247 HCP and 41 patients participated in serial SARS-CoV-2 testing; 52 HCP (21%) and 19 hospitalized patients (46%) tested positive. One additional HCP tested positive outside serial testing. The WGS of specimens from 27 (51%) HCP and 15 (79%) patients identified 3 distinct transmission clusters. WGS and epidemiologic evidence suggested intrafacility transmission. The proportions of asymptomatic and presymptomatic patients who tested positive (63%) and HCP who worked during their infectious period (75%) highlight the need for serial testing of asymptomatic patients and HCP during outbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: Coupled with preventive measures such as personal protective equipment use and physical distancing, serial testing of HCP and patients could help detect and prevent transmission within healthcare facilities during outbreaks and when nosocomial transmission is suspected. |
Association between socioeconomic status and incidence of community-associated Clostridioides difficile infection - United States, 2014-2015
Skrobarcek KA , Mu Y , Ahern J , Basiliere E , Beldavs ZG , Brousseau G , Dumyati G , Fridkin S , Holzbauer SM , Johnston H , Kainer MA , Meek J , Ocampo VLS , Parker E , Perlmutter R , Phipps EC , Winston L , Guh A . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (4) 722-725 We evaluated the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and community-associated Clostridioides difficile infection (CA-CDI) incidence across 2474 census tracts in 10 states. Highly correlated community-level SES variables were transformed into distinct factors using factor analysis. We found low SES communities were associated with higher CA-CDI incidence. |
Evaluation of viral co-infections among patients with community-associated Clostridioides difficile infection
Korhonen L , Cohen J , Gregoricus N , Farley MM , Perlmutter R , Holzbauer SM , Dumyati G , Beldavs Z , Paulick A , Vinjé J , Limbago BM , Lessa FC , Guh AY . PLoS One 2020 15 (10) e0240549 We assessed viral co-infections in 155 patients with community-associated Clostridioides difficile infection in five U.S. sites during December 2012-February 2013. Eighteen patients (12%) tested positive for norovirus (n = 10), adenovirus (n = 4), rotavirus (n = 3), or sapovirus (n = 1). Co-infected patients were more likely than non-co-infected patients to have nausea or vomiting (56% vs 31%; p = 0.04), suggesting that viral co-pathogens contributed to symptoms in some patients. There were no significant differences in prior healthcare or medication exposures or in CDI complications. |
Hospitalizations and deaths associated with EVALI
Werner AK , Koumans EH , Chatham-Stephens K , Salvatore PP , Armatas C , Byers P , Clark CR , Ghinai I , Holzbauer SM , Navarette KA , Danielson ML , Ellington S , Moritz ED , Petersen EE , Kiernan EA , Baldwin GT , Briss P , Jones CM , King BA , Krishnasamy V , Rose DA , Reagan-Steiner S . N Engl J Med 2020 382 (17) 1589-1598 BACKGROUND: As of January 7, 2020, a total of 2558 hospitalized patients with nonfatal cases and 60 patients with fatal cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) had been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). METHODS: In a national study, we compared the characteristics of patients with fatal cases of EVALI with those of patients with nonfatal cases to improve the ability of clinicians to identify patients at increased risk for death from the condition. Health departments reported cases of EVALI to the CDC and included, when available, data from medical-record abstractions and patient interviews. Analyses included all the patients with fatal or nonfatal cases of EVALI that were reported to the CDC as of January 7, 2020. We also present three case reports of patients who died from EVALI to illustrate the clinical characteristics common among such patients. RESULTS: Most of the patients with fatal or nonfatal cases of EVALI were male (32 of 60 [53%] and 1666 of 2498 [67%], respectively). The proportion of patients with fatal or nonfatal cases was higher among those who were non-Hispanic white (39 of 49 [80%] and 1104 of 1818 [61%], respectively) than among those in other race or ethnic groups. The proportion of patients with fatal cases was higher among those 35 years of age or older (44 of 60 [73%]) than among those younger than 35 years, but the proportion with nonfatal cases was lower among those 35 years of age or older (551 of 2514 [22%]). Among the patients who had an available medical history, a higher proportion of those with fatal cases than those with nonfatal cases had a history of asthma (13 of 57 [23%] vs. 102 of 1297 [8%]), cardiac disease (26 of 55 [47%] vs. 115 of 1169 [10%]), or a mental health condition (32 of 49 [65%] vs. 575 of 1398 [41%]). A total of 26 of 50 patients (52%) with fatal cases had obesity. Half the patients with fatal cases (25 of 54 [46%]) were seen in an outpatient setting before hospitalization or death. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic conditions, including cardiac and respiratory diseases and mental health conditions, were common among hospitalized patients with EVALI. |
Trends in U.S. burden of Clostridioides difficile infection and outcomes
Guh AY , Mu Y , Winston LG , Johnston H , Olson D , Farley MM , Wilson LE , Holzbauer SM , Phipps EC , Dumyati GK , Beldavs ZG , Kainer MA , Karlsson M , Gerding DN , McDonald LC . N Engl J Med 2020 382 (14) 1320-1330 BACKGROUND: Efforts to prevent Clostridioides difficile infection continue to expand across the health care spectrum in the United States. Whether these efforts are reducing the national burden of C. difficile infection is unclear. METHODS: The Emerging Infections Program identified cases of C. difficile infection (stool specimens positive for C. difficile in a person >/=1 year of age with no positive test in the previous 8 weeks) in 10 U.S. sites. We used case and census sampling weights to estimate the national burden of C. difficile infection, first recurrences, hospitalizations, and in-hospital deaths from 2011 through 2017. Health care-associated infections were defined as those with onset in a health care facility or associated with recent admission to a health care facility; all others were classified as community-associated infections. For trend analyses, we used weighted random-intercept models with negative binomial distribution and logistic-regression models to adjust for the higher sensitivity of nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) as compared with other test types. RESULTS: The number of cases of C. difficile infection in the 10 U.S. sites was 15,461 in 2011 (10,177 health care-associated and 5284 community-associated cases) and 15,512 in 2017 (7973 health care-associated and 7539 community-associated cases). The estimated national burden of C. difficile infection was 476,400 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 419,900 to 532,900) in 2011 and 462,100 cases (95% CI, 428,600 to 495,600) in 2017. With accounting for NAAT use, the adjusted estimate of the total burden of C. difficile infection decreased by 24% (95% CI, 6 to 36) from 2011 through 2017; the adjusted estimate of the national burden of health care-associated C. difficile infection decreased by 36% (95% CI, 24 to 54), whereas the adjusted estimate of the national burden of community-associated C. difficile infection was unchanged. The adjusted estimate of the burden of hospitalizations for C. difficile infection decreased by 24% (95% CI, 0 to 48), whereas the adjusted estimates of the burden of first recurrences and in-hospital deaths did not change significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated national burden of C. difficile infection and associated hospitalizations decreased from 2011 through 2017, owing to a decline in health care-associated infections. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). |
Treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection and non-compliance with treatment guidelines in adults in 10 US geographical locations, 2013-2015
Novosad SA , Mu Y , Winston LG , Johnston H , Basiliere E , Olson DM , Farley MM , Revis A , Wilson L , Perlmutter R , Holzbauer SM , Whitten T , Phipps EC , Dumyati GK , Beldavs ZG , Ocampo VLS , Davis CM , Kainer M , Gerding DN , Guh AY . J Gen Intern Med 2019 35 (2) 412-419 BACKGROUND: Infectious Diseases Society of America/Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (IDSA/SHEA) guidelines describe recommended therapy for Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). OBJECTIVE: To describe CDI treatment and, among those with severe CDI, determine predictors of adherence to the 2010 IDSA/SHEA treatment guidelines. DESIGN: We analyzed 2013-2015 CDI treatment data collected through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Emerging Infections Program. Generalized linear mixed models were used to identify predictors of guideline-adherent therapy. PATIENTS: A CDI case was defined as a positive stool specimen in a person aged >/= 18 years without a positive test in the prior 8 weeks; severe CDI cases were defined as having a white blood cell count >/= 15,000 cells/mul. MAIN MEASURES: Prescribing and predictors of guideline-adherent CDI therapy for severe disease. KEY RESULTS: Of 18,243 cases, 14,257 (78%) were treated with metronidazole, 7683 (42%) with vancomycin, and 313 (2%) with fidaxomicin. The median duration of therapy was 14 (interquartile range, 11-15) days. Severe CDI was identified in 3250 (18%) cases; of 3121 with treatment data available, 1480 (47%) were prescribed guideline-adherent therapy. Among severe CDI cases, hospital admission (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.48; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.90, 3.24), age >/= 65 years (aOR 1.37; 95% CI 1.10, 1.71), Charlson comorbidity index >/= 3 (aOR 1.27; 95% CI 1.04, 1.55), immunosuppressive therapy (aOR 1.21; 95% CI 1.02, 1.42), and inflammatory bowel disease (aOR 1.56; 95% CI 1.13, 2.17) were associated with being prescribed guideline-adherent therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Provider adherence to the 2010 treatment guidelines for severe CDI was low. Although the updated 2017 CDI guidelines, which expand the use of oral vancomycin for all CDI, might improve adherence by removing the need to apply severity criteria, other efforts to improve adherence are likely needed, including educating providers and addressing barriers to prescribing guideline-adherent therapy, particularly in outpatient settings. |
Seroprevalence of Brucella canis antibodies in dogs entering a Minnesota humane society, Minnesota, 20162017
Whitten TV , Brayshaw G , Patnayak D , Alvarez J , Larson CM , Root Kustritz M , Holzbauer SM , Torrison J , Scheftel JM . Prev Vet Med 2019 168 90-94 Background: Canine brucellosis, caused by the bacterium Brucella canis, is a zoonotic and largely reproductive disease of dogs. The disease is a recognized problem in canine breeding populations, and the risk to individuals assisting with birthing is well described. Prior to 2015, all cases of canine brucellosis reported to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health were in dogs used for breeding. In 2015, canine brucellosis was identified in eight Minnesota rescue dogs, all originating from specific geographic areas in South Dakota. Our objective was to measure the seroprevalence of B. canis in stray and previously owned dogs entering a large Minnesota animal rescue organization to determine if our observations represented a localized or generalized disease issue among rescue dogs. Methods: A stratified random sample of stray and previously owned dogs entering the largest Minnesota animal rescue organization between November 1, 2016 and November 7, 2017, was tested for B. canis antibodies by the 2-Mercaptoethanol Rapid Slide Agglutination Test (2ME-RSAT)(Zoetis D-TEC (R) CB kit). Sample sizes for each strata were calculated using previously published seroprevalence estimates. Blood from selected dogs was collected, serum harvested, and transported to the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for testing. Positive samples in the 2ME-RSAT were shipped to Cornell University for confirmation by Agarose Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID)testing. Demographics, state and setting of origin, and health status were collected on study-dogs. Results: Of the 10,654 dogs accepted by AHS during the study period, 943 (8.9%)were selected for testing. Most study dogs arrived from Oklahoma (28%), Alabama (18%), and Minnesota (12%). The median age of study dogs was 1.5 years; 303 (32%) were intact males and 294 (31%) were intact females. Most study dogs were strays (n = 716, 76%). Of the total, 22 (3.1%)stray and eight (3.5%)owner-surrendered dogs were presumptively positive by RSAT; one (0.11%)of the stray dogs was positive by 2ME-RSAT and confirmed by AGID. The positive dog was a healthy-appearing 1 year-old neutered male beagle from Texas. Conclusions: The seroprevalence of canine brucellosis in dogs entering Minnesota for adoption from multiple states was low. Never-the-less, care must to be taken to consider all potential risks and outcomes of interstate and international dog trade, including the spread of infectious diseases such as canine brucellosis. |
Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists
Tomczyk S , Whitten T , Holzbauer SM , Lynfield R . Gen Dent 2018 66 (5) 61-68 Adherence to clinical guidelines is recommended to promote appropriate antibiotic use in dentistry and address concerns about increasing antibiotic resistance. Guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures were updated in 2007 and 2015. In an effort to inform antibiotic stewardship efforts, a study was undertaken to assess the knowledge of antibiotic usage guidelines and antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists. During September 2015, a 22-question online survey was sent to the state dental association membership. Among 437 respondents, dentists reported a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with "high-risk conditions" (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current guidelines, such as an upcoming vacation for the patient (38%), gingival pain (38%), legal concerns (24%), patient demand (22%), and failed local anesthesia (21%). Dentists defined high-risk conditions as a history of infective endocarditis (75%), prosthetic cardiac valve (70%), selected congenital heart disease (68%), cardiac transplantation with cardiac valvulopathy (4%), and primary care physician recommendation (59%). In addition, some dentists assigned a high-risk category to conditions that do not fall within current guideline recommendations, including prosthetic joints (39%), poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (27%), human immunodeficiency virus (18%), chronic kidney disease (13%), mitral valve prolapse (11%), all congenital heart disease (4%), and well-controlled type 2 diabetes (1%). Respondents indicated that common challenges to stewardship of antibiotic use included perceived conflicting provider guidelines (44%), conflicting scientific evidence (44%), or lack of information on antibiotic selection (19%) or risks (23%). Dentists reported greater antibiotic use than currently recommended by existing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence. |
Trends in incidence of long-term-care facility onset Clostridium difficile infections in 10 US geographic locations during 2011-2015
Guh AY , Mu Y , Baggs J , Winston LG , Bamberg W , Lyons C , Farley MM , Wilson LE , Holzbauer SM , Phipps EC , Beldavs ZG , Kainer MA , Karlsson M , Gerding DN , Dumyati G . Am J Infect Control 2018 46 (7) 840-842 During 2011-2015, the adjusted long-term-care facility onset Clostridium difficile infection incidence rate in persons aged >/=65 years decreased annually by 17.45% (95% confidence interval, 14.53%-20.43%) across 10 US sites. A concomitant decline in inpatient fluoroquinolone use and the C difficile epidemic strain NAP1/027 among persons aged >/=65 years may have contributed to the decrease in long-term-care facility-onset C difficile infection incidence rate. |
Risk Factors for Community-Associated Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults: A Case-Control Study
Guh AY , Adkins SH , Li Q , Bulens SN , Farley MM , Smith Z , Holzbauer SM , Whitten T , Phipps EC , Hancock EB , Dumyati G , Concannon C , Kainer MA , Rue B , Lyons C , Olson DM , Wilson L , Perlmutter R , Winston LG , Parker E , Bamberg W , Beldavs ZG , Ocampo V , Karlsson M , Gerding DN , McDonald LC . Open Forum Infect Dis 2017 4 (4) ofx171 BACKGROUND: An increasing proportion of Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) in the United States are community-associated (CA). We conducted a case-control study to identify CA-CDI risk factors. METHODS: We enrolled participants from 10 US sites during October 2014-March 2015. Case patients were defined as persons age ≥18 years with a positive C. difficile specimen collected as an outpatient or within 3 days of hospitalization who had no admission to a health care facility in the prior 12 weeks and no prior CDI diagnosis. Each case patient was matched to one control (persons without CDI). Participants were interviewed about relevant exposures; multivariate conditional logistic regression was performed. RESULTS: Of 226 pairs, 70.4% were female and 52.2% were ≥60 years old. More case patients than controls had prior outpatient health care (82.1% vs 57.9%; P < .0001) and antibiotic (62.2% vs 10.3%; P < .0001) exposures. In multivariate analysis, antibiotic exposure-that is, cephalosporin (adjusted matched odds ratio [AmOR], 19.02; 95% CI, 1.13-321.39), clindamycin (AmOR, 35.31; 95% CI, 4.01-311.14), fluoroquinolone (AmOR, 30.71; 95% CI, 2.77-340.05) and beta-lactam and/or beta-lactamase inhibitor combination (AmOR, 9.87; 95% CI, 2.76-340.05),-emergency department visit (AmOR, 17.37; 95% CI, 1.99-151.22), white race (AmOR 7.67; 95% CI, 2.34-25.20), cardiac disease (AmOR, 4.87; 95% CI, 1.20-19.80), chronic kidney disease (AmOR, 12.12; 95% CI, 1.24-118.89), and inflammatory bowel disease (AmOR, 5.13; 95% CI, 1.27-20.79) were associated with CA-CDI. CONCLUSIONS: Antibiotics remain an important risk factor for CA-CDI, underscoring the importance of appropriate outpatient prescribing. Emergency departments might be an environmental source of CDI; further investigation of their contribution to CDI transmission is needed. |
Determinants of Clostridium difficile infection incidence across diverse United States geographic locations
Lessa FC , Mu Y , Winston LG , Dumyati GK , Farley MM , Beldavs ZG , Kast K , Holzbauer SM , Meek JI , Cohen J , McDonald LC , Fridkin SK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2014 1 (2) ofu048 BACKGROUND: Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is no longer restricted to hospital settings, and population-based incidence measures are needed. Understanding the determinants of CDI incidence will allow for more meaningful comparisons of rates and accurate national estimates. METHODS: Data from active population- and laboratory-based CDI surveillance in 7 US states were used to identify CDI cases (ie, residents with positive C difficile stool specimen without a positive test in the prior 8 weeks). Cases were classified as community-associated (CA) if stool was collected as outpatients or ≤3 days of admission and no overnight healthcare facility stay in the past 12 weeks; otherwise, cases were classified as healthcare-associated (HA). Two regression models, one for CA-CDI and another for HA-CDI, were built to evaluate predictors of high CDI incidence. Site-specific incidence was adjusted based on the regression models. RESULTS: Of 10 062 cases identified, 32% were CA. Crude incidence varied by geographic area; CA-CDI ranged from 28.2 to 79.1/100 000 and HA-CDI ranged from 45.7 to 155.9/100 000. Independent predictors of higher CA-CDI incidence were older age, white race, female gender, and nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) use. For HA-CDI, older age and a greater number of inpatient-days were predictors. After adjusting for relevant predictors, the range of incidence narrowed greatly; CA-CDI rates ranged from 30.7 to 41.3/100 000 and HA-CDI rates ranged from 58.5 to 94.8/100 000. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in CDI incidence across geographic areas can be partially explained by differences in NAAT use, age, race, sex, and inpatient-days. Variation in antimicrobial use may contribute to the remaining differences in incidence. |
Burden of nursing home-onset Clostridium difficile infection in the united states: Estimates of incidence and patient outcomes
Hunter JC , Mu Y , Dumyati GK , Farley MM , Winston LG , Johnston HL , Meek JI , Perlmutter R , Holzbauer SM , Beldavs ZG , Phipps EC , Dunn JR , Cohen JA , Avillan J , Stone ND , Gerding DN , McDonald LC , Lessa FC . Open Forum Infect Dis 2016 3 (1) ofv196 BACKGROUND: Approximately 4 million Americans receive nursing home (NH) care annually. Nursing home residents commonly have risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), including advanced age and antibiotic exposures. We estimated national incidence of NH-onset (NHO) CDI and patient outcomes. METHODS: We identified NHO-CDI cases from population-based surveillance of 10 geographic areas in the United States. Cases were defined by C difficile-positive stool collected in an NH (or from NH residents in outpatient settings or ≤3 days after hospital admission) without a positive stool in the prior 8 weeks. Medical records were reviewed on a sample of cases. Incidence was estimated using regression models accounting for age and laboratory testing method; sampling weights were applied to estimate hospitalizations, recurrences, and deaths. RESULTS: A total of 3503 NHO-CDI cases were identified. Among 262 sampled cases, median age was 82 years, 76% received antibiotics in the 12 weeks prior to the C difficile-positive specimen, and 57% were discharged from a hospital in the month before specimen collection. After adjusting for age and testing method, the 2012 national estimate for NHO-CDI incidence was 112 800 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 93 400-131 800); 31 400 (28%) were hospitalized within 7 days after a positive specimen (95% CI, 25 500-37 300), 20 900 (19%) recurred within 14-60 days (95% CI, 14 600-27 100), and 8700 (8%) died within 30 days (95% CI, 6600-10 700). CONCLUSIONS: Nursing home onset CDI is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Strategies focused on infection prevention in NHs and appropriate antibiotic use in both NHs and acute care settings may decrease the burden of NHO CDI. |
Survey of occupational hazards in Minnesota veterinary practices in 2012
Fowler HN , Holzbauer SM , Smith KE , Scheftel JM . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2016 248 (2) 207-18 OBJECTIVE: To identify the scope of occupational hazards encountered by veterinary personnel and compare hazard exposures between veterinarians and technicians working in small and large animal practices. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. POPULATION: Licensed veterinarians and veterinary staff in Minnesota. PROCEDURES: A survey of Minnesota veterinary personnel was conducted between February 1 and December 1, 2012. Adult veterinary personnel working in clinical practice for > 12 months were eligible to participate. Information was collected on various workplace hazards as well as on workplace safety culture. RESULTS: 831 eligible people responded, representing approximately 10% of Minnesota veterinary personnel. A greater proportion of veterinarians (93%; 368/394) reported having received preexposure rabies vaccinations than did veterinary technicians (54%; 198/365). During their career, 226 (27%) respondents had acquired at least 1 zoonotic infection and 636 (77%) had been injured by a needle or other sharps. Recapping of needles was reported by 87% of respondents; the most common reason reported by veterinarians (41%; 142/345) and veterinary technicians (71%; 238/333) was being trained to do so at school or work. Recent feelings of depression were reported by 204 (25%) respondents. A greater proportion of technicians (42%; 155/365) than veterinarians (21%; 81/394) indicated working in an environment in which employees experienced some form of workplace abuse. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinary personnel in Minnesota were exposed to several work-related hazards. Practice staff should assess workplace hazards, implement controls, and incorporate instruction on occupational health into employee training. |
Risk factors for suicide, attitudes toward mental illness, and practice-related stressors among US veterinarians
Nett RJ , Witte TK , Holzbauer SM , Elchos BL , Campagnolo ER , Musgrave KJ , Carter KK , Kurkjian KM , Vanicek CF , O'Leary DR , Pride KR , Funk RH . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2015 247 (8) 945-55 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of suicide risk factors, attitudes toward mental illness, and practice-related stressors among US veterinarians. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SAMPLE: 11,627 US veterinarians. PROCEDURES: Between July 1 and October 20, 2014, a Web-based questionnaire was made available through the Veterinary Information Network (VIN), VIN News Service, JAVMA News, and email messages to US veterinarians sent by a veterinary medical association, agriculture or livestock department, or health department of each state (except Maine) and Puerto Rico. RESULTS: Of 11,627 respondents, 3,628 (31%) were male. Modal age category was 30 to 39 years, and modal range for years practicing veterinary medicine was 10 to 19 years. There were 7,460 (64%) respondents who primarily practiced small animal medicine, and 4,224 (36%) who were practice owners. There were 1,077 (9%) respondents with current serious psychological distress. Since leaving veterinary school, 3,655 (31%) respondents experienced depressive episodes, 1,952 (17%) experienced suicidal ideation, and 157 (1%) attempted suicide. Currently, 2,228 (19%) respondents were receiving treatment for a mental health condition. Only 3,250 of 10,220 (32%) respondents somewhat or strongly agreed that people are sympathetic toward persons with mental illness. The most commonly reported practice-related stressor was demands of practice. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In this survey, approximately 1 in 11 veterinarians had serious psychological distress and 1 in 6 experienced suicidal ideation since leaving veterinary school. Implementing measures to help veterinarians cope with practice-related stressors and reducing barriers veterinarians face in seeking mental health treatment might reduce the risk for suicide among veterinarians. |
Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in the United States
Lessa FC , Mu Y , Bamberg WM , Beldavs ZG , Dumyati GK , Dunn JR , Farley MM , Holzbauer SM , Meek JI , Phipps EC , Wilson LE , Winston LG , Cohen JA , Limbago BM , Fridkin SK , Gerding DN , McDonald LC . N Engl J Med 2015 372 (9) 825-34 BACKGROUND: The magnitude and scope of Clostridium difficile infection in the United States continue to evolve. METHODS: In 2011, we performed active population- and laboratory-based surveillance across 10 geographic areas in the United States to identify cases of C. difficile infection (stool specimens positive for C. difficile on either toxin or molecular assay in residents ≥ 1 year of age). Cases were classified as community-associated or health care-associated. In a sample of cases of C. difficile infection, specimens were cultured and isolates underwent molecular typing. We used regression models to calculate estimates of national incidence and total number of infections, first recurrences, and deaths within 30 days after the diagnosis of C. difficile infection. RESULTS: A total of 15,461 cases of C. difficile infection were identified in the 10 geographic areas; 65.8% were health care-associated, but only 24.2% had onset during hospitalization. After adjustment for predictors of disease incidence, the estimated number of incident C. difficile infections in the United States was 453,000 (95% confidence interval [CI], 397,100 to 508,500). The incidence was estimated to be higher among females (rate ratio, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.25 to 1.27), whites (rate ratio, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.56 to 2.0), and persons 65 years of age or older (rate ratio, 8.65; 95% CI, 8.16 to 9.31). The estimated number of first recurrences of C. difficile infection was 83,000 (95% CI, 57,000 to 108,900), and the estimated number of deaths was 29,300 (95% CI, 16,500 to 42,100). The North American pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type 1 (NAP1) strain was more prevalent among health care-associated infections than among community-associated infections (30.7% vs. 18.8%, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: C. difficile was responsible for almost half a million infections and was associated with approximately 29,000 deaths in 2011. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). |
Notes from the field: prevalence of risk factors for suicide among veterinarians - United States, 2014
Nett RJ , Witte TK , Holzbauer SM , Elchos BL , Campagnolo ER , Musgrave KJ , Carter KK , Kurkjian KM , Vanicek C , O'Leary DR , Pride KR , Funk RH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (5) 131-132 Veterinarians are believed to be at increased risk for suicide compared with the general population. Few data on the occurrence of suicidal behavior and suicide risk factors among U.S. veterinarians are available. Veterinarians participating in two wellness summits held during September 2013 concluded that more research is needed on veterinarians and their mental health. |
Outbreak of Trichinella spiralis infections associated with a wild boar hunted at a game farm in Iowa
Holzbauer SM , Agger WA , Hall RL , Johnson GM , Schmitt D , Garvey A , Bishop HS , Rivera H , de Almeida ME , Hill D , Stromberg BE , Lynfield R , Smith KE . Clin Infect Dis 2014 59 (12) 1750-6 BACKGROUND: Rates of trichinellosis have declined significantly in the United States due to improved pork production practices and public awareness of the danger of eating raw or undercooked pork. In April 2011, the Minnesota Department of Health received a report of presumptive trichinellosis in a 50 year-old male with a history of wild boar consumption. A public health investigation was initiated. METHODS: Medical records reviews and patient and family interviews were conducted. Trichinella sp. serology was performed on patient and family serum samples, and larval identification was attempted on clinical specimens and meat samples. RESULTS: The index patient harvested a wild boar from an Iowa game farm; he processed the meat after returning home and developed gastrointestinal symptoms 2 days later. Four days after his illness onset, all five family members consumed a roast from the boar. The index-patient sought healthcare four times after illness onset before being definitively diagnosed with trichinellosis. Following initiation of albendazole therapy, the index-patient developed atrial fibrillation. One additional family member who processed the raw meat was diagnosed with trichinellosis. Trichinella spiralis larvae were identified in wild boar meat samples. CONCLUSIONS: Trichinellosis has long been recognized as a potential hazard of consuming undercooked wild carnivore meat and historically in pork from domestic swine but may be unfamiliar to practicing clinicians in the US. Education of hunters and the broader population on the potential for trichinellosis and the importance of proper handling and cooking meat from wild or free-range animals needs to be reinforced. |
Clostridium difficile infection among children across diverse US geographic locations
Wendt JM , Cohen JA , Mu Y , Dumyati GK , Dunn JR , Holzbauer SM , Winston LG , Johnston HL , Meek JI , Farley MM , Wilson LE , Phipps EC , Beldavs ZG , Gerding DN , McDonald LC , Gould CV , Lessa FC . Pediatrics 2014 133 (4) 651-8 OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) among children, particularly children ≤3 years of age in whom colonization is common but pathogenicity uncertain. We sought to describe pediatric CDI incidence, clinical presentation, and outcomes across age groups. METHODS: Data from an active population- and laboratory-based CDI surveillance in 10 US geographic areas during 2010-2011 were used to identify cases (ie, residents with C difficile-positive stool without a positive test in the previous 8 weeks). Community-associated (CA) cases had stool collected as outpatients or ≤3 days after hospital admission and no overnight health care facility stay in the previous 12 weeks. A convenience sample of CA cases were interviewed. Demographic, exposure, and clinical data for cases aged 1 to 17 years were compared across 4 age groups: 1 year, 2 to 3 years, 4 to 9 years, and 10 to 17 years. RESULTS: Of 944 pediatric CDI cases identified, 71% were CA. CDI incidence per 100 000 children was highest among 1-year-old (66.3) and white (23.9) cases. The proportion of cases with documented diarrhea (72%) or severe disease (8%) was similar across age groups; no cases died. Among the 84 cases interviewed who reported diarrhea on the day of stool collection, 73% received antibiotics during the previous 12 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Similar disease severity across age groups suggests an etiologic role for C difficile in the high rates of CDI observed in younger children. Prevention efforts to reduce unnecessary antimicrobial use among young children in outpatient settings should be prioritized. |
Epidemiology of community-associated clostridium difficile infection, 2009 Through 2011
Chitnis AS , Holzbauer SM , Belflower RM , Winston LG , Bamberg WM , Lyons C , Farley MM , Dumyati GK , Wilson LE , Beldavs ZG , Dunn JR , Gould LH , Maccannell DR , Gerding DN , McDonald LC , Lessa FC . JAMA Intern Med 2013 173 (14) 1359-67 IMPORTANCE Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been increasingly reported among healthy individuals in the community. Recent data suggest that community-associated CDI represents one-third of all C difficile cases. The epidemiology and potential sources of C difficile in the community are not fully understood. OBJECTIVES To determine epidemiological and clinical characteristics of community-associated CDI and to explore potential sources of C difficile acquisition in the community. DESIGN AND SETTING Active population-based and laboratory-based CDI surveillance in 8 US states. PARTICIPANTS Medical records were reviewed and interviews performed to assess outpatient, household, and food exposures among patients with community-associated CDI (ie, toxin or molecular assay positive for C difficile and no overnight stay in a health care facility within 12 weeks). Molecular characterization of C difficile isolates was performed. Outpatient health care exposure in the prior 12 weeks among patients with community-associated CDI was a priori categorized into the following 3 levels: no exposure, low-level exposure (ie, outpatient visit with physician or dentist), or high-level exposure (ie, surgery, dialysis, emergency or urgent care visit, inpatient care with no overnight stay, or health care personnel with direct patient care). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Prevalence of outpatient health care exposure among patients with community-associated CDI and identification of potential sources of C difficile by level of outpatient health care exposure. RESULTS Of 984 patients with community-associated CDI, 353 (35.9%) did not receive antibiotics, 177 (18.0%) had no outpatient health care exposure, and 400 (40.7%) had low-level outpatient health care exposure. Thirty-one percent of patients without antibiotic exposure received proton pump inhibitors. Patients having CDI with no or low-level outpatient health care exposure were more likely to be exposed to infants younger than 1 year (P = .04) and to household members with active CDI (P = .05) compared with those having high-level outpatient health care exposure. No association between food exposure or animal exposure and level of outpatient health care exposure was observed. North American pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (NAP) 1 was the most common (21.7%) strain isolated; NAP7 and NAP8 were uncommon (6.7%). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Most patients with community-associated CDI had recent outpatient health care exposure, and up to 36% would not be prevented by reduction of antibiotic use only. Our data support evaluation of additional strategies, including further examination of C difficile transmission in outpatient and household settings and reduction of proton pump inhibitor use. |
Death due to community-associated Clostridium difficile in a woman receiving prolonged antibiotic therapy for suspected Lyme Disease
Holzbauer SM , Kemperman MM , Lynfield R . Clin Infect Dis 2010 51 (3) 369-70 Clostridium difficile infections can occur outside the hospital in association with antibiotic use and can result in fulminant colitis and death. In December 2009, the Minnesota Department of Health investigated a death due to C. difficile of a 52-year-old woman with no recent hospitalizations. | In June 2009, the patient sought care for symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, achy joints, memory loss, and confusion. These symptoms had been present for >5 years and had worsened in the past 2 years. She received a diagnosis of a relapse of depression. In August, on the basis of responses to a “Lyme Disease Questionnaire/Checklist” given at a health care visit, Lyme disease serologic tests were performed in a California laboratory. Results were indeterminate by immunofluorescence assay and were IgM-positive (2 of 3 bands) but IgG-negative (3 of 10 bands) on Western blot. She was placed on a 5week course of doxycycline for possible Lyme disease. The patient's symptoms improved but then worsened after completion of antibiotics. Both her primary physician and a rheumatologist found no objective evidence of Lyme disease in October. In November, without further Lyme disease testing, another physician prescribed oral cefuroxime and telithromycin for a planned 2–4 months to treat chronic Lyme disease. Five weeks after initiating this therapy, the patient developed diarrhea for 3 days and received a diagnosis of C. difficile colitis. An enzyme immunoassay was positive for C. difficile toxin A and B. Because she had no overnight stays in a health care facility in the 12 weeks prior, she was classified as having a community-associated C. difficile infection. The patient was started on oral metronidazole therapy but was hospitalized 2 days later with severe abdominal pain secondary to diffuse colitis and abdominal ascites. The next morning, she experienced cardiac arrest twice and succumbed to cardiac arrest during an emergency colectomy. Pseudomembranes were noted in the colon, and C. difficile was isolated from stool. The isolate was toxinotype III, binary toxin positive, and contained a 36– base pair tcdC deletion. |
Epidemiologic investigation of immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy among abattoir workers exposed to porcine brain
Holzbauer SM , DeVries AS , Sejvar JJ , Lees CH , Adjemian J , McQuiston JH , Medus C , Lexau CA , Harris JR , Recuenco SE , Belay ED , Howell JF , Buss BF , Hornig M , Gibbins JD , Brueck SE , Smith KE , Danila RN , Lipkin WI , Lachance DH , Dyck PJ , Lynfield R . PLoS One 2010 5 (3) e9782 BACKGROUND: In October 2007, a cluster of patients experiencing a novel polyradiculoneuropathy was identified at a pork abattoir (Plant A). Patients worked in the primary carcass processing area (warm room); the majority processed severed heads (head-table). An investigation was initiated to determine risk factors for illness. METHODS AND RESULTS: Symptoms of the reported patients were unlike previously described occupational associated illnesses. A case-control study was conducted at Plant A. A case was defined as evidence of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and compatible electrodiagnostic testing in a pork abattoir worker. Two control groups were used - randomly selected non-ill warm-room workers (n = 49), and all non-ill head-table workers (n = 56). Consenting cases and controls were interviewed and blood and throat swabs were collected. The 26 largest U.S. pork abattoirs were surveyed to identify additional cases. Fifteen cases were identified at Plant A; illness onsets occurred during May 2004-November 2007. Median age was 32 years (range, 21-55 years). Cases were more likely than warm-room controls to have ever worked at the head-table (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 6.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6-26.7), removed brains or removed muscle from the backs of heads (AOR, 10.3; 95% CI, 1.5-68.5), and worked within 0-10 feet of the brain removal operation (AOR, 9.9; 95% CI, 1.2-80.0). Associations remained when comparing head-table cases and head-table controls. Workers removed brains by using compressed air that liquefied brain and generated aerosolized droplets, exposing themselves and nearby workers. Eight additional cases were identified in the only two other abattoirs using this technique. The three abattoirs that used this technique have stopped brain removal, and no new cases have been reported after 24 months of follow up. Cases compared to controls had higher median interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) levels (21.7 pg/ml; vs 14.8 pg/ml, P<0.001). DISCUSSION: This novel polyradiculoneuropathy was associated with removing porcine brains with compressed air. An autoimmune mechanism is supported by higher levels of IFNgamma in cases than in controls consistent with other immune mediated illnesses occurring in association with neural tissue exposure. Abattoirs should not use compressed air to remove brains and should avoid procedures that aerosolize CNS tissue. This outbreak highlights the potential for respiratory or mucosal exposure to cause an immune-mediated illness in an occupational setting. |
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