Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-24 (of 24 Records) |
Query Trace: Whitlock L[original query] |
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Risk Communication Methods during Multistate Foodborne Outbreaks
Ablan M , McFadden K , Jhung M , Sood NJ , Dowell N , Marshall KE , Hakobyan L , Sugovic M , Whitlock L , Robyn M . Food Prot Trends 12/28/2021 41 (6) 547-554 Many efforts across the farm-to-fork continuum aim to reduce foodborne disease and outbreaks. Real-time risk communication is an important component of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) efforts, especially during outbreaks. To inform risk communication with the public during multistate foodborne outbreaks, we conducted a series of focus groups of adults in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area to understand attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and how people receive information around foodborne disease outbreaks. Results from these focus groups provided insight on factors that might influence consumer perception and behavior during an outbreak. Perceived outbreak proximity and personal consumption of an outbreak vehicle were identified as also reported hearing about multiple outbreaks per year some drivers of perceived risk to an outbreak. Participants through a variety of sources and following recommended actions during an outbreak, implying some existing penetration of current risk messages for multistate foodborne outbreaks. Findings from these focus groups are a first step in increasing understanding of how CDC messages affect the consumers' ability to access and act upon reliable information to protect their health during outbreaks and serve as a baseline for further evaluation efforts of CDC risk communication strategy for multistate foodborne outbreaks. |
Self-Reported Mask Use among Persons with or without SARS CoV-2 Vaccination -United States, December 2020-August 2021 (preprint)
Calamari LE , Weintraub WS , Santos R , Gibbs M , Bertoni AG , Ward LM , Saydah S , Plumb ID , Runyon MS , Wierzba TF , Sanders JW , Herrington D , Espeland MA , Williamson J , Mongraw-Chaffin M , Bertoni A , Alexander-Miller MA , Castri P , Mathews A , Munawar I , Seals AL , Ostasiewski B , Ballard CAP , Gurcan M , Ivanov A , Zapata GM , Westcott M , Blinson K , Blinson L , Mistysyn M , Davis D , Doomy L , Henderson P , Jessup A , Lane K , Levine B , McCanless J , McDaniel S , Melius K , O'Neill C , Pack A , Rathee R , Rushing S , Sheets J , Soots S , Wall M , Wheeler S , White J , Wilkerson L , Wilson R , Wilson K , Burcombe D , Saylor G , Lunn M , Ordonez K , O'Steen A , Wagner L , McCurdy LH , Gibbs MA , Taylor YJ , Calamari L , Tapp H , Ahmed A , Brennan M , Munn L , Dantuluri KL , Hetherington T , Lu LC , Dunn C , Hogg M , Price A , Leonidas M , Manning M , Rossman W , Gohs FX , Harris A , Priem JS , Tochiki P , Wellinsky N , Silva C , Ludden T , Hernandez J , Spencer K , McAlister L , Weintraub W , Miller K , Washington C , Moses A , Dolman S , Zelaya-Portillo J , Erkus J , Blumenthal J , Romero Barrientos RE , Bennett S , Shah S , Mathur S , Boxley C , Kolm P , Franklin E , Ahmed N , Larsen M , Oberhelman R , Keating J , Kissinger P , Schieffelin J , Yukich J , Beron A , Teigen J , Kotloff K , Chen WH , Friedman-Klabanoff D , Berry AA , Powell H , Roane L , Datar R , Correa A , Navalkele B , Min YI , Castillo A , Ward L , Santos RP , Anugu P , Gao Y , Green J , Sandlin R , Moore D , Drake L , Horton D , Johnson KL , Stover M , Lagarde WH , Daniel L , Maguire PD , Hanlon CL , McFayden L , Rigo I , Hines K , Smith L , Harris M , Lissor B , Cook V , Eversole M , Herrin T , Murphy D , Kinney L , Diehl P , Abromitis N , Pierre TSt , Heckman B , Evans D , March J , Whitlock B , Moore W , Arthur S , Conway J , Gallaher TR , Johanson M , Brown S , Dixon T , Reavis M , Henderson S , Zimmer M , Oliver D , Jackson K , Menon M , Bishop B , Roeth R , King-Thiele R , Hamrick TS , Ihmeidan A , Hinkelman A , Okafor C , Bray Brown RB , Brewster A , Bouyi D , Lamont K , Yoshinaga K , Vinod P , Peela AS , Denbel G , Lo J , Mayet-Khan M , Mittal A , Motwani R , Raafat M , Schultz E , Joseph A , Parkeh A , Patel D , Afridi B , Uschner D , Edelstein SL , Santacatterina M , Strylewicz G , Burke B , Gunaratne M , Turney M , Zhou SQ , Tjaden AH , Fette L , Buahin A , Bott M , Graziani S , Soni A , Mores C , Porzucek A , Laborde R , Acharya P , Guill L , Lamphier D , Schaefer A , Satterwhite WM , McKeague A , Ward J , Naranjo DP , Darko N , Castellon K , Brink R , Shehzad H , Kuprianov D , McGlasson D , Hayes D , Edwards S , Daphnis S , Todd B , Goodwin A , Berkelman R , Hanson K , Zeger S , Hopkins J , Reilly C , Edwards K , Gayle H , Redd S . medRxiv 2022 10 Wearing a facemask can help to decrease the transmission of COVID-19. We investigated self-reported mask use among subjects aged 18 years and older participating in the COVID-19 Community Research Partnership (CRP), a prospective longitudinal COVID-19 surveillance study in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. We included those participants who completed >=5 daily surveys each month from December 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. Mask use was defined as self-reported use of a face mask or face covering on every interaction with others outside the household within a distance of less than 6 feet. Participants were considered vaccinated if they reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose. Participants (n=17,522) were 91% non-Hispanic White, 68% female, median age 57 years, 26% healthcare workers, with 95% self-reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose through August; mean daily survey response was 85%. Mask use was higher among vaccinated than unvaccinated participants across the study period, regardless of the month of the first dose. Mask use remained relatively stable from December 2020 through April (range 71-80% unvaccinated; 86-93% vaccinated) and declined in both groups beginning in mid-May 2021 to 34% and 42% respectively in June 2021; mask use has increased again since July 2021. Mask use by all was lower during weekends and on Christmas and Easter, regardless of vaccination status. Independent predictors of higher mask use were vaccination, age >=65 years, female sex, racial or ethnic minority group, and healthcare worker occupation, whereas a history of self-reported prior COVID-19 illness was associated with lower use. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Detecting national human enteric disease outbreaks linked to animal contact in the United States of America.
Nichols M , Stevenson L , Koski L , Basler C , Wise M , Whitlock L , Francois Watkins L , Friedman CR , Chen J , Tagg K , Joseph L , Caidi H , Patel K , Tolar B , Hise K , Classon A , Ceric O , Reimschuessel R , Williams IT . Rev Sci Tech 2020 39 (2) 471-480 ![]() ![]() Enteric pathogens, such as non-typhoidal Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli, can reside in the intestinal tract of many animals, including livestock, companion animals, small mammals and reptiles. Often, these animals can appear healthy; nonetheless, humans can become infected after direct or indirect contact, resulting in a substantial illness burden. An estimated 14% of the 3.2 million illnesses that occur in the United States of America (USA) each year from such enteric pathogens are attributable to animal contact. Surveillance for enteric pathogens in the USA includes the compilation and interpretation of both laboratory and epidemiologic data. However, the authors feel that a collaborative, multisectoral and transdisciplinary - or One Health - approach is needed for data collection and analysis, at every level. In addition, they suggest that the future of enteric illness surveillance lies in the development of improved technologies for pathogen detection and characterisation, such as genomic sequencing and metagenomics. In particular, using whole-genome sequencing to compare genetic sequences of enteric pathogens from humans, food, animals and the environment, can help to predict antimicrobial resistance among these pathogens, determine their genetic relatedness and identify outbreaks linked to a common source. In this paper, the authors describe three recent, multi-state human enteric illness outbreaks linked to animal contact in the USA and discuss how integrated disease surveillance was essential to outbreak detection and response. Additional datasharing between public health and animal health laboratories and epidemiologists at the local, national, regional and international level may help to improve surveillance for emerging animal and human health threats and lead to new opportunities for prevention. |
Agritourism and Kidding Season: A Large Outbreak of Human Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O157 (STEC O157) Infections Linked to a Goat Dairy Farm-Connecticut, 2016.
Nichols MC , Gacek P , Phan Q , Gambino-Shirley KJ , Gollarza LM , Schroeder MN , Mercante A , Mullins J , Blackstock A , Laughlin ME , Olson SM , Pizzo E , Nguyen TN , Mank L , Holmes-Talbot K , McNutt A , Noel D , Muyombwe A , Razeq JH , Lis MJ , Sherman B , Kasacek W , Whitlock L , Strockbine N , Martin H , Vidyaprakash E , McCormack P , Cartter M . Front Vet Sci 2021 8 744055 ![]() ![]() The objective of this study was to determine sources of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 (STEC O157) infection among visitors to Farm X and develop public health recommendations. A case-control study was conducted. Case-patients were defined as the first ill child (aged <18 years) in the household with laboratory-confirmed STEC O157, or physician-diagnosed hemolytic uremic syndrome with laboratory confirmation by serology, who visited Farm X in the 10 days prior to illness. Controls were selected from Farm X visitors aged <18 years, without symptoms during the same time period as case-patients. Environment and animal fecal samples collected from Farm X were cultured; isolates from Farm X were compared with patient isolates using whole genome sequencing (WGS). Case-patients were more likely than controls to have sat on hay bales at the doe barn (adjusted odds ratio: 4.55; 95% confidence interval: 1.41-16.13). No handwashing stations were available; limited hand sanitizer was provided. Overall, 37% (29 of 78) of animal and environmental samples collected were positive for STEC; of these, 62% (18 of 29) yielded STEC O157 highly related by WGS to patient isolates. STEC O157 environmental contamination and fecal shedding by goats at Farm X was extensive. Farms should provide handwashing stations with soap, running water, and disposable towels. Access to animal areas, including animal pens and enclosures, should be limited for young children who are at risk for severe outcomes from STEC O157 infection. National recommendations should be adopted to reduce disease transmission. |
Notes from the Field: An Outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce Exposure - United States, 2019
Hoff C , Higa J , Patel K , Gee E , Wellman A , Vidanes J , Holland A , Kozyreva V , Zhu J , Mattioli M , Roundtree A , McFadden K , Whitlock L , Wise M , Gieraltowski L , Schwensohn C . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (18) 689-690 On September 16, 2019, PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping network for foodborne disease surveillance, reported a multistate cluster of seven Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections from California (five), Oregon (one), and Pennsylvania (one). Isolates from cases of human illness were sequenced and then analyzed using core-genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST); the isolates were closely related within three allele differences (1). Federal, state, and local officials initiated a multistate outbreak investigation to identify the source and prevent additional illnesses. |
Investigations of possible multistate outbreaks of Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes infections - United States, 2016
Marshall KE , Nguyen TA , Ablan M , Nichols MC , Robyn MP , Sundararaman P , Whitlock L , Wise ME , Jhung MA . MMWR Surveill Summ 2020 69 (6) 1-14 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), and Listeria monocytogenes are the leading causes of multistate foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States. Responding to multistate outbreaks quickly and effectively and applying lessons learned about outbreak sources, modes of transmission, and risk factors for infection can prevent additional outbreak-associated illnesses and save lives. This report summarizes the investigations of multistate outbreaks and possible outbreaks of Salmonella, STEC, and L. monocytogenes infections coordinated by CDC during the 2016 reporting period. PERIOD COVERED: 2016. An investigation was considered to have occurred in 2016 if it began during 2016 and ended on or before March 31, 2017, or if it began before January 1, 2016, and ended during March 31, 2016-March 31, 2017. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: CDC maintains a database of investigations of possible multistate foodborne and animal-contact outbreaks caused by Salmonella, STEC, and L. monocytogenes. Data were collected by local, state, and federal investigators during the detection, investigation and response, and control phases of the outbreak investigations. Additional data sources used for this report included PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping network based on isolates uploaded by local, state, and federal laboratories, and the Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System (FDOSS), which collects information from state, local, and territorial health departments and federal agencies about single-state and multistate foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States. Multistate outbreaks reported to FDOSS were linked using a unique outbreak identifier to obtain food category information when a confirmed or suspected food source was identified. Food categories were determined and assigned in FDOSS according to a classification scheme developed by CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) in the Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration. A possible multistate outbreak was determined by expert judgment to be an outbreak if supporting data (e.g., temporal, geographic, demographic, dietary, travel, or food history) suggested a common source. A solved outbreak was an outbreak for which a specific kind of food or animal was implicated (i.e., confirmed or suspected) as the source. Outbreak-level variables included number of illnesses, hospitalizations, cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and deaths; the number of states with illnesses; date of isolation for the earliest and last cases; demographic data describing patients associated with a possible outbreak (e.g., age, sex, and state of residence); the types of data collected (i.e., epidemiologic, traceback, or laboratory); the outbreak source, mode of transmission, and exposure location; the name or brand of the source; whether the source was suspected or confirmed; whether a food was imported into the United States; the types of regulatory agencies involved; whether regulatory action was taken (and what type of action); whether an outbreak was publicly announced by CDC via website posting; beginning and end date of the investigation; and general comments about the investigation. The number of illnesses, hospitalizations, cases of HUS, and deaths were characterized by transmission mode, pathogen, outcome (i.e., unsolved, solved with suspected source, or solved with confirmed source), source, and food or animal category. RESULTS: During the 2016 reporting period, 230 possible multistate outbreaks were detected and 174 were investigated. A median of 24 possible outbreaks was under investigation per week, and investigations were open for a median of 37 days. Of these 174 possible outbreaks investigated, 56 were excluded from this analysis because they occurred in a single state, were linked to international travel, or were pseudo-outbreaks (e.g., a group of similar isolates resulting from laboratory media contamination rather than infection in patients). Of the remaining 118 possible multistate outbreaks, 50 were determined to be outbreaks and 39 were solved (18 with a confirmed food source, 10 with a suspected food source, 10 with a confirmed animal source, and one with a suspected animal source). Sprouts were the most commonly implicated food category in solved multistate foodborne outbreaks (five). Chicken was the source of the most foodborne outbreak-related illnesses (134). Three outbreaks involved novel food-pathogen pairs: flour and STEC, frozen vegetables and L. monocytogenes, and bagged salad and L. monocytogenes. Eleven outbreaks were attributed to contact with animals (10 attributed to contact with backyard poultry and one to small turtles). Thirteen of 18 multistate foodborne disease outbreaks with confirmed sources resulted in product action, including 10 outbreaks with recalls, two with market withdrawals, and one with an FSIS public health alert. Twenty outbreaks, including 11 foodborne and nine animal-contact outbreaks, were announced to the public by CDC via its website, Facebook, and Twitter. These announcements resulted in approximately 910,000 webpage views, 55,000 likes, 66,000 shares, and 5,800 retweets. INTERPRETATION: During the 2016 reporting period, investigations of possible multistate outbreaks occurred frequently, were resource intensive, and required a median of 37 days of investigation. Fewer than half (42%) of the 118 possible outbreaks investigated were determined to have sufficient data to meet the definition of a multistate outbreak. Moreover, of the 50 outbreaks with sufficient data, approximately three fourths were solved. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: Close collaboration among CDC, FDA, FSIS and state and local health and agriculture partners is central to successful outbreak investigations. Identification of novel outbreak sources and trends in sources provides insights into gaps in food safety and safe handling of animals, which helps focus prevention strategies. Summarizing investigations of possible multistate outbreaks can provide insights into the investigative process, improve future investigations, and help prevent illnesses. Although identifying and investigating possible multistate outbreaks require substantial resources and investment in public health infrastructure, they are important in determining outbreak sources and implementing prevention and control measures. |
Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Infections Associated with Romaine Lettuce - United States, 2018.
Bottichio L , Keaton A , Thomas D , Fulton T , Tiffany A , Frick A , Mattioli M , Kahler A , Murphy J , Otto M , Tesfai A , Fields A , Kline K , Fiddner J , Higa J , Barnes A , Arroyo F , Salvatierra A , Holland A , Taylor W , Nash J , Morawski BM , Correll S , Hinnenkamp R , Havens J , Patel K , Schroeder MN , Gladney L , Martin H , Whitlock L , Dowell N , Newhart C , Watkins LF , Hill V , Lance S , Harris S , Wise M , Williams I , Basler C , Gieraltowski L . Clin Infect Dis 2019 71 (8) e323-e330 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Produce-associated outbreaks of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) were first identified in 1991. In April 2018, New Jersey and Pennsylvania officials reported a cluster of STEC O157 infections associated with multiple locations of a restaurant chain. CDC queried PulseNet, the national laboratory network for foodborne disease surveillance, for additional cases and began a national investigation. METHODS: A case was defined as an infection between March 13 and August 22, 2018 with one of the 22 identified outbreak-associated E. coli O157:H7 or E. coli O61 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern combinations, or with a strain STEC O157 that was closely related to the main outbreak strain by whole genome sequencing. We conducted epidemiologic and traceback investigations to identify illness sub-clusters and common sources. An FDA-led environmental assessment, which tested water, soil, manure, compost, and scat samples, was conducted to evaluate potential sources of STEC contamination. RESULTS: We identified 240 case-patients from 37 states; 104 were hospitalized, 28 developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, and five died. Of 179 people who were interviewed, 152 (85%) reported consuming romaine lettuce in the week before illness onset. Twenty sub-clusters were identified. Product traceback from sub-cluster restaurants identified numerous romaine lettuce distributors and growers; all lettuce originated from the Yuma growing region. Water samples collected from an irrigation canal in the region yielded the outbreak strain of STEC O157. CONCLUSION: We report on the largest multistate leafy green-linked STEC O157 outbreak in several decades. The investigation highlights the complexities associated with investigating outbreaks involving widespread environmental contamination. |
Short communication: Multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections retrospectively linked to unpasteurized milk using whole-genome sequencing.
Nichols M , Conrad A , Whitlock L , Stroika S , Strain E , Weltman A , Johnson L , DeMent J , Reporter R , Williams I . J Dairy Sci 2019 103 (1) 176-178 ![]() ![]() Unpasteurized milk can contain harmful bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes. In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, GA) that L. monocytogenes isolated from unpasteurized chocolate milk from a Pennsylvania dairy was closely related, by whole-genome sequencing, to L. monocytogenes isolates collected from blood specimens of 2 patients (in California and Florida) in 2014. The California and Florida patients consumed unpasteurized milk from the Pennsylvania dairy. Both were >65 yr old and were hospitalized in 2014; the Florida patient died. Isolates from the 2 patients had indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns and were closely related by whole-genome multilocus sequence typing analysis (by 2 alleles) to the isolate from unpasteurized chocolate milk produced by the Pennsylvania dairy in 2015. Together, epidemiologic and laboratory information indicated a common origin. This is the first multistate listeriosis outbreak linked to unpasteurized milk in the United States detected using whole-genome multilocus sequence analysis. |
Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i:- and Salmonella Infantis Infections Linked to Whole Roasted Pigs from a Single Slaughter and Processing Facility.
Kawakami V , Bottichio L , Lloyd J , Carleton H , Leeper M , Olson G , Li Z , Kissler B , Angelo KM , Whitlock L , Sinatra J , Defibaugh-Chavez S , Bicknese A , Kay M , Wise ME , Basler C , Duchin J . J Food Prot 2019 82 (9) 1615-1624 ![]() ![]() We describe two outbreaks of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i:- infection, occurring in 2015 to 2016, linked to pork products, including whole roaster pigs sold raw from a single Washington slaughter and processing facility (establishment A). Food histories from 80 ill persons were compared with food histories reported in the FoodNet 2006 to 2007 survey of healthy persons from all 10 U.S. FoodNet sites who reported these exposures in the week before interview. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and whole genome sequencing were conducted on selected clinical, food, and environmental isolates. During 2015, a total of 192 ill persons were identified from five states; among ill persons with available information, 30 (17%) of 180 were hospitalized, and none died. More ill persons than healthy survey respondents consumed pork (74 versus 43%, P < 0.001). Seventeen (23%) of 73 ill persons for which a response was available reported attending an event where whole roaster pig was served in the 7 days before illness onset. All 25 clinical isolates tested from the 2015 outbreak and a subsequent 2016 smaller outbreak (n = 15) linked to establishment A demonstrated MDR. Whole genome sequencing of clinical, environmental, and food isolates (n = 69) collected in both investigations revealed one clade of highly related isolates, supporting epidemiologic and traceback data that establishment A as the source of both outbreaks. These investigations highlight that whole roaster pigs, an uncommon food vehicle for MDR Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i:- outbreaks, will need further attention from food safety researchers and educators for developing science-based consumer guidelines, specifically with a focus on the preparation process. |
Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Associated with Packaged Leafy Green Salads, United States and Canada, 2015-2016.
Self JL , Conrad A , Stroika S , Jackson A , Whitlock L , Jackson KA , Beal J , Wellman A , Fatica MK , Bidol S , Huth PP , Hamel M , Franklin K , Tschetter L , Kopko C , Kirsch P , Wise ME , Basler C . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (8) 1461-1468 ![]() ![]() We investigated an outbreak of listeriosis detected by whole-genome multilocus sequence typing and associated with packaged leafy green salads. Nineteen cases were identified in the United States during July 5, 2015-January 31, 2016; isolates from case-patients were closely related (median difference 3 alleles, range 0-16 alleles). Of 16 case-patients interviewed, all reported salad consumption. Of 9 case-patients who recalled brand information, all reported brands processed at a common US facility. The Public Health Agency of Canada simultaneously investigated 14 cases of listeriosis associated with this outbreak. Isolates from the processing facility, packaged leafy green salads, and 9 case-patients from Canada were closely related to US clinical isolates (median difference 3 alleles, range 0-16 alleles). This investigation led to a recall of packaged leafy green salads made at the processing facility. Additional research is needed to identify best practices and effective policies to reduce the likelihood of Listeria monocytogenes contamination of fresh produce. |
Notes from the Field: Recurrence of a multistate outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis infections linked to contact with guinea pigs - eight states, 2015-2017
Robertson S , Burakoff A , Stevenson L , Tompkins B , Patel K , Tolar B , Whitlock L , House J , Schlater L , Mackie T , Morningstar-Shaw B , Nichols M , Basler C . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (42) 1195-1196 In December 2017, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reported two human Salmonella Enteritidis infections in persons with exposure to pet guinea pigs. The guinea pigs had been purchased from two separate pet stores, belonging to a single chain, and supplied by a common distributor located in California. Clinical isolates were indistinguishable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), suggesting the infections were related. This PFGE pattern was previously seen in a 2010 multistate outbreak linked to contact with pet guinea pigs (1). An investigation was initiated to determine the number of patients affected and to identify the source of human illnesses. |
New product, old problem(s): multistate outbreak of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) infections linked to raw sprouted nut butters, October 2015
Heiman Marshall KE , Booth H , Harrang J , Lamba K , Folley A , Ching-Lee M , Hannapel E , Greene V , Classon A , Whitlock L , Shade L , Viazis S , Nguyen T , Neil KP . Epidemiol Infect 2018 147 1-6 A cluster of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) infections with indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns was detected in October 2015. Interviews initially identified nut butters, kale, kombucha, chia seeds and nutrition bars as common exposures. Epidemiologic, environmental and traceback investigations were conducted. Thirteen ill people infected with the outbreak strain were identified in 10 states with illness onset during 18 July-22 November 2015. Eight of 10 (80%) ill people reported eating Brand A raw sprouted nut butters. Brand A conducted a voluntary recall. Raw sprouted nut butters are a novel outbreak vehicle, though contaminated raw nuts, nut butters and sprouted seeds have all caused outbreaks previously. Firms producing raw sprouted products, including nut butters, should consider a kill step to reduce the risk of contamination. People at greater risk for foodborne illness may wish to consider avoiding raw products containing raw sprouted ingredients. |
Multidrug-Resistant Campylobacter jejuni Outbreak Linked to Puppy Exposure - United States, 2016-2018.
Montgomery MP , Robertson S , Koski L , Salehi E , Stevenson LM , Silver R , Sundararaman P , Singh A , Joseph LA , Weisner MB , Brandt E , Prarat M , Bokanyi R , Chen JC , Folster JP , Bennett CT , Francois Watkins LK , Aubert RD , Chu A , Jackson J , Blanton J , Ginn A , Ramadugu K , Stanek D , DeMent J , Cui J , Zhang Y , Basler C , Friedman CR , Geissler AL , Crowe SJ , Dowell N , Dixon S , Whitlock L , Williams I , Jhung MA , Nichols MC , de Fijter S , Laughlin ME . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (37) 1032-1035 ![]() ![]() Campylobacter causes an estimated 1.3 million diarrheal illnesses in the United States annually (1). In August 2017, the Florida Department of Health notified CDC of six Campylobacter jejuni infections linked to company A, a national pet store chain based in Ohio. CDC examined whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data and identified six isolates from company A puppies in Florida that were highly related to an isolate from a company A customer in Ohio. This information prompted a multistate investigation by local and state health and agriculture departments and CDC to identify the outbreak source and prevent additional illness. Health officials from six states visited pet stores to collect puppy fecal samples, antibiotic records, and traceback information. Nationally, 118 persons, including 29 pet store employees, in 18 states were identified with illness onset during January 5, 2016-February 4, 2018. In total, six pet store companies were linked to the outbreak. Outbreak isolates were resistant by antibiotic susceptibility testing to all antibiotics commonly used to treat Campylobacter infections, including macrolides and quinolones. Store record reviews revealed that among 149 investigated puppies, 142 (95%) received one or more courses of antibiotics, raising concern that antibiotic use might have led to development of resistance. Public health authorities issued infection prevention recommendations to affected pet stores and recommendations for testing puppies to veterinarians. This outbreak demonstrates that puppies can be a source of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter infections in humans, warranting a closer look at antimicrobial use in the commercial dog industry. |
Preventing human Salmonella infections resulting from live poultry contact through interventions at retail stores
Nichols M , Stevenson L , Whitlock L , Pabilonia K , Robyn M , Basler C , Gomez T , Behravesh CB . J Agric Saf Health 2018 24 (3) 155-166 The number of outbreaks of Salmonella infections linked to live poultry contact increased from 1990 to 2016. In 2016, the number of human illnesses linked to live poultry was the highest reported, with more than 900 cases, including 209 hospitalizations and three deaths. Live poultry harboring Salmonella typically appear healthy but can intermittently shed bacteria in their droppings, contaminating their feathers, beaks, and the areas where they live and roam. Thus, both direct contact with poultry and indirect contact with anything in areas where animals live and roam can result in human Salmonella infection. To prevent Salmonella infections linked to live poultry, a One Health approach for control and prevention is required. This approach unifies animal and human health needs and takes into account the environments at the hatcheries where poultry are produced, the agricultural retail stores where poultry are sold, and the customers who own and raise poultry. Agricultural retail stores are the main point of sale for backyard poultry in the U.S. Therefore, stores can play a vital role in preventing infections by sourcing poultry from hatcheries that take steps to reduce Salmonella in the environment, by displaying poultry in areas that can be easily cleaned, and by using barriers that allow customers to view, but not touch, poultry from a distance. Retail store employees also have a role in preventing illnesses and contamination after the sale by educating customers about appropriate housing for live poultry in outdoor coops, barns, or other designated areas. |
Multistate outbreak of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) and Salmonella Weltevreden infections linked to imported frozen raw tuna: USA, March-July 2015.
Hassan R , Tecle S , Adcock B , Kellis M , Weiss J , Saupe A , Sorenson A , Klos R , Blankenship J , Blessington T , Whitlock L , Carleton HA , Concepcion-Acevedo J , Tolar B , Wise M , Neil KP . Epidemiol Infect 2018 146 (11) 1-7 ![]() ![]() Foodborne non-typhoidal salmonellosis causes approximately 1 million illnesses annually in the USA. In April 2015, we investigated a multistate outbreak of 65 Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) infections associated with frozen raw tuna imported from Indonesia, which was consumed raw in sushi. Forty-six (92%) of 50 case-patients interviewed ate sushi during the week before illness onset, and 44 (98%) of 45 who specified ate sushi containing raw tuna. Two outbreak strains were isolated from the samples of frozen raw tuna. Traceback identified a single importer as a common source of tuna consumed by case-patients; this importer issued three voluntary recalls of tuna sourced from one Indonesian processor. Four Salmonella Weltevreden infections were also linked to this outbreak. Whole-genome sequencing was useful in establishing a link between Salmonella isolated from ill people and tuna. This outbreak highlights the continuing foodborne illness risk associated with raw seafood consumption, the importance of processing seafood in a manner that minimises contamination with pathogenic microorganisms and the continuing need to ensure imported foods are safe to eat. People at higher risk for foodborne illness should not consume undercooked animal products, such as raw seafood. |
Protracted Outbreak of Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Ground Beef: Possible Role of Dairy Cows - 21 States, 2016-2017.
Marshall KEH , Tewell M , Tecle S , Leeper M , Sinatra J , Kissler B , Fung A , Brown K , Wagner D , Trees E , Hise KB , Chaturvedi V , Schlater LK , Morningstar-Shaw BR , Whitlock L , Holt K , Becker K , Nichols M , Williams IT , Jhung M , Wise ME , Gieraltowski L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (15) 443-446 ![]() ![]() In January 2017, CDC identified a cluster of Salmonella enterica serotype Newport infections with isolates sharing an indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) pattern, JJPX01.0010 (pattern 10), through PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping network for foodborne disease surveillance. This report summarizes the investigation by CDC, state and local health and agriculture departments, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) and discusses the possible role of dairy cows as a reservoir for strains of Salmonella that persistently cause human illness. This investigation combined epidemiologic and whole genome sequencing (WGS) data to link the outbreak to contaminated ground beef; dairy cows were hypothesized to be the ultimate source of Salmonella contamination. |
Flea market finds and global exports: Four multistate outbreaks of human Salmonella infections linked to small turtles, United States-2015
Gambino-Shirley K , Stevenson L , Concepcion-Acevedo J , Trees E , Wagner D , Whitlock L , Roberts J , Garrett N , Van Duyne S , McAllister G , Schick B , Schlater L , Peralta V , Reporter R , Li L , Waechter H , Gomez T , Fernandez Ordenes J , Ulloa S , Ragimbeau C , Mossong J , Nichols M . Zoonoses Public Health 2018 65 (5) 560-568 Zoonotic transmission of Salmonella infections causes an estimated 11% of salmonellosis annually in the United States. This report describes the epidemiologic, traceback and laboratory investigations conducted in the United States as part of four multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections linked to small turtles. Salmonella isolates indistinguishable from the outbreak strains were isolated from a total of 143 ill people in the United States, pet turtles, and pond water samples collected from turtle farm A, as well as ill people from Chile and Luxembourg. Almost half (45%) of infections occurred in children aged <5 years, underscoring the importance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation to keep pet turtles and other reptiles out of homes and childcare settings with young children. Although only 43% of the ill people who reported turtle exposure provided purchase information, most small turtles were purchased from flea markets or street vendors, which made it difficult to locate the vendor, trace the turtles to a farm of origin, provide education and enforce the United States federal ban on the sale and distribution of small turtles. These outbreaks highlight the importance of improving public awareness and education about the risk of Salmonella from small turtles not only in the United States but also worldwide. |
An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections following a dairy education school field trip in Washington state, 2015
Curran KG , Heiman Marshall KE , Singh T , Doobovsky Z , Hensley J , Melius B , Whitlock L , Stevenson L , Leinbach J , Oltean H , Glover WA , Kunesh T , Lindquist S , Williams I , Nichols M . Epidemiol Infect 2017 146 (4) 1-11 On 27 April 2015, Washington health authorities identified Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections associated with dairy education school field trips held in a barn 20-24 April. Investigation objectives were to determine the magnitude of the outbreak, identify the source of infection, prevent secondary illness transmission and develop recommendations to prevent future outbreaks. Case-finding, hypothesis generating interviews, environmental site visits and a case-control study were conducted. Parents and children were interviewed regarding event activities. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were computed. Environmental testing was conducted in the barn; isolates were compared to patient isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Sixty people were ill, 11 (18%) were hospitalised and six (10%) developed haemolytic uremic syndrome. Ill people ranged in age from <1 year to 47 years (median: 7), and 20 (33%) were female. Twenty-seven case-patients and 88 controls were enrolled in the case-control study. Among first-grade students, handwashing (i.e. soap and water, or hand sanitiser) before lunch was protective (adjusted OR 0.13; 95% CI 0.02-0.88, P = 0.04). Barn samples yielded E. coli O157:H7 with PFGE patterns indistinguishable from patient isolates. This investigation provided epidemiological, laboratory and environmental evidence for a large outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections from exposure to a contaminated barn. The investigation highlights the often overlooked risk of infection through exposure to animal environments as well as the importance of handwashing for disease prevention. Increased education and encouragement of infection prevention measures, such as handwashing, can prevent illness. |
Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Infections Associated with Flour.
Crowe SJ , Bottichio L , Shade LN , Whitney BM , Corral N , Melius B , Arends KD , Donovan D , Stone J , Allen K , Rosner J , Beal J , Whitlock L , Blackstock A , Wetherington J , Newberry LA , Schroeder MN , Wagner D , Trees E , Viazis S , Wise ME , Neil KP . N Engl J Med 2017 377 (21) 2036-2043 ![]() ![]() Background In 2016, a multijurisdictional team investigated an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serogroup O121 and O26 infections linked to contaminated flour from a large domestic producer. Methods A case was defined as infection with an outbreak strain in which illness onset was between December 21, 2015, and September 5, 2016. To identify exposures associated with the outbreak, outbreak cases were compared with non-STEC enteric illness cases, matched according to age group, sex, and state of residence. Products suspected to be related to the outbreak were collected for STEC testing, and a common point of contamination was sought. Whole-genome sequencing was performed on isolates from clinical and food samples. Results A total of 56 cases were identified in 24 states. Univariable exact conditional logistic-regression models of 22 matched sets showed that infection was significantly associated with the use of one brand of flour (odds ratio, 21.04; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.69 to 94.37) and with tasting unbaked homemade dough or batter (odds ratio, 36.02; 95% CI, 4.63 to 280.17). Laboratory testing isolated the outbreak strains from flour samples, and whole-genome sequencing revealed that the isolates from clinical and food samples were closely related to one another genetically. Trace-back investigation identified a common flour-production facility. Conclusions This investigation implicated raw flour as the source of an outbreak of STEC infections. Although it is a low-moisture food, raw flour can be a vehicle for foodborne pathogens. |
Notes from the field: Postexposure prophylaxis for rabies after consumption of a prepackaged salad containing a bat carcass - Florida, 2017
Krishnasamy V , Mauldin MR , Wise ME , Wallace R , Whitlock L , Basler C , Morgan C , Grissom D , Worley S , Stanek D , DeMent J , Yager P , Carson W , Condori RE , Nakazawa Y , Walker C , Li Y , Wynens C , Wellman A , Ellison J , Pieracci E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (42) 1154-1155 On April 3, 2017, two Florida residents consumed part of the same prepackaged salad before reportedly discovering the partial remains of a bat carcass in the salad. Bats are known reservoirs for rabies virus, which causes rabies disease in both animals and humans (1). The persons who ate the salad contacted the Florida Department of Health (FLDOH), which notified CDC’s Poxvirus and Rabies Branch. CDC and FLDOH determined that the immediate concern was for potential rabies virus exposure, because approximately 6% of bats submitted to U.S. public health departments annually test positive for rabies virus (2,3). | Although percutaneous exposures are more likely to result in successful transmission of rabies virus to humans (1), transmission can occur when infectious material, such as saliva or nervous tissue from an infected animal, comes into direct contact with human mucosa (2). Infection with rabies virus causes an acute, progressive encephalitis that is nearly always fatal once clinical signs have begun. The disease is preventable if exposed persons receive timely postexposure prophylaxis (PEP), which includes human rabies immunoglobulin and 4 doses of inactivated rabies vaccine administered over 14 days (4). |
Vitamin D and albuminuria in youth with and without type 1 diabetes
Nandi-Munshi D , Afkarian M , Whitlock KB , Crandell JL , Bell RA , D'Agostino R , Saydah S , Mottl AK , Dabelea D , Black MH , Mayer-Davis EJ , Pihoker C . Horm Res Paediatr 2017 87 (6) 385-395 BACKGROUND/AIMS: In adults, lower vitamin D has been associated with increased albuminuria. This association has not been extensively studied in youth with or without type 1 diabetes. METHODS: We examined the cross-sectional association between vitamin D and albuminuria (urine albumin to creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g) in 8,789 participants of the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2001-2006 (NHANES), who were 6-19 years old. Further, we examined the association between vitamin D and albuminuria in 938 participants from the SEARCH Nutritional Ancillary Study (SNAS), a longitudinal cohort of youth with type 1 diabetes. RESULTS: Of the NHANES participants, 5.3, 19.5, and 53.7% had vitamin D levels <30, 50 and 80 nmol/L, respectively. Albuminuria was present in 12.8% and was more common in younger children, females, non-Hispanic whites, non-obese children, and children with hypertension. After adjustments, there was no association between vitamin D and albuminuria. Among the SNAS participants with type 1 diabetes, we also found no association between baseline vitamin D and subsequent albuminuria in unadjusted or adjusted analyses. CONCLUSION: We did not find an association between serum vitamin D and albuminuria in either non-diabetic youth or those with type 1 diabetes. Further research is needed to more fully understand this relationship. |
Differences in intermittent and continuous fecal shedding patterns between natural and experimental Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infections in cattle
Mitchell RM , Schukken Y , Koets A , Weber M , Bakker D , Stabel J , Whitlock RH , Louzoun Y . Vet Res 2015 46 (1) 66 The objective of this paper is to study shedding patterns of cows infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). While multiple single farm studies of MAP dynamics were reported, there is not large scale meta-analysis of both natural and experimental infections. Large difference in shedding patterns between experimentally and naturally infected cows were observed. Experimental infections are thus probably driven by different pathological mechanisms. For further evaluations of shedding patterns only natural infections were used. Within such infections, the transition to high shedding was studied as a proxy to the development of a clinical disease. The majority of studied cows never developed high shedding levels. Those that do, typically never reduced their shedding level to low or no shedding. Cows that eventually became high shedders showed a pattern of continuous shedding. In contrast, cows with an intermittent shedding pattern had a low probability to ever become high shedders. In addition, cows that start shedding at a younger age (less than three years of age) have a lower hazard of becoming high shedders compared to cows starting to shed at an older age. These data suggest the presence of three categories of immune control. Cows that are intermittent shedders have the infection process under control (no progressive infection). Cows that start shedding persistently at a young age partially control the infection, but eventually will be high shedders (slow progressive infection), while cows that start shedding persistently at an older age cannot effectively control the infection and become high shedders rapidly. |
Back to the real world: connecting models with data
Mitchell RM , Whitlock RH , Grohn YT , Schukken YH . Prev Vet Med 2014 118 215-25 Mathematical models for infectious disease are often used to improve our understanding of infection biology or to evaluate the potential efficacy of intervention programs. Here, we develop a mathematical model that aims to describe infection dynamics of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The model was developed using current knowledge of infection biology and also includes some components of MAP infection dynamics that are currently still hypothetical. The objective was to show methods for parameter estimation of state transition models and to connect simulation models with detailed real life data. Thereby making model predictions and results of simulations more reflective and predictive of real world situations. Longitudinal field data from a large observational study are used to estimate parameter values. It is shown that precise data, including molecular diagnostics on the obtained MAP strains, results in more precise and realistic parameter estimates. It is argued that modeling of infection disease dynamics is of great value to understand the patho-biology, epidemiology and control of infectious diseases. The quality of conclusions drawn from model studies depend on two key issues; first, the quality of biology that has gone in the process of developing the model structure; second the quality of the data that go into the estimation of the parameters and the quality and quantity of the data that go into model validation. The more real world data that are used in the model building process, the more likely that modeling studies will provide novel, innovative and valid results. |
Building the evidence base for decision making in cancer genomic medicine using comparative effectiveness research.
Goddard KA , Knaus WA , Whitlock E , Lyman GH , Feigelson HS , Schully SD , Ramsey S , Tunis S , Freedman AN , Khoury MJ , Veenstra DL . Genet Med 2012 14 (7) 633-42 ![]() The clinical utility is uncertain for many cancer genomic applications. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) can provide evidence to clarify this uncertainty. The aim of this study was to identify approaches to help stakeholders make evidence-based decisions and to describe potential challenges and opportunities in using CER to produce evidence-based guidance. We identified general CER approaches for genomic applications through literature review, the authors' experiences, and lessons learned from a recent, seven-site CER initiative in cancer genomic medicine. Case studies illustrate the use of CER approaches. Evidence generation and synthesis approaches used in CER include comparative observational and randomized trials, patient-reported outcomes, decision modeling, and economic analysis. Significant challenges to conducting CER in cancer genomics include the rapid pace of innovation, lack of regulation, and variable definitions and evidence thresholds for clinical and personal utility. Opportunities to capitalize on CER methods in cancer genomics include improvements in the conduct of evidence synthesis, stakeholder engagement, increasing the number of comparative studies, and developing approaches to inform clinical guidelines and research prioritization. CER offers a variety of methodological approaches that can address stakeholders' needs and help ensure an effective translation of genomic discoveries. |
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