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28 disease terms (MeSH) has been reported with LOXL1 gene.

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Disease Term (MeSH)
Total Publication
Meta-analysis Publications
    Exfoliation Syndrome Phenopedia 71 1
    Glaucoma, Open-Angle Phenopedia 39 0
    Glaucoma Phenopedia 16 1
    Cataract Phenopedia 4 0
    Wet Macular Degeneration Phenopedia 3 0
    Cardiovascular Diseases Phenopedia 3 0
    Pelvic Organ Prolapse Phenopedia 3 0
    Stroke Phenopedia 1 0
    Ocular Hypertension Phenopedia 1 0
    Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Phenopedia 1 0
    Geographic Atrophy Phenopedia 1 0
    Scoliosis Phenopedia 1 0
    Peripheral Vascular Diseases Phenopedia 1 0
    Pigmentation Disorders Phenopedia 1 0
    Retinal Vein Occlusion Phenopedia 1 0
    Tobacco Use Disorder Phenopedia 1 0
    Ventricular Dysfunction, Left Phenopedia 1 0
    Choroid Diseases Phenopedia 1 0
    Intracranial Aneurysm Phenopedia 1 1
    Aneurysm, Dissecting Phenopedia 1 0
    Premature Birth Phenopedia 1 0
    Carcinoma Phenopedia 1 0
    Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture Phenopedia 1 0
    Alzheimer Disease Phenopedia 1 0
    Glaucoma, Angle-Closure Phenopedia 1 0
    Low Tension Glaucoma Phenopedia 1 0
    Urinary Bladder Neoplasms Phenopedia 1 0
    Urinary Incontinence, Stress Phenopedia 1 0
Note: The number of publications displayed in this table will differ from the number displayed in the HuGE Literature Finder as the number in Genopedia reflects only the indexed disease term without children terms, but the number in the HuGE Literature Finder reflects all text searches of the disease term including the indexed term and corresponding children terms.