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Last Posted: Oct 04, 2024
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Screening Familial Risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

From the abstract: "In a large health system, how many ungenotyped patients meet family history genetic testing criteria for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer? In this cross-sectional analysis, 2.9% of patients had no evidence of prior genetic testing but had electronic health records indicating they met family history criteria. These criteria were associated with significantly increased prevalence of genetic risk variants among 38?003 genotyped patients. These findings suggest that substantial gaps exist in identifying and testing patients meeting family history criteria for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, and other methods may be needed to close these gaps. "

Genome-first evaluation with exome sequence and clinical data uncovers underdiagnosed genetic disorders in a large healthcare system

From the abstract: "Population-based genomic screening may help diagnose individuals with disease-risk variants. Here, we perform a genome-first evaluation for nine disorders in 29,039 participants with linked exome sequences and electronic health records (EHRs). We identify 614 individuals with 303 pathogenic/likely pathogenic or predicted loss-of-function (P/LP/LoF) variants, yielding 644 observations; 487 observations (76%) lack a corresponding clinical diagnosis in the EHR."

Deep learning model for personalized prediction of positive MRSA culture using time-series electronic health records
M Nigau et al, Nature Comm, March 7, 2024

From the abstract: "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses significant morbidity and mortality in hospitals. Rapid, accurate risk stratification of MRSA is crucial for optimizing antibiotic therapy. Our study introduced a deep learning model, PyTorch_EHR, which leverages electronic health record (EHR) time-series data, including wide-variety patient specific data, to predict MRSA culture positivity within two weeks. 8,164 MRSA and 22,393 non-MRSA patient events. "

Combining rare and common genetic variants improves population risk stratification for breast cancer
A Bolze et al, Genetics in Medicine Open, February 2, 2024

From the abstract: " This study aimed to evaluate the performance of different genetic screening approaches to identify women at high-risk of breast cancer in the general population. We retrospectively studied 25,591 women with available electronic health records and genetic data, participants in the Healthy Nevada Project. Family history of breast cancer was ascertained on or after the record of breast cancer for 78% of women with both, indicating that this risk assessment method is not being properly utilized for early screening. Genetics offered an alternative method for risk assessment. 11.4% of women were identified as high-risk based on possessing a predicted loss-of-function (pLOF) variant in BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2 (hazard ratio = 10.4, 95% confidence interval: 8.1-13.5), or a pLOF variant in ATM or CHEK2 (HR = 3.4, CI: 2.4-4.8), or being in the top 10% of the polygenic risk score (PRS) distribution (HR = 2.4, CI: 2.0-2.8). "

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