Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 137 Records) |
Query Trace: Damon I[original query] |
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to mold remediation following Hurricane Ida in Southeast Louisiana
Foreman AM , Omari A , Marks KJ , Troeschel AN , Haas EJ , Moore SM , Fechter-Leggett E , Park JH , Cox-Ganser JM , Damon SA , Soileau S , Jacob C , Bakshi A , Reilly A , Aubin K , Puszykowski K , Chew GL . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2024 21 (11) Hurricane Ida, a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall in southern Louisiana in August of 2021, causing widespread wind damage and flooding. The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to post-hurricane mold exposure and cleanup among residents and workers in areas of Louisiana affected by Hurricane Ida and assess changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practices that have occurred over the past 16 years since Hurricane Katrina. We conducted in-person interviews with 238 residents and 68 mold-remediation workers in areas in and around New Orleans to ask about their mold cleanup knowledge and practices, personal protective equipment use, and risk perceptions related to mold. Knowledge of recommended safety measures increased since the post-Katrina survey but adherence to recommended safety measures did not. Many residents and some workers reported using insufficient personal protective equipment when cleaning up mold despite awareness of the potential negative health effects of mold exposure. |
CDC's National Asthma Control Program: Looking back with an eye toward the future
Etheredge AA , Graham C , Wilce M , Hsu J , Damon SA , Malilay J , Falk H , Sircar K , Teklehaimanot H , Svendsen ER . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E72 |
Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine immunogenicity in American Indian/Alaska Native infants
Jackson BD , Miernyk K , Steinberg J , Beaudry J , Christensen L , Chukwuma U , Clichee D , Damon S , Farrenkopf BA , Hurley C , Luna J , Simons B , Singleton R , Thomas M , VanDeRiet D , Weatherholtz R , Zeger S , Zylstra S , Keck J , Hammitt LL . Pediatrics 2024 OBJECTIVES: American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) infants historically experienced a disproportionate burden of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease, especially early in life. PedvaxHIB vaccine is preferentially recommended for AI/AN infants because it elicits protective antibody levels postdose 1. Vaxelis, a hexavalent vaccine that contains the same Hib conjugate as PedvaxHIB but at lower concentration, is recommended for US children, but postdose 1 Hib immunogenicity data are needed to inform whether a preferential recommendation should be made for AI/AN infants. METHODS: We conducted a phase IV randomized, open-label, noninferiority trial comparing postdose 1 immunogenicity of Vaxelis to PedvaxHIB in AI/AN infants. Participants were randomized to receive a primary series of PedvaxHIB or Vaxelis. Serum samples collected 30 days postdose 1 were tested for anti-Hib immunoglobulin G antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The anti-Hib immunoglobulin G geometric mean concentration (GMC) ratio (Vaxelis/PedvaxHIB) was estimated by constrained longitudinal data analysis. Noninferiority was defined a priori as the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the GMC ratio ≥0.67. RESULTS: A total of 327 of the 333 infants enrolled in the study were included in the per-protocol analysis. The postdose 1 anti-Hib GMC was 0.41 µg/mL (95% CI 0.33-0.52) in the Vaxelis group (n = 152) and 0.39 µg/mL (95% CI 0.31-0.50) in the PedvaxHIB group (n = 146). The constrained longitudinal data analysis GMC ratio was 1.03 (95% CI 0.76-1.39). CONCLUSIONS: Postdose 1 immunogenicity of Vaxelis was noninferior to PedvaxHIB. Our findings support the use of Vaxelis in AI/AN children, a population with elevated risk of Hib disease. |
Development and pilot of an Mpox severity scoring system (MPOX-SSS)
Zucker J , McLean J , Huang S , DeLaurentis C , Gunaratne S , Stoeckle K , Glesby MJ , Wilkin TJ , Fischer W , Damon I , Brooks JT . J Infect Dis 2024 229 S229-s233 Clinical severity scores facilitate comparisons to understand risk factors for severe illness. For the 2022 multinational monkeypox clade IIb virus outbreak, we developed a 7-item Mpox Severity Scoring System (MPOX-SSS) with initial variables refined by data availability and parameter correlation. Application of MPOX-SSS to the first 200 patients diagnosed with mpox revealed higher scores in those treated with tecovirimat, presenting >3 days after symptom onset, and with CD4 counts <200 cells/mm3. For individuals evaluated repeatedly, serial scores were concordant with clinical observations. The pilot MPOX-SSS demonstrated good discrimination, distinguished change over time, and identified higher scores in expected groups. |
Variola virus and clade I monkeypox virus differentially modulate cellular responses longitudinally in monocytes during infection
Wahl V , Olson VA , Kondas AV , Jahrling PB , Damon IK , Kindrachuk J . J Infect Dis 2024 229 S265-s274 Variola virus (VARV), the etiological agent of smallpox, had enormous impacts on global health prior to its eradication. In the absence of global vaccination programs, mpox virus (MPXV) has become a growing public health threat that includes endemic and nonendemic regions across the globe. While human mpox resembles smallpox in clinical presentation, there are considerable knowledge gaps regarding conserved molecular pathogenesis between these 2 orthopoxviruses. Thus, we sought to compare MPXV and VARV infections in human monocytes through kinome analysis. We performed a longitudinal analysis of host cellular responses to VARV infection in human monocytes as well as a comparative analysis to clade I MPXV-mediated responses. While both viruses elicited strong activation of cell responses early during infection as compared to later time points, several key differences in cell signaling events were identified and validated. These observations will help in the design and development of panorthopoxvirus therapeutics. |
Monkeypox virus-infected individuals mount comparable humoral immune responses as Smallpox-vaccinated individuals
Otter AD , Jones S , Hicks B , Bailey D , Callaby H , Houlihan C , Rampling T , Gordon NC , Selman H , Satheshkumar PS , Townsend M , Mehta R , Pond M , Jones R , Wright D , Oeser C , Tonge S , Linley E , Hemingway G , Coleman T , Millward S , Lloyd A , Damon I , Brooks T , Vipond R , Rowe C , Hallis B . Nat Commun 2023 14 (1) 5948 In early 2022, a cluster of monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection (mpox) cases were identified within the UK with no prior travel history to MPXV-endemic regions. Subsequently, case numbers exceeding 80,000 were reported worldwide, primarily affecting gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM). Public health agencies worldwide have offered the IMVANEX Smallpox vaccination to these individuals at high-risk to provide protection and limit the spread of MPXV. We have developed a comprehensive array of ELISAs to study poxvirus-induced antibodies, utilising 24 MPXV and 3 Vaccinia virus (VACV) recombinant antigens. Panels of serum samples from individuals with differing Smallpox-vaccine doses and those with prior MPXV infection were tested on these assays, where we observed that one dose of Smallpox vaccination induces a low number of antibodies to a limited number of MPXV antigens but increasing with further vaccination doses. MPXV infection induced similar antibody responses to diverse poxvirus antigens observed in Smallpox-vaccinated individuals. We identify MPXV A27 as a serological marker of MPXV-infection, whilst MPXV M1 (VACV L1) is likely IMVANEX-specific. Here, we demonstrate analogous humoral antigen recognition between both MPXV-infected or Smallpox-vaccinated individuals, with binding to diverse yet core set of poxvirus antigens, providing opportunities for future vaccine (e.g., mRNA) and therapeutic (e.g., mAbs) design. |
Multiple lineages of Monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022 (preprint)
Gigante CM , Korber B , Seabolt MH , Wilkins K , Davidson W , Rao AK , Zhao H , Hughes CM , Minhaj F , Waltenburg MA , Theiler J , Smole S , Gallagher GR , Blythe D , Myers R , Schulte J , Stringer J , Lee P , Mendoza RM , Griffin-Thomas LA , Crain J , Murray J , Atkinson A , Gonzalez AH , Nash J , Batra D , Damon I , McQuiston J , Hutson CL , McCollum AM , Li Y . bioRxiv 2022 11 (6619) 560-565 Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease endemic in Central and West Africa. In May 2022, dozens of non-endemic countries reported hundreds of monkeypox cases, most with no epidemiological link to Africa. We identified two lineages of Monkeypox virus (MPXV) among nine 2021 and 2022 U.S. monkeypox cases. A 2021 case was highly similar to the 2022 MPXV outbreak variant, suggesting a common ancestor. Analysis of mutations among these two lineages revealed an extreme preference for GA-to-AA mutations indicative of APOBEC3 cytosine deaminase activity that was shared among West African MPXV since 2017 but absent from Congo Basin lineages. Poxviruses are not thought to be subject to APOBEC3 editing; however, these findings suggest APOBEC3 activity has been recurrent and dominant in recent West African MPXV evolution. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Genomic deletions and rearrangements in monkeypox virus from the 2022 outbreak, USA (preprint)
Gigante CM , Plumb M , Ruprecht A , Zhao H , Wicker V , Wilkins K , Matheny A , Khan T , Davidson W , Sheth M , Burgin A , Burroughs M , Padilla J , Lee JS , Batra D , Hetrick EE , Howard DT , Garfin J , Tate L , Hubsmith SJ , Mendoza RM , Stanek D , Gillani S , Lee M , Mangla A , Blythe D , SierraPatev S , Carpenter-Azevedo K , Huard RC , Gallagher G , Hall J , Ash S , Kovar L , Seabolt MH , Weigand MR , Damon I , Satheshkumar PS , McCollum AM , Hutson CL , Wang X , Li Y . bioRxiv 2022 17 Genomic surveillance of monkeypox virus (MPXV) during the 2022 outbreak has been mainly focused on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) changes. DNA viruses, including MPXV, have a lower SNP mutation rate than RNA viruses due to higher fidelity replication machinery. We identified a large genomic rearrangement in a MPXV sequence from a 2022 case in the state of Minnesota (MN), USA, from an abnormal, uneven MPXV read mapping coverage profile in whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. We further screened WGS data of 206 U.S. MPXV samples and found seven (3.4 percent) sequenced genomes contained similar abnormal read coverage profiles that suggested putative large deletions or genomic rearrangements. Here, we present three MPXV genomes containing deletions ranging from 2.3 to 15 kb and four genomes containing more complex rearrangements. Five genomic changes were each only seen in one sample, but two sequences from linked cases shared an identical 2.3 kb deletion in the 3' terminal region. All samples were positive using VAC1 and Clade II (formerly West African)-specific MPXV diagnostic tests; however, large deletions and genomic rearrangements like the ones reported here have the potential to result in viruses in which the target of a PCR diagnostic test is deleted. The emergence of genomic rearrangements during the outbreak may have public health implications and highlight the importance of continued genomic surveillance. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Poxviridae 2023
McInnes CJ , Damon IK , Smith GL , McFadden G , Isaacs SN , Roper RL , Evans DH , Damaso CR , Carulei O , Wise LM , Lefkowitz EJ . J Gen Virol 2023 104 (5) ![]() Poxviridae is a family of enveloped, brick-shaped or ovoid viruses. The genome is a linear molecule of dsDNA (128-375 kbp) with covalently closed ends. The family includes the sub-families Entomopoxvirinae, whose members have been found in four orders of insects, and Chordopoxvirinae, whose members are found in mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Poxviruses are important pathogens in various animals, including humans, and typically result in the formation of lesions, skin nodules, or disseminated rash. Infections can be fatal. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Poxviridae, which is available at |
Design and optimization of a monkeypox virus specific serological assay
Taha TY , Townsend MB , Pohl J , Karem KL , Damon IK , Mbala Kingebeni P , Muyembe Tamfum JJ , Martin JW , Pittman PR , Huggins JW , Satheshkumar PS , Bagarozzi DA Jr , Reynolds MG , Hughes LJ . Pathogens 2023 12 (3) Monkeypox virus (MPXV), a member of the Orthopoxvirus (OPXV) genus, is a zoonotic virus, endemic to central and western Africa that can cause smallpox-like symptoms in humans with fatal outcomes in up to 15% of patients. The incidence of MPXV infections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the majority of cases have occurred historically, has been estimated to have increased as much as 20-fold since the end of smallpox vaccination in 1980. Considering the risk global travel carries for future disease outbreaks, accurate epidemiological surveillance of MPXV is warranted as demonstrated by the recent Mpox outbreak, where the majority of cases were occurring in non-endemic areas. Serological differentiation between childhood vaccination and recent infection with MPXV or other OPXVs is difficult due to the high level of conservation within OPXV proteins. Here, a peptide-based serological assay was developed to specifically detect exposure to MPXV. A comparative analysis of immunogenic proteins across human OPXVs identified a large subset of proteins that could potentially be specifically recognized in response to a MPXV infection. Peptides were chosen based upon MPXV sequence specificity and predicted immunogenicity. Peptides individually and combined were screened in an ELISA against serum from well-characterized Mpox outbreaks, vaccinee sera, and smallpox sera collected prior to eradication. One peptide combination was successful with ~86% sensitivity and ~90% specificity. The performance of the assay was assessed against the OPXV IgG ELISA in the context of a serosurvey by retrospectively screening a set of serum specimens from the region in Ghana believed to have harbored the MPXV-infected rodents involved in the 2003 United States outbreak. |
Interim clinical treatment considerations for severe manifestations of Mpox - United States, February 2023
Rao AK , Schrodt CA , Minhaj FS , Waltenburg MA , Cash-Goldwasser S , Yu Y , Petersen BW , Hutson C , Damon IK . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (9) 232-243 Monkeypox (mpox) is a disease caused by infection with Monkeypox virus (MPXV), an Orthopoxvirus (OPXV) in the same genus as Variola virus, which causes smallpox. During 2022, a global outbreak involving mpox clade IIb was recognized, primarily among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.* Most affected patients have been immunocompetent and experienced ≤10 rash lesions (1). CDC has recommended supportive care including pain control.(†) However, some patients have experienced severe mpox manifestations, including ocular lesions, neurologic complications, myopericarditis, complications associated with mucosal (oral, rectal, genital, and urethral) lesions, and uncontrolled viral spread due to moderate or severe immunocompromise, particularly advanced HIV infection (2). Therapeutic medical countermeasures (MCMs) are Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-regulated drugs and biologics that are predominantly stockpiled by the U.S. government; MCMs developed for smallpox preparedness or shown to be effective against other OPXVs (i.e., tecovirimat, brincidofovir, cidofovir, trifluridine ophthalmic solution, and vaccinia immune globulin intravenous [VIGIV]) have been used to treat severe mpox. During May 2022-January 2023, CDC provided more than 250 U.S. mpox consultations. This report synthesizes data from animal models, MCM use for human cases of related OPXV, unpublished data, input from clinician experts, and experience during consultations (including follow-up) to provide interim clinical treatment considerations. Randomized controlled trials and other carefully controlled research studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of MCMs for treating human mpox. Until data gaps are filled, the information presented in this report represents the best available information concerning the effective use of MCMs and should be used to guide decisions about MCM use for mpox patients. |
Multiple lineages of monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022.
Gigante CM , Korber B , Seabolt MH , Wilkins K , Davidson W , Rao AK , Zhao H , Smith TG , Hughes CM , Minhaj F , Waltenburg MA , Theiler J , Smole S , Gallagher GR , Blythe D , Myers R , Schulte J , Stringer J , Lee P , Mendoza RM , Griffin-Thomas LA , Crain J , Murray J , Atkinson A , Gonzalez AH , Nash J , Batra D , Damon I , McQuiston J , Hutson CL , McCollum AM , Li Y . Science 2022 378 (6619) eadd4153 ![]() ![]() Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease endemic in Central and West Africa. In May 2022, dozens of non-endemic countries reported hundreds of monkeypox cases, most with no epidemiological link to Africa. We identified two lineages of monkeypox virus (MPXV) among two 2021 and seven 2022 U.S. monkeypox cases: the major 2022 outbreak variant, B.1, and a minor contemporaneously sampled variant called A.2. Analyses of mutations among these two variants revealed an extreme preference for GA-to-AA mutations indicative of human APOBEC3 cytosine deaminase activity among Clade IIb MPXV (previously West African, Nigeria) sampled since 2017. Such mutations were not enriched within other MPXV clades. These findings suggest that APOBEC3 editing may be a recurrent and a dominant driver of MPXV evolution within the current outbreak. |
Incidence of monkeypox among unvaccinated persons compared with persons receiving 1 JYNNEOS vaccine vose - 32 U.S. jurisdictions, July 31-September 3, 2022
Payne AB , Ray LC , Kugeler KJ , Fothergill A , White EB , Canning M , Farrar JL , Feldstein LR , Gundlapalli AV , Houck K , Kriss JL , Lewis NM , Sims E , Smith DK , Spicknall IH , Nakazawa Y , Damon IK , Cohn AC , Payne DC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (40) 1278-1282 Human monkeypox is caused by Monkeypox virus (MPXV), an Orthopoxvirus, previously rare in the United States (1). The first U.S. case of monkeypox during the current outbreak was identified on May 17, 2022 (2). As of September 28, 2022, a total of 25,341 monkeypox cases have been reported in the United States.* The outbreak has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (3). JYNNEOS vaccine (Modified Vaccinia Ankara vaccine, Bavarian Nordic), administered subcutaneously as a 2-dose (0.5 mL per dose) series with doses administered 4 weeks apart, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019 to prevent smallpox and monkeypox infection (4). U.S. distribution of JYNNEOS vaccine as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) for persons with known exposures to MPXV began in May 2022. A U.S. national vaccination strategy(†) for expanded PEP, announced on June 28, 2022, recommended subcutaneous vaccination of persons with known or presumed exposure to MPXV, broadening vaccination eligibility. FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) of intradermal administration of 0.1 mL of JYNNEOS on August 9, 2022, increased vaccine supply (5). As of September 28, 2022, most vaccine has been administered as PEP or expanded PEP. Because of the limited amount of time that has elapsed since administration of initial vaccine doses, as of September 28, 2022, relatively few persons in the current outbreak have completed the recommended 2-dose series.(§) To examine the incidence of monkeypox among persons who were unvaccinated and those who had received ≥1 JYNNEOS vaccine dose, 5,402 reported monkeypox cases occurring among males(¶) aged 18-49 years during July 31-September 3, 2022, were analyzed by vaccination status across 32 U.S. jurisdictions.** Average monkeypox incidence (cases per 100,000) among unvaccinated persons was 14.3 (95% CI = 5.0-41.0) times that among persons who received 1 dose of JYNNEOS vaccine ≥14 days earlier. Monitoring monkeypox incidence by vaccination status in timely surveillance data might provide early indications of vaccine-related protection that can be confirmed through other well-controlled vaccine effectiveness studies. This early finding suggests that a single dose of JYNNEOS vaccine provides some protection against monkeypox infection. The degree and durability of such protection is unknown, and it is recommended that people who are eligible for monkeypox vaccination receive the complete 2-dose series. |
Clinical use of tecovirimat (Tpoxx) for treatment of monkeypox under an investigational new drug protocol - United States, May-August 2022
O'Laughlin K , Tobolowsky FA , Elmor R , Overton R , O'Connor SM , Damon IK , Petersen BW , Rao AK , Chatham-Stephens K , Yu P , Yu Y . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (37) 1190-1195 Currently, no Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved treatments for human monkeypox are available. Tecovirimat (Tpoxx), however, is an antiviral drug that has demonstrated efficacy in animal studies and is FDA-approved for treating smallpox. Use of tecovirimat for treatment of monkeypox in the United States is permitted only through an FDA-regulated Expanded Access Investigational New Drug (EA-IND) mechanism. CDC holds a nonresearch EA-IND protocol that facilitates access to and use of tecovirimat for treatment of monkeypox.() The protocol includes patient treatment and adverse event reporting forms to monitor safety and ensure intended clinical use in accordance with FDA EA-IND requirements. The current multinational monkeypox outbreak, first detected in a country where Monkeypox virus infection is not endemic in May 2022, has predominantly affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1,2). To describe characteristics of persons treated with tecovirimat for Monkeypox virus infection, demographic and clinical data abstracted from available tecovirimat EA-IND treatment forms were analyzed. As of August 20, 2022, intake and outcome forms were available for 549 and 369 patients, respectively; 97.7% of patients were men, with a median age of 36.5 years. Among patients with available data, 38.8% were reported to be non-Hispanic White (White) persons, 99.8% were prescribed oral tecovirimat, and 93.1% were not hospitalized. Approximately one half of patients with Monkeypox virus infection who received tecovirimat were living with HIV infection. The median interval from initiation of tecovirimat to subjective improvement was 3 days and did not differ by HIV infection status. Adverse events were reported in 3.5% of patients; all but one adverse event were nonserious. These data support the continued access to and treatment with tecovirimat for patients with or at risk for severe disease in the ongoing monkeypox outbreak. |
Monkeypox outbreak - nine states, May 2022
Minhaj FS , Ogale YP , Whitehill F , Schultz J , Foote M , Davidson W , Hughes CM , Wilkins K , Bachmann L , Chatelain R , Donnelly MAP , Mendoza R , Downes BL , Roskosky M , Barnes M , Gallagher GR , Basgoz N , Ruiz V , Kyaw NTT , Feldpausch A , Valderrama A , Alvarado-Ramy F , Dowell CH , Chow CC , Li Y , Quilter L , Brooks J , Daskalakis DC , McClung RP , Petersen BW , Damon I , Hutson C , McQuiston J , Rao AK , Belay E , McCollum AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (23) 764-769 On May 17, 2022, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Laboratory Response Network (LRN) laboratory confirmed the presence of orthopoxvirus DNA via real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from lesion swabs obtained from a Massachusetts resident. Orthopoxviruses include Monkeypox virus, the causative agent of monkeypox. Subsequent real-time PCR testing at CDC on May 18 confirmed that the patient was infected with the West African clade of Monkeypox virus. Since then, confirmed cases* have been reported by nine states. In addition, 28 countries and territories,(†) none of which has endemic monkeypox, have reported laboratory-confirmed cases. On May 17, CDC, in coordination with state and local jurisdictions, initiated an emergency response to identify, monitor, and investigate additional monkeypox cases in the United States. This response has included releasing a Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory, developing interim public health and clinical recommendations, releasing guidance for LRN testing, hosting clinician and public health partner outreach calls, disseminating health communication messages to the public, developing protocols for use and release of medical countermeasures, and facilitating delivery of vaccine postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) and antivirals that have been stockpiled by the U.S. government for preparedness and response purposes. On May 19, a call center was established to provide guidance to states for the evaluation of possible cases of monkeypox, including recommendations for clinical diagnosis and orthopoxvirus testing. The call center also gathers information about possible cases to identify interjurisdictional linkages. As of May 31, this investigation has identified 17(§) cases in the United States; most cases (16) were diagnosed in persons who identify as gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men (MSM). Ongoing investigation suggests person-to-person community transmission, and CDC urges health departments, clinicians, and the public to remain vigilant, institute appropriate infection prevention and control measures, and notify public health authorities of suspected cases to reduce disease spread. Public health authorities are identifying cases and conducting investigations to determine possible sources and prevent further spread. This activity was reviewed by CDC and conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.(¶). |
Use of JYNNEOS (smallpox and monkeypox vaccine, live, nonreplicating) for preexposure vaccination of persons at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2022
Rao AK , Petersen BW , Whitehill F , Razeq JH , Isaacs SN , Merchlinsky MJ , Campos-Outcalt D , Morgan RL , Damon I , Sánchez PJ , Bell BP . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (22) 734-742 Certain laboratorians and health care personnel can be exposed to orthopoxviruses through occupational activities. Because orthopoxvirus infections resulting from occupational exposures can be serious, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has continued to recommend preexposure vaccination for these persons since 1980 (1), when smallpox was eradicated (2). In 2015, ACIP made recommendations for the use of ACAM2000, the only orthopoxvirus vaccine available in the United States at that time (3). During 2020-2021, ACIP considered evidence for use of JYNNEOS, a replication-deficient Vaccinia virus vaccine, as an alternative to ACAM2000. In November 2021, ACIP unanimously voted in favor of JYNNEOS as an alternative to ACAM2000 for primary vaccination and booster doses. With these recommendations for use of JYNNEOS, two vaccines (ACAM2000 and JYNNEOS) are now available and recommended for preexposure prophylaxis against orthopoxvirus infection among persons at risk for such exposures. |
Monkeypox in a Traveler Returning from Nigeria - Dallas, Texas, July 2021.
Rao AK , Schulte J , Chen TH , Hughes CM , Davidson W , Neff JM , Markarian M , Delea KC , Wada S , Liddell A , Alexander S , Sunshine B , Huang P , Honza HT , Rey A , Monroe B , Doty J , Christensen B , Delaney L , Massey J , Waltenburg M , Schrodt CA , Kuhar D , Satheshkumar PS , Kondas A , Li Y , Wilkins K , Sage KM , Yu Y , Yu P , Feldpausch A , McQuiston J , Damon IK , McCollum AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (14) 509-516 ![]() ![]() Monkeypox is a rare, sometimes life-threatening zoonotic infection that occurs in west and central Africa. It is caused by Monkeypox virus, an orthopoxvirus similar to Variola virus (the causative agent of smallpox) and Vaccinia virus (the live virus component of orthopoxvirus vaccines) and can spread to humans. After 39 years without detection of human disease in Nigeria, an outbreak involving 118 confirmed cases was identified during 2017-2018 (1); sporadic cases continue to occur. During September 2018-May 2021, six unrelated persons traveling from Nigeria received diagnoses of monkeypox in non-African countries: four in the United Kingdom and one each in Israel and Singapore. In July 2021, a man who traveled from Lagos, Nigeria, to Dallas, Texas, became the seventh traveler to a non-African country with diagnosed monkeypox. Among 194 monitored contacts, 144 (74%) were flight contacts. The patient received tecovirimat, an antiviral for treatment of orthopoxvirus infections, and his home required large-scale decontamination. Whole genome sequencing showed that the virus was consistent with a strain of Monkeypox virus known to circulate in Nigeria, but the specific source of the patient's infection was not identified. No epidemiologically linked cases were reported in Nigeria; no contact received postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) with the orthopoxvirus vaccine ACAM2000. |
Use of Ebola vaccine: Expansion of recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to include two additional populations - United States, 2021
Malenfant JH , Joyce A , Choi MJ , Cossaboom CM , Whitesell AN , Harcourt BH , Atmar RL , Villanueva JM , Bell BP , Hahn C , Loehr J , Davey RT , Sprecher A , Kraft CS , Shoemaker T , Montgomery JM , Helfand R , Damon IK , Frey SE , Chen WH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (8) 290-292 On December 19, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP Ebola vaccine (ERVEBO, Merck) for the prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD) caused by infection with Ebola virus, species Zaire ebolavirus, in adults aged ≥18 years. In February 2020, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended preexposure vaccination with ERVEBO for adults aged ≥18 years in the United States who are at highest risk for potential occupational exposure to Ebola virus because they are responding to an outbreak of EVD, work as health care personnel at federally designated Ebola treatment centers in the United States, or work as laboratorians or other staff members at biosafety level 4 facilities in the United States (1). |
Air aware: Improving use of an existing air quality and health tool
Damon SA , Rupert DJ , Pryzby R . J Health Commun 2022 27 (1) 1-7 Exposure to air pollutants is a significant health risk for individuals with asthma, cardiovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Measures such as limiting time outdoors or performing less strenuous tasks when air quality levels are better can mitigate these risks, but only if people are aware of both these recommendations and how to know when air quality is best, and worst. Formative audience assessment determined that applications developed for mobile devices are the optimal way to provide this information, but knowledge of the existing United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and partners' AirNow tool was minimal. We developed, field-tested, adapted, and implemented pilot efforts at both the national and local levels to address this knowledge gap, and present findings suggesting a concentrated local effort can heighten use of AirNow, leading to more pro-healthy behavior. |
Development and implementation of the Ebola exposure window calculator: A tool for Ebola virus disease outbreak field investigations
Whitesell A , Bustamante ND , Stewart M , Freeman J , Dismer AM , Alarcon W , Kofman A , Ben Hamida A , Nichol ST , Damon I , Haberling DL , Keita M , Mbuyi G , Armstrong G , Juang D , Dana J , Choi MJ . PLoS One 2021 16 (8) e0255631 During an Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak, calculating the exposure window of a confirmed case can assist field investigators in identifying the source of infection and establishing chains of transmission. However, field investigators often have difficulty calculating this window. We developed a bilingual (English/French), smartphone-based field application to assist field investigators in determining the exposure window of an EVD case. The calculator only requires the reported date of symptoms onset and the type of symptoms present at onset or the date of death. Prior to the release of this application, there was no similar electronic capability to enable consistent calculation of EVD exposure windows for field investigators. The Democratic Republic of the Congo Ministry of Health endorsed the application and incorporated it into trainings for field staff. Available for Apple and Android devices, the calculator continues to be downloaded even as the eastern DRC outbreak resolved. We rapidly developed and implemented a smartphone application to estimate the exposure window for EVD cases in an outbreak setting. |
COVID-19 response by the Hopi Tribe: impact of systems improvement during the first wave on the second wave of the pandemic.
Humeyestewa D , Burke RM , Kaur H , Vicenti D , Jenkins R , Yatabe G , Hirschman J , Hamilton J , Fazekas K , Leslie G , Sehongva G , Honanie K , Tu'tsi E , Mayer O , Rose MA , Diallo Y , Damon S , Zilversmit Pao L , McCraw HM , Talawyma B , Herne M , Nuvangyaoma TL , Welch S , Balajee SA . BMJ Glob Health 2021 6 (5) The Hopi Tribe is a sovereign nation home to ~7500 Hopi persons living primarily in 12 remote villages. The Hopi Tribe, like many other American Indian nations, has been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. On 18 May 2020, a team from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was deployed on the request of the tribe in response to increases in COVID-19 cases. Collaborating with Hopi Health Care Center (the reservation's federally run Indian Health Service health facility) and CDC, the Hopi strengthened public health systems and response capacity from May to August including: (1) implementing routine COVID-19 surveillance reporting; (2) establishing the Hopi Incident Management Authority for rapid coordination and implementation of response activities across partners; (3) implementing a community surveillance programme to facilitate early case detection and educate communities on COVID-19 prevention; and (4) applying innovative communication strategies to encourage mask wearing, hand hygiene and physical distancing. These efforts, as well as community adherence to mitigation measures, helped to drive down cases in August. As cases increased in September-November, the improved capacity gained during the first wave of the pandemic enabled the Hopi leadership to have real-time awareness of the changing epidemiological landscape. This prompted rapid response coordination, swift scale up of health communications and redeployment of the community surveillance programme. The Hopi experience in strengthening their public health systems to better confront COVID-19 may be informative to other indigenous peoples as they also respond to COVID-19 within the context of disproportionate burden. |
Clinical and epidemiologic findings from enhanced monkeypox surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo during 2011-2015
Whitehouse ER , Bonwitt J , Hughes CM , Lushima RS , Likafi T , Nguete B , Kabamba J , Monroe B , Doty JB , Nakazawa Y , Damon I , Malekani J , Davidson W , Wilkins K , Li Y , Radford KW , Schmid DS , Pukuta E , Muyamuna E , Karhemere S , Tamfum JM , Okitolonda EW , McCollum AM , Reynolds MG . J Infect Dis 2021 223 (11) 1870-1878 BACKGROUND: Monkeypox is a poorly described emerging zoonosis endemic to Central and Western Africa. METHODS: Using surveillance data from Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo during 2011-2015, we evaluated differences in incidence, exposures, and clinical presentation of PCR-confirmed cases by sex and age. RESULTS: We report 1,057 confirmed cases. Average annual incidence was 14·1 per 100,000 (95% CI: 13·3-15·0). Incidence was higher in males (incidence rate ratio [IRR] males: females: 1·21, 95% CI 1·07-1·37), except among 20-29-year-old (IRR: 0·70, 95% CI: 0·51-0·95). Females aged 20-29 years also reported a high frequency of exposures (26·2%) to people with monkeypox-like symptoms. Highest incidence was among 10-19-year-old males, the cohort reporting the highest proportion of animal exposures (37·5%). Incidence was lower among those presumed to have received smallpox vaccination versus those presumed unvaccinated. No differences were observed by age group in lesion count or lesion severity score. CONCLUSIONS: Monkeypox incidence was twice that reported during 1980-1985, an increase possibly linked to declining immunity provided by smallpox vaccination. The high proportion of cases attributed to human exposures suggests changing exposure patterns. Cases were distributed across age and sex, suggesting frequent exposures that follow socio-cultural norms. |
Use of Ebola vaccine: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Choi MJ , Cossaboom CM , Whitesell AN , Dyal JW , Joyce A , Morgan RL , Campos-Outcalt D , Person M , Ervin E , Yu YC , Rollin PE , Harcourt BH , Atmar RL , Bell BP , Helfand R , Damon IK , Frey SE . MMWR Recomm Rep 2021 70 (1) 1-12 This report summarizes the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for use of the rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP Ebola vaccine (Ervebo) in the United States. The vaccine contains rice-derived recombinant human serum albumin and live attenuated recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in which the gene encoding the glycoprotein of VSV was replaced with the gene encoding the glycoprotein of Ebola virus species Zaire ebolavirus. Persons with a history of severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to rice protein should not receive Ervebo. This is the first and only vaccine currently licensed by the Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD). These guidelines will be updated based on availability of new data or as new vaccines are licensed to protect against EVD.ACIP recommends preexposure vaccination with Ervebo for adults aged ≥18 years in the U.S. population who are at highest risk for potential occupational exposure to Ebola virus species Zaire ebolavirus because they are responding to an outbreak of EVD, work as health care personnel at federally designated Ebola treatment centers in the United States, or work as laboratorians or other staff at biosafety level 4 facilities in the United States. Recommendations for use of Ervebo in additional populations at risk for exposure and other settings will be considered and discussed by ACIP in the future. |
Mold cleanup practices vary by sociodemographic and allergy factors
Damon SA , Chew GL . J Environ Health 2020 83 (5) 18-21 We examined mold cleanup practices in the U.S. in a general population that was not selected on a history of natural disaster. We used a population-based survey (n = 3,624) to assess associations between (1) sociodemographic, housing, and respiratory health variables and (2) mold cleanup, personal protective equipment (PPE) use, and cleaning agent use. Bleach was the most commonly used cleaning agent, with approximately 90% of residents reporting using bleach alone or with other agents. More respondents used gloves (76%) than any other PPE. The use of PPE varied: 42% of bleach users wore a facemask/respirator compared with only 19% of soap and water users. Hispanic populations frequently reported mold cleanup. Bleach use was less likely in the Western region of the country and among Asians. Although green products were rarely used, Asians were more likely to use them. Bleach was the most commonly used cleaning agent for mold and PPE use was common when using bleach, which supports the need for current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention safe-use recommendations. |
Vaccination of contacts of Ebola virus disease survivors to prevent further transmission.
Doshi RH , Fleming M , Mukoka AK , Carter RJ , Hyde TB , Choi M , Nzaji MK , Bateyi SH , Christie A , Nichol ST , Damon IK , Beach M , Musenga EM , Fitter DL . Lancet Glob Health 2020 8 (12) e1455-e1456 ![]() ![]() On April 10, 2020, just 2 days before the anticipated declaration of the end of the North Kivu and Ituri Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in DR Congo, and 53 days after the last confirmed case of EVD had been reported, a new case was confirmed. Sequencing of patient samples from the case in April and six others that followed indicated that these cases were likely to have come from a reintroduction of the virus from a persistently infected survivor.1 This group of cases marked the second flare-up linked to an EVD survivor during this outbreak. In November, 2019, a relapse case in North Kivu resulted in widespread transmission across multiple health zones, helping to extend the outbreak by at least 3 months. |
Risk of transmissibility from neurodegenerative disease-associated proteins: Experimental knowns and unknowns
Asher DM , Belay E , Bigio E , Brandner S , Brubaker SA , Caughey B , Clark B , Damon I , Diamond M , Freund M , Hyman BT , Jucker M , Keene CD , Lieberman AP , Mackiewicz M , Montine TJ , Morgello S , Phelps C , Safar J , Schneider JA , Schonberger LB , Sigurdson C , Silverberg N , Trojanowski JQ , Frosch MP . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2020 79 (11) 1141-1146 Recent studies in animal models demonstrate that certain misfolded proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases can support templated misfolding of cognate native proteins, to propagate across neural systems, and to therefore have some of the properties of classical prion diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The National Institute of Aging convened a meeting to discuss the implications of these observations for research priorities. A summary of the discussion is presented here, with a focus on limitations of current knowledge, highlighting areas that appear to require further investigation in order to guide scientific practice while minimizing potential exposure or risk in the laboratory setting. The committee concluded that, based on all currently available data, although neurodegenerative disease-associated aggregates of several different non-prion proteins can be propagated from humans to experimental animals, there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest more than a negligible risk, if any, of a direct infectious etiology for the human neurodegenerative disorders defined in part by these proteins. Given the importance of this question, the potential for noninvasive human transmission of proteopathic disorders is deserving of further investigation. |
Modeling the potential impact of administering vaccines against Clostridioides difficile infection to individuals in healthcare facilities.
Toth DJA , Keegan LT , Samore MH , Khader K , O'Hagan JJ , Yu H , Quintana A , Swerdlow DL . Vaccine 2020 38 (37) 5927-5932 ![]() BACKGROUND: A vaccine against Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is in development. While the vaccine has potential to both directly protect those vaccinated and mitigate transmission by reducing environmental contamination, the impact of the vaccine on C. difficile colonization remains unclear. Consequently, the transmission-reduction effect of the vaccine depends on the contribution of symptomatic CDI to overall transmission of C. difficile. METHODS: We designed a simulation model of CDI among patients in a network of 10 hospitals and nursing homes and calibrated the model using estimates of transmissibility from whole genome sequencing studies that estimated the fraction of CDI attributable to transmission from other CDI patients. We assumed the vaccine reduced the rate of progression to CDI among carriers by 25-95% after completion of a 3-dose vaccine course administered to randomly chosen patients at facility discharge. We simulated the administration of this vaccination campaign and tallied effects over 5 years. RESULTS: We estimated 30 times higher infectivity of CDI patients compared to other carriers. Simulations of the vaccination campaign produced an average reduction of 3-16 CDI cases per 1000 vaccinated patients, with 2-11 of those cases prevented among those vaccinated and 1-5 prevented among unvaccinated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate potential for a vaccine against CDI to reduce transmissions in healthcare facilities, even with no direct effect on carriage susceptibility. The vaccine's population impact will increase if received by individuals at risk for CDI onset in high-transmission settings. |
IMVAMUNE and ACAM2000 provide different protection against disease when administered postexposure in an intranasal monkeypox challenge prairie dog model
Keckler MS , Salzer JS , Patel N , Townsend MB , Nakazawa YJ , Doty JB , Gallardo-Romero NF , Satheshkumar PS , Carroll DS , Karem KL , Damon IK . Vaccines (Basel) 2020 8 (3) The protection provided by smallpox vaccines when used after exposure to Orthopoxviruses is poorly understood. Postexposu re administration of 1st generation smallpox vaccines was effective during eradication. However, historical epidemiological reports and animal studies on postexposure vaccination are difficult to extrapolate to today's populations, and 2nd and 3rd generation vaccines, developed after eradication, have not been widely tested in postexposure vaccination scenarios. In addition to concerns about preparedness for a potential malevolent reintroduction of variola virus, humans are becoming increasingly exposed to naturally occurring zoonotic orthopoxviruses and, following these exposures, disease severity is worse in individuals who never received smallpox vaccination. This study investigated whether postexposure vaccination of prairie dogs with 2nd and 3rd generation smallpox vaccines was protective against monkeypox disease in four exposure scenarios. We infected animals with monkeypox virus at doses of 10(4) pfu (2× LD(50)) or 10(6) pfu (170× LD(50)) and vaccinated the animals with IMVAMUNE(®) or ACAM2000(®) either 1 or 3 days after challenge. Our results indicated that postexposure vaccination protected the animals to some degree from the 2× LD(50), but not the 170× LD(5) challenge. In the 2× LD(50) challenge, we also observed that administration of vaccine at 1 day was more effective than administration at 3 days postexposure for IMVAMUNE(®), but ACAM2000(®) was similarly effective at either postexposure vaccination time-point. The effects of postexposure vaccination and correlations with survival of total and neutralizing antibody responses, protein targets, take formation, weight loss, rash burden, and viral DNA are also presented. |
Magnitude and diversity of immune response to vaccinia virus is dependent on route of administration
Hughes LJ , Townsend MB , Gallardo-Romero N , Hutson CL , Patel N , Doty JB , Salzer JS , Damon IK , Carroll DS , Satheshkumar PS , Karem KL . Virology 2020 544 55-63 Historic observations suggest that survivors of smallpox maintained lifelong immunity and protection to subsequent infection compared to vaccinated individuals. Although protective immunity by vaccination using a related virus (vaccinia virus (VACV) strains) was the key for smallpox eradication, it does not uniformly provide long term, or lifelong protective immunity (Heiner et al., 1971). To determine differences in humoral immune responses, mice were inoculated with VACV either systemically, using intranasal inoculation (IN), or locally by an intradermal (ID) route. We hypothesized that sub-lethal IN infections may mimic systemic or naturally occurring infection and lead to an immunodominance reaction, in contrast to localized ID immunization. The results demonstrated systemic immunization through an IN route led to enhanced adaptive immunity to VACV-expressed protein targets both in magnitude and in diversity when compared to an ID route using a VACV protein microarray. In addition, cytokine responses, assessed using a Luminex(R) mouse cytokine multiplex kit, following IN infection was greater than that stemming from ID infection. Overall, the results suggest that the route of immunization (or infection) influences antibody responses. The greater magnitude and diversity of response in systemic infection provides indirect evidence for anecdotal observations made during the smallpox era that survivors maintain lifelong protection. These findings also suggest that systemic or disseminated host immune induction may result in a superior response, that may influence the magnitude of, as well as duration of protective responses. |
Air Quality Index and air quality awareness among adults in the United States
Mirabelli MC , Ebelt S , Damon SA . Environ Res 2020 183 109185 BACKGROUND: Information about local air quality is reported across the United States using air quality alerts such as the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Quality Index. However, the role of such alerts in raising awareness of air quality is unknown. We conducted this study to evaluate associations between days with Air Quality Index >/=101, corresponding to a categorization of air quality as unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, or hazardous, and air quality awareness among adults in the United States. METHODS: Data from 12,396 respondents to the 2016-2018 ConsumerStyles surveys were linked by geographic location and survey year to daily Air Quality Index data. We evaluated associations between the number of days in the past year with Air Quality Index >/=101 and responses to survey questions about awareness of air quality alerts, perception of air quality, and changes in behavior to reduce air pollution exposure using logistic regression. RESULTS: Awareness of air quality alerts (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.23; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15, 1.31), thinking/being informed air quality was bad (PR = 2.02; 95% CI = 1.81, 2.24), and changing behavior (PR = 2.27; 95% CI = 1.94, 2.67) were higher among respondents living in counties with >/=15 days with Air Quality Index >/=101 than those in counties with zero days in the past year with Air Quality Index >/=101. Each aspect of air quality awareness was higher among adults with than without asthma, but no differences were observed by heart disease status. Across quintiles of the number of days with Air Quality Index >/=101, air quality awareness increased among those with and without selected respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Among U.S. adults, air quality awareness increases with increasing days with alerts of unhealthy air. These findings improve our understanding of the extent to which air quality alerts prompt people to take actions to protect their health amidst poor air quality. |
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