Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
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Query Trace: Thalassemia and HFE[original query] |
H63D mutation in the HFE gene increases iron overload in beta-thalassemia carriers. Haematologica 2002 Mar 87 (3): 242-5. Melis Maria Antonietta, Cau Milena, Deidda Federica, Barella Susanna, Cao Antonio, Galanello Ren |
Genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of African Americans with primary iron overload. Blood cells, molecules & diseases 0 31 (3): 310-9. Barton James C, Acton Ronald T, Rivers Charles A, Bertoli Luigi F, Gelbart Terri, West Carol, Beutler Erne |
Prevalence of C282Y and H63D mutations in the haemochromatosis (HFE) gene in Tunisian population. Annales de génétique 0 47 (4): 325-30. Sassi R, Hmida Slama, Kaabi H, Hajjej A, Abid A, Abdelkefi S, Yacoub S, Maamar M, Mojaat N, Ben Hamed L, Bellali H, Dridi A, Jridi A, Midouni B, Boukef M |
Spectrum and haplotypes of the HFE hemochromatosis gene in Iran: H63D in beta-thalassemia major and the first E277K homozygous. The hematology journal : the official journal of the European Haematology Association / EHA 2004 5 (6): 524-7. Karimi Mehran, Yavarian Majid, Delbini Paola, Harteveld Cornelis L, Farjadian Shirin, Fiorelli Gemino, Giordano Piero |
The role of HFE mutations on iron metabolism in beta-thalassemia carriers. Journal of human genetics 2004 49 (12): 651-5. Martins Rute, Picanço Isabel, Fonseca Aidil, Ferreira Lídia, Rodrigues Odete, Coelho Marília, Seixas Teresa, Miranda Armandina, Nunes Baltazar, Costa Luciana, Romão Luísa, Faustino Pau |
Prevalence of the H63D mutation of the HFE in north India: its presence does not cause iron overload in beta thalassemia trait. European journal of haematology 2005 Apr 74 (4): 333-6. Garewal Gurjeewan, Das Reena, Ahluwalia Jasmina, Marwaha R |
HFE gene mutations in Brazilian thalassemic patients. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biológicas / Sociedade Brasileira de Biofísica ... [et al.] 2006 Dec 39 (12): 1575-80. Oliveira T M, Souza F P, Jardim A C G, Cordeiro J A, Pinho J R R, Sitnik R, Estevão I F, Bonini-Domingos C R, Rahal |
H63D mutation of the hemochromatosis gene and serum ferritin levels in Thai thalassemia carriers. Acta haematologica 2007 118 (2): 99-105. Yamsri Supawadee, Sanchaisuriya Kanokwan, Fucharoen Supan, Fucharoen Goonnapa, Jetsrisuparb Arunee, Wiangnon Surapon, Changtrakul Yossombat, Sanchaisuriya Patta |
HFE mutation H63D predicts risk of iron over load in thalassemia intermedia irrespective of blood transfusions. Indian journal of pathology & microbiology 2007 Jan 50 (1): 82-5. Sharma Vineeta, Panigrahi Inusha, Dutta Pankhi, Tyagi Seema, Choudhry Ved Prakash, Saxena Re |
Status of HFE mutation in thalassemia syndromes in north India. Annals of hematology 2007 Jul 86 (7): 483-5. Agarwal Sarita, Tewari D, Arya V, Moorchung N, Tripathi R, Chaudhuri G, Pradhan |
[HFE gene mutations in Tunisian major beta-Thalassemia and iron overload]. Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Société française de transfusion sanguine 2006 Dec 13 (6): 353-7. Mellouli F, El Borgi W, Kaabi H, Ben Hassen E, Sassi R, Hmida H, Cherif G, Maamar M, Zouari B, Boukef K, Bejaoui M, Hmida |
Beta-globin mutations are associated with parenchymal siderosis and fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of hepatology 2010 Nov 53 (5): 927-33. Valenti Luca, Canavesi Elena, Galmozzi Enrico, Dongiovanni Paola, Rametta Raffaela, Maggioni Paolo, Maggioni Marco, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Fargion Silv |
Frequencies of C282Y and H63D alleles in the HFE gene among various Jewish ethnic groups in Israel: a change of concept required. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 2010 Feb 12 (2): 122-5. Reish Orit, Shefer-Kaufmann Niva, Shimshoni Daphne Chapman, Renbaum Paul, Orr-Urtreger Avi, Steiner Hillel, Rapoport Micha, Levy-Lahad Ephrat, Altarescu Gheo |
Serum ferritin and transferrin saturation levels in ß° and ß(+) thalassemia patients. Genetics and molecular research : GMR 2011 10 (2): 632-9. Estevão I F, Peitl Junior P, Bonini-Domingos C |
The A736V TMPRSS6 polymorphism influences hepatic iron overload in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. PloS one 2012 7 (11): e48804. Valenti Luca, Rametta Raffaela, Dongiovanni Paola, Motta Benedetta M, Canavesi Elena, Pelusi Serena, Pulixi Edoardo A, Fracanzani Anna L, Fargion Silv |
On myocardial siderosis and left ventricular dysfunction in hemochromatosis. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2013 15 (1): 24. Carpenter John-Paul, Grasso Agata E, Porter John B, Shah Farrukh, Dooley James, Pennell Dudley |
The effect of HFE polymorphisms on cardiac iron overload in patients with beta-thalassemia major. Pediatric hematology and oncology 2013 Nov 30 (8): 755-60. Turedi Aysen, Oymak Yesim, Me?e Timur, Yaman Yöntem, Bayraktaroglu Selen, Alpman Asude, Ozkinay Ferda, Ayd?nok Ye?im, Vergin Can |
Survey of Hfe Gene C282Y Mutation in Turkish Beta-Thalassemia Patients and Healthy Population: A Preliminary Study. Turkish journal of haematology : official journal of Turkish Society of Haematology 2014 Sep 31 (3): 272-275. Unal Selma, Balta Günay, Gümrük Fatma, Xu Hong-G |
Effect of the Hemochromatosis Mutations on Iron Overload among the Indian ß Thalassemia Carriers. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2016 Aug . Nadkarni Anita H, Singh Aradhana A, Colaco Stacy, Hariharan Priya, Colah Roshan B, Ghosh Kanjaks |
Frequency of Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HFE) Gene Mutations in Egyptian Beta Thalassemia Patients and its Relation to Iron Overload. Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences 2016 Jun 4 (2): 226-31. Enein Azza Aboul, El Dessouky Nermine A, Mohamed Khalda S, Botros Shahira K A, Abd El Gawad Mona F, Hamdy Mona, Dyaa Neh |
The Effects of HFE Polymorphisms on Biochemical Parameters of Iron Status in Arab Beta-Thalassemia Patients. Indian journal of hematology & blood transfusion : an official journal of Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 2017 Dec 33 (4): 545-551. AlFadhli Suad, Salem Matra, Shome D K, Mahdi Najat, Nizam Rashee |
The Correlation of Cardiac and Hepatic Hemosiderosis as Measured by T2*MRI Technique with Ferritin Levels and Hemochromatosis Gene Mutations in Iranian Patients with Beta Thalassemia Major. Oman medical journal 2018 2 33 (1): 48-54. Soltanpour Mohammad Soleiman, Davari Kamb |
Association of frequency of hereditary hemochromatosis (HFE) gene mutations (H63D and C282Y) with iron overload in beta-thalassemia major patients in Pakistan. Saudi medical journal 2019 Sep 40 (9): 887-892. Sharif Yasir, Irshad Saba, Tariq Anam, Rasheed Sana, Tariq Muhammad |
Hepcidin and HFE Polymorphisms and Ferritin Level in ?-Thalassemia Major. International journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research 2019 6 13 (1): 42-48. Fekri Kiavash, Asle Rasouli Negar, Tavallai Zavareh Seyyed Abdolhossein, Jalil Milad, Moradi Fahimeh, Hosseinpour Maryam, Teimori Hosse |
Investigation of correlation between H63D and C282Y mutations in HFE gene and serum Ferritin level in beta-thalassemia major patients. Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguine 2019 May . Rahmani Romina, Naseri Parisa, Safaroghli-Azar Ava, Tarighi Shahriar, Hosseini Tahereh, Hojjati Mohammad Tah |
Determination of mutations in iron regulating genes of beta thalassemia major patients of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 2020 6 8 (9): e1310. Shah Maryam, Danish Lubna, Khan Najeeb U, Zaman Fakhar, Ismail Muhammad, Hussain Mehfooz, Pervaiz Ruqiya, Iqbal Aq |
Ceruloplasmin gene variants are associated with hyperferritinemia and increased liver iron in patients with NAFLD. Journal of hepatology 2021 Mar . Corradini Elena, Buzzetti Elena, Dongiovanni Paola, Scarlini Stefania, Caleffi Angela, Pelusi Serena, Bernardis Isabella, Ventura Paolo, Rametta Raffaela, Tenedini Elena, Tagliafico Enrico, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Fargion Silvia, Pietrangelo Antonello, Valenti Luca Vittor |
Frequency of Hereditary Hemochromatosis Gene (HFE) Variants in Sri Lankan Transfusion-Dependent Beta-Thalassemia Patients and Their Association With the Serum Ferritin Level. Frontiers in pediatrics 2022 7 10 890989. Padeniya Padmapani, Goonasekara Hemali, Abeysekera Gayan, Jayasekara Rohan, Dissanayake Vaji |
Impact of HFE-2 and HAMP Gene Variations on Iron Overload in Pediatric Patients with Non-Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia: A Pilot Study. Indian journal of hematology & blood transfusion : an official journal of Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 2022 2 38 (1): 158-163. Bharadwaj Niteesh, Peyam Srinivasan, Bhatia Prateek, Bhatia Anmol, Das Reena, Singh Minu, Bansal Deepak, Trehan Amita, Jain Ric |
Genetic Correlation of HBB, HFE and HAMP Genes to Endocrinal Complications in Egyptian Beta Thalassemia Major Patients. Biochemical genetics 2024 7 . Mona F Sokkar, Mona Hamdy, Mohamed B Taher, Heba El-Sayed, Eman Abdelmotaleb Bayomi, Khalda S Amr, Ghada Y El-Kam |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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