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COVID-19 CDC Publications Database

Last data update: July 08, 2023. (Total: 1930 publications since 2020)
(Author names in bold with hyperlink are CDC authors)

The CDC Authored COVID-19 Database was a resource created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its content remains searchable and represents the time period January 2020 to July 2023. From July 2023 onwards updates have been discontinued. The database will remain online for historical purposes until 2028. All CDC Authored papers, including those on COVID-19, can be found in CDC Science Clips

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This searchable database contains COVID-19 related scientific manuscripts by CDC authors from peer-reviewed journals and all articles related to COVID-19 from CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) . Articles are tagged with keywords according to priority topics in the CDC Public Health Science Agenda. If you are aware of a CDC-authored COVID-19 publication that does not appear in this database, please let us know.

Site Citation:
Meites, et al. COVID-19 Scientific Publications From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 2020-January 2022. Public Health Rep . 2022 Nov 23;33354922113413.

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