Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 214 Records) |
Query Trace: Wood S[original query] |
Occupational exposure to inhalable agents is associated with reduced work ability: A prospective cohort study in Norway
Klepaker G , Torén K , Henneberger PK , Kongerud J , Fell AKM . J Occup Environ Med 2024 BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess work ability score (WAS) in 2018 based on self-reported data regarding inhalable occupational exposure and data from a northern European job-exposure matrix (N-JEM) recorded in 2013. METHODS: During the 5-year follow-up period of this population-based study, 4423 participants completed a postal questionnaire comprising self-reported questions regarding occupational exposure, work history, and WAS. RESULTS: Ever, weekly, and daily exposure to vapors, gas, dust and fumes (VGDF) in the last 5 years in 2013 was associated with reduced WAS in 2018. The N-JEM data showed that exposure to irritants, wood and paper dust, and mixed agricultural agents were associated with reduced WAS. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to several occupational inhalable substances is associated with reduced work ability. We recommend reducing inhalable occupational exposure to prevent reduced work ability. |
Coccidioidomycosis transmission through solid organ transplantation (2013-2022): A report of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network ad hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee
Lee DH , Abidi MZ , Fisher C , Hughart AL , Toda M , Williams S , Berry GJ , Graves R , Handarova D , Ho CS , Kittleson M , Levi ME , Livelli T , Marboe CC , Annamabhotla P , Miller RA , Sharma T , Sellers MT , Taimur S , Te HS , Trindade AJ , Wood RP , Zaffiri L , Pouch SM , Danziger-Isakov L . Transpl Infect Dis 2024 e14406 BACKGROUND: Coccidioidomycosis is a fungal infection that poses a serious risk when transmitted through organ transplantation. We analyzed cases reported to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network ad hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee from 2013 to 2022. METHODS: Donors and/or recipients who had positive Coccidioides immitis/posadasii serology, pathology, and/or culture were included in this study. Cases adjudicated as 'proven' or 'probable' were analyzed for donor infection risk factors, the timing of infection, transmission by organ type, clinical manifestations, and recipient outcomes. Patient and facility identifiers were removed prior to review. RESULTS: During this time period, 73 potential instances of Coccidioides donor disease transmission events were reported. Among them, infection was transmitted from seven deceased donors to eight recipients. All seven deceased donors had prior infection or exposure to regions where coccidioidomycosis is endemic. Of 20 individuals receiving organs from these donors, eight developed infection, resulting in a 40% transmission rate. The median time to diagnosis post-transplant was 39 days. Disseminated disease occurred in six recipients, five of whom died from the infection. Notably, none of the recipients who received prophylactic antifungal treatment died from the infection. CONCLUSION: Despite its rarity, donor-derived Coccidioides infection is a serious concern, particularly due to the high mortality rate in the early post-transplant period. To mitigate these risks, a thorough assessment of donor exposure history, coupled with donor serology and bronchoalveolar lavage cultures, can effectively guide post-transplant antifungal prophylaxis. Prompt reporting is crucial to prevent Coccidioides infections among other recipients. |
Fatal injuries among landscaping and tree care workers: Insights from NIOSH and state-based FACE reports
Kearney GD , Romano N , Doub A . J Saf Res 2024 91 393-400 Context: A comprehensive assessment of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and State-based Fatal Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) investigative reports involving landscaping and tree worker fatalities have not been fully examined. Methods: Narrative text from 93 FACE reports from 1987 to 2023 involving landscaping and tree care workers were reviewed, manually coded and analyzed on major variables. Univariate analyses was conducted to summarize results of decedent workers and workplace characteristics. Results: Among the total number of worker fatalities (n = 95), the most commonly reported incidents were, electrocutions from power lines (18.3%), falls from trees (16.1%), and incidents involving a worker being either caught, pulled, or dragged into wood-chipping machine (12.9%). More than 66.0% of fatal incidents occurred among tree care workers that had been on the job for one year or less. Among reports, 60.2% of employers lacked a written safety plan, and 34.4% did not provide job training to their workers. Conclusions: FACE case reports alone are not a valid measure of workplace fatalities. Nevertheless, the codification and descriptive summary of more than three decades of case reports increases understanding of circumstances and contributing risk factors associated with these tragic, and yet largely preventable incidents. A comprehensive approach is urgently needed that includes: (a) taking immediate action to reduce occupational risks while cultivating a robust safety culture across the industry, and (b) increasing research to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and prevention measures. Practical Application: The interconnectedness of safety challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that includes addressing issues related to new and diverse workers, employer commitments to the implementation of safety plans, and comprehensive training and mentorship programs. Intervention strategies and implementation measures are essential to diminishing fatalities in these high-risk jobs. © 2024 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd |
Impact of COVID-19 on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness prevalence: A cross-sectional survey
Wood MS , Halmer N , Bertolli J , Amsden LB , Nugent JR , Lin JS , Rothrock G , Nadle J , Chai SJ , Cope JR , Champsi JH , Yang J , Unger ER , Skarbinski J . PLoS One 2024 19 (9) e0309810 ![]() BACKGROUND: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) can be triggered by infectious agents including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). However, the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on ME/CFS prevalence is not well characterized. METHODS: In this population-based cross-sectional study, we enrolled a stratified random sample of 9,825 adult participants in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) integrated health system from July to October 2022 to assess overall ME/CFS-like illness prevalence and the proportion that were identified following COVID-19 illness. We used medical record and survey data to estimate the prevalence of ME/CFS-like illness based on self-reported symptoms congruent with the 2015 Institute of Medicine ME/CFS criteria. History of COVID-19 was based on a positive SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification test or ICD-10 diagnosis code in the medical record, or self-report of prior COVID-19 on a survey. RESULTS: Of 2,745,374 adults in the eligible population, an estimated 45,892 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 32,869, 58,914) or 1.67% (CI 1.20%, 2.15%) had ME/CFS-like illness. Among those with ME/CFS-like illness, an estimated 14.12% (CI 3.64%, 24.6%) developed the illness after COVID-19. Among persons who had COVID-19, those with ME/CFS-like illness after COVID-19 were more likely to be unvaccinated and to have had COVID-19 before June 1, 2021. All persons with ME/CFS-like illness had significant impairment in physical, mental, emotional, social, and occupational functioning compared to persons without ME/CFS-like illness. CONCLUSIONS: In a large, integrated health system, 1.67% of adults had ME/CFS-like illness and 14.12% of all persons with ME/CFS-like illness developed it after COVID-19. Though COVID-19 did not substantially increase ME/CFS-like illness in the KPNC population during the study time period, ME/CFS-like illness nevertheless affects a notable portion of this population and is consistent with estimates of ME/CFS prevalence in other populations. Additional attention is needed to improve awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of ME/CFS. |
Trends in contacts made by immigrants to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Treves-Kagan S , Le VD , Berra LS , Ray CM , Ruvalcaba Y , Wood L , D'Angelo DV , Vera TM , Estefan LF . Public Health Rep 2024 333549241279101 OBJECTIVES: Immigrants in the United States are more likely than nonimmigrants to experience risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV) and problems in getting support. The COVID-19 pandemic and recent incidents of xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment may have exacerbated exposure to IPV risk factors. We examined immigrant experiences of IPV before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: This study identified changes in characteristics of abuse, services used, referrals, and barriers to services among those who contacted the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) and identified as immigrants, reported immigration status as a concern, needed immigration support, and/or identified immigration status as a barrier to accessing services (N = 49 817). We used joinpoint regressions to examine whether the rate of change differed significantly from 2016-2019 (before the pandemic) to 2019-2021 (during the pandemic). RESULTS: The number of immigrant contacts to NDVH peaked in 2017 (n = 9333) and declined 25% to 6946 in 2021. During 2016-2019, the percentage of contacts reporting the following increased significantly: technology-facilitated violence (+12.7 percentage points), economic/financial abuse (+10.8 percentage points), and involvement of firearms (+4.8 percentage points); during 2019-2021, these trends reversed. The percentage of contacts reporting separation or divorce was relatively flat until 2019 and then increased from 14.6% in 2019 to 19.9% in 2021 (+5.2 percentage points). Housing instability increased during 2017-2020 (+9.3 percentage points), but requests for shelters decreased (-4.5 percentage points). Immigration status and personal finances were commonly reported barriers to services; both decreased during 2016-2019 but then increased during 2019-2021. CONCLUSIONS: This study can inform prevention and response strategies relevant for immigrants experiencing or reporting IPV. |
A microRNA diagnostic biomarker for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Banack SA , Dunlop RA , Mehta P , Mitsumoto H , Wood SP , Han M , Cox PA . Brain Commun 2024 6 (5) fcae268 ![]() ![]() Blood-based diagnostic biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will improve patient outcomes and positively impact novel drug development. Critical to the development of such biomarkers is robust method validation, optimization and replication with adequate sample sizes and neurological disease comparative blood samples. We sought to test an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis biomarker derived from diverse samples to determine if it is disease specific. Extracellular vesicles were extracted from blood plasma obtained from individuals diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, primary lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and healthy controls. Immunoaffinity purification was used to create a neural-enriched extracellular vesicle fraction. MicroRNAs were measured across sample cohorts using real-time polymerase chain reaction. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess differences in plasma microRNAs followed by post hoc Mann-Whitney tests to compare disease groups. Diagnostic accuracy was determined using a machine learning algorithm and a logistic regression model. We identified an eight-microRNA diagnostic signature for blood samples from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with high sensitivity and specificity and an area under the curve calculation of 98% with clear statistical separation from neurological controls. The eight identified microRNAs represent disease-related biological processes consistent with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The direction and magnitude of gene fold regulation are consistent across four separate patient cohorts with real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses conducted in two laboratories from diverse samples and sample collection procedures. We propose that this diagnostic signature could be an aid to neurologists to supplement current clinical metrics used to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
A qualitative exploration of barriers, facilitators and best practices for implementing environmental sustainability standards and reducing food waste in veterans affairs hospitals
Williams BD , Pitts SJ , Onufrak SJ , Sirois E , Utech A , Wood M , Silverman J , Ajenikoko F , Murphy M , Lowry Warnock A . J Hum Nutr Diet 2024 BACKGROUND: To improve the healthfulness of foods offered while accelerating the use of environmental sustainability practices, it is important to engage hospital food service operators in the adoption of such practices. The purpose of this study was to explore barriers, facilitators and best practices for implementing environmental sustainability standards in food service among veterans affairs (VA) hospitals in the United States. METHODS: We conducted an online survey with 14 VA hospital food service directors and then 11 qualitative interviews. The survey assessed motivations for initiating sustainability standards and included a self-rating of implementation for each of five standards: increasing plant-forward dishes, procuring and serving sustainable foods that meet organic/fair trade and other certifications, procuring and serving locally produced foods, reducing food waste and reducing energy consumption. Interviews were transcribed verbatim. Qualitative analysis, including coding of themes and subthemes, was conducted by two coders to determine barriers, facilitators and best practices for each of these five standards. Quantitative methods (counts and frequencies) were used to analyse the survey data. RESULTS: Participants had an average of 5 years of experience implementing sustainability standards. The top three motivators cited were reducing food waste, serving healthier foods and increasing efficiency or cost savings. Barriers revolved around patient preferences, contractual difficulties and costs related to reducing waste. Facilitators included taste testing new recipes that include more sustainable food options and easy access to sustainable products from the prime vendor. Best practices included making familiar dishes plant-forward and plate waste studies to prevent overproduction. CONCLUSIONS: Although there were many barriers to implementation, food service directors had solutions for overcoming challenges and implementing food service sustainability standards, which can be tested in future sustainability initiatives. |
Longitudinal associations between urinary biomarkers of phthalates and replacements with novel in vivo measures of placental health
Rosen EM , Stevens DR , McNell EE , Wood ME , Engel SM , Keil AP , Calafat AM , Botelho JC , Sinkovskaya E , Przybylska A , Saade G , Abuhamad A , Ferguson KK . Hum Reprod 2024 ![]() STUDY QUESTION: What is the longitudinal association between gestational phthalate exposure and in vivo placental outcomes? SUMMARY ANSWER: Phthalates were adversely associated with placental microvasculature, stiffness, and presence of calcification, with different metabolites associated with different outcomes. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Phthalate exposure is ubiquitous and implicated as a contributor to adverse pregnancy outcomes, possibly through impacts on the placenta. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A total of 303 women were recruited in early pregnancy and prospectively followed for up to eight visits across gestation in the Human Placenta and Phthalates study. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: At each visit, women provided urine samples and underwent placental ultrasounds. Urine was analyzed for 18 metabolites of phthalates and replacements. We took the geometric mean of repeated measurements to reflect pregnancy-averaged phthalate or replacement exposure for each participant (n = 303). Placental microvasculature, stiffness, and microcalcification presence were quantified from ultrasounds at each visit. Higher scores reflected worse placental function for all measures. Generalized linear mixed models were created to estimate the association between pregnancy-averaged exposure biomarker concentrations and repeated outcome measurements for microvasculature and stiffness. Gestational age at the time of calcification detection was modeled using Cox proportional hazards models. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Monocarboxyisononyl phthalate and summed di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate metabolites were associated with impaired microvasculature development, such that an interquartile range increase in concentration was associated with 0.11 standard deviation increase in the microvasculature ratio, indicating poorer vascularization (95% CI: 0.00, 0.22); 0.11 [95% CI: -0.01, 0.22], respectively. Monoethyl phthalate was associated with increased placental stiffness (0.09 [95% CI: -0.01, 0.19]) while summed di-iso-butyl phthalate metabolites and monobenzyl phthalate were associated with increased hazard of calcification detection (hazard ratios: 1.18 [95% CI: 0.98, 1.42]; 1.13 [95% CI: 0.96, 1.34]). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Outcomes used in this study are novel and further investigation is needed to provide clinical context and relevance. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: We found evidence of associations between select phthalate biomarkers and various aspects of in vivo placental health, although we did not observe consistency across placental outcomes. These findings could illustrate heterogeneous effects of phthalate exposure on placental function. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (ZIA ES103344), and NIEHS T32ES007018. The authors declare that they have no competing interests to disclose. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the CDC, the Public Health Service, or the US Department of Health and Human Services. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: N/A. |
Colorado tick fever in the United States, 2013-2022
Fagre A , Lehman J , Hills SL . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2024 Colorado tick fever (CTF) virus is an arbovirus maintained in an enzootic cycle between Rocky Mountain wood ticks (Dermacentor andersoni) and rodent species in the western United States. Individuals with CTF typically present with symptoms including fever, headache, myalgia, and lethargy, with a biphasic illness frequently occurring. We reviewed data on CTF cases reported to the national U.S. arboviral disease surveillance system and identified through testing at the CDC to characterize the epidemiology of CTF from 2013-2022. During this period, 148 CTF cases were identified, all likely infected in an endemic area in one of six states (Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Idaho). A median of 11 cases (range: 5-37) were identified per year, with an average annual national incidence of 0.04 cases per million population. The median age of cases was 55 years (range: 1-84 years), and 96 (65%) were male. Most (n = 145; 98%) cases acquired infection from April through July. The hospitalization rate was 16% (16 of 102 cases with data), and no deaths were reported. These findings substantiate the continued circulation of CTF virus in the western United States, highlighting the importance of implementing approaches to ensure CTF awareness for medical providers and providing education on tick bite prevention strategies for residents and visitors to risk areas. |
Chemical and thermal exposure risks in a multi compartment training structure
Horn GP , Stakes K , Neumann DL , Willi JM , Chaffer R , Weinschenk C , Fent KW . Fire Technol 2024 Providing NFPA 1403 compliant live-fire training can present thermal and chemical exposure risk to instructors and students. To reduce risk, training academies, fire departments, instructors, and standards setting technical committees need more information on how different training fuels used in common training structures can impact the environment in which firefighter training occurs. This study utilized a traditional concrete training structure with multiple compartments to characterize training environments with three different fuel package materials [i.e., low density wood fiberboard, oriented strand board (OSB), and wood pallets]. Exposure risks for a fire instructor located on either the first or second floor were characterized using measurements of heat flux, air temperature and airborne concentrations of several contaminants including known, probable, or possible carcinogens. It was hypothesized that utilizing a training fuel package with solid wood pallets would result in lower concentrations of these airborne contaminants [aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)] than wood-based sheet goods containing additional resins and/or waxes. Additionally, it was hypothesized that these concentrations would be lower than in the single compartment Fire Behavior Lab presented in a companion manuscript. For all measured compounds other than hydrochloric acid, airborne concentrations were 10 to 100 times lower than in the Fire Behavior Lab. OSB-fueled fires produced the highest median concentrations of total PAHs and VOCs such as benzene, while the pallet fuel package produced the lowest median concentrations of these compounds. These trends generally followed the qualitative visual obscuration created by each fuel. Additional tests were conducted on the OSB-fueled fires with increased ventilation and an alternate means of reducing visibility through smoldering smoke barrels. This OSB experiment with increased ventilation resulted in the highest temperatures in the fire room but the lowest impact on visibility throughout the structure, as well as the lowest overall concentrations of contaminants in this study. In contrast, the smoldering straw-filled smoke barrel created a highly obscured environment (with minimal impact on thermal environment) and some of the highest concentrations of the targeted contaminants of any test. These data may be useful in balancing obscuration for training with potential exposure to thermal stressors and contaminants. |
Personal care product use patterns in association with phthalate and replacement biomarkers across pregnancy
Rosen EM , Stevens DR , Ramos AM , McNell EE , Wood ME , Engel SM , Keil AP , Calafat AM , Botelho JC , Sinkovskaya E , Przybylska A , Saade G , Abuhamad A , Ferguson KK . J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2024 BACKGROUND: Humans are exposed to phthalates, a class of non-persistent chemicals, through multiple products, including personal care and cosmetics. Associations between specific phthalates and product use have been inconsistent. However, determining these connections could provide avenues for exposure reduction. OBJECTIVE: Examine the association between patterns of personal care product use and associations with phthalate and replacement biomarkers. METHODS: In the Human Placenta and Phthalates Study, 303 women were enrolled in early pregnancy and followed for up to 8 visits across gestation. At each visit, women completed a questionnaire about product use in the prior 24 hours and contributed urine samples, subsequently analyzed for 18 phthalate and replacement metabolites. At early, mid-, and late pregnancy, questionnaire responses were condensed and repeated metabolite concentrations were averaged. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to determine groups of women with similar use patterns, and weighted associations between group membership and biomarker concentrations were assessed. RESULTS: LCA sorted women into groups which largely corresponded to: (1) low fragranced product use (16-23% of women); (2) fragranced product and low body wash use (22-26%); 3) fragranced product and low bar soap use (26-51%); and (4) low product use (7-34%). Monoethyl phthalate (MEP) urinary concentrations were 7-10% lower and concentrations of summed di(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate metabolites were 15-21% lower among women in the "low fragranced product use" group compared to the population mean. Few other consistent associations between group and biomarker concentrations were noted. IMPACT STATEMENT: Personal care products and cosmetics are a known exposure source for phthalates and potentially represent one of the most accessible intervention targets for exposure reduction. However, in this analysis accounting for concurrent use and fragranced status of products, we did not find any use patterns that corresponded to universally lower levels. |
Bias analyses to investigate the impact of differential participation: Application to a birth defects case-control study
Petersen JM , Kahrs JC , Adrien N , Wood ME , Olshan AF , Smith LH , Howley MM , Ailes EC , Romitti PA , Herring AH , Parker SE , Shaw GM , Politis MD . Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2023 BACKGROUND: Certain associations observed in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) contrasted with other research or were from areas with mixed findings, including no decrease in odds of spina bifida with periconceptional folic acid supplementation, moderately increased cleft palate odds with ondansetron use and reduced hypospadias odds with maternal smoking. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the plausibility and extent of differential participation to produce effect estimates observed in NBDPS. METHODS: We searched the literature for factors related to these exposures and participation and conducted deterministic quantitative bias analyses. We estimated case-control participation and expected exposure prevalence based on internal and external reports, respectively. For the folic acid-spina bifida and ondansetron-cleft palate analyses, we hypothesized the true odds ratio (OR) based on prior studies and quantified the degree of exposure over- (or under-) representation to produce the crude OR (cOR) in NBDPS. For the smoking-hypospadias analysis, we estimated the extent of selection bias needed to nullify the association as well as the maximum potential harmful OR. RESULTS: Under our assumptions (participation, exposure prevalence, true OR), there was overrepresentation of folic acid use and underrepresentation of ondansetron use and smoking among participants. Folic acid-exposed spina bifida cases would need to have been ≥1.2× more likely to participate than exposed controls to yield the observed null cOR. Ondansetron-exposed cleft palate cases would need to have been 1.6× more likely to participate than exposed controls if the true OR is null. Smoking-exposed hypospadias cases would need to have been ≥1.2 times less likely to participate than exposed controls for the association to falsely appear protective (upper bound of selection bias adjusted smoking-hypospadias OR = 2.02). CONCLUSIONS: Differential participation could partly explain certain associations observed in NBDPS, but questions remain about why. Potential impacts of other systematic errors (e.g. exposure misclassification) could be informed by additional research. |
Racial discrimination and interpersonal violence in Asian American adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lu Y , Baumler E , Wood L , Le VD , Guillot-Wright SP , Temple JR . J Adolesc Health 2023 PURPOSE: Racial discrimination targeting Asians in the United States has increased sharply since the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a well-established link with mental/physical health outcomes, little is known about how racial discrimination relates to interpersonal violence, particularly in adolescents. To address this gap in knowledge, we examined cross-sectional and longitudinal (1-year follow-up) associations between racial discrimination and interpersonal violence perpetration and victimization in Asian American adolescents in a large US city. METHODS: Data from Waves 3 (2020) and 4 (2021) of a randomized clinical trial of a school-based violence prevention program were examined. We limited our sample to participants who identified as Asian American (n = 344; 48.3% female; Mean(age) = 14.6 years at Wave 3). RESULTS: At Wave 3, 26.5% of the adolescents reported experiencing some form of racial discrimination, including 18.3% experiencing verbal harassment due to race and 16.0% reporting inequitable treatment due to race. Relative to their nonvictimized counterparts, adolescents who experienced racial discrimination were more likely to report being a victim of bullying and teen dating violence cross-sectionally and being a bullying victim longitudinally. Moreover, those who experienced racial discrimination reported more bullying and teen dating violence perpetration concurrently, as well as more dating violence perpetration 1 year later. DISCUSSION: In the understudied population of Asian American adolescents, we found that experiencing racial discrimination contributes to both interpersonal violence victimization and perpetration. Youth violence prevention could include strategies addressing racial discrimination. |
Development and validation of a risk model for hospital-acquired venous thrombosis: The Medical Inpatients Thrombosis and Hemostasis (MITH) Study
Zakai NA , Wilkinson K , Sparks AD , Packer RT , Koh I , Roetker NS , Repp AB , Thomas R , Holmes CE , Cushman M , Plante TB , Al-Samkari H , Pishko AM , Wood WA , Masias C , Gangaraju R , Li A , Garcia D , Wiggins KL , Schaefer JK , Hooper C , Smith NL , McClure LA . J Thromb Haemost 2023 ![]() BACKGROUND: Regulatory organizations recommend assessing hospital-acquired (HA) venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk for medical inpatients. OBJECTIVES: To develop and validate a risk assessment model (RAM) for HA-VTE in medical inpatients using objective and assessable risk factors knowable at admission. PATIENTS/METHODS: The development cohort included people admitted to medical services at the University of Vermont Medical Center (Burlington, VT, USA) between 2010-19 and the validation cohorts people admitted to Hennepin County Medical Center (Minneapolis, MN, USA), University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, MI, USA), and Harris Health Systems (Houston, TX, USA). Individuals with VTE at admission, <18-years old, and admitted for <1 midnight were excluded. We used a Bayesian penalized regression technique to selected candidate HA-VTE risk factors for final inclusion in the RAM. RESULTS: The development cohort included 60,633 admissions and 227 HA-VTE and the validation cohorts 111,269 admissions and 651 HA-VTE. Seven HA-VTE risk factors with t-statistics ≥1.5 were included in the RAM: prior history of VTE, low hemoglobin, elevated creatinine, active cancer, hyponatremia, elevated red cell distribution width, and malnutrition. The AUC and calibration slope were 0.72 and 1.10. The AUC and calibration slopes were 0.70 and 0.93 at Hennepin County Medical Center, 0.70 and 0.87 at the University of Michigan Medical Center, and 0.71 and 1.00 at Harris Health Systems. The RAM performed well stratified by age, sex, and race. CONCLUSIONS: We developed and validated a RAM for HA-VTE in medical inpatients. By quantifying risk, clinicians can determine the potential benefits of measures to reduce HA-VTE. |
Evaluation of detection and response times of fire sensors using an atmospheric monitoring system
Rowland JH 3rd , Litton CD , Thomas RA . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2016 340 (1) 104-112 Atmospheric monitoring systems (AMS) are required when using air from conveyor belt entries to ventilate working sections in U.S. underground coal mines. AMS technology has the potential to increase fire safety mine-wide, but research is needed to determine the detection and response times for fires of a variety of combustible materials. To evaluate the potential of an AMS for fire detection in other areas of a coal mine, a series of full-scale fire experiments were conducted to determine detection and response times from fires of different combustible materials that are found in U.S. underground coal mines, including high- and low-volatility coals, conveyor belts, brattice materials, different types of wood, diesel fuel, and a foam sealant. These experiments were conducted in the Safety Research Coal Mine (SRCM) of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) located in Pittsburgh, PA, using a commercially available AMS that is typical of current technology. The results showed that through proper selection of sensors and their locations, a mine-wide AMS can provide sufficient early fire warning times and improve the health and safety of miners. |
Variability and longitudinal trajectories of phthalate and replacement biomarkers across pregnancy in the human placenta and phthalates study
Rosen EM , Stevens DR , McNell EE , Wood ME , Engel SM , Keil AP , Calafat AM , Botelho JC , Sinkovskaya E , Przybylska A , Saade G , Abuhamad A , Ferguson KK . Environ Sci Technol 2023 57 (35) 13036-13046 Human exposure to phthalates is widespread, but assessment of variability across pregnancy has been hampered by short half-lives of phthalate biomarkers and a few repeated measures in prior studies. We aimed to characterize the variability and longitudinal profiles of phthalate and replacement biomarkers across pregnancy. Within the Human Placenta and Phthalates Study, 303 pregnant women provided urine samples at up to 8 visits across gestation. Concentrations of 14 metabolites of phthalates and 4 metabolites of replacements were quantified in each sample, and subject-specific averages within each trimester were calculated. We examined variability in individual biomarker concentrations across the 8 visits, within trimesters, and across trimester-specific averages using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). To explore longitudinal exposure biomarker profiles, we applied group-based trajectory modeling to trimester-specific averages over pregnancy. Pooling multiple visits into trimester-specific averages improved the ICCs for all biomarkers. Most biomarkers generally showed stable concentrations across gestation, i.e., high-, medium-, and low-concentration profiles, with small proportions of participants falling into the "high"-exposure groups. Variability over pregnancy is likely attributable to random fluctuations around a baseline exposure rather than true changes in concentrations over time. |
Exposure risks and potential control measures for a fire behavior lab training structure: part b-chemical gas concentrations
Horn GP , Stakes K , Neumann D , Madrzykowski D , Fent KW . Fire Technol 2023 [Epub ahead of print] Firefighters' or instructors' exposure to airborne chemicals during live-fire training may depend on fuels being burned, fuel orientation and participants' location within the structure. This study was designed to evaluate the impact of different control measures on exposure risk to combustion byproducts during fire dynamics training where fuel packages are mounted at or near the ceiling. These measures included substitution of training fuels (low density wood fiberboard, oriented strand board (OSB), pallets, particle board, plywood) and adoption of engineering controls such as changing the location of the instructor and students using the structure. Experiments were conducted for two different training durations: the typical six ventilation cycle (six-cycle) and a shorter three ventilation cycle (three-cycle) with a subset of training fuels. In Part A of this series, we characterized the fire dynamics within the structure, including the ability of each fuel to provide an environment that achieves the training objectives. Here, in Part B, airborne chemical concentrations are reported at the location where fire instructors would typically be operating. We hypothesized that utilizing a training fuel package with solid wood pallets would result in lower concentrations of airborne contaminants at the rear instructor location than wood-based sheet products containing additional resins and/or waxes. In the six-cycle experiments (at the rear instructor location), OSB-fueled fires produced the highest median concentrations of benzene and 1,3 butadiene, plywood-fueled fires produced the highest total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations, particle board-fueled fires produced the highest methyl isocyanate concentrations, and pallet-fueled fires produced the highest hydrogen chloride concentrations. All fuels other than particle board produced similarly high levels of formaldehyde at the rear instructor location. The OSB fuel package created the most consistent fire dynamics over six-cycles, while fiberboard resulted in consistent fire dynamics only for the first three cycles. In the follow-on three-cycle experiment, PAH, benzene, and aldehyde concentrations were similar for the OSB and fiberboard-fueled fires. Air sampling did not identify any clear differences between training fires from burning solid wood pallets and those that incorporate wood-based sheet products for this commonly employed fuel arrangement with fuels mounted high in the compartment. However, it was found that exposure can be reduced by moving firefighters and instructors lower in the compartment and/or by moving the instructor in charge of ventilation from the rear of the structure (where highest concentrations were consistently measured) to an outside position. |
Social Contact Patterns and Implications for Infectious Disease Transmission: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Contact Surveys (preprint)
Mousa A , Winskill P , Watson OJ , Ratmann O , Monod M , Ajelli M , Diallo A , Dodd PJ , Grijalva CG , Kiti MC , Krishnan A , Kumar R , Kumar S , Kwok KO , Lanata CF , Le Polain de Waroux O , Leung K , Mahikul W , Melegaro A , Morrow CD , Mossong J , Neal EF , Nokes DJ , Pan-Ngum W , Potter GE , Russell FM , Saha S , Sugimoto JD , Wei WI , Wood RR , Wu JT , Zhang J , Walker PG , Whittaker C . medRxiv 2021 BACKGROUND: Transmission of respiratory pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 depends on patterns of contact and mixing across populations. Understanding this is crucial to predict pathogen spread and the effectiveness of control efforts. Most analyses of contact patterns to date have focussed on high-income settings. METHODS: Here, we conduct a systematic review and individual-participant meta-analysis of surveys carried out in low- and middle-income countries and compare patterns of contact in these settings to surveys previously carried out in high-income countries. Using individual-level data from 28,503 participants and 413,069 contacts across 27 surveys we explored how contact characteristics (number, location, duration and whether physical) vary across income settings. RESULTS: Contact rates declined with age in high- and upper-middle-income settings, but not in low-income settings, where adults aged 65+ made similar numbers of contacts as younger individuals and mixed with all age-groups. Across all settings, increasing household size was a key determinant of contact frequency and characteristics, but low-income settings were characterised by the largest, most intergenerational households. A higher proportion of contacts were made at home in low-income settings, and work/school contacts were more frequent in high-income strata. We also observed contrasting effects of gender across income-strata on the frequency, duration and type of contacts individuals made. CONCLUSIONS: These differences in contact patterns between settings have material consequences for both spread of respiratory pathogens, as well as the effectiveness of different non-pharmaceutical interventions. FUNDING: This work is primarily being funded by joint Centre funding from the UK Medical Research Council and DFID (MR/R015600/1). |
Evaluation of association of anti-PEG antibodies with anaphylaxis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (preprint)
Zhou ZH , Cortese MM , Fang JL , Wood R , Hummell DS , Risma KA , Norton AE , KuKuruga M , Kirshner S , Rabin RL , Agarabi C , Staat MA , Halasa N , Ware R , Stahl A , McMahon M , Browning P , Maniatis P , Bolcen S , Edwards KM , Su JR , Dharmarajan S , Forshee R , Broder KR , Anderson S , Kozlowski S . medRxiv 2023 12 (28) 4183-4189 Background: The mechanism for anaphylaxis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has been widely debated; understanding this serious adverse event is important for future vaccines of similar design. A mechanism proposed is type I hypersensitivity (i.e., IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation) to excipient polyethylene glycol (PEG). Using an assay that, uniquely, had been previously assessed in patients with anaphylaxis to PEG, our objective was to compare anti-PEG IgE in serum from mRNA COVID-19 vaccine anaphylaxis case-patients and persons vaccinated without allergic reactions. Secondarily, we compared anti-PEG IgG and IgM to assess alternative mechanisms. Method(s): Selected anaphylaxis case-patients reported to U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System December 14, 2020 - March 25, 2021 were invited to provide a serum sample. mRNA COVID-19 vaccine study participants with residual serum and no allergic reaction post-vaccination ("controls") were frequency matched to cases 3:1 on vaccine and dose number, sex and 10-year age category. Anti-PEG IgE was measured using a dual cytometric bead assay. Anti-PEG IgG and IgM were measured using two different assays. Laboratorians were blinded to case/control status. Result(s): All 20 case-patients were women; 17 had anaphylaxis after dose 1, 3 after dose 2. Thirteen (65%) were hospitalized and 7 (35%) were intubated. Time from vaccination to serum collection was longer for case-patients vs controls (post-dose 1: median 105 vs 21 days). Among Moderna recipients, anti-PEG IgE was detected in 1 of 10 (10%) case-patients vs 8 of 30 (27%) controls (p=0.40); among Pfizer-BioNTech recipients, it was detected in 0 of 10 case-patients (0%) vs 1 of 30 (3%) controls (p>0.99). Anti-PEG IgE quantitative signals followed this same pattern. Neither anti-PEG IgG nor IgM was associated with case status with both assay formats. Conclusion(s): Our results support that anti-PEG IgE is not a predominant mechanism for anaphylaxis post-mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Maternal exposure to zolpidem and risk of specific birth defects
Howley MM , Werler MM , Fisher SC , Tracy M , Van Zutphen AR , Papadopoulos EA , Hansen C , Ailes EC , Reefhuis J , Wood ME , Browne ML . J Sleep Res 2023 e13958 Zolpidem is a non-benzodiazepine agent indicated for treatment of insomnia. While zolpidem crosses the placenta, little is known about its safety in pregnancy. We assessed associations between self-reported zolpidem use 1 month before pregnancy through to the end of the third month ("early pregnancy") and specific birth defects using data from two multi-site case-control studies: National Birth Defects Prevention Study and Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study. Analysis included 39,711 birth defect cases and 23,035 controls without a birth defect. For defects with ≥ 5 exposed cases, we used logistic regression with Firth's penalised likelihood to estimate adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals, considering age at delivery, race/ethnicity, education, body mass index, parity, early-pregnancy antipsychotic, anxiolytic, antidepressant use, early-pregnancy opioid use, early-pregnancy smoking, and study as potential covariates. For defects with three-four exposed cases, we estimated crude odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Additionally, we explored differences in odds ratios using propensity score-adjustment and conducted a probabilistic bias analysis of exposure misclassification. Overall, 84 (0.2%) cases and 46 (0.2%) controls reported early-pregnancy zolpidem use. Seven defects had sufficient sample size to calculate adjusted odds ratios, which ranged from 0.76 for cleft lip to 2.18 for gastroschisis. Four defects had odds ratios > 1.8. All confidence intervals included the null. Zolpidem use was rare. We could not calculate adjusted odds ratios for most defects and estimates are imprecise. Results do not support a large increase in risk, but smaller increases in risk for certain defects cannot be ruled out. |
Evaluation of association of anti-PEG antibodies with anaphylaxis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
Zhou ZH , Cortese MM , Fang JL , Wood R , Hummell DS , Risma KA , Norton AE , KuKuruga M , Kirshner S , Rabin RL , Agarabi C , Staat MA , Halasa N , Ware RE , Stahl A , McMahon M , Browning P , Maniatis P , Bolcen S , Edwards KM , Su JR , Dharmarajan S , Forshee R , Broder KR , Anderson S , Kozlowski S . Vaccine 2023 BACKGROUND: The mechanism for anaphylaxis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has been widely debated; understanding this serious adverse event is important for future vaccines of similar design. A mechanism proposed is type I hypersensitivity (i.e., IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation) to polyethylene glycol (PEG). Using an assay that, uniquely, had been previously assessed in patients with anaphylaxis to PEG, our objective was to compare anti-PEG IgE in serum from mRNA COVID-19 vaccine anaphylaxis case-patients and persons vaccinated without allergic reactions. Secondarily, we compared anti-PEG IgG and IgM to assess alternative mechanisms. METHODS: Selected anaphylaxis case-patients reported to U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System December 14, 2020-March 25, 2021 were invited to provide a serum sample. mRNA COVID-19 vaccine study participants with residual serum and no allergic reaction post-vaccination ("controls") were frequency matched to cases 3:1 on vaccine and dose number, sex and 10-year age category. Anti-PEG IgE was measured using a dual cytometric bead assay (DCBA). Anti-PEG IgG and IgM were measured using two different assays: DCBA and a PEGylated-polystyrene bead assay. Laboratorians were blinded to case/control status. RESULTS: All 20 case-patients were women; 17 had anaphylaxis after dose 1, 3 after dose 2. Thirteen (65 %) were hospitalized and 7 (35 %) were intubated. Time from vaccination to serum collection was longer for case-patients vs controls (post-dose 1: median 105 vs 21 days). Among Moderna recipients, anti-PEG IgE was detected in 1 of 10 (10 %) case-patients vs 8 of 30 (27 %) controls (p = 0.40); among Pfizer-BioNTech recipients, it was detected in 0 of 10 case-patients (0 %) vs 1 of 30 (3 %) controls (p >n 0.99). Anti-PEG IgE quantitative signals followed this same pattern. Neither anti-PEG IgG nor IgM was associated with case status with both assay formats. CONCLUSION: Our results support that anti-PEG IgE is not a predominant mechanism for anaphylaxis post-mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. |
SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant genomic variation associated with breakthrough infection in Northern California: A retrospective cohort study
Skarbinski J , Nugent JR , Wood MS , Liu L , Bullick T , Schapiro JM , Arunleung P , Morales C , Amsden LB , Hsiao CA , Wadford DA , Chai SJ , Reingold A , Wyman SK . J Infect Dis 2023 228 (7) 878-888 BACKGROUND: The association between SARS-CoV-2 genomic variation and breakthrough infection is not well-defined among persons with Delta variant SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: In a retrospective cohort we assessed whether individual non-lineage defining mutations and overall genomic variation (including low frequency alleles) were associated with breakthrough infection defined as SARS-CoV-2 infection after COVID-19 primary vaccine series. We identified all non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions in SARS-CoV-2 genomes with ≥5% allelic frequency and population frequency of ≥5% and ≤95%. Using Poisson regression, we assessed the association with breakthrough infection for each individual mutation and a viral genomic risk score. RESULTS: Thirty-six mutations met our inclusion criteria. Among 12,744 persons infected with Delta variant SARS-CoV-2, 5,949 (47%) were vaccinated and 6,795 (53%) were unvaccinated. Viruses with a viral genomic risk score in the highest quintile were 9% more likely to be associated with breakthrough infection than viruses in the lowest quintile, but including the risk score improved overall predictive model performance (measured by c-statistic) by only +0.0006. CONCLUSIONS: Genomic variation within SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant was weakly associated with breakthrough infection, however several potential non-lineage defining mutations were identified that might contribute to immune evasion by SARS-CoV-2. |
Notes from the field: Cluster of blastomycosis among neighborhood residents - St. Croix County, Wisconsin, 2022
Segaloff HE , Wu K , Shaw S , Klasen EM , Peterson L , Lindberg S , Williams SL , Wiese A , Bellay YM , Smith M , Engen K , Toda M , Gibbons-Burgener S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (13) 348-349 Blastomycosis, caused by the fungus Blastomyces, is a rare but potentially serious infection in humans and animals. Blastomyces is endemic in Wisconsin, which reports the highest incidence of Blastomyces infection in the country, with an estimated annual statewide incidence of 2.1 cases per 100,000 residents. Some high-incidence counties report 20–40 cases per 100,000 population (1,2). Blastomyces is also found in other midwestern, south-central, and southeastern states, and lives in moist, organic soils and decaying wood and leaves. Infections typically occur when Blastomyces spores are inhaled. Blastomyces infections do not spread between humans and animals through the air. Blastomycosis usually begins with mild respiratory symptoms, which often self-resolve, but can progress to a severe, and occasionally fatal, disease without antifungal treatment. In February 2022, a veterinarian in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, alerted the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) of four dogs with diagnoses of blastomycosis, all living within a 1-mile area. Review of surveillance data identified two human cases reported in the same area within 3 weeks of the canine cases. With 1–5 human cases reported annually, St. Croix County is not considered an area with hyperendemic transmission. |
Working alone and/or in remote locations: Opportunities to prevent the risk of fatality from cardiovascular events in oil and gas extraction workers
Zimmerman SM , Scott KA , Wingate KC , Ramirez-Cardenas A , Pompei R , Hagan-Haynes K , Hill R , Wood E . J Occup Environ Med 2023 65 (6) 481-487 OBJECTIVE: Explore personal and work factors related to fatal cardiac events among oil and gas extraction (OGE) workers. METHODS: The NIOSH Fatalities in Oil and Gas Extraction database was reviewed to identify fatal cardiac events among OGE workers from 2014 through 2019. A case series design was used to review case files, provide descriptive statistics, and summarize the findings. RESULTS: There were 75 fatalities identified, including 55 (73%) with sufficient information for review. Of the 55 workers, 18 (33%) worked alone. Thirty-six (66%) fatal cardiac events were unwitnessed by a co-worker. Toxicology findings suggested some possible exposures to hydrogen sulfide or hydrocarbon gases or vapors. Missing data was common. CONCLUSION: This study identified the need for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment, emergency preparedness, lone worker programs, medical screening, and enhanced exposure control in the OGE industry. |
National collaborative on childhood obesity research efforts to advance childhood obesity research: Progress and next steps
Sharfman AS , Berrigan D , Galuska DA , Khan LK , Stowe EW , Reedy J . Am J Prev Med 2023 65 (2) 339-344 The National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR), a public–private partnership of 4 leading childhood obesity research funders—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and U.S. Department of Agriculture—was formed in 2008 with a goal of accelerating progress to reduce childhood obesity by improving measurement and increasing access to childhood obesity data.1 NCCOR has a shared ownership model. Each organization contributes funding, which supports projects as well as coordination by a nonprofit human development organization, FHI 360. |
SHEA/IDSA/APIC Practice Recommendation: Strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections through hand hygiene: 2022 Update
Glowicz JB , Landon E , Sickbert-Bennett EE , Aiello AE , deKay K , Hoffmann KK , Maragakis L , Olmsted RN , Polgreen PM , Trexler PA , VanAmringe MA , Wood AR , Yokoe D , Ellingson KD . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2023 44 (3) 1-22 The purpose of this document is to highlight practical recommendations to assist acute-care hospitals in prioritization and implementation of strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections through hand hygiene. This document updates the Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals through Hand Hygiene, published in 2014. This expert guidance document is sponsored by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology (SHEA). It is the product of a collaborative effort led by SHEA, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, the American Hospital Association, and The Joint Commission, with major contributions from representatives of a number of organizations and societies with content expertise. |
Enhancing and leveraging the West Virginia's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) for public health surveillance and clinical decision making: A case study
Wood N , Mells J , Dotson T , Jeffries JE . J Public Health Manag Pract 2023 29 (2) E37-e43 West Virginia has struggled with an overdose epidemic for many years and continues to have the highest overdose death rate in the nation. However, through successful collaboration between the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy and the West Virginia Department of Health via its Violence and Injury Prevention Program, West Virginia has improved data quality, enhanced program development and implementation, and developed strategies to address the overdose epidemic. This multiagency collaboration plays an important role in addressing the overdose epidemic and promotes lasting interagency relationships. One strategy is overcoming barriers to maximizing and utilizing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, or PDMP. This strategy allows for a better understanding of a patient's prescription history and ensures safer prescribing practices. In addition, this strategic partnership facilitates the use of PDMP data for epidemiologic studies and public health surveillance, which results in sustainable analyses and dissemination of actionable data that are now driving public health action in West Virginia. |
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis services for black and hispanic or latino gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender women in THRIVE, 2015-2020
Tanner MR , Zhu W , Iqbal K , Dominguez KL , Yu L , Hayes T , Wiener J , Koenig LJ , Batey S , Burgess S , Elamin F , Fox A , Price A , Wood L , Hoover KW . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2022 92 (4) 286-292 BACKGROUND: AND SETTING: From 2015-2020 the THRIVE project supported seven U.S. health departments to improve HIV prevention services for Black or African American (Black) and Hispanic or Latino gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) and transgender women (TGW). METHODS: We described services provided in the THRIVE PrEP continuum. Using Poisson regression models we estimated associations between race or ethnicity and age and PrEP screening, linkage, and prescription. We examined associations between co-location of services and PrEP linkage and prescription for two sites. RESULTS: THRIVE served 12,972 GBM without HIV; 37% of PrEP-eligible GBM were prescribed PrEP. THRIVE served 1,185 TGW without HIV; 45% of PrEP-eligible TGW were prescribed PrEP. Black and Hispanic or Latino GBM were 29% (RR=0.71, 95% CI 0.66-0.77) and 19% (RR=0.81, 95% CI 0.75-0.87) less likely, respectively, to be prescribed PrEP than White GBM. GBM 18-24 years and ≥55 years were 19% (RR=0.81, 95% CI 0.75-0.87) and 22% (RR=0.78, 95% CI 0.67-0.9) less likely, respectively, to be prescribed PrEP compared to those 35-44 years. Co-located services were associated with a 54% (RR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.44-1.64) and a 31% (RR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.19-1.43) greater likelihood of PrEP linkage and prescription respectively compared to services at different locations. CONCLUSIONS: THRIVE provided PrEP to higher proportions of PrEP-eligible persons than current national estimates, however PrEP use disparities persist. Co-location of services may be a useful component of jurisdictional strategies to increase PrEP coverage. |
Education and employment as young adults living with spina bifida transition to adulthood in the USA: A study of the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry
Liu T , Ouyang L , Walker WO , Wiener JS , Woodward J , Castillo J , Wood HM , Tanaka ST , Adams R , Smith KA , O'Neil J , Williams TR , Ward EA , Bowman RM , Riley C . Dev Med Child Neurol 2022 65 (6) 821-830 AIM: To describe the education and employment transition experience of young adults with spina bifida (YASB) and investigate factors associated with employment. METHOD: We queried education and employment data from the US National Spina Bifida Patient Registry from 2009 to 2019. We applied generalized estimating equations models to analyze sociodemographic and disease-related factors associated with employment. RESULTS: A total of 1909 participants (850 males, 1059 females) aged 18 to 26 years contributed 4379 annual visits. Nearly 84% had myelomeningocele and, at last visit, the median age was 21 years (mean 21 years 5 months, SD 2 years 10 months). A total of 41.8% had at least some post-high school education, and 23.9% were employed. In a multivariable regression model, employment was significantly associated with education level, lower extremity functional level, bowel continence, insurance, and history of non-shunt surgery. This large, national sample of YASB demonstrated low rates of post-secondary education attainment and employment and several potentially modifiable factors associated with employment. INTERPRETATION: Specific sociodemographic, medical, and functional factors associated with employment are important for clinicians to consider when facilitating transition for YASB into adulthood. Additional research is needed to understand the impact of cognitive functioning and social determinants of health on transition success in YASB. |
The potential distribution of Bacillus anthracis suitability across Uganda using INLA.
Ndolo VA , Redding D , Deka MA , Salzer JS , Vieira AR , Onyuth H , Ocaido M , Tweyongyere R , Azuba R , Monje F , Ario AR , Kabwama S , Kisaakye E , Bulage L , Kwesiga B , Ntono V , Harris J , Wood JLN , Conlan AJK . Sci Rep 2022 12 (1) 19967 ![]() ![]() To reduce the veterinary, public health, environmental, and economic burden associated with anthrax outbreaks, it is vital to identify the spatial distribution of areas suitable for Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of the disease. Bayesian approaches have previously been applied to estimate uncertainty around detected areas of B. anthracis suitability. However, conventional simulation-based techniques are often computationally demanding. To solve this computational problem, we use Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) which can adjust for spatially structured random effects, to predict the suitability of B. anthracis across Uganda. We apply a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) within the INLA Bayesian framework to quantify the relationships between B. anthracis occurrence and the environment. We consolidate a national database of wildlife, livestock, and human anthrax case records across Uganda built across multiple sectors bridging human and animal partners using a One Health approach. The INLA framework successfully identified known areas of species suitability in Uganda, as well as suggested unknown hotspots across Northern, Eastern, and Central Uganda, which have not been previously identified by other niche models. The major risk factors for B. anthracis suitability were proximity to water bodies (0-0.3 km), increasing soil calcium (between 10 and 25 cmolc/kg), and elevation of 140-190 m. The sensitivity of the final model against the withheld evaluation dataset was 90% (181 out of 202 = 89.6%; rounded up to 90%). The prediction maps generated using this model can guide future anthrax prevention and surveillance plans by the relevant stakeholders in Uganda. |
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