Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 3 (of 3 Records) |
Query Trace: Birth Weight and IGFBP1[original query] |
Anthropometry, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey: linkage of candidate genes using two sib-pair based variance components analyses. Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies 2008 Oct 11 (5): 505-16. Souren Nicole Y, Zeegers Maurice P, Janssen Rob G J H, Steyls Anja, Gielen Marij, Loos Ruth J F, Beunen Gaston, Fagard Robert, Stassen Alphons P M, Aerssens Jeroen, Derom Catherine, Vlietinck Robert, Paulussen Aimee D |
Parent-of-origin specific linkage and association of the IGF2 gene region with birth weight and adult metabolic risk factors. International journal of obesity (2005) 2009 Jun . Souren NY, Paulussen AD, Steyls A, Loos RJ, Brandao RD, Gielen M, Smeets HJ, Beunen G, Fagard R, Derom C, Vlietinck R, Geraedts JP, Zeegers MP |
Associations between IGFBP1 gene polymorphisms and the risk of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 2023 5 . Xianglan Peng, Dong He, Rui Peng, Jianyang Feng, Dunjin Chen, Hongkai Xie, Qixuan Li, Yitong Guo, Jiaxiong Zhou, Yang Chen, Hong |
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