Last data update: Mar 10, 2025. (Total: 48852 publications since 2009)
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Social network strategy (SNS) for HIV testing: a new approach for identifying individuals with undiagnosed HIV infection in Tanzania
Rwabiyago OE , Katale A , Bingham T , Grund JM , Machangu O , Medley A , Nkomela ZM , Kayange A , King'ori GN , Juma JM , Ismail A , Kategile U , Akom E , Mlole NT , Schaad N , Maokola W , Nyagonde N , Magesa D , Kazitanga JC , Maruyama H , Temu F , Kimambo S , Sando D , Mbatia R , Chalamila ST , Ogwang BE , Njelekela MA , Kazaura K , Wong VJ , Gongo R , Njau PF , Mbunda A , Nondi J , Bateganya M , Greene J , Breda M , Mgomella G , Rwebembera A , Swaminathan M . AIDS Care 2024 1-10 Social network strategy (SNS) testing uses network connections to refer individuals at high risk to HIV testing services (HTS). In Tanzania, SNS testing is offered in communities and health facilities. In communities, SNS testing targets key and vulnerable populations (KVP), while in health facilities it complements index testing by reaching unelicited index contacts. Routine data were used to assess performance and trends over time in PEPFAR-supported sites between October 2021 and March 2023. Key indicators included SNS social contacts tested, and new HIV-positives individuals identified. Descriptive and statistical analysis were conducted. Univariable and multivariable analysis were applied, and variables with P-values <0.2 at univariable analysis were considered for multivariable analysis. Overall, 121,739 SNS contacts were tested, and 7731 (6.4%) previously undiagnosed individuals living with HIV were identified. Tested contacts and identified HIV-positives were mostly aged ≥15 years (>99.7%) and females (80.6% of tests, 79.4% of HIV-positives). Most SNS contacts were tested (78,363; 64.7%) and diagnosed (6376; 82.5%) in communities. SNS tests and HIV-positives grew 11.5 and 6.1-fold respectively, from October-December 2021 to January-March 2023, with majority of clients reached in communities vs. facilities (78,763 vs. 42,976). These results indicate that SNS testing is a promising HIV case-finding approach in Tanzania. |
Pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake concerns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Key population and healthcare workers perspectives
Shen Y , Franks J , Reidy W , Olsen H , Wang C , Mushimbele N , Mazala RT , Tchissambou T , Malele F , Kilundu A , Bingham T , Djomand G , Mukinda E , Ewetola R , Abrams EJ , Teasdale CA . PLoS One 2023 18 (11) e0280977 Key populations (KP) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including female sex workers (SW), are disproportionally affected by HIV. Quantitative feedback surveys were conducted at seven health facilities in DRC with 70 KP clients enrolled in pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services to measure benefits and concerns. The surveys also assessed satisfaction with PrEP services and experiences of stigma at the health facilities. Thirty healthcare workers (HCW) were surveyed to measure attitudes, beliefs, and acceptability of providing services to KP. KP client survey participants were primarily female SW. KP clients reported that the primary concern about taking PrEP was fear of side effects (67%) although few KP reported having experienced side effect (14%). HCW concurred with clients that experienced and anticipated side effects were a primary PrEP uptake concern, along with costs of clinic visits. |
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Uptake Concerns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Key Population and Healthcare Workers Perspectives (preprint)
Shen Y , Franks J , Reidy W , Olsen H , Wang C , Mushimbele N , Mazala RT , Tchissambou T , Malele F , Kilundu A , Bingham T , Djomand G , Mukinda E , Ewetola R , Abrams EJ , Teasdale CA . medRxiv 2023 17 Key populations (KP) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including female sex workers (FSW), are disproportionally affected by HIV. Quantitative feedback surveys were conducted at seven health facilities in DRC with 70 KP clients enrolled in services to measure pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) benefits and concerns. The surveys also assessed satisfaction with PrEP services and experiences of stigma at the health facilities. Thirty healthcare workers (HCW) were surveyed to measure attitudes, beliefs, and acceptability of providing services to KP. KP client survey participants were primarily female SW. KP clients reported that the primary concern about taking PrEP was fear of side effects. HCW concurred with clients that experienced and anticipated side effects were a primary PrEP uptake concern, along with costs of clinic visits. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Assessing the individual benefits of reducing HIV diagnosis delay and increasing adherence to HIV care and treatment
UzunJacobson E , Li Z , Bingham A , Farnham PG , Sansom SL . AIDS Care 2022 1-7 We used an agent-based simulation model (Progression and Transmission of HIV) to follow for 20 years a cohort of persons in the United States infected with HIV in 2015. We assessed the benefits of reducing the delay between HIV infection and diagnosis and increasing adherence to HIV care and treatment on the percent of persons surviving 20 years after infection, average annual HIV transmission rates, and time spent virally suppressed. We examined average diagnosis delays of 1.0-7.0 years, monthly care drop-out rates of 5% to 0.1%, and combinations of these strategies. The percent of the cohort surviving the first 20 years of infection varied from 70.8% to 77.5%, and the annual transmission risk, from 1.5 to 5.2 HIV transmissions per 100 person-years. Thus, individuals can enhance their survival and reduce their risk of transmission to partners by frequent testing for HIV and adhering to care and treatment. |
Optimizing HIV Services for Key Populations in Public-Sector Clinics in Myanmar
Lemons-Lyn A , Reidy W , Myint WW , Chan KN , Abrams E , Aung ZZ , Benech I , Bingham T , Desai M , Khin EE , Lin T , Olsen H , Oo HN , Wells C , Mital S . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2021 20 23259582211055933 Key populations, ie, female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs, and people in prisons and other closed settings, experience stigma, discrimination, and structural barriers when accessing HIV prevention and care. Public health facilities in Myanmar became increasingly involved in HIV service delivery, leading to an urgent need for healthcare workers to provide client-centred, key population-friendly services. Between July 2017-June 2018, the Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports and National AIDS Programme collaborated with ICAP at Columbia University and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to implement a quasi-experimental, multicomponent intervention including healthcare worker sensitization training with pre- and post- knowledge assessments, healthcare worker and client satisfaction surveys, and structural changes. We observed modest improvements among healthcare workers (n = 50) in knowledge assessments. Classification of clients into key population groups increased and fewer clients were classified as low risk. Key population clients reported favourable perceptions of the quality and confidentiality of care through self-administered surveys. Our findings suggest public health facilities can deliver HIV services that are valued by key population clients. |
PrEP for key populations: results from the first PrEP demonstration project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Franks J , Teasdale C , Olsen H , Wang C , Mushimebele N , Tenda Mazala R , Tchissambou T , Malele Bazola F , Bingham T , Djomand G , Mukinda E , Ewetola R , Abrams E , Reidy W . AIDS Care 2021 34 (3) 1-4 Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended for persons at substantial risk for HIV, including female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), and transgender women (TGW). We report on a PrEP demonstration project at seven clinics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Routinely collected data were abstracted to assess PrEP uptake, scheduled visit attendance, and self-reported adherence. Between February and May 2018, 469 eligible clients were offered daily oral PrEP; 75.1% accepted: 78.7% FSW, 20.5% MSM, and 0.9% TGW. Two percent also identified as PWID. Attendance was 64.5% at one-month visits; 82.1% at three-month visits; and among 47.7% of clients who initiated PrEP at least six months before data abstraction, 85.8% at six-month visits. Among 66.3% of clients with at least one adherence assessment, 39% self-reported low adherence. Results demonstrate the acceptability of PrEP delivered in healthcare settings serving FSW, MSM, PWID, and TGW. |
Comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS testing and linkage to treatment among men who have sex with men in Curitiba, Brazil
da Cruz MM , Cota VL , Lentini N , Bingham T , Parent G , Kanso S , Rosso LRB , Almeida B , Cardoso Torres RM , Nakamura CY , Santelli ACFE S . PLoS One 2021 16 (5) e0249877 INTRODUCTION: The Curitiba (Brazil)-based Project, A Hora é Agora (AHA), evaluated a comprehensive HIV control strategy among men who have sex with men (MSM) aimed at expanding access to HIV rapid testing and linking HIV-positive MSM to health services and treatment. AHA's approach included rapid HIV Testing Services (HTC) in one mobile testing unit (MTU); a local, gay-led, non-governmental organization (NGO); an existing government-run health facility (COA); and Internet-based HIV self-testing. The objectives of the paper were to compare a) number of MSM tested in each strategy, its positivity and linkage; b) social, demographic and behavioral characteristics of MSM accessing the different HTC and linkage services; and c) the costs of the individual strategies to diagnose and link MSM to services. METHODS: We used data for 2,681 MSM tested at COA, MTU and NGO from March 2015 to March 2017. This is a cross sectional comparison of the demographics and behavioral factors (age group, race/ethnicity, education, sexually transmitted diseases, knowledge of AHA services and previous HIV test). Absolute frequencies, percentage distributions and confidence intervals for the percentages were used, as well as unilateral statistical tests. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: AHA performed 2,681 HIV tests among MSM across three in-person strategies: MTU, NGO, and COA; and distributed 4,752 HIV oral fluid tests through the self-testing platform. MTU, NGO and COA reported 365 (13.6%) HIV positive diagnoses among MSM, including 28 users with previous HIV diagnosis or on antiretroviral treatment for HIV. Of these, 89% of MSM were eligible for linkage-to-care services. Linkage support was accepted by 86% of positive MSM, of which 66.7% were linked to services in less than 90 days. The MTU resulted in the lowest cost per MSM tested ($137 per test), followed by self-testing ($247). CONCLUSIONS: AHA offered MSM access to HTC through innovative strategies operating in alternative sites and schedules. It presented the Curitiba HIV/AIDS community the opportunity to monitor HIV-positive MSM from diagnosis to treatment uptake. Self-testing emerged as a feasible strategy to increase MSM access to HIV-testing through virtual tools and anonymous test kit delivery and pick-up. Cost per test findings in both the MTU and self-testing support expansion to other regions with similar epidemiological contexts. |
Formative assessment to identify perceived benefits and barriers of HIV oral self-testing among female sex workers, service providers, outreach workers, and peer educators to inform scale-up in Kenya
Agot K , Cain M , Medley A , Kimani J , Gichangi P , Kiio C , Mukiri E , Odonde P , Toroitich-Ruto C , Bingham T , Downer M , Chesang K . AIDS Care 2021 34 (6) 1-8 In Kenya, HIV prevalence estimates among female sex workers (FSWs) are almost five times higher than among women in the general population. However, only 68% of infected FSWs are aware of their HIV-positive status. We aimed to identify perceived benefits, opportunities, and barriers of HIV self-testing (HIVST) in improving testing coverage among FSWs. Twenty focus group discussions were conducted with 77 service providers, 42 peer educators (PEs) and outreach workers, and 37 FSWs attending drop-in centers (DiCEs) in four regions of Kenya. An additional 8 FSWs with HIV-negative or unknown status-completed in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed thematically. Acceptability of HIVST was high, with cited benefits including confidentiality, convenience, and ease of use. Barriers included absence of counseling, potential for inaccurate results, fear of partner reaction, possible misuse, and fear that HIVST could lead to further stigmatization. PEs and DiCEs were the preferred models for distributing HIVST kits. FSWs wanted kits made available free or at a nominal cost (100 Kenya Shillings or ∼USD 1). Linkage to confirmatory testing, the efficiency of distributing HIVST kits using peers and DiCEs, and the types and content of effective HIVST messaging require further research. |
Estimated lifetime HIV-related medical costs in the United States
Bingham A , Shrestha RK , Khurana N , Jacobson E , Farnham PG . Sex Transm Dis 2021 48 (4) 299-304 BACKGROUND: Lifetime cost estimates are a useful tool in measuring the economic burden of HIV in the United States. Previous estimation methods need to be updated, given improving antiretroviral therapy regimens and updated costs. METHODS: We used an updated version of the agent-based model Progression and Transmission of HIV (PATH) 3.0 to reflect current regimens and costs. We simulated a cohort of those infected in 2015 until the last person had died to track the lifetime costs for treatment of HIV, including HIV health care utilization costs (inpatient, outpatient, opportunistic infection (OI) prophylaxis, non-HIV medication, and emergency department), OI treatment costs, and testing costs. We assumed a median per-person diagnosis delay of 3 years and a 3% base monthly probability of dropout from care for a base-case scenario. Additionally, we modeled a most-favorable scenario (median diagnosis delay of 1 year and 1% base dropout rate) and a least-favorable scenario (median diagnosis delay of 5 years and 5% base dropout rate). RESULTS: We estimated an average lifetime HIV-related medical cost for a person with HIV of $420,285 (2019 US$) discounted (3%) and $1,079,999 undiscounted for a median 3-year diagnosis delay and 3% base dropout rate. Our discounted cost estimate was $490,045 in our most-favorable scenario and $326,411 in our least-favorable scenario. CONCLUSIONS: Lifetime per-person HIV-related medical costs depend on the time from infection to diagnosis and the likelihood of dropping out of care. Our results, which are similar to previous studies, reflect updated ART regimens and costs for HIV treatment. |
The estimated number and lifetime medical cost of HIV infections attributable to sexually transmitted infections acquired in the United States in 2018: A compilation of published modeling results
Chesson H , Song R , Bingham A , Farnham PG . Sex Transm Dis 2021 48 (4) 292-298 BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to estimate the number and lifetime medical cost of HIV infections attributable to incident sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States in 2018. METHODS: We combined data from published models regarding the number or percentage of HIV infections attributable to STIs with updated estimates of the lifetime medical cost per HIV infection. We used two distinct calculation methods. Our first calculation used recent estimates of the percentage of HIV infections in men who have sex with men (MSM) attributable to gonorrhea and chlamydia. Our second calculation, based on older studies, used estimates of the expected number of STI-attributable HIV infections per new STI infection, for gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. RESULTS: Our first calculation method suggested that 2,489 (25th-75th percentile: 1,895-3,000) HIV infections in 2018 among MSM could be attributed to gonorrhea and chlamydia, at an estimated lifetime medical cost of $1.05 billion (25th-75th percentile: $0.79-1.26 billion). Our second calculation method suggested that 2,349 (25th-75th percentile: 1,948-2,744) HIV infections in the general population (including MSM) could be attributed to chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis acquired in 2018, at an estimated lifetime medical cost of $0.99 billion (25th-75th percentile: $0.80-1.16 billion). CONCLUSIONS: Despite ambiguity regarding the degree to which STIs affect HIV transmission, our combination of data from published STI/HIV transmission models and an HIV lifetime medical cost model can help to quantify the estimated burden of STI-attributable HIV infections in the United States. |
The estimated direct lifetime medical costs of sexually transmitted infections acquired in the United States in 2018
Chesson HW , Spicknall IH , Bingham A , Brisson M , Eppink ST , Farnham PG , Kreisel KM , Kumar S , Laprise JF , Peterman TA , Roberts H , Gift TL . Sex Transm Dis 2021 48 (4) 215-221 BACKGROUND: We estimated the lifetime medical costs attributable to STIs acquired in 2018, including sexually acquired HIV. METHODS: We estimated the lifetime medical costs of infections acquired in 2018 in the United States for eight STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, and HIV. We limited our analysis to lifetime medical costs incurred for treatment of STIs and for treatment of related sequelae; we did not include other costs such as STI prevention. For each STI except HPV, we calculated the lifetime medical cost by multiplying the estimated number of incident infections in 2018 by the estimated lifetime cost per infection. For HPV, we calculated the lifetime cost based on the projected lifetime incidence of health outcomes attributed to HPV infections acquired in 2018. Future costs were discounted at 3% annually. RESULTS: Incident STIs in 2018 imposed an estimated $15.9 billion (25th-75th percentile: $14.9-16.9 billion) in discounted, lifetime direct medical costs (2019 U.S. dollars). Most of this cost was due to sexually acquired HIV ($13.7 billion) and HPV ($0.8 billion). STIs in women accounted for about one-fourth of the cost of incident STIs when including HIV, but about three-fourths when excluding HIV. STIs among 15-24-year-olds accounted for $4.2 billion (26%) of the cost of incident STIs. CONCLUSIONS: Incident STIs continue to impose a considerable lifetime medical cost burden in the United States. These results can inform health economic analyses to promote the use of cost-effective STI prevention interventions to reduce this burden. |
Addressing vulnerable population needs in the last mile to the elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV: (re)claiming the HIV response for female sex workers and their children
Hakim AJ , Callahan T , Benech I , Patel M , Adler M , Modi S , Bateganya M , Parris KA , Bingham T . BMC Public Health 2020 20 (1) 1015 As countries strive to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, female sex workers (FSW) and their children still face barriers to accessing these essential services. Data on FSW uptake of HIV and reproductive health services before, during, and after pregnancy reveal inadequate service utilization. Stigma encountered by FSW in healthcare settings may contribute to low uptake of HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy (ART), and other prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services. Coordination between community-based FSW and facility-based PMTCT programs can facilitate successful linkage of pregnant FSW to antenatal services to support PMTCT efforts. We offer a way forward to reach 90-90-90 targets for FSW and their families and eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV. |
Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS): A randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of a linkage-to-care intervention among HIV-positive patients in Ukraine
Neduzhko O , Postnov O , Sereda Y , Kulchynska R , Bingham T , Myers JJ , Flanigan T , Kiriazova T . AIDS Behav 2020 24 (11) 3142-3154 Between October 2015 and March 2018, we conducted the Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS), a nurse-delivered case management intervention to improve linkage-to-care for persons recently tested HIV positive. Adult participants from nine urban clinics in three regions of Ukraine were randomized to either MARTAS or standard of care (SOC) using individual, parallel, two-arm design. The main study outcome was linkage-to-care (defined as registration at an HIV clinic) within a 3-month period from enrollment in the study. Intention-to-treat analysis of MARTAS (n = 135) versus SOC (n = 139) showed intervention efficacy in linkage to HIV care (84.4% vs. 33.8%; adjusted RR 2.45; 95% CI 1.72, 3.47; p < 0.001). MARTAS is recommended for implementation in Ukraine and may be helpful in other countries with similar gaps in linkage-to-care. registration number: NCT02338024. |
Expansion of HIV preexposure prophylaxis to 35 PEPFAR-supported early program adopters, October 2016-September 2018
Djomand G , Bingham T , Benech I , Muthui M , Savva H , Alamo S , Manopaiboon C , Wheeler T , Mital S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (8) 212-215 The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest bilateral funder of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and control programs worldwide, currently supports implementation of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce HIV incidence among persons at substantial risk for infection, including female sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender women (hereafter referred to as key populations). Recent estimates suggest that 54% of all global new HIV infections in 2018 occurred among key populations and their sexual partners (1). In 2016, PEPFAR began tracking initiation of PrEP by key populations and other groups at high risk (2). The implementation and scale-up of PrEP programs across 35 PEPFAR-supported country or regional programs* was assessed by determining the number of programs reporting any new PrEP clients during each quarter from October 2016 to September 2018. As of September 2018, only 15 (43%) PEPFAR-supported country or regional programs had implemented PrEP programs; however, client volume increased by 3,351% over the assessment period in 15 country or regional programs. Scale-up of PrEP among general population clients (5,255%) was nearly three times that of key population clients (1,880%). Among key populations, the largest increase (3,518%) occurred among MSM. Factors that helped drive the success of these PrEP early adopter programs included initiation of national, regional, and multilateral stakeholder meetings; engagement of ministries of health and community advocates; revision of HIV treatment guidelines to include PrEP; training for HIV service providers; and establishment of drug procurement policies. These best practices can help facilitate PrEP implementation, particularly among key populations, in other country or regional programs to reduce global incidence of HIV infection. |
An internet-based HIV self-testing program to increase HIV testing uptake among men who have sex with men in Brazil: Descriptive cross-sectional analysis
De Boni RB , Veloso VG , Fernandes NM , Lessa F , Correa RG , Lima RS , Cruz M , Oliveira J , Nogueira SM , de Jesus B , Reis T , Lentini N , Miranda RL , Bingham T , Johnson CC , Barbosa Junior A , Grinsztejn B . J Med Internet Res 2019 21 (8) e14145 BACKGROUND: Approximately 30% of people living with HIV worldwide are estimated to be unaware of their infection. HIV self-testing (HIVST) is a strategy recommended by the World Health Organization to increase access to and uptake of testing among key populations who are at high risk for HIV infection. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the development and feasibility of a free, anonymous, internet-based HIVST strategy designed for men who have sex with men in Curitiba, Brazil (electronic testing [e-testing]). METHODS: The project was developed under the scope of the "A Hora e Agora" (The Time is Now) program. Individuals aiming to request an HIVST package (two tests each) answered an anonymous 5-minute questionnaire regarding inclusion criteria and sexual risk behavior. Eligible individuals could receive one package every 6 months for free. Website analytics, response to online questionnaires, package distribution, and return of test results were monitored via a platform-integrated system. RESULTS: Between February 2015 and January 2016, the website documented 17,786 unique visitors and 3218 completed online questionnaires. Most individuals self-reported being white (77.0%), young (median age: 25 years, interquartile range: 22-31 years), educated (87.3% completed secondary education or more), and previously tested for HIV (62.5%). Overall, 2526 HIVST packages were delivered; of those, 542 (21.4%) reported a result online or by mail (23 reactive and 11 invalid). During the study period, 37 individuals who reported using e-testing visited the prespecified health facility for confirmatory testing (30 positive, 7 negative). CONCLUSIONS: E-testing proved highly feasible and acceptable in this study, thus supporting scale-up to additional centers for men who have sex with men in Brazil. |
Feasibility and acceptability of the Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS) intervention based on a pilot study in Ukraine
Neduzhko O , Postnov O , Bingham T , Myers JJ , Flanigan T , Kiriazova T . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2019 18 2325958218823257 We conducted a pilot of the Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS), a linkage to HIV treatment intervention, prior to implementing a multisite randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Ukraine. The objectives of the pilot were to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the MARTAS intervention among a small sample of adults recently diagnosed with HIV at specialty clinics in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine in 2015. The adapted intervention consisted of up to 6 individual-level sessions with a linkage coordinator (nurse) over a 90-day period. Overall, 22 persons participated in the pilot. On average, participants received 4.2 sessions and 14 participants linked to HIV care within 3 months of study enrollment. All 18 participants who completed the acceptability survey expressed high satisfaction with their interaction with their linkage coordinator. The results of the pilot demonstrated feasibility and acceptability of the MARTAS intervention in advance of a larger scale RCT in Ukraine. |
Building the evidence base to optimize the impact of key population programming across the HIV cascade
Wolf RC , Bingham T , Millett G , Wilcher R . J Int AIDS Soc 2018 21 Suppl 5 e25146 The most recent global HIV data have brought great optimism that controlling the HIV epidemic could become a reality. These encouraging data show overall declines in both AIDS‐related deaths and new HIV infections worldwide 1. Recent data also demonstrate impressive gains toward the global 90‐90‐90 targets. As of 2016, an estimated 70% of all people living with HIV (PLHIV) globally knew their HIV status. Among those who had been diagnosed, 77% were accessing antiretroviral therapy, and 82% of people on treatment had achieved viral suppression 1. | | Despite this progress, the optimism is tempered by concern that reducing HIV incidence rates must be further accelerated to guarantee epidemic control 2. Moreover, the recent gains have not been uniform. While global data indicate important achievements in addressing the epidemic among key populations – defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers, transgender people, people who inject drugs (PWID), and prisoners 3 – these gains still lag far behind those made in the general population. | | UNAIDS estimates that 44% of all new HIV infections among adults worldwide occur among key populations and their partners 1. In generalized epidemic contexts of sub‐Saharan Africa, key populations and their sexual partners account for 25% of new HIV infections, while in concentrated epidemic settings, they account for as much as 80% of infections 1. Globally, sex workers, MSM and PWID are 10, 24 and 24 times more likely, respectively, to acquire HIV compared with the general population ages 15 years and older 4. Transgender women are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV and prisoners are five times more likely to be living with HIV compared to other adults 4, 5. | |
Self-testing, communication and information technology to promote HIV diagnosis among young gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil
De Boni RB , Lentini N , Santelli AC , Barbosa A Jr , Cruz M , Bingham T , Cota V , Correa RG , Veloso VG , Grinsztejn B . J Int AIDS Soc 2018 21 Suppl 5 e25116 Worldwide, key populations (KP), including gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM), are subject to human rights violations, criminalization, stigma and discrimination 1, 2. These socio‐structural factors are crucial to understand the low HIV testing uptake in many countries, as MSM may fear or may have experienced lack of privacy, confidentiality breaches and healthcare staff mistreatment 3. In Brazil, MSM report a low frequency of HIV testing despite higher estimated HIV prevalence (9.4% among 18 to 24 year olds; 19.8% among those 25 years and older 4), compared with 0.6% among the general population 5. HIV self‐testing (HIVST) is currently recommended by the World Health Organization to help reduce gaps in HIV diagnosis, especially for KP 6. Furthermore, HIVST has been highly accepted and accurate 7, 8, with oral tests being preferred over blood tests 9. |
Factors associated with concurrent heroin use among patients on methadone maintenance treatment in Vietnam: A 24-month retrospective analysis of a nationally representative sample
Hoang T , Nguyen H , Shiraishi RW , Nguyen M , Bingham T , Nguyen D , Nguyen T , Duong H , Lyss S , Tran H . Int J Drug Policy 2018 55 113-120 BACKGROUND: Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is highly effective for reducing heroin use and HIV transmission among people who inject opioids. We sought to measure and understand factors associated with continued heroin use, a critical factor affecting treatment outcome among MMT patients in Vietnam. METHOD: We collected data from medical charts of a nationally representative sample of patients who were on MMT from May 2008 to December 2013. We selected 10 MMT clinics using probability proportional to size and 50 patients/clinic by systematic random sampling. Concurrent heroin use was defined by self-report/positive urine test recorded in patient charts during month 3, 6, 12, and 24 after MMT initiation. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify factors associated with concurrent heroin use over the first 24 months in treatment. FINDINGS: All clients used heroin at baseline; concurrent heroin use was 55% at month 3; 19%, 14.6% and 15.2% at month 6, 12, and 24, respectively. Having no family emotional/financial support at baseline versus having this support (AOR=2.03; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.17-3.53); using heroin for <15years versus >/=15 years at baseline (AOR=1.55; 95% CI=1.01-2.38); being HIV-infected/not on antiretroviral treatment (ART; AOR=1.79; 95% CI=1.07-2.98) or being HIV infected/on ART (AOR=2.39; 95% CI=1.61-3.55), versus not being HIV infected; baseline methamphetamine use versus non-use (AOR=2.68; 95% CI=1.08-6.65), were associated with increased odds of concurrent heroin use among patients. CONCLUSION: The association between concurrent heroin use among MMT patients and lack of family emotional/financial support, highlights the critical importance of these types of support for successful treatment. Association with shorter heroin use history suggests motivational enhancement may reduce concurrent heroin use. Living with HIV, whether on ART or not, is associated with increased concurrent heroin use and suggests safe injection commodities and education, and drug-drug interaction management, are needed for this subgroup. Though few MMT clients reported baseline methamphetamine use, its association with later heroin use suggests the need for effective methamphetamine use interventions. |
Patient and provider perspectives inform an intervention to improve linkage to care for HIV patients in Ukraine
Kiriazova T , Postnov O , Bingham T , Myers J , Flanigan T , Vitek C , Neduzhko O . BMC Health Serv Res 2018 18 (1) 58 BACKGROUND: Engagement with HIV medical care is critical to successful HIV treatment and prevention efforts. However, in Ukraine, delays in the timely initiation of HIV treatment hamper viral suppression. By January 01, 2016, only 126,604 (57.5%) of the estimated 220,000 people living with HIV (PLWH) had registered for HIV care, and most (55.1%) of those who registered for HIV care in 2015 did that at a late stage of infection. In the US, Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS) intervention successfully linked newly diagnosed PLWH to HIV services using strengths-based case management with a linkage coordinator. To tailor the ARTAS intervention for Ukraine, we conducted a qualitative study with patients and providers to understand barriers and facilitators that influence linkage to HIV care. METHODS: During September-October 2014, we conducted 20 in-depth interviews with HIV-positive patients and two focus groups with physicians in infectious disease, sexually transmitted infection (STI), and addiction clinics in Dnipropetrovsk Region of Ukraine. Interviews and focus groups were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. We translated illustrative quotes into English. We used thematic analysis for the data analysis. RESULTS: Participants (20 patients and 14 physicians) identified multiple, mostly individual-level factors influencing HIV care initiation. Key barriers included lack of HIV knowledge, non-acceptance of HIV diagnosis, fear of HIV disclosure, lack of psychological support from health providers, and HIV stigma in community. Responsibility for one's health, health deterioration, and supportive provider communication were reported as facilitators to linkage to care. Expected benefits from the case management intervention included psychological support, HIV education, and help with navigating the segmented health system. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from the study will be used to optimize the ARTAS for the Ukrainian context. Our findings can also support future linkage-to-care strategies in other countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. |
On-duty nonfatal injury that lead to work absences among police officers and level of perceived stress
West C , Fekedulegn D , Andrew M , Burchfiel CM , Harlow S , Bingham CR , McCullagh M , Park SK , Violanti J . J Occup Environ Med 2017 59 (11) 1084-1088 OBJECTIVE: We examined prevalence, frequency, duration, and recency of injury leave and the association of duty-related injury with perceived stress in U.S. police officers. METHODS: This cross-sectional study contained 422 active duty police officers from a mid-sized urban police department. For each participating officer, work history records were used to assess on-duty injuries that lead to work absences. Linear regression analyses were used for analyses. RESULTS: Most participants had experienced at least one injury (62%), and among those injured, 67% experienced more than one duty-related injury. The average number of injuries per officer was three (range 1 to 12). There was a significant linear trend in mean perceived stress across injury count even after adjusting for age, rank, and sex (P = 0.025). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that work-related injury is common and repeated work-related injuries are psychologically distressing in U.S. police officers. |
Evaluation of placental and fetal tissue specimens for Zika virus infection - 50 states and District of Columbia, January-December, 2016
Reagan-Steiner S , Simeone R , Simon E , Bhatnagar J , Oduyebo T , Free R , Denison AM , Rabeneck DB , Ellington S , Petersen E , Gary J , Hale G , Keating MK , Martines RB , Muehlenbachs A , Ritter J , Lee E , Davidson A , Conners E , Scotland S , Sandhu K , Bingham A , Kassens E , Smith L , St George K , Ahmad N , Tanner M , Beavers S , Miers B , VanMaldeghem K , Khan S , Rabe I , Gould C , Meaney-Delman D , Honein MA , Shieh WJ , Jamieson DJ , Fischer M , Zaki SR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (24) 636-643 Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause congenital microcephaly and brain abnormalities (1), and detection of Zika virus RNA in clinical and tissue specimens can provide definitive laboratory evidence of recent Zika virus infection. Whereas duration of viremia is typically short, prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in placental, fetal, and neonatal brain tissue has been reported and can provide key diagnostic information by confirming recent Zika virus infection (2). In accordance with recent guidance (3,4), CDC provides Zika virus testing of placental and fetal tissues in clinical situations where this information could add diagnostic value. This report describes the evaluation of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens tested for Zika virus infection in 2016 and the contribution of this testing to the public health response. Among 546 live births with possible maternal Zika virus exposure, for which placental tissues were submitted by the 50 states and District of Columbia (DC), 60 (11%) were positive by Zika virus reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Among 81 pregnancy losses for which placental and/or fetal tissues were submitted, 18 (22%) were positive by Zika virus RT-PCR. Zika virus RT-PCR was positive on placental tissues from 38/363 (10%) live births with maternal serologic evidence of recent unspecified flavivirus infection and from 9/86 (10%) with negative maternal Zika virus immunoglobulin M (IgM) where possible maternal exposure occurred >12 weeks before serum collection. These results demonstrate that Zika virus RT-PCR testing of tissue specimens can provide a confirmed diagnosis of recent maternal Zika virus infection. |
Health care use and HIV-related behaviors of black and Latina transgender women in 3 US metropolitan areas: Results from the Transgender HIV Behavioral Survey
Denson DJ , Padgett PM , Pitts N , Paz-Bailey G , Bingham T , Carlos JA , McCann P , Prachand N , Risser J , Finlayson T . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2017 75 Suppl 3 S268-s275 PURPOSE: HIV prevalence estimates among transgender women in the United States are high, particularly among racial/ethnic minorities. Despite increased HIV risk and evidence of racial disparities in HIV prevalence among transgender women, few data are available to inform HIV prevention efforts. METHODS: A transgender HIV-related behavioral survey conducted in 2009 in 3 US metropolitan areas (Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles County), used respondent-driven sampling to recruit 227 black (n = 139) and Latina (n = 88) transgender women. We present descriptive statistics on sociodemographic, health care, and HIV-risk behaviors. RESULTS: Of 227 transgender women enrolled, most were economically and socially disadvantaged: 73% had an annual income of less than $15,000; 62% lacked health insurance; 61% were unemployed; and 46% reported being homeless in the past 12 months. Most (80%) had visited a health care provider and over half (58%) had tested for HIV in the past 12 months. Twenty-nine percent of those who reported having an HIV test in the past 24 months self-reported being HIV positive. Most of the sample reported hormone use (67%) in the past 12 months and most hormone use was under clinical supervision (70%). Forty-nine percent reported condomless anal sex in the past 12 months and 16% reported ever injecting drugs. CONCLUSION: These findings reveal the socioeconomic challenges and behavioral risks often associated with high HIV risk reported by black and Latina transgender women. Despite low health insurance coverage, the results suggest opportunities to engage transgender women in HIV prevention and care given their high reported frequency of accessing health care providers. |
Trends in prevalence of advanced HIV disease at antiretroviral therapy enrollment - 10 countries, 2004-2015
Auld AF , Shiraishi RW , Oboho I , Ross C , Bateganya M , Pelletier V , Dee J , Francois K , Duval N , Antoine M , Delcher C , Desforges G , Griswold M , Domercant JW , Joseph N , Deyde V , Desir Y , Van Onacker JD , Robin E , Chun H , Zulu I , Pathmanathan I , Dokubo EK , Lloyd S , Pati R , Kaplan J , Raizes E , Spira T , Mitruka K , Couto A , Gudo ES , Mbofana F , Briggs M , Alfredo C , Xavier C , Vergara A , Hamunime N , Agolory S , Mutandi G , Shoopala NN , Sawadogo S , Baughman AL , Bashorun A , Dalhatu I , Swaminathan M , Onotu D , Odafe S , Abiri OO , Debem HH , Tomlinson H , Okello V , Preko P , Ao T , Ryan C , Bicego G , Ehrenkranz P , Kamiru H , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Kwesigabo G , Ramadhani AA , Ng'wangu K , Swai P , Mfaume M , Gongo R , Carpenter D , Mastro TD , Hamilton C , Denison J , Wabwire-Mangen F , Koole O , Torpey K , Williams SG , Colebunders R , Kalamya JN , Namale A , Adler MR , Mugisa B , Gupta S , Tsui S , van Praag E , Nguyen DB , Lyss S , Le Y , Abdul-Quader AS , Do NT , Mulenga M , Hachizovu S , Mugurungi O , Barr BAT , Gonese E , Mutasa-Apollo T , Balachandra S , Behel S , Bingham T , Mackellar D , Lowrance D , Ellerbrock TV . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (21) 558-563 Monitoring prevalence of advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (i.e., CD4+ T-cell count <200 cells/muL) among persons starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) is important to understand ART program outcomes, inform HIV prevention strategy, and forecast need for adjunctive therapies.*,dagger, section sign To assess trends in prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation in 10 high-burden countries during 2004-2015, records of 694,138 ART enrollees aged ≥15 years from 797 ART facilities were analyzed. Availability of national electronic medical record systems allowed up-to-date evaluation of trends in Haiti (2004-2015), Mozambique (2004-2014), and Namibia (2004-2012), where prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation declined from 75% to 34% (p<0.001), 73% to 37% (p<0.001), and 80% to 41% (p<0.001), respectively. Significant declines in prevalence of advanced disease during 2004-2011 were observed in Nigeria, Swaziland, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. The encouraging declines in prevalence of advanced disease at ART enrollment are likely due to scale-up of testing and treatment services and ART-eligibility guidelines encouraging earlier ART initiation. However, in 2015, approximately a third of new ART patients still initiated ART with advanced HIV disease. To reduce prevalence of advanced disease at ART initiation, adoption of World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended "treat-all" guidelines and strategies to facilitate earlier HIV testing and treatment are needed to reduce HIV-related mortality and HIV incidence. |
Vital Signs: Update on Zika virus-associated birth defects and evaluation of all U.S. Infants with congenital Zika virus exposure - U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry, 2016
Reynolds MR , Jones AM , Petersen EE , Lee EH , Rice ME , Bingham A , Ellington SR , Evert N , Reagan-Steiner S , Oduyebo T , Brown CM , Martin S , Ahmad N , Bhatnagar J , Macdonald J , Gould C , Fine AD , Polen KD , Lake-Burger H , Hillard CL , Hall N , Yazdy MM , Slaughter K , Sommer JN , Adamski A , Raycraft M , Fleck-Derderian S , Gupta J , Newsome K , Baez-Santiago M , Slavinski S , White JL , Moore CA , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Petersen L , Boyle C , Jamieson DJ , Meaney-Delman D , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (13) 366-373 BACKGROUND: In collaboration with state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, CDC established the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry (USZPR) in early 2016 to monitor pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection and their infants. METHODS: This report includes an analysis of completed pregnancies (which include live births and pregnancy losses, regardless of gestational age) in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (DC) with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection reported to the USZPR from January 15 to December 27, 2016. Birth defects potentially associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy include brain abnormalities and/or microcephaly, eye abnormalities, other consequences of central nervous system dysfunction, and neural tube defects and other early brain malformations. RESULTS: During the analysis period, 1,297 pregnant women in 44 states were reported to the USZPR. Zika virus-associated birth defects were reported for 51 (5%) of the 972 fetuses/infants from completed pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4%-7%); the proportion was higher when restricted to pregnancies with laboratory-confirmed Zika virus infection (24/250 completed pregnancies [10%, 95% CI = 7%-14%]). Birth defects were reported in 15% (95% CI = 8%-26%) of fetuses/infants of completed pregnancies with confirmed Zika virus infection in the first trimester. Among 895 liveborn infants from pregnancies with possible recent Zika virus infection, postnatal neuroimaging was reported for 221 (25%), and Zika virus testing of at least one infant specimen was reported for 585 (65%). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: These findings highlight why pregnant women should avoid Zika virus exposure. Because the full clinical spectrum of congenital Zika virus infection is not yet known, all infants born to women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection during pregnancy should receive postnatal neuroimaging and Zika virus testing in addition to a comprehensive newborn physical exam and hearing screen. Identification and follow-up care of infants born to women with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection during pregnancy and infants with possible congenital Zika virus infection can ensure that appropriate clinical services are available. |
Birth defects among fetuses and infants of US women with evidence of possible Zika virus infection during pregnancy
Honein MA , Dawson AL , Petersen EE , Jones AM , Lee EH , Yazdy MM , Ahmad N , Macdonald J , Evert N , Bingham A , Ellington SR , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Oduyebo T , Fine AD , Brown CM , Sommer JN , Gupta J , Cavicchia P , Slavinski S , White JL , Owen SM , Petersen LR , Boyle C , Meaney-Delman D , Jamieson DJ . JAMA 2016 317 (1) 59-68 Importance: Understanding the risk of birth defects associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy may help guide communication, prevention, and planning efforts. In the absence of Zika virus, microcephaly occurs in approximately 7 per 10000 live births. Objective: To estimate the preliminary proportion of fetuses or infants with birth defects after maternal Zika virus infection by trimester of infection and maternal symptoms. Design, Setting, and Participants: Completed pregnancies with maternal, fetal, or infant laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection and outcomes reported in the continental United States and Hawaii from January 15 to September 22, 2016, in the US Zika Pregnancy Registry, a collaboration between the CDC and state and local health departments. Exposures: Laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection in a maternal, placental, fetal, or infant sample. Main Outcomes and Measures: Birth defects potentially Zika associated: brain abnormalities with or without microcephaly, neural tube defects and other early brain malformations, eye abnormalities, and other central nervous system consequences. Results: Among 442 completed pregnancies in women (median age, 28 years; range, 15-50 years) with laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika virus infection, birth defects potentially related to Zika virus were identified in 26 (6%; 95% CI, 4%-8%) fetuses or infants. There were 21 infants with birth defects among 395 live births and 5 fetuses with birth defects among 47 pregnancy losses. Birth defects were reported for 16 of 271 (6%; 95% CI, 4%-9%) pregnant asymptomatic women and 10 of 167 (6%; 95% CI, 3%-11%) symptomatic pregnant women. Of the 26 affected fetuses or infants, 4 had microcephaly and no reported neuroimaging, 14 had microcephaly and brain abnormalities, and 4 had brain abnormalities without microcephaly; reported brain abnormalities included intracranial calcifications, corpus callosum abnormalities, abnormal cortical formation, cerebral atrophy, ventriculomegaly, hydrocephaly, and cerebellar abnormalities. Infants with microcephaly (18/442) represent 4% of completed pregnancies. Birth defects were reported in 9 of 85 (11%; 95% CI, 6%-19%) completed pregnancies with maternal symptoms or exposure exclusively in the first trimester (or first trimester and periconceptional period), with no reports of birth defects among fetuses or infants with prenatal exposure to Zika virus infection only in the second or third trimesters. Conclusions and Relevance: Among pregnant women in the United States with completed pregnancies and laboratory evidence of possible recent Zika infection, 6% of fetuses or infants had evidence of Zika-associated birth defects, primarily brain abnormalities and microcephaly, whereas among women with first-trimester Zika infection, 11% of fetuses or infants had evidence of Zika-associated birth defects. These findings support the importance of screening pregnant women for Zika virus exposure. |
Local mosquito-borne transmission of Zika virus - Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, Florida, June-August 2016
Likos A , Griffin I , Bingham AM , Stanek D , Fischer M , White S , Hamilton J , Eisenstein L , Atrubin D , Mulay P , Scott B , Jenkins P , Fernandez D , Rico E , Gillis L , Jean R , Cone M , Blackmore C , McAllister J , Vasquez C , Rivera L , Philip C . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (38) 1032-1038 During the first 6 months of 2016, large outbreaks of Zika virus disease caused by local mosquito-borne transmission occurred in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories, but local mosquito-borne transmission was not identified in the continental United States. As of July 22, 2016, the Florida Department of Health had identified 321 Zika virus disease cases among Florida residents and visitors, all occurring in either travelers from other countries or territories with ongoing Zika virus transmission or sexual contacts of recent travelers.* During standard case investigation of persons with compatible illness and laboratory evidence of recent Zika virus infection (i.e., a specimen positive by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction [rRT-PCR], or positive Zika immunoglobulin M [IgM] with supporting dengue serology [negative for dengue IgM antibodies and positive for dengue IgG antibodies], or confirmation of Zika virus neutralizing antibodies by plaque reduction neutralization testing [PRNT]), four persons were identified in Broward and Miami-Dade counties whose infections were attributed to likely local mosquito-borne transmission. Two of these persons worked within 120 meters (131 yards) of each other but had no other epidemiologic connections, suggesting the possibility of a local community-based outbreak. Further epidemiologic and laboratory investigations of the worksites and surrounding neighborhood identified a total of 29 persons with laboratory evidence of recent Zika virus infection and likely exposure during late June to early August, most within an approximate 6-block area. In response to limited impact on the population of Aedes aegypti mosquito vectors from initial ground-based mosquito control efforts, aerial ultralow volume spraying with the organophosphate insecticide naled was applied over a 10 square-mile area beginning in early August and alternated with aerial larviciding with Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti), a group biologic control agent, in a central 2 square-mile area. No additional cases were identified after implementation of this mosquito control strategy. No increases in emergency department (ED) patient visits associated with aerial spraying were reported, including visits for asthma, reactive airway disease, wheezing, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Local and state health departments serving communities where Ae. aegypti, the primary vector of Zika virus, is found should continue to actively monitor for local transmission of the virus. |
Prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in pregnant women
Meaney-Delman D , Oduyebo T , Polen KN , White JL , Bingham AM , Slavinski SA , Heberlein-Larson L , St George K , Rakeman JL , Hills S , Olson CK , Adamski A , Culver Barlow L , Lee EH , Likos AM , Munoz JL , Petersen EE , Dufort EM , Dean AB , Cortese MM , Santiago GA , Bhatnagar J , Powers AM , Zaki S , Petersen LR , Jamieson DJ , Honein MA . Obstet Gynecol 2016 128 (4) 724-730 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other fetal brain abnormalities. Reports indicate that the duration of detectable viral RNA in serum after symptom onset is brief. In a recent case report involving a severely affected fetus, Zika virus RNA was detected in maternal serum 10 weeks after symptom onset, longer than the duration of RNA detection in serum previously reported. This report summarizes the clinical and laboratory characteristics of pregnant women with prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in serum that were reported to the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry. METHODS: Data were obtained from the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry, an enhanced surveillance system of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of confirmed or possible Zika virus infection. For this case series, we defined prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA as Zika virus RNA detection in serum by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 14 or more days after symptom onset or, for women not reporting signs or symptoms consistent with Zika virus disease (asymptomatic), 21 or more days after last possible exposure to Zika virus. RESULTS: Prolonged Zika virus RNA detection in serum was identified in four symptomatic pregnant women up to 46 days after symptom onset and in one asymptomatic pregnant woman 53 days postexposure. Among the five pregnancies, one pregnancy had evidence of fetal Zika virus infection confirmed by histopathologic examination of fetal tissue, three pregnancies resulted in live births of apparently healthy neonates with no reported abnormalities, and one pregnancy is ongoing. CONCLUSION: Zika virus RNA was detected in the serum of five pregnant women beyond the previously estimated timeframe. Additional real-time RT-PCR testing of pregnant women might provide more data about prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA and the possible diagnostic, epidemiologic, and clinical implications for pregnant women. |
Possible Zika virus infection among pregnant women - United States and Territories, May 2016
Simeone RM , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Meaney-Delman D , Petersen EE , Galang RR , Oduyebo T , Rivera-Garcia B , Valencia-Prado M , Newsome KB , Perez-Padilla J , Williams TR , Biggerstaff M , Jamieson DJ , Honein MA , Ahmed F , Anesi S , Arnold KE , Barradas D , Barter D , Bertolli J , Bingham AM , Bollock J , Bosse T , Bradley KK , Brady D , Brown CM , Bryan K , Buchanan V , Bullard PD , Carrigan A , Clouse M , Cook S , Cooper M , Davidson S , DeBarr A , Dobbs T , Dunams T , Eason J , Eckert A , Eggers P , Ellington SR , Feldpausch A , Fredette CR , Gabel J , Glover M , Gosciminski M , Gay M , Haddock R , Hand S , Hardy J , Hartel ME , Hennenfent AK , Hills SL , House J , Igbinosa I , Im L , Jeff H , Khan S , Kightlinger L , Ko JY , Koirala S , Korhonen L , Krishnasamy V , Kurkjian K , Lampe M , Larson S , Lee EH , Lind L , Lindquist S , Long J , Macdonald J , MacFarquhar J , Mackie DP , Mark-Carew M , Martin B , Martinez-Quinones A , Matthews-Greer J , McGee SA , McLaughlin J , Mock V , Muna E , Oltean H , O'Mallan J , Pagano HP , Park SY , Peterson D , Polen KN , Porse CC , Rao CY , Ropri A , Rinsky J , Robinson S , Rosinger AY , Ruberto I , Schiffman E , Scott-Waldron C , Semple S , Sharp T , Short K , Signs K , Slavinski SA , Stevens T , Sweatlock J , Talbot EA , Tonzel J , Traxler R , Tubach S , Van Houten C , VinHatton E , Viray M , Virginie D , Warren MD , Waters C , White P , Williams T , Winters AI , Wood S , Zaganjor I . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (20) 514-9 Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and brain abnormalities (1), and it is the first known mosquito-borne infection to cause congenital anomalies in humans. The establishment of a comprehensive surveillance system to monitor pregnant women with Zika virus infection will provide data to further elucidate the full range of potential outcomes for fetuses and infants of mothers with asymptomatic and symptomatic Zika virus infection during pregnancy. In February 2016, Zika virus disease and congenital Zika virus infections became nationally notifiable conditions in the United States (2). Cases in pregnant women with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection who have either 1) symptomatic infection or 2) asymptomatic infection with diagnosed complications of pregnancy can be reported as cases of Zika virus disease to ArboNET* (2), CDC's national arboviral diseases surveillance system. Under existing interim guidelines from the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), asymptomatic Zika virus infections in pregnant women who do not have known pregnancy complications are not reportable. ArboNET does not currently include pregnancy surveillance information (e.g., gestational age or pregnancy exposures) or pregnancy outcomes. To understand the full impact of infection on the fetus and neonate, other systems are needed for reporting and active monitoring of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Thus, in collaboration with state, local, tribal, and territorial health departments, CDC established two surveillance systems to monitor pregnancies and congenital outcomes among women with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection(dagger) in the United States and territories: 1) the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry (USZPR),( section sign) which monitors pregnant women residing in U.S. states and all U.S. territories except Puerto Rico, and 2) the Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System (ZAPSS), which monitors pregnant women residing in Puerto Rico. As of May 12, 2016, the surveillance systems were monitoring 157 and 122 pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection from participating U.S. states and territories, respectively. Tracking and monitoring clinical presentation of Zika virus infection, all prenatal testing, and adverse consequences of Zika virus infection during pregnancy are critical to better characterize the risk for congenital infection, the performance of prenatal diagnostic testing, and the spectrum of adverse congenital outcomes. These data will improve clinical guidance, inform counseling messages for pregnant women, and facilitate planning for clinical and public health services for affected families. |
Respondent-driven sampling in a multi-site study of Black and Latino men who have sex with men
Murrill CS , Bingham T , Lauby J , Liu KL , Wheeler D , Carballo-Dieguez A , Marks G , Millett GA . J Natl Med Assoc 2016 108 (1) 69-76 PURPOSE: Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used to recruit four samples of Black and Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) in three metropolitan areas to measure HIV prevalence and sexual and drug use behaviors. We compared demographic and behavioral risk characteristics of participants across sites, assessed the extent to which the RDS statistical adjustment procedure provides estimates that differ from the crude results, and summarized our experiences using RDS. METHODS: From June 2005 to March 2006 a total of 2,235 MSM were recruited and interviewed: 614 Black MSM and 516 Latino MSM in New York City, 540 Black MSM in Philadelphia, and 565 Latino MSM in Los Angeles County. Crude point estimates for demographic characteristics, behavioral risk factors and HIV prevalence were calculated for each of the four samples. RDS Analysis Tool was used to obtain population-based estimates of each sampled population's characteristics. RESULTS: RDS adjusted estimates were similar to the crude estimates for each study sample on demographic characteristics such as age, income, education and employment status. Adjusted estimates of the prevalence of risk behaviors were lower than the crude estimates, and for three of the study samples, the adjusted HIV prevalence estimates were lower than the crude estimates. However, even the adjusted HIV prevalence estimates were higher than what has been previously estimated for these groups of MSM in these cities. Each site faced unique circumstances in implementing RDS. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience in using RDS among Black and Latino MSM resulted in diverse recruitment patterns and uncertainties in the estimated HIV prevalence and risk behaviors by study site. |
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