Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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The status of asthma in the United States
Pate CA , Zahran HS . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E53 INTRODUCTION: Asthma imposes a substantial health and economic burden on patients and their families and on the health care system. An assessment of the status of asthma in the US may lead to effective strategies to improve health and quality of life among people with asthma. The objective of our study was to assess the historical trends and current state of asthma illness and death among children and adults in the US. METHODS: We assessed asthma-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among children and adults by using data from the 2010-2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), the 2010-2020 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), the National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample (NIS), the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Asthma death rates were calculated by using 2010-2021 National Vital Statistics System data. RESULTS: Asthma prevalence increased significantly among adults from 2013 through 2021 (P = .04 for the annual percentage change [APC] slope) and decreased among children from 2010 through 2021 (P values for slopes: 2010-2017, P = .03; 2017-2021, P = .03). Prevalence of current asthma was higher among non-Hispanic Black people (children, 12.5%; adjusted prevalence ratio [APR] = 2.19; 95% CI, 1.68-2.84 and adults, 10.6%; APR = 1.25; 95% CI, 1.09-1.43) compared with non-Hispanic White people (children, 5.7%; adults, 8.2%). Prevalence of asthma attacks and use of asthma-related health care declined among adults and children. Asthma prevalence and asthma-related emergency department visits, hospitalization, and death rates differed by select characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Although asthma attacks, ED visits, hospitalizations, and deaths have declined since 2010 among all ages, current asthma prevalence declined only among children, and significant disparities in health and health care use still exist. |
Factors associated with emergency department visits for asthma resulting in hospital admission- United States, 2020
Qin X , Pate CA , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2024 1-13 ObjectiveTo identify risk factors associated with hospital admission following an ED visit for asthma at the time of discharge among U.S. children and adults.MethodsAsthma emergency department visits resulting in hospital admissions using discharge data among children (aged 0-17 years) and adults (aged 18 years or older) from the 2020 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality were examined. Risk factors associated with hospital admission following ED visits were identified using univariable and multi-variable logistic regression models.ResultsAmong children, hospital admission after asthma-related ED visits was higher for females, ages less than 12 years, and discharged in January-March or in October-December and lower for Black children, Hispanic children, Medicaid or Medicare beneficiaries, other/no charge/self-pay, and in metropolitan non-teaching or non-metropolitan hospitals. Among adults, asthma ED visits resulting in hospital admissions were higher for females, ages 35 years or older, discharged in January-March, and for Medicare beneficiaries and lower for Black adults, Hispanic adults, adults of other races, other/no charge/self-pay, in metropolitan non-teaching or non-metropolitan hospitals, and median household income quartiles for patient's ZIP Code of less than $59,000 were lower.ConclusionsSociodemographic factors, healthcare use, and household income were significantly associated with hospital admissions at the time of discharge from the ED. Examining hospital admission after an ED visit for asthma is important in identifying these groups and better addressing their healthcare needs. |
Adult asthma prevalence and trend analysis by urban–rural status across sociodemographic characteristics—United States, 2012-20
Qin X , Pate CA , Zahran HS . J Allergy Clin Immunol Glob 2023 2 (2) 100085 Background: Asthma prevalence estimates among adults are limited for urban–rural classification across sociodemographic characteristics. Objectives: This study examined current asthma prevalence and annual trends by 6-level urban–rural categories across sociodemographic characteristics among US adults. Methods: Asthma prevalence for 2020 and annual trends for 2012-20 were estimated using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data. The 2013 National Center for Health Statistics urban and rural categories were used to define urban–rural status. Results: Current asthma prevalence was higher in medium (9.7%; prevalence ratio 1.103 [95% CI 1.037, 1.174]) and small (9.9%; 1.111 [1.031, 1.197]) metro than in large fringe metropolitan (8.6%), was higher in micropolitan (10.2%) than in both large fringe (8.6%; 1.115 [1.042, 1.194]) and large central metropolitan (8.8%; 1.080 [1.001, 1.066]) areas. Prevalence by sociodemographic characteristics varied between urban–rural scheme; the prevalence was significantly higher among adults aged 55-64 years in micropolitan (11.9%), women in small metro (12.8%), and other race non-Hispanic in noncore (most rural) (13.6%) areas, adults without a high school diploma in micropolitan areas (13.8%), household income <100% of federal poverty level in micropolitan areas (15.7%), and adults with insurance coverage in micropolitan areas (10.3%) compared to the corresponding populations in other urban–rural categories. During 2012-20, an increasing trend in prevalence was observed only in medium metro areas, with an annual percentage change of 0.81. Conclusions: Asthma prevalence differed by 6-level urban–rural categories. These findings might be helpful in establishing effective asthma control programs and targeting resource allocation at the local level. © 2023 |
Asthma disparities among U.S. children and adults
Pate CA , Qin X , Johnson C , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2023 60 (12) 1-16 Objective: To assess factors that are associated with asthma prevalence and asthma attacks among children (0-17 years) and adults (18 years and over) in the United States of America.Methods: The 2019-2021 National Health Interview Survey data were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression models to determine associations between health outcomes (i.e., current asthma and asthma attacks) and demographic and socioeconomic factors. Each health outcome was regressed over each characteristic variable, adjusting for age, sex, and race/ethnicity for adults and sex and race/ethnicity for children.Results: Asthma was more common among children who were male, blacks, parental education less than bachelor's, or had public health insurance, and among adults who had less than a bachelor's degree, do not own a home, or not in the workforce. Persons in families facing difficulty paying medical bills were more likely to have current asthma (children: aPR = 1.62[1.40-1.88]; adults: aPR = 1.67[1.55-1.81]) and asthma attacks (children: aPR = 1.34[1.15-1.56]; adults: aPR = 1.31[1.20-1.43]). Persons with family income <100% federal poverty threshold (FPT) (children: aPR = 1.39[1.17-1.64]; adults: aPR = 1.64[1.50-1.80]) or adults 100%-199% FPT (aPR = 1.28[1.19-1.39]) were more likely to have current asthma. Children and adults with family income <100% FPT and adults 100%-199% FPT were also more likely to have asthma attacks. Having asthma attacks was common among adults not in the workforce as well (aPR = 1.17[1.07-1.27]).Conclusions: Asthma affects certain groups disproportionately. The findings of this paper suggesting asthma disparities continue to persist, may increase public health programs awareness to better deliver effective and evidence-based interventions. |
The shifting prevalence of asthma and allergic disease in United States children
Pate CA , Zahran HS , Malilay J , Hsu J . Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2022 129 (4) 481-489 BACKGROUND: Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affected 5 million children. Allergy is a common comorbidity of asthma. Having both conditions is associated with unfavorable health outcomes and impaired quality of life. OBJECTIVE: Purpose of this study was to assess allergy and its association with asthma by select characteristics among children to determine differences by populations. METHODS: National Health Interview Survey data (2007-2018) were used to assess asthma and allergy status, trends, the association between allergy and asthma by select characteristics among U.S. children (aged 0-17 years). RESULTS: Prevalence of asthma decreased among all children (slope(-) p<0.001) and among those with allergy (slope(-) p=0.002). More children had respiratory allergy (14.7%), followed by skin allergy (12.7%) and food allergy (6.4%). Prevalence of respiratory allergy significantly decreased among White non-Hispanic children, food allergy increased among White non-Hispanic and Hispanic children, and skin allergy increased among Hispanic children. Depending on number and type, children with allergy were 2 to 8 times (skin allergy only and having all three allergies, respectively) more likely to have current asthma than were children without allergy. Among children with current asthma, having any allergy was significantly associated with missed school days (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR]: 1.33[1.03, 1.72]) and taking preventive medication daily (aPR: 1.89[1.32, 2.71]). CONCLUSION: Trends in allergies across years differed by race and ethnicity. Strength of association between asthma and allergy differed by type and number of allergies, being highest among children having all three types of allergies. Having both asthma and allergy was associated with unfavorable asthma outcomes. |
Trends in Asthma-Related School Health Policies and Practices in the US States
Qin X , Zahran HS , Leon-Nguyen M , Kilmer G , Collins P , Welch P , Malilay J . J Sch Health 2021 92 (3) 252-260 BACKGROUND: Asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism. Schools can play an important role in coordinating asthma care. The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of asthma-related school health policies and practices across states and how they have changed over time. METHODS: Data were analyzed from 36 states that conducted School Health Profiles surveys during 2008 to 2018. Trends in 6 topics were analyzed by logistic regression and JointPoint trend test. RESULTS: Trends in efforts to identify and track students with asthma and improve students' and parents' knowledge about asthma were stable or increased. Interest among lead health education teachers in receiving professional development on asthma trended downward in 35 of 36 states. CONCLUSIONS: Stable to upward trends suggest that a majority of schools have maintained or improved their efforts to identify and track students with asthma and increase the knowledge of students and parents about asthma. However, further improvement is needed in referral of students with asthma to health care professionals and encouraging asthma-related professional development of lead health education teachers. |
Asthma among adults and children by urban-rural classification scheme, United States, 2016-2018
Guo Z , Qin X , Pate CA , Zahran HS , Malilay J . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (6) 1100-1106 OBJECTIVES: Although data on the prevalence of current asthma among adults and children are available at national, regional, and state levels, such data are limited at the substate level (eg, urban-rural classification and county). We examined the prevalence of current asthma in adults and children across 6 levels of urban-rural classification in each state. METHODS: We estimated current asthma prevalence among adults for urban-rural categories in the 50 states and the District of Columbia and among children for urban-rural categories in 27 states by analyzing 2016-2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey data. We used the 2013 National Center for Health Statistics 6-level urban-rural classification scheme to define urban-rural status of counties. RESULTS: During 2016-2018, the current asthma prevalence among US adults in medium metropolitan (9.5%), small metropolitan (9.5%), micropolitan (10.0%), and noncore (9.6%) areas was higher than the asthma prevalence in large central metropolitan (8.6%) and large fringe metropolitan (8.7%) areas. Current asthma prevalence in adults differed significantly among the 6 levels of urban-rural categories in 19 states. In addition, the prevalence of current asthma in adults was significantly higher in the Northeast (9.9%) than in the South (8.7%) and the West (8.8%). The current asthma prevalence in children differed significantly by urban-rural categories in 7 of 27 states. For these 7 states, the prevalence of asthma in children was higher in large central metropolitan areas than in micropolitan or noncore areas, except for Oregon, in which the prevalence in the large central metropolitan area was the lowest. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge about county-level current asthma prevalence in adults and children may aid state and local policy makers and public health officers in establishing effective asthma control programs and targeted resource allocation. |
Asthma surveillance - United States, 2006-2018
Pate CA , Zahran HS , Qin X , Johnson C , Hummelman E , Malilay J . MMWR Surveill Summ 2021 70 (5) 1-32 PROBLEM: Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that requires ongoing medical management. Socioeconomic and demographic factors as well as health care use might influence health patterns in urban and rural areas. Persons living in rural areas tend to have less access to health care and health resources and worse health outcomes. Characterizing asthma indicators (i.e., prevalence of current asthma, asthma attacks, emergency department and urgent care center [ED/UCC] visits, and asthma-associated deaths) and determining how asthma exacerbations and health care use vary across the United States by geographic area, including differences between urban and rural areas, and by sociodemographic factors can help identify subpopulations at risk for asthma-related complications. REPORTING PERIOD: 2006-2018. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is an annual cross-sectional household health survey among the civilian noninstitutionalized population in the United States. NHIS data were used to produce estimates for current asthma and among them, asthma attacks and ED/UCC visits. National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) data were used to estimate asthma deaths. Estimates of current asthma, asthma attacks, ED/UCC visits, and asthma mortality rates are described by demographic characteristics, poverty level (except for deaths), and geographic area for 2016-2018. Trends in asthma indicators by metropolitan statistical area (MSA) category for 2006-2018 were determined. Current asthma and asthma attack prevalence are provided by MSA category and state for 2016-2018. Detailed urban-rural classifications (six levels) were determined by merging 2013 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) urban-rural classification data with 2016-2018 NHIS data by county and state variables. All subregional estimates were accessed through the NCHS Research Data Center. RESULTS: Current asthma was higher among boys aged <18 years, women aged ≥18 years, non-Hispanic Black (Black) persons, non-Hispanic multiple-race (multiple-race) persons, and Puerto Rican persons. Asthma attacks were more prevalent among children, females, and multiple-race persons. ED/UCC visits were more prevalent among children, women aged ≥18 years, and all racial and ethnic groups (i.e., Black, non-Hispanic Asian, multiple race, and Hispanic, including Puerto Rican, Mexican, and other Hispanic) except American Indian and Alaska Native persons compared with non-Hispanic White (White) persons. Asthma deaths were higher among adults, females, and Black persons. All pertinent asthma outcomes were also more prevalent among persons with low family incomes. Current asthma prevalence was higher in the Northeast than in the South and the West, particularly in small MSA areas. The prevalence was also higher in small and medium metropolitan areas than in large central metropolitan areas. The prevalence of asthma attacks differed by MSA category in four states. The prevalence of ED/UCC visits was higher in the South than the Northeast and the Midwest and was also higher in large central metropolitan areas than in micropolitan and noncore areas. The asthma mortality rate was highest in non-MSAs, specifically noncore areas. The asthma mortality rate was also higher in the Northeast, Midwest, and West than in the South. Within large MSAs, asthma deaths were higher in the Northeast and Midwest than the South and West. INTERPRETATION: Despite some improvements in asthma outcomes over time, the findings from this report indicate that disparities in asthma indicators persist by demographic characteristics, poverty level, and geographic location. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: Disparities in asthma outcomes and health care use in rural and urban populations identified from NHIS and NVSS can aid public health programs in directing resources and interventions to improve asthma outcomes. These data also can be used to develop strategic goals and achieve CDC's Controlling Childhood Asthma and Reducing Emergencies (CCARE) initiative to reduce childhood asthma hospitalizations and ED visits and prevent 500,000 asthma-related hospitalizations and ED visits by 2024. |
Daycare attendance and asthma control, Asthma Call-back Survey 2012-2014
Pennington AF , Hsu J , Sircar K , Mirabelli MC , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2020 58 (8) 1-10 Objective: To examine the association between daycare attendance and asthma control among children aged 0 to 4 years with asthmaMethods: We analyzed 2012-2014 data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Asthma Call-back Survey on 388 children with asthma aged 0 to 4 years with information on daycare attendance in the past 12 months. We calculated weighted prevalence ratios to assess the association between daycare attendance and asthma control (categorized based on day-time and night-time asthma symptoms, activity limitation, and short-acting beta agonist use). Adjusted models controlled for parent or guardian education, household income, race, sex, cost barriers to asthma care, long-term control medication use, and the number of other children in the child's household.Results: In this sample of children with asthma, representative of 520,400 children in 26 U.S. states, 34% attended daycare in the past 12 months. Only 32% of children who attended daycare in the past 12 months reported having an asthma action plan on file at the daycare they most recently attended. Presence of the asthma triggers of pets, mold, and smoking in a child's daycare were reported to be uncommon. Prevalence of uncontrolled asthma was 44% in children who attended daycare in the past 12 months and 68% in children who did not. The adjusted prevalence ratio between daycare attendance and uncontrolled asthma was 0.96 (95% confidence interval 0.73, 1.25).Conclusions: When adjusting for covariates, we observed no evidence of an association between daycare attendance in early life and uncontrolled asthma. |
Associations of blood lead levels with asthma and blood eosinophils in U.S. children
Cornwell CR , Egan KB , Zahran HS , Mirabelli MC , Hsu J , Chew GL . Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2020 31 (6) 695-699 U.S. children are exposed to lead through lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust in older homes and through contaminated water, air, soil, or consumer and imported products(1,2) . Approximately 24 million housing units have one or more lead-based paint hazards, including 3.6 million homes with children aged </=6 years(1) . Epidemiologic studies have reported positive associations between lead and elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE) in children(3-5) ; IgE is often associated with allergic asthma(6) . |
Asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits and post-ED visit hospital and critical care admissions, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2010-2015
Qin X , Zahran HS , Malilay J . J Asthma 2020 58 (5) 1-15 Background: Exacerbation of asthma symptoms increases the likelihood of emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations. Because the ED is an important healthcare resource for immediate asthma care with acute exacerbations, we identify those populations most likely to seek ED treatment for asthma and describe the asthma burden for post-ED visit hospitalizations and critical care units.Methods: We examined the characteristics of asthma-related ED visits and hospital admissions and assessed the association between them using multivariable logistic regression models by analyzing data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) during 2010-2015.Results: Of all ED visits, 1.32% were asthma-related; of all ED visits that resulted in hospitalization, 1.12% were asthma-related and, of all ED visits that resulted in admission to a critical care unit, 1.20% were asthma related.The percentages of asthma-related ED visits and post-ED hospitalizations (H) were greater among children (adjusted prevalence ratio: ED: 2.28 [1.96.29-2.65]; H: 8.75 [5.93-12.92]) than among adults and greater for blacks (ED: (2.26 [1.97-2.60]; H: 3.25 [2.07-5.12]) and Hispanics (ED: (1.74 [1.47-2.08]; H: 2.424 [1.46-4.00]) than for whites. The percentage of ED visits was also greater for those covered by Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) than by private insurance.Conclusions: Both asthma-related ED visits and post-ED hospitalizations were greater for children, blacks, and Hispanics. ED visits were also greater for Medicaid/CHIP. These findings might help prompt future studies on identifying additional potential risk factors for frequent ED visits among disproportionally affected subpopulations. |
Assessing indoor environmental control practices by race/ethnicity among children with asthma in 14 US states and Puerto Rico, 2013-2014
Rozwadowski FM , Chew GL , Zahran HS , Santorelli ML . Prev Chronic Dis 2019 16 E166 INTRODUCTION: In the United States, children in Puerto Rico and non-Hispanic black children in the mainland US have a higher burden of asthma than non-Hispanic white children in the mainland US. We examined indoor environmental control (IEC) practices that reduce asthma triggers, by race/ethnicity among children in the mainland US and Puerto Rico. METHODS: We used 2013 and 2014 data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Asthma Call-back Survey Child Questionnaire from 14 states and Puerto Rico to measure the association between race/ethnicity and IEC practices, adjusting for sociodemographic covariates, among children identified as ever receiving an asthma diagnosis. Racial/ethnic groups were compared in 14 US states using aggregated data. Separate analyses compared IEC practices for children diagnosed with asthma in Puerto Rico with children of all races/ethnicities diagnosed with asthma in 14 states. RESULTS: Among households in 14 US states that had a child with asthma, non-Hispanic black children were more likely than non-Hispanic white children to use an air purifier (36.8% vs 25.2%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3-3.2) and avoid pets in the bedroom (87.9% vs 58.3%; aOR = 4.5; 95% CI, 2.3-8.8). Children in Puerto Rico were more likely than children in 14 states to use dust mite-impermeable pillow covers (53.7% vs 36.4%; aOR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.8-7.1) and mattress encasements (60.3% vs 30.3%; aOR = 2.4; 95% CI, 1.2-4.8). CONCLUSION: IEC practices such as using air purifiers, pillow covers, mattress encasements, and avoiding pets in the bedroom vary by race/ethnicity among children with asthma. These findings show that vulnerable populations are using IEC practices, but asthma prevention and control measures should continue to be assessed. |
Comparison response patterns on landline and cell phone in a call back survey: effects of demographic characteristics and lag days
Qin X , Bailey CM , Zahran HS . Surv Methods Insights Field 2019 2019 The Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS) is conducted after the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey by calling BRFSS respondents who reported ever being diagnosed with asthma. To find response patterns and increase ACBS response rates, we first examined whether obtaining consents during the BRFSS survey could increase call back response rates by reducing the refusal and break-off. Then, we assessed how the lag days between BRFSS and ACBS interviews affected response rates. BRFSS cell phone respondents agreed more often to being called back than did landline respondents (75.5 vs. 70.9 percent). However, when respondents were contacted for ACBS, the cell phone response rate was lower than landline response rate (43.4 vs. 47.0 percent), except among males aged 25-34 years, for which the cell phone response rate was 2.1 percent higher than the landline response rate. ACBS response rate for landline and cell phone response were highest if the callback was within 2 days of BRFSS interviews (92.3 vs. 88.8 percent). As lag days increased, the response rate decreased. The cell phone response rate showed a sharper drop; after 2 weeks, the response rate gap between landline and cell phone samples reached 17.3 percent. |
Cost barriers to asthma care by health insurance type among children with asthma
Pate CA , Qin X , Bailey CM , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2019 57 (10) 1-7 Objective: Children with asthma have ongoing health care needs and health insurance is a vital part of their health care access. Health care coverage may be associated with various cost barriers to asthma care. We examined cost barriers to receiving asthma care by health insurance type and coverage continuity among children with asthma using the 2012-2014 Child Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS). Methods: The study sample included 3788 children under age 18 years with current asthma who had responses to the ACBS by adult proxy. Associations between cost barriers to asthma care and treatment were analyzed by demographic, health insurance coverage, and urban residence variables using multivariable logistic regression models. Results: Among insured children, more blacks reported a cost barrier to seeing a doctor (10.6% [5.9, 18.3]) compared with whites (2.9% [2.1, 4.0]) (p = 0.03). Adjusting for demographic factors (sex, age, and race), uninsured and having partial year coverage were associated with cost barrier to seeing a doctor (adjusted prevalence ratio aPR = 8.07 [4.78, 13.61] and aPR = 6.58 [3.78, 11.45], respectively) and affording medication (aPR = 8.35 [5.23, 13.34] and aPR = 4.93 [2.96, 8.19], respectively), compared with children who had full year coverage. Public insurance was associated with cost barrier to seeing a doctor (aPR = 4.43 [2.57, 7.62]), compared with private insurance. Conclusions: Having no health insurance, partial year coverage, and public insurance were associated with cost barriers to asthma care. Improving health insurance coverage may help strengthen access to and reduce cost barriers to asthma care. |
Health communications: provider assessment of asthma control
Lewis LM , Johnson T , Lozier M , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2019 56 (12) 1-6 OBJECTIVE: The patient-provider partnership is important for effective asthma care and improved asthma control. Our descriptive study describes demographic differences associated with patient-provider asthma communications using Healthy People 2020 indicators. METHODS: Using 2013 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data, we examined provider assessments of asthma control at last healthcare visit for children and adults with current asthma; assessments included questions on frequency of asthma symptoms, use of quick-relief inhalers, and limitation of daily activities due to asthma. We calculated weighted prevalence and prevalence ratios (PR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: Overall, 3,684 (weighted prevalence = 7.3%; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 7.0-7.6) NHIS respondents reported current asthma. Among persons with current asthma, 58% reported a routine asthma care visit in the past year. Provider assessments of asthma symptoms, quick-relief inhaler use, and activity limitations were reported by 55.4%, 59.1% and 41.5% of respondents, respectively. Non-Hispanic blacks (PR = 1.11; 95% CI = 1.03-1.20), Puerto Ricans (PR = 1.23; 95% CI = 1.08-1.40), and Other-Hispanics (PR = 1.18; 95% CI = 1.05-1.32) were asked more often than non-Hispanic whites about >/=1 of the asthma control indicators. Providers more frequently assessed asthma symptoms (PR = 1.20; CI = 1.10-1.30), quick-relief inhaler use (PR = 1.10; CI = 1.02-1.19), and activity limitations (PR = 1.25; CI = 1.11-1.41) in children than adults. CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare providers often discuss asthma control indicators with patients. Children and some racial and ethnic minorities were more frequently assessed on key asthma control indicators compared to adults and non-Hispanic whites, respectively. These findings may reflect provider efforts to target asthma control communications to populations with higher risk of morbidity. |
Communication channels for air quality alerts in the United States
Pennington AF , Sircar K , Hsu J , Zahran HS , Damon SA , Mirabelli MC . Prev Med Rep 2019 14 100860 Short-term exposure to air pollution can result in acute health effects, particularly for individuals with respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Air quality alert programs that notify the public about high air pollution days are critical for susceptible populations. We assessed how U.S. adults receive air quality alerts and whether it varies by demographic or health characteristics. We analyzed data from the summer 2014 wave of ConsumerStyles, a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults (n = 4269). We calculated the weighted proportion of individuals who received air quality alerts from seven communication channels, combining all individuals and stratifying by demographics. To assess whether the reach of communication channels varied by respiratory and cardiovascular disease status, we computed weighted prevalence ratios adjusted for sex, age, race, and education. Forty-eight percent of U.S. adults had heard about air quality alerts. Within every demographic category, television was the most common communication channel (76% among individuals aware of air quality alerts). Other common communication modes were radio (30%), newspaper (24%), and internet (20%). Less common communication modes were friend or family member, mobile phone or device app, and electronic highway sign. The reach of communication channels varied by demographic factors, such as age, but not by respiratory or cardiovascular disease status. Television is the most common communication channel for receiving air quality alerts. Expanding use of other communication channels might increase awareness of air quality alerts. These results can help decision-makers target communication channels that reach susceptible populations and will achieve the greatest impact. |
Impaired health-related quality of life and related risk factors among U.S. adults with asthma
Pate CA , Zahran HS , Bailey CM . J Asthma 2018 56 (4) 0 Objective This study assessed Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and related risk factors among adults with asthma in the United States. Using the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), we examined the association between four domains of impaired HRQoL and selected explanatory factors. Methods A BRFSS sample of 39 321 adults with asthma was used in this study. We examined the association between fair/poor health, >/=14 mentally unhealthy days, >/=14 physically unhealthy days, and >/=14 days of activity limitation and selected explanatory variables (sex, race/ethnicity, age, annual household income, healthcare coverage, physical activity, smoking status, Body Mass Index (BMI), having a coexisting disease, and being diagnosed with depression) using multivariable logistic regression models. Results Income, physical activity status, smoking status, coexisting diseases, and depression were strongly associated with all HRQoL domains. Blacks had significantly less >/=14 physically unhealthy days (23.4%; aPR = 0.82 [95% CI: 0.72, 0.92]) and >/=14 days of activity limitation (18.3%; aPR = 0.81 [0.70, 0.94]) and Hispanics had significantly more fair/poor health (38.4%; aPR = 1.31 [1.18, 1.45]) than whites. Underweight and obese had significantly more fair/poor health, and underweight significantly more >/=14 physically unhealthy days, compared with normal weight. Adults aged 55 years or older had significantly less >/=14 mentally unhealthy days than adults 18-24 years. Conclusions Multiple factors were associated with impaired HRQoL. Providing strategies to address potential risk factors such as low income, physically inactive, smoker, and obese or underweight should be considered to improve HRQoL among adults with asthma. |
Air quality awareness among U.S. adults with respiratory and heart disease
Mirabelli MC , Boehmer TK , Damon SA , Sircar KD , Wall HK , Yip FY , Zahran HS , Garbe PL . Am J Prev Med 2018 54 (5) 679-687 INTRODUCTION: Poor air quality affects respiratory and cardiovascular health. Information about health risks associated with outdoor air quality is communicated to the public using air quality alerts. This study was conducted to assess associations of existing respiratory and heart disease with three aspects of air quality awareness: awareness of air quality alerts, discussing with a health professional strategies to reduce air pollution exposure, and avoiding busy roads to reduce air pollution exposure when walking, biking, or exercising outdoors. METHODS: During 2014-2016, a total of 12,599 U.S. adults participated in summer waves of the ConsumerStyles surveys and self-reported asthma, emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, and each aspect of air quality awareness. In 2017, associations between each health condition and air quality awareness were estimated using log binomial and multinomial regression. RESULTS: Overall, 49% of respondents were aware of air quality alerts, 3% discussed with a health professional strategies to reduce air pollution exposure, and 27% always/usually avoided busy roads to reduce air pollution exposure. Asthma was associated with increased prevalence of awareness of air quality alerts (prevalence ratio=1.11, 95% CI=1.04, 1.20), discussing with a health professional (prevalence ratio=4.88, 95% CI=3.74, 6.37), and always/usually avoiding busy roads to reduce air pollution exposure (prevalence ratio=1.13, 95% CI=1.01, 1.27). Heart disease was not associated with air quality awareness. CONCLUSIONS: Existing respiratory disease, but not heart disease, was associated with increased air quality awareness. These findings reveal important opportunities to raise awareness of air quality alerts and behavior changes aimed at reducing air pollution exposure among adults at risk of exacerbating respiratory and heart diseases. |
Assessing health outcomes, quality of life, and healthcare use among school-age children with asthma
Lozier MJ , Zahran HS , Bailey CM . J Asthma 2018 56 (1) 1-8 OBJECTIVE: Asthma affects six million children in the United States. Most people can control their asthma symptoms with effective care, management, and appropriate medical treatment. Information on the relationship between asthma control and quality of life indicators and health care use among school-age children is limited. METHODS: Using the 2006-2010 combined Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Asthma Call-back Survey child data, we examined asthma control and asthma attack status among school-age (aged 5-17 years) children with asthma from 35 states and the District of Columbia. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to assess if having uncontrolled asthma and having >/=1 asthma attacks affect quality of life (activity limitation and missed school days) and healthcare use (emergency department [ED] visits and hospitalizations). RESULTS: About one-third (36.5%) of the 8,484 respondents with current asthma had uncontrolled asthma and 56.8% reported >/=1 asthma attack in the past year. Having uncontrolled asthma and having >/=1 asthma attack were significantly associated with activity limitation (aPR = 1.43 and 1.74, respectively), missed school (1.45 and 1.68), ED visits (2.05 and 4.78), and hospitalizations (2.38 and 3.64). Long-term control (LTC) medication use was higher among respondents with uncontrolled asthma (61.3%) than respondents with well-controlled asthma (33.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Having uncontrolled asthma is associated with reduced quality of life and increased health care use. However, only 61.3% of respondents with uncontrolled asthma use LTC medications. Increasing use of LTC medications among children with uncontrolled asthma could help improve quality of life and reduce health care use. |
Vital Signs: Asthma in children - United States, 2001-2016
Zahran HS , Bailey CM , Damon SA , Garbe PL , Breysse PN . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (5) 149-155 BACKGROUND: Asthma is the most common chronic lung disease of childhood, affecting approximately 6 million children in the United States. Although asthma cannot be cured, most of the time, asthma symptoms can be controlled by avoiding or reducing exposure to asthma triggers (allergens and irritants) and by following recommendations for asthma education and appropriate medical care. METHODS: CDC analyzed asthma data from the 2001-2016 National Health Interview Survey for children aged 0-17 years to examine trends and demographic differences in health outcomes and health care use. RESULTS: Asthma was more prevalent among boys (9.2%) than among girls (7.4%), children aged >/=5 years (approximately 10%) than children aged <5 years (3.8%), non-Hispanic black (black) children (15.7%) and children of Puerto Rican descent (12.9%) than among non-Hispanic white (white) children (7.1%), and children living in low income families (10.5%) than among those living in families with income >/=250% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (approximately 7%). Asthma prevalence among children increased from 8.7% in 2001 to 9.4% in 2010, and then decreased to 8.3% in 2016. Although not all changes were statistically significant, a similar pattern was observed among subdemographic groups studied, with the exception of Mexican/Mexican-American children, among whom asthma prevalence increased from 5.1% in 2001 to 6.5% in 2016. Among children with asthma, the percentage who had an asthma attack in the past 12 months declined significantly from 2001 to 2016. Whereas asthma prevalence was lower among children aged 0-4 years than among older children, the prevalence of asthma attacks (62.4%), emergency department or urgent care center (ED/UC) visits (31.1%), and hospitalization (10.4%) were higher among children with asthma aged 0-4 years than among those aged 12-17 years (44.8%, 9.6%, and 2.8%, respectively). During 2013, children with asthma aged 5-17 years missed 13.8 million days of school per year (2.6 days per child). Compared with 2003, in 2013, the prevalence of adverse health outcomes and health care use were significantly lower and the prevalence of having an action plan to manage asthma was higher. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Asthma remains an important public health and medical problem. The health of children with asthma can be improved by promoting asthma control strategies, including asthma trigger reduction, appropriate guidelines-based medical management, and asthma education for children, parents, and others involved in asthma care. |
Long-term control medication use and asthma control status among children and adults with asthma
Zahran HS , Bailey CM , Qin X , Johnson C . J Asthma 2017 54 (10) 1-8 BACKGROUND: Uncontrolled asthma decreases quality of life and increases health care use. Most people with asthma need daily use of long-term control (LTC) medications for asthma symptoms and to prevent asthma attacks. Ongoing assessment of a person's level of asthma control and medication use is important in determining the effectiveness of current treatment to decrease the frequency and intensity of symptoms and functional limitations. OBJECTIVE: To assess the use of LTC medication among children and adults with current asthma and identify contributing factors for LTC medication use. METHODS: We used the 2006-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) child and adult Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS) data to assess the level of asthma control and LTC medication use. Asthma control was classified as well controlled and uncontrolled using guideline-based measures. We used multivariable logistic regression models to identify contributing factors for LTC medication use and having uncontrolled asthma. RESULTS: Among persons with current asthma, 46.0% of children and 41.5% of adults were taking LTC medications and 38.4% of children and 50.0% of adults had uncontrolled asthma. Among children who had uncontrolled asthma (38.4%), 24.1% were taking LTC medications and 14.3% were not taking LTC medications. Among adults who had uncontrolled asthma (50.0%), 26.7% were taking LTC medications and 23.3% were not taking LTC medications. CONCLUSIONS: Using BRFSS ACBS data to assess the level of asthma control and LTC medication use can identify subpopulations of persons with asthma who receive suboptimal treatment, for which better asthma-related medical treatment and management are needed. |
Health-related quality of life and asthma among United States adolescents
Cui W , Zack MM , Zahran HS . J Pediatr 2015 166 (2) 358-64 OBJECTIVE: To examine the direction and the magnitude of associations between asthma and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in a population-based sample of US adolescents. STUDY DESIGN: We obtained data from the 2001-2010 cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. We used multinomial logistic regression and negative binomial regression to estimate corresponding percentages, prevalence ratios (PRs), and predicted days of 4 domains of HRQoL by 3 asthma status categories: never having asthma, having asthma without symptoms, and having asthma with symptoms. RESULTS: Compared with those who never had asthma, adolescents with asthma with symptoms of dry cough or wheezing reported significantly worse self-rated health (13.58% [95% CI, 10.32%-17.67%] vs 7.54% [95% CI, 6.50%-8.72%] for fair or poor health), significantly impaired physical health (PR = 1.34, P = .004; adjusted physically unhealthy days, 2.7 days vs 2 days), and impaired mental health (PR = 1.26, P = .025). Among adolescents having asthma with symptoms, those who currently smoked reported 1 more physically unhealthy day and 2.4 more mentally unhealthy days than those who did not smoke and did not have asthma. Those reporting limited physical functioning reported 2 more physically unhealthy days and 1.5 more mentally unhealthy days than those who did not report limited functioning. CONCLUSION: Adolescents with asthma and symptoms reported worse HRQoL compared with those with asthma not reporting symptoms and those without asthma. Those who smoked or reported limited physical functioning reported worse physical and mental HRQoL. Reducing symptoms, quitting smoking, and improving physical functioning may improve HRQoL among adolescents with asthma. |
Assessing asthma control and associated risk factors among persons with current asthma - findings from the child and adult Asthma Call-Back Survey
Zahran HS , Bailey CM , Qin X , Moorman JE . J Asthma 2014 52 (3) 1-31 INTRODUCTION: Monitoring the level of asthma control is important in determining the effectiveness of current treatment which may decrease the frequency and intensity of symptoms and functional limitations. Uncontrolled asthma has been associated with decreased quality of life and increased health care use. The objectives of this study were to assess the level of asthma control and identify related risk factors among persons with current asthma. METHODS: Using the 2006 to 2010 BRFSS child and adult Asthma Call-back Survey, asthma control was classified as well-controlled or uncontrolled (not-well-controlled or very-poorly-controlled) using three impairment measures: daytime symptoms, nighttime symptoms, and taking short-acting beta2-agonists for symptom control. Multivariate logistic regression identified predictors of asthma control. RESULTS: Fifty percent of adults and 38.4% of children with current asthma had uncontrolled asthma. About 63% of children and 53% of adults with uncontrolled asthma were on long-term asthma control medications. Among children, uncontrolled asthma was significantly associated with being younger than 5 years, having annual household income < $15,000, and reporting cost as barriers to medical care. Among adults, it was significantly associated with being 45 years or older, having annual household income of < $25,000, being "other" race, having less than a 4-year college degree, being a current or former smoker, reporting cost as barriers, being obese, and having chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or depression. CONCLUSION: Identifying and targeting modifiable predictors of uncontrolled asthma (low educational attainment, low income, cigarette smoking, and co-morbid conditions including obesity and depression) could improve asthma control. |
Asthma prevalence among Hispanic adults in Puerto Rico and Hispanic adults of Puerto Rican descent in the United States - results from two national surveys
El Burai Felix S , Bailey CM , Zahran HS . J Asthma 2014 52 (1) 1-7 OBJECTIVE: To assess whether asthma prevalence differs between Hispanic adults living in Puerto Rico and Hispanic adults of Puerto Rican descent living in the United States. METHODS: We used 2008-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data, administered in Puerto Rico for Hispanic adults living in Puerto Rico (Hispanics in Puerto Rico), and 2008-2010 National Health Interview Survey data for Hispanic adults of Puerto Rican descent living in the United States (Puerto Rican Americans). We used 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to compare asthma prevalence between corresponding subgroups; non-overlapping CIs indicate statistical significance. Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression were used to assess the association between current asthma status and socio-demographic factors and health risk behaviors within each Puerto Rican population. RESULTS: Current asthma prevalence among Hispanics in Puerto Rico (7.0% [6.4%-7.7%]) was significantly lower than the prevalence among Puerto Rican Americans (15.6% [13.0%-18.1%]). The prevalence among almost all socio-demographic and health risk subgroups of Hispanics in Puerto Rico was significantly lower than the prevalence among the corresponding subgroups of Puerto Rican Americans. Adjusting for potential confounders did not alter the results. Asthma prevalence was significantly associated with obesity among Puerto Rican Americans (adjusted prevalence ratios [aPR] = 1.5 [1.1-2.0]), and among Hispanics in Puerto Rico was associated with obesity (aPR = 1.6 [1.3-1.9]), smoking (aPR = 1.4 [1.1-1.9]) and being female (aPR = 1.9 [1.5-2.4]). CONCLUSION: Asthma was more prevalent among Puerto Rican Americans than Hispanics in Puerto Rico. Although the observed associations did not explain all variations in asthma prevalence between these two populations, they may lay the foundation for future research. |
Assessing asthma severity among children and adults with current asthma
Zahran HS , Bailey C , Qin X , Moorman JE . J Asthma 2014 51 (6) 610-7 BACKGROUND: Asthma severity is a key indicator to assess asthma care and management. Severity status may vary over time. Assessing asthma severity periodically is important for monitoring the health and well-being of people with asthma. OBJECTIVE: To assess population-based asthma severity and to identify related-risk factors among children and adults with asthma. METHODS: We used the 2006 to 2010 BRFSS child and adult Asthma Call-back Survey. Asthma severity was classified as intermittent or persistent. We performed multivariate logistic regression to identify related-risk factors. RESULTS: Overall, 63.8% of persons with asthma had persistent asthma. Persistent asthma was more prevalent among children aged 0-4 years (71.8%; prevalence rate ratio [PR]=1.3). Among adults with current asthma, persistent asthma was more prevalent among those who were 45 years or older (aged 45-54: 69.4%; PR=1.1, aged 55-64: 72.6%; PR=1.2, and aged 65+: 77.8%; PR=1.3); annual household incomes of <$15,000 (74.1%; PR=1.1); and first diagnosed at age 55 years or older (first diagnosed at age 55-64: 80.4%; PR=1.1, at age 65+: 81.5%; PR=1.1). The prevalence of persistent asthma was also higher among current smokers who were also exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) (74.7%; PR=1.1); and among those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (77.1%; PR=1.2). CONCLUSIONS: Nearly two-thirds of children and adults with asthma had persistent asthma. Identifying related-risk factors could help improve targeted interventions or strategies to reduce modifiable predictors (low income, smoking, and SHS) of increased asthma severity. Such strategies could improve asthma care and quality of life. |
Asthma attacks among persons with current asthma - United States, 2001-2010
Moorman JE , Person CJ , Zahran HS . MMWR Suppl 2013 62 (3) 93-8 Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that is characterized by episodic and reversible airflow obstruction, airway hyper-responsiveness, and underlying inflammation. Common asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. With correct treatment and avoidance of exposure to environmental allergens and irritants that are known to exacerbate asthma, the majority of persons who have asthma can expect to achieve optimal symptom control. |
Factors associated with asthma prevalence among racial and ethnic groups-United States, 2009-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Zahran HS , Bailey C . J Asthma 2013 50 (6) 583-9 BACKGROUND: Although the causes of asthma are poorly understood, multiple factors (e.g., genetic, environmental, socioeconomic, and lifestyle) have been implicated in the development and exacerbation of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To identify potential predictive factors of current asthma and to assess if the predictive ability of some factors differ by race and ethnicity. METHODS: We used the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2009-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to estimate asthma prevalence and to examine the potential predictive factors for asthma (sex, age, educational attainment, household income, obesity, smoking, physical activity, and health insurance) by race and ethnicity. RESULTS: Of the 869519 adult respondents in the survey, 8.6% reported having asthma. Overall asthma prevalence was significantly higher among adults with household income of <$15000 (13.3%; adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] of 1.9) than those with income of ≥$75000 (6.8%). The prevalence was also higher among obese adults (11.6%; aPR=1.5) than non-obese (7.3%), current and former smokers (10.5%; aPR=1.2 and 8.5%;1.1) than non-smokers (7.8%), and adults with health insurance (8.6%; aPR=1.3) than adults without it (7.8%). However, the prevalence was lower among adults aged 65+ (7.8; aPR=0.7) than adults aged 18-24 (9.3%) and among adults who reported having leisure time physical activity (7.8%; aPR=0.8) than adults who did not report it (10.7%). When examined among race/ethnic groups, these associations were observed among whites and blacks but not for the other four race/ethnic groups. CONCLUSIONS: Predictive factors for asthma vary among racial/ethnic groups. Identifying race/ethnicity specific modifiable environmental and host-related factors (mold, pollens, house dust mites, cockroaches, animal allergens, other pollutants, education, income, obesity, smoking, physical activity, and health insurance status) can be important in developing targeted interventions to reduce the health and economic impact of asthma among disproportionately affected segments of the United States population. |
Predictors of asthma self-management education among children and adults-2006-2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Asthma Call-back Survey
Zahran HS , Person CJ , Bailey C , Moorman JE . J Asthma 2012 49 (1) 98-106 BACKGROUND: Patient self-management, besides expert care, is necessary to improve health outcomes among persons with asthma. Our objective was to describe the characteristics of persons with asthma likely to receive asthma self-management education. METHODS: The 2006 and 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Child and Adult Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS) data were analyzed. Binary and multinomial response logistic regression models were used to examine the association between asthma self-management education and explanatory variables. RESULTS: Of the 31,278 persons who ever had asthma, 3953 of the children (75.8%) and 19,723 of the adults (72.8%) were classified as having active asthma. For both children and adults, the three most commonly reported asthma education components were being taught how to use an inhaler (78.6% and 89.8%, respectively); being taught what to do during an asthma episode (86.3% and 74.6%); and to recognize early signs or symptoms of an asthma episode (82.0% and 64.4%). Children and adults who reported routine care visits, hospitalization, and asthma episodes in the past 12 months because of asthma were more likely to report several asthma education components and higher asthma education scores. Children aged 12-17 years were more likely to report having instruction in peak flow meter use (1.3; 1.1-1.6) and inhaler use (1.3; 1.2-1.4), whereas older adults (aged 54-64 years or 65+ years), adults who were not high school (HS) graduates, and smokers were less likely to report having asthma management education than the corresponding comparison groups. CONCLUSIONS: Having a routine care visit, being hospitalized, and having an asthma episode were significantly associated with reporting multiple asthma education components, whereas being an older adult, having less than a HS degree, and being a smoker were associated with reporting fewer asthma education components. Asthma control programs should continue to monitor asthma self-management education and promote asthma education to all persons with asthma, especially for older adults, persons with less education, and smokers. |
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