Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 28 (of 28 Records) |
Query Trace: Attention and CHRNA4[original query] |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha4 subunit gene polymorphism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatric genetics 2001 Mar 11 (1): 37-40. Kent L, Middle F, Hawi Z, Fitzgerald M, Gill M, Feehan C, Craddock |
Support for association between ADHD and two candidate genes: NET1 and DRD1. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2005 Apr 134B (1): 67-72. Bobb Aaron J, Addington Anjene M, Sidransky Ellen, Gornick Michele C, Lerch Jason P, Greenstein Deanna K, Clasen Liv S, Sharp Wendy S, Inoff-Germain Gale, Wavrant-De Vrièze Fabienne, Arcos-Burgos Mauricio, Straub Richard E, Hardy John A, Castellanos F Xavier, Rapoport Judith |
Interactive effects of APOE and CHRNA4 on attention and white matter volume in healthy middle-aged and older adults. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience 2006 Mar 6 (1): 31-43. Espeseth Thomas, Greenwood Pamela M, Reinvang Ivar, Fjell Anders M, Walhovd Kristine B, Westlye Lars T, Wehling Eike, Lundervold Astri, Rootwelt Helge, Parasuraman Ra |
Association of attentional network function with exon 5 variations of the CHRNA4 gene. Human molecular genetics 2007 Sep 16 (18): 2165-74. Winterer Georg, Musso Francesco, Konrad Andreas, Vucurevic Goran, Stoeter Peter, Sander Thomas, Gallinat Jürg |
Why do young women smoke? V. Role of direct and interactive effects of nicotinic cholinergic receptor gene variation on neurocognitive function. Genes, brain, and behavior 2008 Mar 7 (2): 164-72. Rigbi A, Kanyas K, Yakir A, Greenbaum L, Pollak Y, Ben-Asher E, Lancet D, Kertzman S, Lerer |
Association study of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha4 subunit gene, CHRNA4, in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Genes, brain, and behavior 2008 Feb 7 (1): 53-60. Lee J, Laurin N, Crosbie J, Ickowicz A, Pathare T, Malone M, Kennedy J L, Tannock R, Schachar R, Barr C |
Gene-environment interactions in the development of combined type ADHD: evidence for a synapse-based model. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2007 Dec 144B (8): 971-5. Todd Richard D, Neuman Rosalind |
Association of dopamine, serotonin, and nicotinic gene polymorphisms with methylphenidate response in ADHD. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008 Jun 147B (4): 527-30. Tharoor Hema, Lobos Elizabeth A, Todd Richard D, Reiersen Angela |
Genome-wide association scan of quantitative traits for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder identifies novel associations and confirms candidate gene associations.
![]() American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008 Dec 147B (8): 1345-54. Lasky-Su Jessica, Neale Benjamin M, Franke Barbara, Anney Richard J L, Zhou Kaixin, Maller Julian B, Vasquez Alejandro Arias, Chen Wai, Asherson Philip, Buitelaar Jan, Banaschewski Tobias, Ebstein Richard, Gill Michael, Miranda Ana, Mulas Fernando, Oades Robert D, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph, Sonuga-Barke Edmund, Steinhausen Hans Christoph, Taylor Eric, Daly Mark, Laird Nan, Lange Christoph, Faraone Stephen |
Both a nicotinic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and a noradrenergic SNP modulate working memory performance when attention is manipulated. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 2009 Nov 21 (11): 2139-53. Greenwood Pamela M, Sundararajan Ramya, Lin Ming-Kuan, Kumar Reshma, Fryxell Karl J, Parasuraman Ra |
Genome-wide association scan of the time to onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
![]() American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008 Dec 147B (8): 1355-8. Lasky-Su Jessica, Anney Richard J L, Neale Benjamin M, Franke Barbara, Zhou Kaixin, Maller Julian B, Vasquez Alejandro Arias, Chen Wai, Asherson Philip, Buitelaar Jan, Banaschewski Tobias, Ebstein Richard, Gill Michael, Miranda Ana, Mulas Fernando, Oades Robert D, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph, Sonuga-Barke Edmund, Steinhausen Hans Christoph, Taylor Eric, Daly Mark, Laird Nan, Lange Christoph, Faraone Stephen |
Financial and psychological risk attitudes associated with two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the nicotine receptor (CHRNA4) gene. PloS one 2009 4 (8): e6704. Roe Brian E, Tilley Michael R, Gu Howard H, Beversdorf David Q, Sadee Wolfgang, Haab Timothy C, Papp Audrey |
Individual variation in a cholinergic receptor gene modulates attention. Neuroscience letters 2009 Apr 453 (3): 131-4. Reinvang Ivar, Lundervold Astri J, Rootwelt Helge, Wehling Eike, Espeseth Thom |
Genetic variation of CHRNA4 does not modulate attention in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience letters 2010 Jul 479 (2): 123-5. Hudson Gavin, Stutt Andrea, Eccles Martin, Robinson Louise, Allcock Liesl M, Wesnes Keith A, Chinnery Patrick F, Burn David |
Genetic variation in nicotinic receptors affects brain networks involved in reorienting attention. NeuroImage 2012 Jan 59 (1): 831-9. Giessing Carsten, Neber Tuija, Thiel Christiane |
Association of CHRNA4 polymorphism with depression and loneliness in elderly males. Genes, brain, and behavior 2012 Mar 11 (2): 230-4. Tsai S-J, Yeh H-L, Hong C-J, Liou Y-J, Yang A C, Liu M-E, Hwang J |
Nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA4 interacts with processing load in attention. PloS one 2010 5 (12): e14407. Espeseth Thomas, Sneve Markus Handal, Rootwelt Helge, Laeng Bru |
Relating dopaminergic and cholinergic polymorphisms to spatial attention in infancy. Developmental psychology 2014 Feb 50 (2): 360-9. Markant Julie, Cicchetti Dante, Hetzel Susan, Thomas Kathleen |
Polymorphism in the CHRNA4 gene is associated with rapid scene categorization performance. Attention, perception & psychophysics 2013 Oct 75 (7): 1427-37. Kikuno Yuichiro, Matsunaga Tetsuro, Saiki J |
Nicotinergic Modulation of Attention-Related Neural Activity Differentiates Polymorphisms of DRD2 and CHRNA4 Receptor Genes. PloS one 2015 10 (6): e0126460. Breckel Thomas P K, Giessing Carsten, Gieseler Anja, Querbach Sarah, Reuter Martin, Thiel Christiane |
Modulation of nicotine effects on selective attention by DRD2 and CHRNA4 gene polymorphisms. Psychopharmacology 2015 Jul 232 (13): 2323-31. Ahrens Stefan, Markett Sebastian, Breckel Thomas P K, Behler Oliver, Reuter Martin, Thiel Christiane |
Individual response speed is modulated by variants of the gene encoding the alpha 4 sub-unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (CHRNA4). Behavioural brain research 2015 May 284 11-8. Schneider Katja Kerstin, Schote Andrea B, Meyer Jobst, Markett Sebastian, Reuter Martin, Frings Christi |
Genetic associations with reflexive visual attention in infancy and childhood. Developmental science 2015 Nov . Lundwall Rebecca A, Dannemiller James L, Goldsmith H Hi |
MAOA Influences the Trajectory of Attentional Development. Frontiers in human neuroscience 2016 10 424. Lundwall Rebecca A, Rasmussen Claudia |
Association of Common Polymorphisms in the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha4 Subunit Gene with an Electrophysiological Endophenotype in a Large Population-Based Sample. PloS one 2016 11 (4): e0152984. Mobascher A, Diaz-Lacava A, Wagner M, Gallinat J, Wienker T F, Drichel D, Becker T, Steffens M, Dahmen N, Gründer G, Thürauf N, Kiefer F, Kornhuber J, Toliat M R, Thiele H, Nürnberg P, Steinlein O, Winterer |
A role for attention during wilderness navigation: Comparing effects of BDNF, KIBRA, and CHRNA4. Neuropsychology 2016 Apr . Rovira Ericka, Mackie Ryan S, Clark Nicholas, Squire Peter N, Hendricks Michael D, Pulido Alysse M, Greenwood Pamela |
Cholinergic modulation of auditory P3 event-related potentials as indexed by CHRNA4 and CHRNA7 genotype variation in healthy volunteers. Neuroscience letters 2016 Apr . Hyde Molly, Choueiry Joëlle, Smith Dylan, de la Salle Sara, Nelson Renee, Impey Danielle, Baddeley Ashley, Aidelbaum Robert, Millar Anne, Knott Vern |
The influence of CHRNA4, COMT, and maternal sensitivity on orienting and executive attention in 6-month-old infants. Brain and cognition 2017 Jun 116 17-28. Quan Jeffry, Ong Mei-Lyn, Bureau Jean-Francois, Sim Lit Wee, Sanmugam Shamini, Abdul Malik Adam B, Wong Eric, Wong Johnny, Chong Yap-Seng, Saw Seang Mei, Kwek Kenneth, Qiu Anqi, Holbrook Joanna D, Rifkin-Graboi Anne, |
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