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Last Posted: Aug 27, 2024
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Harnessing cancer genomes for precision oncology

From the abstract: "Precision oncology has just received a boost: a report on the prevalence of mutations in cancer driver genes based on whole genome sequencing of 10,000 clinical cases. The challenge ahead lies in how to explore the data to accelerate new discoveries in cancer biology while advancing precision oncology. "

The State of State Biomarker Testing Insurance Coverage Laws

From the article:" There has been a recent push for legislation mandating coverage of “biomarker testing” according to evidence that receipt of such testing can depend on race and ethnicity, age, geography, or site of care. A specific type of biomarker testing for cancer subtypes (ie, “tumor profiling”) is becoming particularly important because many newer cancer therapies target specific mutations (eg, EGFR in non–small cell lung cancer, KRAS in colorectal cancer). Although use of biomarker testing is increasing, barriers to access persist. Cost and lack of insurance coverage are common barriers to testing because insurance coverage varies across commercial payers, Medicare, and Medicaid."

Clinical Value of Molecular Targets and FDA-Approved Genome-Targeted Cancer Therapies.
Ariadna Tibau et al. JAMA Oncol 2024 4

From the abstract: "What is the validity of the molecular targets and clinical benefits of US Food and Drug Administration–approved genome-targeted cancer drugs based on the results of pivotal clinical trials? In this cohort study, 50 molecular-targeted drugs covering 84 indications were identified. Using an international grading system to evaluate molecular targetability strength (European Society for Medical Oncology Scale for Clinical Actionability of Molecular Targets) and a scale to assess clinical benefit in genome-targeted cancer therapies (European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale), 24 indications (29%) supported high-benefit genomic-based cancer treatments. The therapeutic benefit grading frameworks used in this study can help stakeholders identify therapies with the greatest clinical potential. "

Deep learning in cancer genomics and histopathology
M Unger et al, Genome Medicine, March 27, 2024

From the abstract: " Histopathology and genomic profiling are cornerstones of precision oncology and are routinely obtained for patients with cancer. Traditionally, histopathology slides are manually reviewed by highly trained pathologists. Genomic data, on the other hand, is evaluated by engineered computational pipelines. In both applications, the advent of modern artificial intelligence methods, specifically machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), have opened up a fundamentally new way of extracting actionable insights from raw data, which could augment and potentially replace some aspects of traditional evaluation workflows. "

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