Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 29 (of 29 Records) |
Query Trace: Syndrome and PTPN22[original query] |
PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism in Colombian patients with autoimmune diseases. Genes and immunity 2005 Oct 6 (7): 628-31. Gomez L M, Anaya J-M, Gonzalez C I, Pineda-Tamayo R, Otero W, Arango A, Martín |
No evidence for association between 1858 C/T single-nucleotide polymorphism of PTPN22 gene and primary Sjögren's syndrome. Genes and immunity 2005 Aug 6 (5): 457-8. Ittah M, Gottenberg J-E, Proust A, Hachulla E, Puechal X, Loiseau P, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard |
The PTPN22 1858T variant is not associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Tissue antigens 2006 May 67 (5): 434-7. Milkiewicz P, Pache I, Buwaneswaran H, Liu X, Coltescu C, Heathcote E J, Siminovitch K |
The protein tyrosine phosphatase N22 gene is associated with juvenile and adult idiopathic inflammatory myopathy independent of the HLA 8.1 haplotype in British Caucasian patients. Arthritis and rheumatism 2008 Oct 58 (10): 3247-54. Chinoy H, Platt H, Lamb J A, Betteridge Z, Gunawardena H, Fertig N, Varsani H, Davidson J, Oddis C V, McHugh N J, Wedderburn L R, Ollier W E R, Cooper R G, |
Autoimmune thyroiditis and diabetes: dissecting the joint genetic susceptibility in a large cohort of multiplex families. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2009 Apr 94 (4): 1458-66. Villano Maria Justina B, Huber Amanda K, Greenberg David A, Golden Brian K, Concepcion Erlinda, Tomer Yar |
PTPN22 polymorphism is related to autoimmune disease risk in patients with Turner syndrome. Scandinavian journal of immunology 2010 Sep 72 (3): 256-9. Bianco B, Verreschi I T N, Oliveira K C, Guedes A D, Galera B B, Galera M F, Barbosa C P, Lipay M V |
The PTPN22*R620W polymorphism does not confer genetic susceptibility to antiphospholipid syndrome in the Spanish population. International journal of immunogenetics 2011 Dec 38 (6): 529-31. Castro-Marrero J, Balada E, Vilardell-Tarrés M, Ordi-Ros |
[The genetics of vasculitides]. Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie 2011 1 70 (3): 198, 200-4. Holle J U, Wieczorek S, Epplen J T, Gross W |
PTPN22 R620W polymorphism in the ANCA-associated vasculitides. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2012 May 51 (5): 805-12. Martorana Davide, Maritati Federica, Malerba Giovanni, Bonatti Francesco, Alberici Federico, Oliva Elena, Sebastio Paola, Manenti Lucio, Brugnano Rachele, Catanoso Maria G, Fraticelli Paolo, Guida Giuseppe, Gregorini Gina, Possenti Stefano, Moroni Gabriella, Leoni Antonio, Pavone Laura, Pesci Alberto, Sinico Renato A, Di Toma Lucafrancesco, D'Amico Marco, Tumiati Bruno, D'Ippolito Raffaele, Buzio Carlo, Neri Tauro M, Vaglio Augus |
PTPN22 1858C>T gene polymorphism in patients with SLE: association with serological and clinical results. Molecular biology reports 2014 Sep 41 (9): 6195-200. Ostanek Lidia, Ostanek-Pa?ka Magdalena, Bobrowska-Snarska Danuta, Bi?czak-Kuleta Agnieszka, Fischer Katarzyna, Kaczmarczyk Mariusz, Ciechanowicz Andrzej, Brzosko Mar |
A functional variant of PTPN22 confers risk for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome but not for ankylosing spondylitis. PloS one 2014 9 (5): e96943. Zhang Qi, Qi Jian, Hou Shengping, Du Liping, Yu Hongsong, Cao Qingfeng, Zhou Yan, Liao Dan, Kijlstra Aize, Yang Peize |
ATPase4A Autoreactivity and Its Association With Autoimmune Phenotypes in the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium Study. Diabetes care 2015 Oct 38 Suppl 2 S29-36. Wenzlau Janet M, Fain Pamela R, Gardner Thomas J, Frisch Lisa M, Annibale Bruno, Hutton John |
Genetics of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Type 1 Diabetes Reveals a Novel Association With DPB1*0201: Data From the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium. Diabetes care 2015 Oct 38 Suppl 2 S21-8. Kahles Heinrich, Fain Pamela R, Baker Peter, Eisenbarth George, Badenhoop Kla |
Genome wide identification of new genes and pathways in patients with both autoimmune thyroiditis and type 1 diabetes.
Journal of autoimmunity 2015 Jun 60 32-9. Tomer Yaron, Dolan Lawrence M, Kahaly George, Divers Jasmin, D'Agostino Ralph B, Imperatore Giuseppina, Dabelea Dana, Marcovina Santica, Black Mary Helen, Pihoker Catherine, Hasham Alia, Hammerstad Sara Salehi, Greenberg David A, Lotay Vaneet, Zhang Weijia, Monti Maria Cristina, Matheis Nina, |
Association Between PTPN22 Polymorphisms and IgE Responses to Staphylococcal Superantigens in Chronic Urticaria. Allergy, asthma & immunology research 2014 Oct . Palikhe Sailesh, Kim Seung Hyun, Pham Le Duy, Ye Young Min, Park Hae S |
Association Studies of the GPR103 and BCL2L15 Genes in Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in the Japanese Population. Frontiers in endocrinology 2016 7 92. Ban Yoshiyuki, Tozaki Teruaki, Nakano Yasu |
Genotype-Phenotype Associations of the CD-Associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphism within the Gene Locus Encoding Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 22 in Patients of the Swiss IBD Cohort. PloS one 2016 11 (7): e0160215. Spalinger Marianne R, Zeitz Jonas, Biedermann Luc, Rossel Jean-Benoit, Sulz Michael C, Frei Pascal, Scharl Sylvie, Vavricka Stephan R, Fried Michael, Rogler Gerhard, Scharl Michael, |
From Genetic Predisposition to Molecular Mechanisms of Autoimmune Primary Adrenal Insufficiency. Frontiers of hormone research 2016 46 115-32. Falorni Alberto, Brozzetti Annalisa, Perniola Rober |
Association of TNF-a, CTLA4, and PTPN22 polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases in Brazil. Genetics and molecular research : GMR 2015 14 (4): 18936-44. Tavares N A C, Santos M M S, Moura R, Araújo J, Guimarães R L, Crovella S, Brandão L A |
Analysis of PTPN22, ZFAT and MYO9B polymorphisms in Turner Syndrome and risk of autoimmune disease. International journal of immunogenetics 2017 Jun . Villanueva-Ortega E, Ahedo B, Fonseca-Sánchez M A, Pérez-Durán J, Garibay-Nieto N, Macías-Galavíz M T, Trujillo-Cabrera Y, García-Latorre E, Queipo |
CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms are associated with obesity in Turner Syndrome. Genetics and molecular biology 0 41 (4): 727-734. Santos Luana Oliveira Dos, Bispo Adriana Valéria Sales, Barros Juliana Vieira de, Laranjeira Raysa Samanta Moraes, Pinto Rafaella do Nascimento, Silva Jaqueline de Azevêdo, Duarte Andréa de Rezende, Araújo Jacqueline, Sandrin-Garcia Paula, Crovella Sergio, Bezerra Marcos André Cavalcanti, Belmont Taciana Furtado de Mendonça, Cavalcanti Maria do Socorro, Santos Nei |
Association of PTPN22 1858C/T Polymorphism with Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Review and Bayesian Approach. Journal of clinical medicine 2019 Mar 8 (3): . Tizaoui Kalthoum, Kim Seon Hui, Jeong Gwang Hun, Kronbichler Andreas, Lee Kwang Seob, Lee Keum Hwa, Shin Jae |
Autoimmunity-Related Risk Variants in PTPN22 and CTLA4 Are Associated With ME/CFS With Infectious Onset. Frontiers in immunology 2020 11 578. Steiner Sophie, Becker Sonya C, Hartwig Jelka, Sotzny Franziska, Lorenz Sebastian, Bauer Sandra, Löbel Madlen, Stittrich Anna B, Grabowski Patricia, Scheibenbogen Carm |
PTPN22 gene functional polymorphism (rs2476601) in older adults with frailty syndrome. Molecular biology reports 2021 2 48 (2): 1193-1204. Rabaneda-Bueno Rubén, Torres-Carrillo Norma, Ávila-Funes José Alberto, Gutiérrez-Robledo Luis Miguel, Pérez-Suárez Thalía Gabriela, Acosta José Luis, Torres-Castro Sara, Fletes-Rayas Ana Lilia, Gutierrez-Hurtado Itzae, Sandoval-Pinto Elena, Cremades Rosa, Torres-Carrillo Nora Magdale |
[Association of polymorphic markers rs7947461 of the TRIM21 gene and rs33996649 of the PTPN22 gene with the risk of developing exogenous dry eye syndrome]. Vestnik oftalmologii 2021 137 (5. Vyp. 2): 217-223. Safonova T N, Zaitseva G V, Burdennyy A M, Loginov V |
Multiple autoimmune syndrome: Clinical, immunological and genotypic characterization. European journal of internal medicine 2023 6 . Mariana Fidalgo, Raquel Faria, Cláudia Carvalho, Graziela Carvalheiras, Denisa Mendonça, Fátima Farinha, Berta Martins da Silva, Carlos Vasconcel |
Analysis of PTPN22 -1123 G>C, +788 G>A and +1858 C>T Polymorphisms in Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 2023 3 13 (5): . Menchaca-Tapia Paula Annahi, Marín-Rosales Miguel, Salazar-Camarena Diana Celeste, Cruz Alvaro, Oregon-Romero Edith, Tapia-Llanos Raziel, Muñoz-Valle José Francisco, Palafox-Sánchez Claudia Azuce |
Interactions between TNFAIP3, PTPN22, and TRAF1-C5 gene polymorphisms in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. Archives of rheumatology 2024 5 39 (1): 60-70. Daniel Cadena-Sandoval, Isela Montúfar-Robles, Rosa Elda Barbosa-Cobos, Gabriela Hernández-Molina, Ana Karen Salas-García, Norma Sánchez-Zauco, Julian Ramírez-Bel |
[Predictive significance of genetic analysis of the development of dry eye disease of different origin]. Vestnik oftalmologii 2024 1 139 (6): 13-18. T N Safonova, G V Zaitseva, V I Loginov, A M Burdenn |
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