Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 50 Records) |
Query Trace: Wiggins LD[original query] |
Changes in autism and co-occurring conditions from preschool to adolescence: Considerations for precision monitoring and treatment planning
Wiggins LD , Overwyk K , Powell P , Daniels J , DiGuiseppi C , Nadler C , Reyes N , Barger B , Moody E , Pazol K . J Autism Dev Disord 2024 PURPOSE: To describe retention of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis from preschool to adolescence and the most common co-occurring diagnoses among children with ASD in preschool and adolescence. A second objective was to identify co-occurring diagnoses more likely to emerge between preschool and adolescence among children with ASD vs. another developmental or mental health diagnosis in preschool. METHODS: Children completed a case-control study when they were between 2 and 5 years of age. Caregivers reported their child's diagnoses of ASD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), any developmental delay (DD), epilepsy/seizure disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sensory integration disorder, and speech/language disorder when the child was preschool age and, separately, during adolescence. Any anxiety and depression/mood disorder, intellectual disability (ID), and learning disability (LD) were considered only in adolescence. RESULTS: 85.5% of preschool children retained their ASD diagnosis in adolescence. DD, sensory integration disorder, and speech-language disorder co-occurred in over 20% of preschool age children with ASD. These same conditions, along with anxiety disorders, ADHD, ID, and LD, co-occurred in over 20% of adolescents with ASD. Significantly more children with ASD vs. another developmental or mental health diagnosis in preschool gained diagnoses of ADHD, DD, sensory integration disorder, and speech-language disorder by adolescence. CONCLUSION: ASD is a highly stable diagnosis and co-occurring conditions are common. The prevalence of co-occurring diagnoses may depend on age, with some persisting from preschool to adolescence and others emerging over time. Health and education providers can use these findings to inform precision monitoring and treatment planning. |
Prevalence of Developmental, Psychiatric, and Neurologic Conditions in Older Siblings of Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: Study to Explore Early Development
Fields VL , Tian LH , Wiggins LD , Soke GN , Overwyk K , Moody E , Reyes N , Shapira SK , Schieve LA . J Autism Dev Disord 2024 This study evaluated developmental, psychiatric, and neurologic conditions among older siblings of children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to understand the extent of familial clustering of these diagnoses. Using data from the Study to Explore Early Development, a large multi-site case-control study, the analyses included 2,963 children aged 2-5 years with ASD, other developmental disabilities (DD group), and a population-based control group (POP). Percentages of index children with older siblings with select developmental, psychiatric, and neurologic conditions were estimated and compared across index child study groups using chi-square tests and multivariable modified Poisson regression. In adjusted analyses, children in the ASD group were significantly more likely than children in the POP group to have one or more older siblings with ASD, developmental delay, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disability, sensory integration disorder (SID), speech/language delays, or a psychiatric diagnosis (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] range: 1.4-3.7). Children in the DD group were significantly more likely than children in the POP group to have an older sibling with most of the aforementioned conditions, except for intellectual disability and psychiatric diagnosis (aPR range: 1.4-2.2). Children in the ASD group were significantly more likely than children in the DD group to have one or more older siblings with ASD, developmental delay, SID, or a psychiatric diagnosis (aPR range: 1.4-1.9). These findings suggest that developmental disorders cluster in families. Increased monitoring and screening for ASD and other DDs may be warranted when an older sibling has a DD diagnosis or symptoms. |
Depressive symptoms and activity engagement in autistic adolescents and those with other developmental disabilities
Wiggins LD , Daniels J , Overwyk K , Croen L , DiGuiseppi C , Bradley C , Powell P , Dichter G , Moody E , Pazol K . Disabil Health J 2024 101633 BACKGROUND: Autistic adults and those with other developmental disabilities (DD) have increased depressive symptoms and decreased activity engagement when compared to those with no DD. Few studies explore activities related to depressive symptoms in autistic people and those with other DD during adolescence. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this analysis were to describe depressive symptoms and activity engagement among autistic adolescents and those with other DD and no DD and explore types of activities associated with depressive symptoms, stratified by study group. METHODS: Parents of adolescents completed a multi-site case-control study of autism and other DD when their child was 2-5 years of age and a follow-up survey when their child was 12-16 years of age. Questions asked about the adolescent's current diagnoses, depressive symptoms (i.e., diagnosis, medication use, or symptoms), and engagement in club, social, sport, vocational, volunteer, and other organized activities. RESULTS: Autistic adolescents (N = 238) and those with other DD (N = 222) were significantly more likely to have depressive symptoms than adolescents with no DD (N = 406), (31.9 %, 30.6 %, and 15.0 % respectively). Lower percentages of autistic adolescents participated in activities than peers with other DD, who had lower percentages than peers with no DD. Participation in sports was associated with lower likelihood of depressive symptoms in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: Autistic adolescents and those with other DD are at increased risk for depressive symptoms and reduced activity engagement. Participation in sports may be especially important for adolescent mental health regardless of disability status. Implications for public health education and intervention are discussed. |
Remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare during COVID-19 for children with developmental disabilities
Wiggins LD , Tian LH , Tinker SC , Yeargin-Allsopp M , DiGuiseppi CG , Nadler C , Powell PS , Moody EJ , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Robinson B , Pazol K . JAACAP Open 2024 2 (1) 36-44 OBJECTIVE: Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) transitioned to telehealth services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our objectives were to describe reductions in allied and behavioral healthcare services and receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home because of COVID-19 for children with ASD and other DD, and factors associated with worse response to remote delivery of services for children with ASD. METHOD: Prior to the pandemic, children 2 to 5 years of age were enrolled in a multi-site case-control study and completed a developmental assessment. Caregivers completed questionnaires on child behavior problems and ASD symptoms. Children were classified as having ASD vs another DD based on standardized diagnostic measures. Subsequently, caregivers completed a survey during January to June 2021 to assess how COVID-19 affected children and families. RESULTS: Caregivers reported that most children with ASD and other DD had a decrease in service hours (50.0%-76.9% by service type) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children with ASD were significantly more likely to experience reduced speech/language therapy than children with other DD. Receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home ranged from 38.1% to 57.4% by service type. Among children with ASD, pre-pandemic problems with internalizing behaviors and social communication/interaction were associated with worse response to behavioral telehealth but no other common therapies. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates the caregiver-reported impacts of COVID-19 on remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare services for children with ASD and other DD. Considerations for caregiver support and remote delivery of services are provided. |
Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on families of children with autism and other developmental disabilities
Pokoski OM , Crain H , DiGuiseppi C , Furnier SM , Moody EJ , Nadler C , Pazol K , Sanders J , Wiggins LD , Durkin MS . Front Psychiatry 2024 15 1342504 BACKGROUND: To control the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many jurisdictions throughout the world enacted public health measures that had vast socio-economic implications. In emergency situations, families of children with developmental disabilities (DDs), including autism, may experience increased difficulty accessing therapies, economic hardship, and caregiver stress, with the potential to exacerbate autism symptoms. Yet, limited research exists on the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on families of children with autism or another DD compared to families of children from the general population. OBJECTIVES: To assess impact of the COVID-19 pandemic related to parental employment and economic difficulties in families of children with autism, another DD, and in the general population, considering potential modification by socioeconomic disadvantage before the pandemic and levels of child behavioral and emotional problems. METHODS: The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) is a multi-site, multi-phase, case-control study of young children with autism or another DD as compared to a population comparison group (POP). During January-July 2021, a COVID-19 Impact Assessment Questionnaire was sent to eligible participants (n=1,789) who had enrolled in SEED Phase 3 from September 2017-March 2020. Parents completed a questionnaire on impacts of the pandemic in 2020 and completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) to measure behavioral and emotional health of their child during this time. Multiple logistic regression models were built for employment reduction, increased remote work, difficulty paying bills, or fear of losing their home. Covariates include group status (autism, DD, POP), household income at enrollment, child's race and ethnicity, and binary CBCL Total Problems T-score (<60 vs. ≥60). Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. RESULTS: The study included 274 children with autism, 368 children with another DD, and 385 POP children. The mean age of 6.1 years (standard deviation, 0.8) at the COVID-19 Impact Assessment did not differ between study groups. Parents of children with autism were less likely to transition to remote work (aOR [95% CI] = 0.6 [0.4, 1.0]) and more likely to report difficulty paying bills during the pandemic (1.8 [1.2, 2.9]) relative to parents of POP children. Lower income was associated with greater employment reduction, difficulty paying bills, and fear of losing their home, but inversely associated with transitioning to remote work. Parents of non-Hispanic (NH) Black children experienced greater employment reduction compared to parents of NH White children (1.9 [1.1, 3.0]). Parents from racial and ethnic minority groups were more likely to experience difficulty paying bills and fear losing their home, relative to NH White parents. Caregivers of children with CBCL scores in the clinical range were more likely to fear losing their home (2.1 [1.3, 3.4]). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that families of children with autism, families of lower socio-economic status, and families of racial and ethnic minority groups experienced fewer work flexibilities and greater financial distress during the pandemic. Future research can be used to assess if these impacts are sustained over time. |
Health and education services during the COVID-19 pandemic among young children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities
Pazol K , Tian LH , DiGuiseppi C , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Moody EJ , Nadler C , Powell PS , Reyes N , Robinson B , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Tinker SC , Wiggins LD , Yeargin-Allsopp M . J Dev Behav Pediatr 2024 45 (1) e31-e38 OBJECTIVE: Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected children with disabilities is essential for future public health emergencies. We compared children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with those with another developmental disability (DD) and from the general population (POP) regarding (1) missed or delayed appointments for regular health/dental services, immunizations, and specialty services; (2) reasons for difficulty accessing care; and (3) use of remote learning and school supports. METHOD: Caregivers of children previously enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development, a case-control study of children with ASD implemented during 2017 to 2020, were recontacted during January-June 2021 to learn about services during March-December 2020. Children were classified as ASD, DD, or POP during the initial study and were aged 3.4 to 7.5 years when their caregivers were recontacted during the pandemic. RESULTS: Over half of all children missed or delayed regular health/dental appointments (58.4%-65.2%). More children in the ASD versus DD and POP groups missed or delayed specialty services (75.7%, 58.3%, and 22.8%, respectively) and reported difficulties obtaining care of any type because of issues using telehealth and difficulty wearing a mask. During school closures, a smaller proportion of children with ASD versus another DD were offered live online classes (84.3% vs 91.1%), while a larger proportion had disrupted individualized education programs (50.0% vs 36.2%). CONCLUSION: Minimizing service disruptions for all children and ensuring continuity of specialty care for children with ASD is essential for future public health emergencies. Children may need additional services to compensate for disruptions during the pandemic. |
Risk factors and clinical correlates of sensory dysfunction in preschool children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Wiggins LD , Overwyk K , Daniels J , Barger B , Crain H , Grzadzinski R , Moody E , Reynolds A , Reyes N , Rosenberg C , Rosenberg S , Pazol K . Autism Res 2023 Sensory dysfunction is a common feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The objectives of this analysis were to examine risk factors and clinical correlates of sensory dysfunction in preschool children with and without ASD. Children aged 2-5 years were enrolled in a multi-site case-control study. Data were collected in eight areas across the United States in three phases. Caregivers completed an interview with questions on assisted delivery, maternal alcohol use, maternal anxiety during pregnancy, pregnancy weight gain, neonatal jaundice, preterm birth, and child sensory diagnosis given by a healthcare provider. Caregivers also completed an interview and questionnaires on sensory symptoms and clinical correlates of sensory dysfunction in their child. There were 2059 children classified as ASD, 3139 as other developmental delay or disability (DD), and 3249 as population comparison (POP). Caregivers reported significantly more sensory diagnoses and sensory symptoms in children classified as ASD than DD or POP (23.7%, 8.6%, and 0.8%, respectively, for a sensory diagnosis and up to 78.7% [ASD] vs. 49.6% [DD] for sensory symptoms). Maternal anxiety during pregnancy and neonatal jaundice were significantly associated with a sensory diagnosis and certain sensory symptoms in children with ASD and DD. Children's anxiety, attention deficits/hyperactivity, and sleep problems were significantly albeit subtly correlated with both a sensory diagnosis and sensory symptoms in children with ASD and DD. These findings support sensory dysfunction as a distinguishing symptom of ASD in preschool children and identify risk factors and clinical correlates to inform screening and treatment efforts in those with atypical development. |
Neurodevelopmental assessment of normocephalic children born to Zika virus exposed and unexposed pregnant people
Wiggins LD , Valencia D . Pediatr Res 2023 BACKGROUND: Studies examining the association between in utero Zika virus (ZIKV) exposure and child neurodevelopmental outcomes have produced varied results. METHODS: We aimed to assess neurodevelopmental outcomes among normocephalic children born from pregnant people enrolled in the Zika in Pregnancy in Honduras (ZIPH) cohort study, July-December 2016. Enrollment occurred during the first prenatal visit. Exposure was defined as prenatal ZIKV IgM and/or ZIKV RNA result at enrollment. Normocephalic children, >6 months old, were selected for longitudinal follow-up using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III) and the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE-2). RESULTS: One hundred fifty-two children were assessed; after exclusion, 60 were exposed and 72 were unexposed to ZIKV during pregnancy. Twenty children in the exposed group and 21 children in the unexposed group had a composite score <85 in any of the BSID-III domains. Although exposed children had lower cognitive and language scores, differences were not statistically significant. For ASQ:SE-2 assessment, there were not statistically significant differences between groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study found no statistically significant differences in the neurodevelopment of normocephalic children between in utero ZIKV exposed and unexposed. Nevertheless, long-term monitoring of children with in utero ZIKV exposure is warranted. IMPACT: This study found no statistically significant differences in the neurodevelopment in normocephalic children with in utero Zika virus exposure compared to unexposed children, although the exposed group showed lower cognitive and language scores that persisted after adjustment by maternal age and education and after excluding children born preterm and low birth weight from the analysis. Children with prenatal Zika virus exposure, including those normocephalic and have no evidence of abnormalities at birth, should be monitored for neurodevelopmental delays. Follow-up is important to be able to detect developmental abnormalities that might not be detected earlier in life. |
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2024: phenotypes around the world
Gargano MA , Matentzoglu N , Coleman B , Addo-Lartey EB , Anagnostopoulos AV , Anderton J , Avillach P , Bagley AM , Bakštein E , Balhoff JP , Baynam G , Bello SM , Berk M , Bertram H , Bishop S , Blau H , Bodenstein DF , Botas P , Boztug K , Čady J , Callahan TJ , Cameron R , Carbon SJ , Castellanos F , Caufield JH , Chan LE , Chute CG , Cruz-Rojo J , Dahan-Oliel N , Davids JR , de Dieuleveult M , de Souza V , de Vries BBA , de Vries E , DePaulo JR , Derfalvi B , Dhombres F , Diaz-Byrd C , Dingemans AJM , Donadille B , Duyzend M , Elfeky R , Essaid S , Fabrizzi C , Fico G , Firth HV , Freudenberg-Hua Y , Fullerton JM , Gabriel DL , Gilmour K , Giordano J , Goes FS , Moses RG , Green I , Griese M , Groza T , Gu W , Guthrie J , Gyori B , Hamosh A , Hanauer M , Hanušová K , He YO , Hegde H , Helbig I , Holasová K , Hoyt CT , Huang S , Hurwitz E , Jacobsen JOB , Jiang X , Joseph L , Keramatian K , King B , Knoflach K , Koolen DA , Kraus ML , Kroll C , Kusters M , Ladewig MS , Lagorce D , Lai MC , Lapunzina P , Laraway B , Lewis-Smith D , Li X , Lucano C , Majd M , Marazita ML , Martinez-Glez V , McHenry TH , McInnis MG , McMurry JA , Mihulová M , Millett CE , Mitchell PB , Moslerová V , Narutomi K , Nematollahi S , Nevado J , Nierenberg AA , Čajbiková NN , Nurnberger JI Jr , Ogishima S , Olson D , Ortiz A , Pachajoa H , Perez de Nanclares G , Peters A , Putman T , Rapp CK , Rath A , Reese J , Rekerle L , Roberts AM , Roy S , Sanders SJ , Schuetz C , Schulte EC , Schulze TG , Schwarz M , Scott K , Seelow D , Seitz B , Shen Y , Similuk MN , Simon ES , Singh B , Smedley D , Smith CL , Smolinsky JT , Sperry S , Stafford E , Stefancsik R , Steinhaus R , Strawbridge R , Sundaramurthi JC , Talapova P , Tenorio Castano JA , Tesner P , Thomas RH , Thurm A , Turnovec M , van Gijn ME , Vasilevsky NA , Vlčková M , Walden A , Wang K , Wapner R , Ware JS , Wiafe AA , Wiafe SA , Wiggins LD , Williams AE , Wu C , Wyrwoll MJ , Xiong H , Yalin N , Yamamoto Y , Yatham LN , Yocum AK , Young AH , Yüksel Z , Zandi PP , Zankl A , Zarante I , Zvolský M , Toro S , Carmody LC , Harris NL , Munoz-Torres MC , Danis D , Mungall CJ , Köhler S , Haendel MA , Robinson PN . Nucleic Acids Res 2023 52 D1333-D1346 ![]() ![]() The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is a widely used resource that comprehensively organizes and defines the phenotypic features of human disease, enabling computational inference and supporting genomic and phenotypic analyses through semantic similarity and machine learning algorithms. The HPO has widespread applications in clinical diagnostics and translational research, including genomic diagnostics, gene-disease discovery, and cohort analytics. In recent years, groups around the world have developed translations of the HPO from English to other languages, and the HPO browser has been internationalized, allowing users to view HPO term labels and in many cases synonyms and definitions in ten languages in addition to English. Since our last report, a total of 2239 new HPO terms and 49235 new HPO annotations were developed, many in collaboration with external groups in the fields of psychiatry, arthrogryposis, immunology and cardiology. The Medical Action Ontology (MAxO) is a new effort to model treatments and other measures taken for clinical management. Finally, the HPO consortium is contributing to efforts to integrate the HPO and the GA4GH Phenopacket Schema into electronic health records (EHRs) with the goal of more standardized and computable integration of rare disease data in EHRs. |
Using adaptive behavior scores to convey level of functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from the Study to Explore Early Development
Furnier SM , Ellis Weismer S , Rubenstein E , Gangnon R , Rosenberg S , Nadler C , Wiggins LD , Durkin MS . Autism 2023 13623613231193194 Autistic people are often described as "low-" or "high-functioning" based on their scores on cognitive tests. These terms are common in publications and in everyday communication. However, recent research and feedback from the autistic community suggests that relying on cognitive ability alone to describe functioning may miss meaningful differences in the abilities of autistic children and adults and in the kinds of support they may need. Additional methods are needed to describe "functioning" in autistic children. We examined whether scores from a test measuring adaptive behaviors would provide information on the functional abilities of children with autism that is different from cognitive ability and autism symptom severity. Adaptive behaviors include age-appropriate skills that allow people to function in their everyday lives and social interactions. We found that a large amount of the variation in adaptive behavior scores was not explained by cognitive development, autism symptom severity, and behavioral and emotional problems. In addition, there was a wide range of adaptive ability levels in children with autism in our study, including in those with low, average, or high cognitive scores. Our results suggest that adaptive behavior scores could provide useful information about the strengths and support needs of autistic children above and beyond measures of cognitive ability and autism symptom severity. Adaptive behavior scores provide important information on the needs of autistic people. |
Notes from the field: Autism spectrum disorder among children with laboratory evidence of prenatal Zika virus exposure - Puerto Rico, 2023
Roth NM , Delgado-López C , Wiggins LD , Muñoz NN , Mulkey SB , Nieves-Ferrer L , Woodworth KR , Rosario GM , Huertas MM , Moore CA , Tong VT , Gilboa SM , Valencia-Prado M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (29) 802-804 Infection during pregnancy with Zika virus, a mosquitoborne flavivirus, can cause birth defects and neurodevelopmental abnormalities (1). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disability characterized by social and communication impairment and restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior or interests (2); possible associations between antenatal exposure to a limited number of viruses and ASD have been observed (2). The U.S. Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry (USZPIR)* monitors children born during January 1, 2016–March 31, 2018, to women with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection during pregnancy. This report used data from USZPIR and the Puerto Rico Autism Registry† to estimate the prevalence of ASD diagnoses among children with possible prenatal Zika virus exposure and to describe prenatal characteristics and other outcomes by ASD diagnosis status. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.§ |
Pre-and postnatal fine particulate matter exposure and childhood cognitive and adaptive function
McGuinn LA , Wiggins LD , Volk HE , Di Q , Moody EJ , Kasten E , Schwartz J , Wright RO , Schieve LA , Windham GC , Daniels JL . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 19 (7) Increasing evidence exists for an association between early life fine particulate matter (PM2.5 ) exposure and several neurodevelopmental outcomes, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD); however, the association between PM2.5 and adaptive and cognitive function remains poorly understood. Participants included 658 children with ASD, 771 with a non-ASD developmental disorder, and 849 population controls from the Study to Explore Early Development. Adaptive functioning was assessed in ASD cases using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS); cognitive functioning was assessed in all groups using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL). A satellite-based model was used to assign PM2.5 exposure averages during pregnancy, each trimester, and the first year of life. Linear regression was used to estimate beta coefficients and 95% confidence intervals, adjusting for maternal age, education, prenatal tobacco use, race-ethnicity, study site, and season of birth. PM2.5 exposure was associated with poorer VABS scores for several domains, including daily living skills and socialization. Associations were present between prenatal PM2.5 and lower MSEL scores for all groups combined; results were most prominent for population controls in stratified analyses. These data suggest that early life PM2.5 exposure is associated with specific aspects of cognitive and adaptive functioning in children with and without ASD. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Toileting resistance among preschool-age children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Wiggins LD , Nadler C , Hepburn S , Rosenberg S , Reynolds A , Zubler J . J Dev Behav Pediatr 2022 43 (4) 216-223 OBJECTIVE: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may achieve continence later than other children. Little is known about factors associated with toileting resistance in children with ASD and other developmental delays/disabilities (DD). We sought to describe toileting resistance in children with ASD and DD and those from the general population (POP) and identify factors associated with toileting resistance in children with ASD and DD. METHOD: Families and children aged 24 to 68 months were enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development, a multisite case-control study on ASD. Children with ASD (N = 743) and DD (N = 766) and those from the POP (N = 693) who were 48 months or older were included in this study. Parents reported toileting resistance, gastrointestinal issues, behavior problems, and ASD symptoms in their children. Children completed an in-person evaluation to determine ASD status and developmental level. RESULTS: Toileting resistance was more common among children with ASD (49.1%) than children with DD (23.6%) and those from the POP (8.0%). Diarrhea and deficits in social awareness were significantly associated with toileting resistance in children with ASD and DD. Constipation, expressive language delays, and low social motivation were significantly associated with toileting resistance only in children with ASD; very low visual reception skills and oppositional behaviors were significantly associated with toileting resistance in only children with DD (all p ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSION: Evaluating gastrointestinal issues, developmental delays, and social deficits before toileting training may help identify children with atypical development who are likely to present with toileting resistance. These evaluations can be incorporated into health supervision visits. |
Evidence-informed milestones for developmental surveillance tools
Zubler JM , Wiggins LD , Macias MM , Whitaker TM , Shaw JS , Squires JK , Pajek JA , Wolf RB , Slaughter KS , Broughton AS , Gerndt KL , Mlodoch BJ , Lipkin PH . Pediatrics 2022 149 (3) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Learn the Signs. Act Early. program, funded the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to convene an expert working group to revise its developmental surveillance checklists. The goals of the group were to identify evidence-informed milestones to include in CDC checklists, clarify when most children can be expected to reach a milestone (to discourage a wait-and-see approach), and support clinical judgment regarding screening between recommended ages. Subject matter experts identified by the AAP established 11 criteria for CDC milestone checklists, including using milestones most children (≥75%) would be expected to achieve by specific health supervision visit ages and those that are easily observed in natural settings. A database of normative data for individual milestones, common screening and evaluation tools, and published clinical opinion was created to inform revisions. Application of the criteria established by the AAP working group and adding milestones for the 15- and 30-month health supervision visits resulted in a 26.4% reduction and 40.9% replacement of previous CDC milestones. One third of the retained milestones were transferred to different ages; 67.7% of those transferred were moved to older ages. Approximately 80% of the final milestones had normative data from ≥1 sources. Social-emotional and cognitive milestones had the least normative data. These criteria and revised checklists can be used to support developmental surveillance, clinical judgment regarding additional developmental screening, and research in developmental surveillance processes. Gaps in developmental data were identified particularly for social-emotional and cognitive milestones. |
Reasons for participation in a child development study: Are cases with developmental diagnoses different from controls
Bradley CB , Tapia AL , DiGuiseppi CG , Kepner MW , Kloetzer JM , Schieve LA , Wiggins LD , Windham GC , Daniels JL . Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2022 36 (3) 435-445 BACKGROUND: Current knowledge about parental reasons for allowing child participation in research comes mainly from clinical trials. Fewer data exist on parents' motivations to enrol children in observational studies. OBJECTIVES: Describe reasons parents of preschoolers gave for participating in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), a US multi-site study of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental delays or disorders (DD), and explore reasons given by child diagnostic and behavioural characteristics at enrolment. METHODS: We included families of children, age 2-5 years, participating in SEED (n = 5696) during 2007-2016. We assigned children to groups based on characteristics at enrolment: previously diagnosed ASD; suspected ASD; non-ASD DD; and population controls (POP). During a study interview, we asked parents their reasons for participating. Two coders independently coded responses and resolved discrepancies via consensus. We fit binary mixed-effects models to evaluate associations of each reason with group and demographics, using POP as reference. RESULTS: Participants gave 1-5 reasons for participation (mean = 1.7, SD = 0.7). Altruism (48.3%), ASD research interest (47.4%) and perceived personal benefit (26.9%) were most common. Two novel reasons were knowing someone outside the household with the study conditions (peripheral relationship; 14.1%) and desire to contribute to a specified result (1.4%). Odds of reporting interest in ASD research were higher among diagnosed ASD participants (odds ratio [OR] 2.89, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.49-3.35). Perceived personal benefit had higher odds among diagnosed (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.61-2.29) or suspected ASD (OR 3.67, 95% CI 2.99-4.50) and non-ASD DD (OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.50-2.16) participants. Peripheral relationship with ASD/DD had lower odds among all case groups. CONCLUSIONS: We identified meaningful differences between groups in parent-reported reasons for participation. Differences demonstrate an opportunity for future studies to tailor recruitment materials and increase the perceived benefit for specific prospective participants. |
Sensory features in autism: Findings from a large population-based surveillance system
Kirby AV , Bilder DA , Wiggins LD , Hughes MM , Davis J , Hall-Lande JA , Lee LC , McMahon WM , Bakian AV . Autism Res 2022 15 (4) 751-760 Sensory features (i.e., atypical responses to sensory stimuli) are included in the current diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder. Yet, large population-based studies have not examined these features. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of sensory features among autistic children, and examine associations between sensory features, demographics, and co-occurring problems in other areas. Analysis for this study included a sample comprised of 25,627 four- or eight-year-old autistic children identified through the multistate Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (2006-2014). We calculated the prevalence of sensory features and applied multilevel logistic regression modeling. The majority (74%; 95% confidence interval: 73.5%-74.5%) of the children studied had documented sensory features. In a multivariable model, children who were male and those whose mothers had more years of education had higher odds of documented sensory features. Children from several racial and ethnic minority groups had lower odds of documented sensory features than White, non-Hispanic children. Cognitive problems were not significantly related to sensory features. Problems related to adaptive behavior, emotional states, aggression, attention, fear, motor development, eating, and sleeping were associated with higher odds of having documented sensory features. Results from a large, population-based sample indicate a high prevalence of sensory features in autistic children, as well as relationships between sensory features and co-occurring problems. This study also pointed to potential disparities in the identification of sensory features, which should be examined in future research. Disparities should also be considered clinically to avoid reduced access to supports for sensory features and related functional problems. LAY SUMMARY: In a large, population-based sample of 25,627 autistic children, 74% had documented differences in how they respond to sensation. We also identified significant associations of sensory features with adaptive behavior and problems in other domains. Sensory features were less common among girls, children of color, and children of mothers with fewer years of education, suggesting potential disparities in identification. |
Ensuring Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination for People With Disabilities and Their Caregivers.
Wiggins LD , Jett H , Meunier J . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (2) 333549211058733 Up to 26% of US adults live with a hearing, vision, cognition, mobility, self-care, or independent living disability.1,2 Most people with disabilities are not inherently at elevated risk for becoming infected with or having severe illness from viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, some people with disabilities might have an elevated risk of infection or severe illness because of their underlying medical conditions or systemic health and social inequities. 3 As such, understanding barriers to equitable COVID-19 vaccination for people with disabilities and ways to address those barriers is a timely public health objective. |
Defining in Detail and Evaluating Reliability of DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Among Children
Rice CE , Carpenter LA , Morrier MJ , Lord C , DiRienzo M , Boan A , Skowyra C , Fusco A , Baio J , Esler A , Zahorodny W , Hobson N , Mars A , Thurm A , Bishop S , Wiggins LD . J Autism Dev Disord 2022 52 (12) 5308-5320 This paper describes a process to define a comprehensive list of exemplars for seven core Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and report on interrater reliability in applying these exemplars to determine ASD case classification. Clinicians completed an iterative process to map specific exemplars from the CDC Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network criteria for ASD surveillance, DSM-5 text, and diagnostic assessments to each of the core DSM-5 ASD criteria. Clinicians applied the diagnostic exemplars to child behavioral descriptions in existing evaluation records to establish initial reliability standards and then for blinded clinician review in one site (phase 1) and for two ADDM Network surveillance years (phase 2). Interrater reliability for each of the DSM-5 diagnostic categories and overall ASD classification was high (defined as very good .60-.79 to excellent.80 Kappa values) across sex, race/ethnicity, and cognitive levels for both phases. Classification of DSM-5 ASD by mapping specific exemplars from evaluation records by a diverse group of clinician raters is feasible and reliable. This framework provides confidence in the consistency of prevalence classifications of ASD and may be further applied to improve consistency of ASD diagnoses in clinical settings. |
Features that best define the heterogeneity and homogeneity of autism in preschool-age children: A multisite case-control analysis replicated across two independent samples
Wiggins LD , Tian LH , Rubenstein E , Schieve L , Daniels J , Pazol K , DiGuiseppi C , Barger B , Moody E , Rosenberg S , Bradley C , Hsu M , Robinson Rosenberg C , Christensen D , Crume T , Pandey J , Levy SE . Autism Res 2021 15 (3) 539-550 The heterogeneous nature of children with symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) makes it difficult to identify risk factors and effective treatment options. We sought to identify behavioral and developmental features that best define the heterogeneity and homogeneity in 2-5-year-old children classified with ASD and subthreshold ASD characteristics. Children were enrolled in a multisite case-control study of ASD. Detailed behavioral and developmental data were gathered by maternal telephone interview, parent-administered questionnaires, child cognitive evaluation, and ASD diagnostic measures. Participants with a positive ASD screen score or prior ASD diagnosis were referred for comprehensive evaluation. Children in the ASD group met study criteria based on this evaluation; children who did not meet study criteria were categorized as having subthreshold ASD characteristics. There were 1480 children classified as ASD (81.6% boys) and 594 children classified as having subthreshold ASD characteristics (70.2% boys) in the sample. Factors associated with dysregulation (e.g., aggression, anxiety/depression, sleep problems) followed by developmental abilities (e.g., expressive and receptive language skills) most contributed to heterogeneity in both groups of children. Atypical sensory response contributed to homogeneity in children classified as ASD but not those with subthreshold characteristics. These findings suggest that dysregulation and developmental abilities are clinical features that can impact functioning in children with ASD and other DD, and that documenting these features in pediatric records may help meet the needs of the individual child. Sensory dysfunction could be considered a core feature of ASD and thus used to inform more targeted screening, evaluation, treatment, and research efforts. LAY SUMMARY: The diverse nature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) makes it difficult to find risk factors and treatment options. We identified the most dissimilar and most similar symptom(s) in children classified as ASD and as having subthreshold ASD characteristics. Factors associated with dysregulation and developmental abilities contributed to diversity in both groups of children. Sensory dysfunction was the most common symptom in children with ASD but not those with subthreshold characteristics. Findings can inform clinical practice and research. |
Health Status and Health Care Use Among Adolescents Identified With and Without Autism in Early Childhood - Four U.S. Sites, 2018-2020
Powell PS , Pazol K , Wiggins LD , Daniels JL , Dichter GS , Bradley CB , Pretzel R , Kloetzer J , McKenzie C , Scott A , Robinson B , Sims AS , Kasten EP , Fallin MD , Levy SE , Dietz PM , Cogswell ME . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (17) 605-611 Persons identified in early childhood as having autism spectrum disorder (autism) often have co-occurring health problems that extend into adolescence (1-3). Although only limited data exist on their health and use of health care services as they transition to adolescence, emerging data suggest that a minority of these persons receive recommended guidance* from their primary care providers (PCPs) starting at age 12 years to ensure a planned transition from pediatric to adult health care (4,5). To address this gap in data, researchers analyzed preliminary data from a follow-up survey of parents and guardians of adolescents aged 12-16 years who previously participated in the Study to Explore Early Development ( The adolescents were originally studied at ages 2-5 years and identified at that age as having autism (autism group) or as general population controls (control group). Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) that accounted for differences in demographic characteristics were used to compare outcomes between groups. Adolescents in the autism group were more likely than were those in the control group to have physical difficulties (21.2% versus 1.6%; aPR = 11.6; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.2-31.9), and to have additional mental health or other conditions(†) (one or more condition: 63.0% versus 28.9%; aPR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.5-2.5). Adolescents in the autism group were more likely to receive mental health services (41.8% versus 22.1%; aPR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.3-2.6) but were also more likely to have an unmet medical or mental health service need(§) (11.0% versus 3.2%; aPR = 3.1; 95% CI = 1.1-8.8). In both groups, a small percentage of adolescents (autism, 7.5%; control, 14.1%) received recommended health care transition (transition) guidance. These findings are consistent with previous research (4,5) indicating that few adolescents receive the recommended transition guidance and suggest that adolescents identified with autism in early childhood are more likely than adolescents in the general population to have unmet health care service needs. Improved provider training on the heath care needs of adolescents with autism and coordination of comprehensive programs(¶) to meet their needs can improve delivery of services and adherence to recommended guidance for transitioning from pediatric to adult health care. |
Evaluation of sex differences in preschool children with and without autism spectrum disorder enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development
Wiggins LD , Rubenstein E , Windham G , Barger B , Croen L , Dowling N , Giarelli E , Levy S , Moody E , Soke G , Fields V , Schieve L . Res Dev Disabil 2021 112 103897 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Research in school-aged children, adolescents, and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has found sex-based differences in behavioral, developmental, and diagnostic outcomes. These findings have not been consistently replicated in preschool-aged children. We examined sex-based differences in a large sample of 2-5-year-old children with ASD symptoms in a multi-site community-based study. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Based on a comprehensive evaluation, children were classified as having ASD (n = 1480, 81.55 % male) or subthreshold ASD characteristics (n = 593, 70.15 % male). Outcomes were behavior problems, developmental abilities, performance on ASD screening and diagnostic tests, and parent-reported developmental conditions diagnosed before study enrollment. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: We found no statistically significant sex differences in behavioral functioning, developmental functioning, performance on an ASD screening test, and developmental conditions diagnosed before study enrollment among children with ASD or subthreshold ASD characteristics. Males in both study groups had more parent reported restricted interests and repetitive behaviors than females, but these differences were small in magnitude and not clinically meaningful. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Preschool males and females who showed risk for ASD were more similar than different in the outcomes assessed in our study. Future research could examine sex-based differences in ASD phenotypes as children age. |
Many young children with autism who use psychotropic medication do not receive behavior therapy: A multisite case-control study
Wiggins LD , Nadler C , Rosenberg S , Moody E , Reyes N , Reynolds A , Alexander A , Daniels J , Thomas K , Giarelli E , Levy SE . J Pediatr 2021 232 264-271 OBJECTIVES: to explore how many pre-school aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) used psychotropic medication, (child and geographic factors associated with psychotropic medication use, and how many children who used psychotropic medication did or did not ever receive behavior therapy. STUDY DESIGN: Children 2-5 years of age were enrolled from 2012-2016 in a multisite case-control study designed to investigate the development and risk factors of ASD. Children with a positive ASD screen or ASD diagnosis upon enrollment were asked to complete a comprehensive evaluation to determine ASD status and developmental level. Caregivers completed a services and treatments questionnaire (STQ) and multiple self-administered questionnaires to determine child use of psychotropic medication, ever receipt of behavior therapy, and presence of co-occurring symptoms. RESULTS: 763 children were classified as ASD and had data collected on the STQ. Of those, 62 (8.1%) used psychotropic medication to treat behavioral symptoms and 28 (3.7%) were three years of age or younger when medication was first started. Attention problems (aOR=7.65; 95% CI=3.41,16.1; P<.001) and study site (aOR=2.62; 95% CI=1.04, 6.56; P = .04) were significantly associated with psychotropic medication use after controlling for maternal race/ethnicity. More than half (59.7%) of those who used psychotropic medication did not ever receive behavior therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Many preschool-aged children with ASD who use psychotropic medication do not receive behavior therapy. Pediatricians are an important resource for children and families and can help facilitate behavioral treatment for children with ASD and other disorders. |
Mapping the relationship between dysmorphology and cognitive, behavioral, and developmental outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder
Tian LH , Wiggins LD , Schieve LA , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Dietz P , Aylsworth AS , Elias ER , Hoover-Fong JE , Meeks NJL , Souders MC , Tsai AC , Zackai EH , Alexander AA , Dowling NF , Shapira SK . Autism Res 2020 13 (7) 1227-1238 Previous studies investigating the association between dysmorphology and cognitive, behavioral, and developmental outcomes among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been limited by the binary classification of dysmorphology and lack of comparison groups. We assessed the association using a continuous measure of dysmorphology severity (DS) in preschool children aged 2-5 years (322 with ASD and intellectual disability [ID], 188 with ASD without ID, and 371 without ASD from the general population [POP]). In bivariate analyses, an inverse association between DS and expressive language, receptive language, fine motor, and visual reception skills was observed in children with ASD and ID. An inverse association of DS with fine motor and visual reception skills, but not expressive language and receptive language, was found in children with ASD without ID. No associations were observed in POP children. These results persisted after exclusion of children with known genetic syndromes or major morphologic anomalies. Quantile regression models showed that the inverse relationships remained significant after adjustment for sex, race/ethnicity, maternal education, family income, study site, and preterm birth. DS was not associated with autistic traits or autism symptom severity, behaviors, or regression among children with ASD with or without ID. Thus, DS was associated with a global impairment of cognitive functioning in children with ASD and ID, but only with fine motor and visual reception deficits in children with ASD without ID. A better understanding is needed for mechanisms that explain the association between DS and cognitive impairment in children with different disorders. LAY SUMMARY: We examined whether having more dysmorphic features (DFs) was related to developmental problems among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with or without intellectual disability (ID), and children without ASD from the general population (POP). Children with ASD and ID had more language, movement, and learning issues as the number of DFs increased. Children with ASD without ID had more movement and learning issues as the number of DFs increased. These relationships were not observed in the POP group. Implications are discussed. |
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 sites, United States, 2016
Maenner MJ , Shaw KA , Baio J , Washington A , Patrick M , DiRienzo M , Christensen DL , Wiggins LD , Pettygrove S , Andrews JG , Lopez M , Hudson A , Baroud T , Schwenk Y , White T , Rosenberg CR , Lee LC , Harrington RA , Huston M , Hewitt A , Esler A , Hall-Lande J , Poynter JN , Hallas-Muchow L , Constantino JN , Fitzgerald RT , Zahorodny W , Shenouda J , Daniels JL , Warren Z , Vehorn A , Salinas A , Durkin MS , Dietz PM . MMWR Surveill Summ 2020 69 (4) 1-12 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). PERIOD COVERED: 2016. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance program that provides estimates of the prevalence of ASD among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians live in 11 ADDM Network sites in the United States (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin). Surveillance is conducted in two phases. The first phase involves review and abstraction of comprehensive evaluations that were completed by medical and educational service providers in the community. In the second phase, experienced clinicians who systematically review all abstracted information determine ASD case status. The case definition is based on ASD criteria described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. RESULTS: For 2016, across all 11 sites, ASD prevalence was 18.5 per 1,000 (one in 54) children aged 8 years, and ASD was 4.3 times as prevalent among boys as among girls. ASD prevalence varied by site, ranging from 13.1 (Colorado) to 31.4 (New Jersey). Prevalence estimates were approximately identical for non-Hispanic white (white), non-Hispanic black (black), and Asian/Pacific Islander children (18.5, 18.3, and 17.9, respectively) but lower for Hispanic children (15.4). Among children with ASD for whom data on intellectual or cognitive functioning were available, 33% were classified as having intellectual disability (intelligence quotient [IQ] </=70); this percentage was higher among girls than boys (40% versus 32%) and among black and Hispanic than white children (47%, 36%, and 27%, respectively). Black children with ASD were less likely to have a first evaluation by age 36 months than were white children with ASD (40% versus 45%). The overall median age at earliest known ASD diagnosis (51 months) was similar by sex and racial and ethnic groups; however, black children with IQ </=70 had a later median age at ASD diagnosis than white children with IQ </=70 (48 months versus 42 months). INTERPRETATION: The prevalence of ASD varied considerably across sites and was higher than previous estimates since 2014. Although no overall difference in ASD prevalence between black and white children aged 8 years was observed, the disparities for black children persisted in early evaluation and diagnosis of ASD. Hispanic children also continue to be identified as having ASD less frequently than white or black children. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: These findings highlight the variability in the evaluation and detection of ASD across communities and between sociodemographic groups. Continued efforts are needed for early and equitable identification of ASD and timely enrollment in services. |
Early identification of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 4 years - Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, six sites, United States, 2016
Shaw KA , Maenner MJ , Baio J , Washington A , Christensen DL , Wiggins LD , Pettygrove S , Andrews JG , White T , Rosenberg CR , Constantino JN , Fitzgerald RT , Zahorodny W , Shenouda J , Daniels JL , Salinas A , Durkin MS , Dietz PM . MMWR Surveill Summ 2020 69 (3) 1-11 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). PERIOD COVERED: 2016. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (Early ADDM) Network, a subset of the overall ADDM Network, is an active surveillance program that estimates ASD prevalence and monitors early identification of ASD among children aged 4 years. Children included in surveillance year 2016 were born in 2012 and had a parent or guardian who lived in the surveillance area in Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, or Wisconsin, at any time during 2016. Children were identified from records of community sources including general pediatric health clinics, special education programs, and early intervention programs. Data from comprehensive evaluations performed by community professionals were abstracted and reviewed by trained clinicians using a standardized ASD surveillance case definition with criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). RESULTS: In 2016, the overall ASD prevalence was 15.6 per 1,000 (one in 64) children aged 4 years for Early ADDM Network sites. Prevalence varied from 8.8 per 1,000 in Missouri to 25.3 per 1,000 in New Jersey. At every site, prevalence was higher among boys than among girls, with an overall male-to-female prevalence ratio of 3.5 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.1-4.1). Prevalence of ASD between non-Hispanic white (white) and non-Hispanic black (black) children was similar at each site (overall prevalence ratio: 0.9; 95% CI = 0.8-1.1). The prevalence of ASD using DSM-5 criteria was lower than the prevalence using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria at one of four sites that used criteria from both editions. Among sites where >/=60% of children aged 4 years had information about intellectual disability (intelligence quotient </=70 or examiner's statement of intellectual disability documented in an evaluation), 53% of children with ASD had co-occurring intellectual disability. Of all children aged 4 years with ASD, 84% had a first evaluation at age </=36 months and 71% of children who met the surveillance case definition had a previous ASD diagnosis from a community provider. Median age at first evaluation and diagnosis for this age group was 26 months and 33 months, respectively. Cumulative incidence of autism diagnoses received by age 48 months was higher for children aged 4 years than for those aged 8 years identified in Early ADDM Network surveillance areas in 2016. INTERPRETATION: In 2016, the overall prevalence of ASD in the Early ADDM Network using DSM-5 criteria (15.6 per 1,000 children aged 4 years) was higher than the 2014 estimate using DSM-5 criteria (14.1 per 1,000). Children born in 2012 had a higher cumulative incidence of ASD diagnoses by age 48 months compared with children born in 2008, which indicates more early identification of ASD in the younger group. The disparity in ASD prevalence has decreased between white and black children. Prevalence of co-occurring intellectual disability was higher than in 2014, suggesting children with intellectual disability continue to be identified at younger ages. More children received evaluations by age 36 months in 2016 than in 2014, which is consistent with Healthy People 2020 goals. Median age at earliest ASD diagnosis has not changed considerably since 2014. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: More children aged 4 years with ASD are being evaluated by age 36 months and diagnosed by age 48 months, but there is still room for improvement in early identification. Timely evaluation of children by community providers as soon as developmental concerns have been identified might result in earlier ASD diagnoses, earlier receipt of evidence-based interventions, and improved developmental outcomes. |
Wandering among preschool children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Wiggins LD , DiGuiseppi C , Schieve L , Moody E , Soke G , Giarelli E , Levy S . J Dev Behav Pediatr 2020 41 (4) 251-257 OBJECTIVES: (1) Report the occurrence of wandering, or leaving a supervised space, among children with confirmed autism spectrum disorder (ASD), other developmental delay (DD) with a previous but unconfirmed ASD diagnosis (DDprevASD), DD without a previous ASD diagnosis, and a population comparison group (POP) at an age when wandering is no longer expected and (2) explore whether ASD status is associated with wandering independent of behavioral, developmental, and maternal factors. METHOD: Parents and children aged 4 to 5 years enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development Phase-1+2. All children were screened for ASD symptoms upon enrollment. Those with ASD symptoms and/or a previous ASD diagnosis received the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) to determine their developmental level and 2 ASD diagnostic tests to determine their ASD status. All other children were evaluated with the MSEL alone. Mothers completed the Child Behavior Checklist/1(1/2)-5, which includes an item on whether the child wanders away (categorized as at least sometimes true vs not true) and items assessing behavior problems. RESULTS: Children with ASD (N = 1195) were significantly more likely to wander than children classified as DDprevASD (N = 230), DD (N = 1199), or POP (N = 1272) (60.4%, 41.3%, 22.3%, and 12.4%, respectively, p < 0.01). ASD status, very low developmental level, and affective, anxiety, attention, and oppositional problems were each independently associated with wandering behavior. CONCLUSION: Wandering is significantly more common among children with ASD and those with behavioral and developmental problems compared with other children. These findings can be used to increase the awareness of wandering among children with atypical development. |
Disparities in documented diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder based on demographic, individual, and service factors
Wiggins LD , Durkin M , Esler A , Lee LC , Zahorodny W , Rice C , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Dowling NF , Hall-Lande J , Morrier MJ , Christensen D , Shenouda J , Baio J . Autism Res 2019 13 (3) 464-473 The objectives of our study were to (a) report how many children met an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) surveillance definition but had no clinical diagnosis of ASD in health or education records and (b) evaluate differences in demographic, individual, and service factors between children with and without a documented ASD diagnosis. ASD surveillance was conducted in selected areas of Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Children were defined as having ASD if sufficient social and behavioral deficits and/or an ASD diagnosis were noted in health and/or education records. Among 4,498 children, 1,135 (25%) had ASD indicators without having an ASD diagnosis. Of those 1,135 children without a documented ASD diagnosis, 628 (55%) were not known to receive ASD services in public school. Factors associated with not having a clinical diagnosis of ASD were non-White race, no intellectual disability, older age at first developmental concern, older age at first developmental evaluation, special education eligibility other than ASD, and need for fewer supports. These results highlight the importance of reducing disparities in the diagnosis of children with ASD characteristics so that appropriate interventions can be promoted across communities. Autism Res 2019, 00: 1-10. (c) 2019 International Society for Autism Research,Wiley Periodicals, Inc. LAY SUMMARY: Children who did not have a clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) documented in health or education records were more likely to be non-White and have fewer developmental problems than children with a clinical diagnosis of ASD. They were brought to the attention of healthcare providers at older ages and needed fewer supports than children with a clinical diagnosis of ASD. All children with ASD symptoms who meet diagnostic criteria should be given a clinical diagnosis so they can receive treatment specific to their needs. |
DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder maximizes diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in preschool children
Wiggins LD , Rice CE , Barger B , Soke GN , Lee LC , Moody E , Edmondson-Pretzel R , Levy SE . Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2019 54 (6) 693-701 PURPOSE: The criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were revised in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of DSM-IV-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) and DSM-5 definitions of ASD in a community-based sample of preschool children. METHODS: Children between 2 and 5 years of age were enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development-Phase 2 (SEED2) and received a comprehensive developmental evaluation. The clinician(s) who evaluated the child completed two diagnostic checklists that indicated the presence and severity of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria. Definitions for DSM-5 ASD, DSM-IV-TR autistic disorder, and DSM-IV-TR Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) were created from the diagnostic checklists. RESULTS: 773 children met SEED2 criteria for ASD and 288 met criteria for another developmental disorder (DD). Agreement between DSM-5 and DSM-IV-TR definitions of ASD were good for autistic disorder (0.78) and moderate for PDD-NOS (0.57 and 0.59). Children who met DSM-IV-TR autistic disorder but not DSM-5 ASD (n = 71) were more likely to have mild ASD symptoms, or symptoms accounted for by another disorder. Children who met PDD-NOS but not DSM-5 ASD (n = 66), or vice versa (n = 120) were less likely to have intellectual disability and more likely to be female. Sensitivity and specificity were best balanced with DSM-5 ASD criteria (0.95 and 0.78, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The DSM-5 definition of ASD maximizes diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in the SEED2 sample. These findings support the DSM-5 conceptualization of ASD in preschool children. |
Sleep problems in 2- to 5-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental delays
Reynolds AM , Soke GN , Sabourin KR , Hepburn S , Katz T , Wiggins LD , Schieve LA , Levy SE . Pediatrics 2019 143 (3) BACKGROUND: Sleep problems can impact daytime behavior, quality of life, and overall health. We compared sleep habits in young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental delays and disorders and in children from the general population (POP). METHODS: We included 2- to 5-year-old children whose parent completed all items on the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) in a multisite case-control study: 522 children with ASD; 228 children with other developmental delays and disorders with autism spectrum disorder characteristics (DD w/ASD); 534 children with other developmental delays and disorders without autism spectrum disorder characteristics (DD w/o ASD); and 703 POP. Multivariable analysis of variance compared CSHQ mean total score (TS) and subscale scores between groups. Logistic regression analysis examined group differences by using TS cutoffs of 41 and 48. Analyses were adjusted for covariates. RESULTS: Mean CSHQ TS for children in each group: ASD (48.5); DD w/ASD (50.4); DD w/o ASD (44.4); and POP (43.3). Differences between children with ASD and both children with DD w/o ASD and POP were statistically significant. Using a TS cutoff of 48, the proportion of children with sleep problems was significantly higher in children in the ASD group versus DD w/o ASD and POP groups (adjusted odds ratios [95% confidence intervals]: 2.12 [1.57 to 2.87] and 2.37 [1.75 to 3.22], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Sleep problems are more than twice as common in young children with ASD and DD w/ASD. Screening for sleep problems is important in young children to facilitate provision of appropriate interventions. |
Prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal factors associated with self-injurious behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder
Soke GN , Rosenberg SA , Hamman RF , Fingerlin TE , Rosenberg CR , Carpenter L , Lee LC , Giarelli E , Wiggins LD , Durkin MS , DiGuiseppi C . Res Autism Spectr Disord 2019 61 1-9 Background: Studies that examine the role of factors documented before self-injurious behaviors (SIB) occur are important in establishing a temporal relationship between these factors and SIB. Using data from a population-based surveillance system of 8-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we: (1) explored potential associations between SIB and prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal factors identified from birth certificates, and 2) validated associations between SIB and developmental, behavioral, medical factors accounting for the above prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal factors. Method(s): We included 4343 children from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network from the 2000, 2006, and 2008 surveillance years. Prenatal, perinatal and neonatal characteristics were obtained from birth certificates. SIB and other potential risk factors were abstracted from children's health or education records. The associations between SIB and various potential risk factors were tested using non-linear mixed models. Result(s): Lower maternal educational attainment (adjusted odds-ratio [aOR]: 1.35 [95% confidence interval 1.10-1.67]), prenatal maternal cigarette smoking (1.47 [1.09-1.98]), and electronic fetal monitoring during labor (1.70 [1.02-2.84]) were associated with SIB. In addition, we validated previous associations between SIB and developmental regression, lower IQ, behavioral, sensory and sleep problems, co-occurring developmental and psychiatric diagnoses. Conclusion(s): The associations between SIB and maternal smoking, low maternal education attainment may be due to various factors, including low SES and limited access to specialized ASD services. Electronic fetal monitoring may be a marker for unmeasured perinatal complications. Findings reported in this study have implications for better understanding of factors associated with SIB to guide prevention and interventions. |
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