Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 23 (of 23 Records) |
Query Trace: Birth Weight and SDS[original query] |
Polymorphism in the IGF-I gene: clinical relevance for short children born small for gestational age (SGA). The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2002 Jun 87 (6): 2720. Arends Nicolette, Johnston Linda, Hokken-Koelega Anita, van Duijn Cornelia, de Ridder Maria, Savage Martin, Clark Adri |
Polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme gene and growth in the first year of life. Annals of human genetics 2007 Mar 71 (Pt 2): 176-84. Hindmarsh P C, Rodeck C H, Humphries S |
Insulin resistance after precocious pubarche: relation to PAI-1-675 4G/5G polymorphism, and opposing influences of prenatal and postnatal weight gain. Clinical endocrinology 2007 Oct 67 (4): 493-9. López-Bermejo Abel, Casano-Sancho Paula, Petry Clive J, Jaramillo Adriana M, Rodríguez-González Francesc-Xavier, Dunger David B, de Zegher Francis, Ibáñez Lourd |
Insulin gene variable number of tandem repeats is not associated with weight from fetal life until infancy: the Generation R Study. European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2007 Dec 157 (6): 741-8. Mook-Kanamori Dennis O, Miranda Geelhoed J J, Steegers Eric A P, Witteman Jacqueline C M, Hofman Albert, Moll Henriëtte A, van Duijn Cornelia M, Hokken-Koelega Anita C S, Jaddoe Vincent W |
Fat mass and apolipoprotein E genotype influence serum lipoprotein levels in early adulthood, whereas birth size does not. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2008 Nov 93 (11): 4307-14. Leunissen R W J, Kerkhof G F, Stijnen T, Hokken-Koelega A C |
Life course variations in the associations between FTO and MC4R gene variants and body size. Human molecular genetics 2010 Feb 19 (3): 545-52. Hardy Rebecca, Wills Andrew K, Wong Andrew, Elks Cathy E, Wareham Nicholas J, Loos Ruth J F, Kuh Diana, Ong Ken |
The -G1245A IGF1 polymorphism is related with small head size and less brain sparing in small for gestational age born children. European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2009 Apr 160 (4): 549-55. Ester Wietske A, van Meurs Joyce B, Arends Nicolette J, Uitterlinden André G, de Ridder Maria A, Hokken-Koelega Anita |
The common rs9939609 variant of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene is associated with obesity risk in children and adolescents of Beijing, China. BMC medical genetics 2010 11 (1): 107. Xi Bo, Shen Yue, Zhang Meixian, Liu Xin, Zhao Xiaoyuan, Wu Lijun, Cheng Hong, Hou Dongqing, Lindpaintner Klaus, Liu Lisheng, Mi Jie, Wang Xing |
Genetic markers of adult obesity risk are associated with greater early infancy weight gain and growth. PLoS medicine 2010 May 7 (5): e1000284. Elks Cathy E, Loos Ruth J F, Sharp Stephen J, Langenberg Claudia, Ring Susan M, Timpson Nicholas J, Ness Andrew R, Davey Smith George, Dunger David B, Wareham Nicholas J, Ong Ken |
BMI at age 8 years is influenced by the type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes HHEX-IDE and CDKAL1. Diabetes 2010 Aug 59 (8): 2063-7. Winkler Christiane, Bonifacio Ezio, Grallert Harald, Henneberger Lydia, Illig Thomas, Ziegler Anette-Gabrie |
Diazoxide-responsive hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia caused by HNF4A gene mutations. European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2010 May 162 (5): 987-92. Flanagan S E, Kapoor R R, Mali G, Cody D, Murphy N, Schwahn B, Siahanidou T, Banerjee I, Akcay T, Rubio-Cabezas O, Shield J P H, Hussain K, Ellard |
Associations between the pubertal timing-related variant in LIN28B and BMI vary across the life course. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2011 Jan 96 (1): E125-9. Ong Ken K, Elks Cathy E, Wills Andrew K, Wong Andrew, Wareham Nicholas J, Loos Ruth J F, Kuh Diana, Hardy Rebec |
Different relationships between the first 2 years on growth hormone treatment and the d3-growth hormone receptor polymorphism in short small-for-gestational-age (SGA) children. Clinical endocrinology 2011 Nov 75 (5): 656-60. Dörr Helmuth G, Bettendorf Markus, Hauffa Berthold P, Mehls Otto, Rohrer Tilman, Stahnke Nikolaus, Pfäffle Roland, Ranke Michael B, |
Adult obesity susceptibility variants are associated with greater childhood weight gain and a faster tempo of growth: the 1946 British Birth Cohort Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2012 Mar . Elks CE, Loos RJ, Hardy R, Wills AK, Wong A, Wareham NJ, Kuh D, Ong KK |
Circulating maternal cytokines influence fetal growth in pregnant women with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 2012 Dec . de Steenwinkel FD, Hokken-Koelega AC, de Man YA, de Rijke YB, de Ridder MA, Hazes JM, Dolhain RJ |
Low frequency of androgen receptor gene mutations in 46 XY DSD, and fetal growth restriction. Archives of disease in childhood 2014 Apr 99 (4): 358-61. Lek Ngee, Miles Harriet, Bunch Trevor, Pilfold-Wilkie Vickie, Tadokoro-Cuccaro Rieko, Davies John, Ong Ken K, Hughes Ieuan |
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: growth pattern and tumor risk according to molecular mechanism, and guidelines for tumor surveillance. Hormone research in pædiatrics 2013 80 (6): 457-65. Brioude F, Lacoste A, Netchine I, Vazquez M-P, Auber F, Audry G, Gauthier-Villars M, Brugieres L, Gicquel C, Le Bouc Y, Rossignol |
Assessing the genetic correlations between early growth parameters and bone mineral density: A polygenic risk score analysis.
![]() Bone 2018 Aug 116 301-306. Liang Xiao, Wu CuiYan, Zhao Hongmou, Liu Li, Du Yanan, Li Ping, Wen Yan, Zhao Yan, Ding Miao, Cheng Bolun, Cheng Shiqiang, Ma Mei, Zhang Lu, Guo Xiong, Shen Hui, Tian Qing, Zhang Feng, Deng Hong-W |
First-year growth in children with Noonan syndrome: Associated with feeding problems? American journal of medical genetics. Part A 2018 3 176 (4): 951-958. Croonen Ellen A, Draaisma Jos M T, van der Burgt Ineke, Roeleveld Nel, Noordam Ce |
Phenotypic Features and Response to GH Treatment of Patients With a Molecular Defect of the IGF-1 Receptor. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2019 3 104 (8): 3157-3171. Walenkamp Marie J E, Robers Jasmijn M L, Wit Jan M, Zandwijken Gladys R J, van Duyvenvoorde Hermine A, Oostdijk Wilma, Hokken-Koelega Anita C S, Kant Sarina G, Losekoot Moniq |
Influence of genetic variants for birth weight on fetal growth and placental haemodynamics. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 2019 Oct . Vermeulen Marijn J, Gaillard Romy, Miliku Kozeta, Reiss Irwin, Steegers Eric A P, Jaddoe Vincent, Felix Jani |
Mutations in AR or SRD5A2 Genes: Clinical Findings, Endocrine Pitfalls, and Genetic Features of Children with 46,XY DSD. Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 2022 2 14 (2): 153-171. Akcan Ne?e, Uyguner Oya, Ba? Firdevs, Altuno?lu Umut, Toksoy Güven, Karaman Birsen, Avc? ?ahin, Yava? Abal? Zehra, Poyrazo?lu ?ükran, Aghayev Agharza, Karaman Volkan, Bundak Rüveyde, Ba?aran Seher, Darendeliler Fey |
Clinical and molecular spectrum along with genotype-phenotype correlation of 25 patients diagnosed with 3 M syndrome: a study from Turkey. European journal of pediatrics 2024 12 184 (1): 68. Akçahan Akal?n, ?ervan Özalkak, Ruken Y?ld?r?m, Amine Aktar Karakaya, Bar?? Kolba??, Enise Avc? Durmu?alio?lu, Funda Kökali, Gizem Ürel-Demir, Veysel Öz, Edip Ünal, Tahir Atik, Pelin Özlem ?im?ek-Kiper, Nursel H Elciog |
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