Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-29 (of 29 Records) |
Query Trace: Xu XS[original query] |
Rat-tail models for studying hand-arm vibration syndrome: A comparison between living and cadaver rat tails
Warren CM , Xu XS , Jackson M , McKinney WG , Wu JZ , Welcome DE , Waugh S , Chapman P , Sinsel EW , Service S , Krajnak K , Dong RG . Vib 2024 7 (3) 722-737 Over-exposure of the hand-arm system to intense vibration and force over time may cause degeneration of the vascular, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems in the fingers. A novel animal model using rat tails has been developed to understand the health effects on human fingers exposed to vibration and force when operating powered hand tools or workpieces. The biodynamic responses, such as vibration stress, strain, and power absorption density, of the rat tails can be used to help evaluate the health effects related to vibration and force and to establish a dose-effect relationship. While the biodynamic responses of cadaver rat tails have been investigated, the objective of the current study was to determine whether the biodynamic responses of living rat tails are different from those of cadaver rat tails, and whether the biodynamic responses of both living and cadaver tails change with exposure duration. To make direct comparisons, the responses of both cadaver and living rat tails were examined on four different testing stations. The transfer function of each tail under a given contact force (2 N) was measured at each frequency in the one-third octave bands from 20 to 1000 Hz, and used to calculate the mechanical system parameters of the tails. The transfer functions were also measured at different exposure durations to determine the time dependency of the response. Differences were observed in the vibration biodynamic responses between living and cadaver tails, but the general trends were similar. The biodynamic responses of both cadaver and living rat tails varied with exposure duration. © 2024 by the authors. |
A novel rat-tail model for studying human finger vibration health effects
Dong RG , Warren C , Xu XS , Wu JZ , Welcome DE , Waugh S , Krajnak K . Proc Inst Mech Eng H 2023 237 (7) 9544119231181246 It has been hypothesized that the biodynamic responses of the human finger tissues to vibration are among the major stimuli that cause vibration health effects. Furthermore, the finger contact pressure can alter these effects. It is difficult to test these hypotheses using human subjects or existing animal models. The objective of this study was to develop a new rat-tail vibration model to investigate the combined effects of vibration and contact pressure and to identify their relationships with the biodynamic responses. Physically, the new exposure system was developed by adding a loading device to an existing rat-tail model. An analytical model of the rat-tail exposure system was proposed and used to formulate the methods for quantifying the biodynamic responses. A series of tests with six tails dissected from rat cadavers were conducted to test and evaluate the new model. The experimental and modeling results demonstrate that the new model behaves as predicted. Unlike the previous model, the vibration strain and stress of the rat tail does not depend primarily on the vibration response of the tail itself but on that of the loading device. This makes it possible to quantify and control the biodynamic responses conveniently and reliably by measuring the loading device response. This study also identified the basic characteristics of the tail biodynamic responses in the exposure system, which can be used to help design the experiments for studying vibration biological effects. |
Effects of whole-body vibration on reproductive physiology in a rat model of whole-body vibration
Krajnak K , Waugh S , Welcome D , Xu XS , Warren C , McKinney W , Dong RG . J Toxicol Environ Health A 2022 85 (23) 1-19 Findings from epidemiological studies suggest that occupational exposure to whole-body vibration (WBV) may increase the risk of miscarriage and contribute to a reduction in fertility rates in both men and women. However, workers exposed to WBV may also be exposed to other risk factors that contribute to reproductive dysfunction. The goal of this experiment was to examine the effects of WBV on reproductive physiology in a rat model. Male and female rats were exposed to WBV at the resonant frequency of the torso (31.5 Hz, 0.3 g amplitude) for 4 hr/day for 10 days. WBV exposure resulted in a significant reduction in number of developing follicles, and decrease in circulating estradiol concentrations, ovarian luteinizing hormone receptor protein levels, and marked changes in transcript levels for several factors involved in follicular development, cell cycle, and steroidogenesis. In males, WBV resulted in a significant reduction in spermatids and circulating prolactin levels, elevation in number of males having higher circulating testosterone concentrations, and marked alterations in levels of transcripts associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and factors involved in regulating the cell cycle. Based upon these findings data indicate that occupational exposure to WBV contributes to adverse alterations in reproductive physiology in both genders that may lead to reduction in fertility. |
A review of hand-arm vibration studies conducted by US NIOSH since 2000
Dong RG , Wu JZ , Xu XS , Welcome DE , Krajnak K . Vibration 2021 4 (2) 482-528 Studies on hand-transmitted vibration exposure, biodynamic responses, and biological effects were conducted by researchers at the Health Effects Laboratory Division (HELD) of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) during the last 20 years. These studies are systematically reviewed in this report, along with the identification of areas where additional research is needed. The majority of the studies cover the following aspects: (i) the methods and techniques for measuring hand-transmitted vibration exposure; (ii) vibration biodynamics of the hand-arm system and the quantification of vibration exposure; (iii) biological effects of hand-transmitted vibration exposure; (iv) measurements of vibration-induced health effects; (iv) quantification of influencing biomechanical effects; and (v) intervention methods and technologies for controlling hand-transmitted vibration exposure. The major findings of the studies are summarized and discussed. |
An investigation of the effectiveness of vibration-reducing gloves for controlling vibration exposures during grinding handheld workpieces
Xu XS , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Warren C , Service S , Lin H , Chen Q , Dong RG . Appl Ergon 2021 95 103454 Prolonged and intensive vibration exposures during the grinding of handheld workpieces may cause hand-arm vibration syndrome. The objectives of this study are to develop an on-the-hand method for evaluating vibration-reducing (VR) gloves, and to determine whether VR gloves can significantly reduce the vibration exposures. A worker holding and pressing a typical workpiece (golf club head) against a grinding wheel or belt in order to shape the workpiece was simulated, and the input vibration and those on the workpiece and hand-arm system were measured. Ten human subjects participated in the experiment. The results demonstrate that VR gloves significantly reduced the vibrations at the palm, hand dorsum, and wrist. The grinding interface condition and hand feed force did not substantially affect glove effectiveness. The use of gloves slightly increased the workpiece resonant response, but the resonant response did not significantly affect glove effectiveness. This study concluded that the use of VR gloves can help control vibration exposures of workers performing grinding of handheld workpieces. |
Characterizing vibration responses of a handheld workpiece and the handarm system
Xu XS , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Warren C , Lin H , Xiao B , Chen Q , Dong RG . J Low Freq Noise Vib Act Control 2020 40 (2) 802-822 The objective of this study is to characterize the vibration responses of a handheld workpiece and the handarm system, which is an important step toward identifying and developing effective methods and technologies for controlling the vibration exposures to workers performing the grinding of handheld workpieces. This study established a method for measuring the vibration responses of the entire workpiecehandarm system; the vibration exposure of a worker holding and pressing a typical workpiece against a sanding belt or grinding wheel in order to shape the workpiece was simulated. This method was applied to measure the apparent mass and vibration transmissibility of the system under two different feed forces (15 N and 30 N) and six simulated grinding interfaces with different stiffness values. A major resonance was observed in each transmissibility spectrum of the workpiece, which was correlated with the major resonance of the impedance of the entire system. This resonant frequency depended primarily on the workpiece mass and the grinding interface stiffness, but the handarm system could substantially affect the resonance magnitude. The feed force also significantly affected the resonance frequency and magnitude. While increasing the feed force increased the overall vibration transmissibility on the handarm system, the transmissibility with respect to the workpiece was not significantly affected by the interface conditions. The implications of the results are discussed. |
Identification of effective engineering methods for controlling handheld workpiece vibration in grinding processes
Dong RG , Welcome DE , Xu XS , McDowell TW . Int J Ind Ergon 2020 77 The objective of this study is to identify effective engineering methods for controlling handheld workpiece vibration during grinding processes. Prolonged and intensive exposures to such vibration can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome among workers performing workpiece grinding, but how to effectively control these exposures remains an important issue. This study developed a methodology for performing their analyses and evaluations based on a model of the entire grinding machine-workpiece-hand-arm system. The model can simulate the vibration responses of a workpiece held in the worker's hands and pressed against a grinding wheel in order to shape the workpiece in the major frequency range of concern (6.3-1600 Hz). The methodology was evaluated using available experimental data. The results suggest that the methodology is acceptable for these analyses and evaluations. The results also suggest that the workpiece vibration resulting from the machine vibration generally depends on two mechanisms or pathways: (1) the direct vibration transmission from the grinding machine; and (2) the indirect transmission that depends on both the machine vibration transmission to the workpiece and the interface excitation transformation to the workpiece vibration. The methodology was applied to explore and/or analyze various engineering methods for controlling workpiece vibrations. The modeling results suggest that while these intervention methods have different advantages and limitations, some of their combinations can effectively reduce the vibration exposures of grinding workers. These findings can be used as guidance for selecting and developing more effective technologies to control handheld workpiece vibration exposures. |
Development of a finger adapter method for testing and evaluating vibration-reducing gloves and materials
Xu XS , Welcome DE , Warren CM , McDowell TW , Dong RG . Measurement (Lond) 2019 137 362-374 The objective of this study was to develop a convenient and reliable adapter method for testing and evaluating vibration-reducing (VR) gloves and VR materials at the fingers. The general requirements and technical specifications for the design of the new adapter were based on our previous studies of hand-held adapters for vibration measurement and a conceptual model of the fingers-adapter-glove-handle system developed in this study. Two thicknesses (2 mm and 3 mm) of the adapter beam were fabricated using a 3-D printer. Each adapter is a thin beam equipped with a miniature tri-axial accelerometer (1.1 g) mounted at its center, with a total weight ≤ 2.2 g. To measure glove vibration transmissibility, the adapter is held with two gloved fingers; a finger is positioned on each side of the accelerometer. Each end of the adapter beam is slotted between the glove material and the finger. A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate this two-fingers-held adapter method by measuring the transmissibility of typical VR gloves and a sample VR material. The experimental results indicate that the major resonant frequency of the lightweight adapter on the VR material (≥800 Hz) is much higher than the resonant frequencies of the gloved fingers grasping a cylindrical handle (≤300 Hz). The experimental results were repeatable across the test treatments. The basic characteristics of the measured glove vibration transmissibility are consistent with the theoretical predictions based on the biodynamics of the gloved fingers-hand-arm system. The results suggest that VR glove fingers can effectively reduce only high-frequency vibration, and VR effectiveness can be increased by reducing the finger contact force. This study also demonstrated that the finger adapter method can be combined with the palm adapter method prescribed in the standardized glove test, which can double the test efficiency without substantially increasing the expense of the test. |
The effects of feed force on rivet bucking bar vibrations
McDowell TW , Xu XS , Warren C , Welcome DE , Dong RG . Int J Ind Ergon 2018 67 145-158 Percussive riveting is the primary process for attaching the outer sheet metal “skins” of an aircraft to its airframe. Workers using manually-operated riveting tools (riveting hammers and rivet bucking bars) are exposed to significant levels of hand-transmitted vibration (HTV) and are at risk of developing components of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). To protect workers, employers can assess and select riveting tools that produce reduced HTV exposures. Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) have developed a laboratory-based apparatus and methodology to evaluate the vibrations of rivet bucking bars. Using this simulated riveting approach, this study investigated the effects of feed force on the vibrations of several typical rivet bucking bars and that transmitted to the bucking bar operator's wrist. Five bucking bar models were assessed under three levels of feed force. The study results demonstrate that the feed force can be a major influencing factor on bucking bar vibrations. Similar feed force effects were observed at the bucking bar operator's wrist. This study also shows that different bucking bar designs will respond differently to variations in feed force. Some bucking bar designs may offer reduced vibration exposures to the bar operator's fingers while providing little attenuation of wrist acceleration. Knowledge of how rivet bucking bar models respond to riveting hammer vibrations can be important for making informed bucking bar selections. The study results indicate that, to help in the appropriate selection of bucking bars, candidate bar models should be evaluated at multiple feed force levels. The results also indicate that the bucking bar model, feed force level, or the bucking bar operator have no meaningful effects on the vibration excitation (riveting hammer), which further suggests that the test apparatus proposed by NIOSH researchers meets the basic requirements for a stable vibration source in laboratory-based bucking bar vibration assessments. This study provides relevant information that can be used to help develop a standardized laboratory-based bucking bar evaluation methodology and to help in the selection of appropriate bucking bars for various workplace riveting applications. Relevance to Industry: Because the feed force level can affect HTV exposures to bucking bar operators, the feed force required for specific riveting operations should be an important consideration when selecting bucking bar models. This study provides useful information about bucking bar responses to riveting hammer vibrations; this knowledge can improve bucking bar selections. |
The relationships between hand coupling force and vibration biodynamic responses of the hand-arm system
Pan D , Xu XS , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Warren C , Wu J , Dong RG . Ergonomics 2017 61 (6) 1-38 This study conducted two series of experiments to investigate the relationships between hand coupling force and biodynamic responses of the hand-arm system. In the first experiment, the vibration transmissibility on the system was measured as a continuous function of grip force while the hand was subjected to discrete sinusoidal excitations. In the second experiment, the biodynamic responses of the system subjected to a broadband random vibration were measured under five levels of grip forces and a combination of grip and push forces. This study found that the transmissibility at each given frequency increased with the increase in the grip force before reaching a maximum level. The transmissibility then tended to plateau or decrease when the grip force was further increased. This threshold force increased with an increase in the vibration frequency. These relationships remained the same for both types of vibrations. The implications of the experimental results are discussed. Practitioner Summary Shocks and vibrations transmitted to the hand-arm system may cause injuries and disorders of the system. How to take hand coupling force into account in the risk assessment of vibration exposure remains an important issue for further studies. This study is designed and conducted to help resolve this issue. |
Investigation of human body vibration exposures on haul trucks operating at U.S. surface mines/quarries relative to haul truck activity
Mayton AG , Porter WL , Xu XS , Weston EB , Rubenstein EN . Int J Ind Ergon 2017 64 188-198 Workers who operate mine haul trucks are exposed to whole-body vibration (WBV) on a routine basis. Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD) investigated WBV and hand-arm vibration (HAV) exposures for mine/quarry haul truck drivers in relation to the haul truck activities of dumping, loading, and traveling with and without a load. The findings show that WBV measures in weighted root-mean-square accelerations (aw) and vibration dose value (VDV), when compared to the ISO/ANSI and European Directive 2002/44/EC standards, were mostly below the Exposure Action Value (EAV) identified by the health guidance caution zone (HGCZ). Nevertheless, instances were recorded where the Exposure Limit Value (ELV) was exceeded by more than 500 to 600 percent for VDVx and awx, respectively. Researchers determined that these excessive levels occurred during the traveling empty activity, when the haul truck descended down grade into the pit loading area, sliding at times, on a wet and slippery road surface caused by rain and overwatering. WBV levels (not normalized to an 8-h shift) for the four haul truck activities showed mean awz levels for five of the seven drivers exceeding the ISO/ANSI EAV by 9-53 percent for the traveling empty activity. Mean awx and awz levels were generally higher for traveling empty and traveling loaded and lower for loading/dumping activities. HAV for measures taken on the steering wheel and shifter were all below the HGCZ which indicates that HAV is not an issue for these drivers/operators when handling steering and shifting control devices. |
Modeling of the interaction between grip force and vibration transmissibility of a finger
Wu JZ , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Xu XS , Dong RG . Med Eng Phys 2017 45 61-70 It is known that the vibration characteristics of the fingers and hand and the level of grip action interacts when operating a power tool. In the current study, we developed a hybrid finger model to simulate the vibrations of the hand-finger system when gripping a vibrating handle covered with soft materials. The hybrid finger model combines the characteristics of conventional finite element (FE) models, multi-body musculoskeletal models, and lumped mass models. The distal, middle, and proximal finger segments were constructed using FE models, the finger segments were connected via three flexible joint linkages (i.e., distal interphalangeal joint (DIP), proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint), and the MCP joint was connected to the ground and handle via lumped parameter elements. The effects of the active muscle forces were accounted for via the joint moments. The bone, nail, and hard connective tissues were assumed to be linearly elastic whereas the soft tissues, which include the skin and subcutaneous tissues, were considered as hyperelastic and viscoelastic. The general trends of the model predictions agree well with the previous experimental measurements in that the resonant frequency increased from proximal to the middle and to the distal finger segments for the same grip force, that the resonant frequency tends to increase with increasing grip force for the same finger segment, especially for the distal segment, and that the magnitude of vibration transmissibility tends to increase with increasing grip force, especially for the proximal segment. The advantage of the proposed model over the traditional vibration models is that it can predict the local vibration behavior of the finger to a tissue level, while taking into account the effects of the active musculoskeletal force, the effects of the contact conditions on vibrations, the global vibration characteristics. |
Vibrations transmitted from human hands to upper arm, shoulder, back, neck, and head
Xu XS , Dong RG , Welcome DE , Warren C , McDowell TW , Wu JZ . Int J Ind Ergon 2016 62 1-12 Some powered hand tools can generate significant vibration at frequencies below 25 Hz. It is not clear whether such vibration can be effectively transmitted to the upper arm, shoulder, neck, and head and cause adverse effects in these substructures. The objective of this study is to investigate the vibration transmission from the human hands to these substructures. Eight human subjects participated in the experiment, which was conducted on a 1-D vibration test system. Unlike many vibration transmission studies, both the right and left hand-arm systems were simultaneously exposed to the vibration to simulate a working posture in the experiment. A laser vibrometer and three accelerometers were used to measure the vibration transmitted to the substructures. The apparent mass at the palm of each hand was also measured to help in understanding the transmitted vibration and biodynamic response. This study found that the upper arm resonance frequency was 7-12 Hz, the shoulder resonance was 7-9 Hz, and the back and neck resonances were 6-7 Hz. The responses were affected by the hand-arm posture, applied hand force, and vibration magnitude. The transmissibility measured on the upper arm had a trend similar to that of the apparent mass measured at the palm in their major resonant frequency ranges. The implications of the results are discussed. Relevance to industry: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of the shoulder and neck are important issues among many workers. Many of these workers use heavy-duty powered hand tools. The combined mechanical loads and vibration exposures are among the major factors contributing to the development of MSDs. The vibration characteristics of the body segments examined in this study can be used to help understand MSDs and to help develop more effective intervention methods. © 2016. |
Tool-specific performance of vibration-reducing gloves for attenuating fingers-transmitted vibration
Welcome DE , Dong RG , Xu XS , Warren C , McDowell TW . Occup Ergon 2016 13 (1) 23-44 BACKGROUND: Fingers-transmitted vibration can cause vibration-induced white finger. The effectiveness of vibration reducing (VR) gloves for reducing hand transmitted vibration to the fingers has not been sufficiently examined. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to examine tool-specific performance of VR gloves for reducing finger-transmitted vibrations in three orthogonal directions (3D) from powered hand tools. METHODS: A transfer function method was used to estimate the tool-specific effectiveness of four typical VR gloves. The transfer functions of the VR glove fingers in three directions were either measured in this study or during a previous study using a 3D laser vibrometer. More than seventy vibration spectra of various tools or machines were used in the estimations. RESULTS: When assessed based on frequency-weighted acceleration, the gloves provided little vibration reduction. In some cases, the gloves amplified the vibration by more than 10%, especially the neoprene glove. However, the neoprene glove did the best when the assessment was based on unweighted acceleration. The neoprene glove was able to reduce the vibration by 10% or more of the unweighted vibration for 27 out of the 79 tools. If the dominant vibration of a tool handle or workpiece was in the shear direction relative to the fingers, as observed in the operation of needle scalers, hammer chisels, and bucking bars, the gloves did not reduce the vibration but increased it. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that the effectiveness for reducing vibration varied with the gloves and the vibration reduction of each glove depended on tool, vibration direction to the fingers, and finger location. VR gloves, including certified anti-vibration gloves do not provide much vibration reduction when judged based on frequency-weighted acceleration. However, some of the VR gloves can provide more than 10% reduction of the unweighted vibration for some tools or workpieces. Tools and gloves can be matched for better effectiveness for protecting the fingers. |
The effect of a mechanical arm system on portable grinder vibration emissions
McDowell TW , Welcome DE , Warren C , Xu XS , Dong RG . Ann Occup Hyg 2015 60 (3) 371-86 Mechanical arm systems are commonly used to support powered hand tools to alleviate ergonomic stressors related to the development of workplace musculoskeletal disorders. However, the use of these systems can increase exposure times to other potentially harmful agents such as hand-transmitted vibration. To examine how these tool support systems affect tool vibration, the primary objectives of this study were to characterize the vibration emissions of typical portable pneumatic grinders used for surface grinding with and without a mechanical arm support system at a workplace and to estimate the potential risk of the increased vibration exposure time afforded by the use of these mechanical arm systems. This study also developed a laboratory-based simulated grinding task based on the ISO 28927-1 (2009) standard for assessing grinder vibrations; the simulated grinding vibrations were compared with those measured during actual workplace grinder operations. The results of this study demonstrate that use of the mechanical arm may provide a health benefit by reducing the forces required to lift and maneuver the tools and by decreasing hand-transmitted vibration exposure. However, the arm does not substantially change the basic characteristics of grinder vibration spectra. The mechanical arm reduced the average frequency-weighted acceleration by about 24% in the workplace and by about 7% in the laboratory. Because use of the mechanical arm system can increase daily time-on-task by 50% or more, the use of such systems may actually increase daily time-weighted hand-transmitted vibration exposures in some cases. The laboratory acceleration measurements were substantially lower than the workplace measurements, and the laboratory tool rankings based on acceleration were considerably different than those from the workplace. Thus, it is doubtful that ISO 28927-1 is useful for estimating workplace grinder vibration exposures or for predicting workplace grinder acceleration rank orders. |
Review and evaluation of hand-arm coordinate systems for measuring vibration exposure, biodynamic responses, and hand forces
Dong RG , Sinsel EW , Welcome DE , Warren C , Xu XS , McDowell TW , Wu JZ . Saf Health Work 2015 6 (3) 159-73 The hand coordinate systems for measuring vibration exposures and biodynamic responses have been standardized, but they are not actually used in many studies. This contradicts the purpose of the standardization. The objectives of this study were to identify the major sources of this problem, and to help define or identify better coordinate systems for the standardization. This study systematically reviewed the principles and definition methods, and evaluated typical hand coordinate systems. This study confirms that, as accelerometers remain the major technology for vibration measurement, it is reasonable to standardize two types of coordinate systems: a tool-based basicentric (BC) system and an anatomically based biodynamic (BD) system. However, these coordinate systems are not well defined in the current standard. Definition of the standard BC system is confusing, and it can be interpreted differently; as a result, it has been inconsistently applied in various standards and studies. The standard hand BD system is defined using the orientation of the third metacarpal bone. It is neither convenient nor defined based on important biological or biodynamic features. This explains why it is rarely used in practice. To resolve these inconsistencies and deficiencies, we proposed a revised method for defining the realistic handle BC system and an alternative method for defining the hand BD system. A fingertip-based BD system for measuring the principal grip force is also proposed based on an important feature of the grip force confirmed in this study. |
An examination of an adapter method for measuring the vibration transmitted to the human arms
Xu XS , Dong RG , Welcome DE , Warren C , McDowell TW . Measurement (Lond) 2015 73 318-334 The objective of this study is to evaluate an adapter method for measuring the vibration on the human arms. Four instrumented adapters with different weights were used to measure the vibration transmitted to the wrist, forearm, and upper arm of each subject. Each adapter was attached at each location on the subjects using an elastic cloth wrap. Two laser vibrometers were also used to measure the transmitted vibration at each location to evaluate the validity of the adapter method. The apparent mass at the palm of the hand along the forearm direction was also measured to enhance the evaluation. This study found that the adapter and laser-measured transmissibility spectra were comparable with some systematic differences. While increasing the adapter mass reduced the resonant frequency at the measurement location, increasing the tightness of the adapter attachment increased the resonant frequency. However, the use of lightweight (15 g) adapters under medium attachment tightness did not change the basic trends of the transmissibility spectrum. The resonant features observed in the transmissibility spectra were also correlated with those observed in the apparent mass spectra. Because the local coordinate systems of the adapters may be significantly misaligned relative to the global coordinates of the vibration test systems, large errors were observed for the adapter-measured transmissibility in some individual orthogonal directions. This study, however, also demonstrated that the misalignment issue can be resolved by either using the total vibration transmissibility or by measuring the misalignment angles to correct the errors. Therefore, the adapter method is acceptable for understanding the basic characteristics of the vibration transmission in the human arms, and the adapter-measured data are acceptable for approximately modeling the system. |
An examination of the vibration transmissibility of the hand-arm system in three orthogonal directions
Welcome DE , Dong RG , Xu XS , Warren C , McDowell TG , Wu JZ . Int J Ind Ergon 2015 45 (1) 21-34 The objective of this study is to enhance the understanding of the vibration transmission in the hand-arm system in three orthogonal directions (X, Y, and Z). For the first time, the transmitted vibrations distributed on the entire hand-arm system exposed in the three orthogonal directions via a 3-D vibration test system were measured using a 3-D laser vibrometer. Seven adult male subjects participated in the experiment. This study confirms that the vibration transmissibility generally decreased with the increase in distance from the hand and it varied with the vibration direction. Specifically, to the upper arm and shoulder, only moderate vibration transmission was measured in the test frequency range (16 to 500Hz), and virtually no transmission was measured in the frequency range higher than 50Hz. The resonance vibration on the forearm was primarily in the range of 16-30Hz with the peak amplitude of approximately 1.5 times of the input vibration amplitude. The major resonance on the dorsal surfaces of the hand and wrist occurred at around 30-40Hz and, in the Y direction, with peak amplitude of more than 2.5 times of the input amplitude. At higher than 50Hz, vibration transmission was effectively limited to the hand and fingers. A major finger resonance was observed at around 100Hz in the X and Y directions and around 200Hz in the Z direction. In the fingers, the resonance magnitude in the Z direction was generally the lowest, and the resonance magnitude in the Y direction was generally the highest with the resonance amplitude of 3 times the input vibration, which was similar to the transmissibility at the wrist and hand dorsum. The implications of the results are discussed. RELEVANCE TO INDUSTRY: Prolonged, intensive exposure to hand-transmitted vibration could result in hand-arm vibration syndrome. While the syndrome's precise mechanisms remain unclear, the characterization of the vibration transmissibility of the system in the three orthogonal dimensions performed in this study can help understand the syndrome and help develop improved frequency weightings for assessing the risk of the exposure for developing various components of the syndrome. |
Tool-specific performance of vibration-reducing gloves for attenuating palm-transmitted vibrations in three orthogonal directions
Dong RG , Welcome DE , Peterson DR , Xu XS , McDowell TW , Warren C , Asaki T , Kudernatsch S , Brammer A . Int J Ind Ergon 2014 44 (6) 827-839 Vibration-reducing (VR) gloves have been increasingly used to help reduce vibration exposure, but it remains unclear how effective these gloves are. The purpose of this study was to estimate tool-specific performances of VR gloves for reducing the vibrations transmitted to the palm of the hand in three orthogonal directions (3-D) in an attempt to assess glove effectiveness and aid in the appropriate selection of these gloves. Four typical VR gloves were considered in this study, two of which can be classified as anti-vibration (AV) gloves according to the current AV glove test standard. The average transmissibility spectrum of each glove in each direction was synthesized based on spectra measured in this study and other spectra collected from reported studies. More than seventy vibration spectra of various tools or machines were considered in the estimations, which were also measured in this study or collected from reported studies. The glove performance assessments were based on the percent reduction of frequency-weighted acceleration as is required in the current standard for assessing the risk of vibration exposures. The estimated tool-specific vibration reductions of the gloves indicate that the VR gloves could slightly reduce (<5%) or marginally amplify (<10%) the vibrations generated from low-frequency (<25 Hz) tools or those vibrating primarily along the axis of the tool handle. With other tools, the VR gloves could reduce palm-transmitted vibrations in the range of 5%–58%, primarily depending on the specific tool and its vibration spectra in the three directions. The two AV gloves were not more effective than the other gloves with some of the tools considered in this study. The implications of the results are discussed. Relevance to industry Hand-transmitted vibration exposure may cause hand-arm vibration syndrome. Vibration-reducing gloves are considered as an alternative approach to reduce the vibration exposure. This study provides useful information on the effectiveness of the gloves when used with many tools for reducing the vibration transmitted to the palm in three directions. The results can aid in the appropriate selection and use of these gloves. |
Laboratory and workplace assessments of rivet bucking bar vibration emissions
McDowell TW , Warren C , Xu XS , Welcome DE , Dong RG . Ann Occup Hyg 2014 59 (3) 382-97 Sheet metal workers operating rivet bucking bars are at risk of developing hand and wrist musculoskeletal disorders associated with exposures to hand-transmitted vibrations and forceful exertions required to operate these hand tools. New bucking bar technologies have been introduced in efforts to reduce workplace vibration exposures to these workers. However, the efficacy of these new bucking bar designs has not been well documented. While there are standardized laboratory-based methodologies for assessing the vibration emissions of many types of powered hand tools, no such standard exists for rivet bucking bars. Therefore, this study included the development of a laboratory-based method for assessing bucking bar vibrations which utilizes a simulated riveting task. With this method, this study evaluated three traditional steel bucking bars, three similarly shaped tungsten alloy bars, and three bars featuring spring-dampeners. For comparison the bucking bar vibrations were also assessed during three typical riveting tasks at a large aircraft maintenance facility. The bucking bars were rank-ordered in terms of unweighted and frequency-weighted acceleration measured at the hand-tool interface. The results suggest that the developed laboratory method is a reasonable technique for ranking bucking bar vibration emissions; the lab-based riveting simulations produced similar rankings to the workplace rankings. However, the laboratory-based acceleration averages were considerably lower than the workplace measurements. These observations suggest that the laboratory test results are acceptable for comparing and screening bucking bars, but the laboratory measurements should not be directly used for assessing the risk of workplace bucking bar vibration exposures. The newer bucking bar technologies exhibited significantly reduced vibrations compared to the traditional steel bars. The results of this study, together with other information such as rivet quality, productivity, tool weight, comfort, worker acceptance, and initial cost can be used to make informed bucking bar selections. |
Vibration-reducing gloves: transmissibility at the palm of the hand in three orthogonal directions
McDowell TW , Dong RG , Welcome DE , Xu XS , Warren C . Ergonomics 2013 56 (12) 1823-40 Vibration-reducing (VR) gloves are commonly used as a means to help control exposures to hand-transmitted vibrations generated by powered hand tools. The objective of this study was to characterise the vibration transmissibility spectra and frequency-weighted vibration transmissibility of VR gloves at the palm of the hand in three orthogonal directions. Seven adult males participated in the evaluation of seven glove models using a three-dimensional hand-arm vibration test system. Three levels of hand coupling force were applied in the experiment. This study found that, in general, VR gloves are most effective at reducing vibrations transmitted to the palm along the forearm direction. Gloves that are found to be superior at reducing vibrations in the forearm direction may not be more effective in the other directions when compared with other VR gloves. This casts doubts on the validity of the standardised glove screening test. Practitioner Summary: This study used human subjects to measure three-dimensional vibration transmissibility of vibration-reducing gloves at the palm and identified their vibration attenuation characteristics. This study found the gloves to be most effective at reducing vibrations along the forearm direction. These gloves did not effectively attenuate vibration along the handle axial direction. |
Assessment of hand-transmitted vibration exposure from motorized forks used for beach-cleaning operations
McDowell TW , Welcome DE , Warren C , Xu XS , Dong RG . Ann Occup Hyg 2013 57 (1) 43-53 Motorized vibrating manure forks were used in beach-cleaning operations following the massive Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico during the summer of 2010. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to characterize the vibration emissions of these motorized forks and to provide a first approximation of hand-transmitted vibration exposures to workers using these forks for beach cleaning. METHODS: Eight operators were recruited to operate the motorized forks during this laboratory study. Four fork configurations were used in the study; two motor speeds and two fork basket options were evaluated. Accelerations were measured near each hand as the operators completed the simulated beach-cleaning task. RESULTS: The dominant vibration frequency for these tools was identified to be around 20 Hz. Because acceleration was found to increase with motor speed, workers should consider operating these tools with just enough speed to get the job done. These forks exhibited considerable acceleration magnitudes when unloaded. CONCLUSIONS: The study results suggest that the motor should not be operated with the fork in the unloaded state. Anti-vibration gloves are not effective at attenuating the vibration frequencies produced by these forks, and they may even amplify the transmitted vibration and increase hand/arm fatigue. While regular work gloves are suitable, vibration-reducing gloves may not be appropriate for use with these tools. These considerations may also be generally applicable for the use of motorized forks in other workplace environments. |
A proposed theory on biodynamic frequency weighting for hand-transmitted vibration exposure
Dong RG , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Xu XS , Krajnak K , Wu JZ . Ind Health 2012 50 (5) 412-24 The objective of this study is to propose a theory on the biodynamic frequency weighting for studying hand-transmitted vibration exposures and vibration-induced effects. We hypothesize that the development of a vibration effect is the result of two consecutive but synergistic processes: biodynamic responses to input vibration and biological responses to the biomechanical stimuli resulting from the biodynamic responses. Hence, we further hypothesize that the frequency-dependency (W) of the effect generally includes two components: a biodynamic frequency weighting (W1) and a biological frequency weighting (W2), or W=W1* W2. These hypotheses are consistent with the stress and strain analysis theory and methods widely used in structural dynamics and biomechanics. The factorization may make it easier to study the complex frequency-dependency using different approaches: the biodynamic frequency weighting depends on the passive physical response of the system to vibration, and it can thus be determined by examining the biodynamic response of the system using various engineering methods; on the other hand, the biological frequency weighting depends on the biological mechanisms of the effects, and it can be investigated by studying the psychophysical, physiological, and pathological responses. To help test these hypotheses, this study reviewed and further developed methods to derive the finger biodynamic frequency weighting. As a result, preliminary finger biodynamic frequency weightings are proposed. The implications of the proposed theory and the preliminary biodynamic frequency weightings are also discussed. |
Frequency-dependent effects of vibration on physiological systems: experiments with animals and other human surrogates
Krajnak K , Riley DA , Wu J , McDowell T , Welcome DE , Xu XS , Dong RG . Ind Health 2012 50 (5) 343-53 Occupational exposure to vibration through the use of power- and pneumatic hand-tools results in cold-induced vasospasms, finger blanching, and alterations in sensorineural function. Collectively, these symptoms are referred to as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Currently the International Standards Organization (ISO) standard ISO 5349-1 contains a frequency-weighting curve to help workers and employers predict the risk of developing HAVS with exposure to vibration of different frequencies. However, recent epidemiological and experimental evidence suggests that this curve under-represents the risk of injuries to the hands and fingers induced by exposure to vibration at higher frequencies (>100 Hz). To improve the curve, better exposure-response data need to be collected. The goal of this review is to summarize the results of animal and computational modeling studies that have examined the frequency-dependent effects of vibration, and discuss where additional research would be beneficial to fill these research gaps. |
Mechanical impedances distributed at the fingers and palm of the human hand in three orthogonal directions
Dong RG , Welcome DE , Xu XS , Warren C , McDowell TW , Wu JZ , Rakheja S . J Sound Vib 2012 331 (5) 1191-1206 The objective of this study is to investigate the basic characteristics of the three axis mechanical impedances distributed at the fingers and palm of the hand subjected to vibrations along three orthogonal directions (x(h), y(h), and z(h)). Seven subjects participated in the experiment on a novel three-dimensional (3-D) hand-arm vibration test system equipped with a 3-0 instrumented handle. The total impedance of the entire hand-arm system was obtained by performing a sum of the distributed impedances. Two major resonances were observed in the impedance data in each direction. For the hand forces (30 N grip and 50 N push) and body postures applied in this study, the first resonance was in the range of 20-40 Hz, and it was primarily observed in the impedance at the palm. The second resonance was generally observed in the impedance at the fingers, while the resonance frequency varied greatly with the subject and vibration direction, ranging from 100 to 200 Hz in the x(h) direction, 60 to 120 Hz in the y(h) direction, and 160 to 300 Hz in the z(h) direction. The impedance at the palm was greater than that at the fingers below a certain frequency in the range of 50100 Hz, depending on the vibration direction. At higher frequencies, however, the impedance magnitude at the fingers either approached or exceeded that at the palm. The impedance in the z(h) direction was generally higher than those in the other directions, but it became comparable with that in the x(h) direction at frequencies above 250 Hz, while the impedance in the y(h) direction was the lowest. The frequency dependencies of the vibration power absorptions for the entire hand-arm system in the three directions were different, but their basic trends were similar to that of the frequency weighting defined in the current ISO standard. The implications of the results are discussed. (Published by Elsevier Ltd.) |
An evaluation of the proposed revision of the anti-vibration glove test method defined in ISO 10819 (1996)
Welcome DE , Dong RG , Xu XS , Warren C , McDowell TW . Int J Ind Ergon 2012 42 (1) 143-155 To improve the reliability of the anti-vibration (AV) glove test defined in the current standard, a revised version of the standard has been proposed. However, the revised method has not been fully tested and sufficiently evaluated, and it is unknown whether it is practically feasible and convenient to implement the standard. To help achieve the objective of the revision, the specific aims of this study are to examine the rationale behind the major revisions of the standard and to evaluate the major technical aspects of the revised method through an experiment. Five human subjects participated in the experiment for the evaluation. Fifteen gloves with anti-vibration features were used in the experiment. To help evaluate the AV glove criteria, the effects of the glove on the grip strength were also examined. While this study failed to realize the constant-velocity spectrum proposed in the original revision, the glove vibration transmissibility values measured with a new spectrum proposed in the current study were very similar to those measured with the M and H spectra defined in the current standard, which suggests the new spectrum can greatly simplify the test without changing the original test results, and it should be adopted in the further revision of the standard. The results of this study also strongly support the proposed major revisions in the instrumentation and test procedures. Coincidently, the glove that reduced the grip strength the least was also the one that reduced the most vibration, which suggests that the negative and positive effects of the glove can be balanced in its design. While the subject is identified as a major influencing factor, this study proposed a novel approach – the use of a reference glove in the test to minimize the inter-subject and inter-laboratory variations. Based on the results of this study, some other further revisions in the test procedures, evaluation methods, and AV glove criteria were also proposed and discussed. Relevance to industry Anti-vibration gloves have been used as an alternative approach to reduce hand-transmitted vibration exposure. A standard is required to conduct a reliable screening test to help select appropriate anti-vibration gloves. This study can significantly help improve the current standard on the test. The results of this study can also be directly used to help select appropriate AV gloves. |
Evaluation of anti-vibration effectiveness of glove materials using an animal model
Xu XS , Riley DA , Persson M , Welcome DE , Krajnak K , Wu JZ , Govinda Raju SR , Dong RG . Biomed Mater Eng 2011 21 (4) 193-211 Gloves with anti-vibration features are increasingly used to reduce impact vibrations or shocks transmitted to the hands of power tool operators. Selection and evaluation of the glove materials are important steps in the designs of such gloves. In the current study, we proposed an approach to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the glove materials using a rat-tail impact model. As a critical part of a systematic investigation, we examined the vibration reduction characteristics of typical resilient glove materials (air bladders and viscoelastic gels) and the impact vibrations transmitted to the rat tail. A special test platform that mimics impact tool vibrations was constructed and used in the experiment. A scanning laser vibrometer was used to measure the vibration at points across the platform surface under several different test conditions. The peak acceleration was found to be greatly attenuated by the glove materials, especially by using strips from a gel-filled glove. The rat tail was found to effectively absorb the high-frequency vibration. However, the glove materials and the rat tail did not reduce the frequency-weighted acceleration. The implications of the experimental results are discussed. |
The vibration transmissibility and driving-point biodynamic response of the hand exposed to vibration normal to the palm
Xu XS , Welcome DE , McDowell TW , Wu JZ , Wimer B , Warren C , Dong RG . Int J Ind Ergon 2011 41 (5) 418-427 Prolonged, intensive exposure to vibrations from palm and orbital sanders could cause finger disorders. They are likely to be associated with the biodynamic responses of the fingers. Although the biodynamic responses of the hand-arm system have been studied by many researchers, the detailed biodynamic responses distributed in the hand substructures have not been sufficiently understood. To advance the knowledge in this aspect and to aid in the development of improved finite element models of the substructures, this study simultaneously measured the overall driving-point biodynamic response and the distribution of vibration transmissibility at the fingers and back of the hand exposed to a flat plate vibration (as an approximate simulation of the operations of the palm and orbital sanders) and examined the relationship between these two measures of biodynamic responses. Ten subjects (five males and five females) participated in the experiment. A scanning laser vibrometer was used to measure the distributed vibration. This study confirmed that the distributed hand responses generally varied with locations on each finger, vibration frequencies, and applied hand force. Two major resonances were observed in the vibration transmissibility. At the first resonance, the transmitted vibrations at different locations were more or less in phase; hence, this resonance was also observed in the driving-point biodynamic response that measures the overall biodynamic response of the system. The second resonance was observed at the fingers. Because this resonant frequency varied greatly among the fingers and the specific segments of each finger, it is difficult to identify this resonance in the driving-point biodynamic response. The implications of the findings for further model developments and applications are discussed. |
Effects of gloves on the total grip strength applied to cylindrical handles
Wimer B , McDowell TW , Xu XS , Welcome DE , Warren C , Dong RG . Int J Ind Ergon 2010 40 (5) 574-583 The major objectives of this study were to establish an alternative method for measuring the effects of gloves on the grip strength applied to cylindrical handles and to quantify the strength reduction due to the use of typical anti-vibration (AV) gloves. Different from previous studies that measure the grip force in a specific plane, the alternative method measures the total contact force normal to a cylindrical handle; the total grip strength is defined as the total contact force measured when a subject applies a power grip to the handle with his/her maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) effort. Two instrumented cylindrical handles (30 and 40. mm) were used in this study. Ten subjects participated in the experiment. Four types of AV gloves and two types of non-AV gloves were used in the experiment. Compared with bare-handed trials, each of the four anti-vibration gloves reduced the grip strength by more than 29%, regardless of handle size. One of the non-AV gloves also largely reduced the grip strength (>=25%) whereas the grip strength reduction of the other one was less than 10%. The gloves also influenced the grip force distribution pattern around the circumference of the cylindrical handles. The results suggest that the thickness of a glove is one of the major factors associated with these effects. Relevance to industry: Glove use is generally recommended to keep the hands warm and dry and to protect them from many other hazards, provided this is consistent with safe and effective tool operation. However, a user of thicker, stiffer gloves, such as some AV gloves, could be trading one health risk for another. Knowledge of the effects of gloves on grip strength can help workers, managers, and safety professionals make informed decisions about glove selection and use in the workplace. This knowledge may also lead to work glove improvements. 2010. |
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