Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 345 Records) |
Query Trace: Clark H[original query] |
Developing a method to estimate aerosol generation during poultry slaughtering and defeathering in Bangladesh: An experimental study
Rimi NA , Fahad MH , Clark A , Sultana R , Hossain K , Saifullah MK , Shanta IS , Swayne DE , Hassan MZ , Mortaza SMG , Swarna ST , Giasuddin M , LeBoa C , Rahman MS , Biswas D , Rahman M , Kile JC , Kennedy ED , Lindsley WG . Build Environ 2025 271 Influenza viruses can be aerosolized when slaughtering infected chickens, which increases the risk of zoonotic transmission. We conducted pilot experiments to measure the concentrations of airborne particles <2.5 µm during slaughtering and defeathering of chickens to help identify methods that can minimize workers’ exposure to potentially hazardous aerosol particles. By using two types of airborne particle monitors stationed at different heights and angles in a controlled environment, we measured aerosolized particulate matters during exsanguination of 10 slaughtered chickens and use of a mechanical device for defeathering 10 chickens. For the slaughtering experiments, the median particle concentrations at 148 cm height were 67 µg/m3 (IQR 44–121) with a baseline count 10 µg/m3 (IQR 10–10) for the Particle and Temperature Sensor + (PATS+) monitors and 34 µg/m3 (IQR 34–64) with a baseline count 25 µg/m3 (IQR 16–44) for the SidePak™ monitor. For the defeathering experiments, the median particle concentrations recorded by the PATS+ monitors were not significantly different between 148 cm (41 µg/m3, IQR 29–49; baseline 12 µg/m3, IQR 10–19) and 107 cm height (37 µg/m3, IQR 29–44; baseline 13 µg/m3, IQR 10–22). Our protocol can be used to test the generation of airborne particles that are <2.5 µm during different slaughtering and defeathering techniques used in the live bird markets to identify procedures that produce the lowest concentrations of small aerosol particles. © 2025 |
A label-free optical biosensor-based point-of-care test for the rapid detection of Monkeypox virus
Aslan M , Seymour E , Brickner H , Clark AE , Celebi I , Townsend MB , Satheshkumar PS , Riley M , Carlin AF , Ünlü MS , Ray P . Biosens Bioelectron 2024 269 116932 ![]() ![]() Diagnostic approaches that combine the high sensitivity and specificity of laboratory-based digital detection with the ease of use and affordability of point-of-care (POC) technologies could revolutionize disease diagnostics. This is especially true in infectious disease diagnostics, where rapid and accurate pathogen detection is critical to curbing the spread of disease. We have pioneered an innovative label-free digital detection platform that utilizes Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (IRIS) technology. IRIS leverages light interference from an optically transparent thin film, eliminating the need for complex optical resonances to enhance the signal by harnessing light interference and the power of signal averaging in shot-noise-limited operation In our latest work, we have further improved our previous 'Single-Particle' IRIS (SP-IRIS) technology by allowing the construction of the optical signature of target nanoparticles (whole virus) from a single image. This new platform, 'Pixel-Diversity' IRIS (PD-IRIS), eliminated the need for z-scan acquisition, required in SP-IRIS, a time-consuming and expensive process, and made our technology more applicable to POC settings. Using PD-IRIS, we quantitatively detected the Monkeypox virus (MPXV), the etiological agent for Monkeypox (Mpox) infection. MPXV was captured by anti-A29 monoclonal antibody (mAb 69-126-3) on Protein G spots on the sensor chips and were detected at a limit-of-detection (LOD) - of 200 PFU/mL (∼3.3 aM). PD-IRIS was superior to the laboratory-based ELISA (LOD - 1800 PFU/mL) used as a comparator. The specificity of PD-IRIS in MPXV detection was demonstrated using Herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1), and Cowpox virus (CPXV). This work establishes the effectiveness of PD-IRIS and opens possibilities for its advancement in clinical diagnostics of Mpox at POC. Moreover, PD-IRIS is a modular technology that can be adapted for the multiplex detection of pathogens for which high-affinity ligands are available that can bind their surface antigens to capture them on the sensor surface. |
The roles of habitat isolation, landscape connectivity and host community in tick-borne pathogen ecology
Shaw G , Lilly M , Mai V , Clark J , Summers S , Slater K , Karpathy S , Nakano A , Crews A , Lawrence A , Salomon J , Sambado SB , Swei A . R Soc Open Sci 2024 11 (11) 240837 Habitat loss and forest fragmentation are often linked to increased pathogen transmission, but the extent to which habitat isolation and landscape connectivity affect disease dynamics through movement of disease vectors and reservoir hosts has not been well examined. Tick-borne diseases are the most prevalent vector-borne diseases in the United States and on the West Coast, Ixodes pacificus is one of the most epidemiologically important vectors. We investigated the impacts of habitat fragmentation on pathogens transmitted by I. pacificus and sought to disentangle the effects of wildlife communities and landscape metrics predictive of pathogen diversity, prevalence and distribution. We collected pathogen data for four co-occurring bacteria transmitted by I. pacificus and measured wildlife parameters. We also used spatial data and cost-distance analysis integrating expert opinions to assess landscape metrics of habitat fragmentation. We found that landscape metrics were significant predictors of tick density and pathogen prevalence. However, wildlife variables were essential when predicting the prevalence and distribution of pathogens reliant on wildlife reservoir hosts for maintenance. We found that landscape structure was an informative predictor of tick-borne pathogen richness in an urban matrix. Our work highlights the implications of large-scale land management on human disease risk. |
Maternal risk conditions and outcomes by levels of maternal care
DeSisto CL , Ewing AC , Diop H , Easter SR , Harvey E , Kane DJ , Naiman-Sessions M , Osei-Poku G , Riley M , Shanholtzer B , Stach AM , Dronamraju R , Catalano A , Clark EA , Madni SA , Womack LS , Kuklina EV , Goodman DA , Kilpatrick SJ , Menard MK . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 Objectives: To (1) determine associations between maternal risk conditions and severe adverse outcomes that may benefit from risk-appropriate care and (2) assess whether associations between risk conditions and outcomes vary by level of maternal care (LoMC). Methods: We used the 2017-2019 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) to calculate associations between maternal risk conditions and severe adverse outcomes. Risk conditions included severe preeclampsia, placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) conditions, and cardiac conditions. Outcomes included disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with blood products transfusion or shock, pulmonary edema or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), stroke, acute renal failure, and a composite cardiac outcome. Then we used 2019 delivery hospitalization data from five states linked to hospital LoMC. We calculated associations between risk conditions and outcomes overall and stratified by LoMC and assessed for effect modification by LoMC. Results: We found positive measures of association between risk conditions and outcomes. Among patients with severe preeclampsia or PAS, the magnitudes of the associations with DIC with blood products transfusion or shock, pulmonary edema or ARDS, and acute renal failure were lower in Level III/IV compared with <Level III facilities. Among patients with cardiac conditions, the magnitudes of the associations with these outcomes, along with stroke, were also lower in Level III/IV compared with <Level III facilities. The proportion of patients with risk conditions that delivered in <Level III facilities was 19.8-46.8%. Conclusions: Odds of severe adverse outcomes among women with selected risk conditions were lower for births occurring at higher-level facilities, supporting the benefit of risk-appropriate care. |
Bartonella infections are rare in blood-fed Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus ticks collected from rodents in the United States
Bai Y , Osikowicz LM , Clark J , Foster E , Parise C , Maes S , Eisen RJ . Parasit Vectors 2024 17 (1) 442 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus are important vectors of multiple pathogens in the United States. However, their role in transmission of Bartonella spp., which are commonly reported in rodents and fleas, has been debated. Our previous investigation on Bartonella spp. in host-seeking I. scapularis and I. pacificus showed Bartonella spp. were absent in the ticks, suggesting the two species are unlikely to contribute to Bartonella transmission. It is unclear whether the absence of Bartonella spp. in the host-seeking ticks was attributable to ticks not being exposed to Bartonella in nature or being exposed but unable to acquire or transstadially transmit the bacterium. To assess the likelihood of exposure and acquisition, we tested Ixodes spp. ticks collected from rodents for Bartonella infections. METHODS: Blood-fed I. scapularis ticks (n = 792; consisting of 645 larvae and 147 nymphs), I. pacificus ticks (n = 45, all larvae), and Ixodes angustus ticks (n = 16, consisting of 11 larvae and 5 nymphs) collected from rodents from Minnesota and Washington were tested for Bartonella spp. using a quadruplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicon next-generation sequencing approach that targets Bartonella-specific fragments on gltA, ssrA, rpoB, and groEL. In parallel, rodents and fleas collected from the same field studies were investigated to compare the differences of Bartonella distribution among the ticks, fleas, and rodents. RESULTS: Bartonella spp. were commonly detected in rodents and fleas, with prevalence of 25.6% in rodents and 36.8% in fleas from Minnesota; 27.9% in rodents and 45.2% in fleas from Washington. Of all tested ticks, Bartonella DNA was detected by gltA in only one larval I. scapularis tick from Minnesota. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of Bartonella spp. in rodents and fleas coupled with extremely low prevalence of Bartonella spp. in blood-fed ticks suggests that although Ixodes ticks commonly encounter Bartonella in rodents, they rarely acquire the infection through blood feeding. Notably, ticks were at various stages of feeding on rodents when they were collected. Laboratory transmission studies are needed to assess acquisition rates in fully blood-fed ticks and to assess transstadial transmission efficiency if ticks acquire Bartonella infections from feeding to repletion. |
The respiratory syncytial virus vaccine and monoclonal antibody landscape: the road to global access
Terstappen J , Hak SF , Bhan A , Bogaert D , Bont LJ , Buchholz UJ , Clark AD , Cohen C , Dagan R , Feikin DR , Graham BS , Gupta A , Haldar P , Jalang'o R , Karron RA , Kragten L , Li Y , Löwensteyn YN , Munywoki PK , Njogu R , Osterhaus A , Pollard AJ , Nazario LR , Sande C , Satav AR , Srikantiah P , Stein RT , Thacker N , Thomas R , Bayona MT , Mazur NI . Lancet Infect Dis 2024 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the second most common pathogen causing infant mortality. Additionally, RSV is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults (age ≥60 years) similar to influenza. A protein-based maternal vaccine and monoclonal antibody (mAb) are now market-approved to protect infants, while an mRNA and two protein-based vaccines are approved for older adults. First-year experience protecting infants with nirsevimab in high-income countries shows a major public health benefit. It is expected that the RSV vaccine landscape will continue to develop in the coming years to protect all people globally. The vaccine and mAb landscape remain active with 30 candidates in clinical development using four approaches: protein-based, live-attenuated and chimeric vector, mRNA, and mAbs. Candidates in late-phase trials aim to protect young infants using mAbs, older infants and toddlers with live-attenuated vaccines, and children and adults using protein-based and mRNA vaccines. This Review provides an overview of RSV vaccines highlighting different target populations, antigens, and trial results. As RSV vaccines have not yet reached low-income and middle-income countries, we outline urgent next steps to minimise the vaccine delay. |
Use of haemophilus influenzae type B-containing vaccines among American Indian and Alaska Native infants: Updated recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2024
Collins JP , Loehr J , Chen WH , Clark M , Pinell-McNamara V , McNamara LA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (36) 799-802 Invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease is a serious bacterial infection that disproportionally affects American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. Hib vaccination with a monovalent Hib conjugate vaccine consisting of Hib capsular polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate [PRP]) conjugated to outer membrane protein complex of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B, PRP-OMP (PedvaxHIB, Merck and Co., Inc.) has historically been preferred for AI/AN infants, who are at increased risk for invasive Hib disease, because it provides substantial protection after the first dose. On June 26, 2024, CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that a hexavalent, combined diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP), inactivated poliovirus (IPV), Hib conjugate, and hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine, DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB (Vaxelis, MSP Vaccine Company) should be included with monovalent PRP-OMP in the preferential recommendation for AI/AN infants because of the PRP-OMP Hib component. A primary Hib vaccination series consisting of either 1) monovalent PRP-OMP (2-dose series at ages 2 and 4 months) or 2) DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB (3-dose series at ages 2, 4, and 6 months) is preferred for AI/AN infants. DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB is only indicated for use in infants at ages 2, 4, and 6 months and should not be used for the booster doses of Hib, DTaP, or IPV vaccines. For the booster dose of Hib vaccine, no vaccine formulation is preferred for AI/AN children; any Hib vaccine (except DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB) should be used. This report summarizes evidence considered for these recommendations and provides clinical guidance for the use of Hib-containing vaccines among AI/AN infants and children. |
Faith leaders’ perspectives on involvement in HIV prevention for urban Black youth in New Jersey, USA
Opara I , Pierre K , Gabriel C , Cross K , Clark CML , Rutledge JD . Religions 2024 15 (7) This qualitative study takes place in an urban community that has high rates of HIV among Black youth. Six faith leaders were interviewed (five identified as Christian and one identified as Muslim). Three major themes arose from the interviews, including (1) the role of sex and HIV; (2) hindrances to sexual health conversations with youth; and (3) considering religious principles to prevent HIV in Black youth. Findings from this study can be used to inform an HIV-prevention curriculum for Black youth who identify strongly with their religion and spirituality and live in high HIV-risk communities. © 2024 by the authors. |
Sudan Virus Disease among health care workers, Uganda, 2022
Wailagala A , Blair PW , Kobba K , Mubaraka K , Aanyu-Tumukahebwa H , Kiiza D , Sekikongo MT , Klena JD , Waitt P , Bahatungire RR , Kyobe HS , Atwine D , Adaku A , Bongomin B , Kirenga B , Boore A , Clark DV , Kaggwa D , Gregory M , Kabweru W , Kayondo W , Mbabazi SK , Kibuuka H , Kimuli I , Mulei S , Mutegeki M , Emmanuel B , Mwebesa H , Naluyima P , Okello S , Tumusiime A , Montgomery J , Vasireddy V , Olaro C , Wayengera M , Lamorde M . N Engl J Med 2024 391 (3) 285-287 |
Cases of meningococcal disease associated with travel to Saudi Arabia for Umrah Pilgrimage - United States, United Kingdom, and France, 2024
Vachon MS , Barret AS , Lucidarme J , Neatherlin J , Rubis AB , Howie RL , Sharma S , Marasini D , Wagle B , Keating P , Antwi M , Chen J , Gu-Templin T , Gahr P , Zipprich J , Dorr F , Kuguru K , Lee S , Halai UA , Martin B , Budd J , Memish Z , Assiri AM , Farag NH , Taha MK , Deghmane AE , Zanetti L , Lefrançois R , Clark SA , Borrow R , Ladhani SN , Campbell H , Ramsay M , Fox L , McNamara LA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (22) 514-516 Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD), caused by infection with the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis, usually manifests as meningitis or septicemia and can be severe and life-threatening (1). Six serogroups (A, B, C, W, X, and Y) account for most cases (2). N. meningitidis is transmitted person-to-person via respiratory droplets and oropharyngeal secretions. Asymptomatic persons can carry N. meningitidis and transmit the bacteria to others, potentially causing illness among susceptible persons. Outbreaks can occur in conjunction with large gatherings (3,4). Vaccines are available to prevent meningococcal disease. Antibiotic prophylaxis for close contacts of infected persons is critical to preventing secondary cases (2). |
HPTN 083-02: factors influencing adherence to injectable PrEP and retention in an injectable PrEP study
Psaros C , Goodman GR , Lee JS , Rice W , Kelley CF , Oyedele T , Coelho LE , Phanuphak N , Singh Y , Middelkoop K , Griffith S , McCauley M , Rooney J , Rinehart AR , Clark J , Go V , Sugarman J , Fields SD , Adeyeye A , Grinsztejn B , Landovitz RJ , Safren SA . J Int AIDS Soc 2024 27 (5) e26252 INTRODUCTION: HPTN 083 demonstrated the superiority of long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA) versus daily oral emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF/FTC) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men (MSM/TGW). HPTN 083 provided the first opportunity to understand experiences with injectable PrEP in a clinical trial. METHODS: Participants from two US sites (Chicago, IL and Atlanta, GA) and one international site (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) were purposively sampled for individual qualitative interviews (N = 40), between November 2019 and March 2020, to explore trial experiences, barriers to adherence and other factors that may have impacted study implementation or outcomes. The blinded phase ended early due to efficacy; this analysis includes interviews conducted prior to unblinding with three groups defined by adherence (i.e. injection visit attendance): adherent (n = 27), non-adherent (n = 12) and early discontinuers (n = 1). Data were organized using NVivo software and analysed using content analysis. RESULTS: Participants (mean age: 27) were primarily cisgender MSM (90%) and Black/African American (60%). Reasons for trial enrolment and PrEP use included a preference for using HIV prevention medication versus treatment in the event of HIV acquisition; the ability to enhance health via study-related education and services; access to a novel, convenient HIV prevention product at no cost; and contributing to MSM/TGW communities through research. Participants contrasted positive experiences with study staff with their routine clinical care, and emphasized increased scheduling flexibility, thorough communication, non-judgemental counselling and open, affirming environments (e.g. compassion, less stigma) as adherence facilitators. Injection experiences were positive overall; some described early injection-related anxiety, which abated with time and when given some measure of control (e.g. pre-injection countdown), and minimal injection site discomfort. Some concerns and misperceptions about injectable PrEP were reported. Barriers to adherence, across all adherence categories, included structural factors (e.g. financial constraints, travel) and competing demands (e.g. work schedules). CONCLUSIONS: Respondents viewed injectable PrEP trial participation as a positive experience and a means of enhancing wellbeing. Study site flexibility and affirming clinic environments, inclusive of non-judgemental counselling, were key facilitators of adherence. To support injection persistence, interventions that address structural barriers and promote flexible means of injection delivery may be most effective. |
A trial of automated outbreak detection to reduce hospital pathogen spread
Baker MA , Septimus E , Kleinman K , Moody J , Sands KE , Varma N , Isaacs A , McLean LE , Coady MH , Blanchard EJ , Poland RE , Yokoe DS , Stelling J , Haffenreffer K , Clark A , Avery TR , Sljivo S , Weinstein RA , Smith KN , Carver B , Meador B , Lin MY , Lewis SS , Washington C , Bhattarai M , Shimelman L , Kulldorff M , Reddy SC , Jernigan JA , Perlin JB , Platt R , Huang SS . NEJM Evid 2024 3 (5) EVIDoa2300342 BACKGROUND: Detection and containment of hospital outbreaks currently depend on variable and personnel-intensive surveillance methods. Whether automated statistical surveillance for outbreaks of health care-associated pathogens allows earlier containment efforts that would reduce the size of outbreaks is unknown. METHODS: We conducted a cluster-randomized trial in 82 community hospitals within a larger health care system. All hospitals followed an outbreak response protocol when outbreaks were detected by their infection prevention programs. Half of the hospitals additionally used statistical surveillance of microbiology data, which alerted infection prevention programs to outbreaks. Statistical surveillance was also applied to microbiology data from control hospitals without alerting their infection prevention programs. The primary outcome was the number of additional cases occurring after outbreak detection. Analyses assessed differences between the intervention period (July 2019 to January 2022) versus baseline period (February 2017 to January 2019) between randomized groups. A post hoc analysis separately assessed pre-coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and Covid-19 pandemic intervention periods. RESULTS: Real-time alerts did not significantly reduce the number of additional outbreak cases (intervention period versus baseline: statistical surveillance relative rate [RR]=1.41, control RR=1.81; difference-in-differences, 0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.40 to 1.52; P=0.46). Comparing only the prepandemic intervention with baseline periods, the statistical outbreak surveillance group was associated with a 64.1% reduction in additional cases (statistical surveillance RR=0.78, control RR=2.19; difference-in-differences, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.99). There was no similarly observed association between the pandemic versus baseline periods (statistical surveillance RR=1.56, control RR=1.66; difference-in-differences, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.46 to 1.92). CONCLUSIONS: Automated detection of hospital outbreaks using statistical surveillance did not reduce overall outbreak size in the context of an ongoing pandemic. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; number, NCT04053075. Support for HCA Healthcare's participation in the study was provided in kind by HCA.). |
Postmenopausal bleeding after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Strid P , Abara WE , Clark E , Moro PL , Olson CK , Gee J . Obstet Gynecol 2024 We identified U.S. reports of postmenopausal bleeding in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) between December 13, 2020, and December 13, 2021. Among 711,224 VAERS reports after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination, during our study period, we identified 554 presumptive postmenopausal bleeding reports; 434 were further classified as verified based on data abstracted from reports and medical records, when available. In the United States, by December 14, 2021, 58.8 million women aged 50 years or older had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, corresponding to approximately seven verified VAERS postmenopausal bleeding reports per 1 million women aged 50 years or older who received a COVID-19 vaccine. Reports of postmenopausal bleeding after COVID-19 vaccination in VAERS were rare, and causes of postmenopausal bleeding based on medical record review were consistent with known causes of postmenopausal bleeding. |
Factors influencing canine rabies vaccination among dog-owning households in Nigeria
Mshelbwala PP , Rupprecht CE , Osinubi MO , Njoga EO , Orum TG , Weese JS , Clark NJ . One Health 2024 18 Rabies perpetuates in Nigeria despite initiatives like the Regional Disease Surveillance System Enhancement Project, with evidence indicating suboptimal canine vaccination rates as a contributing factor. To inform effective planning of mass dog vaccination campaigns, it is crucial to understand the factors associated with variation in canine vaccination rates. We conducted a cross-sectional study in 2022 to understand factors associated with canine vaccination. We used stratified random sampling of the streets and dog-owning households to survey 4162 households from three states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). We then built a joint probabilistic model to understand factors associated with dog vaccination and non-vaccination. First, we modelled rabies knowledge as a latent variable indirectly measured with several targeted survey questions. This method allowed a respondent's unobserved understanding of rabies to be estimated using their responses to a collection of survey questions that targeted different aspects of rabies epidemiology and took various possible response distributions (i.e., ordinal, categorical, binary). Second, we modelled factors influencing pet owners' decisions to vaccinate their dogs against rabies and barriers to dog vaccination among dog owners whose dogs were not vaccinated against rabies. Posterior distributions revealed that the probability of dog vaccination was positively associated with the owner's latent knowledge of rabies, civil servant service employment, residence in the FCT, ownership of a single dog, providing care to dogs, and a preference for contemporary treatment following a dog bite. Conversely, non-vaccination was positively associated with private employment, residing in Anambra and Enugu states, owning multiple dogs, allowing dogs to search for leftovers, and a preference for traditional treatment after a dog bite. Cost was the primary barrier against vaccination for dog owners in Anambra and Enugu, while mistrust posed a major challenge for those in the FCT. Owners in areas with veterinary establishments cited cost as a barrier, while those without a veterinary establishment cited access as the primary barrier. Our study underscores the need to enhance rabies knowledge, tailor vaccination campaigns to specific demographics, address financial and access barriers, and combat hesitancy to improve rabies vaccination rates in Nigeria. © 2024 The Authors |
Tick bite risk factors and prevention measures in an area with emerging Powassan virus disease
Wilson N , Vahey GM , McDonald E , Fitzpatrick K , Lehman J , Clark S , Lindell K , Pastula DM , Perez S , Rhodes H , Gould CV , Staples JE , Martin SW , Cervantes K . Public Health Chall 2023 2 (4) BACKGROUND: In the United States (U.S.), Powassan virus is primarily transmitted to humans by the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis). Rarely, infections can present as severe neuroinvasive disease. In 2019, four neuroinvasive disease cases were reported in Sussex County, New Jersey, U.S. We administered a survey to county residents to better understand tick bite risk factors and the performance of personal prevention measures. METHODS: A survey was administered in October 2019 to adult residents of randomly selected households. Questions focused on tick bite prevention and risk factors. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for various outcomes. RESULTS: Of 274 participants, 25% were previously diagnosed with a tick-borne disease, and 42% reported finding an attached tick in 2019. Yardwork and gardening (OR = 7.38) and spending >50 hours outdoors per week (OR = 8.15) were associated with finding an attached tick. Finding an attached tick was inversely associated with the number of prevention measures used, indicating that a layered approach could reduce the risk of tick bites. Those who performed post-outdoor activity prevention measures (e.g., tick checks) were less likely to have a tick attached compared to finding a crawling tick. CONCLUSION: Compliance with prevention recommendations was low, despite a high prevalence of reported tick bites and significant outdoor exposures. Older adults and persons who spend significant time outdoors or engage in yardwork or gardening were at the highest risk of tick bites. Additional research is needed to further understand the barriers to tick bite prevention. |
Distribution and dynamics of Anopheles gambiae s.l. larval habitats in three Senegalese cities with high urban malaria incidence
Ndiaye F , Diop A , Chabi J , Sturm-Ramirez K , Senghor M , Diouf EH , Samb B , Diedhiou SM , Thiaw O , Zohdy S , Dotson E , Sene D , Diouf MB , Koscelnik V , Gerberg L , Bangoura A , Clark T , Faye O , Dia I , Konate L , Niang EHA . PLoS One 2024 19 (5) e0303473 Urban malaria has become a challenge for most African countries due to urbanization, with increasing population sizes, overcrowding, and movement into cities from rural localities. The rapid expansion of cities with inappropriate water drainage systems, abundance of water storage habitats, coupled with recurrent flooding represents a concern for water-associated vector borne diseases, including malaria. This situation could threaten progress made towards malaria elimination in sub-Saharan countries, including Senegal, where urban malaria has presented as a threat to national elimination gains. To assess drivers of urban malaria in Senegal, a 5-month study was carried out from August to December 2019 in three major urban areas and hotspots for malaria incidence (Diourbel, Touba, and Kaolack) including the rainy season (August-October) and partly dry season (November-December). The aim was to characterize malaria vector larval habitats, vector dynamics across both seasons, and to identify the primary eco- environmental entomological factors contributing to observed urban malaria transmission. A total of 145 Anopheles larval habitats were found, mapped, and monitored monthly. This included 32 in Diourbel, 83 in Touba, and 30 in Kaolack. The number of larval habitats fluctuated seasonally, with a decrease during the dry season. In Diourbel, 22 of the 32 monitored larval habitats (68.75%) were dried out by December and considered temporary, while the remaining 10 (31.25%) were classified as permanent. In the city of Touba 28 (33.73%) were temporary habitats, and of those 57%, 71% and 100% dried up respectively by October, November, and December. However, 55 (66.27%) habitats were permanent water storage basins which persisted throughout the study. In Kaolack, 12 (40%) permanent and 18 (60%) temporary Anopheles larval habitats were found and monitored during the study. Three malaria vectors (An. arabiensis, An. pharoensis and An. funestus s.l.) were found across the surveyed larval habitats, and An. arabiensis was found in all three cities and was the only species found in the city of Diourbel, while An. arabiensis, An. pharoensis, and An. funestus s.l. were detected in the cities of Touba and Kaolack. The spatiotemporal observations of immature malaria vectors in Senegal provide evidence of permanent productive malaria vector larval habitats year-round in three major urban centers in Senegal, which may be driving high urban malaria incidence. This study aimed to assess the presence and type of anopheline larvae habitats in urban areas. The preliminary data will better inform subsequent detailed additional studies and seasonally appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable larval source management (LSM) strategies by the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP). |
Evaluating acute viral gastroenteritis severity: Modified Vesikari and Clark scoring systems
Plancarte C , Stopczynski T , Hamdan L , Stewart LS , Rahman H , Amarin JZ , Chappell J , Wikswo ME , Dunn JR , Payne DC , Hall AJ , Spieker AJ , Halasa N . Hosp Pediatr 2024 OBJECTIVE: Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is the second leading cause of death in children worldwide. Objectively evaluating disease severity is critical for assessing future interventions. We used data from a large, prospective surveillance study to assess risk factors associated with severe presentation using modified Vesikari score (MVS) and Clark score (CS) of severity. METHODS: From December 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016, AGE surveillance was performed for children between 15 days and 17 years old in the emergency, inpatient, and outpatient settings at Vanderbilt's Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital in Nashville, TN. Stool specimens were tested for norovirus, sapovirus, rotavirus, and astrovirus. We compared demographic and clinical characteristics, along with the MVS and CS, by viral detection status and by setting. RESULTS: Of the 6309 eligible children, 4216 (67%) were enrolled, with 3256 (77%) providing a stool specimen. The median age was 1.9 years, 52% were male, and 1387 (43%) of the stool samples were virus positive. Younger age, male sex, hospitalization, and rotavirus detection were significantly associated with higher mean MVS and CS. Non-Hispanic Black race and ethnicity was associated with a lower mean MVS and CS as compared with non-Hispanic white race and ethnicity. Prematurity and enrollment in the ED were associated with higher mean CS. The 2 scoring systems were highly correlated. CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus continues to be associated with more severe pediatric illness compared with other viral causes of AGE. MVS and CS systems yielded comparable results and can be useful tools to assess AGE severity. |
Overview of U.S. COVID-19 vaccine safety surveillance systems
Gee J , Shimabukuro TT , Su JR , Shay D , Ryan M , Basavaraju SV , Broder KR , Clark M , Buddy Creech C , Cunningham F , Goddard K , Guy H , Edwards KM , Forshee R , Hamburger T , Hause AM , Klein NP , Kracalik I , Lamer C , Loran DA , McNeil MM , Montgomery J , Moro P , Myers TR , Olson C , Oster ME , Sharma AJ , Schupbach R , Weintraub E , Whitehead B , Anderson S . Vaccine 2024 ![]() ![]() The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program, which commenced in December 2020, has been instrumental in preventing morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 disease. Safety monitoring has been an essential component of the program. The federal government undertook a comprehensive and coordinated approach to implement complementary safety monitoring systems and to communicate findings in a timely and transparent way to healthcare providers, policymakers, and the public. Monitoring involved both well-established and newly developed systems that relied on both spontaneous (passive) and active surveillance methods. Clinical consultation for individual cases of adverse events following vaccination was performed, and monitoring of special populations, such as pregnant persons, was conducted. This report describes the U.S. government's COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring systems and programs used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Indian Health Service. Using the adverse event of myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination as a model, we demonstrate how the multiple, complementary monitoring systems worked to rapidly detect, assess, and verify a vaccine safety signal. In addition, longer-term follow-up was conducted to evaluate the recovery status of myocarditis cases following vaccination. Finally, the process for timely and transparent communication and dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine safety data is described, highlighting the responsiveness and robustness of the U.S. vaccine safety monitoring infrastructure during the national COVID-19 vaccination program. |
Estimating causes of death where there is no medical certification: evolution and state of the art of verbal autopsy
Chandramohan D , Fottrell E , Leitao J , Nichols E , Clark SJ , Alsokhn C , Cobos Munoz D , AbouZahr C , Di Pasquale A , Mswia R , Choi E , Baiden F , Thomas J , Lyatuu I , Li Z , Larbi-Debrah P , Chu Y , Cheburet S , Sankoh O , Mohamed Badr A , Fat DM , Setel P , Jakob R , de Savigny D . Glob Health Action 12/28/2021 14 1982486 Over the past 70 years, significant advances have been made in determining the causes of death in populations not served by official medical certification of cause at the time of death using a technique known as Verbal Autopsy (VA). VA involves an interview of the family or caregivers of the deceased after a suitable bereavement interval about the circumstances, signs and symptoms of the deceased in the period leading to death. The VA interview data are then interpreted by physicians or, more recently, computer algorithms, to assign a probable cause of death. VA was originally developed and applied in field research settings. This paper traces the evolution of VA methods with special emphasis on the World Health Organization's (WHO)'s efforts to standardize VA instruments and methods for expanded use in routine health information and vital statistics systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These advances in VA methods are culminating this year with the release of the 2022 WHO Standard Verbal Autopsy (VA) Toolkit. This paper highlights the many contributions the late Professor Peter Byass made to the current VA standards and methods, most notably, the development of InterVA, the most commonly used automated computer algorithm for interpreting data collected in the WHO standard instruments, and the capacity building in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that he promoted. This paper also provides an overview of the methods used to improve the current WHO VA standards, a catalogue of the changes and improvements in the instruments, and a mapping of current applications of the WHO VA standard approach in LMICs. It also provides access to tools and guidance needed for VA implementation in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems at scale. |
Assessment of the standardized surveillance case definition for neonatal abstinence syndrome by the Council Of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 4 jurisdictions, 2020-2021
Czarnik M , Oliver D , Goodson V , Nestoridi E , Michael Bryan J , Hinds D , Clark C , Green C , Small J , Pabst L . Public Health Rep 2024 Objectives: In 2019, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists ratified a multitiered standardized surveillance case definition (SSCD) for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) to minimize variability in definitions across states. This evaluation of the tier 1 NAS SSCD aimed to identify common challenges and opportunities for enhancement to support consistent implementation of the definition. Methods: This mixed-methods analysis consisted of 3 virtual focus groups in March 2021 with site principal investigators, medical record abstractors, and data analysts (1 focus group each) from 4 jurisdictions piloting the tier 1 NAS SSCD. We analyzed focus group transcripts to create a codebook. We collected written reports in February 2022 from the 4 jurisdictions, conducted thematic analysis of focus group transcripts and written reports to identify themes, and collected surveillance data on infants identified with NAS born from January 2020 through December 2021 from the pilot sites. We analyzed surveillance data to further inform identified themes. We examined agreement among tier 1 classifications assigned independently by each pilot site and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to cases of NAS. Results: Three major themes emerged in the data: challenges abstracting data on withdrawal signs from the medical record, difficulty determining the time frame of prenatal substance exposure, and challenges assigning case classifications. In a comparison of tier 1 classifications assigned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the sites, 82.1% of cases in the dataset were concordant. Conclusions: We identified several opportunities to modify the SSCD to promote consistency and ease implementation across jurisdictions. Promoting consistent implementation supports comparability of NAS incidence estimates across jurisdictions, evaluation of prevention efforts, and allocation of resources to support families. © 2024, Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health. |
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) work group: Enhancing vaccine safety monitoring during the pandemic
Markowitz LE , Hopkins RH Jr , Broder KR , Lee GM , Edwards KM , Daley MF , Jackson LA , Nelson JC , Riley LE , McNally VV , Schechter R , Whitley-Williams PN , Cunningham F , Clark M , Ryan M , Farizo KM , Wong HL , Kelman J , Beresnev T , Marshall V , Shay DK , Gee J , Woo J , McNeil MM , Su JR , Shimabukuro TT , Wharton M , Keipp Talbot H . Vaccine 2024 During the COVID-19 pandemic, candidate COVID-19 vaccines were being developed for potential use in the United States on an unprecedented, accelerated schedule. It was anticipated that once available, under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or FDA approval, COVID-19 vaccines would be broadly used and potentially administered to millions of individuals in a short period of time. Intensive monitoring in the post-EUA/licensure period would be necessary for timely detection and assessment of potential safety concerns. To address this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) convened an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) work group focused solely on COVID-19 vaccine safety, consisting of independent vaccine safety experts and representatives from federal agencies - the ACIP COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group (VaST). This report provides an overview of the organization and activities of VaST, summarizes data reviewed as part of the comprehensive effort to monitor vaccine safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, and highlights selected actions taken by CDC, ACIP, and FDA in response to accumulating post-authorization safety data. VaST convened regular meetings over the course of 29 months, from November 2020 through April 2023; through March 2023 FDA issued EUAs for six COVID-19 vaccines from four different manufacturers and subsequently licensed two of these COVID-19 vaccines. The independent vaccine safety experts collaborated with federal agencies to ensure timely assessment of vaccine safety data during this time. VaST worked closely with the ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group; that work group used safety data and VaST's assessments for benefit-risk assessments and guidance for COVID-19 vaccination policy. Safety topics reviewed by VaST included those identified in safety monitoring systems and other topics of scientific or public interest. VaST provided guidance to CDC's COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring efforts, provided a forum for review of data from several U.S. government vaccine safety systems, and assured that a diverse group of scientists and clinicians, external to the federal government, promptly reviewed vaccine safety data. In the event of a future pandemic or other biological public health emergency, the VaST model could be used to strengthen vaccine safety monitoring, enhance public confidence, and increase transparency through incorporation of independent, non-government safety experts into the monitoring process, and through strong collaboration among federal and other partners. |
Extended post-exposure protection against vaginal SHIV infection with tenofovir alafenamide fumarate/elvitegravir inserts in macaques
Makarova N , Singletary T , Peet MM , Mitchell J , Bachman S , Holder A , Dinh C , Lipscomb J , Agrahari V , Mendoza M , Pan Y , Heneine W , Clark MR , García-Lerma JG , Doncel GF , Smith JM . J Infect Dis 2023 Vaginal inserts that can be used on demand before or after sex may be a desirable HIV prevention option for women. We recently showed that inserts containing tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF/20mg) and elvitegravir (EVG/16mg) were highly protective against repeated SHIV vaginal exposures when administered to macaques 4h before or after virus exposure (93% and 100%, respectively). Here, we show in the same macaque model that insert application 8h or 24h after exposure maintains high efficacy (94.4% and 77.2%, respectively). These data extend the protective window by TAF/EVG inserts and inform their clinical development for on-demand prophylaxis in women. |
Host-response transcriptional biomarkers accurately discriminate bacterial and viral infections of global relevance
Ko ER , Reller ME , Tillekeratne LG , Bodinayake CK , Miller C , Burke TW , Henao R , McClain MT , Suchindran S , Nicholson B , Blatt A , Petzold E , Tsalik EL , Nagahawatte A , Devasiri V , Rubach MP , Maro VP , Lwezaula BF , Kodikara-Arachichi W , Kurukulasooriya R , De Silva AD , Clark DV , Schully KL , Madut D , Dumler JS , Kato C , Galloway R , Crump JA , Ginsburg GS , Minogue TD , Woods CW . Sci Rep 2023 13 (1) 22554 ![]() ![]() Diagnostic limitations challenge management of clinically indistinguishable acute infectious illness globally. Gene expression classification models show great promise distinguishing causes of fever. We generated transcriptional data for a 294-participant (USA, Sri Lanka) discovery cohort with adjudicated viral or bacterial infections of diverse etiology or non-infectious disease mimics. We then derived and cross-validated gene expression classifiers including: 1) a single model to distinguish bacterial vs. viral (Global Fever-Bacterial/Viral [GF-B/V]) and 2) a two-model system to discriminate bacterial and viral in the context of noninfection (Global Fever-Bacterial/Viral/Non-infectious [GF-B/V/N]). We then translated to a multiplex RT-PCR assay and independent validation involved 101 participants (USA, Sri Lanka, Australia, Cambodia, Tanzania). The GF-B/V model discriminated bacterial from viral infection in the discovery cohort an area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC) of 0.93. Validation in an independent cohort demonstrated the GF-B/V model had an AUROC of 0.84 (95% CI 0.76-0.90) with overall accuracy of 81.6% (95% CI 72.7-88.5). Performance did not vary with age, demographics, or site. Host transcriptional response diagnostics distinguish bacterial and viral illness across global sites with diverse endemic pathogens. |
Updated recommendations for use of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) in pregnant women--Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2012
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Sawyer M , Liang JL , Messonnier N , Clark TA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013 62 (7) 131-5 In October 2011, in an effort to reduce the burden of pertussis in infants, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that unvaccinated pregnant women receive a dose of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap). Vaccination of women with Tdap during pregnancy is expected to provide some protection to infants from pertussis until they are old enough to be vaccinated themselves. Tdap given to pregnant women will stimulate the development of maternal antipertussis antibodies, which will pass through the placenta, likely providing the newborn with protection against pertussis in early life, and will protect the mother from pertussis around the time of delivery, making her less likely to become infected and transmit pertussis to her infant. The 2011 Tdap recommendation did not call for vaccinating pregnant women previously vaccinated with Tdap. On October 24, 2012, ACIP voted to recommend use of Tdap during every pregnancy. This report summarizes data considered and conclusions made by ACIP and provides guidance for implementing its recommendations. These updated recommendations on use of Tdap in pregnant women aim to optimize strategies for preventing pertussis morbidity and mortality in infants. |
Prevention and control of meningococcal disease: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Cohn AC , MacNeil JR , Clark TA , Ortega-Sanchez IR , Briere EZ , Meissner HC , Baker CJ , Messonnier NE . MMWR Recomm Rep 2013 62 1-28 Meningococcal disease describes the spectrum of infections caused by Neisseria meningiditis, including meningitdis, bacteremia, and bacteremic pneumonia. Two quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines that provide protection against meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y (MenACWY-D [Menactra, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., Swiftwater, Pennsylvania] and MenACWY-CRM [Menveo, manufactured by Novartis Vaccines, Cambridge, Massachusetts]) are licensed in the United States for use among persons aged 2 through 55 years. MenACWY-D also is licensed for use among infants and toddlers aged 9 through 23 months. Quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4 [Menommune, manufactured by sanofi pasteur, Inc., Swiftwater, Pennsylvania]) is the only vaccine licensed for use among persons aged ≥56 years. A bivalent meningococcal polysaccharide protein conjugate vaccine that provides protection against meningococcal serogroups C and Y along with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) (Hib-MenCY-TT [MenHibrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium]) is licensed for use in children aged 6 weeks through 18 months. This report compiles and summarizes all recommendations from CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding prevention and control of meningococcal disease in the United States, specifically the changes in the recommendations published since 2005 (CDC. Prevention and control of meningococcal disease: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2005;54 [No. RR-7]). As a comprehensive summary of previously published recommendations, this report does not contain any new recommendations; it is intended for use by clinicians as a resource. ACIP recommends routine vaccination with a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) for adolescents aged 11 or 12 years, with a booster dose at age 16 years. ACIP also recommends routine vaccination for persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease (i.e., persons who have persistent complement component deficiencies, persons who have anatomic or functional asplenia, microbiologists who routinely are exposed to isolates of N. meningitidis, military recruits, and persons who travel to or reside in areas in which meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic). Guidelines for antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis and for evaluation and management of suspected outbreaks of meningococcal disease also are provided. |
Use of inactivated polio vaccine among U.S. adults: Updated recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023
Kidd S , Clark T , Routh J , Cineas S , Bahta L , Brooks O . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (49) 1327-1330 Poliovirus can cause poliomyelitis and lifelong paralysis. Although wild poliovirus types 2 and 3 have been eradicated, wild poliovirus type 1 and vaccine-derived polioviruses are still circulating in multiple countries worldwide. In 2022, a case of paralytic polio caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 was identified in an unvaccinated young adult in New York. This case and subsequent detection of community transmission underscored the ongoing risk for importation of poliovirus into the United States and risk for poliomyelitis among unvaccinated persons. However, previous Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations for adult polio vaccination were limited to adults known to be at increased risk for exposure. During October 2022-June 2023, the ACIP Polio Vaccine Work Group reviewed data on poliovirus surveillance and epidemiology, safety and effectiveness of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), and other considerations outlined in the ACIP Evidence to Recommendations Framework. On June 21, 2023, ACIP voted to recommend that all U.S. adults aged ≥18 years who are known or suspected to be unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated against polio complete a primary polio vaccination series with IPV. This report summarizes evidence considered for this recommendation and provides clinical guidance for the use of IPV in adults. |
Agreement between cause of death assignment by computer-coded verbal autopsy methods and physician coding of verbal autopsy interviews in South Africa
Groenewald P , Thomas J , Clark SJ , Morof D , Joubert JD , Kabudula C , Li Z , Bradshaw D . Glob Health Action 2023 16 (1) 2285105 BACKGROUND: The South African national cause of death validation (NCODV 2017/18) project collected a national sample of verbal autopsies (VA) with cause of death (COD) assignment by physician-coded VA (PCVA) and computer-coded VA (CCVA). OBJECTIVE: The performance of three CCVA algorithms (InterVA-5, InSilicoVA and Tariff 2.0) in assigning a COD was compared with PCVA (reference standard). METHODS: Seven performance metrics assessed individual and population level agreement of COD assignment by age, sex and place of death subgroups. Positive predictive value (PPV), sensitivity, overall agreement, kappa, and chance corrected concordance (CCC) assessed individual level agreement. Cause-specific mortality fraction (CSMF) accuracy and Spearman's rank correlation assessed population level agreement. RESULTS: A total of 5386 VA records were analysed. PCVA and CCVAs all identified HIV/AIDS as the leading COD. CCVA PPV and sensitivity, based on confidence intervals, were comparable except for HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal, diabetes mellitus, other cancers, and some injuries. CCVAs performed well for identifying perinatal deaths, road traffic accidents, suicide and homicide but poorly for pneumonia, other infectious diseases and renal failure. Overall agreement between CCVAs and PCVA for the top single cause (48.2-51.6) indicated comparable weak agreement between methods. Overall agreement, for the top three causes showed moderate agreement for InterVA (70.9) and InSilicoVA (73.8). Agreement based on kappa (-0.05-0.49)and CCC (0.06-0.43) was weak to none for all algorithms and groups. CCVAs had moderate to strong agreement for CSMF accuracy, with InterVA-5 highest for neonates (0.90), Tariff 2.0 highest for adults (0.89) and males (0.84), and InSilicoVA highest for females (0.88), elders (0.83) and out-of-facility deaths (0.85). Rank correlation indicated moderate agreement for adults (0.75-0.79). CONCLUSIONS: Whilst CCVAs identified HIV/AIDS as the leading COD, consistent with PCVA, there is scope for improving the algorithms for use in South Africa. |
A conceptual framework for nomenclatural stability and validity of medically important fungi: a proposed global consensus guideline for fungal name changes supported by ABP, ASM, CLSI, ECMM, ESCMID-EFISG, EUCAST-AFST, FDLC, IDSA, ISHAM, MMSA, and MSGERC
de Hoog S , Walsh TJ , Ahmed SA , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Alexander BD , Arendrup MC , Babady E , Bai FY , Balada-Llasat JM , Borman A , Chowdhary A , Clark A , Colgrove RC , Cornely OA , Dingle TC , Dufresne PJ , Fuller J , Gangneux JP , Gibas C , Glasgow H , Gräser Y , Guillot J , Groll AH , Haase G , Hanson K , Harrington A , Hawksworth DL , Hayden RT , Hoenigl M , Hubka V , Johnson K , Kus JV , Li R , Meis JF , Lackner M , Lanternier F , Leal SM Jr , Lee F , Lockhart SR , Luethy P , Martin I , Kwon-Chung KJ , Meyer W , Nguyen MH , Ostrosky-Zeichner L , Palavecino E , Pancholi P , Pappas PG , Procop GW , Redhead SA , Rhoads DD , Riedel S , Stevens B , Sullivan KO , Vergidis P , Roilides E , Seyedmousavi A , Tao L , Vicente VA , Vitale RG , Wang QM , Wengenack NL , Westblade L , Wiederhold N , White L , Wojewoda CM , Zhang SX . J Clin Microbiol 2023 61 (11) e0087323 The rapid pace of name changes of medically important fungi is creating challenges for clinical laboratories and clinicians involved in patient care. We describe two sources of name change which have different drivers, at the species versus the genus level. Some suggestions are made here to reduce the number of name changes. We urge taxonomists to provide diagnostic markers of taxonomic novelties. Given the instability of phylogenetic trees due to variable taxon sampling, we advocate to maintain genera at the largest possible size. Reporting of identified species in complexes or series should where possible comprise both the name of the overarching species and that of the molecular sibling, often cryptic species. Because the use of different names for the same species will be unavoidable for many years to come, an open access online database of the names of all medically important fungi, with proper nomenclatural designation and synonymy, is essential. We further recommend that while taxonomic discovery continues, the adaptation of new name changes by clinical laboratories and clinicians be reviewed routinely by a standing committee for validation and stability over time, with reference to an open access database, wherein reasons for changes are listed in a transparent way. |
Estimating the global impact of rotavirus vaccines on child mortality
Clark A , Mahmud S , Debellut F , Pecenka C , Jit M , Perin J , Tate J , Soeters HM , Black RE , Santosham M , Sanderson C . Int J Infect Dis 2023 137 90-97 OBJECTIVES: To estimate the global impact of rotavirus vaccines on under-five deaths by year. METHODS: We used a proportionate outcomes model with a finely disaggregated age structure to estimate rotavirus deaths prevented by vaccination over the period 2006-2019 in 186 countries. We ran deterministic and probabilistic uncertainty analyses and compared our estimates to surveillance-based estimates in 20 countries. RESULTS: We estimate that rotavirus vaccines prevented 139,000 under-five rotavirus deaths (95% uncertainty interval 98,000 - 201,000) in the period 2006-2019. In 2019 alone, rotavirus vaccines prevented 15% (95% UI 11-21%) of under-five rotavirus deaths (0.5% of child mortality). Assuming global use of rotavirus vaccines and coverage equivalent to other co-administered vaccines could prevent 37% of under-five rotavirus deaths (1.2% of child mortality). Our estimates were sensitive to the choice of rotavirus mortality burden data and several vaccine impact modelling assumptions. WHO's recommendation to remove age restrictions in 2012 could have prevented up to 17,000 rotavirus deaths in the period 2013-2019. Our modelled estimates of rotavirus vaccine impact were broadly consistent with estimates from post-vaccination surveillance sites. CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus vaccines have made a valuable contribution to global public health. Enhanced rotavirus mortality prevention strategies are needed in countries with high mortality in under-5-year-old children. |
Elucidating regulatory processes of intense physical activity by multi-omics analysis
Nakayasu ES , Gritsenko MA , Kim YM , Kyle JE , Stratton KG , Nicora CD , Munoz N , Navarro KM , Claborne D , Gao Y , Weitz KK , Paurus VL , Bloodsworth KJ , Allen KA , Bramer LM , Montes F , Clark KA , Tietje G , Teeguarden J , Burnum-Johnson KE . Mil Med Res 2023 10 (1) 48 ![]() BACKGROUND: Physiological and biochemical processes across tissues of the body are regulated in response to the high demands of intense physical activity in several occupations, such as firefighting, law enforcement, military, and sports. A better understanding of such processes can ultimately help improve human performance and prevent illnesses in the work environment. METHODS: To study regulatory processes in intense physical activity simulating real-life conditions, we performed a multi-omics analysis of three biofluids (blood plasma, urine, and saliva) collected from 11 wildland firefighters before and after a 45 min, intense exercise regimen. Omics profiles post- versus pre-exercise were compared by Student's t-test followed by pathway analysis and comparison between the different omics modalities. RESULTS: Our multi-omics analysis identified and quantified 3835 proteins, 730 lipids and 182 metabolites combining the 3 different types of samples. The blood plasma analysis revealed signatures of tissue damage and acute repair response accompanied by enhanced carbon metabolism to meet energy demands. The urine analysis showed a strong, concomitant regulation of 6 out of 8 identified proteins from the renin-angiotensin system supporting increased excretion of catabolites, reabsorption of nutrients and maintenance of fluid balance. In saliva, we observed a decrease in 3 pro-inflammatory cytokines and an increase in 8 antimicrobial peptides. A systematic literature review identified 6 papers that support an altered susceptibility to respiratory infection. CONCLUSION: This study shows simultaneous regulatory signatures in biofluids indicative of homeostatic maintenance during intense physical activity with possible effects on increased infection susceptibility, suggesting that caution against respiratory diseases could benefit workers on highly physical demanding jobs. |
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