Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
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Query Trace: Consciousness and GABRA2[original query] |
How phenotype and developmental stage affect the genes we find: GABRA2 and impulsivity. Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies 2013 Jun 16 (3): 661-9. Dick Danielle M, Aliev Fazil, Latendresse Shawn, Porjesz Bernice, Schuckit Marc, Rangaswamy Madhavi, Hesselbrock Victor, Edenberg Howard, Nurnberger John, Agrawal Arpana, Bierut Laura, Wang Jen, Bucholz Kathy, Kuperman Samuel, Kramer Jo |
The Effects of Gene Variations of GABRA2, GABRB1, GABRG2, GAD1 and SLC1A3 on Patients with Propofol During Anesthesia Induction. Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine 2021 14 1185-1192. Zhang Lingyi, Zheng Zhuoling, Ma Wudi, Zhang Shuyu, Xue Faling, Wang Haini, He Yongqi, Ye Fang, Zhou Shouning, Wen Yongzi, Li Xiaoyan, Huang Wenqi, Huang Min, Li Jiali, Wang Zhongxi |
A single nucleotide polymorphism-based formula to predict the risk of propofol TCI concentration being over 4?µg?mL at the time of loss of consciousness. The pharmacogenomics journal 2022 1 22 (2): 109-116. Zheng Zhuoling, Xue Faling, Wang Haini, He Yongqi, Zhang Lingyi, Ma Wudi, Zhang Caibin, Guan Yanping, Ye Fang, Wen Yongzi, Li Xiaoyan, Huang Min, Huang Wenqi, Wang Zhongxing, Li Jia |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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