Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
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Query Trace: Overweight and BRCA1[original query] |
Body weight and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Breast cancer research and treatment 2011 Feb 126 (1): 193-202. Manders Peggy, Pijpe Anouk, Hooning Maartje J, Kluijt Irma, Vasen Hans F A, Hoogerbrugge Nicoline, van Asperen Christi J, Meijers-Heijboer Hanne, Ausems Margreet G E M, van Os Theo A, Gomez-Garcia Encarna B, Brohet Richard M, , van Leeuwen Flora E, Rookus Matti |
Impact of lifestyle factors on preneoplastic changes in prophylactic oophorectomies of BRCA mutation carriers. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 2012 Mar 21 (2): 199-204. Primas Helga, Kroiss Regina, Kalteis Karin, Rappaport Christine, Muhr Daniela, Primas Christian, Kubista Ernst, Horvat Reinhard, Oefner Peter, Singer Christian, Wagner And The Austrian Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer Group Tere |
Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Estrogen Exposure and Truncating Mutation Location in BRCA1/2 Carriers. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2015 Apr 24 (4): 698-707. Lecarpentier Julie, Noguès Catherine, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Buecher Bruno, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Bonadona Valérie, Fricker Jean-Pierre, Berthet Pascaline, Caron Olivier, Coupier Isabelle, Pujol Pascal, Faivre Laurence, Gesta Paul, Eisinger François, Mari Véronique, Gladieff Laurence, Lortholary Alain, Luporsi Elisabeth, Leroux Dominique, Venat-Bouvet Laurence, Maugard Christine M, Colas Chrystelle, Tinat Julie, Lasset Christine, Andrieu Nadine, |
A functional BRCA1 coding sequence genetic variant contributes to prognosis of triple-negative breast cancer, especially after radiotherapy. Breast cancer research and treatment 2017 Nov 166 (1): 109-116. Shi Meng, Ma Fei, Liu Jibing, Xing Huaixin, Zhu Hui, Yu Jinming, Yang Mi |
Clinical outcome and toxicity from taxanes in breast cancer patients with BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic germline mutations. The breast journal 2020 6 26 (8): 1572-1582. Bayraktar Soley, Zhou Jade Z, Bassett Roland, Gutierrez Barrera Angelica M, Layman Rachel M, Valero Vicente, Arun Ba |
Screening of BRCA1 (c.5177_5180delGAAA rs80357867 and c.4986+6T>C rs80358086) and the BRCA2 (c.6445_6446delAT rs80359592) Genes for Breast Cancer Prevention in Burkina Faso. Ethiopian journal of health sciences 2022 Jul 32 (4): 699-708. Kiendrebeogo Isabelle T, Zoure Abdou A, Zongo Fabienne I, Ouedraogo Serge Y, Sawadogo Alexis Y, Amegnona Jospin, Sombie Herman K, Bazie Jean T Valérie Elvira, Sorgho Pegdwendé A, Yonli Albert T, Ouedraogo Marie N Lamoussa, Obiri-Yeboah Dorcas, Zongo Nayi, Bambara Hierrhum A, Simpore Jacqu |
Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Preeclampsia. Archives of Razi Institute 2022 02 77 (1): 293-299. Golovchenko O V, Abramova M Y, Orlova V S, Batlutskaya I V, Sorokina I |
The germline mutational landscape of genitourinary cancers and its indication for prognosis and risk. BMC urology 2022 11 22 (1): 196. Yang Yong, Zhang Guoying, Hu Chen, Luo Wei, Jiang Haiyang, Liu Shaoyou, Yang Ho |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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