Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 64 Records) |
Query Trace: Harrington C[original query] |
Advancing poliovirus eradication: lessons learned from piloting direct molecular detection of polioviruses in high-risk and priority geographies
Marcet PL , Short B , Deas A , Sun H , Harrington C , Shaukat S , Alam MM , Baba M , Faneye A , Namuwulya P , Apostol LN , Elshaarawy T , Odoom JK , Borus P , Moonsamy S , Riziki Y , Endegue Zanga MC , Tefera M , Kfutwah AKW , Sharif S , Grabovac V , Burns CC , Gerloff N . Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0227924 ![]() ![]() In the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN), poliovirus (PV) screening results from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance is based on virus isolation (VI) through cell culture, entailing long turnaround times and the amplification of live poliovirus. An alternative Direct Detection strategy (DD-ITD) for screening viral nucleic acid from stools, bypassing the need for virus culture, has been developed and extensively validated by GPLN partners. A multi-laboratory demonstration project was conceived to field-test the DD-ITD method by GPLN laboratories from the WHO African, Western Pacific, and Eastern Mediterranean regions, where wild serotype 1 or vaccine-derived polioviruses still circulate. Strategically selected laboratories were tasked to simultaneously process stool suspensions with the current gold-standard VI method and the new DD-ITD strategy. Results from 12 laboratories were compiled and analyzed to assess the quality of each RNA extraction and rRT-PCR run. Matched results for both methods of over 10,500 specimens showed an overall method agreement of 91%. All laboratories detected more PV presumptive positive samples with the DD-ITD strategy than with VI, but a large proportion of DD-ITD positive results (72%) were inconclusive or non-typeable, requiring confirmation through sequencing. A total of 298 (2.8%) samples were PV positive using both methods, 828 (7.9%) positive only for DD-ITD, and 62 (0.6%) positive only with VI. The DD-ITD overall performance, quality of results, and agreement between method results varied significantly across participating laboratories. DD-ITD implementation would entail building proficiency in advanced molecular laboratory techniques and data analysis, and increased demand for confirmatory sequencing. IMPORTANCE: Surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and sensitive poliovirus detection are key components of the WHO Global Polio Eradication Strategy. This work summarizes the results of a multi-laboratory evaluation designed to field-test the performance and applicability of a molecular Direct Detection strategy (DD-ITD) that does not require amplification of live poliovirus. AFP samples were processed in parallel with both the DD-ITD and the current gold-standard PV detection methodology, based on virus isolation (VI) through cell culture. All participating laboratories detected more PV presumptive positive samples using the DD-ITD strategy than with virus isolation methodology, although a higher proportion of DD-ITD results required confirmatory sequencing. Significant variability among laboratories was observed in the quality of the results and overall DD-ITD performance. Implementing DD-ITD would entail building proficiency in advanced molecular laboratory techniques and strengthening data analysis skills. |
Characterization of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa carrying multiple carbapenemase genes-Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network, 2018-2022
Sabour S , Harrington KRV , Martinson E , Bhatnagar AS , Huang JY , Duffy D , Bantle K , Lutgring JD , Karlsson M , Baca S . J Clin Microbiol 2024 e0122024 ![]() ![]() Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE) and carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) are significant public health threats, particularly when harboring carbapenemases. Literature describing the frequencies and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of isolates harboring multiple carbapenemase genes is limited. Using data collected from the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network (AR Lab Network) in 2018-2022, we describe CRE and CRPA isolates that harbor multiple acquired carbapenemase genes. Clinical laboratories submitted CRE and CRPA isolates to AR Lab Network public health laboratories for additional characterization that included antimicrobial susceptibility testing and detection of five targeted carbapenemase genes. Isolates were classified as non-carbapenemase producing (non-CP) when negative for carbapenemase production and all targeted carbapenemase genes, or positive for a single-CP (SCP) or multiple-carbapenemase (MCP) targeted gene. Among 79,799 CREs tested, 27,599 (35%) were SCP and 611 (1%) were MCP. MCP-CRE most often carried bla(KPC)/bla(NDM) (n = 285, 47%). Both SCP-CRE and MCP-CRE were most commonly Klebsiella spp. Enterobacter spp. and Escherichia coli isolates harboring MCP were detected at slightly higher frequencies (18% and 15%; n = 109 and n = 88, respectively) than Enterobacter spp. and Escherichia coli isolates harboring SCP (13% and 13%; n = 3,653 and 3,471, respectively). The number of MCP-CRE detected increased from 54 of 5,105 (1%) in 2018 to 223 of 6,994 (3%) in 2022. Among 54,490 CRPA tested, 2% (n = 1,249) were SCP and 31 were MCP. MCP-CRPA most often carried bla(VIM)/bla(IMP) (n = 13, 42%). A higher proportion of MCP-CRE (97%, n = 330) isolates were categorized as resistant to meropenem, compared to SCP-CRE (79%; n = 11,227) and non-CP (13%; n = 2,683). Although MCP organisms represent a small proportion of total CP detected in the AR Lab Network, there is a need for continued monitoring and additional research.IMPORTANCECarbapenemase-producing organisms are of significant clinical and public health concerns, and rapid detection and containment of such threats are vital to preventing their spread. In this article, we used a collection of over 130,000 contemporary isolates to evaluate frequencies and phenotypic and genotypic properties of CRE and CRPA isolates harboring multiple carbapenemase genes across the United States, from 2018 to 2022. Of note, 95% and 100% of CRE and CRPA isolates co-harbored at least one metallo-β-lactamase gene, respectively, indicating a high proportion of isolates originating from patients with difficult-to-treat infections. Both clinical and public health professionals across the nation can use these data and key findings to better understand the molecular landscape of these isolates. Timely detection and control of these organisms are essential to combating the spread of antibiotic resistance and ensuring the availability of effective treatment options for patients. |
Analysis of mpox by occupation and industry in seven U.S. jurisdictions, May 2022-March 2023
Groenewold MR , de Perio MA , Moller KM , Bui D , Saadeh K , Still W , Meh I , Lavender A , Soliva S , Fields C , Hopkins B , Laramie AK , Harrington P , Stout A , Levenson C , Morris CR , Creswell PD , Segaloff HE , Somerville NJ , Dowell CH , Delaney LJ . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2025 21 (10) 1317 During responses to outbreaks, the collection and analysis of data on employed case patients' industry and occupation are necessary to better understand the relationship between work and health outcomes. The occurrence of mpox by occupation and industry has not previously been assessed in the context of the 2022 outbreak. We analyzed employment data from 2548 mpox cases reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from surveillance systems in seven U.S. jurisdictions and population-based reference data on employment patterns from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to describe the differential proportionate distribution of cases across occupation and industry groups using the proportionate morbidity ratio. In gender-specific analyses, we found that men employed in certain occupations and industries had a higher relative risk of mpox than others. While occupational transmission cannot be ruled out, it is more likely that individuals with personal and behavioral risk factors for mpox were more likely to work in these occupations and industries. This analysis provides an example of collecting and analyzing occupation and industry data in case reports to understand possible differences in risk by occupation and industry in infectious disease outbreak investigation and help inform resource allocation, messaging, and response. |
Molecular epidemiology of enteroviruses from Guatemalan wastewater isolated from human lung fibroblasts
Sayyad L , Harrington C , Castro CJ , Belgasmi-Allen H , Jeffries Miles S , Hill J , Mendoza Prillwitz ML , Gobern L , Gaitán E , Delgado AP , Castillo Signor L , Rondy M , Rey-Benito G , Gerloff N . PLoS One 2024 19 (7) e0305108 ![]() ![]() The Global Specialized Polio Laboratory at CDC supports the Global Poliovirus Laboratory Network with environmental surveillance (ES) to detect the presence of vaccine strain polioviruses, vaccine-derived polioviruses, and wild polioviruses in high-risk countries. Environmental sampling provides valuable supplementary information, particularly in areas with gaps in surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) mainly in children less than 15 years. In collaboration with Guatemala's National Health Laboratory (Laboratorio Nacional de Salud Guatemala), monthly sewage collections allowed screening enterovirus (EV) presence without incurring additional costs for sample collection, transport, or concentration. Murine recombinant fibroblast L-cells (L20B) and human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells are used for the isolation of polioviruses following a standard detection algorithm. Though non-polio-Enteroviruses (NPEV) can be isolated, the algorithm is optimized for the detection of polioviruses. To explore if other EV's are present in sewage not found through standard methods, five additional cell lines were piloted in a small-scale experiment, and next-generation sequencing (NGS) was used for the identification of any EV types. Human lung fibroblast cells (HLF) were selected based on their ability to isolate EV-A genus. Sewage concentrates collected between 2020-2021 were isolated in HLF cells and any cytopathic effect positive isolates used for NGS. A large variety of EVs, including echoviruses 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 19, 25, 29; coxsackievirus A13, B2, and B5, EV-C99, EVB, and polioviruses (Sabin 1 and 3) were identified through genomic typing in NGS. When the EV genotypes were compared by phylogenetic analysis, it showed many EV's were genomically like viruses previously isolated from ES collected in Haiti. Enterovirus occurrence did not follow a seasonality, but more diverse EV types were found in ES collection sites with lower populations. Using the additional cell line in the existing poliovirus ES algorithm may add value by providing data about EV circulation, without additional sample collection or processing. Next-generation sequencing closed gaps in knowledge providing molecular epidemiological information on multiple EV types and full genome sequences of EVs present in wastewater in Guatemala. |
Validation of improved automated nucleic acid extraction methods for direct detection of polioviruses for global polio eradication
Miles SJ , Harrington C , Sun H , Deas A , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Vega E , Gerloff N . J Virol Methods 2024 326 114914 ![]() ![]() Polioviruses (PV), the main causative agent of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), are positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses of the family Picornaviridae. As we approach polio eradication, accurate and timely detection of poliovirus in stool from AFP cases becomes vital to success for the eradication efforts. Direct detection of PV from clinical diagnostic samples using nucleic acid (NA) extraction and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) instead of the current standard method of virus isolation in culture, eliminates the long turn-around time to diagnosis and the need for high viral titer amplification in laboratories. An essential component of direct detection of PV from AFP surveillance samples is the efficient extraction of NA. Potential supply chain issues and lack of vendor presence in certain areas of the world necessitates the validation of multiple NA extraction methods. Using retrospective PV-positive surveillance samples (n=104), two extraction kits were compared to the previously validated Zymo Research Quick-RNA™ Viral Kit. The Roche High Pure Viral RNA Kit, a column-based manual extraction method, and the MagMaX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA kit used in the automated Kingfisher Flex system were both non-inferior to the Zymo kit, with similar rates of PV detection in pivotal rRT-PCR assays, such as pan-poliovirus (PanPV), poliovirus serotype 2 (PV2), and wild poliovirus serotype 1 (WPV1). These important assays allow the identification and differentiation of PV genotypes and serotypes and are fundamental to the GPLN program. Validation of two additional kits provides feasible alternatives to the current piloted method of NA extraction for poliovirus rRT-PCR assays. |
Adverse events after Fluzone ® Intradermal vaccine reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2011-2013.
Moro PL , Harrington T , Shimabukuro T , Cano M , Museru OI , Menschik D , Broder K . Vaccine 2013 31 (43) 4984-7 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: In May 2011, the first trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine exclusively for intradermal administration (TIV-ID) was licensed in the US for adults aged 18-64 years. OBJECTIVE: To characterize adverse events (AEs) after TIV-ID reported to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a spontaneous reporting surveillance system. METHODS: We searched VAERS for US reports after TIV-ID among persons vaccinated from July 1, 2011-February 28, 2013. Medical records were requested for reports coded as serious (death, hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization, disability, life-threatening-illness), and those suggesting anaphylaxis. Clinicians reviewed available information and assigned a primary clinical category to each report. Empirical Bayesian data mining was used to identify disproportional AE reporting following TIV-ID. Causality was not assessed. RESULTS: VAERS received 466 reports after TIV-ID; 9 (1.9%) were serious, including one reported fatality in an 88-year-old vaccinee. Median age was 43 years (range 4-88 years). The most common AE categories were: 218 (46.8%) injection site reactions; 89 (19.1%) other non-infectious (comprised mainly of constitutional signs and symptoms); and 74 (15.9%) allergy. Eight reports (1.7%) of anaphylaxis were verified by the Brighton criteria or a documented physician diagnosis. Disproportional reporting was identified for three AEs: 'injection site nodule', 'injection site pruritus', and 'drug administered to patient of inappropriate age'. The findings for the first two AEs were expected. Twenty-four reports of vaccinees <18 years or ≥ 65 years were reported, and 14 of 24 were coded with the AE 'drug administered to patient of inappropriate age'. CONCLUSIONS: Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns after TIV-ID. Injection site reactions were the most commonly reported AEs, similar to the pre-licensure clinical trials. Use of TIV-ID in younger and older individuals outside the approved age range highlights the need for education of healthcare providers regarding approved TIV-ID use. |
US county-level variation in preterm birth rates, 2007-2019
Khan SS , Vaughan AS , Harrington K , Seegmiller L , Huang X , Pool LR , Davis MM , Allen NB , Capewell S , O'Flaherty M , Miller GE , Mehran R , Vogel B , Kershaw KN , Lloyd-Jones DM , Grobman WA . JAMA Netw Open 2023 6 (12) e2346864 ![]() IMPORTANCE: Preterm birth is a leading cause of preventable neonatal morbidity and mortality. Preterm birth rates at the national level may mask important geographic variation in rates and trends at the county level. OBJECTIVE: To estimate age-standardized preterm birth rates by US county from 2007 to 2019. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This serial cross-sectional study used data from the National Center for Health Statistics composed of all live births in the US between 2007 and 2019. Data analyses were performed between March 22, 2022, and September 29, 2022. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Age-standardized preterm birth (<37 weeks' gestation) and secondarily early preterm birth (<34 weeks' gestation) rates by county and year calculated with a validated small area estimation model (hierarchical bayesian spatiotemporal model) and percent change in preterm birth rates using log-linear regression models. RESULTS: Between 2007 and 2019, there were 51 044 482 live births in 2383 counties. In 2007, the national age-standardized preterm birth rate was 12.6 (95% CI, 12.6-12.7) per 100 live births. Preterm birth rates varied significantly among counties, with an absolute difference between the 90th and 10th percentile counties of 6.4 (95% CI, 6.2-6.7). The gap between the highest and lowest counties for preterm births was 20.7 per 100 live births in 2007. Several counties in the Southeast consistently had the highest preterm birth rates compared with counties in California and New England, which had the lowest preterm birth rates. Although there was no statistically significant change in preterm birth rates between 2007 and 2019 at the national level (percent change, -5.0%; 95% CI, -10.7% to 0.9%), increases occurred in 15.4% (95% CI, 14.1%-16.9%) of counties. The absolute and relative geographic inequalities were similar across all maternal age groups. Higher quartile of the Social Vulnerability Index was associated with higher preterm birth rates (quartile 4 vs quartile 1 risk ratio, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.31-1.36), which persisted across the study period. Similar patterns were observed for early preterm birth rates. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this serial cross-sectional study of county-level preterm and early preterm birth rates, substantial geographic disparities were observed, which were associated with place-based social disadvantage. Stability in aggregated rates of preterm birth at the national level masked increases in nearly 1 in 6 counties between 2007 and 2019. |
A conceptual framework for nomenclatural stability and validity of medically important fungi: a proposed global consensus guideline for fungal name changes supported by ABP, ASM, CLSI, ECMM, ESCMID-EFISG, EUCAST-AFST, FDLC, IDSA, ISHAM, MMSA, and MSGERC
de Hoog S , Walsh TJ , Ahmed SA , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Alexander BD , Arendrup MC , Babady E , Bai FY , Balada-Llasat JM , Borman A , Chowdhary A , Clark A , Colgrove RC , Cornely OA , Dingle TC , Dufresne PJ , Fuller J , Gangneux JP , Gibas C , Glasgow H , Gräser Y , Guillot J , Groll AH , Haase G , Hanson K , Harrington A , Hawksworth DL , Hayden RT , Hoenigl M , Hubka V , Johnson K , Kus JV , Li R , Meis JF , Lackner M , Lanternier F , Leal SM Jr , Lee F , Lockhart SR , Luethy P , Martin I , Kwon-Chung KJ , Meyer W , Nguyen MH , Ostrosky-Zeichner L , Palavecino E , Pancholi P , Pappas PG , Procop GW , Redhead SA , Rhoads DD , Riedel S , Stevens B , Sullivan KO , Vergidis P , Roilides E , Seyedmousavi A , Tao L , Vicente VA , Vitale RG , Wang QM , Wengenack NL , Westblade L , Wiederhold N , White L , Wojewoda CM , Zhang SX . J Clin Microbiol 2023 61 (11) e0087323 The rapid pace of name changes of medically important fungi is creating challenges for clinical laboratories and clinicians involved in patient care. We describe two sources of name change which have different drivers, at the species versus the genus level. Some suggestions are made here to reduce the number of name changes. We urge taxonomists to provide diagnostic markers of taxonomic novelties. Given the instability of phylogenetic trees due to variable taxon sampling, we advocate to maintain genera at the largest possible size. Reporting of identified species in complexes or series should where possible comprise both the name of the overarching species and that of the molecular sibling, often cryptic species. Because the use of different names for the same species will be unavoidable for many years to come, an open access online database of the names of all medically important fungi, with proper nomenclatural designation and synonymy, is essential. We further recommend that while taxonomic discovery continues, the adaptation of new name changes by clinical laboratories and clinicians be reviewed routinely by a standing committee for validation and stability over time, with reference to an open access database, wherein reasons for changes are listed in a transparent way. |
Immunogenicity of adjuvanted versus high-dose inactivated influenza vaccines in older adults: a randomized clinical trial
Schmader KE , Liu CK , Flannery B , Rountree W , Auerbach H , Barnett ED , Schlaudecker EP , Todd CA , Poniewierski M , Staat MA , Harrington T , Li R , Broder KR , Walter EB . Immun Ageing 2023 20 (1) 30 BACKGROUND: Adjuvanted inactivated influenza vaccine (aIIV) and high-dose inactivated influenza vaccine (HD-IIV) are U.S.-licensed for adults aged ≥ 65 years. This study compared serum hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) antibody titers for the A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 and B strains after trivalent aIIV3 and trivalent HD-IIV3 in an older adult population. RESULTS: The immunogenicity population included 342 participants who received aIIV3 and 338 participants who received HD-IIV3. The proportion of participants that seroconverted to A(H3N2) vaccine strains after allV3 (112 participants [32.8%]) was inferior to the proportion of participants that seroconverted after HD-IIV3 (130 participants [38.5%]) at day 29 after vaccination (difference, - 5.8%; 95%CI, - 12.9% to 1.4%). There were no significant differences between the vaccine groups in percent seroconversion to A(H1N1)pdm09 or B vaccine strains, in percent seropositivity for any of the strains, or in post-vaccination GMT for the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain. The GMTs for the post-vaccination A(H3N2) and B strains were higher after HD-IIV than after aIIV3. CONCLUSIONS: Overall immune responses were similar after aIIV3 and HD-IIV3. For the primary outcome, the aIIV3 seroconversion rate for H3N2 did not meet noninferiority criteria compared with HD-IIV3, but the HD-IIV3 seroconversion rate was not statistically superior to the aIIV3 seroconversion rate. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Identifier: NCT03183908. |
Trends in laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 reinfections and associated hospitalizations and deaths among adults aged 18 years - 18 U.S. Jurisdictions, September 2021-December 2022
Ma KC , Dorabawila V , León TM , Henry H , Johnson AG , Rosenberg E , Mansfield JA , Midgley CM , Plumb ID , Aiken J , Khanani QA , Auche S , Bayoumi NS , Bennett SA , Bernu C , Chang C , Como-Sabetti KJ , Cueto K , Cunningham S , Eddy M , Falender RA , Fleischauer A , Frank DM , Harrington P , Hoskins M , Howsare A , Ingaiza LM , Islam AS , Jensen SA , Jones JM , Kambach G , Kanishka F , Levin Y , Masarik JF 3rd , Meyer SD , Milroy L , Morris KJ , Olmstead J , Olsen NS , Omoike E , Patel K , Pettinger A , Pike MA , Reed IG , Slocum E , Sutton M , Tilakaratne BP , Vest H , Vostok J , Wang JS , Watson-Lewis L , Wienkes HN , Hagen MB , Silk BJ , Scobie HM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (25) 683-689 ![]() Although reinfections with SARS-CoV-2 have occurred in the United States with increasing frequency, U.S. epidemiologic trends in reinfections and associated severe outcomes have not been characterized. Weekly counts of SARS-CoV-2 reinfections, total infections, and associated hospitalizations and deaths reported by 18 U.S. jurisdictions during September 5, 2021-December 31, 2022, were analyzed overall, by age group, and by five periods of SARS-CoV-2 variant predominance (Delta and Omicron [BA.1, BA.2, BA.4/BA.5, and BQ.1/BQ.1.1]). Among reported reinfections, weekly trends in the median intervals between infections and frequencies of predominant variants during previous infections were calculated. As a percentage of all infections, reinfections increased substantially from the Delta (2.7%) to the Omicron BQ.1/BQ.1.1 (28.8%) periods; during the same periods, increases in the percentages of reinfections among COVID-19-associated hospitalizations (from 1.9% [Delta] to 17.0% [Omicron BQ.1/BQ.1.1]) and deaths (from 1.2% [Delta] to 12.3% [Omicron BQ.1/BQ.1.1]) were also substantial. Percentages of all COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths that were reinfections were consistently higher across variant periods among adults aged 18-49 years compared with those among adults aged ≥50 years. The median interval between infections ranged from 269 to 411 days by week, with a steep decline at the start of the BA.4/BA.5 period, when >50% of reinfections occurred among persons previously infected during the Alpha variant period or later. To prevent severe COVID-19 outcomes, including those following reinfection, CDC recommends staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccination and receiving timely antiviral treatments, when eligible. |
Notes from the field: Comparison of COVID-19 mortality rates among adults aged 65 years who were unvaccinated and those who received a bivalent booster dose within the preceding 6 months - 20 U.S. Jurisdictions, September 18, 2022-April 1, 2023
Johnson AG , Linde L , Payne AB , Ali AR , Aden V , Armstrong B , Armstrong B , Auche S , Bayoumi NS , Bennett S , Boulton R , Chang C , Collingwood A , Cueto K , Davidson SL , Du Y , Fleischauer A , Force V , Frank D , Hamilton R , Harame K , Harrington P , Hicks L , Hodis JD , Hoskins M , Jones A , Kanishka F , Kaur R , Kirkendall S , Khan SI , Klioueva A , Link-Gelles R , Lyons S , Mansfield J , Markelz A , Masarik J 3rd , Mendoza E , Morris K , Omoike E , Paritala S , Patel K , Pike M , Pompa XP , Praetorius K , Rammouni N , Razzaghi H , Riggs A , Shi M , Sigalo N , Stanislawski E , Tilakaratne BP , Turner KA , Wiedeman C , Silk BJ , Scobie HM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (24) 667-669 Updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines were first recommended by CDC on September 1, 2022.* An analysis of case and death rates by vaccination status shortly after authorization of bivalent COVID-19 vaccines showed that receipt of a bivalent booster dose provided additional protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated death (1). In this follow-up report on the durability of bivalent booster protection against death among adults aged ≥65 years, mortality rate ratios (RRs) were estimated among unvaccinated persons and those who received a bivalent booster dose by time since vaccination during three periods of Omicron lineage predominance (BA.5 [September 18–November 5, 2022], BQ.1/BQ.1.1 [November 6, 2022–January 21, 2023], and XBB.1.5 [January 22–April 1, 2023]).† | | During September 18, 2022–April 1, 2023, weekly counts of COVID-19–associated deaths§ among unvaccinated persons and those who received a bivalent booster dose¶ were reported from 20 U.S. jurisdictions** that routinely link case surveillance data to immunization registries and vital registration databases (1). Vaccinated persons who did not receive a bivalent COVID-19 booster dose were excluded. Rate denominators were calculated from vaccine administration data and 2019 U.S. intercensal population estimates,†† with numbers of unvaccinated persons estimated by subtracting numbers of vaccinated persons from the 2019 intercensal population estimates, as previously described§§ (1). Average weekly mortality rates were estimated based on date of specimen collection¶¶ during each variant period by vaccination status and time since bivalent booster dose receipt. RRs were calculated by dividing rates among unvaccinated persons by rates among bivalent booster dose recipients; after detrending the underlying linear changes in weekly rates, 95% CIs were estimated from the remaining variation in rates observed*** (1). SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute) and R (version 4.1.2; R Foundation) software were used to conduct all analyses. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.††† |
Report of the Science Community Workshop on the proposed first sample depot for the Mars sample return campaign
Czaja AD , Zorzano MP , Kminek G , Meyer MA , Beaty DW , Sefton-Nash E , Carrier BL , Thiessen F , Haltigin T , Bouvier A , Dauphas N , French KL , Hallis LJ , Harris RL , Hauber E , Rodriguez LE , Schwenzer SP , Steele A , Tait KT , Thorpe MT , Usui T , Vanhomwegen J , Velbel MA , Edwin S , Farley KA , Glavin DP , Harrington AD , Hays LE , Hutzler A , Wadhwa M . Meteorit Planet Sci 2023 The Mars 2020/Mars Sample Return (MSR) Sample Depot Science Community Workshop was held on September 28 and 30, 2022, to assess the Scientifically-Return Worthy (SRW) value of the full collection of samples acquired by the rover Perseverance at Jezero Crater, and of a proposed subset of samples to be left as a First Depot at a location within Jezero Crater called Three Forks. The primary outcome of the workshop was that the community is in consensus on the following statement: The proposed set of ten sample tubes that includes seven rock samples, one regolith sample, one atmospheric sample, and one witness tube constitutes a SRW collection that: (1) represents the diversity of the explored region around the landing site, (2) covers partially or fully, in a balanced way, all of the International MSR Objectives and Samples Team scientific objectives that are applicable to Jezero Crater, and (3) the analyses of samples in this First Depot on Earth would be of fundamental importance, providing a substantial improvement in our understanding of Mars. At the conclusion of the meeting, there was overall community support for forming the First Depot as described at the workshop and placing it at the Three Forks site. The community also recognized that the diversity of the Rover Cache (the sample collection that remains on the rover after placing the First Depot) will significantly improve with the samples that are planned to be obtained in the future by the Perseverance rover and that the Rover Cache is the primary target for MSR to return to Earth. © 2023 His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and The Authors. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Meteoritics & Planetary Science published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Meteoritical Society. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Canadian Space Agency. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. |
Evaluation of public health contact tracing for mpox among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men-10 US jurisdictions, May 17-July 31, 2022
Cope AB , Kirkcaldy RD , Weidle PJ , Jackson DA , Laramee N , Weber R , Rowse J , Mangla A , Fox B , Saunders KE , Taniguchi K , Usagawa L , Cahill ME , Harrington P , Ricketts EK , Harbi K , Malec L , Templin TG , Drociuk D , Hannibal T , Klos R , Bernstein KT . Am J Public Health 2023 113 (7) e1-e4 Objectives. To examine the potential impact of contact tracing to identify contacts and prevent mpox transmission among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) as the outbreak expanded. Methods. We assessed contact tracing outcomes from 10 US jurisdictions before and after access to the mpox vaccine was expanded from postexposure prophylaxis for persons with known exposure to include persons at high risk for acquisition (May 17-June 30, 2022, and July 1-31, 2022, respectively). Results. Overall, 1986 mpox cases were reported in MSM from included jurisdictions (240 before expanded vaccine access; 1746 after expanded vaccine access). Most MSM with mpox were interviewed (95.0% before vaccine expansion and 97.0% after vaccine expansion); the proportion who named at least 1 contact decreased during the 2 time periods (74.6% to 38.9%). Conclusions. During the period when mpox cases among MSM increased and vaccine access expanded, contact tracing became less efficient at identifying exposed contacts. Public Health Implications. Contact tracing was more effective at identifying persons exposed to mpox in MSM sexual and social networks when case numbers were low, and it could be used to facilitate vaccine access. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print May 4, 2023:e1-e4. |
Burkholderia pseudomallei laboratory exposure, Arizona, USA
Speiser LJ , Graf EH , Seville MT , Singbartl K , Dalton ML , Harrington D , Kretschmer M , Kuljanin M , Zabel K , Sunenshine R , Ruberto I , Venkat H , Grys TE . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (5) 1061-1063 We describe an incidental Burkholderia pseudomallei laboratory exposure in Arizona, USA. Because melioidosis cases are increasing in the United States and B. pseudomallei reservoirs have been discovered in the Gulf Coast Region, US laboratory staff could be at increased risk for B. pseudomallei exposure. |
Comparing open-ended question methods to vignette methods to explore willingness to obtain pre-exposure prophylaxis access in pharmacies among black men who have sex with men
Josma D , Morris J , Hopkins R , Quamina A , Siegler AJ , Holland D , SSullivan P , Harrington KRV , Alohan DI , Crawford ND . AIDS Care 2023 1-8 Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) are at higher risk of HIV transmission than any other group; however, their uptake of the highly effective HIV prevention medication, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), is low. In collaboration with a communitybased organization in Atlanta, Georgia, we explored ten HIV-negative BMSM's willingness to obtain PrEP in pharmacies using standard open-ended and vignette qualitative methods. Three overarching themes were identified: privacy, patient-pharmacist interactions, and HIV/STI screening. While open-ended questions allowed participants to provide broad answers on their willingness to receive prevention services at a pharmacy, the vignette drew out specific responses to facilitate in-pharmacy PrEP delivery. Using both openended questions and vignette data collection strategies, BMSM reported high willingness to screen for and uptake PrEP in pharmacies. However, the vignette method allowed for greater depth. Open-ended questions elicited responses that highlighted general barriers and facilitators of PrEP dispensing in pharmacies. However, the vignette allowed participants to customize a plan of action that would best fit their needs. Vignette methods are underutilized in HIV research and may be helpful in supplementing standard open-ended interview questions to uncovering unknown challenges about health behaviors and obtain more robust data on highly sensitive research topics in HIV research. |
Surveillance for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in U.S. children aged 5-11 years who received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, November 2021-March 2022
Cortese MM , Taylor AW , Akinbami LJ , Thames-Allen A , Yousaf AR , Campbell AP , Maloney SA , Harrington T , Anyalechi EG , Munshi D , Kamidani S , Curtis CR , McCormick DW , Staat MA , Edwards KM , Creech CB , Museru O , Marquez P , Thompson D , Su JR , Schlaudecker EP , Broder KR . J Infect Dis 2023 228 (2) 143-148 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection; in the U.S., reporting of MIS-C after COVID-19 vaccination is required for vaccine safety monitoring. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for children aged 5-11 years on October 29, 2021. Covering a period when ∼7 million children received vaccine, surveillance for MIS-C ≤90 days post-vaccination using passive systems identified 58 children with MIS-C and laboratory evidence of past/recent SARS-CoV-2 infection, and 4 without evidence. During a period with extensive SARS-CoV-2 circulation, MIS-C illness in children after COVID-19 vaccination who lacked evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was rare (<1 per million vaccinated children). |
COVID-19 incidence and mortality among unvaccinated and vaccinated persons aged 12 years by receipt of bivalent booster doses and time since vaccination - 24 U.S. jurisdictions, October 3, 2021-December 24, 2022
Johnson AG , Linde L , Ali AR , DeSantis A , Shi M , Adam C , Armstrong B , Armstrong B , Asbell M , Auche S , Bayoumi NS , Bingay B , Chasse M , Christofferson S , Cima M , Cueto K , Cunningham S , Delgadillo J , Dorabawila V , Drenzek C , Dupervil B , Durant T , Fleischauer A , Hamilton R , Harrington P , Hicks L , Hodis JD , Hoefer D , Horrocks S , Hoskins M , Husain S , Ingram LA , Jara A , Jones A , Kanishka FNU , Kaur R , Khan SI , Kirkendall S , Lauro P , Lyons S , Mansfield J , Markelz A , Masarik J 3rd , McCormick D , Mendoza E , Morris KJ , Omoike E , Patel K , Pike MA , Pilishvili T , Praetorius K , Reed IG , Severson RL , Sigalo N , Stanislawski E , Stich S , Tilakaratne BP , Turner KA , Wiedeman C , Zaldivar A , Silk BJ , Scobie HM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (6) 145-152 On September 1, 2022, CDC recommended an updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccine booster to help restore waning protection conferred by previous vaccination and broaden protection against emerging variants for persons aged ≥12 years (subsequently extended to persons aged ≥6 months).* To assess the impact of original (monovalent) COVID-19 vaccines and bivalent boosters, case and mortality rate ratios (RRs) were estimated comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated persons aged ≥12 years by overall receipt of and by time since booster vaccination (monovalent or bivalent) during Delta variant and Omicron sublineage (BA.1, BA.2, early BA.4/BA.5, and late BA.4/BA.5) predominance.(†) During the late BA.4/BA.5 period, unvaccinated persons had higher COVID-19 mortality and infection rates than persons receiving bivalent doses (mortality RR = 14.1 and infection RR = 2.8) and to a lesser extent persons vaccinated with only monovalent doses (mortality RR = 5.4 and infection RR = 2.5). Among older adults, mortality rates among unvaccinated persons were significantly higher than among those who had received a bivalent booster (65-79 years; RR = 23.7 and ≥80 years; 10.3) or a monovalent booster (65-79 years; 8.3 and ≥80 years; 4.2). In a second analysis stratified by time since booster vaccination, there was a progressive decline from the Delta period (RR = 50.7) to the early BA.4/BA.5 period (7.4) in relative COVID-19 mortality rates among unvaccinated persons compared with persons receiving who had received a monovalent booster within 2 weeks-2 months. During the early BA.4/BA.5 period, declines in relative mortality rates were observed at 6-8 (RR = 4.6), 9-11 (4.5), and ≥12 (2.5) months after receiving a monovalent booster. In contrast, bivalent boosters received during the preceding 2 weeks-2 months improved protection against death (RR = 15.2) during the late BA.4/BA.5 period. In both analyses, when compared with unvaccinated persons, persons who had received bivalent boosters were provided additional protection against death over monovalent doses or monovalent boosters. Restored protection was highest in older adults. All persons should stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination, including receipt of a bivalent booster by eligible persons, to reduce the risk for severe COVID-19. |
Genome Sequences of 16 Enterovirus Isolates from Environmental Sewage in Guatemala, 2019 to 2021.
Harrington C , Sayyad L , Castro C , Hill J , Jeffries-Miles S , Belgasmi H , Rey-Benito G , Mendoza Prillwitz ML , Castillo Signor L , Gerloff N . Microbiol Resour Announc 2022 11 (9) e0056222 ![]() ![]() Enteroviruses can cause human infectious disease. We report 16 near-complete genome sequences of enteroviruses that were isolated through environmental surveillance of wastewater in Guatemala. |
CaF: A sensitive, low-cost filtration method for detecting polioviruses and other enteroviruses in residual waters
Belgasmi H , Miles SJ , Sayyad L , Wong K , Harrington C , Gerloff N , Coulliette-Salmond AD , Guntapong R , Tacharoenmuang R , Ayutthaya AIN , Apostol LNG , Valencia MLD , Burns CC , Benito GR , Vega E . Front Environ Sci 2022 10 Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance has been used to identify polio cases and target vaccination campaigns since the inception of the Global Poliovirus Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988. To date, only Afghanistan and Pakistan have failed to interrupt wild poliovirus transmission. Circulation of vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPV) continues to be a problem in high-risk areas of the Eastern Mediterranean, African, and Southeast Asian regions. Environmental surveillance (ES) is an important adjunct to AFP surveillance, helping to identify circulating polioviruses in problematic areas. Stools from AFP cases and contacts (>200,000 specimens/year) and ES samples (>642 sites) are referred to 146 laboratories in the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) for testing. Although most World Health Organization supported laboratories use the two-phase separation method due to its simplicity and effectiveness, alternative simple, widely available, and cost-effective methods are needed. The CAF (Concentration and Filtration Elution) method was developed from existing filtration methods to handle any type of sewage or residual waters. At $1020 US per sample for consumable materials, CAF is cost effective, and all equipment and reagents are readily available from markets and suppliers globally. The report describes the results from a parallel study of CAF method with the standard two-phase separation method. The study was performed with samples collected from five countries (Guatemala, Hati, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines), run in three laboratories(United States, Thailand and in the Philippines) to account for regional and sample-to-sample variability. Samples from each site were divided into two 500ml aliquots and processed by both methods, with no other additional concentration or manipulation. The results of 338 parallel-tested samples show that the CAF method is more sensitive than the two-phase separation method for detection of non-polio enteroviruses (p-value < 0.0001) and performed as well as the two-phase separation method for polioviruses detection with no significant difference (p-value > 0.05). The CAF method is a robust, sensitive, and cost-effective method for isolating enteroviruses from residual waters. Copyright 2022 Belgasmi, Miles, Sayyad, Wong, Harrington, Gerloff, Coulliette-Salmond, Guntapong, Tacharoenmuang, Ayutthaya, Apostol, Valencia, Burns, Benito and Vega. |
Effectiveness of a buffalo turbine and A1 mist sprayer for the areawide deployment of larvicide for mosquito control in an urban residential setting
Burtis JC , Bickerton MW , Indelicato N , Poggi JD , Crans SC , Harrington LC . J Med Entomol 2022 59 (3) 903-910 The control of medically important container-inhabiting mosquitoes is an ongoing challenge for mosquito control operations. Truck-mounted application equipment is a common option for rapid areawide larvicide deployment utilized by mosquito control operations. We tested the effectiveness of two truck-mounted sprayers (A1 Super Duty + Buffalo Turbine CSM3), for the deployment of water-dispersible biopesticides (VectoBac WDG:VectoLex WDG 50:50). Sixty residences within four residential neighborhoods in New Jersey were treated in 2019 and 2020. Three empty bioassay cups were placed in specific locations on each property (front yard/ back yard/ side of house), with an additional cup placed in an adjacent catch basin. This approach was replicated in two untreated control neighborhoods. Following larvicide application, cups were subjected to bioassays wherein larval mortality was tracked through adult eclosion. Overall, average larval mortality rates were 56% higher in treated cups compared against untreated controls. Mortality rates were affected by cup location, with 39% mortality in bioassay cups from back yards, 54% in those from the sides of houses, 73% in front yards, and 76% from cups in catch basins. Mortality did not differ significantly between the four treated neighborhoods, nor by the type of sprayer used. Our research shows that truck-mounted sprayers can be an effective method for larvicide deployment in residential neighborhoods, but effectiveness may depend upon the location of the target treatment area in relation to residences and other geographic obstacles. |
The small HDL particle hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease
Martinez AE , Weissberger G , Kuklenyik Z , He X , Meuret C , Parekh T , Rees JC , Parks BA , Gardner MS , King SM , Collier TS , Harrington MG , Sweeney MD , Wang X , Zlokovic BV , Joe E , Nation DA , Schneider LS , Chui HC , Barr JR , Han SD , Krauss RM , Yassine HN . Alzheimers Dement 2022 19 (2) 391-404 We propose the hypothesis that small high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by virtue of their capacity to exchange lipids, affecting neuronal membrane composition and vascular and synaptic functions. Concentrations of small HDLs in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma were measured in 180 individuals ≥60 years of age using ion mobility methodology. Small HDL concentrations in CSF were positively associated with performance in three domains of cognitive function independent of apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 status, age, sex, and years of education. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between levels of small HDLs in CSF and plasma. Further studies will be aimed at determining whether specific components of small HDL exchange across the blood, brain, and CSF barriers, and developing approaches to exploit small HDLs for therapeutic purposes. |
Safety of live attenuated influenza vaccine in children with asthma
Sokolow AG , Stallings AP , Kercsmar C , Harrington T , Jimenez-Truque N , Zhu Y , Sokolow K , Moody MA , Schlaudecker EP , Walter EB , Staat MA , Broder KR , Creech CB . Pediatrics 2022 149 (4) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Asthma is considered a precaution for use of quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4) in persons aged ≥5 years because of concerns for wheezing events. We evaluated the safety of LAIV4 in children with asthma, comparing the proportion of children with asthma exacerbations after LAIV4 or quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4). METHODS: We enrolled 151 children with asthma, aged 5 to 17 years, during 2 influenza seasons. Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive IIV4 or LAIV4 and monitored for asthma symptoms, exacerbations, changes in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), and changes in the asthma control test for 42 days after vaccination. RESULTS: We included 142 participants in the per-protocol analysis. Within 42 days postvaccination, 18 of 142 (13%) experienced an asthma exacerbation: 8 of 74 (11%) in the LAIV4 group versus 10 of 68 (15%) in the IIV4 group (LAIV4-IIV4 = -0.0390 [90% confidence interval -0.1453 to 0.0674]), meeting the bounds for noninferiority. When adjusted for asthma severity, LAIV4 remained noninferior to IIV4. There were no significant differences in the frequency of asthma symptoms, change in PEFR, or childhood asthma control test/asthma control test scores in the 14 days postvaccination between LAIV4 and IIV4 recipients. Vaccine reactogenicity was similar between groups, although sore throat (P = .051) and myalgia (P <.001) were more common in the IIV4 group. CONCLUSIONS: LAIV4 was not associated with increased frequency of asthma exacerbations, an increase in asthma-related symptoms, or a decrease in PEFR compared with IIV4 among children aged 5 to 17 years with asthma. |
Culture-Independent Detection of Poliovirus in Stool Samples by Direct RNA Extraction.
Harrington C , Sun H , Jeffries-Miles S , Gerloff N , Mandelbaum M , Pang H , Collins N , Burns CC , Vega E . Microbiol Spectr 2021 9 (3) e0066821 ![]() ![]() Laboratory surveillance for poliovirus (PV) relies on virus isolation by cell culture to identify PV in stool specimens from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases. Although this method successfully identifies PV, it is time-consuming and necessitates the additional biorisk of growing live virus in an increasingly polio-free world. To reduce the risk of culturing PV, the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) must switch to culture-independent diagnostic methods with sensitivity at least equivalent to that of cell culture procedures. Five commercial nucleic acid extraction kits and one enrichment method were tested for PV extraction efficiency. RNA yield was measured using real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. Based on greater RNA yield, compared with the other kits, the Quick-RNA viral kit was selected for further testing and was optimized using an RNA extraction procedure for stool suspensions. RNA extraction was retrospectively tested with 182 stool samples that had previously tested positive for PVs, in parallel with the standard GPLN virus isolation algorithm. After virus isolation or RNA extraction, real-time RT-PCR assays were performed. RNA extraction was significantly more sensitive than virus isolation (McNemar's test, P < 0.001). Thereafter, the RNA extraction method was tested in parallel for 202 prospective samples; RNA extraction and virus isolation were not significantly different from each other (McNemar's test, P = 0.13). Direct RNA extraction was noninferior to current cell culture methods for detecting PV in stool samples. Our results show that direct RNA extraction can make downstream manipulation safer and can reduce the risk of accidental posteradication viral release. The method is amenable to implementation in a wide variety of polio laboratories. IMPORTANCE Successfully identifying poliovirus from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases is a vital role of the Global Polio Laboratory Network to achieve the goals of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Currently, laboratory surveillance relies on virus isolation by cell culture to test for PV present in stool samples. Although this method can identify polioviruses, laboratories must switch to culture-independent methods to reduce the risk associated with growing live viruses in a soon-to-be polio-free world. By implementing this streamlined method, in combination with real-time RT-PCR, laboratories can quickly screen for and type polioviruses of programmatic importance to support the final stages of global polio eradication. |
Direct detection of polioviruses using a recombinant poliovirus receptor.
Gerloff N , Mandelbaum M , Pang H , Collins N , Brown B , Sun H , Harrington C , Hecker J , Agha C , Burns CC , Vega E . PLoS One 2021 16 (11) e0259099 ![]() ![]() Polioviruses are positive-sense, single-stranded RNA picornaviruses and the principal cause of poliomyelitis. Global poliovirus surveillance has relied on poliovirus isolation in cells, which may take a minimum of 10 days, involves maintaining two cell lines, and propagates virus in high titers. With eradication underway, a major objective of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is to develop culture-independent detection of polioviruses as an alternative method to complement the current virus isolation technique. A culture-independent method on poliovirus-positive stool suspensions was assessed with commercially available recombinant soluble poliovirus receptor (PVR) coupled to Histidine (His) tags. Viral RNA was screened by quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR using the poliovirus intratypic differentiation kit. Poliovirus recovery was optimized with PVR-His-tagged protein and buffers supplemented with polyethylene glycol. To validate the poliovirus-PVR-His tag purification assay, 182 poliovirus-positive stools of programmatic importance were parallel tested against the GPLN-accepted virus isolation method. The PVR-His tag enrichment method detected poliovirus in 164 of 171 poliovirus-positive stools, whereas the virus isolation method misidentified 38 stools as poliovirus-negative (McNemar χ2 p<0.0001). Using this method in combination with RNA extraction, viral RNA recovery increased and showed similar (WPV1) or higher (Sabin 1) sensitivity than the World Health Organization accredited variation of the virus isolation method. The PVR-His enrichment method could be a viable addition to poliovirus surveillance; similar methods have the potential to capture other human pathogens such as EV71 using an appropriate soluble His tag receptor. |
Use of guanidine thiocyanate-based nucleic acid extraction buffers to inactivate poliovirus in potentially infectious materials
Honeywood MJE , Jeffries-Miles S , Wong K , Harrington C , Burns CC , Oberste MS , Bowen MD , Vega E . J Virol Methods 2021 297 114262 The efforts of the Global Poliovirus Eradication Initiative (GPEI) have brought about the near elimination of poliovirus worldwide. The World Health Organization has issued guidelines for the safe handling and containment of infectious materials (IM) and potentially infectious materials (PIM) following poliovirus eradication. Inactivation of poliovirus in IM and PIM is needed to prevent inadvertent re-introduction of polioviruses post-eradication. In this study, we investigated the use of guanidine thiocyanate-based nucleic acid extraction buffers from commercially available nucleic acid extraction kits to inactivate poliovirus in cell culture isolates and stool suspensions, two common types of poliovirus IM and PIM, respectively. Incubation with selected nucleic acid extraction buffers or extraction buffers supplemented with ethanol reduced the infectivity of high-titer wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1), wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3), Sabin 1 (SL1), and Sabin 3 (SL3) cell culture isolates below the limit of detection in CCID(50) assays. Stool suspensions containing WPV1, WPV3, SL1, SL2, or SL3 were also inactivated by the extraction buffers tested. Blind passage of WPV1-spiked stool suspensions confirmed complete inactivation of WPV1 after incubation with extraction buffers. Moreover, treatment with a buffer consisting of 4 M guanidine thiocyanate with 30% ethanol inactivated a high-titer WPV1 culture isolate and a WPV1-spiked stool suspension. Taken together, these results show that guanidine thiocyanate-based nucleic acid extraction buffers are an effective means of inactivating poliovirus IM and PIM, and thus will be instrumental in ensuring containment compliance and preventing potential re-emergence of contained polioviruses. |
Validation of a redesigned pan-poliovirus assay and real-time PCR platforms for the global poliovirus laboratory network.
Sun H , Harrington C , Gerloff N , Mandelbaum M , Jeffries-Miles S , Apostol LNG , Valencia MAD , Shaukat S , Angez M , Sharma DK , Nalavade UP , Pawar SD , Pukuta Simbu E , Andriamamonjy S , Razafindratsimandresy R , Vega E . PLoS One 2021 16 (8) e0255795 ![]() Surveillance and detection of polioviruses (PV) remain crucial to monitoring eradication progress. Intratypic differentiation (ITD) using the real-time RT-PCR kit is key to the surveillance workflow, where viruses are screened after cell culture isolation before a subset are verified by sequencing. The ITD kit is a series of real-time RT-PCR assays that screens cytopathic effect (CPE)-positive cell cultures using the standard WHO method for virus isolation. Because ITD screening is a critical procedure in the poliovirus identification workflow, validation of performance of real-time PCR platforms is a core requirement for the detection of poliovirus using the ITD kit. In addition, the continual update and improvement of the ITD assays to simplify interpretation in all platforms is necessary to ensure that all real-time machines are capable of detecting positive real-time signals. Four platforms (ABI7500 real-time systems, Bio-Rad CFX96, Stratagene MX3000P, and the Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q) were validated with the ITD kit and a redesigned poliovirus probe. The poliovirus probe in the real-time RT-PCR pan-poliovirus (PanPV) assay was re-designed with a double-quencher (Zen™) to reduce background fluorescence and potential false negatives. The updated PanPV probe was evaluated with a panel consisting of 184 polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses. To further validate the updated PanPV probe, the new assay was pilot tested in five Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) laboratories (Madagascar, India, Philippines, Pakistan, and Democratic Republic of Congo). The updated PanPV probe performance was shown to reduce background fluorescence and decrease the number of false positives compared to the standard PanPV probe. |
A Survey of Tick Surveillance and Control Practices in the United States
Mader EM , Ganser C , Geiger A , Harrington LC , Foley J , Smith RL , Mateus-Pinilla N , Teel PD , Eisen RJ . J Med Entomol 2021 58 (4) 1503-1512 Tickborne diseases are an increasing public health threat in the United States. Prevention and diagnosis of tickborne diseases are improved by access to current and accurate information on where medically important ticks and their associated human and veterinary pathogens are present, their local abundance or prevalence, and when ticks are actively seeking hosts. The true extent of tick and tickborne pathogen expansion is poorly defined, in part because of a lack of nationally standardized tick surveillance. We surveyed 140 vector-borne disease professionals working in state, county, and local public health and vector control agencies to assess their 1) tick surveillance program objectives, 2) pathogen testing methods, 3) tick control practices, 4) data communication strategies, and 5) barriers to program development and operation. Fewer than half of respondents reported that their jurisdiction was engaged in routine, active tick surveillance, but nearly two-thirds reported engaging in passive tick surveillance. Detection of tick presence was the most commonly stated current surveillance objective (76.2%). Most of the programs currently supporting tick pathogen testing were in the Northeast (70.8%), Upper and Central Midwest (64.3%), and the West (71.4%) regions. The most common pathogens screened for were Rickettsia spp. (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) and bacterial and viral agents transmitted by Ixodes (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks. Only 12% of respondents indicated their jurisdiction directly conducts or otherwise financially supports tick control. Responses indicated that their ability to expand the capacity of tick surveillance and control programs was impeded by inconsistent funding, limited infrastructure, guidance on best practices, and institutional capacity to perform these functions. |
The community-wide effectiveness of municipal larval control programs for West Nile virus risk reduction in Connecticut, United States
McMillan JR , Harden CA , Burtis JC , Breban MI , Shepard JJ , Petruff TA , Misencik MJ , Bransfield AB , Poggi JD , Harrington LC , Andreadis TG , Armstrong PM . Pest Manag Sci 2021 77 (11) 5186-5201 BACKGROUND: Mosquito larval control through the use of insecticides is the most common strategy for suppressing West Nile virus (WNV) vector populations in Connecticut (CT), United States. To evaluate the ability of larval control to reduce entomological risk metrics associated with WNV, we performed WNV surveillance and assessments of municipal larvicide application programs in Milford and Stratford, CT in 2019 and 2020. Each town treated catch basins and non-basin habitats (Milford only) with biopesticide products during both WNV transmission seasons. Adult mosquitoes were collected weekly with gravid and CO(2) -baited light traps and tested for WNV; larvae and pupae were sampled weekly from basins within 500 m of trapping sites, and Culex pipiens larval mortality was determined with lab bioassays of catch basin water samples. RESULTS: Declines in 4th instar larvae and pupae were observed in catch basins up to 2-weeks post-treatment, and we detected a positive relationship between adult female Cx. pipiens collections in gravid traps and pupal abundance in basins. We also detected a significant difference in total light trap collections between the two towns. Despite these findings, Cx. pipiens adult collections and WNV mosquito infection prevalence in gravid traps were similar between towns. CONCLUSION: Larvicide applications reduced pupal abundance and the prevalence of host-seeking adults with no detectable impact on entomological risk metrics for WNV. Further research is needed to better determine the level of mosquito larval control required to reduce WNV transmission risk. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Recognition of Diagnostic Gaps for Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases: Expert Opinion from the Fungal Diagnostics Laboratories Consortium (FDLC)
Zhang SX , Babady NE , Hanson KE , Harrington AT , Larkin PMK , Leal SM Jr , Luethy PM , Martin IW , Pancholi P , Procop GW , Riedel S , Seyedmousavi S , Sullivan KV , Walsh TJ , Lockhart SR . J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (7) e0178420 Fungal infections are a rising threat to our immunocompromised patient population, as well as other nonimmunocompromised patients with various medical conditions. However, little progress has been made in the past decade to improve fungal diagnostics. To jointly address this diagnostic challenge, the Fungal Diagnostics Laboratory Consortium (FDLC) was recently created. The FDLC consists of 26 laboratories from the United States and Canada that routinely provide fungal diagnostic services for patient care. A survey of fungal diagnostic capacity among the 26 members of the FDLC was recently completed, identifying the following diagnostic gaps: lack of molecular detection of mucormycosis; lack of an optimal diagnostic algorithm incorporating fungal biomarkers and molecular tools for early and accurate diagnosis of Pneumocystis pneumonia, aspergillosis, candidemia, and endemic mycoses; lack of a standardized molecular approach to identify fungal pathogens directly in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues; lack of robust databases to enhance mold identification with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; suboptimal diagnostic approaches for mold blood cultures, tissue culture processing for Mucorales, and fungal respiratory cultures for cystic fibrosis patients; inadequate capacity for fungal point-of-care testing to detect and identify new, emerging or underrecognized, rare, or uncommon fungal pathogens; and performance of antifungal susceptibility testing. In this commentary, the FDLC delineates the most pressing unmet diagnostic needs and provides expert opinion on how to fulfill them. Most importantly, the FDLC provides a robust laboratory network to tackle these diagnostic gaps and ultimately to improve and enhance the clinical laboratory's capability to rapidly and accurately diagnose fungal infections. |
Evaluation of a Methoprene Aerial Application for the Control of Culiseta melanura (Diptera: Culicidae) in Wetland Larval Habitats
Burtis JC , Poggi JD , Duval TB , Bidlack E , Shepard JJ , Matton P , Rossetti R , Harrington LC . J Med Entomol 2021 58 (6) 2330-2337 Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is an arbovirus endemic to the eastern United States. Human cases are rare but can be serious. The primary enzootic vector is Culiseta melanura (Coquillett) (Diptera: Culicidae), an ornithophagic mosquito. We conducted an aerial application of a granular methoprene formulation in Hockomock Swamp (Massachusetts), which represents a focus of EEEV transmission. Water collected from inside and outside Cs. melanura crypts was evaluated in bioassays of early fourth instar Cs. melanura larvae using treated and untreated water. Adult eclosion rates were 36% significantly lower in treated compared with untreated water (P < 0.05). Eclosion rates for water collected from inside crypts were significantly higher (62%) than rates from outside crypts (30%) (P < 0.05), indicating higher efficacy outside crypts. We tested whether reduced methoprene efficacy inside the crypts was due to reduced chemical penetration into this habitat. Chemical water analyses confirmed that methoprene concentrations were lower inside the crypts (0.1 ± 0.05 ppb) compared to water from outside crypts (1.79 ± 0.41 ppb). The susceptibility of Cs. melanura to methoprene was also determined to allow for comparison against concentrations observed in water collected from the field (LC-95: 1.95 ± 0.5 ppb). Overall, methoprene-treated water prevented mosquito development for up to 4 wk, but with a reduction in efficacy between 4- and 6-wk post-application. Our results suggest that aerial methoprene applications can effectively treat open water in wetlands but may not provide efficacious control of Cs. melanura due to an inability to penetrate larval habitats. |
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