Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Yusuf H[original query] |
Coverage with selected vaccines and exemption rates among children in kindergarten - United States, 2023-24 School Year
Seither R , Yusuf OB , Dramann D , Calhoun K , Mugerwa-Kasujja A , Knighton CL , Kriss JL , Miller R , Peacock G . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (41) 925-932 In the United States, states and local jurisdictions set vaccination requirements for school attendance, conditions and procedures for exemptions from these requirements, grace periods for submitting documentation, and provisional enrollment for students who need more time to be vaccinated. States annually report data to CDC on the number of children in kindergarten who meet, are exempt from, or are in the process of meeting requirements. Data reported by 49 states and the District of Columbia (DC) for the 2023-24 school year were used for national- and state-level estimates of the following measures: complete vaccination with required doses of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), poliovirus vaccine (polio), and varicella vaccine (VAR); exemptions from vaccination; and school attendance while meeting requirements. The 2023-24 kindergarten class became age-eligible to complete most state-required vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, after schools had returned to routine in-person learning. Compared with approximated national coverage levels across all reported vaccines for the 2019-20 (95%) and 2022-23 (93%) school years, coverage dropped below 93% for the 2023-24 school year, ranging from 92.3% for DTaP to 92.7% for MMR. Exemptions increased to 3.3%, compared with those during the 2022-23 (3.0%) and 2021-22 school years (2.6%). Coverage with MMR, DTaP, polio, and VAR decreased in 35, 32, 33, and 36 jurisdictions, respectively, compared with the 2022-23 school year. Exemptions increased in 41 jurisdictions, with 14 reporting that >5% of kindergartners had an exemption from one or more vaccine. Efforts by health departments, schools, and providers are needed to ensure that students begin school fully vaccinated. |
Progress toward achieving and sustaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination - Worldwide, 2000-2022
Jones CE , Yusuf N , Ahmed B , Kassogue M , Wasley A , Kanu FA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (28) 614-621 Tetanus remains a considerable cause of mortality among undervaccinated mothers and their infants following unhygienic deliveries, especially in low-income countries. Strategies of the maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) initiative, which targets 59 priority countries, include strengthening antenatal immunization of pregnant women with tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCVs); conducting TTCV supplementary immunization activities among women of reproductive age in high-risk districts; optimizing access to skilled birth attendants to ensure clean deliveries and umbilical cord care practices; and identifying and investigating suspected neonatal tetanus cases. This report updates a previous report and describes progress toward MNTE during 2000-2022. By December 2022, 47 (80%) of 59 priority countries were validated to have achieved MNTE. In 2022, among the 50 countries that reported coverage with ≥2 doses of TTCV among pregnant women, 16 (32%) reported coverage of ≥80%. In 2022, among 47 validated countries, 26 (55%) reported that ≥70% of births were assisted by skilled birth attendants. Reported neonatal tetanus cases worldwide decreased 89%, from 17,935 in 2000 to 1,995 in 2021; estimated neonatal tetanus deaths decreased 84%, from 46,898 to 7,719. However, the global disruption of routine immunization caused by the COVID-19 pandemic impeded MNTE progress. Since 2020, reported neonatal tetanus cases have increased in 18 (31%) priority countries. Integration of MNTE strategies into priority countries' national postpandemic immunization recovery activities is needed to achieve and sustain global elimination. |
A standard framework for evaluating large health care data and related resources
El Burai Felix S , Yusuf H , Ritchey M , Romano S , Namulanda G , Wilkins N , Boehmer TK . MMWR Suppl 2024 73 (3) 1-13 MMWR supplement presents a standard framework for evaluating large health care data and related resources, including constructs, criteria, and tools that investigators and evaluators can apply and adapt. |
Gender differences in use of cigarette and non-cigarette tobacco products among adolescents aged 13-15 years in 20 African countries
Agaku IT , Sulentic R , Dragicevic A , Njie G , Jones CK , Odani S , Tsafa T , Gwar J , Vardavas CI , Ayo-Yusuf O . Tob Induc Dis 2024 22 INTRODUCTION: Examining gender differences in youth tobacco use is important as it aligns tobacco control within the context of broader human development goals seeking to eliminate gender inequalities. In this study, we examined gender differences in adolescent use of cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, shisha, and e-cigarettes in Africa. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Our analytical sample comprised 56442 adolescents aged 13-15 years from 20 African countries. Weighted, country-specific prevalence estimates were computed overall and by gender. Adjusted prevalence ratios (APRs) were calculated in a multivariable Poisson regression model to examine whether correlates of tobacco use differed between boys and girls. RESULTS: Ever cigarette smoking prevalence was significantly higher among boys than girls in 16 of the 20 countries, but a significantly higher percentage of girls reported earlier age of cigarette smoking initiation than boys within pooled analysis. Some of the largest gender differences in current cigarette smoking were seen in Algeria (12.2% vs 0.8%, boys and girls, respectively), Mauritius (21.2% vs 6.6%), and Madagascar (15.0% vs 4.1%). Current use of e-cigarettes, shisha, and smokeless tobacco was generally comparable between boys and girls where data existed. Among girls, higher levels of reported exposure to tobacco advertisement were positively associated with shisha smoking whereas perceived tobacco harm was inversely associated with current cigarette and shisha smoking. Among boys, perceived social acceptability of smoking at parties was associated with an increased likelihood of cigarette smoking (APR=2.27; 95% Cl: 1.20-4.30). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among boys was higher than that of girls in many countries. However, girls who smoke tend to start at an earlier age than boys. Differential gender patterns of cigarette and non-cigarette tobacco product use among youth may have implications for future disease burden. As the tobacco control landscape evolves, tobacco prevention efforts should focus on all tobacco products, not just cigarettes. |
Coverage with selected vaccines and exemption from school vaccine requirements among children in kindergarten - United States, 2022-23 school year
Seither R , Yusuf OB , Dramann D , Calhoun K , Mugerwa-Kasujja A , Knighton CL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (45) 1217-1224 U.S. states and local jurisdictions set vaccination requirements for school attendance and conditions and procedures for exemptions from these requirements. States annually report data to CDC on the number of children in kindergarten who meet, are exempt from, or are in the process of meeting requirements. National- and state-level estimates for complete vaccination with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR); diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP); poliovirus vaccine (polio); and varicella vaccine (VAR); exemptions from vaccination; and legally allowed kindergarten attendance while meeting requirements were based on data reported by 49 states and the District of Columbia (DC) for the 2022-23 school year. This kindergarten class became age-eligible to complete most state-required vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic. National coverage remained near 93% for all vaccines; exemptions were low but increased to 3%, compared with those during the 2021-22 school year (2.6%). At the state level, coverage with MMR, DTaP, polio, and VAR decreased in 29, 31, 28, and 25 states, respectively, compared with coverage during the 2021-22 school year. Exemptions increased in 40 states and DC, with 10 states reporting an exemption from at least one vaccine for >5% of kindergartners. Schools and providers should work to ensure that students are vaccinated before school entry, such as during the enrollment process, which is often several months before school starts. State and local provisional enrollment periods that allow students to attend school while on a catch-up schedule also provide the opportunity to fully vaccinate students and to prevent nonmedical exemptions resulting from lingering undervaccination due to COVID-19 pandemic-related barriers to vaccination, such as reduced access to vaccination appointments. |
The effects of policy changes and human mobility on the COVID-19 epidemic in the Dominican Republic, 2020-2021
Maloney P , Kompaniyets L , Yusuf H , Bonilla L , Figueroa C , Garcia M . Prev Med Rep 2023 36 102459 Recent advances in technology can be leveraged to enhance public health research and practice. This study aimed to assess the effects of mobility and policy changes on COVID-19 case growth and the effects of policy changes on mobility using data from Google Mobility Reports, information on public health policy, and COVID-19 testing results. Multiple bivariate regression analyses were conducted to address the study objectives. Policies designed to limit mobility led to decreases in mobility in public areas. These policies also decreased COVID-19 case growth. Conversely, policies that did not restrict mobility led to increases in mobility in public areas and led to increases in COVID-19 case growth. Mobility increases in public areas corresponded to increases in COVID-19 case growth, while concentration of mobility in residential areas corresponded to decreases in COVID-19 case growth. Overall, restrictive policies were effective in decreasing COVID-19 incidence in the Dominican Republic, while permissive policies led to increases in COVID-19 incidence. |
Vaccination coverage with selected vaccines and exemption rates among children in kindergarten - United States, 2021-22 school year
Seither R , Calhoun K , Yusuf OB , Dramann D , Mugerwa-Kasujja A , Knighton CL , Black CL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (2) 26-32 State and local school vaccination requirements protect students and communities against vaccine-preventable diseases (1). This report summarizes data collected by state and local immunization programs* on vaccination coverage and exemptions to vaccination among children in kindergarten in 49 states(†) and the District of Columbia and provisional enrollment or grace period status for kindergartners in 27 states(§) for the 2021-22 school year. Nationwide, vaccination coverage with 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) was 93.5%(¶); with the state-required number of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) doses was 93.1%**; with poliovirus vaccine (polio) was 93.5%(††); and with the state-required number of varicella vaccine doses was 92.8%.(§§) Compared with the 2020-21 school year, vaccination coverage decreased 0.4-0.9 percentage points for all vaccines. Although 2.6% of kindergartners had an exemption for at least one vaccine,(¶¶) an additional 3.9% who did not have an exemption were not up to date with MMR. Although there has been a nearly complete return to in-person learning after COVID-19 pandemic-associated disruptions, immunization programs continued to report COVID-19-related impacts on vaccination assessment and coverage. Follow-up with undervaccinated students and catch-up campaigns remain important for increasing vaccination coverage to prepandemic levels to protect children and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases. |
Association between thromboembolic events and COVID-19 infection within 30 days: a case-control study among a large sample of adult hospitalized patients in the United States, March 2020-June 2021.
Huang YA , Yusuf H , Adamski A , Hsu J , Baggs J , Auf R , Adjei S , Stoney R , Hooper WC , Llata E , Koumans EH , Ko JY , Romano S , Boehmer TK , Harris AM . J Thromb Thrombolysis 2022 1-6 The association between thromboembolic events (TE) and COVID-19 infection is not completely understood at the population level in the United States. We examined their association using a large US healthcare database. We analyzed data from the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release and conducted a case-control study. Thestudy population consisted of men and non-pregnant women aged18years with (cases) or without (controls) an inpatient ICD-10-CM diagnosis of TE between 3/1/2020 and 6/30/2021. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the association between TE occurrence and COVID-19 diagnosis, adjusting for demographic factors and comorbidities. Among 227,343 cases, 15.2% had a concurrent or prior COVID-19 diagnosis within 30days of their index TE. Multivariable regression analysis showed a statistically significant association between a COVID-19 diagnosis and TE among cases when compared to controls (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]1.75, 95% CI 1.72-1.78). The association was more substantial if a COVID-19 diagnosis occurred 1-30days prior to index hospitalization (aOR3.00, 95% CI 2.88-3.13) compared to the same encounter as the index hospitalization. Our findings suggest an increased risk of TE among persons within 30days of beingdiagnosed COVID-19, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the thrombotic risk among COVID-19 patients, particularly during the first month following diagnosis. |
Declines in the utilization of hospital-based care during COVID-19 pandemic.
Kazakova SV , Baggs J , Parra G , Yusuf H , Romano SD , Ko JY , Harris AM , Wolford H , Rose A , Reddy SC , Jernigan JA . J Hosp Med 2022 17 (12) 984-989 The disruptions of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic impacted the delivery and utilization of healthcare services with potential long-term implications for population health and the hospital workforce. Using electronic health record data from over 700 USacute care hospitals, we documented changes in admissions to hospital service areas (inpatient, observation, emergency room [ER], and same-day surgery) during 2019-2020 and examined whether surges of COVID-19 hospitalizations corresponded with increased inpatient disease severity and death rate. We found that in 2020, hospitalizations declined by 50% in April, with greatest declines occurring in same-day surgery (-73%). The youngest patients (0-17) experienced largest declines in ER, observation, and same-day surgery admissions; inpatient admissions declined the most among the oldest patients (65+). Infectious disease admissions increased by 52%. The monthly measures of inpatient case mix index, length of stay, and non-COVID death rate were higher in all months in 2020 compared with respective months in 2019. |
Sustaining Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE) in countries that have been validated for elimination - progress and challenges
Yusuf N , Steinglass R , Gasse F , Raza A , Ahmed B , Blanc DC , Yakubu A , Gregory C , Tohme RA . BMC Public Health 2022 22 (1) 691 BACKGROUND: As of October 2021, 47 (80%) of the 59 countries, identified at highest risk for Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT), had been validated for elimination. We assessed sustainability of MNT elimination (MNTE) in 28 countries that were validated during 2011‒2020. METHODS: We assessed the attainment of the following MNTE sustainability indicators: 1) ≥ 90% coverage with three doses of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis vaccine (DTP3) among infants < 1 year, 2) ≥ 80% coverage with at least two doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (TTCV2 +) among pregnant women, 3) ≥ 80% protection at birth (PAB), 4) ≥ 70% skilled birth attendance (SBA), and 4) ≥ 80% first (ANC1) and fourth antenatal care (ANC4) visits. We assessed the introduction of TTCV booster doses. Data sources included the 2020 WHO /UNICEF Joint Reporting Forms, and the latest Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) or Multi-Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) for each country, if available. We reviewed literature and used DHS/MICS data to identify barriers to sustaining MNTE. RESULTS: Of 28 assessed countries, 7 (25%) reported ≥ 90% DTP3 coverage, 4 of 26 (16%) reported ≥ 80% TTCV2 + coverage, and 23 of 27 (85%) reported ≥ 80% PAB coverage. Based on DHS/MICS in 15 of the 28 countries, 10 (67%) achieved ≥ 70% SBA delivery, 13 (87%) achieved ≥ 80% ANC1 visit coverage, and 3 (20%) ≥ 80% ANC4 visit coverage. We observed sub-optimal coverage in many countries at the subnational level. The first, second and third booster doses of TTCV respectively have been introduced in 6 (21%), 5 (18%), and 1 (4%) of 28 countries. Only three countries conducted post-MNTE validation assessments. Barriers to MNTE sustainability included: competing program priorities, limited resources to introduce TTCV booster doses and implement corrective immunization in high-risk districts and socio-economic factors. CONCLUSIONS: Despite good performance of MNTE indicators in several countries, MNTE sustainability appears threatened in some countries. Integration and coordination of MNTE activities with other immunization activities in the context of the Immunization Agenda 2030 lifecourse vaccination strategy such as providing tetanus booster doses in school-based vaccination platforms, during measles second dose and HPV vaccination, and integrating MNTE post-validation assessments with immunization program reviews will ensure MNTE is sustained. |
Progress toward achieving and sustaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination - worldwide, 2000-2020
Kanu FA , Yusuf N , Kassogue M , Ahmed B , Tohme RA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (11) 406-411 Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT)* remains a major cause of neonatal mortality with an 80%-100% case-fatality rate among insufficiently vaccinated mothers after unhygienic deliveries, especially in low-income countries (1). In 1989, the World Health Assembly endorsed elimination(†) of neonatal tetanus; the activity was relaunched in 1999 as the MNT elimination (MNTE)(§) initiative, targeting 59(¶) priority countries. MNTE strategies include 1) achieving ≥80% coverage with ≥2 doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (TTCV2+)** among women of reproductive age through routine and supplementary immunization activities (SIAs)(††) in high-risk districts,(§§) 2) achieving ≥70% of deliveries by a skilled birth attendant,(¶¶) and 3) implementing neonatal tetanus case-based surveillance (2). This report summarizes progress toward achieving and sustaining MNTE during 2000-2020 and updates a previous report (3). By December 2020, 52 (88%) of 59 priority countries had conducted TTCV SIAs. Globally, infants protected at birth*** against tetanus increased from 74% (2000) to 86% (2020), and deliveries assisted by a skilled birth attendant increased from 64% (2000-2006) to 83% (2014-2020). Reported neonatal tetanus cases worldwide decreased by 88%, from 17,935 (2000) to 2,229 (2020), and estimated deaths decreased by 92%, from 170,829 (2000) to 14,230 (2019).(†††) By December 2020, 47 (80%) of 59 priority countries were validated to have achieved MNTE, five of which conducted postvalidation assessments.(§§§) To achieve elimination in the 12 remaining countries and sustain elimination, innovation is needed, including integrating SIAs to cover multiple vaccine preventable diseases and implementing TTCV life course vaccination. |
Trends in Clinical Severity of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019-Premier Hospital Dataset, April 2020-April 2021.
Whitfield GP , Harris AM , Kadri SS , Warner S , Bamrah Morris S , Giovanni JE , Rogers-Brown JS , Hinckley AF , Kompaniyets L , Sircar KD , Yusuf HR , Koumans EH , Schweitzer BK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (1) ofab599 ![]() BACKGROUND: Clinical severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may vary over time; trends in clinical severity at admission during the pandemic among hospitalized patients in the United States have been incompletely described, so a historical record of severity over time is lacking. METHODS: We classified 466677 hospital admissions for COVID-19 from April 2020 to April 2021 into 4 mutually exclusive severity grades based on indicators present on admission (from most to least severe): Grade 4 included intensive care unit (ICU) admission and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV); grade 3 included non-IMV ICU and/or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; grade 2 included diagnosis of acute respiratory failure; and grade 1 included none of the above indicators. Trends were stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and comorbid conditions. We also examined severity in states with high vs low Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant burden. RESULTS: Severity tended to be lower among women, younger adults, and those with fewer comorbidities compared to their counterparts. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 1 or 2 fluctuated over time, but these less-severe grades comprised a majority (75%-85%) of admissions every month. Grades 3 and 4 consistently made up a minority of admissions (15%-25%), and grade 4 showed consistent decreases in all subgroups, including states with high Alpha variant burden. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical severity among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 has varied over time but has not consistently or markedly worsened over time. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 4 decreased in all subgroups. There was no consistent evidence of worsening severity in states with higher vs lower Alpha prevalence. |
Newborn Screening Practices for Beta-Thalassemia in the United States.
Bender MA , Hulihan M , Dorley MC , Aguinaga MDP , Ojodu J , Yusuf C . Int J Neonatal Screen 2021 7 (4) ![]() Beta-thalassemia, a heritable condition of abnormal hemoglobin production, is not a core condition on the United States Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) for state and territorial newborn screening (NBS) programs. However, screening for sickle cell disease (which is on the core RUSP) also detects reduced or absent levels of hemoglobin (Hb) A and certain other Hb variants associated with beta-thalassemia and, thus, allows for a timely referral to appropriate healthcare to minimize sequalae of the disease. The Association of Public Health Laboratories' Hemoglobinopathy Workgroup administered a comprehensive survey of all U.S. NBS programs to assess beta-thalassemia testing methodologies, the cutoffs for defining beta-thalassemia major, and the reporting and follow-up practices. Forty-six (87%) of the programs responded. Thirty-nine of the 46 responding programs (85%) report some form of suspected beta-thalassemia; however, the screening methods, the percentage of Hb A used as a cutoff for an indication of beta-thalassemia major, and the screening follow-up vary widely. The standardization of technical and reporting procedures may improve access to specialty care prior to severe complications, increase genetic counseling, and provide data needed to better understand the public health impact and clinical outcomes of beta-thalassemia in the United States. |
Progress and barriers towards maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination in the remaining 12 countries: a systematic review
Yusuf N , Raza AA , Chang-Blanc D , Ahmed B , Hailegebriel T , Luce RR , Tanifum P , Masresha B , Faton M , Omer MD , Farrukh S , Aung KD , Scobie HM , Tohme RA . Lancet Glob Health 2021 9 (11) e1610-e1617 This systematic review assessed the progress and barriers towards maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination in the 12 countries that are yet to achieve elimination, globally. Coverage of at least 80% (the coverage level required for elimination) was assessed among women of reproductive age for five factors: (1) at least two doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine, (2) protection at birth, (3) skilled birth attendance, (4) antenatal care visits, and (5) health facility delivery. A scoping review of the literature and data from Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys provided insights into the barriers to attaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination. Findings showed that none of the 12 countries attained at least 80% coverage for women of reproductive age receiving at least two doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine or protection at birth according to the data from Demographic and Health Surveys or Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Barriers to maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination were mostly related to health systems and socioeconomic factors. Modification to existing maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination strategies, including innovations, will be required to accelerate maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination in these countries. |
Association Between COVID-19 and Myocarditis Using Hospital-Based Administrative Data - United States, March 2020-January 2021.
Boehmer TK , Kompaniyets L , Lavery AM , Hsu J , Ko JY , Yusuf H , Romano SD , Gundlapalli AV , Oster ME , Harris AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (35) 1228-1232 Viral infections are a common cause of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) that can result in hospitalization, heart failure, and sudden death (1). Emerging data suggest an association between COVID-19 and myocarditis (2-5). CDC assessed this association using a large, U.S. hospital-based administrative database of health care encounters from >900 hospitals. Myocarditis inpatient encounters were 42.3% higher in 2020 than in 2019. During March 2020-January 2021, the period that coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk for myocarditis was 0.146% among patients diagnosed with COVID-19 during an inpatient or hospital-based outpatient encounter and 0.009% among patients who were not diagnosed with COVID-19. After adjusting for patient and hospital characteristics, patients with COVID-19 during March 2020-January 2021 had, on average, 15.7 times the risk for myocarditis compared with those without COVID-19 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 14.1-17.2); by age, risk ratios ranged from approximately 7.0 for patients aged 16-39 years to >30.0 for patients aged <16 years or ≥75 years. Overall, myocarditis was uncommon among persons with and without COVID-19; however, COVID-19 was significantly associated with an increased risk for myocarditis, with risk varying by age group. These findings underscore the importance of implementing evidence-based COVID-19 prevention strategies, including vaccination, to reduce the public health impact of COVID-19 and its associated complications. |
Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020-March 2021.
Kompaniyets L , Pennington AF , Goodman AB , Rosenblum HG , Belay B , Ko JY , Chevinsky JR , Schieber LZ , Summers AD , Lavery AM , Preston LE , Danielson ML , Cui Z , Namulanda G , Yusuf H , Mac Kenzie WR , Wong KK , Baggs J , Boehmer TK , Gundlapalli AV . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E66 INTRODUCTION: Severe COVID-19 illness in adults has been linked to underlying medical conditions. This study identified frequent underlying conditions and their attributable risk of severe COVID-19 illness. METHODS: We used data from more than 800 US hospitals in the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release (PHD-SR) to describe hospitalized patients aged 18 years or older with COVID-19 from March 2020 through March 2021. We used multivariable generalized linear models to estimate adjusted risk of intensive care unit admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, and death associated with frequent conditions and total number of conditions. RESULTS: Among 4,899,447 hospitalized adults in PHD-SR, 540,667 (11.0%) were patients with COVID-19, of whom 94.9% had at least 1 underlying medical condition. Essential hypertension (50.4%), disorders of lipid metabolism (49.4%), and obesity (33.0%) were the most common. The strongest risk factors for death were obesity (adjusted risk ratio [aRR] = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.27-1.33), anxiety and fear-related disorders (aRR = 1.28; 95% CI, 1.25-1.31), and diabetes with complication (aRR = 1.26; 95% CI, 1.24-1.28), as well as the total number of conditions, with aRRs of death ranging from 1.53 (95% CI, 1.41-1.67) for patients with 1 condition to 3.82 (95% CI, 3.45-4.23) for patients with more than 10 conditions (compared with patients with no conditions). CONCLUSION: Certain underlying conditions and the number of conditions were associated with severe COVID-19 illness. Hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism were the most frequent, whereas obesity, diabetes with complication, and anxiety disorders were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness. Careful evaluation and management of underlying conditions among patients with COVID-19 can help stratify risk for severe illness. |
Underlying Medical Conditions Associated With Severe COVID-19 Illness Among Children.
Kompaniyets L , Agathis NT , Nelson JM , Preston LE , Ko JY , Belay B , Pennington AF , Danielson ML , DeSisto CL , Chevinsky JR , Schieber LZ , Yusuf H , Baggs J , Mac Kenzie WR , Wong KK , Boehmer TK , Gundlapalli AV , Goodman AB . JAMA Netw Open 2021 4 (6) e2111182 IMPORTANCE: Information on underlying conditions and severe COVID-19 illness among children is limited. OBJECTIVE: To examine the risk of severe COVID-19 illness among children associated with underlying medical conditions and medical complexity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional study included patients aged 18 years and younger with International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification code U07.1 (COVID-19) or B97.29 (other coronavirus) during an emergency department or inpatient encounter from March 2020 through January 2021. Data were collected from the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release, which included data from more than 800 US hospitals. Multivariable generalized linear models, controlling for patient and hospital characteristics, were used to estimate adjusted risk of severe COVID-19 illness associated with underlying medical conditions and medical complexity. EXPOSURES: Underlying medical conditions and medical complexity (ie, presence of complex or noncomplex chronic disease). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Hospitalization and severe illness when hospitalized (ie, combined outcome of intensive care unit admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, or death). RESULTS: Among 43 465 patients with COVID-19 aged 18 years or younger, the median (interquartile range) age was 12 (4-16) years, 22 943 (52.8%) were female patients, and 12 491 (28.7%) had underlying medical conditions. The most common diagnosed conditions were asthma (4416 [10.2%]), neurodevelopmental disorders (1690 [3.9%]), anxiety and fear-related disorders (1374 [3.2%]), depressive disorders (1209 [2.8%]), and obesity (1071 [2.5%]). The strongest risk factors for hospitalization were type 1 diabetes (adjusted risk ratio [aRR], 4.60; 95% CI, 3.91-5.42) and obesity (aRR, 3.07; 95% CI, 2.66-3.54), and the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness were type 1 diabetes (aRR, 2.38; 95% CI, 2.06-2.76) and cardiac and circulatory congenital anomalies (aRR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.48-1.99). Prematurity was a risk factor for severe COVID-19 illness among children younger than 2 years (aRR, 1.83; 95% CI, 1.47-2.29). Chronic and complex chronic disease were risk factors for hospitalization, with aRRs of 2.91 (95% CI, 2.63-3.23) and 7.86 (95% CI, 6.91-8.95), respectively, as well as for severe COVID-19 illness, with aRRs of 1.95 (95% CI, 1.69-2.26) and 2.86 (95% CI, 2.47-3.32), respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This cross-sectional study found a higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness among children with medical complexity and certain underlying conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, cardiac and circulatory congenital anomalies, and obesity. Health care practitioners could consider the potential need for close observation and cautious clinical management of children with these conditions and COVID-19. |
MiR-378b Modulates Chlamydia-Induced Upper Genital Tract Pathology.
Lundy SR , Abney K , Ellerson D , Igietseme JU , Carroll D , Eko FO , Omosun YO . Pathogens 2021 10 (5) ![]() Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection causes severe reproductive pathologies such as salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease that can lead to tubal factor infertility. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are evolutionarily conserved regulators of mammalian gene expression in development, immunity and pathophysiologic processes during inflammation and infection, including Chlamydia infection. Among the miRNAs involved in regulating host responses and pathologic outcome of Chlamydia infection, we have shown that miR-378b was significantly differentially expressed during primary infection and reinfection. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that miR-378b is involved in the pathological outcome of Chlamydia infection. We developed miR-378b knockout mice (miR-378b(-/-)) using Crispr/Cas and infected them along with their wild-type (WT) control with Chlamydia to compare the infectivity and reproductive pathologies. The results showed that miR-378b(-/-) mice were unable to clear the infection compared to WT mice; also, miR-378b(-/-) mice exhibited a relatively higher Chlamydia burden throughout the duration of infection. However, gross pathology results showed that miR-378b(-/-) mice had significantly reduced uterine dilatations and pathologic lesions after two infections compared to WT mice. In addition, the pregnancy and fertility rates for infected miR-378b(-/-) mice showed protection from Chlamydia-induced infertility with fertility rate that was comparable to uninfected WT mice. These results are intriguing as they suggest that miR-378b is important in regulating host immune responses that control Chlamydial replication and drive the inflammation that causes complications such as infertility. The finding has important implications for biomarkers of Chlamydial complications and targets for prevention of disease. |
Late conditions diagnosed 1-4 months following an initial COVID-19 encounter: a matched cohort study using inpatient and outpatient administrative data - United States, March 1-June 30, 2020.
Chevinsky JR , Tao G , Lavery AM , Kukielka EA , Click ES , Malec D , Kompaniyets L , Bruce BB , Yusuf H , Goodman AB , Dixon MG , Nakao JH , Datta SD , Mac Kenzie WR , Kadri S , Saydah S , Giovanni JE , Gundlapalli AV . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 S5-S16 BACKGROUND: Late sequelae of COVID-19 have been reported; however, few studies have investigated the time-course or incidence of late new COVID-19-related health conditions (post-COVID conditions) after COVID-19 diagnosis. Studies distinguishing post-COVID conditions from late conditions caused by other etiologies are lacking. Using data from a large administrative all-payer database, we assessed the type, association, and timing of post-COVID conditions following COVID-19 diagnosis. METHODS: Using the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release (PHD-SR) (release date, October 20, 2020) data, during March-June 2020, 27,589 inpatients and 46,857 outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19 (case-patients) were 1:1 matched with patients without COVID-19 through the 4-month follow-up period (control-patients) by using propensity score matching. In this matched-cohort study, adjusted odds ratios were calculated to assess for late conditions that were more common in case-patients compared with control-patients. Incidence proportion was calculated for conditions that were more common in case-patients than control-patients during 31-120 days following a COVID-19 encounter. RESULTS: During 31-120 days after an initial COVID-19 inpatient hospitalization, 7.0% of adults experienced at least one of five post-COVID conditions. Among adult outpatients with COVID-19, 7.7% experienced at least one of ten post-COVID conditions. During 31-60 days after an initial outpatient encounter, adults with COVID-19 were 2.8 times as likely to experience acute pulmonary embolism as outpatient control-patients and were also more likely to experience a range of conditions affecting multiple body systems (e.g. nonspecific chest pain, fatigue, headache, and respiratory, nervous, circulatory, and gastrointestinal system symptoms) than outpatient control-patients. Children with COVID-19 were not more likely to experience late conditions than children without COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: These findings add to the evidence of late health conditions possibly related to COVID-19 in adults following COVID-19 diagnosis and can inform health care practice and resource planning for follow-up COVID-19 care. |
Differential miRNA Profiles Correlate With Disparate Immunity Outcomes Associated With Vaccine Immunization and Chlamydial Infection.
Howard S , Richardson S , Benyeogor I , Omosun Y , Dye K , Medhavi F , Lundy S , Adebayo O , Igietseme JU , Eko FO . Front Immunol 2021 12 625318 ![]() Vaccine-induced immune responses following immunization with promising Chlamydia vaccines protected experimental animals from Chlamydia-induced upper genital tract pathologies and infertility. In contrast, primary genital infection with live Chlamydia does not protect against these pathologies. We hypothesized that differential miRNA profiles induced in the upper genital tracts (UGT) of mice correlate with the disparate immunity vs. pathologic outcomes associated with vaccine immunization and chlamydial infection. Thus, miRNA expression profiles in the UGT of mice after Chlamydia infection (Live EB) and immunization with dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine (DC vaccine) or VCG-based vaccine (VCG vaccine) were compared using the NanoString nCounter Mouse miRNA assay. Of the 602 miRNAs differentially expressed (DE) in the UGT of immunized and infected mice, we selected 58 with counts >100 and p-values < 0.05 for further analysis. Interestingly, vaccine immunization and Chlamydia infection induced the expression of distinct miRNA profiles with a higher proportion in vaccine-immunized compared to Chlamydia infected mice; DC vaccine (41), VCG vaccine (23), and Live EB (15). Hierarchical clustering analysis showed notable differences in the uniquely DE miRNAs for each experimental group, with DC vaccine showing the highest number (21 up-regulated, five down-regulated), VCG vaccine (two up-regulated, five down-regulated), and live EB (two up-regulated, four down-regulated). The DC vaccine-immunized group showed the highest number (21 up-regulated and five down-regulated compared to two up-regulated and four down-regulated in the live Chlamydia infected group). Pathway analysis showed that the DE miRNAs target genes that regulate several biological processes and functions associated with immune response and inflammation. These results suggest that the induction of differential miRNA expression plays a significant role in the disparate immunity outcomes associated with Chlamydia infection and vaccination. |
Nigeria's public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic: January to May 2020.
Dan-Nwafor C , Ochu CL , Elimian K , Oladejo J , Ilori E , Umeokonkwo C , Steinhardt L , Igumbor E , Wagai J , Okwor T , Aderinola O , Mba N , Hassan A , Dalhat M , Jinadu K , Badaru S , Arinze C , Jafiya A , Disu Y , Saleh F , Abubakar A , Obiekea C , Yinka-Ogunleye A , Naidoo D , Namara G , Muhammad S , Ipadeola O , Ofoegbunam C , Ogunbode O , Akatobi C , Alagi M , Yashe R , Crawford E , Okunromade O , Aniaku E , Mba S , Agogo E , Olugbile M , Eneh C , Ahumibe A , Nwachukwu W , Ibekwe P , Adejoro OO , Ukponu W , Olayinka A , Okudo I , Aruna O , Yusuf F , Alex-Okoh M , Fawole T , Alaka A , Muntari H , Yennan S , Atteh R , Balogun M , Waziri N , Ogunniyi A , Ebhodaghe B , Lokossou V , Abudulaziz M , Adebiyi B , Abayomi A , Abudus-Salam I , Omilabu S , Lawal L , Kawu M , Muhammad B , Tsanyawa A , Soyinka F , Coker T , Alabi O , Joannis T , Dalhatu I , Swaminathan M , Salako B , Abubakar I , Fiona B , Nguku P , Aliyu SH , Ihekweazu C . J Glob Health 2020 10 (2) 020399 The novel coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19, which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1] was first reported in December 2019 by Chinese Health Authorities following an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, Hubei Province [2,3]. SARS-CoV-2 is likely of zoonotic origin, similar to SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and transmitted between humans through respiratory droplets and fomites. Since its emergence, it has rapidly spread globally [4]. |
Coronavirus Disease among Persons with Sickle Cell Disease, United States, March 20-May 21, 2020.
Panepinto JA , Brandow A , Mucalo L , Yusuf F , Singh A , Taylor B , Woods K , Payne AB , Peacock G , Schieve LA . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (10) 2473-2476 ![]() Sickle cell disease (SCD) disproportionately affects Black or African American persons in the United States and can cause multisystem organ damage and reduced lifespan. Among 178 persons with SCD in the United States who were reported to an SCD-coronavirus disease case registry, 122 (69%) were hospitalized and 13 (7%) died. |
Infants with Congenital Disorders Identified Through Newborn Screening - United States, 2015-2017.
Sontag MK , Yusuf C , Grosse SD , Edelman S , Miller JI , McKasson S , Kellar-Guenther Y , Gaffney M , Hinton CF , Cuthbert C , Singh S , Ojodu J , Shapira SK . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (36) 1265-1268 ![]() Newborn screening (NBS) identifies infants at risk for congenital disorders for which early intervention has been shown to improve outcomes (1). State public health programs are encouraged to screen for disorders on the national Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP), which increased from 29 disorders in 2005 to 35 in 2018.* The RUSP includes hearing loss (HL) and critical congenital heart defects, which can be detected through point-of-care screening, and 33 disorders detected through laboratory screening of dried blood spot (DBS) specimens. Numbers of cases for 33 disorders on the RUSP (32 DBS disorders and HL) reported by 50 U.S. state programs were tabulated. The three subtypes of sickle cell disease (SCD) listed as separate disorders on the RUSP (S,S disease; S,beta-thalassemia; and S,C disease) were combined for the current analysis, and the frequencies of the resulting disorders were calculated relative to annual births. During 2015-2017, the overall prevalence was 34.0 per 10,000 live births. Applying that frequency to 3,791,712 live births in 2018,(†) approximately 12,900 infants are expected to be identified each year with one of the disorders included in the study. The most prevalent disorder is HL (16.5 per 10,000), and the most prevalent DBS disorders are primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH) (6.0 per 10,000), SCD (4.9 per 10,000), and cystic fibrosis (CF) (1.8 per 10,000). Notable changes in prevalence for each of these disorders have occurred since the previous estimates based on 2006 births (2). The number of infants identified at a national level highlights the effect that NBS programs are having on infant health through early detection, intervention, and potential improved health, regardless of geographic, racial/ethnic, or socioeconomic differences. |
Newborn screening practices and alpha-thalassemia detection - United States, 2016
Bender MA , Yusuf C , Davis T , Dorley MC , Del Pilar Aguinaga M , Ingram A , Chan MS , Ubaike JC , Hassell K , Ojodu J , Hulihan M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (36) 1269-1272 Alpha-thalassemia comprises a group of inherited disorders in which alpha-hemoglobin chain production is reduced. Depending on the genotype, alpha-thalassemia results in moderate to profound anemia, hemolysis, growth delays, splenomegaly, and increased risk for thromboembolic events; certain patients might require chronic transfusions. Although alpha-thalassemia is not a core condition of the United States Recommended Uniform Screening Panel* for state newborn screening programs, methodologies used by some newborn screening programs to detect sickle cell disease, which is a core panel condition, also detect a quantitative marker of alpha-thalassemia, hemoglobin (Hb) Bart's, an abnormal type of hemoglobin. The percentage of Hb Bart's detected correlates with alpha-thalassemia severity. The Association of Public Health Laboratories' Hemoglobinopathy Workgroup conducted a survey of state newborn screening programs' alpha-thalassemia screening methodologies and reporting and follow-up practices. Survey findings indicated that 41 of 44 responding programs (93%) report some form of alpha-thalassemia results and 57% used a two-method screening protocol. However, the percentage of Hb Bart's used for thalassemia classification, the types of alpha-thalassemia reported, and the recipients of this information varied widely. These survey findings highlight the opportunity for newborn screening programs to revisit their policies as they reevaluate their practices in light of the recently released guideline from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) on Newborn Screening for Hemoglobinopathies (1). Although deferring to local programs for policies, the report used a cutoff of 25% Hb Bart's in its decision tree, a value many programs do not use. Standardization of screening and reporting might lead to more timely diagnoses and health care services and improved outcomes for persons with a clinically significant alpha-thalassemia. |
An evaluation of syndromic surveillance-related practices among selected state and local health agencies
Romano S , Yusuf H , Davis C , Thomas MJ , Grigorescu V . J Public Health Manag Pract 2020 28 (2) 109-115 CONTEXT: Syndromic surveillance consists of the systematic collection and use of near real-time data about health-related events for situational awareness and public health action. As syndromic surveillance programs continue to adopt new technologies and expand, it is valuable to evaluate these syndromic surveillance systems and practices to ensure that they meet public health needs. OBJECTIVE: This assessment's aim is to provide recent information about syndromic surveillance systems and practice characteristics among a group of state and local health departments. DESIGN/SETTING: Information was obtained between November 2017 and June 2018 through a telephone survey using an Office of Management and Budget-approved standardized data collection tool. Participants were syndromic surveillance staff from each of 31 state and local health departments participating in the National Syndromic Surveillance Program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Questions included jurisdictional experience, data sources and analysis systems used, syndromic system data processing characteristics, data quality verification procedures, and surveillance activities conducted with syndromic data. MEASURES: Practice-specific information such as types of systems and data sources used for syndromic surveillance, data quality monitoring, and uses of data for public health situational awareness (eg, investigating occurrences of or trends in diseases). RESULTS: The survey analysis revealed a wide range of experiences with syndromic surveillance. Participants reported the receipt of data daily or more frequently. Emergency department data were the primary data source; however, other data sources are being integrated into these systems. All health departments routinely monitored data quality. Syndromes of highest priority across the respondents for health events monitoring were influenza-like illness and drug-related syndromes. However, a wide variety of syndromes were reported as priorities across the health departments. CONCLUSION: Overall, syndromic surveillance was relevantly integrated into the public health surveillance infrastructure. The near real-time nature of the data and its flexibility to monitor different types of health-related issues make it especially useful for public health practitioners. Despite these advances, syndromic surveillance capacity, locally and nationally, must continue to evolve and progress should be monitored to ensure that syndromic surveillance systems and data are optimally able to meet jurisdictional needs. |
Progress toward maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination - worldwide, 2000-2018
Njuguna HN , Yusuf N , Raza AA , Ahmed B , Tohme RA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (17) 515-520 Maternal and neonatal tetanus* (MNT) remains a major public health problem, with an 80%-100% case-fatality rate among neonates, especially in areas with poor immunization coverage and limited access to clean deliveries (i.e., delivery in a health facility or assisted by medically trained attendants in sanitary conditions) and umbilical cord care (1). In 1989, the World Health Assembly endorsed the elimination(dagger) of neonatal tetanus (NT), and in 1999, the initiative was relaunched and renamed the MNT elimination( section sign) initiative, targeting 59( paragraph sign) priority countries (1). Elimination strategies include 1) achieving >/=80% coverage with >/=2 doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (TTCV) among women of reproductive age through routine immunization of pregnant women and supplementary immunization activities (SIAs)** in high-risk areas and districts(daggerdagger); 2) achieving care at >/=70% of deliveries by a skilled birth attendant (SBA)( section sign section sign); and 3) enhancing surveillance for NT cases (1). This report summarizes progress toward achieving MNT elimination during 2000-2018. Coverage with >/=2 doses of TTCV (2 doses of tetanus toxoid [TT2+] or 2 doses of tetanus-diphtheria toxoid [Td2+]) among women of reproductive age increased by 16%, from 62% in 2000 to 72% in 2018. By December 2018, 52 (88%) of 59 priority countries had conducted TTCV SIAs, vaccinating 154 million (77%) of 201 million targeted women of reproductive age with TT2+/Td2+. Globally, the percentage of deliveries assisted by SBAs increased from 62% during 2000-2005 to 81% during 2013-2018, and estimated neonatal tetanus deaths decreased by 85%, from 170,829 in 2000 to 25,000 in 2018. By December 2018, 45 (76%) of 59 priority countries were validated by WHO as having achieved MNT elimination. To achieve elimination in the remaining 14 countries and sustain elimination in countries that have achieved it, implementation of MNT elimination strategies needs to be maintained and strengthened, and TTCV booster doses need to be included in country immunization schedules as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) (2). In addition, integration of maternal, newborn, and child health services with vaccination services is needed, as well as innovative approaches to target hard-to-reach areas for tetanus vaccination and community engagement to strengthen surveillance. |
Integrated vector management with additional pre-transmission season thermal fogging is associated with a reduction in dengue incidence in Makassar, Indonesia: Results of an 8-year observational study
Wahid I , Ishak H , Hafid A , Fajri M , Sidjal S , Nurdin A , Azikin NT , Sudirman R , Hasan H , Yusuf M , Bachtiar I , Hawley WA , Rosenberg R , Lobo NF . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 13 (8) e0007606 Dengue virus transmission is endemic in Makassar, Indonesia, with the majority of cases reported soon after the start of the annual rainy season. Before 2006, larval source reduction, larvaciding, and reactive routine, outdoor, insecticide fogging campaigns did not result in a reduction in seasonal dengue incidence. Beginning in 2006, village volunteers conducted comprehensive surveys for immature Aedes during the dry season, when vector populations were at their lowest. Based on this pre-season vector data, a single additional pre-emptive outdoor fogging with Malathion was conducted once annually before the rains began in villages with a pre-defined proportion of sampled houses positive for Aedes immatures. This additional procedure was associated with reduced temporal larval indices as well as an 83% reduction in reported cases during the transmission season over the 8-year period of implementation. Two cities adjacent to Makassar experienced substantial but smaller reductions in dengue incidence; while other cities further from the intervention area did not. This represents the first time an integrated intervention strategy has been coupled with substantially reduced dengue transmission in Indonesia. |
A unique insight into the MiRNA profile during genital chlamydial infection.
Benyeogor I , Simoneaux T , Wu Y , Lundy S , George Z , Ryans K , McKeithen D , Pais R , Ellerson D , Lorenz WW , Omosun T , Thompson W , Eko FO , Black CM , Blas-Machado U , Igietseme JU , He Q , Omosun Y . BMC Genomics 2019 20 (1) 143 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Genital C. trachomatis infection may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) that can lead to tubal factor infertility (TFI). Understanding the pathogenesis of chlamydial complications including the pathophysiological processes within the female host genital tract is important in preventing adverse pathology. MicroRNAs regulate several pathophysiological processes of infectious and non-infectious etiologies. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the miRNA profile of single and repeat genital chlamydial infections will be different and that these differences will be time dependent. Thus, we analyzed and compared differentially expressed mice genital tract miRNAs after single and repeat chlamydia infections using a C. muridarum mouse model. Mice were sacrificed and their genital tract tissues were collected at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after a single and repeat chlamydia infections. Histopathology, and miRNA sequencing were performed. RESULTS: Histopathology presentation showed that the oviduct and uterus of reinfected mice were more inflamed, distended and dilated compared to mice infected once. The miRNAs expression profile was different in the reproductive tissues after a reinfection, with a greater number of miRNAs expressed after reinfection. Also, the number of miRNAs expressed each week after chlamydia infection and reinfection varied, with weeks eight and one having the highest number of differentially expressed miRNAs for chlamydia infection and reinfection respectively. Ten miRNAs; mmu-miR-378b, mmu-miR-204-5p, mmu-miR-151-5p, mmu-miR-142-3p, mmu-miR-128-3p, mmu-miR-335-3p, mmu-miR-195a-3p, mmu-miR-142-5p, mmu-miR-106a-5p and mmu-miR-92a-3p were common in both primary chlamydia infection and reinfection. Pathway analysis showed that, amongst other functions, the differentially regulated miRNAs control pathways involved in cellular and tissue development, disease conditions and toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insights into the changes in miRNA expression over time after chlamydia infection and reinfection, as well as the pathways they regulate to determine pathological outcomes. The miRNAs networks generated in our study shows that there are differences in the focus molecules involved in significant biological functions in chlamydia infection and reinfection, implying that chlamydial pathogenesis occurs differently for each type of infection and that this could be important when determining treatments regime and disease outcome. The study underscores the crucial role of host factors in chlamydia pathogenesis. |
Public Health Emergency Preparedness System Evaluation Criteria and Performance Metrics: A Review of Contributions of the CDC-funded Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers
Qari SH , Yusuf HR , Groseclose SL , Leinhos MR , Carbone EG . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2018 13 (3) 1-13 OBJECTIVES: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers (PERRCs) conducted research from 2008 to 2015 aimed to improve the complex public health emergency preparedness and response (PHEPR) system. This paper summarizes PERRC studies that addressed the development and assessment of criteria for evaluating PHEPR and metrics for measuring their efficiency and effectiveness. METHODS: We reviewed 171 PERRC publications indexed in PubMed between 2009 and 2016. These publications derived from 34 PERRC research projects. We identified publications that addressed the development or assessment of criteria and metrics pertaining to PHEPR systems and describe the evaluation methods used and tools developed, the system domains evaluated, and the metrics developed or assessed. RESULTS: We identified 29 publications from 12 of the 34 PERRC projects that addressed PHEPR system evaluation criteria and metrics. We grouped each study into 1 of 3 system domains, based on the metrics developed or assessed: (1) organizational characteristics (n = 9), (2) emergency response performance (n = 12), and (3) workforce capacity or capability (n = 8). These studies addressed PHEPR system activities including responses to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the 2011 tsunami, as well as emergency exercise performance, situational awareness, and workforce willingness to respond. Both PHEPR system process and outcome metrics were developed or assessed by PERRC studies. CONCLUSIONS: PERRC researchers developed and evaluated a range of PHEPR system evaluation criteria and metrics that should be considered by system partners interested in assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of their activities. Nonetheless, the monitoring and measurement problem in PHEPR is far from solved. Lack of standard measures that are readily obtained or computed at local levels remains a challenge for the public health preparedness field. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2018;page 1 of 13). |
Case definitions for conditions identified by newborn screening public health surveillance
Sontag MK , Sarkar D , Comeau AM , Hassell K , Botto LD , Parad R , Rose SR , Wintergerst KA , Smith-Whitley K , Singh S , Yusuf C , Ojodu J , Copeland S , Hinton CF . Int J Neonatal Screen 2018 4 (2) 16 Newborn screening (NBS) identifies infants with rare conditions to prevent death or the onset of irreversible morbidities. Conditions on the Health and Human Services Secretary's Recommended Uniform Screening Panel have been adopted by most state NBS programs, providing a consistent approach for identification of affected newborns across the United States. Screen-positive newborns are identified and referred for confirmatory diagnosis and follow-up. The designation of a clinically significant phenotype precursor to a clinical diagnosis may vary between clinical specialists, resulting in diagnostic variation. Determination of disease burden and birth prevalence of the screened conditions by public health tracking is made challenging by these variations. This report describes the development of a core group of new case definitions, along with implications, plans for their use, and links to the definitions that were developed by panels of clinical experts. These definitions have been developed through an iterative process and are piloted in NBS programs. Consensus public health surveillance case definitions for newborn screened disorders will allow for consistent categorization and tracking of short- and long-term follow-up of identified newborns at the local, regional, and national levels. |
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