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Faith leaders’ perspectives on involvement in HIV prevention for urban Black youth in New Jersey, USA
Opara I , Pierre K , Gabriel C , Cross K , Clark CML , Rutledge JD . Religions 2024 15 (7) This qualitative study takes place in an urban community that has high rates of HIV among Black youth. Six faith leaders were interviewed (five identified as Christian and one identified as Muslim). Three major themes arose from the interviews, including (1) the role of sex and HIV; (2) hindrances to sexual health conversations with youth; and (3) considering religious principles to prevent HIV in Black youth. Findings from this study can be used to inform an HIV-prevention curriculum for Black youth who identify strongly with their religion and spirituality and live in high HIV-risk communities. © 2024 by the authors. |
An interesting and horribly wondrous sight
Breedlove B . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (4) 1253-1254 Volcanoes―active, dormant, and extinct―are found on every continent on Earth. Many lay submerged below the oceans, and others exist as islands. Volcanic explosions, upheavals, and lava flows, coupled with eons of weathering, have formed mountains and plateaus, created craters, and etched valleys. Approximately 80 percent of Earth’s surface was created by volcanic activity. The United States Geological Survey notes, “Gaseous emissions from volcanic vents over hundreds of millions of years formed the Earth’s earliest oceans and atmosphere, which supplied the ingredients vital to evolve and sustain life.” | | Ancient to modern eyewitness accounts document the devastation and spectacle associated with volcanic eruptions. For centuries, artists have depicted in their works both the sublime beauty and unthinkable destruction of volcanic eruptions. Among them is the Norwegian painter Johan Christian Claussen Dahl. Considered the first great Romantic painter in Norway and among the greatest European artists of all time, Dahl traveled to Italy during the fall of 1820. He visited Naples in late December of that year and observed firsthand Vesuvius erupting, an event he called an “interesting and horribly wondrous sight.” This month’s cover image, Eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius, 1821, is the first in a series of paintings he created after that experience. |
Knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, and prevention: Evidence from health and demographic surveillance in Southern Mozambique
Nhacolo A , Madewell ZJ , Muir JA , Sacoor C , Xerinda E , Matsena T , Jamisse E , Bassat Q , Whitney CG , Mandomando I , Cunningham SA . PLOS Glob Public Health 2023 3 (11) e0002532 Understanding community members' knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and prevention is essential for directing public health interventions to reduce disease spread and improve vaccination coverage. Here, we describe knowledge of COVID-19 transmission, prevention, and symptoms among community residents in Mozambique. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 33,087 households in a Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Manhiça, Mozambique. Participants were recruited in April 2021 before the Delta variant wave to the peak of Omicron cases in February 2022. Principal components analysis was used to create scores representing knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Multiple imputation and quasi-Poisson regression were used to examine associations between demographic characteristics and sources of COVID-19 information, and knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, and prevention. We examined whether sources of COVID-19 information mediated the relationship between educational attainment and knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Across this rural community, 98.2%, 97.0%, and 85.1% of respondents reported knowing how COVID-19 could be prevented, that SARS-CoV-2 can cause disease, and how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted, respectively. The most recognized COVID-19 symptoms were cough (51.2%), headaches (44.9%), and fever (44.5%); transmission mechanisms were saliva droplets (50.5%) or aerosol (46.9%) from an infected person; and prevention measures were handwashing (91.9%) and mask-wearing (91.8%). Characteristics associated with greater knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention included having at least primary education, older age, employment, higher wealth, and Christian religion. Respondents who had experienced COVID-19 symptoms were also more likely to possess knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Receiving information from television, WhatsApp, radio, and hospital, mediated the relationship between educational attainment and knowledge scores. These findings support the need for outreach and for community-engaged messaging to promote prevention measures, particularly among people with low education. |
Quality of vital event data for infant mortality estimation in prospective, population-based studies: an analysis of secondary data from Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Erchick DJ , Subedi S , Verhulst A , Guillot M , Adair LS , Barros AJD , Chasekwa B , Christian P , da Silva BGC , Silveira MF , Hallal PC , Humphrey JH , Huybregts L , Kariuki S , Khatry SK , Lachat C , Matijasevich A , McElroy PD , Menezes AMB , Mullany LC , Perez TLL , Phillips-Howard PA , Roberfroid D , Santos IS , Ter Kuile FO , Ravilla TD , Tielsch JM , Wu LSF , Katz J . Popul Health Metr 2023 21 (1) 10 INTRODUCTION: Infant and neonatal mortality estimates are typically derived from retrospective birth histories collected through surveys in countries with unreliable civil registration and vital statistics systems. Yet such data are subject to biases, including under-reporting of deaths and age misreporting, which impact mortality estimates. Prospective population-based cohort studies are an underutilized data source for mortality estimation that may offer strengths that avoid biases. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group, including 11 population-based pregnancy or birth cohort studies, to evaluate the appropriateness of vital event data for mortality estimation. Analyses were descriptive, summarizing study designs, populations, protocols, and internal checks to assess their impact on data quality. We calculated infant and neonatal morality rates and compared patterns with Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. RESULTS: Studies yielded 71,760 pregnant women and 85,095 live births. Specific field protocols, especially pregnancy enrollment, limited exclusion criteria, and frequent follow-up visits after delivery, led to higher birth outcome ascertainment and fewer missing deaths. Most studies had low follow-up loss in pregnancy and the first month with little evidence of date heaping. Among studies in Asia and Latin America, neonatal mortality rates (NMR) were similar to DHS, while several studies in Sub-Saharan Africa had lower NMRs than DHS. Infant mortality varied by study and region between sources. CONCLUSIONS: Prospective, population-based cohort studies following rigorous protocols can yield high-quality vital event data to improve characterization of detailed mortality patterns of infants in low- and middle-income countries, especially in the early neonatal period where mortality risk is highest and changes rapidly. |
Knowledge of COVID-19 Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention: Evidence from Health and Demographic Surveillance in Southern Mozambique (preprint)
Nhacolo AQ , Madewell ZJ , Muir JA , Sacoor CN , Xerinda EG , Matsena T , Bassat Q , Whitney CG , Mandomando IM , Cunningham SA . medRxiv 2023 03 Over 230,000 COVID-19 cases and over 2,200 deaths have been reported in Mozambique though May 2023. Understanding community members' knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and prevention is essential for directing public health interventions to reduce disease spread and improve vaccination coverage. Here, we describe knowledge of COVID-19 transmission, prevention, and symptoms among community residents in Mozambique. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 33,087 households in a Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Manhica, Mozambique. Participants were recruited at the tail end of the Delta variant wave in September 2021 to the peak of Omicron cases in January 2022. Principal components analysis was used to create scores representing knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Multiple imputation and quasi-Poisson regression were used to examine associations between demographic characteristics and sources of COVID-19 information, and knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, and prevention. We examined whether sources of COVID-19 information mediated the relationship between educational attainment and knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Across this rural community, 98.2%, 97.0%, and 85.1% of respondents reported knowing how COVID-19 could be prevented, that SARS-CoV-2 can cause disease, and how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted, respectively. Most cited symptoms were cough (51.2%), headaches (44.9%), and fever (44.5%); transmission mechanisms were droplets (50.5%) or aerosol (<5 microm diameter) (46.9%) from an infected person; and prevention measures were handwashing (91.9%) and mask-wearing (91.8%). Characteristics associated with greater knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention included having at least primary education, older age, employment, higher wealth, and Christian religion. Respondents who had had COVID-19 symptoms were also more likely to have knowledge of symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Gathering information from TV, WhatsApp, radio, and hospital mediated the relationship between educational attainment and knowledge scores. These findings support the need for outreach and for community-engaged messaging to promote prevention measures, particularly among people with low education. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. |
Human plague: An old scourge that needs new answers.
Vallès X , Stenseth NC , Demeure C , Horby P , Mead PS , Cabanillas O , Ratsitorahina M , Rajerison M , Andrianaivoarimanana V , Ramasindrazana B , Pizarro-Cerda J , Scholz HC , Girod R , Hinnebusch BJ , Vigan-Womas I , Fontanet A , Wagner DM , Telfer S , Yazdanpanah Y , Tortosa P , Carrara G , Deuve J , Belmain SR , D'Ortenzio E , Baril L . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020 14 (8) e0008251 ![]() ![]() Yersinia pestis, the bacterial causative agent of plague, remains an important threat to human health. Plague is a rodent-borne disease that has historically shown an outstanding ability to colonize and persist across different species, habitats, and environments while provoking sporadic cases, outbreaks, and deadly global epidemics among humans. Between September and November 2017, an outbreak of urban pneumonic plague was declared in Madagascar, which refocused the attention of the scientific community on this ancient human scourge. Given recent trends and plague's resilience to control in the wild, its high fatality rate in humans without early treatment, and its capacity to disrupt social and healthcare systems, human plague should be considered as a neglected threat. A workshop was held in Paris in July 2018 to review current knowledge about plague and to identify the scientific research priorities to eradicate plague as a human threat. It was concluded that an urgent commitment is needed to develop and fund a strong research agenda aiming to fill the current knowledge gaps structured around 4 main axes: (i) an improved understanding of the ecological interactions among the reservoir, vector, pathogen, and environment; (ii) human and societal responses; (iii) improved diagnostic tools and case management; and (iv) vaccine development. These axes should be cross-cutting, translational, and focused on delivering context-specific strategies. Results of this research should feed a global control and prevention strategy within a "One Health" approach. |
Typhoid fever surveillance, incidence estimates, and progress toward typhoid conjugate vaccine introduction - worldwide, 2018-2022
Hancuh M , Walldorf J , Minta AA , Tevi-Benissan C , Christian KA , Nedelec Y , Heitzinger K , Mikoleit M , Tiffany A , Bentsi-Enchill AD , Breakwell L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (7) 171-176 Typhoid fever, an acute febrile illness caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), is endemic in many low- and middle-income countries(†) (1). In 2015, an estimated 11-21 million typhoid fever cases and 148,000-161,000 associated deaths occurred worldwide (2). Effective prevention strategies include improved access to and use of infrastructure supporting safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); health education; and vaccination (1). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends programmatic use of typhoid conjugate vaccines for typhoid fever control and prioritization of vaccine introduction in countries with the highest typhoid fever incidence or high prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant S. Typhi (1). This report describes typhoid fever surveillance, incidence estimates, and the status of typhoid conjugate vaccine introduction during 2018-2022. Because routine surveillance for typhoid fever has low sensitivity, population-based studies have guided estimates of case counts and incidence in 10 countries since 2016 (3-6). In 2019, an updated modeling study estimated that 9.2 million (95% CI = 5.9-14.1) typhoid fever cases and 110,000 (95% CI = 53,000-191,000) deaths occurred worldwide, with the highest estimated incidence in the WHO South-East Asian (306 cases per 100,000 persons), Eastern Mediterranean (187), and African (111) regions (7). Since 2018, five countries (Liberia, Nepal, Pakistan, Samoa [based on self-assessment], and Zimbabwe) with estimated high typhoid fever incidence (≥100 cases per 100,000 population per year) (8), high antimicrobial resistance prevalence, or recent outbreaks introduced typhoid conjugate vaccines into their routine immunization programs (2). To guide vaccine introduction decisions, countries should consider all available information, including surveillance of laboratory-confirmed cases, population-based and modeling studies, and outbreak reports. Establishing and strengthening typhoid fever surveillance will be important to measure vaccine impact. |
Clinical characteristics, risk factors and outcomes in patients with severe COVID-19 registered in the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium WHO clinical characterisation protocol: a prospective, multinational, multicentre, observational study.
Reyes LF , Murthy S , Garcia-Gallo E , Irvine M , Merson L , Martin-Loeches I , Rello J , Taccone FS , Fowler RA , Docherty AB , Kartsonaki C , Aragao I , Barrett PW , Beane A , Burrell A , Cheng MP , Christian MD , Cidade JP , Citarella BW , Donnelly CA , Fernandes SM , French C , Haniffa R , Harrison EM , Ho AYW , Joseph M , Khan I , Kho ME , Kildal AB , Kutsogiannis D , Lamontagne F , Lee TC , Bassi GL , LopezRevilla JW , Marquis C , Millar J , Neto R , Nichol A , Parke R , Pereira R , Poli S , Povoa P , Ramanathan K , Rewa O , Riera J , Shrapnel S , Silva MJ , Udy A , Uyeki T , Webb SA , Wils EJ , Rojek A , Olliaro PL . ERJ Open Res 2022 8 (1) Due to the large number of patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many were treated outside the traditional walls of the intensive care unit (ICU), and in many cases, by personnel who were not trained in critical care. The clinical characteristics and the relative impact of caring for severe COVID-19 patients outside the ICU is unknown. This was a multinational, multicentre, prospective cohort study embedded in the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium World Health Organization COVID-19 platform. Severe COVID-19 patients were identified as those admitted to an ICU and/or those treated with one of the following treatments: invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, inotropes or vasopressors. A logistic generalised additive model was used to compare clinical outcomes among patients admitted or not to the ICU. A total of 40440 patients from 43 countries and six continents were included in this analysis. Severe COVID-19 patients were frequently male (62.9%), older adults (median (interquartile range (IQR), 67 (55-78) years), and with at least one comorbidity (63.2%). The overall median (IQR) length of hospital stay was 10 (5-19)days and was longer in patients admitted to an ICU than in those who were cared for outside the ICU (12 (6-23) days versus 8 (4-15) days, p<0.0001). The 28-day fatality ratio was lower in ICU-admitted patients (30.7% (5797 out of 18831) versus 39.0% (7532 out of 19295), p<0.0001). Patients admitted to an ICU had a significantly lower probability of death than those who were not (adjusted OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.65-0.75; p<0.0001). Patients with severe COVID-19 admitted to an ICU had significantly lower 28-day fatality ratio than those cared for outside an ICU. |
Secretor status strongly influences the incidence of symptomatic norovirus infection in a genotype-dependent manner in a Nicaraguan birth cohort.
Reyes Y , González F , Gutierrez L , Blandon P , Centeno E , Zepeda O , Toval-Ruíz C , Lindesmith LC , Baric RS , Vielot N , Diez-Valcarce M , Vinjé J , Svensson L , Becker-Dreps S , Nordgren J , Bucardo F . J Infect Dis 2021 225 (1) 105-115 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The role of histo-blood group on the burden and severity of norovirus gastroenteritis in young infants has not been well documented. METHODS: Norovirus gastroenteritis was assessed in 443 Nicaraguan children followed from birth until 3 years of age. Stool samples were tested for norovirus by RT-qPCR and histo-blood group antigens (HBGA) were determined by phenotyping of saliva and blood. Hazards ratios (95% CI) and predictors of norovirus AGE outcome stratified by HBGA were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: Of 1,353 AGE episodes experienced by children, 229 (17%) tested positive for norovirus with an overall incidence of 21.9/100 child-years. Secretor children were infected as early as 2 months old and had a higher incidence of norovirus GII compared to non-secretor children (15.4 vs 4.1/100 child-years, P = 0.006). Furthermore, all GII.4 AGE episodes occurred in secretor children. Children infected with GI (adjusted OR=0.09, 95% CI 0.02-0.33) or non-GII.4 viruses (adjusted OR=0.2, 95% CI: 0.07-0.6) were less likely to have severe AGE compared to GII.4 infected children. CONCLUSION: Secretor status in children strongly influences the incidence of symptomatic norovirus infection in a genogroup or genotype-dependent manner and provides evidence that clinical severity in children depends on norovirus genotypes. |
Global Trends in Norovirus Genotype Distribution among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis.
Cannon JL , Bonifacio J , Bucardo F , Buesa J , Bruggink L , Chan MC , Fumian TM , Giri S , Gonzalez MD , Hewitt J , Lin JH , Mans J , Muñoz C , Pan CY , Pang XL , Pietsch C , Rahman M , Sakon N , Selvarangan R , Browne H , Barclay L , Vinjé J . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (5) 1438-1445 ![]() Noroviruses are a leading cause of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) among adults and children worldwide. NoroSurv is a global network for norovirus strain surveillance among children <5 years of age with AGE. Participants in 16 countries across 6 continents used standardized protocols for dual typing (genotype and polymerase type) and uploaded 1,325 dual-typed sequences to the NoroSurv web portal during 2016-2020. More than 50% of submitted sequences were GII.4 Sydney[P16] or GII.4 Sydney[P31] strains. Other common strains included GII.2[P16], GII.3[P12], GII.6[P7], and GI.3[P3] viruses. In total, 22 genotypes and 36 dual types, including GII.3 and GII.20 viruses with rarely reported polymerase types, were detected, reflecting high strain diversity. Surveillance data captured in NoroSurv enables the monitoring of trends in norovirus strains associated childhood AGE throughout the world on a near real-time basis. |
Microbial community structure and composition is associated with host species and sex in Sigmodon cotton rats.
Strickland BA , Patel MC , Shilts MH , Boone HH , Kamali A , Zhang W , Stylos D , Boukhvalova MS , Rosas-Salazar C , Yooseph S , Rajagopala SV , Blanco JCG , Das SR . Anim Microbiome 2021 3 (1) 29 ![]() BACKGROUND: The cotton rat (genus Sigmodon) is an essential small animal model for the study of human infectious disease and viral therapeutic development. However, the impact of the host microbiome on infection outcomes has not been explored in this model, partly due to the lack of a comprehensive characterization of microbial communities across different cotton rat species. Understanding the dynamics of their microbiome could significantly help to better understand its role when modeling viral infections in this animal model. RESULTS: We examined the bacterial communities of the gut and three external sites (skin, ear, and nose) of two inbred species of cotton rats commonly used in research (S. hispidus and S. fulviventer) by using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, constituting the first comprehensive characterization of the cotton rat microbiome. We showed that S. fulviventer maintained higher alpha diversity and richness than S. hispidus at external sites (skin, ear, nose), but there were no differentially abundant genera. However, S. fulviventer and S. hispidus had distinct fecal microbiomes composed of several significantly differentially abundant genera. Whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing of fecal samples identified species-level differences between S. hispidus and S. fulviventer, as well as different metabolic pathway functions as a result of differential host microbiome contributions. Furthermore, the microbiome composition of the external sites showed significant sex-based differences while fecal communities were not largely different. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that host genetic background potentially exerts homeostatic pressures, resulting in distinct microbiomes for two different inbred cotton rat species. Because of the numerous studies that have uncovered strong relationships between host microbiome, viral infection outcomes, and immune responses, our findings represent a strong contribution for understanding the impact of different microbial communities on viral pathogenesis. Furthermore, we provide novel cotton rat microbiome data as a springboard to uncover the full therapeutic potential of the microbiome against viral infections. |
Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals the Presence of the blaCTX-M-65 Gene in Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing and Multi-Drug-Resistant Clones of Salmonella Serovar Infantis Isolated from Broiler Chicken Environments in the Galapagos Islands
Burnett E , Ishida M , de Janon S , Naushad S , Duceppe MO , Gao R , Jardim A , Chen JC , Tagg KA , Ogunremi D , Vinueza-Burgos C . Antibiotics (Basel) 2021 10 (3) 1-13 ![]() Salmonella Infantis, a common contaminant of poultry products, is known to harbor mobile genetic elements that confer multi-drug resistance (MDR) and have been detected in many continents. Here, we report four MDR S. Infantis strains recovered from poultry house environments in Santa Cruz Island of the Galapagos showing extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) resistance and reduced fluoroquinolone susceptibility. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) revealed the presence of the ESBL-conferring blaCTX-M-65 gene in an IncFIB-like plasmid in three S. Infantis isolates. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and single nucleotide variant/polymorphism (SNP) SNVPhyl analysis showed that the S. Infantis isolates belong to sequence type ST32, likely share a common ancestor, and are closely related (1–3 SNP difference) to blaCTX-M-65-containing clinical and veterinary S. Infantis isolates from the United States and Latin America. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of SNPs following core-genome alignment (i.e., ParSNP) inferred close relatedness between the S. Infantis isolates from Galapagos and the United States. Prophage typing confirmed the close relationship among the Galapagos S. Infantis and was useful in distinguishing them from the United States isolates. This is the first report of MDR blaCTX-M-65-containing S. Infantis in the Galapagos Islands and highlights the need for increased monitoring and surveillance programs to determine prevalence, sources, and reservoirs of MDR pathogens. |
Factors associated with the timely uptake of initial HIV virologic test among HIV-exposed infants attending clinics within a faith-based HIV program in Kenya; a cross-sectional study
Gaitho D , Kinoti F , Mwaniki L , Kemunto D , Ogoti V , Njigua C , Kubo E , Langat A , Mecha J . BMC Public Health 2021 21 (1) 569 BACKGROUND: Early infant diagnosis (EID) of HIV, followed by effective care including antiretroviral therapy (ART), reduces infant mortality by 76% and HIV progression by 75%. In 2015, 50% of 1.2 million HIV-exposed infants (HEI) in 21 priority countries received a virologic test within the recommended 2 months of birth. We sought to identify factors associated with timely uptake of virologic EID among HEI and gain insight into missed opportunities. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study that used de-identified data from electronic medical records of 54 health facilities within the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) HIV Project database. All HEI who had their first HIV virologic test done between January 2015 and December 2017 were included in the study and categorized as either having the test within or after 8 weeks of birth. Multivariate linear mixed effects regression model was used to determine factors associated with uptake of the first HIV EID polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Predictor variables studied include sex, birth weight, the entry point into care, provision of ART prophylaxis for the infant, maternal ART at time of EID, mode of delivery, and place of delivery. RESULTS: We included 2020 HEI of whom 1018 (50.4%) were female. A majority, 1596 (79.0%) had their first HIV PCR within 2 months of birth at a median age of 6.4 weeks (interquartile range 6-7.4). Overall, HIV positivity rate at initial test among this cohort was 1.2%. Delayed HIV PCR testing for EID was more likely to yield a positive result [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.29 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09-1.52) p = 0.003]. Infants of mothers not on ART at the time of HIV PCR test and infants who had not received prophylaxis to prevent vertical HIV transmission had significant increased odds of a delayed initial test [aOR = 1.27 (95% CI = 1.18-1.37) p = < 0.0001] and [aOR = 1.43 (95% CI 1.27-1.61) p = < 0.001] respectively. CONCLUSION: An initial HIV PCR test done after 8 weeks of birth is likely to yield a positive result. Barriers to accessing ART for treatment among HIV-infected pregnant and breastfeeding women, and prophylaxis for the HEI were associated with delayed EID. In order to ensure timely EID, programs need to incorporate both facility and community strategy interventions to ensure all pregnant women seek antenatal care and deliver within health facilities. |
Performance of a fully-automated system on a WHO malaria microscopy evaluation slide set.
Horning MP , Delahunt CB , Bachman CM , Luchavez J , Luna C , Hu L , Jaiswal MS , Thompson CM , Kulhare S , Janko S , Wilson BK , Ostbye T , Mehanian M , Gebrehiwot R , Yun G , Bell D , Proux S , Carter JY , Oyibo W , Gamboa D , Dhorda M , Vongpromek R , Chiodini PL , Ogutu B , Long EG , Tun K , Burkot TR , Lilley K , Mehanian C . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 110 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Manual microscopy remains a widely-used tool for malaria diagnosis and clinical studies, but it has inconsistent quality in the field due to variability in training and field practices. Automated diagnostic systems based on machine learning hold promise to improve quality and reproducibility of field microscopy. The World Health Organization (WHO) has designed a 55-slide set (WHO 55) for their External Competence Assessment of Malaria Microscopists (ECAMM) programme, which can also serve as a valuable benchmark for automated systems. The performance of a fully-automated malaria diagnostic system, EasyScan GO, on a WHO 55 slide set was evaluated. METHODS: The WHO 55 slide set is designed to evaluate microscopist competence in three areas of malaria diagnosis using Giemsa-stained blood films, focused on crucial field needs: malaria parasite detection, malaria parasite species identification (ID), and malaria parasite quantitation. The EasyScan GO is a fully-automated system that combines scanning of Giemsa-stained blood films with assessment algorithms to deliver malaria diagnoses. This system was tested on a WHO 55 slide set. RESULTS: The EasyScan GO achieved 94.3 % detection accuracy, 82.9 % species ID accuracy, and 50 % quantitation accuracy, corresponding to WHO microscopy competence Levels 1, 2, and 1, respectively. This is, to our knowledge, the best performance of a fully-automated system on a WHO 55 set. CONCLUSIONS: EasyScan GO's expert ratings in detection and quantitation on the WHO 55 slide set point towards its potential value in drug efficacy use-cases, as well as in some case management situations with less stringent species ID needs. Improved runtime may enable use in general case management settings. |
Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions.
Escartin C , Galea E , Lakatos A , O'Callaghan JP , Petzold GC , Serrano-Pozo A , Steinhäuser C , Volterra A , Carmignoto G , Agarwal A , Allen NJ , Araque A , Barbeito L , Barzilai A , Bergles DE , Bonvento G , Butt AM , Chen WT , Cohen-Salmon M , Cunningham C , Deneen B , De Strooper B , Díaz-Castro B , Farina C , Freeman M , Gallo V , Goldman JE , Goldman SA , Götz M , Gutiérrez A , Haydon PG , Heiland DH , Hol EM , Holt MG , Iino M , Kastanenka KV , Kettenmann H , Khakh BS , Koizumi S , Lee CJ , Liddelow SA , MacVicar BA , Magistretti P , Messing A , Mishra A , Molofsky AV , Murai KK , Norris CM , Okada S , Oliet SHR , Oliveira JF , Panatier A , Parpura V , Pekna M , Pekny M , Pellerin L , Perea G , Pérez-Nievas BG , Pfrieger FW , Poskanzer KE , Quintana FJ , Ransohoff RM , Riquelme-Perez M , Robel S , Rose CR , Rothstein JD , Rouach N , Rowitch DH , Semyanov A , Sirko S , Sontheimer H , Swanson RA , Vitorica J , Wanner IB , Wood LB , Wu J , Zheng B , Zimmer ER , Zorec R , Sofroniew MV , Verkhratsky A . Nat Neurosci 2021 24 (3) 312-325 ![]() Reactive astrocytes are astrocytes undergoing morphological, molecular, and functional remodeling in response to injury, disease, or infection of the CNS. Although this remodeling was first described over a century ago, uncertainties and controversies remain regarding the contribution of reactive astrocytes to CNS diseases, repair, and aging. It is also unclear whether fixed categories of reactive astrocytes exist and, if so, how to identify them. We point out the shortcomings of binary divisions of reactive astrocytes into good-vs-bad, neurotoxic-vs-neuroprotective or A1-vs-A2. We advocate, instead, that research on reactive astrocytes include assessment of multiple molecular and functional parameters-preferably in vivo-plus multivariate statistics and determination of impact on pathological hallmarks in relevant models. These guidelines may spur the discovery of astrocyte-based biomarkers as well as astrocyte-targeting therapies that abrogate detrimental actions of reactive astrocytes, potentiate their neuro- and glioprotective actions, and restore or augment their homeostatic, modulatory, and defensive functions. |
Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae: Use of Whole-Genome Sequences To Validate Species Identification Methods.
Jensen CS , Iversen KH , Dargis R , Shewmaker P , Rasmussen S , Christensen JJ , Nielsen XC . J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (2) ![]() A correct identification of Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae is a prerequisite for investigating the clinical impact of the bacterium. The identification has traditionally relied on phenotypic methods. However, these phenotypic traits have been shown to be unreliable, with some S. pseudopneumoniae strains giving conflicting results. Therefore, sequence-based identification methods have increasingly been used for identification of S. pseudopneumoniae In this study, we used 64 S. pseudopneumoniae strains, 59 S. pneumoniae strains, 22 S. mitis strains, 24 S. oralis strains, 6 S. infantis strains, and 1 S. peroris strain to test the capability of three single genes (rpoB, gyrB, and recA), two multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) schemes, the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based phylogeny tool CSI phylogeny, a k-mer-based identification method (KmerFinder), average nucleotide identity (ANI) using fastANI, and core genome analysis to identify S. pseudopneumoniae Core genome analysis and CSI phylogeny were able to cluster all strains into distinct clusters related to their respective species. It was not possible to identify all S. pseudopneumoniae strains correctly using only one of the single genes. The MLSA schemes were unable to identify some of the S. pseudopneumoniae strains, which could be misidentified. KmerFinder identified all S. pseudopneumoniae strains but misidentified one S. mitis strain as S. pseudopneumoniae, and fastANI differentiated between S. pseudopneumoniae and S. pneumoniae using an ANI cutoff of 96%. |
Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Stricto DNA in Field-Collected Haemaphysalis longicornis Ticks, Pennsylvania, United States.
Price KJ , Graham CB , Witmier BJ , Chapman HA , Coder BL , Boyer CN , Foster E , Maes SE , Bai Y , Eisen RJ , Kyle AD . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (2) 608-611 ![]() We collected questing Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks from southeastern counties of Pennsylvania, USA. Of 263 ticks tested by PCR for pathogens, 1 adult female was positive for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, yielding a 0.4% infection rate. Continued monitoring of this invasive tick is essential to determine its public health role. |
A single mutation in Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus discovered in ticks impairs infectivity in human cells.
Hua BL , Scholte FE , Ohlendorf V , Kopp A , Marklewitz M , Drosten C , Nichol ST , Spiropoulou C , Junglen S , Bergeron É . Elife 2020 9 ![]() ![]() Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is the most widely distributed tick-borne viral infection in the world. Strikingly, reported mortality rates for CCHF are extremely variable, ranging from 5 to 80% (1). CCHF virus (CCHFV, Nairoviridae) exhibits extensive genomic sequence diversity across strains (2, 3). It is currently unknown if genomic diversity is a factor contributing to variation in its pathogenicity. We obtained complete genome sequences of CCHFV directly from the tick reservoir. These new strains belong to a solitary lineage named Europe 2 that is circumstantially reputed to be less pathogenic than the epidemic strains from Europe 1 lineage. We identified a single tick-specific amino acid variant in the viral glycoprotein region that dramatically reduces its fusion activity in human cells, providing evidence that a GPC variant, present in ticks, have severely impaired function in human cells. |
High levels of HIV drug resistance among adults failing second-line antiretroviral therapy in Namibia.
Jordan MR , Hamunime N , Bikinesi L , Sawadogo S , Agolory S , Shiningavamwe AN , Negussie T , Fisher-Walker CL , Raizes EG , Mutenda N , Hunter CJ , Dean N , Steegen K , Kana V , Carmona S , Yang C , Tang AM , Parkin N , Hong SY . Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 99 (37) e21661 ![]() ![]() To support optimal third-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) selection in Namibia, we investigated the prevalence of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) at time of failure of second-line ART. A cross-sectional study was conducted between August 2016 and February 2017. HIV-infected people ≥15 years of age with confirmed virological failure while receiving ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r)-based second-line ART were identified at 15 high-volume ART clinics representing over >70% of the total population receiving second-line ART. HIVDR genotyping of dried blood spots obtained from these individuals was performed using standard population sequencing methods. The Stanford HIVDR algorithm was used to identify sequences with predicted resistance; genotypic susceptibility scores for potential third-line regimens were calculated. Two hundred thirty-eight individuals were enrolled; 57.6% were female. The median age and duration on PI/r-based ART at time of enrolment were 37 years and 3.46 years, respectively. 97.5% received lopinavir/ritonavir-based regimens. The prevalence of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), and PI/r resistance was 50.6%, 63.1%, and 13.1%, respectively. No significant association was observed between HIVDR prevalence and age or sex. This study demonstrates high levels of NRTI and NNRTI resistance and moderate levels of PI resistance in people receiving PI/r-based second-line ART in Namibia. Findings underscore the need for objective and inexpensive measures of adherence to identify those in need of intensive adherence counselling, routine viral load monitoring to promptly detect virological failure, and HIVDR genotyping to optimize selection of third-line drugs in Namibia. |
Comparison of A(H3N2) neutralizing antibody responses elicited by 2018-2019 season quadrivalent influenza vaccines derived from eggs, cells, and recombinant hemagglutinin.
Wang W , Alvarado-Facundo E , Vassell R , Collins L , Colombo RE , Ganesan A , Geaney C , Hrncir D , Lalani T , Markelz AE , Maves RC , McClenathan B , Mende K , Richard SA , Schofield C , Seshadri S , Spooner C , Utz GC , Warkentien TE , Levine M , Coles CL , Burgess TH , Eichelberger M , Weiss CD . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (11) e4312-e4320 ![]() BACKGROUND: Low vaccine effectiveness against A(H3N2) influenza in seasons with little antigenic drift has been attributed to substitutions in hemagglutinin (HA) acquired during vaccine virus propagation in eggs. Clinical trials comparing recombinant HA vaccine (rHA) and cell-derived inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) to egg-derived IIVs provide opportunities to assess how egg-adaptive substitutions influence HA immunogenicity. METHODS: Neutralization titers in pre- and post-immunization sera from 133 adults immunized with one of three types of influenza vaccines in a randomized, open-label trial during the 2018-2019 influenza season were measured against egg- and cell-derived A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016-like and circulating A(H3N2) influenza viruses using HA-pseudoviruses. RESULTS: All vaccines elicited neutralizing antibodies to all H3 vaccine antigens, but the rHA vaccine elicited the highest titers and seroconversion rates against all strains tested. Egg- and cell-derived IIVs elicited responses similar to each other. Pre-immunization titers against H3 HA-pseudoviruses containing egg-adaptive substitutions T160K and L194P were high, but lower against H3 HA-pseudoviruses without those substitutions. All vaccines boosted neutralization titers against HA-pseudoviruses with egg-adaptive substitutions, but poorly neutralized wildtype 2019-2020 A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2) HA-pseudoviruses. CONCLUSION: Egg- and cell-derived 2018-2019 season influenza vaccines elicited similar neutralization titers and response rates, indicating that the cell-derived vaccine did not improve immunogenicity against the A(H3N2) viruses. The higher responses after rHA vaccination may be due to its higher HA content. All vaccines boosted titers to HA with egg-adaptive substitutions, suggesting boosting from past antigens or better exposure of HA epitopes. Studies comparing immunogenicity and effectiveness of different influenza vaccines across many seasons are needed. |
Advances in clinical trial design: Weaving tomorrow's TB treatments
Lienhardt C , Nunn A , Chaisson R , Vernon AA , Zignol M , Nahid P , Delaporte E , Kasaeva T . PLoS Med 2020 17 (2) e1003059 Christian Lienhardt and co-authors discuss the conclusions of the PLOS Medicine Collection on advances in clinical trial design for development of new tuberculosis treatments. |
Combining genomics and epidemiology to track mumps virus transmission in the United States.
Wohl S , Metsky HC , Schaffner SF , Piantadosi A , Burns M , Lewnard JA , Chak B , Krasilnikova LA , Siddle KJ , Matranga CB , Bankamp B , Hennigan S , Sabina B , Byrne EH , McNall RJ , Shah RR , Qu J , Park DJ , Gharib S , Fitzgerald S , Barreira P , Fleming S , Lett S , Rota PA , Madoff LC , Yozwiak NL , MacInnis BL , Smole S , Grad YH , Sabeti PC . PLoS Biol 2020 18 (2) e3000611 ![]() ![]() Unusually large outbreaks of mumps across the United States in 2016 and 2017 raised questions about the extent of mumps circulation and the relationship between these and prior outbreaks. We paired epidemiological data from public health investigations with analysis of mumps virus whole genome sequences from 201 infected individuals, focusing on Massachusetts university communities. Our analysis suggests continuous, undetected circulation of mumps locally and nationally, including multiple independent introductions into Massachusetts and into individual communities. Despite the presence of these multiple mumps virus lineages, the genomic data show that one lineage has dominated in the US since at least 2006. Widespread transmission was surprising given high vaccination rates, but we found no genetic evidence that variants arising during this outbreak contributed to vaccine escape. Viral genomic data allowed us to reconstruct mumps transmission links not evident from epidemiological data or standard single-gene surveillance efforts and also revealed connections between apparently unrelated mumps outbreaks. |
Development of new TB regimens: Harmonizing trial design, product registration requirements, and public health guidance
Lienhardt C , Vernon AA , Cavaleri M , Nambiar S , Nahid P . PLoS Med 2019 16 (9) e1002915 Christian Lienhardt and colleagues discuss the importance of communication and coordination between regulators, researchers, and policy makers to ensure tuberculosis trials provide high-quality evidence for policy decisions. |
The safety of double- and triple-drug community mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis: A multicenter, open-label, cluster-randomized study
Weil GJ , Bogus J , Christian M , Dubray C , Djuardi Y , Fischer PU , Goss CW , Hardy M , Jambulingam P , King CL , Kuttiat VS , Krishnamoorthy K , Laman M , Lemoine JF , O'Brian KK , Robinson LJ , Samuela J , Schechtman KB , Sircar A , Srividya A , Steer AC , Supali T , Subramanian S . PLoS Med 2019 16 (6) e1002839 BACKGROUND: The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) provides antifilarial medications to hundreds of millions of people annually to treat filarial infections and prevent elephantiasis. Recent trials have shown that a single-dose, triple-drug treatment (ivermectin with diethylcarbamazine and albendazole [IDA]) is superior to a two-drug combination (diethylcarbamazine plus albendazole [DA]) that is widely used in LF elimination programs. This study was performed to assess the safety of IDA and DA in a variety of endemic settings. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Large community studies were conducted in five countries between October 2016 and November 2017. Two studies were performed in areas with no prior mass drug administration (MDA) for filariasis (Papua New Guinea and Indonesia), and three studies were performed in areas with persistent LF despite extensive prior MDA (India, Haiti, and Fiji). Participants were treated with a single oral dose of IDA (ivermectin, 200 mug/kg; diethylcarbamazine, 6 mg/kg; plus albendazole, a fixed dose of 400 mg) or with DA alone. Treatment assignment in each study site was randomized by locality of residence. Treatment was offered to residents who were >/=5 years of age and not pregnant. Adverse events (AEs) were assessed by medical teams with active follow-up for 2 days and passive follow-up for an additional 5 days. A total of 26,836 persons were enrolled (13,535 females and 13,300 males). A total of 12,280 participants were treated with DA, and 14,556 were treated with IDA. On day 1 or 2 after treatment, 97.4% of participants were assessed for AEs. The frequency of all AEs was similar after IDA and DA treatment (12% versus 12.1%, adjusted odds ratio for IDA versus DA 1.15, 95% CI 0.87-1.52, P = 0.316); 10.9% of participants experienced mild (grade 1) AEs, 1% experienced moderate (grade 2) AEs, and 0.1% experienced severe (grade 3) AEs. Rates of serious AEs after DA and IDA treatment were 0.04% (95% CI 0.01%-0.1%) and 0.01% (95% CI 0.00%-0.04%), respectively. Severity of AEs was not significantly different after IDA or DA. Five of six serious AEs reported occurred after DA treatment. The most common AEs reported were headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and fatigue. AE frequencies varied by country and were higher in adults and in females. AEs were more common in study participants with microfilaremia (33.4% versus 11.1%, P < 0.001) and more common in microfilaremic participants after IDA than after DA (39.4% versus 25.6%, P < 0.001). However, there was no excess of severe or serious AEs after IDA in this subgroup. The main limitation of the study was that it was open-label. Also, aggregation of AE data from multiple study sites tends to obscure variability among study sites. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we observed that IDA was well tolerated in LF-endemic populations. Posttreatment AE rates and severity did not differ significantly after IDA or DA treatment. Thus, results of this study suggest that IDA should be as safe as DA for use as a MDA regimen for LF elimination in areas that currently receive DA. TRIAL REGISTRATION: registration number: NCT02899936. |
Collaborative response to arsenic-contaminated soil in an Appalachian Kentucky neighborhood
Yaffee AQ , Scott B , Kaelin C , Cambron J , Sanderson W , Christian WJ , Moran TP , Chamness J . J Toxicol Environ Health A 2019 82 (12) 1-5 The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with an increased exposure to arsenic-contaminated soil in a Kentucky neighborhood as part of collaborative public health response. An exposure assessment survey was administered to residents and toenail clippings and soil samples analyzed for arsenic concentration. The associations between exposure variables and arsenic concentrations were evaluated using a multivariate-generalized estimating equation. An ecological assessment of cancer incidence in the community was also conducted using standardized incidence ratio maps. Median toenail arsenic was 0.48 micrograms/gram (microg/g), twice the expected regional level of 0.2 microg/g. Mean residence surface soil arsenic level was 64.8 ppm. An increase of 1 ppm of residence concentration was significantly associated with a 0.003 microg/g rise in toenail levels. Concentrations for respondents who engaged in digging were 0.68 microg/g significantly higher compared to individuals who did not. No significantly elevated rates of lung or bladder cancer were observed in the affected ZIP codes. Living in areas with high soil arsenic contamination might lead to (1) increased exposure; (2) elevated residence soil arsenic concentrations and (3) the action of digging in the soil was associated with elevated toenail arsenic levels. Based upon elevated soil levels identified, residents were recommended to move from the contaminated environment until remediation was complete. Additional recommendations included regular health-care follow-up. |
Rotavirus vaccine impact assessment surveillance in India: protocol and methods
Nair NP , Reddy NS , Giri S , Mohan VR , Parashar U , Tate J , Shah MP , Arora R , Gupte M , Mehendale SM , Kang G . BMJ Open 2019 9 (4) e024840 INTRODUCTION: Rotavirus infection accounts for 39% of under-five diarrhoeal deaths globally and 22% of these deaths occur in India. Introduction of rotavirus vaccine in a national immunisation programme is considered to be the most effective intervention in preventing severe rotavirus disease. In 2016, India introduced an indigenous rotavirus vaccine (Rotavac) into the Universal Immunisation Programme in a phased manner. This paper describes the protocol for surveillance to monitor the performance of rotavirus vaccine following its introduction into the routine childhood immunisation programme. METHODS: An active surveillance system was established to identify acute gastroenteritis cases among children less than 5 years of age. For all children enrolled at sentinel sites, case reporting forms are completed and a copy of vaccination record and a stool specimen obtained. The forms and specimens are sent to the referral laboratory for data entry, analysis, testing and storage. Data from sentinel sites in states that have introduced rotavirus vaccine into their routine immunisation schedule will be used to determine rotavirus vaccine impact and effectiveness. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The Institutional Review Board of Christian Medical College, Vellore, and all the site institutional ethics committees approved the project. Results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and with stakeholders of the universal immunisation programme in India. |
Job autonomy & safety climate: examining associations in the mining industry
Haas E , Ryan M , Hoebbel C . Prof Saf 2018 63 (12) 30-34 Perceptions of safety climate pertain to an organization's prioritization of safety relative to other concerns, such as productivity or quality control (Naveh, Katz-Navon & Stern, 2011; Zohar, 2000). Relating to what organizations may prioritize, safety climate also entails the kind of behaviors that are expected, supported and rewarded (Schneider, 1990). Characteristics of safety climate can impact workers' own safety values, which, in turn, influence their behaviors (Naveh, et al., 2011). Further, a positive safety climate has been linked to less burnout and fewer errors, near-hits and incidents that result in lost time from work (Christian, Bradley, Wallace, et al., 2009; Nahrgang, Morgesun & Hofmann, 2011). In this sense, not only has safety climate been identified as a potential leading indicator of incident occurrence, but also evidence exists that a positive safety climate might strengthen the impact of job factors (e.g., job autonomy, supervisor support, coworker support) on workers' proactive behavior (Bronkhorst, 2015), although these factors are not well understood (Parker, Axtell & Turner, 2001). To that end, this article examines what role job autonomy, in particular, may have in forming workers' perceptions and subsequent OSH performance on the job. The authors begin by defining autonomy in the workplace to provide a consistent platform for studying the term. Key Takeaways: 1. Job autonomy is among the most important features of organizational design that ensures job satisfaction and motivation. It is important to understand how job autonomy may support the safety climate and subsequent behaviors executed by workers. 2. The authors used two mine companies to compare workers' perceptions of safety climate and personal levels of proactivity and compliance on the job, one that incorporated autonomous work processes and practices, and one that did not. 3. Job autonomy played a significant role in worker perceptions of their own proactive and compliant behaviors on the job, including taking initiative to address OSH problems, voicing concerns about OSH, and following rules and procedures. 4. The discussion provides insights into specific autonomous work processes to provide direction for companies that want to improve aspects of their organizational management of safety, health and risks on the job. |
Rapid behavioral assessment of barriers and opportunities to improve vaccination coverage among displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh, January 2018
Jalloh MF , Bennett SD , Alam D , Kouta P , Lourenco D , Alamgir M , Feldstein LR , Ehlman DC , Abad N , Kapil N , Vandenent M , Conklin L , Wolff B . Vaccine 2019 37 (6) 833-838 BACKGROUND: In November 2017, the World Health Organization received initial reports of suspected diphtheria cases in camps established for displaced Rohingyas in Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh. By January 11, 2018, over 4,000 suspected cases of diphtheria and 30 deaths were reported. The Bangladesh government and partners implemented a diphtheria vaccination campaign in December 2017. Outbreak response staff reported anecdotal evidence of vaccine hesitancy. Our assessment aimed to understand vaccination barriers and opportunities to enhance vaccine demand among displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh. METHODS: In January 2018, we conducted a qualitative assessment consisting of nine focus group discussions and 15 key informant interviews with displaced Rohingyas in three camps. Participants included mothers and fathers with under five-year-old children, community volunteers, majhis (camp leaders), Islamic religious leaders, traditional and spiritual healers, and teachers. We recruited participants using purposive sampling, and analyzed the data thematically. RESULTS: Across focus groups and in-depth interviews, trusted information sources cited by participants included religious leaders, elders, village doctors, pharmacists, majhis, and mothers trained by non-governmental organizations to educate caregivers. Treatment of diphtheria and measles was usually sought from multiple sources including traditional and spiritual healers, village doctors, pharmacies, and health clinics. Major barriers to vaccination included: various beliefs about vaccination causing people to become Christian; concerns about multiple vaccines being received on the same day; worries about vaccination side effects; and, lack of sensitivity to cultural gender norms at the vaccination sites. CONCLUSION: Although vaccination was understood as an important intervention to prevent childhood diseases, participants reported numerous barriers to vaccination. Strengthening vaccine demand and acceptance among displaced Rohingyas can be enhanced by improving vaccination delivery practices and engaging trusted leaders to address religious and cultural barriers using community-based channels. |
Effect of population-based antenatal screening and treatment of genitourinary tract infections on birth outcomes in Sylhet, Bangladesh (MIST): a cluster-randomised clinical trial
Lee AC , Mullany LC , Quaiyum M , Mitra DK , Labrique A , Christian P , Ahmed P , Uddin J , Rafiqullah I , DasGupta S , Rahman M , Koumans EH , Ahmed S , Saha SK , Baqui AH . Lancet Glob Health 2019 7 (1) e148-e159 BACKGROUND: One-third of preterm births are attributed to pregnancy infections. We implemented a community-based intervention to screen and treat maternal genitourinary tract infections, with the aim of reducing the incidence of preterm birth. METHODS: We did an unblinded cluster-randomised controlled trial in two subdistricts of Sylhet, Bangladesh. Clusters were defined as the contiguous area served by a single community health worker, and each cluster comprised several contiguous villages, contained roughly 4000 people, and had about 120 births per year. Eligible participants within clusters were all ever-married women and girls of reproductive age (ie, aged 15-49 years) who became pregnant during the study period. Clusters were randomly assigned (1:1) to the intervention or control groups via a restricted randomisation procedure. In both groups, community health workers made home visits to identify pregnant women and girls and provide antenatal and postnatal care. Between 13 and 19 weeks' gestation, participants in the intervention group received home-based screening for abnormal vaginal flora and urinary tract infections. A random 10% of the control group also received the intervention to examine the similarity of infection prevalence between groups. If present, abnormal vaginal flora (ie, Nugent score >/=4 was treated with oral clindamycin (300 mg twice daily for 5 days) and urinary tract infections with cefixime (400 mg once daily for 3 days) or oral nitrofurantoin (100 mg twice daily for 7 days). Both infections were retreated if persistent. The primary outcome was the incidence of preterm livebirths before 37 weeks' gestation among all livebirths. This trial is registered with, number NCT01572532. The trial is closed to new participants, with follow-up completed. FINDINGS: Between Jan 2, 2012, and July 28, 2015, 9712 pregnancies were enrolled (4840 in the intervention group, 4391 in the control group, and 481 in the control subsample). 3818 livebirths in the intervention group and 3557 livebirths in the control group were included in the primary analysis. In the intervention group, the prevalence of abnormal vaginal flora was 16.3% (95% CI 15.1-17.6) and that of urinary tract infection was 8.6% (7.7-9.5). The effective coverage of successful treatment in the intervention group was 58% in participants with abnormal vaginal flora (ie, abnormal vaginal flora resolved in 361 [58%] of the 622 participants who initially tested positive), and 71% in those with urinary tract infections (ie, resolution in 224 [71%] of the 317 participants who initially tested positive). Overall, the incidence of preterm livebirths before 37 weeks' gestation did not differ significantly between the intervention and control groups (21.8% vs 20.6%; relative risk 1.07 [95% CI 0.91-1.24]). INTERPRETATION: A population-based antenatal screening and treatment programme for genitourinary tract infections did not reduce the incidence of preterm birth in Bangladesh. FUNDING: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenges. |
The phylogeography and incidence of multi-drug resistant typhoid fever in sub-Saharan Africa.
Park SE , Pham DT , Boinett C , Wong VK , Pak GD , Panzner U , Espinoza LMC , von Kalckreuth V , Im J , Schutt-Gerowitt H , Crump JA , Breiman RF , Adu-Sarkodie Y , Owusu-Dabo E , Rakotozandrindrainy R , Soura AB , Aseffa A , Gasmelseed N , Keddy KH , May J , Sow AG , Aaby P , Biggs HM , Hertz JT , Montgomery JM , Cosmas L , Fields B , Sarpong N , Razafindrabe TJL , Raminosoa TM , Kabore LP , Sampo E , Teferi M , Yeshitela B , El Tayeb MA , Sooka A , Meyer CG , Krumkamp R , Dekker DM , Jaeger A , Poppert S , Tall A , Niang A , Bjerregaard-Andersen M , Valborg Løfberg S , Seo HJ , Jeon HJ , Deerin JF , Park J , Konings F , Ali M , Clemens JD , Hughes P , Sendagala JN , Vudriko T , Downing R , Ikumapayi UN , Mackenzie GA , Obaro S , Argimon S , Aanensen DM , Page A , Keane JA , Duchene S , Dyson Z , Holt KE , Dougan G , Marks F , Baker S . Nat Commun 2018 9 (1) 5094 ![]() ![]() There is paucity of data regarding the geographical distribution, incidence, and phylogenetics of multi-drug resistant (MDR) Salmonella Typhi in sub-Saharan Africa. Here we present a phylogenetic reconstruction of whole genome sequenced 249 contemporaneous S. Typhi isolated between 2008-2015 in 11 sub-Saharan African countries, in context of the 2,057 global S. Typhi genomic framework. Despite the broad genetic diversity, the majority of organisms (225/249; 90%) belong to only three genotypes, 4.3.1 (H58) (99/249; 40%), 3.1.1 (97/249; 39%), and 2.3.2 (29/249; 12%). Genotypes 4.3.1 and 3.1.1 are confined within East and West Africa, respectively. MDR phenotype is found in over 50% of organisms restricted within these dominant genotypes. High incidences of MDR S. Typhi are calculated in locations with a high burden of typhoid, specifically in children aged <15 years. Antimicrobial stewardship, MDR surveillance, and the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines will be critical for the control of MDR typhoid in Africa. |
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