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101 disease terms (MeSH) has been reported with MMP12 gene.

[Click Sort to re-sort the table]
Disease Term (MeSH)
Total Publication
Meta-analysis Publications
    Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive Phenopedia 26 1
    Disease Progression Phenopedia 9 1
    Lung Neoplasms Phenopedia 8 2
    Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal Phenopedia 7 0
    Myocardial Infarction Phenopedia 5 0
    Stroke Phenopedia 5 0
    Asthma Phenopedia 5 0
    Coronary Artery Disease Phenopedia 5 0
    Adenocarcinoma Phenopedia 4 0
    Ovarian Neoplasms Phenopedia 3 0
    Esophageal Neoplasms Phenopedia 3 0
    Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung Phenopedia 3 0
    Urinary Bladder Neoplasms Phenopedia 3 0
    Cardiovascular Diseases Phenopedia 3 0
    Pulmonary Emphysema Phenopedia 3 0
    Kidney Failure, Chronic Phenopedia 3 0
    Periodontitis Phenopedia 3 0
    Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome Phenopedia 3 0
    Glomerulonephritis, IGA Phenopedia 2 0
    Chorioamnionitis Phenopedia 2 0
    Chronic Disease Phenopedia 2 0
    Glaucoma, Open-Angle Phenopedia 2 0
    Breast Neoplasms Phenopedia 2 0
    Plaque, Atherosclerotic Phenopedia 2 0
    Airway Obstruction Phenopedia 2 0
    Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Phenopedia 2 0
    Hypertension Phenopedia 2 0
    Coronary Aneurysm Phenopedia 2 0
    Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Phenopedia 2 0
    Fibrosis Phenopedia 2 0
    Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture Phenopedia 2 0
    Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms Phenopedia 2 0
    Colorectal Neoplasms Phenopedia 2 0
    Brain Ischemia Phenopedia 2 0
    Carotid Artery Diseases Phenopedia 2 0
    Carotid Artery, Internal, Dissection Phenopedia 1 0
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Phenopedia 1 0
    Metabolic Syndrome X Phenopedia 1 0
    Rupture Phenopedia 1 0
    Behcet Syndrome Phenopedia 1 0
    Diabetic Nephropathies Phenopedia 1 0
    Dilatation, Pathologic Phenopedia 1 0
    Knee Injuries Phenopedia 1 0
    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Phenopedia 1 0
    Pleural Diseases Phenopedia 1 0
    Edema Phenopedia 1 0
    Endometriosis Phenopedia 1 1
    Hepatitis C, Chronic Phenopedia 1 0
    Intracranial Arteriosclerosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Multiple Sclerosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Inflammation Phenopedia 1 0
    Pre-Eclampsia Phenopedia 1 0
    Premature Birth Phenopedia 1 0
    Arthritis, Rheumatoid Phenopedia 1 0
    Atherosclerosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Lung Diseases Phenopedia 1 0
    Neoplasms, Glandular and Epithelial Phenopedia 1 0
    Stomach Neoplasms Phenopedia 1 0
    Varicose Ulcer Phenopedia 1 0
    Cystic Fibrosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Colitis, Ulcerative Phenopedia 1 0
    Liver Neoplasms Phenopedia 1 0
    Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn Phenopedia 1 0
    Anoxia Phenopedia 1 0
    Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic Phenopedia 1 0
    Bronchopneumonia Phenopedia 1 0
    Cerebral Infarction Phenopedia 1 0
    Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 Phenopedia 1 0
    Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Phenopedia 1 0
    Obstetric Labor, Premature Phenopedia 1 0
    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Phenopedia 1 0
    Scleroderma, Systemic Phenopedia 1 0
    Emphysema Phenopedia 1 0
    Laryngostenosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Peptic Ulcer Phenopedia 1 0
    Chronic Periodontitis Phenopedia 1 0
    Dehydration Phenopedia 1 0
    Gastroesophageal Reflux Phenopedia 1 0
    Neoplasm Invasiveness Phenopedia 1 0
    Renal Insufficiency, Chronic Phenopedia 1 0
    Venous Insufficiency Phenopedia 1 0
    Respiratory Sounds Phenopedia 1 0
    Rupture, Spontaneous Phenopedia 1 0
    Coronary Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    Hepatitis B Phenopedia 1 0
    Obesity Phenopedia 1 0
    Parkinson Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    Epstein-Barr Virus Infections Phenopedia 1 0
    Erythema Nodosum Phenopedia 1 0
    Esophagitis Phenopedia 1 0
    Occupational Diseases Phenopedia 1 0
    Peripheral Arterial Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    Proteinuria Phenopedia 1 0
    Rheumatic Heart Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    Bronchitis, Chronic Phenopedia 1 0
    Intracranial Aneurysm Phenopedia 1 1
    Liver Cirrhosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Peanut Hypersensitivity Phenopedia 1 0
    Acute Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Phenopedia 1 0
Note: The number of publications displayed in this table will differ from the number displayed in the HuGE Literature Finder as the number in Genopedia reflects only the indexed disease term without children terms, but the number in the HuGE Literature Finder reflects all text searches of the disease term including the indexed term and corresponding children terms.