Human Genome Epidemiology Literature Finder
Records 1 - 30 (of 58 Records) |
Query Trace: Arthritis and TRAF1[original query] |
Lack of association of PTPN22, STAT4 and TRAF1/C5 gene polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical and experimental rheumatology 0 28 (5): 695-701. Palomino-Morales R, Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Vazquez-Rodriguez T R, Rodriguez L, Miranda-Filloy J A, Pascual-Salcedo D, Balsa A, Fernandez-Gutierrez B, Llorca J, Martin J, Gonzalez-Gay M |
Association of variants in MMEL1 and CTLA4 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Han Chinese population. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 2011 Oct 70 (10): 1793-7. Danoy Patrick, Wei Meng, Johanna Hadler, Jiang Lei, He Dongyi, Sun Linyun, Zeng Xiaofeng, Visscher Peter M, Brown Matthew A, Xu Hu |
Non-HLA genes modulate the risk of rheumatoid arthritis associated with HLA-DRB1 in a susceptible North American Native population. Genes and immunity 2011 Oct 12 (7): 568-74. El-Gabalawy H S, Robinson D B, Daha N A, Oen K G, Smolik I, Elias B, Hart D, Bernstein C N, Sun Y, Lu Y, Houwing-Duistermaat J J, Siminovitch K |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms at the TRAF1/C5 locus are associated with rheumatoid arthritis in a Han Chinese population. BMC medical genetics 2011 12 (1): 53. Zhu Jing, Zhang Dinging, Wu Fengxia, He Fei, Liu Xiaoqi, Wu Lijun, Zhou Bin, Liu Jianping, Lu Fang, Liu Jian, Luo Ruijun, Long Wubin, Yang Minghui, Ma Shi, Wu Xiaodan, Shi Yi, Wu Tong, Lin Ying, Yang Jiyun, Yuan Guohua, Yang Zhengl |
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis identifies fourteen non-HLA shared loci.
![]() PLoS genetics 2011 Feb 7 (2): e1002004. Zhernakova Alexandra, Stahl Eli A, Trynka Gosia, Raychaudhuri Soumya, Festen Eleanora A, Franke Lude, Westra Harm-Jan, Fehrmann Rudolf S N, Kurreeman Fina A S, Thomson Brian, Gupta Namrata, Romanos Jihane, McManus Ross, Ryan Anthony W, Turner Graham, Brouwer Elisabeth, Posthumus Marcel D, Remmers Elaine F, Tucci Francesca, Toes Rene, Grandone Elvira, Mazzilli Maria Cristina, Rybak Anna, Cukrowska Bozena, Coenen Marieke J H, Radstake Timothy R D J, van Riel Piet L C M, Li Yonghong, de Bakker Paul I W, Gregersen Peter K, Worthington Jane, Siminovitch Katherine A, Klareskog Lars, Huizinga Tom W J, Wijmenga Cisca, Plenge Robert |
Rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes associate with lipid levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 2011 Jun 70 (6): 1025-32. Toms Tracey E, Panoulas Vasileios F, Smith Jacqueline P, Douglas Karen M J, Metsios Giorgos S, Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou Antonios, Kitas George |
Influence of TRAF1/C5 and STAT4 genes polymorphisms on susceptibility and severity of rheumatoid arthritis in Egyptian population. Cellular immunology 2011 Dec . Mohamed RH, Pasha HF, El-Shahawy EE |
TGF beta1 polymorphisms are candidate predictors of the clinical response to rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis. Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme 2012 Oct 79 (5): 471-5. Daïen Claire Immediato, Fabre Sylvie, Rittore Cécile, Soler Stephan, Daïen Vincent, Tejedor Gautier, Cadart Doris, Molinari Nicolas, Daurès Jean-Pierre, Jorgensen Christian, Touitou Isabel |
Investigation of rheumatoid arthritis genetic susceptibility markers in the early rheumatoid arthritis study further replicates the TRAF1 association with radiological damage. The Journal of rheumatology 2012 Dec . Viatte S, Plant D, Lunt M, Fu B, Flynn E, Parker BJ, Galloway J, Solymossy C, Worthington J, Symmons DP, Dixey JJ, Young A, Barton A |
TRAF1 gene polymorphism correlates with the titre of Gp210 antibody in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Clinical & developmental immunology 2012 2012 487521. Kempinska-Podhorodecka Agnieszka, Shums Zakera, Wasilewicz Micha?, Wunsch Ewa, Milkiewicz Malgorzata, Bogdanos Dimitrios P, Norman Gary L, Milkiewicz Pio |
Lack of association of variants previously associated with anti-TNF medication response in rheumatoid arthritis patients: results from a homogeneous Greek population. PloS one 2013 8 (9): e74375. Zervou Maria I, Myrthianou Efsevia, Flouri Irene, Plant Darren, Chlouverakis Gregory, Castro-Giner Francesc, Rapsomaniki Panayiota, Barton Anne, Boumpas Dimitrios T, Sidiropoulos Prodromos, Goulielmos George |
Investigation of juvenile idiopathic arthritis susceptibility loci: results from a Greek population. Human immunology 2013 Sep 74 (9): 1194-8. Dimopoulou D G, Zervou M I, Trachana M, Myrthianou E, Pratsidou-Gertsi P, Kardassis D, Garyfallos A, Goulielmos G |
Independent replication analysis of genetic loci with previous evidence of association with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatric rheumatology online journal 2013 11 (1): 12. Ellis Justine A, Chavez Raul A, Pezic Angela, Ponsonby Anne-Louise, Akikusa Jonathan D, Allen Roger C, Munro Jane |
Susceptibility to childhood-onset rheumatoid arthritis: investigation of a weighted genetic risk score that integrates cumulative effects of variants at five genetic loci. Arthritis and rheumatism 2013 Jun 65 (6): 1663-7. Prahalad Sampath, Conneely Karen N, Jiang Yunxuan, Sudman Marc, Wallace Carol A, Brown Milton R, Ponder Lori A, Rohani-Pichavant Mina, Zwick Michael E, Cutler David J, Angeles-Han Sheila T, Vogler Larry B, Kennedy Christine, Rouster-Stevens Kelly, Wise Carol A, Punaro Marilynn, Reed Ann M, Mellins Elizabeth D, Bohnsack John F, Glass David N, Thompson Susan |
Lack of association between single nucleotide polymorphism rs10818488 in TRAF1/C5 region and rheumatoid arthritis in iranian population. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology 2014 Feb 13 (1): 19-25. Ahmadlou Somayeh, Akhiani Mohsen, Salimzadeh Ahmad, Keramatipour Mohamm |
A single nucleotide polymorphism of TRAF1 predicts the clinical response to anti-TNF treatment in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical and experimental rheumatology 0 32 (2): 211-7. Nishimoto T, Seta N, Anan R, Yamamoto T, Kaneko Y, Takeuchi T, Kuwana |
Association between polymorphism in TRAF1/C5 gene and risk of rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. Molecular biology reports 2014 Jan 41 (1): 317-24. Zhang Xingang, Li Wei, Zhang Xinpeng, Zhang Xiaoli, Jiang Li, Guo Yun, Wang Xiaof |
Associations between TRAF1-C5 gene polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. Immunological investigations 2014 43 (2): 97-112. Song Gwan Gyu, Bae Sang-Cheol, Kim Jae-Hoon, Lee Young |
Association study of TRAF1/C5 polymorphism (rs10818488) with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis. Gene 2013 Mar 517 (1): 46-54. Xu Ke, Peng Hui, Zhou Mo, Wang Wei, Li Rui, Zhu Kao-Kao, Zhang Min, Wen Peng-Fei, Pan Hai-Feng, Ye Dong-Qi |
TRAF1/C5 but not PTPRC variants are potential predictors of rheumatoid arthritis response to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy. BioMed research international 2015 2015 490295. Canhão Helena, Rodrigues Ana Maria, Santos Maria José, Carmona-Fernandes Diana, Bettencourt Bruno F, Cui Jing, Rocha Fabiana L, Canas Silva José, Polido-Pereira Joaquim, Pereira Silva José Alberto, Costa José António, Araujo Domingos, Silva Cândida, Santos Helena, Duarte Cátia, Cáliz Rafael, Filipescu Ileana, Pimentel-Santos Fernando, Branco Jaime, Sainz Juan, Plenge Robert M, Solomon Daniel H, Bruges-Armas Jácome, Da Silva José António P, Fonseca João Eurico, Karlson Elizabeth |
Genetic Predictors of Poor Prognosis in Portuguese Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Data from Journal of immunology research 2015 2015 706515. Mourão Ana Filipa, Santos Maria José, Mendonça Sílvia, Oliveira-Ramos Filipa, Salgado Manuel, Estanqueiro Paula, Melo-Gomes José, Martins Fernando, Lopes Ana, Bettencourt Bruno Filipe, Bruges-Armas Jácome, Costa José, Furtado Carolina, Figueira Ricardo, Brito Iva, Branco Jaime, Fonseca João Eurico, Canhão Hele |
A genetic study on C5-TRAF1 and progression of joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis research & therapy 2015 17 (1): 1. van Steenbergen Hanna W, Rodríguez-Rodríguez Luis, Berglin Ewa, Zhernakova Alexandra, Knevel Rachel, Ivorra-Cortés Jose, Huizinga Tom W J, Fernández-Gutiérrez Benjamin, Gregersen Peter K, Rantapää-Dahlqvist Solbritt, van der Helm-van Mil Annette H |
Association of the polymorphisms of TRAF1 (rs10818488) and TNFAIP3 (rs2230926) with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus and their relationship to disease activity among Egyptian patients. Central-European journal of immunology 2016 41 (2): 165-75. Moaaz Mai, Mohannad Nevi |
Association of TRAF1-C5 with risk of uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme 2016 Jun . Pers Yves-Marie, Le Blay Pierre, Ludwig Catherine, Rittore Cécile, Tejedor Gautier, Foliwe Randy, Rodiere Michel, Jorgensen Christian, Touitou Isabel |
[Genetics and genomics in rheumatoid arthritis (RA): An update]. Gaceta me?dica de Me?xico 0 152 (2): 218-27. Rodríguez-Elías Ana Karen, Maldonado-Murillo Karina, López-Mendoza Luis Fernando, Ramírez-Bello Juli |
Dense Genotyping of Immune-Related Regions Identifies Loci for Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk and Damage in African Americans. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.) 2017 Jun 23 . Danila Maria I, Laufer Vincent Albert, Reynolds Richard J, Yan Qi, Liu Nianjun, Gregersen Peter K, Lee Annette, Kern Marlena, Langefeld Carl D, Arnett Donna K, Bridges S Lou |
Associations of TRAF1/C5 rs10818488 and rs3761847 polymorphisms with genetic susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study and updated meta-analysis. Central-European journal of immunology 2019 44 (2): 159-173. Huang Si-Chao, Hua Dong-Jin, Sun Qing-Qing, Zhang Li-Na, Cen Han, Zhou |
SNP in PTPN22, PADI4, and STAT4 but Not TRAF1 and CD40 Increase the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Polish Population. International journal of molecular sciences 2023 4 24 (8): . Tomasz Budlewski, Joanna Sarnik, Grzegorz Galita, Grzegorz Dragan, Olga Brzezi?ska, Marta Pop?awska, Tomasz Pop?awski, Joanna Makows |
Genome-wide identification of RNA modification-related single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. BMC genomics 2023 3 24 (1): 153. Wang Mimi, Wu Jingyun, Lei Shufeng, Mo Xing |
Identification of a regulatory pathway governing TRAF1 via an arthritis-associated non-coding variant. Cell genomics 2023 11 3 (11): 100420. Qiang Wang, Marta Martínez-Bonet, Taehyeung Kim, Jeffrey A Sparks, Kazuyoshi Ishigaki, Xiaoting Chen, Marc Sudman, Vitor Aguiar, Sangwan Sim, Marcos Chiñas Hernandez, Darren J Chiu, Alexandra Wactor, Brian Wauford, Miranda C Marion, Maria Gutierrez-Arcelus, John Bowes, Stephen Eyre, Ellen Nordal, Sampath Prahalad, Marite Rygg, Vibeke Videm, Soumya Raychaudhuri, Matthew T Weirauch, Carl D Langefeld, Susan D Thompson, Peter A Nigrov |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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