Last data update: Sep 09, 2024. (Total: 47631 publications since 2009)
Records 1-13 (of 13 Records) |
Query Trace: Willis LA[original query] |
Review of policies and practices to prevent technology-facilitated child sexual abuse within youth-serving organizations in the United States
McCain JL , Herbst JH , Merrill-Francis M , Willis LA , Miedema SS , Shortt JW . J Child Sex Abus 2024 1-20 Technology-facilitated child sexual abuse (TF-CSA), or child sexual abuse that occurs online or through electronic communication, is a preventable public health problem that can be addressed within youth-serving organizations (YSOs). This study is a review of a purposive sample of organizational policies and practices designed to prevent TF-CSA collected from 13 national and local YSOs in the United States. Documents were coded to identify practices to prevent TF-CSA related to YSO activities or YSO staff, volunteers, or participants. Qualitative analysis indicated that YSOs included seven common practices to prevent TF-CSA in their documents. These practices included transparent electronic communication between youth and YSO staff; codes of conduct and online behavior agreements related to youth; monitoring the YSO's online presence; parental controls for youth online activity; safety behaviors for online activity for staff, parents, and youth; parent and youth trainings for youth online engagement and prevention of TF-CSA; and practices to address staff policy violations. Most prevention practices documented by YSOs identified in this study are consistent with emerging literature on TF-CSA prevention. Key gaps include protections for youth from groups inequitably burdened by TF-CSA and evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of practices in preventing TF-CSA across settings and populations. |
Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers on parent behavioral outcomes
Morgan MHC , Herbst JH , Fortson BL , Shortt JW , Willis LA , Lokey C , Smith Slep AM , Lorber MF , Huber-Krum S . Child Abuse Negl 2024 154 106928 BACKGROUND: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's web-based behavioral parent training (BPT) program, Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers (EfP), uses a psychoeducational approach to promote positive parenting and address common parenting challenges. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of EfP on parenting behavior and whether implementation format impacted behavioral outcomes. METHODS: A sample of 200 parents of 2- to 4-year-old children were recruited via Internet advertising. Using a repeated single subject, multiple baseline design, parents were randomly assigned to guided navigation (GN; n = 100) or unguided navigation (UN; n = 100) study conditions. Parents were provided secure access to the EfP website and completed 18 weekly surveys. Latent growth curve modeling was used to determine intervention effectiveness on behavioral outcomes. RESULTS: Latent growth curve modeling indicated both GN and UN study conditions significantly increased use of praise (β = 0.19, p = 0.038) and commands and consequences (β = 0.17, p < 0.001), and decreased corporal punishment use (β = -0.01, p = 0.017) and attitudes promoting corporal punishment (β = -0.01, p < 0.001) over the study period. The UN condition exhibited a significant initial decrease in time-out use that increased over time to match the GN condition. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of EfP in promoting non-violent parenting behavior and increasing positive parenting techniques. The format of EfP implementation made no difference in parenting behaviors over time. Digital BPT programs like EfP provide access to evidence-informed parenting resources and can enhance positive parenting. |
Understanding forms of childhood adversities and associations with adult health outcomes: A regression tree analysis
Perrins SP , Vermes E , Cincotta K , Xu Y , Godoy-Garraza L , Chen MS , Addison R , Douglas B , Yatco A , Idaikkadar N , Willis LA . Child Abuse Negl 2024 153 106844 BACKGROUND: Empirical studies have demonstrated associations between ten original adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and multiple health outcomes. Identifying expanded ACEs can capture the burden of other childhood adversities that may have important health implications. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify childhood adversities that warrant consideration as expanded ACEs. We hypothesized that experiencing expanded and original ACEs would be associated with poorer adult health outcomes compared to experiencing original ACEs alone. PARTICIPANTS: The 11,545 respondents of the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) and Child and Young Adult Survey were 48.9 % female, 22.7 % Black, 15.8 % Hispanic, 36.1 % White, 1.7 % Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander/Native American/Native Alaskan, and 7.5 % Other. METHODS: This study used regression trees and generalized linear models to identify if/which expanded ACEs interacted with original ACEs in association with six health outcomes. RESULTS: Four expanded ACEs-basic needs instability, lack of parental love and affection, community stressors, and mother's experience with physical abuse during childhood -significantly interacted with general health, depressive symptom severity, anxiety symptom severity, and violent crime victimization in adulthood (all p-values <0.005). Basic needs instability and/or lack of parental love and affection emerged as correlates across multiple outcomes. Experiencing lack of parental love and affection and original ACEs was associated with greater anxiety symptoms (p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to use supervised machine learning to investigate interaction effects among original ACEs and expanded ACEs. Two expanded ACEs emerged as predictors for three adult health outcomes and warrant further consideration in ACEs assessments. |
Development of a video-delivered serial drama designed to reduce community homophobia and HIV stigma, decrease sexual risk behavior, and increase HIV testing among black youth
O'Leary A , Willis LA , Henny KD , Madden M , Koenig LJ . AIDS Educ Prev 2023 35 (6) 439-451 This article describes the development of a video serial drama intervention that was designed to address factors that influence HIV in the United States among Black youth. These include HIV testing, sexual behaviors not protected by condoms, negative attitudes towards sexual minorities, and HIV stigma. Behavior-change principles (social learning theory and education-entertainment) and input from members of the priority audience formed the basis of this 27-episode (3 minutes each) drama for dissemination on multiple platforms, including in public spaces or privately online. The developmental process, specifically involving members of the population of interest and use of behavioral theory, enriched the narrative elements and likely ensured intervention acceptability, enhancing effectiveness. Public health practitioners and prevention programmers may want to consider using this intervention and/or the narrative communication approach when intervening to change behavior. |
A literature review of digital behavioral parent training programs for parents of adolescents
Morgan MHC , Huber-Krum S , Willis LA , Shortt JW . Prev Sci 2023 Parents of adolescents are faced with a variety of challenges related to their children's behavior and development. Behavioral parent training (BPT) programs may be effective strategies to mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other common behavioral problems in the adolescent period. Adolescence is the period following the onset of puberty and describes the transition from childhood to adulthood. Digital BPTs, including those delivered via the internet, downloaded digital content, text message, tablet, and video call, may present a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience of parents of adolescents by removing barriers to program accessibility (e.g., cost and transportation). We conducted a literature review to synthesize the existing evidence on digital BPTs for parents of adolescents. We described the digital BPTs, study designs, and evaluation and feasibility outcomes. A structured literature search identified studies meeting the following criteria for inclusion: (a) published between January 2000 and October 2022, (b) peer-reviewed, (c) available in English language, (d) study included a description of a digital BPT methodological approach, (e) study had to identify at least one parent or child behavioral outcome (e.g., parent-reported communication with their child) or feasibility outcome associated with the digital BPT, and (f) study included parents of adolescents aged 10-18 years. We extracted data on the characteristics of the study and demographic characteristics of participants, digital BPT, and evaluation and feasibility outcomes. Twenty-eight studies met inclusion criteria. Twenty-two unique digital BPTs were evaluated across the published studies. Thirteen digital BPTs (59.1%) were developed from or grounded by an identified theory. Six digital BPTs were freely accessible by the public, while the remaining 16 were available through study participation or purchase. One digital BPT was specifically tailored to parents of adolescents of a racial/ethnic minority group. Of the 16 studies that reported either parent or adolescent race/ethnicity, 10 consisted of more than 50% White parent or adolescent participants. Twenty-four (88.9%) studies provided evaluation data for the digital BPT. Fourteen studies (63.6%) employed a randomized control trial study design, and the remaining study designs included quasi-experimental (n = 2), mixed methods (n = 1), open trial (n = 3), case study (n = 1), pretest-posttest design (n = 1), and feasibility and acceptability trial (n = 2). All studies reported improvements in at least one parent-reported or adolescent-reported behavioral outcome or feasibility outcomes, with effect sizes (Cohen's d) ranging from small (e.g., 0.20-0.49) to very large (e.g., > 1.20). The findings of this review illustrate that technology may be a valuable way to deliver BPTs to parents of adolescents. However, few digital BPTs were developed for parents of adolescents from racial/ethnic minority groups, and many digital BPTs were not available without cost or participation in a research study. Considerations for future research are discussed. |
Developing a motion comic for HIV/STD prevention for young people ages 15-24, part 1: Listening to your target audience
Willis LA , Kachur R , Castellanos TJ , Spikes P , Gaul ZJ , Gamayo AC , Durham M , Jones S , Nichols K , Han Barthelemy S , LaPlace L , Staatz C , Hogben M , Robinson S , Brooks JT , Sutton MY . Health Commun 2016 33 (2) 1-10 Young people (15-24 years) in the United States are disproportionately affected by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Shortfalls in HIV/STD-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions (KABI) likely contribute to this discrepancy. In this report we describe our experience developing a novel means of health communication combining entertainment-education theory and recent technological advances to create a HIV/STD-focused "motion comic." We also report the audience satisfaction and acceptance of the intervention. We used the Health Belief Model (HBM), entertainment-education (EE) principles, and the Sabido Method (SM) and conducted three rounds of focus groups to develop a 38-minute HIV/STD focused motion comic for young people between the ages 15 and 24 years. Participants indicated that motion comics were an acceptable method of delivering HIV/STD prevention messages. They also expressed satisfaction with motion comics plot, story settings, the tone of humor, and drama. Our results suggest that motion comics are a viable new method of delivering health communication messages about HIV/STD and other public health issues, and warrant further development and broader evaluation. |
Developing a motion comic for HIV/STD prevention for young people ages 15-24, part 2: Evaluation of a pilot intervention
Willis LA , Kachur R , Castellanos TJ , Nichols K , Mendoza MC , Gaul ZJ , Spikes P , Gamayo AC , Durham MD , LaPlace L , Straw J , Staatz C , Buge H , Hogben M , Robinson S , Brooks J , Sutton MY . Health Commun 2016 33 (3) 1-9 In the United States, young people (ages 15-24 years) are disproportionately affected by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), due at least in part to inadequate or incorrect HIV/STD-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions (KABI). Comic book narratives are a proven method of HIV/STD prevention communication to strengthen KABI for HIV/STD prevention. Motion comics, a new type of comic media, are an engaging and low-cost means of narrative storytelling. The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot six-episode HIV/STD-focused motion comic series to improve HIV/STD-related KABI among young people. We assessed change in HIV/STD knowledge, HIV stigma, condom attitudes, HIV/STD testing attitudes, and behavioral intentions among 138 participants in 15 focus groups immediately before and after viewing the motion comic series. We used paired t-tests and indicators of overall improvement to assess differences between surveys. We found a significant decrease in HIV stigma (p < .001) and increases in both HIV knowledge (p = .002) and behavioral intentions to engage in safe sex (p < .001). In summary, this motion comic intervention improved HIV/STD-related KABI of young adult viewers by reducing HIV stigma and increasing behavioral intentions to engage in safer sex. Our results demonstrate the promise of this novel intervention and support its use to deliver health messages to young people. |
Differences between residential and non-residential fathers on sexual socialisation of African American youth
Sneed CD , Willis LA . Sex Educ 2015 16 (2) 199-212 This study investigated differences between residential and non-residential fathers on topics discussed during father–child sex communication and factors associated with child sexual socialisation. Young people (N = 159, 53% female) provided self-reports using computer surveys on the role of their fathers on father–child sex communication, general communication, parental monitoring, father social support and topics discussed during father–child sex communication. The analysis revealed differences in topics discussed between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. Independent group t-tests revealed significant differences between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers on social support and parental monitoring for sons and parental monitoring for daughters. Sons and daughters with residential fathers had higher scores on these variables. Discriminant function analyses, chi-square tests and hierarchical linear regression analyses were carried out to determine whether there were meaningful distinctions between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. The analysis revealed social support and parental monitoring provided the most meaningful distinction between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. These results highlight the importance of non-residential fathers in the sexual socialisation of their young people through parent–child sex communication. Discussion focuses on the need for development of interventions to promote the inclusion of non-residential fathers in the sexual socialisation of African American youth. |
Recruitment strategies to engage African American men in HIV testing randomized controlled trials in the rural southern United States
Brown EJ , Thomas P , Willis LA , Sutton MY . J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2014 25 (6) 670-4 Of the estimated 1.1 million Americans living with HIV infection, about 18% are unaware of their infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2012). Routine HIV testing can facilitate early diagnosis and linkage to care for persons who may be unaware of their infection, thereby decreasing unintended ongoing HIV transmission (CDC, 2011; Hall, Holtgrave & Maulsby, 2012). African Americans, especially men, are disproportionately represented among both persons living with HIV and persons unaware of their infection (CDC, 2013). Increased HIV testing efforts are vital, and routine HIV testing has been recommended by the CDC and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (CDC, 2006; Chou et al., 2012). | For many African Americans in the southern United States, the challenges of HIV-related stigma, racism, and distrust (both historical and institutional), poverty, and decreased health care access often make seeking and utilizing routine HIV testing and/or care at traditional health venues a challenge, especially in rural areas (Adimora, Ramirez, Schoenbach, & Cohen, 2014; Prejean, Tang, & Hall, 2013). In rural northern Florida, where African Americans are disproportionately affected by high rates of HIV (Figure 1), conducting research to better understand how to best develop and deliver HIV services is a vital part of reducing the burden of HIV. Community-based testing approaches that bring services to people where they live, work, and play could increase HIV testing of at-risk populations in the rural south. Research is needed to identify effective means of increasing HIV testing among southern rural African American men as part of our national HIV prevention strategy (Office of National AIDS Policy, 2010). |
Strengthening the network of mentored, underrepresented minority scientists and leaders to reduce HIV-related health disparities
Sutton MY , Lanier YA , Willis LA , Castellanos T , Dominguez K , Fitzpatrick L , Miller KS . Am J Public Health 2013 103 (12) 2207-14 OBJECTIVES: We reviewed data for the Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative (MARI), which was established in 2003 to support underrepresented minority scientists performing HIV prevention research in highly affected communities. METHODS: MARI was established at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control as a program of competitively awarded, mentored grants for early career researchers conducting HIV prevention research in highly affected racial/ethnic and sexual minority communities. We have described progress from 2003 to 2013. RESULTS: To date, MARI has mentored 27 scientist leaders using low-cost strategies to enhance the development of effective HIV prevention interventions. These scientists have (1) developed research programs in disproportionately affected communities of color, (2) produced first-authored peer-reviewed scientific and programmatic products (including articles and community-level interventions), and (3) obtained larger, subsequent funding awards for research and programmatic work related to HIV prevention and health disparities work. CONCLUSION: The MARI program demonstrates how to effectively engage minority scientists to conduct HIV prevention research and reduce racial/ethnic investigator disparities and serves as a model for programs to reduce disparities in other public health areas in which communities of color are disproportionately affected. |
Diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among foreign-born persons living in the District of Columbia
Willis LA , Opoku J , Murray A , West T , Johnson AS , Pappas G , Sutton MY . J Immigr Minor Health 2013 17 (1) 37-46 This study characterizes available surveillance data for HIV infected foreign-born residents in the District of Columbia (DC) to inform local HIV prevention and care efforts. HIV surveillance data were reviewed for adults and adolescents (ages ≥13 years) living with HIV in 2008. Variables analyzed included demographics, region of origin (for persons born outside of the U.S.), insurance coverage, linkage to and continuous HIV care. Of the 16,513 DC residents living with HIV diagnoses, 1,391 (8.4 %) were foreign-born. Of foreign-born infected, 71.9 % were male; 33.3 % were from Africa and 20.8 % from Central America; 80.6 % were exposed through sex; 36.3 % had health coverage at diagnosis. While 100 % of foreign-born persons had documented linkage to HIV care, only 18.0 % had documentation of continued HIV care. These data suggest that strengthening continuous HIV care support after successful care linkage is warranted for foreign-born persons living with HIV in DC. |
Efficacy of HIV/STI behavioral interventions for heterosexual African American men in the United States: a meta-analysis
Henny KD , Crepaz N , Lyles CM , Marshall KJ , Aupont LW , Jacobs ED , Liau A , Rama S , Kay LS , Willis LA , Charania MR . AIDS Behav 2012 16 (5) 1092-114 This meta-analysis estimates the overall efficacy of HIV prevention interventions to reduce HIV sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among heterosexual African American men. A comprehensive search of the literature published during 1988-2008 yielded 44 relevant studies. Interventions significantly reduced HIV sexual risk behaviors and STIs. The stratified analysis for HIV sexual risk behaviors indicated that interventions were efficacious for studies specifically targeting African American men and men with incarceration history. In addition, interventions that had provision/referral of medical services, male facilitators, shorter follow-up periods, or emphasized the importance of protecting family and significant others were associated with reductions in HIV sexual risk behaviors. Meta-regression analyses indicated that the most robust intervention component is the provision/referral of medical services. Findings indicate that HIV interventions for heterosexual African American men might be more efficacious if they incorporated a range of health care services rather than HIV/STI-related services alone. |
Efficacy of structural-level condom distribution interventions: a meta-analysis of U.S. and international studies, 1998-2007
Charania MR , Crepaz N , Guenther-Gray C , Henny K , Liau A , Willis LA , Lyles CM . AIDS Behav 2010 15 (7) 1283-97 This systematic review examines the overall efficacy of U.S. and international-based structural-level condom distribution interventions (SLCDIs) on HIV risk behaviors and STIs and identifies factors associated with intervention efficacy. A comprehensive literature search of studies published from January 1988 through September 2007 yielded 21 relevant studies. Significant intervention effects were found for the following outcomes: condom use, condom acquisition/condom carrying, delayed sexual initiation among youth, and reduced incident STIs. The stratified analyses for condom use indicated that interventions were efficacious for various groups (e.g., youth, adults, males, commercial sex workers, clinic populations, and populations in areas with high STI incidence). Interventions increasing the availability of or accessibility to condoms or including additional individual, small-group or community-level components along with condom distribution were shown to be efficacious in increasing condom use behaviors. This review suggests that SLCDIs provide an efficacious means of HIV/STI prevention. |
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