Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 2 (of 2 Records) |
Query Trace: Hepatitis A and HMOX1[original query] |
No association of promoter variations of HMOX1 and UGT1A1 genes with liver injury in chronic hepatitis C. Annals of hepatology 0 10 (4): 445-51. Urbánek Petr, Lení?ek Martin, Muchová Lucie, Subhanová Iva, Dušek Ladislav, Kasp?íková Nikola, Hrabal Petr, Bruha Radan, Vítek Lib |
Hepatic HMOX1 expression positively correlates with Bach-1 and miR-122 in patients with HCV mono and HIV/HCV coinfection. PloS one 2014 9 (4): e95564. Jab?onowska El?bieta, Wójcik Kamila, Szyma?ska Bo?ena, Omulecka Aleksandra, Cwikli?ska Hanna, Piekarska An |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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